From: (buffy-digest) To: Subject: buffy-digest V2 #573 Reply-To: Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk buffy-digest Tuesday, November 17 1998 Volume 02 : Number 573 In this issue: BUFFY: sharon stone, etc. BUFFY: Re: Sarah likes Dawson's Creek! BUFFY: Re: Buffy's Arsenal Re: BUFFY: Dream BUFFY: Sam Goody's BUFFY: Any New Buffy Websites? Re: BUFFY: Band Candy comments BUFFY: David Boreanaz interview on AOL....isn't cut and paste great?? =)~ BUFFY: DAVIS INTERVIEW BUFFY: death of a salesman quote BUFFY: Cdn. spoilers for Revelations BUFFY: The Mayor BUFFY: Canadian Spoilers/Synopsis for "Revelations" [LONG] BUFFY: Buffy's "Driviness" Re: BUFFY: Buffy's "Driviness" Re: BUFFY: Buffy's "Driviness" BUFFY: spoilers BUFFY: Become a Keeper!! Re: BUFFY: Sam Goody's BUFFY: not a spoiler just curious BUFFY: Comic Strip in TV Guide BUFFY: Robia LaMorte (Jenny Calendar) See the end of the digest for information on subscribing to the buffy or buffy-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 16 Nov 1998 11:03:10 -0800 From: Subject: BUFFY: sharon stone, etc. Wow. Whoever posted that little blip about Sharon Stone may want to be careful. Flames are not exclusively for the Buffy crew. I think you can communicate your opinion a little less profanely. I "liked"that movie- and not for the scene in question. And by the way- I saw it on a 30 feet movie screen, adn I still didn't see details... if you know what I mean. It think it was more publicity and exaggeration than reality. ObBuffy: If Giles and Joyce have a kid, does that mean that they'll be a family of a slayer, a watcher, and a future watcher? - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 16 Nov 1998 14:03:22 EST From: (fun ee) Subject: BUFFY: Re: Sarah likes Dawson's Creek! Tracey DARED TO TEASE ME WITH: >Nooooooo!!!! Not the dreaded Buffy-should-do-an-episode-of-Xena string! >It's resurfaced! I can already here funee's manaical laughter..... >*Covers her eyes with her hands under the premise of "If you can't see >it, it can't see you"* "AHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAH!" he laughed, maniacally. You can hear that! Now get those hands down and gaze you upon the Master of "Buffy Should Do An Episode Of Xena AND Dawson's Creek"! -Imperius Rex funee Seriously, I am checking with sources at E! from which this rumor is suposed to have originated. Naturally, I also *suggested* that it would be a logical, savy, intelligent, fantastic public relations gimmick, and sure ratings booster to have crossover appearances between Buffy/Dawson's Creek/Xena: Warrior Princess. I also faxed them copies of newspaper articles and interviews in which Sarah and other BtVS cast members expressed admiration of those shows especially Sarah's own comments regarding a desire for crossover appearances and suggested they do a small segment on those possibilities. If it wasn't a reality before, I hope it will become one. I'll never stop...never, never, never, never, never. And you'll all be eating catsup with every post! "AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" he laughed, maniacally...again. funee (: ___________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 16 Nov 1998 12:29:48 -0800 From: "M.S." Subject: BUFFY: Re: Buffy's Arsenal >Buffy took the gun away from Giles after he pointed it at Ethan (when Ethan >was about to whack Buffy). Not to sound redundant, but in my original post I was asking what happened to the gun *after* this point? Is Buffy packin' now? Can we expect her to pull that gun out of her trunk o' stuff sometime in the future? M - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 16 Nov 1998 15:40:30 EST From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Dream I had this terrible nightmare last night that I missed buffy, because I was asleep. And I woke up really mad at my sis and mom (though my sis is at college now, she was home in my dream). And I storm into the kitchen and I yell "How come you didn't tape Buffy? You know I love that show!" and then she's like "Honey, it's sunday. Are you feeling okay?" :) peaches, Summer - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 16 Nov 1998 15:54:16 -0500 (EST) From: Monet Subject: BUFFY: Sam Goody's I failed to mention this in my last post about my small holiday shopping venture: my sister and I went into Sam Goody's and when we came back out, I turned to face the display window and lo and behold there was this four foot display with a pic of the whole Scooby Gang (the usual pic of them) talking about some Buffy contest where someone could win a trip to the set! I forget what second prize was but thrid was a bunch of BUffy merchandise valued at like $50. I don't know what you had to do, though. It didn't explain! My sister wanted to go in and ask but we really had to bail. So anytime you pass a Sam Goody's, check to see if that particular store has actual DETAILS of how to enter. A visit to the set isn't such a bad prize :) G :) ======================================================= Giles:"He's lying. Go on, hit him." Buffy:"I don't think he is. And shut up." Giles:"You're MY Slayer. Go knock his teeth down his throat." ======================================================= - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 16 Nov 1998 10:59:56 -0800 (PST) From: Sonja Marie Subject: BUFFY: Any New Buffy Websites? Hi all, I'm updating the Sonja Marie's Buffy the Vampire Slayer Links Page Tues, and Wanted to know if anyone had a new page they'd like to be linked in the update (if they AREN'T ALREADY LINKED. Email them to me PRIVATELY at (perferably). NEW LOCATION (make note of it) Any site I can't view or crashes my browser will not be linked. Sonja Marie - President - Anthony Stewart Head Fan Club (ASHFC) Official Anthony Head WebPage - Owner of the Jeff Fahey, Paul Wylie, Anthony S. Head, & Buffy-Beta Lists Pres. of Giles' Appreciation Society Panters - GASP!- Keeper of Coats & Ties Anthony Stewart Head (Giles-BTVS) About What Fans Sent Him in the Mail: "Fair amount of lingerie, yeah, all of which I tried, none of which fitted" - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 16 Nov 1998 16:52:51 EST From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Band Candy comments The Tai Chi--I could NOT stop laughing at this part. I was laughing so hard that one of my dorm neighbors came over to see what was so funny. It's just the fact I've seen all these old people do Tai Chi, including the class that's held at my old Chinese school every weekend and to see Angel doing Tai Chi was just such a surreal image. Anyway, about the gun, I doubt that Buffy is going to keep it. She can't kill anything (vampire-related) with it and keeping it around can only cause trouble so I don't think that she'll be packing heat when she goes patrolling at night. Why don't we try to postpone the crucifying of Xander until there's really a reason to start a mob to go after him? As for SMG being typecast into being buffy-esque forever, I doubt it. She's versatile enough that she can overcome that. After a while, there was a time when she was just "that All My Children girl" or that girl on "Swans Crossing." She's already broadening her base by doing anti-Buffy roles on IKWYDLS and Scream2 not to mention her upcoming movies. Even someone like George Clooney, I don't see him solely as Doug on ER because I saw his work on Sisters. The main difference between Dawson and Angel (in regards to that TV Guide poll) is that Dawson is cute while Angel is sexy. I think that Buffy's driving is so bad because OF her quickness. She drives so fast that and doesn't notice a turn until she's right there at the turn and whoosh, she tries to whip the car around (like she does when she fights vampires and other assorted ghoulish things). A day and three hours left.....(darn you Canadians!) Joce - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 16 Nov 1998 18:21:40 EST From: Subject: BUFFY: David Boreanaz interview on AOL....isn't cut and paste great?? =)~ Check out the Buffy Newsletter here! "Hi Amy. It's David." TV Gal talks to Angel! The TV Week Ahead How do you talk to an Angel? Let me tell you it's not so easy. David Boreanaz (Angel on Buffy the Vampire Slayer) is currently on a tour for Levi's Original Spin Jeans and he's been busy. My interview with him was rescheduled four times. Four times, I buffed, puffed, sloughed, and coifed in anticipation for the interview. Let me tell you, my skin has never looked so good. I purchased every product Origins has to offer; there's not a dead skin cell left. By this time, of course, it was a phone interview as David was all over the country for his Levi's tour. But somehow I felt like I should still look my best. You understand, don't you? So on Saturday morning when it was time for his call, I had my doubts that it would actually happen and was much relieved when the phone rang. "Hi, is this Amy?" a voice asked. "Yes" I replied totally thinking that it must be one of the Levi's public relations people about to tell me to hold for Mr. Boreanaz. "Hi Amy. It's David." "Oh, hi." I said like it's perfectly normal for gorgeous television stars to call me. As though I just got off the phone with Matthew Perry and later on Scott Wolf is going to call me to see if I want to go grab a bite to eat. Let me start off by assuring you all that David was charming, sweet, funny, casual and seemed like a down to earth guy. He behaved exactly how you would want one of your favorite stars to behave. He was engaging and focused throughout the interview using my name as if we were old friends. If he had answered all the questions I asked him a million times before, he certainly didn't act like it. We started off by talking about this season of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and I discussed the fans' disappointment that we haven't seen much of David so far this season. He assured me that there would be a lot more of Angel as the season progresses. "He's just returned from the vortex, he's getting better. He's in a getting healthy mode. Drinking lots of blood. Doing some tai chi." (David, I think to myself, we know all about the tai chi and we are oh so grateful). David went on to explain that Angel is "getting back to his nature. He's got a lot of people to answer to, a lot of people that he's hurt." When I pressed him on Angel relationship with Buffy, he was purposely vague but stated that both Angel and Buffy will be drawn to each other as love interests but they know that "they can't go down that road again." He was most excited about episode 10 of this season which is set to air around Christmas time (he told me it's his favorite Buffy episode). "We will get more of the history of Angel's character. We'll have a better understanding of Angel's purpose in life. This episode really focuses on Angel." And you know that I had to ask how Angel, who when he returned from Hell was naked, naked, naked, suddenly appeared in the next scene with pants and shoes on. Somehow, I don't think David had given this question that much thought. "Shoes? Were there shoes? Maybe Buffy helped him?" he replied rather confusedly. I refrained from pointing out that Buffy didn't know he was back at the time he was wearing pants. Finally David decided that some pants must have been lying around and that Angel was probably cold. Okay, that explanation worked for me. I was curious about what the adjustment to fame had been like for him. All of the sudden Buffy became a cult hit and thousands of adoring fans nearly faint at the site of him. He was on the cover of last week's TV Guide and makes an appearance in People's Sexiest Man Alive issue. You gotta think that would go to a person's head. Not our David. His reaction to fame? "It has been a blessing, I embrace it with an understanding of what is great and hot today is gone tomorrow. The success of the show has been amazing. I'm having fun with it." David is so well loved by his fans that he told me even when Angel became Angelus and was at his very worst, fans reacted positively to him and that he really didn't get that much negative reaction. "Some people were upset, but not many. People seemed able to separate me from the character." That didn't surprise me. I always knew that Buffy fans were smart and savvy! Aside from the little David was able to tell me about Episode 10 and the episodes leading up to it, he's in the dark with the rest of us about the remainder of the season. "I don't know much about this season and Joss's [Whedon, creator and executive producer of Buffy] plans, they don't tell me much until we get closer." Ditto for his spin-off, Angel, which he won't start filming until this season of Buffy wraps up. Except for confirming that the show is guaranteed a slot on the WB next season, that Joss Whedon will be the executive producer and that Charisma Carpenter will leave Buffy to join the new show, he really couldn't tell me anything. "It's Joss's idea, Joss's baby, what I do know I'm sworn to secrecy about." We talked about the make-up he uses to become a vampire. I was surprised to learn that it only takes one hour to put on all that vampire make-up but about 40 minutes to take off. "The pain comes in taking it off, it's tedious, very rough on your skin." Angel's tattoo, which he only has to put on when his shirt is off (we so need more of those scenes) is applied using tattoo ink and is very quick to put on and to take off. So what's it like to work on the Buffy set? "The atmosphere on the set is very light. We're all there to do our work, we all get along really well. There are no problems. It's great. Most of my work has been with Sarah [Sarah Michelle Gellar who plays Buffy], I see the other members of the cast but I haven't really had scenes with them. Working with Sarah is great." Whether or not that's actually true, I got the feeling that David is much too much of a gentleman to ever say otherwise. Besides having his own series next season, I asked him if he had any other future career plans. He took the last season's hiatus completely off and has been offered a couple of films in the past, but he couldn't do them because of scheduling conflicts with the show. "There are some I'm thinking about doing now that possibly might happen. I'm kind of having fun with it right now and being patient." I assured him that many fans would love to see him on the big screen. I confessed to him that when I watched the MTV special "Buffy the Vampire Slayer presents Videos That Don't Suck," he was the only member of the cast who consistently picked bands that I actually knew. "Yeah. I'm very old school. I'm a huge Dead Head. I like the Rolling Stones and Bob Dylan." Hmmmm. Maybe Angel will start walking around Sunnydale in tie-dyed shirts and Birkenstocks. David is very excited about doing the Levi's tour. Aside from the San Diego Comic Book Convention he did about three months ago with Joss and the rest of the cast ("Those are some serious fans" David confided), he's never had much of a chance to go out and meet fans before. "It's been really great. The response has been overwhelming." When I told him how much the Boston fans had enjoyed meeting him when he was here, he seemed genuinely flattered. "Thanks, Amy, thanks a lot. That's really nice to hear. Thanks." Although he spouts the canned PR phrases about the Levi's original spin program jeans saying that he was really "attracted to the individuality of the jeans and the fact that you can go into a Levi's store and create your personal jeans that fit your personality and reflect your own style," David was much more passionate when he discussed that he was attracted to this project because of Peace 2000, a nonprofit organization that creates peace zones in the inner city. "Celebrity jeans designed by Snoop Doggy Dog, Tyra Banks and myself will be auctioned off and the proceeds will go to that organization." For more details on the jeans and Peace 2000, click here. And listen to this, David told me that he sometimes does go on-line to some of the Buffy web sites just to surprise people and to see what fans are thinking. Much too quickly our time was up. In closing I mentioned that Buffy the Vampire Slayer truly was one of my favorite shows and how impressed I was with its consistent quality. And there David was again with the charm, "Why, thanks, Amy. I really appreciate hearing that. Hey, you have a great weekend." Oh, don't you worry David, I will. I've talked to a real Angel. - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 16 Nov 1998 18:23:52 EST From: Subject: BUFFY: DAVIS INTERVIEW Hey all! When I signed onto AOL today, I noticed there was an interview with him with the TV gal.YAY!!!!!!!...(she does reviews of tv shows and stuff) and in case anyone couldn't get it, I cut and pasted it so I could send it to all!!!! (I love cut and paste!) So enjoy everyone! Kara (A self proclaimed Angel lover) - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 16 Nov 1998 18:46:18 EST From: Subject: BUFFY: death of a salesman quote B: I'm sure we love the idea of going all Willy Loman, but we're not in th= e band.>> <> *i think the reference to willy loman when buffy was talking is perfectly ok. i read death of a salesman in tenth grade and buffy's a senior. - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 16 Nov 1998 21:33:35 -0400 (AST) From: Jennifer McDonnell Subject: BUFFY: Cdn. spoilers for Revelations Revelations was great! Spoilers below, so skip this message if you do not want to know!! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Well, like I said at the top of my message, I thought that Revelations was great! I really liked the way they dealt with the group finding out about Angel`s return. Hmmmm....where to begin??? - -all you Xander-haters out there are gonna have a ball this week! I have been sitting on the fence when it comes to this issue, but I really hated him in this episode. His attitude was a replay of his "I-told-you-so" speech in "Passion". I can kindof understand why Faith would want to kill Angel, seeing as she was never really filled in on the backstory, but Xander was way harsh. - -the perfect reaction, however, had to have been from Giles. After the confrontation scene, he did not yell or accuse like Xander; he merely reminded Buffy in a very quiet voice of the torture that Angel put him through, and how he cannot agree with Buffy on this issue. ASH did a great job. - -Willow handled the whole issue very diplomatically. She understood Buffy`s need to keep it a secret, since Willow herself has been keeping a secret as well. Speaking of the Xander/Willow connection, they were at it again this week, getting hot-n-heavy in the library and almost being caught by Giles. Willow tried to tell Buffy her secret, but they were interrupted by a demon. - -we get an awesome fight scene between Faith and Buffy!!! - -Faith gets a new watcher, but it does not last. I thought this was kindof disappointing, because I was really looking forward to Faith getting a new assignment and moving far away. Guess that is not gonna happen for a while! - -the special effects were excellent! - -my only criticism is that, once again, Cordelia and Oz disappear for the entire ep, and then reappear at the end, wondering what happened. For the most part though, Revelations rocked! Enjoy it! - -Jen - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 16 Nov 1998 18:24:40 PST From: "... ..." Subject: BUFFY: The Mayor I dunno maybe it was just me, because I expected the Mayor to be more... I don't know the word... sinister, no thats not it... I just expected him to be different from the way they show him... I am not sure what I expected but it was the way he was... Am i the only persone that feels this way? Marat - ------------------------------------------------- "I had everything within my reach I had money and stuff Each and every call Too much but never enough Tear it up and watch it fall" -The Sisters of Mercy - --------------------------------------------------- ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 16 Nov 1998 21:40:32 -0500 (EST) From: "Jeff Reid (SpaceMOO Admin)" Subject: BUFFY: Canadian Spoilers/Synopsis for "Revelations" [LONG] Here's this week's episode: S P O I L E R S P A C E I thought that this was a really good episode. In this episode Buffy's secret about Angel is revealed. Revelations, Episode 6 Season 3 The scene opens at the Bronze, where Oz's band is playing. He comes down to sit with Xander, Willow, and Cordellia. Xander and Willow are still uncomfortable with each other, and cause an accident with drinks. Willow, to distract everyone, talks about Buffy and how she's worried about her. Buffy tells them that yes, she is going out with someone, and Faith arrives. Leaving with her "date", Buffy and Faith slay vampires in a graveyard while Giles watches. After the slaying is over, a women enters and introduces herself as Faith's new watcher. [ Opening Credits & Commercial] The two watchers and slayers are in the library, and Faith argues that she doesn't need a watcher. The women says that she was sent by the counsel, and was sent not only to watch Faith, but to report on Giles, who is believed to have become too American. She says that a demon calls Lagos in on the way to Sunnydale to pick up some glove. She leaves with Faith, and Buffy asks if they can kill her. In the old mansion, Buffy and Angel exercise, and almost kiss, until Buffy breaks away quickly to leave. Angel asks her what they're doing, as Buffy leaves to go kill Lagos. Angel recognizes the name, and tells her to be careful. In the library Giles, Willow, and Xander try to research Lagos with no success. Giles leaves them alone and they go behind some bookshelves to rest. Xander begins to massage Willow's temples, until she stops him. All of a sudden they begin to passionately kiss, until Giles walks in front of them. He doesn't notice them, and the two quickly break apart. Giles tells them that he found out where the glove should be, and Xander goes to investigate the cemetary. Faith and Buffy talk as they walk down the street at night, and they talk about guys. Faith brings up Angel, until Buffy asks her not to talk about him. Buffy decides to go home, and Faith goes alone to the cemetary. As she enters the lid to a cement coffin lands in front of her, and she see Lagos searching a crypt. Faith fights him, but she can't seem to hurt him. She finally becomes too hurt to stop him, and Lagos leaves without the glove. Xander walks past the cemetery where the glove is supposed to be, and hears a door close. Investigating, he sees Angel leave with a package. Xander pulls out a stake, and begins to follow Angel. Xander follows Angel to the old mansion, where he sees Buffy and Angel making out through a window. [ Commercial ] We return to where angel and Buffy are making out, as Buffy pulls away again. She goes to leave, when Angel tells her that he has the glove that she's looking for. He shows her the glove, but warns her not to touch it. Giles is in his house, reading a book about the glove. He talks with the lady watcher about Buffy, when Xander enters. Xander and Giles whisper quietly away from the lady watcher. Buffy enters the Library, to see the whole gang sitting around a table watching her. She sits down, and is told that they know Angel is alive. She protests, saying that Angel is better, and Xander begins to attack her again. Buffy is angry that Xander was spying on them, and the gang starts to fight. Giles stops them, sending the gang away. Buffy goes to see Giles, who is very angry at her. He tells her that she doesn't care about anyone anymore, including him. Buffy leaves. Buffy runs into Willow in the halls, and they become friends again. Buffy and Willow decide to wait for Lagos at the crypt. Later, at the Bronze, Xander plays pool as Faith enters. Xander tells her that Angel's alive, and Faith decides she has to slay Angel. Xander eagerly leaves with her. At the library, to lady watcher enters and Giles tells her where the glove is, and that a special fire will incinerate it. As he turns around, she knocks him out. In the graveyard, Buffy and Willow wait for Lagos. They talk about Gile's anger, and Buffy tells her that she feels better now that the secret is out. Willow talks about her having the secret, and how it made her feel. Willow decides to tell Buffy about her and Xander, when Lagos enters. Buffy fights him, and is unsuccessful until she cuts off his head. When she goes back to Willow, Willow tells her that the secret was that she opened her SAT test 5 minutes early. Faith and Xander enter the library and take some of Gile's weapons. They find Giles passed out, and Faith blames Angel. She leaves to kill Angel, while Xander calls for help. Meanwhile, in the mansion, Angel begins to chant around a fire. Buffy and Willow enter the library to see Giles leave with medical personnel around him, and he tells them to use fire. They see Xander, who tells them about Faith. Xander is really a loser in this scene (not that he wasn't earlier), and Buffy runs to stop Faith. At the old mansion, Angel sees the lady watcher, who tells him that Giles sent her. He allows her to help, and tells her where the glove is. She knocks him out too. [ Commercial ] The lady watcher breaks the lock on the trunk where the glove is, when Angel rises behind her in his vampire form. She tries to stake him, but he knocks her against the wall. Faith enters and sees this, and the lady tells her to stop Angel. Faith fights Angel, and is about to stake him when Buffy stops her. Faith and Buffy talk for awhile, until the lady watcher turns them against each other. They fight, as Willow and Xander enter. Xander goes to help them, while Willow helps the lady watcher to the trunk. Xander tries to intervene, but Faith throws him away. The lady watcher takes the glove, and hits Willow with it. She puts it on, and a lightning storm appears over the mansion as the glove locks onto her. Buffy and Faith stop fighting, as a bolt of lighting strikes the lady and the glove. She then throws bolts of lightening at the gang, and Angel barely saves Willow. Faith distracts the lady, while Buffy cuts off her arm with a shard of glass. The arm falls off, and lightening burns the lady into ashes. The gang cautiously enter into the center of the room, as the glove releases the remains of the arm. The next day, at school, we learn that the glove has been incinerated. Buffy enters, and says that she's not sure what she and Angel are. Xander apologizes to her, while Cordellia says that she still doesn't trust Buffy. Giles enters, and says that the lady actually was a watcher, but was kicked out a few years ago because she practiced some black powers. He says that they'll have to see how the Angel situation evolves. Buffy goes to visit Faith, who says that she doesn't trust anyone. Buffy tells Faith that she can trust her, but Faith brushes Buffy off. - ----------------- Jeff Reid - Virtual Ventures Volunteer at Carleton University -=- Picard (#2) at SpaceMOO: telnet:// Owner of the Onelist Earth: Final Conflict mailing list (earthfc) Owner of the Onelist Stargate mailing list (stargate) - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 16 Nov 1998 22:05:23 EST From: Subject: BUFFY: Buffy's "Driviness" I had a thought . . . Early in Band Candy, Joyce says Buffy flunked the written driver's test and they wouldn't even let her take the road test. I don't know, I'm sure the laws of fictional Sunnydale probably account for this . . but that would mean (according to MA law anyway) that Buffy wouldn't even have her learner's permit. And Joyce just gives her the keys to the car? She hasn't even learned to drive it yet. Then again. . that would also explain the little parking brake incident. And Joyce was under the influence of the candy. And that was the thought that I had. Danielle Welcome to the Hellmouth - "I may be a coldblooded jelly doughnut but my timing is impeccable." -Oz, BaTB - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 16 Nov 1998 22:14:43 EST From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Buffy's "Driviness" Joyce says Buffy flunked the written driver's test and they wouldn't even let her take the road test. I don't know, I'm sure the laws of fictional Sunnydale probably account for this . . but that would mean that Buffy wouldn't even have her learner's permit.>> Well I live in CA (where sunnydale "is") so this could be helpful. That could mean that she doesn't have a permit but then again I managed to flunk the actual driving test a couple of times but I'm driving now (finally got my license). But then again that could account for my bad driving. But there is a law where if you're a certain age you don't need a learner's permit. On a side note my friends saw that episode and actually told me that I make my turns like that. -erin - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 16 Nov 1998 22:29:45 EST From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Buffy's "Driviness" Thanks to everyone for clearing up that driving thing for me. . it's the little things like that that drive me crazy :) << But then again that could account for my bad driving. But there is a law where if you're a certain age you don't need a learner's permit. On a side note my friends saw that episode and actually told me that I make my turns like that. >> Hmm, I was once told I drove like Cordelia. I forget which episode it was, but she went tearing around a corner (might have been WML). And my friends say I do that. Although in my favor, I have never driven a car inside a school building to a library . . . Danielle "A bitca?" -Xander, WSWB (yes, I change my quotes to vary every post LOL) - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 17 Nov 1998 03:00:15 -0500 (EST) From: "F.Y.G." Subject: BUFFY: spoilers . . . . . . . . . . . . In a far away future episode the witch is back...and now she has got brown hair (much prettier as a brunette). The deal in Buffy land is that there are wi9tches killing people around town for some big ritual. F.Y.G./missile Founder and President of the Buffy Crew Delta Sigma Phi Sargent at Arms - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 17 Nov 1998 03:07:05 -0500 From: Lisa Subject: BUFFY: Become a Keeper!! Principal Snyder and Mayor Wilkins have been fairly busy this season so it's about time they got their own keeper sites. Yep, two more sites have been added to the group! You can find links to those sites, as well as all of the keeper sites, at the new keeper index Go stake your claim!! <-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-> Every new episode provides lots of new keeper possibilities!! If you see something that you like in an episode, you should try to be the keeper of it. "Keeping" is a way of showing your love for the show and your favorite characters, places and quotes. Some sites divide the claims into Keepers and Guardians... Keepers keep tangible items that you could actually touch. Guardians guard things like attitudes, expressions or experiences. When you are the keeper or guardian of an item you have claimed it and can add it to the signature line of your e-mails. Claims are made on everything from Xander's ho-hos to Cordelia's snobbiness, from Angel's penetrating gaze to Buffy's "issues," from Kendra's "Mr. Pointy" to Giles' coats and ties. The keeper sites get flooded with requests the second after a new episode airs. So submit your request quickly to improve your chances of getting your favorite claims. It's always first come, first served. And remember to have fun! Be creative with your claim requests! You'll enjoy them more and so will everyone who reads your sig. Visit the keeper index for links to all of the official keeper sites. Happy keeping!!! Lisa Maintainer of the Official Keepers Index Site Maintainer of the Official Xander Keepers Site - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 17 Nov 1998 03:53:42 EST From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Sam Goody's Bascially all you do is go in and get a form, and put it in the box or mail it in...And that is it..I work in a mall... and I am working on getting that Buffy sign..... Jason - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 17 Nov 1998 06:49:55 EST From: Subject: BUFFY: not a spoiler just curious okay now after the last few episodes does anyone else think that Giles is heading for a major explosion of Ripperness? I mean we have seen glimpsess but basicly harmless glimpsess does andone else think a time is coming when maybe it wont be quite so harmless? Just curious Dawn - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 17 Nov 1998 08:56:26 -0600 (CST) From: Claudia Cruz Subject: BUFFY: Comic Strip in TV Guide I received the new TV Guide yesterday and in it was a short Buffy Comic Book Strip. For those of you who have read the comic books, who was the girl with Buffy and Xander? Was it Cordelia or Willow? I really couldn't tell. I guess this means that Buffy has really made it big. Bye. - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 17 Nov 1998 09:00:43 -0800 From: Sai Wong Subject: BUFFY: Robia LaMorte (Jenny Calendar) Hi, My Robia LaMorte site has been updated I now have pictures from Mitsubishi Eclipse commericial Tribe commercial Fox Hunt game Diamonds and Pearl micellaneous pictures Hard Copy The Joan Rivers Show Gal Evans 'Man on the Street' Friday Night Videos Gett Off Cream Diamonds and Pearls Strollin' Please visit my site at the following URL : Please also visit my web site Forum where you can talk about Robia and your other favorite celebrities. The forum can be accessed from my main page. Sai Keeper of the Grrrrr Arrrggg end credit mutant - - ------------------------------ End of buffy-digest V2 #573 *************************** To subscribe to buffy or buffy-digest, send the command subscribe buffy-digest or subscribe buffy to You will need to go through a confirmation process, and the listowners have to manually approve your subscription request, so it may take some time. Back issues of this digest can be found at: For help, contact Jill Kirby ( or sah (