From: (buffy-digest) To: Subject: buffy-digest V2 #576 Reply-To: Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk buffy-digest Wednesday, November 18 1998 Volume 02 : Number 576 In this issue: BUFFY: Willow and Oz's relationship BUFFY: Xander and Cordy's relationship BUFFY: LOL! BUFFY: Revelations Re: Re: BUFFY:you wish BUFFY: this is the deal BUFFY: This season's Buffy: my thoughts. BUFFY: Buffy Magazine #2--Sonja Marie BUFFY: Revelations BUFFY:Keep theFaith BUFFY: Revelations BUFFY: Spike's Return, can i get a wut wut Re: BUFFY: Willow's clothes- minor Revelations spoilers Re: BUFFY: This season's Buffy: my thoughts. BUFFY: Giles this EP. BUFFY: My What A Revelation! Re: BUFFY: this is the deal BUFFY: re: Revelations Re: BUFFY: Revelations BUFFY: Reveling in Revelations Re: BUFFY: Revelations BUFFY: Faith and Watchers BUFFY: Overnight ratings for Revelations BUFFY: talking 'bout some revelations See the end of the digest for information on subscribing to the buffy or buffy-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 17 Nov 1998 23:52:00 CST From: "Cydney, " Subject: BUFFY: Willow and Oz's relationship As much as Willow cares about Oz, she does not love him, and as a couple they lack passion. We've seen evidence of their *caring* in several episodes. Willow protects and supports Oz in "Phases" and "AMAB." In "Anne," despite being the farthest away from Willow, Oz manages to get to her fastest when she is attacked by a vampire. Oz seems to love and care for Willow unconditionally. He likes her in Eskimo outfits, in "slutty" outfits, when she's smart and when she's a talkative spaz. He even admits that he loves her. In the last scene of "Phases" we find out the Oz is in love with Willow, when he says, "A werewolf in love" as she walks away. This unconditionality is something that seems to be missing in Willow. She always seems to need to *find* reasons to like Oz. She has to qualify her relationship with him. For example, "Surprise," when Buffy mentions Oz, the best thing that Willow can say is, 'I like his hands." Admittedly this is early in the relationship, but it is indicative of her attitude in episodes to come. In the third, season her greatest endorsement of him seems to be his mind. In "Anne," she is very upset that he flunked, because his test scores say that he is a genius. In "AMAB," when Oz mentions that he aced his Biology final, she says, "That's because you showed up." In a recent episode, she brags about the fact that he had the highest SAT score of any person that ever flunked. Willow also seems to like him because of his association with a band. There are many instances where she shows or states how cool she thinks his being in a band is. Dating Oz, she is no longer Geek-Hacker-Girl-with -Loser-Friends. She becomes the Girlfriend-of-a-Guy-in-a-Cool-Band. She cares for Oz, because of what can do and because of what he does for her. I'm not deriding the girl; this is just how I see it. In the beginning, I stated that Oz and Willow seem to lack passion; they do. We've seen them kiss twice (In "Phases" and "F,H&T"), and neither kiss was very extraordinary. The best description would be "cute." The most passionate kiss that Willow has ever received on the show was from Xander in "Homecoming." Contrary to what she feels for Oz, she loves Xander with all of his shortcomings. She knows him inside and out. She loves him whether he is smart, dumb, insensitive, sensitive, a jerk or a sweetheart. She may get angry at him, but she forgives him his tresspasses and she doesn't judge him. Ever. Cydney Keeper of Oz's Ability to Woo Technopagans in Training ** Proud Guardian of Ethan and Giles' Not So Subtle Sexual Tension **Keeper of Dru's Incredible Ability to Keep Her Whites Their Whitest, Despite Her Gory Eating Habits and Her Equally Astounding Ability to Stay Manicured, Powdered, and Pretty Despite Being a Thundering Looney **Keeper of Oz's Incredible Pain Threshold and His Animal Magnetism** - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 17 Nov 1998 23:51:53 CST From: "Cydney, " Subject: BUFFY: Xander and Cordy's relationship Xander and Cordelia Xander and Cordy seem to have an excess of passion. Their relationship is primarily based on sex, although they do have tender feelings for each other. These two could not maintain a long distance romance based on phone calls, e-mails and letters. The physical distance would be too great. This is what happened in "Anne." Cordy left over the summer, and when she returned they had trouble reconnecting. Apparently they had no contact while she was away. Most people call and write the ones they love during a separation. When they saw each other, for the first time in several months, neither had anything to say. They didn't reconnect until she fell on top of him, and they kissed. Another problem is that their relationship is mainly based on negatives. Cordy loves him *despite* the fact that he is a badly dressed dork, who hangs out with dangerous people in dangerous situations, makes fun of her value system and mocks her at every turn. Xander likes Cordy *despite* the fact that she is vapid, materialistic, self-centered, tactless, and often bitchy. Cordy, I think is genuinely in love with Xander. She admits to being in love with him in "Homecoming" and even promises to stay with his when she thinks he has turned into a monster in "Go Fish." Also in "Band Candy," Cordelia separates her life as BX (before Xander) and after Xander. In dating Xander, Cordy has sacrificed a great deal: her uncontested reign as Queen C of Sunnydale High, as well a any sense of safety. Xander on the other hand has sacrificed nothing in his pursuit of Cordelia. He has had to deal with some blows to his ego, but he is still dating one of the most popular girls in school. I think that Xander cares for Cordy, but he does not love her. My only definitive proof of this is the fact that he has never said anything about love and his recent behavior toward Willow. Cydney Keeper of Oz's Ability to Woo Technopagans in Training ** Proud Guardian of Ethan and Giles' Not So Subtle Sexual Tension **Keeper of Dru's Incredible Ability to Keep Her Whites Their Whitest, Despite Her Gory Eating Habits and Her Equally Astounding Ability to Stay Manicured, Powdered, and Pretty Despite Being a Thundering Looney **Keeper of Oz's Incredible Pain Threshold and His Animal Magnetism** - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 18 Nov 1998 00:55:09 EST From: (fun ee) Subject: BUFFY: LOL! "I mean I know I've had my share of losers, but you boinked the undead..." Faith to Buffy in Revelations That about sums it up. When Faith said that I said, "Yes, so true." Simply hilarious! Sarah Michelle Gellar's facial expressions and timing are very good. This is comedy we're talking here. I am beginning to love the "Oh, don't all of you beat up on poor little me" mode and expression that Buffy puts on everytime the Scooby Gang starts to jump on her for something. I almost thought Buffy was going to have another breakdown and threaten to run away (this time with Angel) when the whole gang and Giles confronted her in the library about Angel. funee who is still laughing and thinking about serving all of you catsup ___________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 18 Nov 1998 01:15:06 EST From: Subject: BUFFY: Revelations Alright ya'll i have a serious problem. i had to go out tonight (as in the my grade would be lowered if i didn't go) and i was alright with not getting to see buffy at 8pm because i always tape it but my vcr didn't work and now i have missed the whole episode and it's driving me crazy (i've been home for 25 min.). So i am asking all who can help me. WHAT DO I DO? -erin - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 18 Nov 1998 01:18:43 EST From: Subject: Re: Re: BUFFY:you wish << Will Ms. Calendar still be alive?>> yeah she would still be alive but not in sunnydale and here's why i say this. Buffy isn't in sunnydale therefore angel isn't in sunnydale (remember angel follows buffy) so mrs.calendar won't be in sunnydale (she was sent to watch angel. Well that's my thought on the subject. -erin - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 18 Nov 1998 01:21:21 EST From: Subject: BUFFY: this is the deal *grr...i'm kinda aggravated on why buffy has to hold back her feelings w/angel. why? because what angelus (the evil angel w/out a soul) did? and i'm kinda sick of seeing so little of him...i don't know. i guess i'm a big angel fan. and this is entire xander thing bugged the heck out of me. i like xander, but lately he seems a bit of a jerk...i mean even though things are "cool" between buffy and him, i still don't really like how he's reacted. oh no, buffy kissed angel, the good angel, who didn't commit all those murders...while he's cheating on cordelia by kissing willow. revelations is kinda a weird torture for all those buffy-angel love fans. i mean they kiss...and then? tiff - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 18 Nov 1998 01:40:53 EST From: Subject: BUFFY: This season's Buffy: my thoughts. Hi all. I'm sad to say except for a couple of episodes, I'm less than psyched about this seasons episodes of Buffy. The acting is amazing, but the show is SOOOOOOOOOOO serious, depressing, and in "intervention overload" almost 100% of the time. The only episode that broke the cycle was Band Candy. It's my fave episode so far this season not only because it was excellent, but because I desperately needed a reprieve from the shows seriousness. I think the show has been lacking in a comedic side which has always added so much. I know the Scooby Doo gang still has issues to work out, and until then, everything won't be all roses. However, I hope they lighten the heavy load of serious show. I'd be curious in knowing if anyone else agrees, Take care!, GASPer, Keeper of Giles Dictionary - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 18 Nov 1998 02:07:34 EST From: Subject: BUFFY: Buffy Magazine #2--Sonja Marie Hey guys some of you probbaly have seen this, but we just got in the second buffy mag and there is an article on Giles with a pic of Sonja hugging him in it, there are 2 alternate covers, one with Buffy on the front, and the other Giles. Just thought you would like to know... Jason - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 18 Nov 1998 00:21:06 -0700 From: David Simpson Subject: BUFFY: Revelations I had a bit of a revelation while thinking about Buffy today. I always enjoy watching the shows. When they are over, I think that Joss has done another marvelous job and how will he ever be able to top that show. Then the preview for the next week comes on, and I watch it and think, "My gosh, next week's episode looks even better than the one I just watched!" And lo and behold, I watched Revelations tonight and then saw the preview, and I had that same reaction. This show is just a fun show to watch. It is the one show each week that I have to absolutely, positively watch without fail. Other shows may get taped and watched at a later time, but Buffy the Vampire Slayer gets watched live. David Simpson Mr. Trick: You and me girl. There's hot times ahead. Buffy: They never just leave. Always gotta say something. - --- Band Candy (BtVS) - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 18 Nov 1998 02:59:28 EST From: Subject: BUFFY:Keep theFaith Okay I'm fighting a serious head cold so you all luck out &get a quickie this time. UNO: Am I the only one that thought it was way too easy to tell Faith's "watcher" was evil. I figured right after her first scene she was either the demon its self or an evil watcher. ZWEI:I like Faith I feel she has that certain zest for death that Buffy has always lacked. I mean you gotta love someone who loves their work the way she does. I think she could really teach Buffy a few things about a love for the game. SPRITTLEX Guardian of all fake keepers The Sole Protector of Der Gotterdamerung - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 18 Nov 1998 00:05:04 -0800 (PST) From: Manh Tuong Lewis Nguyen Subject: BUFFY: Revelations Saw it. Liked it. Here it goes.... S P O I L E R S Without a doubt, an entertaining program. The intervention scene and the one following it with Giles and Buffy were sensational. Xander=92s evil ploys were tongue-licking fabulous, and the actual out-there storyline works. But GET RID OF FAITH! The character bores me and the actress is terrible-she alternates between a Brooklyn accent and a California accent within seconds. Whatever. From the looks of the last scene, it seems Fait= h is on the road to suicide. And the Xander and Willow thing bugs me tears-why do shows think infidelity should be used in a comedic context? It=92s not funny. I have NO sympathy for these two and I hate that the writers want us to find this romantic (while all the guilt associated=20 with it are tossed away by a laugh). A very entertaining episode, nonetheless. As for the whole season, I haven't been too fond of it either. Not that it's too serious (I prefer the serious stuff, although I could do without the tai chi, but when they do try to be funny, it's just not funny! Band Candy was the abolsute episode I ever saw!). Lewis.=20 - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 18 Nov 1998 03:42:19 EST From: Subject: BUFFY: Spike's Return, can i get a wut wut Greetings All, Just got done watching my recording of Revelations. All in all, not a bad ep, although I would have liked to have seen what Willow and Xander had to say to Angel after the climactic scene. When I fast forwarded throught the adverts and goto the "next week on Buffy" part, I was delighted to learn that Spike, one of my favourite characters is to be making his return next week. From what I gather from the preview, Dru is either dead, or has left Spike. Seeing as how pretty much everything Spike has done has centered around Dru and her recovery, it'll be interesting to see how he deals with her absence. I certainly hope the powers that be aren't bringing Spike back, just to simply kill him off. Long Live William the Bloody Regards, Chris >=) "Flame on, I'm gone, I'm so sweet like a nice Bon bon, came out rappin when I wuz born, mom sed rock until the break uv dawn"-Beasties - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 18 Nov 1998 00:43:16 PST From: "Hugh Glen" Subject: Re: BUFFY: Willow's clothes- minor Revelations spoilers >Has anyone else noticed that Willow's clothes, especially in >"Revelations" have been sexier of late? I'm not complaining. > True, she's not displaying >bare leg or cleavage, but she seems to be wearing more clothes that >actually *fit.* That's the beauty of Willow (or should I say Alyson?). She doesn't need to 'show' a lot to be sexy... she just is! (Not that Buffy or Cordy, OR FAITH FOR THAT MATTER, need to show anything, we've just gotten used to it...) "Most of her old blouses... It was very flattering to her. But what wouldn't be flattering to her??? She, like the rest of the cast could probably wear big burlap sacks and still be some of the most sexy/beautiful/sensual women in all of Hollywood (is it scary that I mean that???) Hugh Glen - --Keeper of(man there have been a few changes...) the wacky, the wiggins, the happy; Willow's 'deputy' laugh; Keeper of Giles' wife beater; GASPer; Keeper of (Willow's) "Marnox root and a virgin's saliva" curse; AMSG'er; and probably a few new things to boot(it's 4am...) ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 18 Nov 1998 01:09:18 PST From: "Hugh Glen" Subject: Re: BUFFY: This season's Buffy: my thoughts. >I'm sad to say except for a couple of episodes, I'm less than psyched >about this seasons episodes of Buffy. WHHHHHHHHHHHHHAT?????????? Oh well... to each their own. > but the show is SOOOOOOOOOOO serious, depressing, and in >"intervention overload" almost 100% of the time. I kinda like it actually, it's realistic... though I (honestly) will get fed up with realism if they don't just cut loose soon... _I_ might even start to get depressed... (that's definitely a bad. Especially considering that one of the only things keeping me sane is being able to show Buffy to my cable-deprived crush. You should have seen the look on her face when she saw Angel come back. But it was worse when Willow and Xander kissed. Man did I want to...nevermind) Hugh Glen. --Keeper of the wacky, the wiggins, and the happy; Keeper of Willow's 'deputy' laugh; the "Marnox root and a virgin's saliva" curse; Giles' wife beater; GASPer (SM, you rock!); AMSG'er (down to under 6 members :( ...). ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 18 Nov 1998 04:22:13 -0500 (EST) From: "F.Y.G." Subject: BUFFY: Giles this EP. He sat there in the beginning looking like a God watching the people fight, oh he was a joy to watch! And telling off Buffy after the Angel Confession, more respect for this character then before. F.Y.G./missile Founder and President of the Buffy Crew Delta Sigma Phi Sargent at Arms - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 18 Nov 1998 01:31:19 -0800 (PST) From: Sonja Marie Subject: BUFFY: My What A Revelation! Halo! I don't usually comment on the show anymore, cause everything I think eventually gets said, but tonight I've decided to, and I haven't read anything anyone else has to say about it. Well they did it again! They knocked Giles out! What up with that! They really need to get another plot device to get him out of the way! I'm planning on a new Keeper item - Keeper of Giles' Head Trauma, no wonder the poor guy stammers alot, all the times he's been concussed has killed a few of his brain cells! Ok, I'm really glad they didn't play the "Watcher falling in love with another Watcher" card, Joss did the unexpected and I'm glad! I didn't see it coming though (blessed be that I've been avoiding spoilers, cause I liked the shock of finding out she was evil!). Only for a split second did I see any sparks, but having her knock Giles out again killed that spark! Poor Giles, being told he was pretty much a bad watcher from another watch, luckily it turns out she was a rogue-watcher and her words had no bearing what-so-ever, so it pretty much invalidated her complaints against him. My heart broke when he told Buffy how he felt about Angel being alive "He tortued me for hours, and for pleasure, you have no respect for me or the job I do" (forgive me if I messed it up cause I've only seen it once, and won't see it again for awhile, due to the "death of a VCR" I suffered in mid-Oct). Tony is such a suberb actor, I find it hard to find the words to describe the way I feel about his work, they just seem to pale in next to it. Well that's all I can think of for now, I know there was something else I was thinking of saying but it's escaped my mind, oh well. Sonja Marie - President - Anthony Stewart Head Fan Club (ASHFC) Official Anthony Head WebPage - Owner of the Anthony S. Head, Buffy-Beta Fic, Jeff Fahey & Paul Wylie Lists Pres. of Giles' Appreciation Society Panters - GASP!- Keeper of Coats & Ties Anthony Stewart Head (Giles-BTVS) About What Fans Sent Him in the Mail: "Fair amount of lingerie, yeah, all of which I tried, none of which fitted" - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 18 Nov 1998 06:51:07 EST From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: this is the deal In a message dated 98-11-18 01:23:24 EST, writes: << revelations is kinda a weird torture for all those buffy-angel love fans. i mean they kiss...and then? tiff >> Just for the record, it IS torcher.....I mean, they could at least resolve some things between the two of them, instead of just letting us hang.....we hung all summer! Isn't that enough!?!?!?! Kara - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 18 Nov 1998 09:39:35 -0400 From: Donna Brown Subject: BUFFY: re: Revelations Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; x-mac-type="54455854"; x-mac-creator="4D4F5353" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit << This episode restored my faith in the show. The ending was kinda weird though. I am probably the only one who feels this way, but I feel really sorry for Faith. Even though she had no business attacking Angel, she was brainwashed by that new "watcher." >> Actually, she has every business attacking Angel - -- that's her job. She has no warm, fuzzy feelings for him (she never knew him when he was "good"), and as she made clear to Buffy last night, she's got no time for guys in general. In fact, she obviously has issues with men so it should be no surprise that she'd relish the task of dusting Angel > OK Faith fights the demon--and gets her ass whupped. Buffy take shim out in > what? 30 seconds. She's not even winded! > Buffy had a weapon; Faith didn't. That tips the scales in Buffy's favor pretty dramatically. Given the same arsenal I think Faith could've finished him off just fine > Does anybody else think that Willow will share her secret with Spike during > their heart-to-heart next week? > no way. and as for that being a heart-to-heart (which it sure appeared to be), let's not forget the sleight-of-hand that previews are known for. Willow might well be a "captive audience" during that little chat -- I doubt she and Spike have bonded donna - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 18 Nov 1998 09:42:43 -0500 (EST) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Revelations I have a story....don't groan, it's good. At least, it does explain why I've never been able to truly fault Xander's motives... I didn't figure this out until last night, about 3/4 of the way through Buffy, my sister called me and said, "Gee, it's like Deja Vu all over again!" You see, we have a good friend who was going out with this guy. I didn't really like him, nor did my sister, but he made our friend happy, so we were ok with it. Then, he turned emotionally and verbally abusive. We sheltered my friend when she left him, and wathcing her heart break was the most painful thing I have ever seen. I swore that he would never again have a chance to hurt her. Eight months later, she told us that she had been seeing him again. We were outraged and very worried for her at the same time. She swore he was better, that he'd gotten therapy, etc., but we didn't believe her. After all, he'd been able to convince her that she was worth no more than the dirt on his shoe before he'd left, so of course, he could have convinced her of his turn around. It's now three years later. She and he are still together, and I guess he really has righted himself. However, her love of him allowed her to forgive him. Neither my sister nor myself have a similar love for him, so we can't forgive him as easily. Anyway, this reminded both of us of Xander and his feelings for Angel. Cheers! Tracey Keeper of the Cluelessness of the Rest of the School - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 18 Nov 1998 09:42:19 -0500 (EST) From: Monet Subject: BUFFY: Reveling in Revelations Haven't read much of the others posts, as usual I do want to put my two cents in. Bottom line: Great show! It's probably moved up into second place behind "Anne." I don't know if it's because I had a late class last night or what and I just wanted to go home and watch "Buffy," but my heart was pounding throughout the entire show. There was so much tension from the time Xander found Angel and Buffy smooching that I thought I was going to burst. I may be one of the few Faith fans, but I will be so sad when she goes, however way she does. I really felt sorry for her at the end. She is such a strong-headed person who rarely lets people in and seems to rarely trust people in general. And in this one episode, she was pretty much lied to and kept out of the secret circle by people whom she thought she was good friends with. I mean, when her "Watcher" told her about the meeting with the Scooby Gang in which neither was invited, Faith truly was hurt--thus the angst. Plus, seeing the relationship Giles and Buffy have as Watcher/Slayer, Faith was also denied that what with her freaky Watcher being an ex-wacko Watcher. BTW, why is it she got another FEMALE Watcher? It was really interesting, though, to see two Watchers. I was suspicious of Post before, but then I just thought she was pained with something up her butt. I love the twist! And I liked the contrast of how Giles treats Buffy as to how Post would've treated Faith. I had a feeling the Watcher council slightly shuns Giles with his "American" ways of training a Slayer. Willow and Xander: CLASSIC! I loved the opening scene with them being overly jumpy. The kissing behind the stacks was great, too, especially when it was Willow who grabbed him up. And I liked the Willow almost telling Buffy scene. It was great how they paralleled Willow with Buffy in their little love secrets. I always like the little talks the two of the had over guys. They don't do it as often any more. The only cheesy part was the Angel and Buffy doing the Thai Chi (sp?) thing. SOrry, but I thought it was cheesy with just Angel doing it! I'm not a Xander hater at all, but the boy almost went overboard this time around. I just didn't want him getting knocked out by Buffy, which I thought was going to occur. It was interesting seeing all the feelings toward Angel from everyone. Giles made a moot point about hating Angel probably the most, or at least having reason to. I couldn't blame them at all, however. Okay, fight between the Slayers? Love Faith, but Buffy kicks butt, no matter who it is! It was one of the best fight scenes. :) Next week's looks to be fun! Spike is back :) G:) ============================================================= Giles:"He's lying. Go on, hit him." Buffy:"I don't think he is. And shut up." Giles:"You're MY Slayer. Go knock his teeth down his throat." ============================================================= - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 18 Nov 1998 09:11:23 -0700 (MST) From: Mel Walker Subject: Re: BUFFY: Revelations Some thoughts on last nights ep: 1) Please don't be too hard on Xander. He was _not_ alone in his thinking. Angel could, for all anyone knew, still be evil and just faking good with Buffy. Buffy has great motivation to believe that Angel is good, and an evil Angelus would play on that. 2) Xander showed "maturity" before the Giles scene. He did express his views forcefully, but Buffy needed to be slapped awake, so to speak. IT IS DANGEROUS FOR BUFFY AND ANGEL TO BE ALONE TOGETHER. If there was _ever_ a relationship that cried out for a chaperone, this is it. Xander doesn't like Angel for more reasons than just jealousy, I think. I'm not even sure it is _mostly_ jealousy, anymore (although it could be). 3) All-in-all, the people who were the most immature in this ep were Angel and Buffy and Willow. Has anybody noticed that Willow is becoming the aggressor more-and-more? 4) Xander is loyal to Buffy; Xander is _not_ a mindless following sheep. The Xander-lie last season directly related to that. Remember, Xander had to kill his best friend (Jesse?) in the Pilot, and couldn't bring himself to do it. He had seen Buffy not be able to kill Angel. Also, he had no way of knowing whether or not the spell would work then, or (for that matter) whether Willow might die in the casting, thus causing it to fail. 5) The _first_ thing Xander looked for on Giles was bite marks. He actually defended Angel to Faith at that point. And he ran in between to Slayers in full battle mode. That's Xander -- always rushing in where angels fear to tread (small-a!). He actually reminds me somewhat of Buffy - -- he doesn't always think things through, and sometimes runs off half-cocked. It's too bad he wasn't born female -- I think he would have made a good slayer. 6) Poor Willow. Everything that applies to Buffy and Angel, relationship-wise, applies to Willow. And, with Cordy involved, I'm not sure the danger is any less. :-) The following is from the preview: If you don't want to hear it, don't read it. 7) How about that Spike, huh? I hope he hangs around a little longer. He looked so sad when he was holding the doll. And when he was talking to Willow. Did anyone notice, when Buffy was fighting Spike, that Angel was stuck outside? I guess we need another ritual. :-) I know! Spike and Oz can form a band called "Dumpies of the Occult" or something. :-) - -- Mel Walker "Don't be cross, uncle!" said the nephew. "What else can I be," returned the uncle, "when I live in such a world of fools as this?" - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 18 Nov 1998 09:14:52 -0700 (MST) From: Mel Walker Subject: BUFFY: Faith and Watchers Does anyone think that Faith was willing to fight Buffy so hard was that, when she walked in, she saw her watcher being killed by a vampire? I mean, that would be the second time in a few months. I can almost hear Faith thinking "Not Again!" - -- Mel Walker "Don't be cross, uncle!" said the nephew. "What else can I be," returned the uncle, "when I live in such a world of fools as this?" - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 18 Nov 1998 12:24:41 -0500 From: Jeff Rohaly Subject: BUFFY: Overnight ratings for Revelations Last night's episode, Revelations, got a 5.9 rating/9 share in the overnight Nielsens for households. Overnight ratings are based on viewing in only 44 of the largest television markets, not the nation as a whole. Part two of a special two-part Felicity received a 5.1 rating/8 share in the hour after Buffy, up a bit from a 5.0/7 last week. One year ago -- Nov. 17, 1997 (a Monday) -- What's My Line Part 1 received about a 5.2/8 in the overnight markets in which it aired (specifically, a 5.1/7 for the first half hour and a 5.3/8 for the second half hour). Through the first seven episodes of this season, first-run Buffys are averaging a 6.0 rating/9 share in the overnights. That's up 20% and 2 shares from the 5.0/7 average for the first seven new episodes of last season. Now the last seven new episodes of season two averaged a 5.6/9 but four of them aired in the lower viewership months of late April and May. So as far as I see it, Buffy is roughly up a bit or at least holding its own in the big markets compared to where it finished off last season. That's despite the fact that it's now paired with a much weaker show in Felicity rather than Dawson's Creek. Here are the overnight numbers for the last few episodes: November 10, Band Candy: 5.7/8 November 3, Homecoming: 6.1/9 October 27, Halloween (2nd repeat): 4.9/8 Jeff Rohaly (archive of Buffy's Nielsen ratings) - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 18 Nov 1998 13:00:56 EST From: Subject: BUFFY: talking 'bout some revelations ok, so xander does have some sense of loyalty. when giles was unconscious (yet many times has this poor guy been knocked out?) xander could put aside his hatred for angel (for a change) and think of someone else beside himself. but even though he told faith he didn't think angel was at fault for what happened to giles, why did he act like he thought it was angel when buffy later showed up? i think he took great relish in letting buffy know that faith was on her way to stake angel. i clapped when buffy questioned xander's nobility as nothing more than mere jealousy. this is something i have been saying all along. and xander's reaction indicated buffy struck a nerve. xander's "angel killed miss calendar" line rang hollow. am i supposed to think this is the real reason why he wants to kill angel? it seems to me this comment was meant to hurt buffy in two ways. first, because angel was the one who killed her and we all know how buffy feels about angel. second, because i think buffy is still guilty over the fact she and miss calendar were not on the friendliest of terms before her death. i doubt the comment was meant to remind buffy of what angel had done. how could she forget? the sole purpose was to cause pain. xander still hasn't been totally honest about his feelings, and i get the sense that what xander kept from buffy and why will still be coming out later. and i think giles "let's see how this plays out" comment was not just about what angel will do. this seemed less like closure to me than a build up to an even greater confrontation sometime down the road. now that my xander rant is out of the way, i will now point out that i am so over the shirtless angel scenes. they were fun to watch at first, but now it's becoming a regular thing. while buffy is at the butcher's getting blood for angel, maybe she should also stop at the mall and get some shirts for him. also enjoyed the faith/buffy fight. i thought the one with kendra was cool, but faith was definitely a more ferocious opponent. i even felt sorry for faith at the end. indifference toward faith has given way to interest. now i hope she sticks around a little longer (my, aren't i fickle!). gary - - ------------------------------ End of buffy-digest V2 #576 *************************** To subscribe to buffy or buffy-digest, send the command subscribe buffy-digest or subscribe buffy to You will need to go through a confirmation process, and the listowners have to manually approve your subscription request, so it may take some time. 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