From: (buffy-digest) To: Subject: buffy-digest V2 #480 Reply-To: Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk buffy-digest Wednesday, September 23 1998 Volume 02 : Number 480 In this issue: Re: BUFFY: Buffy: where do I get a copy of the official mag? Re: BUFFY: Buffy: where do I get a copy of the official mag? BUFFY: Power Star Re: BUFFY: Introduction Re: BUFFY: Xander's Angel Speech in Becoming Pt1 BUFFY: ComicCon98 PICS!!! BUFFY: New Angel+Buffy Pic! Re: BUFFY: Power Star Re: BUFFY: Question???????? Re: BUFFY: What's wrong with the WB??? Re: BUFFY: Power Star Re: BUFFY: Question???????? Re: BUFFY: Question???????? BUFFY: Why KBD??? BUFFY: Why KBD??? BUFFY: Overnight ratings for Becoming, Part 2 re: BUFFY: Why KBD??? re: BUFFY: Why KBD??? re: BUFFY: Why KBD??? re: BUFFY: Why KBD??? BUFFY: Buffy Video 3-Pack BUFFY: EW Praising BUFFY: WB promoting Buffy BUFFY: EW Praising re: BUFFY: Why KBD??? BUFFY: Buffy Video 3-Pack BUFFY: Xander's Angel speech Re: BUFFY: Why KBD??? See the end of the digest for information on subscribing to the buffy or buffy-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 22 Sep 1998 22:15:19 EDT From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Buffy: where do I get a copy of the official mag? In a message dated 98-09-22 21:25:49 EDT, writes: << Where Can I get a copy of the official Buffy mag? >> There'a an official Buffy mag!?!?!?!?!?!? - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 22 Sep 1998 22:41:51 EDT From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Buffy: where do I get a copy of the official mag? I ordered mine online from Power Star Merchandise and had it in about 3 days. I have still not been able to find it at any of the local book stores. It has a good interview with David, and Seth and a lot of other info. - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 22 Sep 1998 21:06:05 -0600 From: (Katie Masters) Subject: BUFFY: Power Star I went to the power star webpage and they no longer had the incense holder listed. Does anyone know what happened to it, and did anyone ever order it? Katie Keeper of Buffy's Nail Polish, WIllow's leather mini, Cordelia's stakes, and the heart necklace Xander gave cordy on V-Day. Guardian of Spike's feelings of rejection from Angel & Angel's adoptive mother Keeper of Joey's bathing suit. "All you need is romance. And chapstick." - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 22 Sep 1998 23:43:55 EDT From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Introduction Hi, Allen! My husband is 47; I'm 42. Welcome to Buffyatrics of America! The show is so well-written and well-acted that it deserves attention from *anyone* who is intelligent enough to appreciate it. Enjoy the list; we have some good conversations here. Mia Member WPWP Keeper of the Opening Wolf Howl I *LOVE* this show! - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 22 Sep 1998 23:43:50 EDT From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Xander's Angel Speech in Becoming Pt1 In a message dated 98-09-16 12:31:33 EDT, writes: << Blaming Angel for the acts that Angelus does when he isn't in residence, so to speak, is like blaming the owner of the house for acts a room mate does while the owner is in the hospital having open heart surgury. Less so because in this case Angel didn't invite the demon in and can't get rid of him. >> Ummmmm, one itty-bitty problem with this. Angel *did* invite the demon in. He gave himself to Darla, not knowing who or what she was, but knowing that nice girls didn't hang around in alleys in the middle of the night. He drank of her blood. He was a very bad man at the time, which has something to do with the truly spectacular demon that Angelus has grown into. Yes, yes, Angel is a nice guy *now*. But his wickedness in his youth is what put Angelus into this world, and it behooves him to remember his first obligation: to keep the demon in check at all costs. Mia Member WPWP Keeper of the Opening Wolf Howl I *LOVE* this show!+ - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 22 Sep 1998 23:20:51 -0700 (PDT) From: David Ngan Subject: BUFFY: ComicCon98 PICS!!! Hey all!! This is David N. I finally got my pics of the Buffy cast from this summer's ComicCon98 scanned and posted on the web for everyone to see. There are a handful of the buffy panel, one of me + Jewels + Chewie, and a bonus pic. Enjoy! Here's the url: David N David Ngan "The only difference between a rut and a grave is the depth" - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 22 Sep 1998 23:25:02 -0700 (PDT) From: David Ngan Subject: BUFFY: New Angel+Buffy Pic! Greetings peeps! I found, what I think is a new Buffy+Angel pic in the October 1998 issue of the magazine, "Maxim" (with Rebecca Gayheart on the cover). I think it's a promo pic for the 3rd season. It contains NO spoilers so don't worry. =) I scanned it and posted it on the web. Here's the url: David N. David Ngan "The only difference between a rut and a grave is the depth" - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 23 Sep 1998 02:38:46 EDT From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Power Star No but I saw it at a lcal comic book shop here and it was $15.00. Check a previews magazine or ask a comic dealer to order it for ya. Jason - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 23 Sep 1998 09:20:16 -0400 (EDT) From: Michael Hickerson Subject: Re: BUFFY: Question???????? > 1) I haven't seen any of the first season episodes and I would like to know > how it compared to the second? Better... worse... as good... That's a tough call for me to make, really. It's similar to Star Trek fans who try to compare the first and second seasons of the show--they were good but for different reasons. Same thing with Buffy. Both seasons were equally good in my mind, with both having some instant classics in them (Nightmares, Prophecy Girl--season one; Lie to Me, Innocence, School Hard, The Becoming--season two) and some that I enjoyed a great deal (Angel, The Pack--season one; Ted, When She Was Bad, Passions--season two). The only major difference in my mind is that season two had the horifically bad Killed by Death, which I'm fairly sure they're showing in hell right now. :-) So, I'd have to say that both seasons were quite good. Season one set up the characters, the situation, etc. and laid the groundwork for Joss to shake it out from under us in season two. > 3) I read in one of the post that Fox had bought the episodes and were going to start showing them in fall 2001... Those that mean I have to wait 3 years before I can see the first season episodes??? ;) Well, there are always the CBS/FOX releases that you can buy. Or you might find some kind soul to trade the eps with you on one of the many Buffy ep trading boards. I'm generally always happy to help out Buffy fans. But I will only trade eps I've taped off WB, not pre-recorded eps. See ya! Michael - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 23 Sep 1998 09:24:06 -0400 (EDT) From: Michael Hickerson Subject: Re: BUFFY: What's wrong with the WB??? [Stuff about EW's praise for Buffy snipped] Also, don't forget that Buffy eps are usually featured in their shows to watch each week section. There is usually a quick highlight about the episode. And didn't they give a special stand-out box in this section with Buffy made the move to Tuesday nights? EW has helped X-Files with publicity in this way and I see it being a similar situation with Buffy... Michael (who is constantly bringing X-Files into this conversation!) - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 23 Sep 1998 09:54:58 -0400 From: (Genevieve Faulkner) Subject: Re: BUFFY: Power Star At 09:06 PM 9/22/98 -0600, you wrote: >I went to the power star webpage and they no longer had the incense holder >listed. Does anyone know what happened to it, and did anyone ever order >it? > >Katie You can order it from the Buffy Mag. "Tact is just not saying true stuff. I'll pass." -- BtVS - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 23 Sep 1998 06:57:43 PDT From: "Cassey Jones" Subject: Re: BUFFY: Question???????? >2) I'm from Quebec, Canada and I watch Buffy on the YTV channel (it's now on >fridays at midnight and saturdays at 7h) and I would like to know if others >also watch it on YTV? and on what other channel does it show in Canada? > I live in the maritimes and we get BtVS an ASN, YTV, and WGN. ASN is Monday nights I think. It works out so that BtVS is on about 4 nights a week. ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 23 Sep 1998 10:10:01 -0400 From: (Genevieve Faulkner) Subject: Re: BUFFY: Question???????? At 08:09 PM 9/22/98 -0700, Sylvie wrote: >I'm kind of new to this list but I have a few question for the Buffy >experts... >4) I was also wondering is the slayer always a girl?... As this been talked >about on an episode??? > "As long as there have been demons, there has been the Slayer. One girl in all the world, a Chosen one, born with the strength and skill to hunt vampires and other deadly creatures, to find them where they gather and to stop the spread of their evil and the swell of their numbers." This is a direct quote, you can see it says "one GIRL". The Watcher can be man or woman. I'm a Buffaholic Cordelia: Tact is just not saying true stuff. I'll pass. (KBD) - ----------------------------------------------------------------- Cordelia: Willow! I really like your outfit! Willow: No, you don't. Cordelia: No, I really don't, but I need a favor. (Prophecy Girl) - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 23 Sep 1998 09:00:10 PDT From: "Steve Brown" Subject: BUFFY: Why KBD??? >>season two had the horifically bad Killed by Death, which I'm fairly sure >they're showing in hell right now. :-) > Why do so many people hate Killed By Death? I happen to think it was one of the best eps and put it in my top five (as I have said before). Let's drum up some support for this good episode that so many people seem to not like. Steve B. 6 days and counting. ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 23 Sep 1998 12:11:52 -0400 From: (Genevieve Faulkner) Subject: BUFFY: Why KBD??? >>season two had the horifically bad Killed by Death, which I'm fairly >sure they're showing in hell right now. :-) >> >Why do so many people hate Killed By Death? I happen to think it was one >of the best eps and put it in my top five (as I have said before). >Steve B. >6 days and counting. I like it too. Not one of the top episodes, but I have never seeen a Buffy I did not like, and Cordilia has some GREAT lines. (Her definition of tact is my new motto in life) G. I'm a Buffaholic Cordelia: Tact is just not saying true stuff. I'll pass. (KBD) - ----------------------------------------------------------------- Cordelia: Willow! I really like your outfit! Willow: No, you don't. Cordelia: No, I really don't, but I need a favor. (Prophecy Girl) - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 23 Sep 1998 12:13:03 -0400 From: Jeff Rohaly Subject: BUFFY: Overnight ratings for Becoming, Part 2 Last night's repeat of Becoming, Part 2 (the 2nd time it has been shown) got a 4.0 rating/6 share in the overnight Nielsens for households. Overnight ratings are based on viewing in only 40 of the largest television markets, not the nation as a whole. The second showing in as many days of the series premiere of Hyperion Bay received a 2.7 rating/4 share in the hour after Buffy (last week's Dawson's Creek repeat in that timeslot had a 3.3/5). Finally, SMG -- or at least her voice -- was on King of the Hill last night and it got a 6.1/9 (way down from its 8.1/13 premiere last week when it ran against rerun competition). That was Buffy's highest rating since June 2, when Welcome to the Hellmouth and The Harvest aired and got a 4.1/7. Here are the overnight numbers for the last few Tuesday Buffy repeats: September 15, Becoming Part 1: 3.2/5 September 8, pre-empted for Dawson's Creek (it got a 3.3/5) September 1, Go Fish: 3.7/6 Jeff Rohaly (archive of Buffy's Nielsen ratings) - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 23 Sep 98 12:22:46 EDT From: (Charles Summers) Subject: re: BUFFY: Why KBD??? The reasons why this is not at the top of the chart for Buffy eps: 1. A silly plot with a silly resolution. Since when can you kill a demon by snapping its neck? 2. A monster that looked like Freddy Krueger. 3. The sounds of children screaming--yick. 4. Bad cinematography. The whole ep looks too dark. 5. Despite a couple of funny moments it is a somber episode not keeping with the normal tone of the series. 6. Lack of Scooby gang interaction. They are mostly split up all episode long. I don't consider it terrible like I do Go Fish (IMHO the only truly "bad" Buffy ep) but overall it wasn't very entertaining. Chas - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 23 Sep 1998 13:27:18 -0400 From: Tracey Newton Subject: re: BUFFY: Why KBD??? > > Although I agree with the reasons put forth by Chas, I have to add my own... I use a state of suspended disbelief as much as any Buff-a-holic, I guess, but this episode went just a little *too* far, IMHO. I mean, come on. Buffy (with her heightened immune response) falls sick to an illness that doesn't get anyone else in the Scooby gang, so she just happens to be in the hospital, where she just happens to be put right near the children's ward, where she just happens to be looking out the door at the right time to see the demon. Then, she just happens to meet one of the only kids who seems coherent enough to let her know that it wasn't just a dream. Then, to make things even worse, she realizes that her cousin was killed by this very same type of demon! What a coinky-dinky-doo! I could understand if she and the gang were investigating the hospital for some reason for a rash of unexplainable deaths or something, but how could she fall ill and not Xander or Willow or Cordy or Giles? Finally, I thought the demon looked like a caracature more than something frightening, and the eyeballs coming out were just too far over the top. Anyway, add my reasons to those of Chas. Cheers! Tracey Keeper of the Cluelessness of the Rest of the School - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 23 Sep 1998 13:35:48 -0400 From: (Genevieve Faulkner) Subject: re: BUFFY: Why KBD??? >Finally, I thought the demon looked like a caracature more than something >frightening, and the eyeballs coming out were just too far over the top. I thought he was scary. Those teeth were really creepy. I'm a Buffaholic Cordelia: Tact is just not saying true stuff. I'll pass. (KBD) - ----------------------------------------------------------------- Cordelia: Willow! I really like your outfit! Willow: No, you don't. Cordelia: No, I really don't, but I need a favor. (Prophecy Girl) - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 23 Sep 1998 12:13:46 PDT From: "Victor Louie" Subject: re: BUFFY: Why KBD??? This is my $20(I figure our personal opinions are worth more than two measly pennies. Don't you? :)) on a message sent: Wed, 23 Sep 1998 13:27:18 -0400 by Tracey Newton >> >I use a state of suspended disbelief as much as any Buff-a-holic, I guess, but Personally, I pretty much watch the show expecting, nay wanting unusual stuff to happen. For instance, how many times has Buffy managed to save Sunnydale, if not the world from destruction? Not to mention the fact that the entire town is able to investigate much less notice the weird occurrences in Sunnydale? Anyway, I guess my point is trying to enforce most rules of reality and make Buffy your average heroine is a bit much. It is, after all, entertainment. >this episode went just a little *too* far, IMHO. I mean, come on. Buffy (with her heightened immune response) falls sick to an illness that doesn't get anyone else in the Scooby gang, - -And- >but how could she fall ill and not Xander or Willow or Cordy or Giles? Personally, I don't remember heightened immunity from disease to be one of the slayer's attributes. Besides, I don't care how strong you are, if you overextend yourself physically night after night, you are much more susceptible to sickness than others who have not matched your physical output. Remember-she's still human. >where she just happens to be looking out the door at the right time to see the demon. Then, she just happens to meet one of the only kids who seems coherent enough to let her know that it wasn't just a dream. It would have been a pretty uneventful episode if she hadn't noticed. >Then, to make things even worse, she realizes that her cousin was killed by this very same type of demon! What a coinky-dinky-doo! I agree with you on this point. It was a tad far-fetched, but I believe the writers here exercised poetic license in order to personalize the demon for Buffy and make it a fear from her early childhood that she ended up conquering. At least, that's what I think. Skol, Victor ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 23 Sep 1998 14:57:28 -0400 (EDT) From: Kathryn Subject: BUFFY: Buffy Video 3-Pack While I couldn't find the videos at my local Wal-Mart, they *are* available through Wal-Mart Online for $29.98 + applicable state sales tax. Standard shipping is $3 or you can go express for $5 more. Here's the URL: - --- Kathryn - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 23 Sep 1998 16:18:12 -0400 (EDT) From: Monet Subject: BUFFY: EW Praising On Tue, 22 Sep 1998, kenneth fox wrote: > I wouldn't be praising EW too much. For their fall preview the cast of > DC was on the cover and had a two page layout while Buffy got a > paragraph with no pictures. Well, EW also must be fair. They featured "Buffy" in last year's fall preview, which got a three page layout. "Dawson" didn't have the chance to be even included in the fall preview for last year. The only thing I have a problem with is the fact that they didn't feature the cast of Buffy on the cover up till now. So what if only SMG is the one with the blooming movie career. Their cast kicks butt all the way :) G :) ============================================================= "So, Buffy's going for the big show-down, huh? I wish we could help, you know...without dying."-Cordelia (BTVS) ============================================================= - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 23 Sep 1998 15:22:14 EDT From: (fun ee) Subject: BUFFY: WB promoting Buffy After yesterday's airing of Becoming, Part II, they ran a little promotion of the season premiere episode while they ran the credits. I see what the WB is doing now. They're going to hit us with alot of commercials from now till next Tuesday. The reason they didn't hit us with alot more commercials these past few days was so they could hit us with promos for their other shows like Hyperion Bay, 7th, I mean 7th Heaven...although, the way they act so cute all the time makes me think its Hell sometimes. funee _____________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 23 Sep 1998 16:38:03 -0400 From: (Genevieve Faulkner) Subject: BUFFY: EW Praising >The only thing I have a problem with is the fact that they didn't feature >the cast of Buffy on the cover up till now. So what if only SMG is the >one with the blooming movie career. Their cast kicks butt all the way :) > Why don't they have a full cast picture for the season? I saw all the promo pics and they have *plenty* of Buffy and Angel, and one of everyone EXCEPT Buffy (which some complained about, but is fine with me) but they do not have any of the cast WITH Buffy. "What's the up" with that???? I would like to change the wallpaper on my computer from last seasons cast photo, to the new season. I'm a Buffaholic Cordelia: Tact is just not saying true stuff. I'll pass. (KBD) - ----------------------------------------------------------------- Cordelia: Willow! I really like your outfit! Willow: No, you don't. Cordelia: No, I really don't, but I need a favor. (Prophecy Girl) - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 23 Sep 1998 12:13:46 PDT From: "Victor Louie" Subject: re: BUFFY: Why KBD??? This is my $20(I figure our personal opinions are worth more than two measly pennies. Don't you? :)) on a message sent: Wed, 23 Sep 1998 13:27:18 -0400 by Tracey Newton >> >I use a state of suspended disbelief as much as any Buff-a-holic, I guess, but Personally, I pretty much watch the show expecting, nay wanting unusual stuff to happen. For instance, how many times has Buffy managed to save Sunnydale, if not the world from destruction? Not to mention the fact that the entire town is able to investigate much less notice the weird occurrences in Sunnydale? Anyway, I guess my point is trying to enforce most rules of reality and make Buffy your average heroine is a bit much. It is, after all, entertainment. >this episode went just a little *too* far, IMHO. I mean, come on. Buffy (with her heightened immune response) falls sick to an illness that doesn't get anyone else in the Scooby gang, - -And- >but how could she fall ill and not Xander or Willow or Cordy or Giles? Personally, I don't remember heightened immunity from disease to be one of the slayer's attributes. Besides, I don't care how strong you are, if you overextend yourself physically night after night, you are much more susceptible to sickness than others who have not matched your physical output. Remember-she's still human. >where she just happens to be looking out the door at the right time to see the demon. Then, she just happens to meet one of the only kids who seems coherent enough to let her know that it wasn't just a dream. It would have been a pretty uneventful episode if she hadn't noticed. >Then, to make things even worse, she realizes that her cousin was killed by this very same type of demon! What a coinky-dinky-doo! I agree with you on this point. It was a tad far-fetched, but I believe the writers here exercised poetic license in order to personalize the demon for Buffy and make it a fear from her early childhood that she ended up conquering. At least, that's what I think. Skol, Victor ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 23 Sep 1998 14:57:28 -0400 (EDT) From: Kathryn Subject: BUFFY: Buffy Video 3-Pack While I couldn't find the videos at my local Wal-Mart, they *are* available through Wal-Mart Online for $29.98 + applicable state sales tax. Standard shipping is $3 or you can go express for $5 more. Here's the URL: - --- Kathryn - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 23 Sep 1998 15:43:07 -0500 From: "mace" Subject: BUFFY: Xander's Angel speech This is a multi-part message in MIME format. - ------=_NextPart_000_0016_01BDE708.DC44E860 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Angel getting drunk in a tavern in the eighteenth century and looking = for a woman to 'while away the dull hours' is not reason enough to = condemn him to Hell or say that he deserves to be killed. Drunkeness = doesn't warrant wickedness. Sleeping with unmarried women doesn't = warrant wickedness. I don't support his actions or state-of-mind, but a = mistake in his youth doesn't mean his deserved to be a demon for the = rest of his life. Aside from that, even if he did deserve punishment, it = wasn't Darla's place to dole it out. It wasn't his fault that the demon took over his body. He was a kid = looking for an adventure. Nice ladies don't pick up strange men on the = highway and drive them where they want to go, but it happens and = sometimes people get killed. It's not the woman's fault she was killed. = It's not Angel's fault he was possessed. You're, in essence, saying that he should have known better than to get = attacked by a vampire. If you don't believe in them, how can you beware? Mace << Blaming Angel for the acts that Angelus does when he isn't in residence, = =20 so to speak, is like blaming the owner of the house for acts a room mate = =20 does while the owner is in the hospital having open heart surgury. Less = =20 so because in this case Angel didn't invite the demon in and can't get = rid of him. >> << Ummmmm, one itty-bitty problem with this. Angel *did* invite the demon = in. He gave himself to Darla, not knowing who or what she was, but knowing = that nice girls didn't hang around in alleys in the middle of the night. He = drank of her blood. He was a very bad man at the time, which has something to = do with the truly spectacular demon that Angelus has grown into. Yes, yes, Angel is a nice guy *now*. But his wickedness in his youth is = what put Angelus into this world, and it behooves him to remember his first obligation: to keep the demon in check at all costs. - ------=_NextPart_000_0016_01BDE708.DC44E860 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Angel getting drunk in a tavern in the eighteenth century and = looking for a=20 woman to 'while away the dull hours' is not reason enough to condemn him = to Hell=20 or say that he deserves to be killed. Drunkeness doesn't warrant = wickedness.=20 Sleeping with unmarried women doesn't warrant wickedness. I don't = support his=20 actions or state-of-mind, but a mistake in his youth doesn't mean his = deserved=20 to be a demon for the rest of his life. Aside from that, even if he did = deserve=20 punishment, it wasn't Darla's place to dole it out. 
 It wasn't his fault that the demon took over his body. He was = a kid=20 looking for an adventure. Nice ladies don't pick up strange men on the = highway=20 and drive them where they want to go, but it happens and sometimes = people get=20 killed. It's not the woman's fault she was killed. It's not Angel's = fault he was=20 possessed.
You're, in essence, saying that he should have known better than to = get=20 attacked by a vampire. If you don't believe in them, how can you = beware?
Blaming Angel for the acts that Angelus does when he = isn't in=20 residence,  
so to speak, is like blaming the owner of the = house=20 for acts a room mate  
does while the owner is in the = hospital=20 having open heart surgury.  Less  
so because in this = case=20 Angel didn't invite the demon in and can't get  
rid of = him.=20 >>

Ummmmm, one itty-bitty problem with this.  Angel *did* invite = the=20 demon in.
He gave himself to Darla, not knowing who or what she was, = but=20 knowing that
nice girls didn't hang around in alleys in the middle of = the=20 night.  He drank
of her blood.  He was a very bad man at = the time,=20 which has something to do
with the truly spectacular demon that = Angelus has=20 grown into.

Yes, yes, Angel is a nice guy *now*.  But his = wickedness=20 in his youth is what
put Angelus into this world, and it behooves him = to=20 remember his first
obligation: to keep the demon in check at all=20 costs.
- ------=_NextPart_000_0016_01BDE708.DC44E860-- - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 23 Sep 1998 16:51:48 -0400 (EDT) From: Michael Hickerson Subject: Re: BUFFY: Why KBD??? > Why do so many people hate Killed By Death? I happen to think it was one > of the best eps and put it in my top five (as I have said before). Let's > drum up some support for this good episode that so many people seem to > not like. I always find it interesting that whenever the topic of which eps are out there that people like and dislike, there's such a great diversity of opinion. I love it! :-) Anyway, as for why I am not a big fan of KBD, I agree totally with what has been said so far. Also, (and this is teh biggest thing for me), I really dislike it because I was bored to tears by it. There was something so off about teh Scooby gang and their lack of interaction that I found myself wanting to fast forward through large portions of it and move onto the next epiosde. This was espeically true when I re-watched it for my year end wrap-up review. I went in with a positive mind set, thinking I might have missed something and was even more disappointed. Maybe I just don't get it. I know a lot of people scream it has character moments that shine. I can't agree. The characters are so out of character it's almost scary. The only redeeming thing about the episode is Xander's confronting Angel in the hallway. Otherwise, for me, it's a complete waste of time... Michael - - ------------------------------ End of buffy-digest V2 #480 *************************** To subscribe to buffy or buffy-digest, send the command subscribe buffy-digest or subscribe buffy to You will need to go through a confirmation process, and the listowners have to manually approve your subscription request, so it may take some time. Back issues of this digest can be found at: For help, contact Jill Kirby ( or sah (