From: (buffy-digest) To: Subject: buffy-digest V2 #560 Reply-To: Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk buffy-digest Sunday, November 8 1998 Volume 02 : Number 560 In this issue: BUFFY: David B. Chat Transcript BUFFY: DB chat on AOL Re: BUFFY: transcript of David chat? BUFFY: Willow/Alyson/Joss BUFFY: You"re most like..... Re: BUFFY: You're most like..... BUFFY: Buffy dreams and conversions Re: BUFFY: David B. Chat Transcript Re: BUFFY: transcript of David chat? Re: BUFFY: David B. Chat Transcript Re: BUFFY: Buffy dreams and conversions Re: BUFFY: You"re most like . . Re: BUFFY: You"re most like..... Re: BUFFY: You"re most like..... Re: BUFFY: You BUFFY: who I'm like RE: BUFFY: You"re most like..... Re: BUFFY: Buffy dreams and conversions Re: BUFFY: You"re most like..... Re: BUFFY: David Boreanaz on TV guide! Re: BUFFY: You"re most like..... BUFFY: Re: Joss loves Alyson? BUFFY: I Know on HBO Re: BUFFY: Review--"Homecoming" **SPOILERS!!** See the end of the digest for information on subscribing to the buffy or buffy-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sun, 8 Nov 1998 12:43:49 EST From: Subject: BUFFY: David B. Chat Transcript I just happened to have a copy so I thought I'd post it to the list. Enjoy! AOLiveMC1: Let's give a big AOL welcome to David Boreanaz! DvdBoreanz: Hi, good to be here with all my AOL fans. AOLiveMC1: Here's the first question of the evening for David.... Question: Hey David! I was wondering if we are going to see Buffy and Angel back Question: together this season? DvdBoreanz: Oh, can't answer that! DvdBoreanz: You have to stay tuned for that, DvdBoreanz: I don't want to give anything away. DvdBoreanz: I will say that they DvdBoreanz: will come to a meeting place DvdBoreanz: once again. Question: Did you really have to buy Ingrid an outfit evertime you kissed Sarah on Question: TV???? DvdBoreanz: Yeah, that's the agreement! DvdBoreanz: That's more or less it. Question: David, will Spike and Dru be returning any time soon. DvdBoreanz: Spike actually just did an episode DvdBoreanz: that won't be on for another month. DvdBoreanz: Dru will probably be back DvdBoreanz: for the season finale. Question: Hey Mr. Boreanaz. This is Liz from Philly. I just wanted to say that Question: everyone in Philly is so proud to say that you're from here. Do you ever miss Question: the Tastykakes and (of course!) the Cheesesteaks? :o) DvdBoreanz: Yeah, I miss it all the time! DvdBoreanz: The cheesesteaks, the Tastykakes, the people. DvdBoreanz: Philadelphia has a special place in my heart. Question: When is the next time we're gonna be able to get your autograph, here in Question: Chicago? Michelle & Christina DvdBoreanz: I was just actually at the Levi's store DvdBoreanz: I was just there doing autographs. Question: what is the most embarassing prank a fellow cast member has ever played Question: on you? DvdBoreanz: I never really had one played on me... DvdBoreanz: I usually partake in them. DvdBoreanz: Nothing really to speak of. Question: Dear David: Me and my friends love you .We wanted to know if you Question: can send us a autographed pic of you.Also i wanted to know how you got in show Question: bizz.Thank you CutieCMK DvdBoreanz: At a young age. DvdBoreanz: I was always around the theatre in NYC... DvdBoreanz: it kinda grew on me as I grew older. DvdBoreanz: I fell in love with the theatre DvdBoreanz: and went from there. Question: The tatooe Angel has on his back is beautiful, I was wondering where it Question: comes from, is there a story behind the design? DvdBoreanz: Actually Todd Macintosh designed DvdBoreanz: that -- he's the makeup artist DvdBoreanz: for the show. DvdBoreanz: It's a Keltic tattoo. Question: Who do you hang out with the most on and off the set? DvdBoreanz: No one really in particular. DvdBoreanz: We're so busy working that DvdBoreanz: we really only see each other DvdBoreanz: when we're working. DvdBoreanz: When we're not working DvdBoreanz: we kinda do our own things. DvdBoreanz: That' DvdBoreanz: That's not to say that when DvdBoreanz: we see each other outside DvdBoreanz: of work that we don't hang out... DvdBoreanz: but we rarely do. Question: What is your favorite esp. this season? I loved Beauty & the Beast. Like Question: the fall part! :) Love, Faith DvdBoreanz: So far this season, I don't know really. DvdBoreanz: We're shooting one now DvdBoreanz: that will be good. DvdBoreanz: It's a real turning point in DvdBoreanz: Angel's character and Buffy's character. DvdBoreanz: It's being directed by Joss. Question: Hi, I'm like your biggest fan. I was wondering, do you have any advice Question: to an aspiring actress??? DvdBoreanz: Just be patient. DvdBoreanz: Do theatre. DvdBoreanz: Don't be turned down by rejection DvdBoreanz: because it happens. DvdBoreanz: Sooner or later you get a thick DvdBoreanz: skin with it... DvdBoreanz: just hang in there. Question: I've heard some rumors that Angel and Cordelia are going to get together Question: and leave for this rumor true?? :o) DvdBoreanz: Yep! DvdBoreanz: It's gonna be a new show coming DvdBoreanz: out next year, a spinoff called "Angel." DvdBoreanz: I can't say any more about it DvdBoreanz: because I don't wanna give DvdBoreanz: too much away. Question: What kind of music do you like? DvdBoreanz: All different types. DvdBoreanz: I'm a real classic rock n roll type DvdBoreanz: of guy... DvdBoreanz: The Stones, Bob Dylan, The Dead. Question: Hi...I just wanted to say you are a great actor. Also, do you know if Question: there are any plans of making a Buffy feature film? I really think it would do Question: well. Keep up the good work and I hope you continue to have great success in Question: the years to come! DvdBoreanz: Thank you very much. DvdBoreanz: There has been talk about a "Buffy" film. DvdBoreanz: I don't think it'll happen any time soon, DvdBoreanz: but maybe somewhere down the DvdBoreanz: line it could happen with some DvdBoreanz: of the characters. Question: Hey David! How do you feel about your character now that his soul has Question: been restored? DvdBoreanz: Somewhat pleased. DvdBoreanz: I am gonna enjoy the transition and DvdBoreanz: the characterizations that I can get into now. DvdBoreanz: I'm also interested in diving into DvdBoreanz: his past a little bit more. Question: David, are you aware that "entertainment asylum" is giving out fan Question: appreciation awards called YOU'VE GOT FANS? I voted for you for "Coolest Male" Question: & "Celebrity I'd Most Want On My Buddy List." How do you feel about awards Question: like this? DvdBoreanz: That's very nice! DvdBoreanz: It's great to have that kind of DvdBoreanz: connection with your fans, especially DvdBoreanz: with a show like this. DvdBoreanz: Awards like that are something of a blessing. DvdBoreanz: They're not political... DvdBoreanz: I've been very fortunate. Question: Does David have AOL? DvdBoreanz: Yep! Question: Did you have fun doing the MTV special with the entire cast of buffy? DvdBoreanz: Yeah, it was fun. DvdBoreanz: It was kinda a long day. DvdBoreanz: We were doing an episode at the DvdBoreanz: same time, but it's always DvdBoreanz: fun when you're doing something DvdBoreanz: like that with the whole cast. Question: David, Do you belive in Vampires and Demons??? DvdBoreanz: No. DvdBoreanz: LOL Question: Have you played in anything before "Buffy"? DvdBoreanz: Just in theatre. DvdBoreanz: I did a lot of theatre... DvdBoreanz: small bits on TV shows, and in some commercials. Question: Hi David you are sooooo hot!!!! I love you!! But to the point I was Question: just wondering what your fav football team is?? DvdBoreanz: Seeing that I'm from Philadelphia, DvdBoreanz: I like the Eagles -- they're pretty bad DvdBoreanz: this year. DvdBoreanz: I also like the Pittsburgh Steelers. Question: What is the most challenging thing you've had to do on the show so far? DvdBoreanz: Every day is pretty challenging. DvdBoreanz: Every day is something different. DvdBoreanz: I consider most everything a challenge. DvdBoreanz: I'll take something and do the best DvdBoreanz: I can with it, as much as I can. Question: Halloween just over, did you buy REAL candy for your trick-or- treaters? Question: or the crappy stuff so as not to be tempted to eat it yourself? DvdBoreanz: I was working, so I really DvdBoreanz: didn't get a chance to do any of that. Question: I heard you say you love horses. i have one I am crazy about. Do You Question: ride DvdBoreanz: I do ride. DvdBoreanz: Not as much as I'd like to. DvdBoreanz: I definitely see horses in my DvdBoreanz: future somewhere. Question: Hi David! How good of a kisser is Sarah-Michelle Gellar? How was it Question: playing such an evil character when you have always been the "nice" vampire? DvdBoreanz: Sarah's a great person! DvdBoreanz: It was easy for me because she's so DvdBoreanz: professional -- she's sweet and loveable. DvdBoreanz: Playing evil Angel was a stretch DvdBoreanz: and challenging, again. DvdBoreanz: I enjoyed it, but I think we're done DvdBoreanz: with it because we've done all we can with it. Question: Hi David! First of all I LOVE YOU!!!! But my question is, what was the Question: first acting "gig" you did that got your career jumpstarted? DvdBoreanz: I did a "Married With Children" episode back DvdBoreanz: in 1992. That helped me out. Question: How is Bertha Blue? I think your dogs are so cute. Love how you get Question: Bertha's name. How sweet you took Bertha in. Is Bertha a girl/boy? DvdBoreanz: Bertha's a girl. DvdBoreanz: She's doing great, enjoying life DvdBoreanz: as a dog should be. Question: We often hear how long the days are on set, please describe a typical Question: day. DvdBoreanz: It all depends on the episode. DvdBoreanz: Usually a 16 hour day you're in at 6am DvdBoreanz: and out late that evening, depending DvdBoreanz: on whether, for me, I have to go DvdBoreanz: into prosthetics to become a vampire. DvdBoreanz: There's a lot of waiting, too, between scenes. DvdBoreanz: There's lunch... do your work, you're outta there. DvdBoreanz: That's pretty much it. Question: Hi there an email address that fans can reach you at, or any Question: other form of soemthiing we vcan reach you by? DvdBoreanz: No email address. DvdBoreanz: Send mail to the WB Network... DvdBoreanz: I don't know the address, though. :) Question: when are we going to see you on the big screen? DvdBoreanz: Have patience! Question: Are you feeling any pressures coming from the fact that you will be in Question: the WB's first spin-off sitcom? If so, how are you dealing with them? DvdBoreanz: No big pressures, no. DvdBoreanz: I'm fortunate to be with Joss, who's a great writer. DvdBoreanz: I kinda take it as my job DvdBoreanz: and the next challenge in my career. DvdBoreanz: Every day is pressure, really. DvdBoreanz: I get up every day and do my DvdBoreanz: best, fail or succeed. DvdBoreanz: I always know in the long run DvdBoreanz: I'll learn something from it. Question: David: What do u like to do in your free time when you are not working? DvdBoreanz: Golf. DvdBoreanz: I like to be outdoors. DvdBoreanz: Hang out with the dogs, see movies... DvdBoreanz: working out. DvdBoreanz: Stuff like that. Question: what would you be if you were not an actor? DvdBoreanz: Hmmm. DvdBoreanz: Maybe a horse trainer. Question: I was wondering how has your life changed since you have been on the Question: show? DvdBoreanz: Just been very busy. DvdBoreanz: Life seems to be very hectic with work, DvdBoreanz: making appearances, or going to benefits. DvdBoreanz: Life is a full schedule for me. DvdBoreanz: Not a lot of time to "come down," which is DvdBoreanz: important because you have to do DvdBoreanz: that from time to time. Question: How do you feel about the why vampires are viewed in modern society, how Question: some people try to imitate and mimic them? DvdBoreanz: I really don't think about that much, DvdBoreanz: how they're viewed, really. DvdBoreanz: I guess that's because I really DvdBoreanz: don't believe in vampires. Question: What do you draw upon as an actor to act the full spectrum of an truly Question: malevolent character one moment, and a brooding, good character the next? DvdBoreanz: Focus. Question: Is anyone in your family in show business? DvdBoreanz: My father is a weatherman DvdBoreanz: in Philadelphia. DvdBoreanz: He's been in television for over 35 years. Question: Are you anything like the character you play on Buffy The Vampire Slayer Question: (Angel)? DvdBoreanz: No. DvdBoreanz: Not, you know, a vicious killer. DvdBoreanz: You tend, as an actor, to take DvdBoreanz: experiences you've had and DvdBoreanz: blend them into a character you play. Question: Hi David! I love to watch you on Buffy. How many days do you get to Question: learn your script before the show? DvdBoreanz: Not too many. DvdBoreanz: TV shows are a fast turnaround. DvdBoreanz: If we're lucky we get the script DvdBoreanz: 2 days before we start shooting... DvdBoreanz: if we're lucky! DvdBoreanz: It's a lot of work. DvdBoreanz: 8 days to shoot an episdoe. DvdBoreanz: episode, that is. Question: Hi David,,,I've been trying to get an autophoto of you for awhile,,,was Question: told at a recent SciFi convention that you'll be touring with them soon,,,any Question: truth in that?? xoxoLeslie DvdBoreanz: No. Question: I've seen that you are very close to your parents, what's your favorite Question: memory w/ them? DvdBoreanz: Favorite memory... DvdBoreanz: every day, really. DvdBoreanz: Nothing in particular. DvdBoreanz: They've been very supportive. Question: Who is your hero? DvdBoreanz: My dad. Question: I read your interview in TV Guide, and I thought it was so funny! But Question: just one question: What makes an English muffin so hip? ;) DvdBoreanz: Cause it's all crunchy... DvdBoreanz: nooks and crannies. AOLiveMC1: Here's our final question for the evening for David: Question: hi David, if you could say anything to the teens of America, what would Question: you say? DvdBoreanz: I would definitely say be a free spirit. DvdBoreanz: Follow your own path, DvdBoreanz: a truthful path. DvdBoreanz: Don't be destructive to others. DvdBoreanz: Live to love life. DvdBoreanz: Failure is normal, DvdBoreanz: crying is acceptable... DvdBoreanz: and always call your mother. AOLiveMC1: David, it's been a pleasure having you on AOL and having you take time out of AOLiveMC1: your day to appear with us. DvdBoreanz: Thanks for having me, I really DvdBoreanz: enjoyed spending some time with you! DvdBoreanz: I look forward to spending some DvdBoreanz: time with you in the future. AOLiveMC1: Thank you again, David. And thank you to the audience for all those questions! AOLiveMC1: Good evening! Until next time, AOL.... OnlineHost: Copyright 1998 America Online, Inc. All Rights Reserved. - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 8 Nov 1998 16:42:46 EST From: Subject: BUFFY: DB chat on AOL This is a slight spoiler. Space just in case. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Joss had already mentioned that Spike will be returning in the 10th episode but had to write Drusilla out of it Juliet is filming a movie. David said last night that Drusilla probably will not be back until the season finale. Drat. She's my favorite character. Krystalyn Be kind to dragons for you'd taste good with ketchup. - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 8 Nov 1998 16:56:43 EST From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: transcript of David chat? >>>Did anyone happen to save it or know where I can see a copy of the chat tonight?<<< For anyone with an AOL account, there's a transcript of David's Saturday chat at Keyword: Buffytvs It's in the "Buffy Celebrity Logs" area. Hope that helps! - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 08 Nov 1998 16:19:28 -0600 From: Kathryn Johnston Subject: BUFFY: Willow/Alyson/Joss Hello, all! [Getting on lecture podium ;-] In fan fiction, there is a type of story called a "Mary Sue," in which the author of the story is a major character, best friend to all the "regulars" and generally getting to save the day. Many creative artists and writers have "autobiographical" aspects in their creations. In fact, there is a whole class of novels called bildungsroman, which are "coming of age" stories on the growth of the hero, usually with strong autobiographical components. Way back during the first season, Joss Whedon gave an interview in which he stated that when he was a teenager, Joss was like Xander. Unlike a "Mary Sue," but similar to a bildungsroman, horrible things happen to Xander, he makes LOTS of mistakes, but he is learning and getting educated by all of his experiences. Now if Xander is sort of a stand in for Joss Whedon, the question is at the end of the "Buffy" series, will Joss give himself some wish fulfillment (ala a "Mary Sue")? Will Xander finally get to save the day and "get the girl." If so, what and who would the dream be for Joss--Buffy or Willow? SMG or AH? If "Buffy" does have the "education of Xander" as part of its theme, this might point towards where the plots are leading. After all, the writer/producer does get to decide the end... [Getting off lecture podium.] Kathryn (a librarian, and it is too quiet in the library today) - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 8 Nov 1998 17:58:50 EST From: Subject: BUFFY: You"re most like..... this is a good question i'm shure it will keep us a little busy until the next epiosoide. What Charter are you like best? I think that I'm most like Willow. thats sortof strange beings that I'm a guy but shes shy and has that "self consept" thing going Anyone want to coment ? or answer? - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 8 Nov 1998 18:56:58 EST From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: You're most like..... wrote: > What Charter are you like best? I've always thought of myself as a cross b/w Buffy and Willow. It's not just one particular aspect of their characters, but I just see myself in them sometimes. They react in situations in the same way I would. I have Buffy's depth of emotion and confidence. I have Willow's (former?) shyness w/ guys and romanticism. I have both of their loyalty to their friends. Jen - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 8 Nov 1998 19:39:19 EST From: Subject: BUFFY: Buffy dreams and conversions Okay, first of all, let me say that though it may not seem like it at first, there is a point to this post. Recently I've been on a mission to convert all of my friends to Buffy. Everyone who has a question about it or just wants to talk about last night's episode comes to me. The first line from my friends' mouths Wednesday: "Did you see Buffy last night?!" "When have I ever not?" Anyway, the other day my friend Belinda met me at my locker to tell me about a dream she'd had about Buffy (just until recently she couldn't even remember the characters' names). I don't really remember it, but then today my friend Sapana called me and said, really excited, "Jen, I had the coolest dream about Buffy the Vampire Slayer last night! I've been studying for finals all day, but I was like, 'screw this, I have to call Jen!'" The dream was hilarious. It had something to do with Willow's mother being a former Slayer who was turned into a vamp. The funny part was that she couldn't get into the show at first, but since I watch it, she wanted to see why I'm so obsessed, so she kept watching it, and now she loves it! I also had a Buffy dream last night, but it wasn't a good one since it was one of those fever-dreams. Okay, my point to this post it, has anyone ever turned their friends or family into a Buffy fan and/or had any cool dreams about the show? Jen &:-) (Nightmares Newsletter) Keeper of Buffy's moment of clarity when she decided she *is* Buffy, the Vampire Slayer - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 8 Nov 1998 19:57:22 EST From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: David B. Chat Transcript Does it bug anybody else when people in chat rooms ask totally annoying and stupid questions? So many people just show no creativity at all. Now the one about the English Muffins, that was good. It was funny. But then there are the people who gush on and on about how much they love the person, and then when they actually ask the question, it's usually one that would make me cringe if I was the actor. Actually, I cringe anyway. Am I alone here? Jen &:-) (Nightmares Newsletter) Keeper of Buffy's moment of clarity when she decided she *is* Buffy, the Vampire Slayer - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 8 Nov 1998 20:25:33 EST From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: transcript of David chat? In a message dated 98-11-08 00:51:35 EST, you write: << there was an AOL chat live with David Boreanaz, and it was on 11-7-98 at 6:30 Eastern time....and I missed it! i could shoot myself! >> Hope you have a bullet for me too... MoonCat Keeper of the Tea Kettle Jennifer - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 8 Nov 1998 20:48:09 EST From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: David B. Chat Transcript In a message dated 98-11-08 20:02:25 EST, you write: << But then there are the people who gush on and on about how much they love the person, and then when they actually ask the question, it's usually one that would make me cringe if I was the actor. Actually, I cringe anyway. Am I alone here? >> Once again I agree with you. People can say I respect you, you are a great actor and all that, but by carrying on with the gushing they lose out on time for a good thought provoking question. I know this wouldn't have been one of those questions.. but I was really hoping someone would have asked how his wife felt about the bare butt shot. I mean an outfit for everytime he kissed SMG, what about that? MoonCat Jennifer Keeper of the TeaKettle - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 8 Nov 1998 20:54:09 EST From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Buffy dreams and conversions << Okay, my point to this post it, has anyone ever turned their friends or family into a Buffy fan and/or had any cool dreams about the show? >> Well, I often dream that Xander Harris is mine. . but let's not go there :) I have only one friend I've managed to successfully convert to a Buffaholic. I'm still worse than she is though. All the rest of them mock me. "Oh, it's Tuesday nights, don't call her, she's watching *Buffy*". I recently tried to convert my mom to at least watch Buffy with me by showing her the tapes of the episodes I thought might get her interested . . ("Prophecy Girl", "Surprise/Innocence" and "Becoming 1/2"). Nada. She just rolled her eyes and went "Vampires. That's realistic." Agh. I'm getting nowhere here. I'm alone in my Buffy-ness. Thank god I have you guys :) Danielle Welcome to the Hellmouth - Member #483 of WPWP (We Possess Willow Power); Keeper of Willow's tag that needed to be tucked; Keeper of the fun Willow makes because she doesn't have cable; Keeper of Xander's arm punch of love - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 8 Nov 1998 20:55:14 EST From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: You"re most like . . << What Charter are you like best? >> I'm going to have to go with Willow. It's gotten so bad my friends actually go "You're having a Willow moment" to me when I get *too* like her. Except I'm more like the season 1/early season 2 Willow. I'm shy, quiet, into computers, loyal to a fault to those she loves most, try to do well in school, kinda awkward around guys she likes, and I have a guy for my best friend. Go figure. Although I have a bit of Xander thrown in: I love to crack stupid jokes at the most inopportune moments. And I get a very Giles-esque "Danielle!" yelled at me when I do it ;) Danielle Welcome to the Hellmouth - Member #483 of WPWP (We Possess Willow Power); Keeper of Willow's tag that needed to be tucked; Keeper of the fun Willow makes because she doesn't have cable; Keeper of Xander's arm punch of love - - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 7 Nov 1998 12:01:40 +1100 From: "jamiec" Subject: Re: BUFFY: You"re most like..... > What Character are you like best? I think I have to go with the majority on this one, I'm most like Willow. I'm shy and sort of think the same as her. Although I have been told I look more like Drusilla... Jamie Keeper of Willow's fear of awkward silences - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 8 Nov 1998 21:15:52 EST From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: You"re most like..... My friend Sarah (faithful Btvs watcher) once told me I'm as looney as Drusilla......I think maybe a mix between buffy, will,xander,cordy, and oz. I'm a leader, I love comps, I make the most innapropiate jokes at the most innapropriate times, I have no tact whatsoever, and I am really laid -back. I look like SMG, before she dyed her hair.Gee, throw in a little spike and giles, and you got yourself the cast. Summer - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 08 Nov 1998 18:51:14 PST From: "Kelly Girl" Subject: Re: BUFFY: You what character are you like? me? i would have to say (stop throwing tomatoes!) principal snyder.. hehe.. yes, it's true... i really dislike people and their probs'... oh, pleeze, i work at a dr's office... hmmmm? maybe i should have said i am most like spike or mr.trick! kellygirl ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 8 Nov 1998 22:07:50 -0400 From: (jodie m bastarache) Subject: BUFFY: who I'm like I guess i'm A LITTLE OF wILLOW,bUFFY AND xANDER. jODIE ___________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 8 Nov 1998 21:59:25 -0500 From: shcrowley Subject: RE: BUFFY: You"re most like..... I think I'm most like Xander. Even thou I'm a girl. My only defense against anything is my humor and I usually have either really bad jokes and awesome jokes. No in betweenies there. Same sense of humor, same amount of courage, although I think I have a lot of Oz insight moments too. Xander has his Xanderisms as I have my Ceraisms. *)Cera(* Sunnydale Library Society "If equal affection can not be reached, let the more loving one be me." - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 8 Nov 1998 22:42:55 EST From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Buffy dreams and conversions wrote: > I recently tried to > convert my mom to at least watch Buffy with me by showing her the tapes of > the episodes I thought might get her interested . . ("Prophecy Girl", > "Surprise/Innocence" and "Becoming 1/2"). Nada. Aha! See, there's your problem. You have to use a lighter episode to get people hooked. I usually go for Halloween. It's after they start liking the show that you show them S/I, and then they'll be hooked. THEN you show them the Becomings, b/c if you haven't gone through steps 1 and 2 yet, they cannot appreciate it like they should. Jen &:-) (Nightmares Newsletter) Keeper of Buffy's moment of clarity when she decided she *is* Buffy, the Vampire Slayer - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 8 Nov 1998 22:45:50 EST From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: You"re most like..... wrote: > Although I have been told I look > more like Drusilla... Sometimes my friends will tell me that I just did something very "Willow" or "Drusilla" or "Buffy". Those are the only ones though. Once I flailed my arms and my best friend was like, "Ohmigod Jen, you just looked like Drusilla when you did that." Strangely enough, I took it as a compliment. Twisted... Jen &:-) (Nightmares Newsletter) Keeper of Buffy's moment of clarity when she decided she *is* Buffy, the Vampire Slayer - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 8 Nov 1998 22:56:43 EST From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: David Boreanaz on TV guide! In a message dated 98-11-08 15:53:09 EST, writes: << Better yet, it looks like he might if he had puffy eyes after a fever. I was very disappointed. >> The first time I went through the TV Guide, I noticed that in the picture of him in the car, I don't like that particular, but the little ones, with Keri with the book in her lap, and david is in the backround with a glass in his hand...thats my favorite one! LOL I was at the store and when I actually went home ot look through it....I realized that Juliet Landau was in it too.... Kara - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 8 Nov 1998 23:03:47 EST From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: You"re most like..... In a message dated 98-11-08 18:05:56 EST, writes: << I think that I'm most like Willow. thats sortof strange beings that I'm a guy but shes shy and has that "self consept" thing going >> I think that I'm a cross between Buffy, Willow and (does anyone remember MY SO CALLED LIFE?) Rayanne..... Kara - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 09 Nov 1998 00:57:18 EST From: (fun ee) Subject: BUFFY: Re: Joss loves Alyson? wote wit her widdle fingers again: >Do this make anyone else go, "Ewww!" Exactly how old are Joss and Alyson >anyway? I think it would be a little too weird to have them get together. Well, it's been mentioned that Joss is maybe 8 to 10 years older than Alyson. Directors/Producers have been known to get involved with stars and affairs do happen and anything is possible...especially in Hollyweird land. I hope that doesn't shock you or all those moo-moo cows out there in Colorado. funee (: ___________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 9 Nov 1998 01:18:07 -0500 (EST) From: "F.Y.G." Subject: BUFFY: I Know on HBO "I Know What You Did Last Summer" is playing all month on HBO about 2-3 times a week. Interesting note...the place where they all made out and hit the guy in the beginning is called "Dawson's Beach". Williamson must like that name. F.Y.G./missile Founder and President of the Buffy Crew Delta Sigma Phi Sargent at Arms - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 8 Nov 1998 22:06:17 -0800 From: Farnaz Ayrom Subject: Re: BUFFY: Review--"Homecoming" **SPOILERS!!** << I don't know about any of you, but he seemed a bit disappointed when >he actually appeared on screen. I wondered if afor a while they weren't >going to have him on screen, but not show his face to prolong the mystery. > Exactly. I find he wasn't nearly as menacing as I thought he would be. Sure he was strange about the cleaniless thing..kind of creepy. But I didn't see what could have inspired such fear in Synder and all his subordinates. I am hoping the mayor will be a little more developed. I, too, was waiting for the camera to somehow avoid showing his face. Focusing on his hands and desk before they slowly panned to his face..I thought it would have been too hilarious if they had followed the old Inspector Gadget villain with a cat technique! It would have been such a comic book thing to do. We would never see his face until the season finale or the series finale or something. Oh that would have been too precious! About the alliance between Trick and the mayor..I don't think that necessarily makes the mayor this person out only for the destruction of all that's good. I think he doesn't want there to be wide spread panic in Sunnydale and property value droppings, bad press, and naturally bad voting polls for his mayorness. So he keeps the whole ugly hellmouth situation underground in hopes of saving his political career and of saving the town--with a less altrustic motive of course. Buffy thwarts this strategy in every conceivable way possible. I don't think that just being a slayer marks her for the mayor's ire. It's how she is a slayer. Secret identity means nothng to her--in the words of the late and dearly missed Kendra (who else would have liked to see buffy hand kendra a stuffed animal? sigh). All her friends are involved in slaying and saving the world. She doesn't travel in cargo holds, she destroys public property, and isn't actually mum on the "lot of somethings in Sunnydale" (Go Fish...telling Gage about the scary stuff in town). She constantly draws attention to herself and these strange happenings. And didn't Synder once tell her that she was a liability to this school? Yes, he did. In Becoming, I believe, right before he expelled her. And Synder's job is to keep the hellmouth under wraps--thus the backed up sewer tale in IOHEFY...It all makes sense...gulp.. > Does Mr. Trick consider Buffy more of a threat than Faith? I >only offer this because it seemed Buffy is more controlled than Faith is. >She is less ruled by her emotions and may, therefore, be a more lethal >opponent for him. I think Michael is right on one hand about Buffy being more controlled, but I think Trick views Buffy as a threat also because she's survived for so long. Buffy is probably the longest living slayer ever..what? three years now that she's been slaying? doesn't sound too long, but calculate how many vamps and demons she faces every year and add in the fact that Kendra--trained from early childhood, unlike Buffy-- lasted only about nine months. Plus, Trick watched that last showdown with Kakistos. Buffy was the one kicking major derierre, while Faith sort of whimpered and cowered. Buffy is the true slayer by experience and skill and Faith is her trusty side-kick, sort of a young buffy (remember first season?) with flair, wild fashion sense, and a sense of fun. Faith has a long way to go. >--Angel's scene was a complete waste. Why did we have to see it? >I know, those of you Angel fans out there will scream at me, but I >didn't see the point with all the other stuff going on... I feel the same way. Every Angel scene so far this season has seemed to be a waste of space. It's just been this cheap gambit to keep the Angel fans satisfied. Remember those random dreams where he just popped up, basically the same thing over and over again? I'm just not going to get over Angel coming back so soon in the season...grrr. > Well, that's it for my rant. jewels of no identity - - ------------------------------ End of buffy-digest V2 #560 *************************** To subscribe to buffy or buffy-digest, send the command subscribe buffy-digest or subscribe buffy to You will need to go through a confirmation process, and the listowners have to manually approve your subscription request, so it may take some time. Back issues of this digest can be found at: For help, contact Jill Kirby ( or sah (