From: (buffy-digest) To: Subject: buffy-digest V2 #523 Reply-To: Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk buffy-digest Thursday, October 15 1998 Volume 02 : Number 523 In this issue: BUFFY: Principal Snyder Re: BUFFY: Faith's slayer stories BUFFY: Closed Captioning Re: BUFFY: Buffy issues BUFFY: Third Eye Blind Re: BUFFY: Faith,Hope, And Trick Re: BUFFY: Faith, Hope and Trick Re: BUFFY: Some Faith, Hope, and Trick BUFFY: Sender: BUFFY: FHT / Angel's return. Re: BUFFY: Angel tattoo BUFFY: Different Dialogue BUFFY: Eliza Dushku BUFFY: Scott's Ring BUFFY: Another magazine cover BUFFY: Buffy and Angel BUFFY: Re: Faith's slayer stories Re: BUFFY: missed part- SP Re: BUFFY: Kissing Toast vs. the Master/ Giles shunned Re: BUFFY: Aly quote BUFFY: Kissing Toast's Voice Re: BUFFY: "Faith, Hope & Trick" Re: BUFFY: Overnight ratings for FH&T BUFFY: Bye Bye Lie? Re: BUFFY: Principal Snyder Re: BUFFY: Faith, Hope, and Trick Re: BUFFY: 5 x 5? BUFFY: faith and question BUFFY: ignore last question Re: BUFFY: Different Dialogue BUFFY: OT: Rasputina Re: BUFFY: "Faith, Hope & Trick" See the end of the digest for information on subscribing to the buffy or buffy-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 14 Oct 1998 18:17:55 EDT From: Subject: BUFFY: Principal Snyder I've been thinking this for a while: Doesn't Principal Snyder look a little like a character on Star Trek, the one with the big ears [Ferenghi? Is that right?], the strangely shaped head and those evil, wicked little rat's teeth? Is it the same actor?? >Joss is on the official Buffy Posting Board as we speak< Where's the board? Is it really Joss? [a bit hyper, I apologise] LOVED the line "I think what my daughter's REALLY trying to say is 'Nah Nah N- Nah Nah!'" That Joyce... I also liked how Buffy took on a parental role towards Joyce, promising that she wouldn't die. Usually it's KIDS who are scared of PARENTS dying... Mouse Keeper of Xander's Fetish for Pizza Bagels [Ted] Keeper of Buffy's Hospital Bracelet Collection - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 14 Oct 1998 16:21:00 -0600 From: (Katie Masters) Subject: Re: BUFFY: Faith's slayer stories At 10:59am 10/14/98, Steve Brown wrote: >>>I have a Faith problem though--she talks as if she's been a slayer all >>>her life when she was just called 4 months ago >She either filled that 4 months with much slayage or she was lying to >impress Buffy and Co. IMHO. Well, she may have been training for a good few years, like Kendra and they were stories from before she was called. Or maybe she's just an adventerous person and likes to wrestle alligators and stuff. - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 14 Oct 1998 18:59:06 EDT From: Subject: BUFFY: Closed Captioning When Buffy and Faith are figthing Kakistos, Mr. Trick's dialogue in closed captioning is different than what he actually says. So for those of you that missed it here goes: Mr. Trick: If we don't do something, she might kill him. I don't think I have a problem with that. Incense, candle-burning, missing the Bull's game 'cause he's too cheap to pop for cable. . .Who's had enough here? Kelly - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 14 Oct 1998 19:24:52 EDT From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Buffy issues In a message dated 10/14/98 2:40:11 PM Pacific Daylight Time, writes: > Didn't you guys watch Season 1....they had a new monster every week lol, yea yea, I know. but still. it was a good monster every week that was original. I mean, how many witch-cheer-leader wanna be's are there? it's just my opnion that 1st season was awesome and the best. i dunno maybe the 3rd season will be good (PS, PROPHECY GIRL AND WHEN SHE WAS BAD are my two faves.) oh yeah, and ANGEL,. lol - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 14 Oct 1998 19:30:25 EDT From: Subject: BUFFY: Third Eye Blind First off Faith Hope and Trick was a great episode. a bonus for me is when they played Third Eye Blind, I love them. I dont know when the soundtrack is coming out but if at all possible that should be on there. Greg - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 14 Oct 1998 19:44:45 EDT From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Faith,Hope, And Trick In a message dated 98-10-14 00:47:15 EDT, writes: << Poor Giles, never invited to the Watcher Games. >> Ooooo I'm getting a song Giles the tweed-clad watcher had a very disruptive slayer even though she did her job good the world might still be doomed. All of the other watchers used to laugh and call him names they never let poor Giles join in any watcher games Someone think of an ending, K? K. Peaches, Summer - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 14 Oct 1998 19:53:43 EDT From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Faith, Hope and Trick In a message dated 98-10-14 09:13:23 EDT, writes: << When Buffy's stake didn't even faze him, I was thinking, "Cool! A vampire who can't be killed by normal means!" >> If you'll notice, the stake didn't hit his heart Summer - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 14 Oct 1998 20:02:24 -0400 From: The Pink Phantom Subject: Re: BUFFY: Some Faith, Hope, and Trick At 02:00 AM 10/14/98 -0400, you wrote: >I've only seen the episode once, so I don't have a great grasp of it, but >for that one showing, I rather enjoyed it. I do agree, though, about the >bad guys getting a little lame, but Joss and TPTB have bigger issues to >deal with which I like. Sometimes I wish there wasn't a bad guy to defeat >right away. I think that'll change soon. Mr. Trick doesn't strike me as someone who will personally go try to rip Buffy's throat out personally. He has that 'slippery lawyer' look to him. And the good sense of the businessman to cut his loses when a scheme goes bad rather than have to fight it out for ego or anger. I mean, the Master had to plot because he couldn't physically attack the Slayer himself, but when he could he did. I think Buffy'll have definite problems dealing with him. I agree with whoever it was (forgot who, sorry) who mentioned Willow's hacking skills coming to the fore at some point this season. > >Faith really annoyed the heck out of me in the beginning. Buffy's had >enough trouble; she doesn't need another interference with her life >getting back on track. But when it was revealed about what Faith's deal >was, I kind of got to like her. The two Slayer thing is kinda old, but >the interaction b/t the two was interesting. Faith's story had a great >relation to the subject of abandoning her Watcher. Did anyone else think >that maybe that Kissing Toast guy RAPED her Watcher at first? That's what >first popped into my head. Mine too. And I agree about Faith completely. I've seen so many "I hate Faith" posts. But she's just dealing with her Slayer induced problems much as Buffy ran away to deal with hers. And Faith's were equally as traumatic as Buffy's. I think Buffy recognized that and that's why she was so quick to give Faith the emotional support she herself had been wanting and didn't get the previous episode. I think "B" and Faith will get along, and each could definitely rub off on each other. It's been said before, but this could be the beginning of a beautiful friendship! > >I liked the picnic part in the beginning. It was very fun to watch them >relax a little. I also like the "Uncoupling" part :) That was pretty >considerate of them. Definitely, especially after the conflict and angst of the previous episode. Bonus points to Oz for suggesting it too. And well executed, reminded me of the movie "Spaceballs" with the "prepare to uncouple...". (Why do you have to prepare, just do it!) > >Giles really made my heart smile when he told Willow there was no spell. >I mean, that really made me love the guy more to help Buffy in that >roundabout way. They didn't drag out that scene with Giles and Willow >knowing the truth because Buffy's been dealing with it ALL summer. Telling >them was letting a big WEIGHT off her shoulders. This is the side of Giles that doesn't come to the forefront much, but is the essence of the character. He cares; it's not just a job for him. Yes, that's the part we see most, the stuffy, stern, dedicated Watcher-Giles striving to defeat evil. But his concern for Buffy, her safety, her sanity is as deep as anyone's--Joyce's, Willow's, Xander's, or Angel's. I don't doubt for a minute that he'd willingly trade his life for hers, and not just to save the world. > >Man, Angel has to come back ALREADY? Sorry, but I was liking the small bit >parts. I thought he was going to return mid-season, letting Buffy explore >the boys of her school a little more. Poor Scott...he'll be outta there >in no time! Oh well...we're back to the Buffy and Angel thing. (although, >I'm not complaining about the backside presentation :) I'm glad someone else sees a downside in this. Personnally I'm not so sure this is necessarily a good thing (oh boy, I'm gonna catch it now!). Buffy's just getting on with her life without Angel. Angel regained his soul just in time to be stabbed and sent to Hell by the person he loves and trusts most in the world. And (outside the Buffyverse) we know he's getting his own show. To me, this means trouble. Does Angel feel betrayed? If so that will be the third (!) time Buffy has lost Angel (losing his soul, sending him to Hell, Angel feels betrayed). Or does he know/understand why she did what she did or feel betrayed but eventually they work it out? Either way, bad for Buffy. Becuase they get together and then with the new Angel series he's only a part of her life 3 or 4 ep's a season and the rest of the time she's pining (sp?) away for him. Buffy deserves better than to be constantly depressed over the loss of Angel or stuck in Sunnydale without him while the rest of the Slayerette's are finding love and companionship in town. But maybe that's just me. The Pink Phantom - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 14 Oct 1998 20:12:53 -0400 From: The Pink Phantom Subject: BUFFY: Sender: At 08:28 AM 10/14/98 -0500, you wrote: >On Tue, 13 Oct 1998, Katie Masters wrote: > >> In Buffy's words, "There are two things I don't believe in. Coincidences >> and Leprechauns." > > >And my first thought, of course, was "Oh, there's gonna be a Leprechaun >episode this season..." > > > >Jill It's funny. I was just talking to someone about writing a Buffy story with leprechauns in it. Gee, strange minds do think alike. The Pink Phantom - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 14 Oct 1998 18:59:25 -0500 From: Peter Martin Subject: BUFFY: FHT / Angel's return. I don't know if anyone else picked up on this, but I thought Angel came back for a diffrent reason. I think Angel knew what was happening with buffy, as many people do, and that he was comming to her in dreams. But I think when Buffy laid down his ring, it showed Angel that even though she loves him she will move on, which might have given him hope. If you remember in Anne, that guy (i forget his name) told Lily and Buffy that hell is the absence of hope. If Angel had hope when buffy put the ring down, then hell couldn't contain him. Thats how I took it. *shrug* - -Peter - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 14 Oct 1998 19:08:12 -0500 From: Peter Martin Subject: Re: BUFFY: Angel tattoo On Tue, 13 Oct 1998, you wrote: >>>Leslie S. wrote: >>>> >I must have been distracted, but I didn't see Angel's tattoo in that >>>> >final scene. Anyone with a tape of the show care to confirm or deny? >>>> My boyfriend did a screen be the judge, but I think you Makeup is a strange thing these days. I mean... one day you can have a tatoo and another day they can use make-up to cover it up.... Neat concept, Huh? - -Peter - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 14 Oct 1998 20:32:26 EDT From: (fun ee) Subject: BUFFY: Different Dialogue Because much of the dialogue on BtVS is spoken softly, I've started to use the Closed Caption feature on my tv whenever I watch a new episode. The Closed Captioning is also useful because it shows how words like 'Kakistos' are spelled. Anyway, during the final showdown fight between Kakistos, Buffy and Faith in Kakistos' lair, the Closed Captioning showed an entirely different line of dialogue being spoken by Kaksitos Black servant/chaffeur and the remaining vamp than what was being actually spoken. It threw me for a second because the words spoken weren't moving in time with their lips, but I figure since Twentieth Century provides the Closed Captioning, it was a case of them providing it before the final dialogue edits had been done. - ---------------------------------------------------------------- Specifically, just previous to Kakistos being staked, what the Black servant and the other vamp says and what everyone hears is: LONG-HAIRED VAMP: If we don't do something the Master could get killed. BLACK SERVANT: Well, our prayers are with him. Another reason these vengeance crusades are out of style. See the modern vampire, we see the big picture. [Black servant and long-haired vamp exit] And, what the Closed Captioning showed them speaking: LONG-HAIRED VAMP: If we don't do something, she just might kill him. BLACK SERVANT: I don't think I have a problem with that. Incense, candle-burning, missing the Bulls game, cause he's too cheap to pop for cable. Who's had enough here? [Black servant and long-haired vamp exit] - ---------------------------------------------------------------- If you will recall, when the servant and Kakistos first move into the lair, the servant talks about the place being wired and is enthusiastic about hooking up to the Internet, getting cable tv, etc. So that Closed Captioning dialogue which was different from what finally made it to the final cut and what we actually hear, makes sense. Just a small interesting thing, that I found kinda cool. funee ___________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 14 Oct 1998 20:43:16 EDT From: Subject: BUFFY: Eliza Dushku Does anyone know where I can get a really recent picture of Eliza Dushku (possibly a really good screen capture from Faith Hope and Mr. Trick). Her hair style is exactly what I want and I want to take a picture to my stylist. Amanda ICQ #16963652, BXL member#57, Member of Spuffy, Official Keeper of Xander's: Wanting to have sex when looking at linoleum just because he's 17, Economy--phrasing "We'd be in trouble." & "Gone," Nickname "Lookin Around Guy," Quotes: "I mean, if I thought you had one clue what it would mean to me... But you don't. So I can't." & "You can paint this any way you want, but the way I see it is that you wanna' forget all about Ms. Calendar's murder so you can get your boyfriend back." - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 14 Oct 1998 18:53:10 -0600 (MDT) From: " St. Greyson" Subject: BUFFY: Scott's Ring Did anyone else find it a remarkable coincidence that Scott gave Buffy a claddagh ring? I know they're popular right now (at least partly due to the show), but this seems a little too 'perfect.' When Scott said "The guy at the retro shop said it represents friendship . . ." I was thinking 'Ethan's Back!!!!' ;) Greyson - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 15 Oct 1998 14:05:22 +1300 From: "" Subject: BUFFY: Another magazine cover This time SMG is on the cover of "New Zealand TV Day", which is very similar to TV Guide - except is only about 45 pages long. Inside is a two page black and white article called 'Sarah slays 'em'. Nothing knew in the article though. On another page I found this: This weeks best: BtVS (Friday 9:30 TV3) "In a Hollywood system that is all about big budgets and bigger salaries,BtVS proves that a little imagination can go an awfully long way. It's not all easy battling the forces of evil while swotting for your chemistry exam, but Buffy and her friends give it a shot. Teenage hell has never been so literal." June - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 14 Oct 1998 21:20:48 -0700 From: jim Subject: BUFFY: Buffy and Angel Hello all, Well, I was watching "Faith, Hope, and Mr. Trick" for the fourth time or so when I noticed someting. In Buffy's dream in the beginning, did anyone notice that that was the very first time we have ever seen them dancing?!?!? Now some people may argue that they were dancing in "Angel", but I have that on tape and they are just kinda standing there. But anyways, even though it was a dream, it was pretty cool to see them both dancing, finally. Jill Keeper of Buffy's goodbye note Keeper of Xander's concern for Willow's health - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 14 Oct 1998 18:42:09 -0700 (PDT) From: Jenny Crook Subject: BUFFY: Re: Faith's slayer stories I was thinking the same thing. It seemed like she was telling the gang (or at least Xander) exactly what they wanted to hear. They were giving her their undivided attention when she was telling stories about wrestling gators and naked vamp fighting. It seemed like the stories were a little over the top and she was doing it just to get attention. Her defense mechanism was acting like a tough fighter to protect herself from what had happened to her and her watcher. Telling those stories in the ways she did was part of that image. Steve Brown wrote (10/14 10:59:31 PDT) >>I have a Faith problem though--she talks as if she's >>been a slayer all her life when she was just called 4 >>months ago >She either filled that 4 months with much slayage or >she was lying to impress Buffy and Co. IMHO. _________________________________________________________ DO YOU YAHOO!? Get your free address at - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 14 Oct 1998 22:00:16 EDT From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: missed part- SP I think he said that because....he might have been trying to get her to talk about what happened that was probably his way of letting her share without being too pushy. Lina - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 14 Oct 1998 23:14:45 -0400 From: ~Ripe Wicked Plum~ Subject: Re: BUFFY: Kissing Toast vs. the Master/ Giles shunned Steve Brown wrote: > I have no idea why he would have cloven > hooves for hands, though. Maybe it was just a good plot device. The > bones not remaining thing could have something to do with that. Maybe > Kakistos(sp) was an animal bitten by a vamp or something. I think the cloven hooves thing was a reference to the Devil, Lucifer, the Demon, the Foul Fiend, The Archfiend, the Wicked One, the Evil One, the Tempter, the Adversary, the archenemy, the Common Enemy, the Old Enemy, the Father of Evil, the Father of Lies, the serpent, the Prince of the Devils, the Prince of Darkness, Satan, His Satanic Majesty, the angel of the bottomless pit, the Deuce, the Dickens, Old Harry, Old Nick, Old Ned, Old Horny, the Old Scratch, the Black Man, Old Gooseberry, Old Bendy, Auld Clootie, Old Poker, the Old Gentleman, Beelzebub, the Lord of the Flies, Belial, Eblis, Azazel, Ahriman, Mephistopheles, Mephisto, Shaitan, Sammael, Asmodeus, Abaddon, Apollyon, the Dark One, The Fallen One, etc., etc. ad nauseum. (I sooooo feel like I'm doing the voice over in a 1940's era film noire dimestore gumshoe flick.) Meaning that he was so old he was a direct decendent of the devil, not having had the blood thinned out to a more human form. In fact, one might even go so far as to say that he WAS the Devil...Giles did say that his name was Greek for "the worst of the worst." However, I don't think Joss wanted to take it quite that far. ~Ripe Wicked Plum~ - -- Goth Spike/ICQ=2607806/Member:Spike Girls/Spike4Sexiest/Spike's Minions/Spuffy/Spike's Sweeties (#2)/SOOA[Major General (#5)]/I'm Spike's Ducks/Pres. and founder of the Leo is a Bloody Whelp Club/Keeper of Spike's terms of endearment and his gloves/Guardian of Spike's humanity, his amusement at Buffy's Hallowe'en costume, and his ability to swallow his pride and help Buffy/Keeper of Dru's spiffy wardrobe and her bruises/ Guardian of Dru's gothness and her fondness for Rasputina. - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 15 Oct 1998 00:33:21 -0300 (ADT) From: cat Subject: Re: BUFFY: Aly quote joss said it. c. > Aly rules. She is luminous, hilarious and entirely cool. She's like a movie > star from the thirties, Myrna loy or Jean Arthur, fast talking, funny and > unpretentiously sexy. I always want to work with her. - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 14 Oct 1998 23:39:57 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: BUFFY: Kissing Toast's Voice Ok, I have one question: Was I the only one who was not convinced of the total evilness and cruelty of Kekistos by his little diatribe in the car? To be completely honest, it reminded me of Kevin Costner's speech in Robin Hood: The "One man fighting for his home is worth ten hired men. The Crusades taught me that." speech. It just seemed to me to be dead pan with very little inflection and all. Maybe I was hoping for a voice like that of James Earl Jones or something... Tracey Keeper of the Cluelessness of the Rest of the School - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 14 Oct 1998 23:53:43 -0400 From: Jeff Rohaly Subject: Re: BUFFY: "Faith, Hope & Trick" At 08:28 1998-10-14 -0500, Jill Kirby wrote: >And my first thought, of course, was "Oh, there's gonna be a Leprechaun >episode this season..." And Kendra could return as the voice of the Leprechaun! Speaking of accents, Eliza Dushku's has me baffled. I think I read that she was born in Boston MA. But I really noticed -- a few times in particular, in the hall with Willow and Xander for one, but there were others -- that with her pronunciation of "out" and "about" that she sounds like she is from Minnesota or even Canada. Am I imagining things? Jeff Rohaly - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 14 Oct 1998 23:55:04 -0400 From: Jeff Rohaly Subject: Re: BUFFY: Overnight ratings for FH&T At 11:13 1998-10-14 -0700, Lisa Rose wrote: >those small sweet jokes about social embarrassment (a *huge* >teenage fixation) seemed to have lessened. And been replaced with "TV-14 SL"-rated jokes about Buffy doing things with her mouth, the aphrodisiac-like qualities of slaying, and Xander's role-playing fantasies. Our kiddies are growing up -- it seems like just yesterday that little Willow didn't understand that Divinyls song. And speaking of Willow -- and in an effort to get all my disturbing thoughts out in one post -- did anyone else notice that in response to Faith's flattering comment about Giles, and Buffy's response "Raise your hand if Eww", Xander raised his big paw but Willow didn't lift a finger, and instead just smiled a big smile? Jeff Rohaly - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 14 Oct 1998 23:55:45 -0400 From: Jeff Rohaly Subject: BUFFY: Bye Bye Lie? I almost feel sorry to bring this up but it would seem to me that Xander's "big lie" isn't going to get nearly as much coverage -- if any -- that many here thought it would get. (Myself included, even though I'm on Xander's side.) In the end scene in the library, it was clear that Buffy knew that Willow had performed the spell and that she had learned of this off-camera at some point. Don't you think that if either Buffy or Willow were blown away by the revelation that Buffy didn't know that Willow was retrying the spell due to Xander's withholding of information, that we would have been treated to a scene of confrontation involving him? I suppose this might be yet to come but I'm not so sure. And if it does come, I really don't think it's going to be a big deal. I really enjoyed this episode. I do think it's going to present a challenge to integrate four more characters -- Angel, Faith, Mr. Trick, and Scott Hope -- into the show, given that people have already been saying that the gang is getting too large. And we haven't even had what I see as the inevitable return of Dru and Spike yet. I'll be surprised if Scott turns out to be nothing more than the basic high school kid that he appears to be at first glance. Jeff Rohaly - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 14 Oct 1998 23:56:48 EDT From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Principal Snyder In a message dated 98-10-14 18:23:09 EDT, you write: << I've been thinking this for a while: Doesn't Principal Snyder look a little like a character on Star Trek, the one with the big ears [Ferenghi? Is that right?], the strangely shaped head and those evil, wicked little rat's teeth? Is it the same actor?? >> Yeah, he plays, Quark. He has been on there since it came on. MoonCat - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 14 Oct 98 22:36:13 PDT From: "Sapphire" Subject: Re: BUFFY: Faith, Hope, and Trick - ---------- PUTJ, CoS, X-Over admin, GASPer; Creeker Numero Uno, DC list admin; Keeper of Willow's momentary obsession with sore thumbs, Willow's whimper= of sadness for her dead fish, her fake frog fit in KBD, and her 'Big Boy' = grave stance from 'Anne' Keeper of Gile's Occasional Befuddled Look - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 14 Oct 1998 23:44:43 EDT From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: 5 x 5? In a message dated 98-10-14 14:15:07 EDT, you write: << > Can someone help me out and tell me where the phrase "5 by 5" >comes from? I can infer from the context that it means "okay," but what >source is it from? >> I heard that it means "Square" You know "we're square." MoonCat - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 15 Oct 1998 01:12:05 EDT From: Subject: BUFFY: faith and question *alright, is there anyone out there who isn't liking the entire two slayer thing? i don't know. for me, as of now, i don't like it. i like having buffy as the only slayer. is it true that faith will be a regular character? i hope not. i think it will be fun for a while, but the two slayer deal doesn't seem that great in the long run. i think she takes away from buffy. *for all those people who are concerned about buffy turning into a lame show, don't worry. :) i heard from an inside source that the first shows of buffy this season aren't the greatest, but over time the show will rock again. the end of buffy is supposedly the best. *ok, and my question is why is there a watchers' council? if there is supposed to be one slayer in every generation (Except for the technicality with Faith), then why are there so many watchers? Isn't there only one watcher per slayer? Grr...those questions are starting to really get to me. *Lastly, take care...and watch more Buffy re-runs this weekend. cherry :) - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 15 Oct 1998 01:43:24 EDT From: Subject: BUFFY: ignore last question sorry guys about one of my questions in the last post about watchers. i already know the answer. thanks :) - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 14 Oct 1998 22:54:45 PDT From: "Mz. Gwyn" Subject: Re: BUFFY: Different Dialogue <> Getting on soap box again, geez I'm gonna need a new one and they're expensive but... Mr. Trick and don't think was Kaksitos servant and definitely not his chauffeur, if Mr. Trick was is chauffeur he wouldn't be in the back sit with the Toast guy, he'd be driving the limo, 2nd, why is always assumed that a BLACK man is somebody's servant or chauffeur, esp Mr. Trick, who probably is a youngish vamp, last 50 - 100 years, he's seems why do modern with the techno speak and sports (namely B-ball), probably some kind of engineer when he was human, mostly likely the Toast man was his sire. I'm not gonna flame anyone or even come close to that line, but that really offended me. Speculation Space I think Angel his has he soul, but being in hell can change a person especially being in hell for a 100 years, I think our boy has developed a blood-lust even being cured-boy. Ciao Ms. Gwyn ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 15 Oct 1998 02:05:25 -0400 From: ~Ripe Wicked Plum~ Subject: BUFFY: OT: Rasputina For those of you on the west coast, Rasputina was on Conan O'Brien tonight...if you liked them from their one song on Buffy, tune in. They do "LeechWife" from their latest album How We Quit the's one of my least favorite songs off of the album, but it's worth a listen anyhow! ~Ripe Wicked Plum~ - -- Goth Spike/ICQ=2607806/Member:Spike Girls/Spike4Sexiest/Spike's Minions/Spuffy/Spike's Sweeties (#2)/SOOA[Major General (#5)]/I'm Spike's Ducks/Pres. and founder of the Leo is a Bloody Whelp Club/Keeper of Spike's terms of endearment and his gloves/Guardian of Spike's humanity, his amusement at Buffy's Hallowe'en costume, and his ability to swallow his pride and help Buffy/Keeper of Dru's spiffy wardrobe and her bruises/ Guardian of Dru's gothness and her fondness for Rasputina. - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 14 Oct 1998 23:59:27 -0700 (PDT) From: a mockingbird girl Subject: Re: BUFFY: "Faith, Hope & Trick" On Wed, 14 Oct 1998, Jeff Rohaly wrote: > And Kendra could return as the voice of the Leprechaun! I fer.. > Speaking of accents, Eliza Dushku's has me baffled. I think I read that > she was born in Boston MA. But I really noticed -- a few times in She is from Boston, MA (Belmont, really). I have a friend who likes to gloat that she's two degrees away from Angel. However, I think she moved? I could be wrong. I'll ask her. debbie - disturbed by the butt shot. brings whole new meaning to "Buffy and Angel" for the mail, webpage, and other misc. complaints =) - - ------------------------------ End of buffy-digest V2 #523 *************************** To subscribe to buffy or buffy-digest, send the command subscribe buffy-digest or subscribe buffy to You will need to go through a confirmation process, and the listowners have to manually approve your subscription request, so it may take some time. Back issues of this digest can be found at: For help, contact Jill Kirby ( or sah (