From: (buffy-digest) To: Subject: buffy-digest V2 #597 Reply-To: Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk buffy-digest Thursday, December 3 1998 Volume 02 : Number 597 In this issue: BUFFY: RE: SPOILERS: XMAS Episode Re: BUFFY: wish spec BUFFY: Vamps, booze and etc. BUFFY: dreams &..... BUFFY: Re: Buffy hold on a sec...... BUFFY: Seth and SMG onJLH Specl. BUFFY: (Ale)xander?? Re: BUFFY: (Ale)xander?? BUFFY: TV Guide reader's poll BUFFY: Spoilers for Christmas BUFFY: Ebay auction of Buffy stuff Re: BUFFY: TV Guide reader's poll Re: BUFFY: Re: Buffy hold on a sec...... BUFFY: oops. didn't read all my posts RE: BUFFY: Julie Benz (Darla) TV alert - Diagnosis Murder BUFFY: sorry about the caps BUFFY: Buffy BtVs & VtM, alternate view. BUFFY: DB Rumors from E! BUFFY: Buffy BtVs & VtM, alternate view. BUFFY: Discrepancy in David's Age? RE: BUFFY: Julie Benz (Darla) TV alert - Diagnosis Murder BUFFY: Nick on Howie BUFFY: Nick on Howie BUFFY: The wish question BUFFY: Changing History See the end of the digest for information on subscribing to the buffy or buffy-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 2 Dec 1998 19:15:44 -0800 From: "Okoniewski, Deborah" Subject: BUFFY: RE: SPOILERS: XMAS Episode > "Ryan Harrington" wrote: > S > P > O > I > L > E > R > * > * > S > P > A > C > E > * > * > * > Buffy (Sarah Michelle Gellar) hopes for a quiet Christmas, but Angel > (David > Boreanaz) is troubled by visions of his past and the ghost of Jenny > Calendar (guest star Robia La Morte). > This should be a killer episode. I was on the set for two days and watched a lot of the filming (at least for the Victorian era flashbacks). The costumes are beautiful, the sets were great, and David looked wonderful with long hair. He was in vamp make-up in one scene and Angel in the others. I truly felt transported back in time. Should be great to see the whole thing put together. deborah - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 2 Dec 1998 22:57:36 -0500 From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: wish spec Wednesday, December 02, 1998 3:25 AM >I think the reason Cordy isn't dead, even though maybe she >should be, in "The Wish" is because she is the one the who >made the wish so she has to be there to have made it. In this type of story, the person making the wish is unaffected by it, e.g. in "It's a Wonderful Life", an unchanged George Bailey is still around to see how the world would be changed if he'd never been born, despite the fact that he shouldn't be there at all if he'd never been born. So in "The Wish" an unchanged Cordelia is around to see how the world would be changed if Buffy never came to Sunnydale, despite the fact that Cordelia should be dead in that world. - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 03 Dec 1998 00:25:48 EST From: (Thomas W MacCarrol) Subject: BUFFY: Vamps, booze and etc. Post dated 11/19 (yes, I'm still 'way behind) raised question of "can Buffyverse vamps be affected by intoxicants? From Spike's actions in 3/4 of LW, I'd say 'yes'; but recall when he came to town the first time-> he mentioned feeding off a 'flower-person' and spending an extended time on a 'trip'. Buffy's spotting Angel at the coffee bar in the Bronze, "you drink, non-blood type...." {Can't remember exact quote, and it's too late at night to fire up w/p disk with ep transcripts.} It seems they *can*, if they care to. More ranting on "undeath, bio-functions, and demonic control in a later post, when it's not so late. Tom Mac Carrol ___________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 03 Dec 1998 00:25:48 EST From: (Thomas W MacCarrol) Subject: BUFFY: dreams &..... I'm still weeks behind in reading posts, apologies if this thread has been stomped on for doing and end-run around the fanfic rule, but here goes; During the run-up to the start of the third season, I was in *serious* new-Buffy depriviation and had a few occasions of a recurring dream/nightmare; Driving around upstate NY (there are huge swaths of rural outback once you get away from the metro area), getting lost, finally pulling into a largish (for that area!) town, noting that all the other cars have CA plates, spotting a familiar landmark (ususally the Bronze building), blind panic at being that close to so many blood-sucking freaks....... That was then, this is now. I work as an electronics salesperson, in retail, on the late shift. It's the holiday shopping season , and the lunacy is in full swing. Tues 12/1- it's my turn to spend most of the shift re-stocking while my co-workers deal with the phones, the alarms, the questions, etc. I'm in the storeroom sitting on an up-turned case of video-game system storeage boxes, unpacking new freight-> putting security tags on the big stuff, and locking the little things inside alarmed plastiv cases. Real exciting, requires less mental effort than breathing. I'm using most of my brain for warm, fuzzy, Buffy thoughts; playing 'what if' games re; new story arcs, asking myself, "If actually there, what to do, how to say what ect. (see above dream pattern). Having prepared a stack of new merchandise, I head out into the sales area to re-fill shelves, both hands full up to my chin. I get about three steps out of the doorway, when above noise of the crowd, the PA, the video game demo machines, I hear *Buffy's voice*, talking about how scary it is to be alone for the holidays. Audio hallucinations are a very *bad* sign, there being no indication of an unannounced celebrity visit. In light of where my head had been for most of the evening, I had a very bad few seconds while following it to the source. I flip-flopped between 1) "you've finally cracked, lost ALL your marbles and will be fitted for a white dinner jacket with tie-around arms,,,,, and 2) "oh @#$%, you're not in New York any more toto...... about sixteen times. Turned out that some bozo had turned on one of the floor model boomboxes, and the station it happened to be tuned to was running one of those "1-800-collect" ads where you can enter a contest to be staked as a guest vamp on a future ep just by using their calling service. It then went into a WB ad for the "Buffy Christmas" ep. Be carefull what you (day) dream about......... Tom Mac Carrol ___________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 03 Dec 1998 01:05:35 EST From: (Thomas W MacCarrol) Subject: BUFFY: Re: Buffy hold on a sec...... I jumped to the newest digest to get up to speed, and since the general topic of "The Wish" is being batted around, I'll take my swing. s p o i l e r s p a c e for those who w a n t t o w a i t Ever since I saw this ep in the promo, I've been excited. Not only is it a classic idea (see "It's a Wonderful Life") but "what if" is the most basic speculative question. This will be the mother lode for fanfic writers well into the next century. My 02 : Once you take Buffy out of the mix, NOTHING will play as it did, at least not for long. The "first day" from WttH will be similar. 1) Xander will avoid a nasty crack in the head by not ramming the front step rail, (He'll probably crash into Larry or someone like that and get pounded-this being Sunnydale no-one gets off scot-free) 2) The "Softer side of Sears" incident will be unchanged, Xand, Willow, and Jesse will hang out un-bothered by Cordy, and may well miss "the dead guy in the locker" affair all together. 3) Xander will check out "Theories in Trig" without any paranormal info added. Big question-> Will Giles be there? He was pre-positioned ahead of Buffy's arrival, would there be enough time for him to move to where she and her Mom end up? 4)That night at the Bronze; Willow and Xand meet inside (is this enough for a quorom of the "I hate Cord" club?), Jesse gets shot down "well, uh no.," and prowls across Darla. Willow hasn't heard the "sieze the moment" pep talk, and will blow off Thomas's pick-up attempt. Some other poor gal will win a (one-way) trip to the graveyeard. Day two: Just another normal day. No "rain of toads" net research, but the "deliver" incident may happen if Willow is doing some other work in the lab. That night, the Harvest happens as the vamps had planned. One hopes that Cordy blows off the Bronze that night, or she is victim #3, end of story. (I imagine that despite the Master's increased power, he can't get out (no annoying one, no Slayer to drain; he shouldda read the fine print in the prophecy) I postulate a failed attempt and a second earthquake as happened in '37. The mass death at the Bronze would be blamed on the building collapse. I'm too tired to go farther tonight, but this will be an ongoing project (AleXandar's transcripts will be a big help), but the farther from this point, the farther things will spin into unknown territory. Bottom line though, Cord, and most of the rest of the town don't have a snowball's chance in he__ of living as long as they already have, let alone better! Tom Mac Carrol ___________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 3 Dec 1998 04:00:45 -0500 (EST) From: "F.Y.G." Subject: BUFFY: Seth and SMG onJLH Specl. There was a special on E! about Jennifer Love Hewitt and there were mentions and little video bits of Seth and Sarah talking about Love. I never knew Seth was in a TV series with Love called "Birds of Paradise" (although I think its what he worked around the time he did Airborne). F.Y.G./missile Founder and President of the Buffy Crew Delta Sigma Phi Sargent at Arms - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 03 Dec 1998 09:04:49 -0400 From: Donna Brown Subject: BUFFY: (Ale)xander?? JW wrote: > Beware there are spoilers > > S > > P > > O > > I > > L > > E > > R > > S > > > All right. First off, we're going to meet Xander's family, > and they're way dysfunctional. You'll finally understand what > kind of person would name their kid Xander ... > It's been my understanding that Xander is short for Alexander -- hardly an outre name! Is that not the case?? - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 3 Dec 1998 09:09:02 EST From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: (Ale)xander?? << It's been my understanding that Xander is short for Alexander -- hardly an outre name! Is that not the case?? >> Isn't it like Xena warrior princess? - -Edmann - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 3 Dec 1998 10:29:01 -0500 From: "Allen J. Oh" Subject: BUFFY: TV Guide reader's poll Sorry if this has been posted to the list, and I honestly don't recall if it has been. TV Guide is running a reader's poll in last week's and this week's issues (this week's being the one with one of four pro wrestlers on the cover...don't remember who's on the cover of last week's). It may also be on the Internet, but I haven't checked (but you can, at I mention this because one of the nominees for best actress in a drama series is SMG! And, BtVS is up for favorite drama series! Also, there are plenty of write-in opportunities (ASH gets my vote as well). The WB has pretty good representation in the poll, with 7th Heaven, Dawson's Creek, Charmed, and Felicity also on the ballot. Allen - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 03 Dec 1998 10:39:49 -0500 From: (Genevieve Faulkner) Subject: BUFFY: Spoilers for Christmas 12/8 The Wish 12/15 Amends (Christmas) 12/21 !Monday! at 9pm EST Amends rerun -- Guess they don't like Hyperion Bay 12/22 Dead Man's Party Hot from the WB Presses......Spoilers for Amends........ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 9 8 7 6 As Buffy and her friends make plans for a quiet Christmas vacation, Angel is haunted by visions of his violet, demonic past, including the ghost of Jenny Calendar (yes Robia is in it!!). Meanwhile, Willow goes to great, seductive lengths to try to convince Oz that he is the one for her; Xander painfully adjusts to his life without Cordelia. Joss Wheadon wrote and directed this episode!! I'm a Buffaholic, I'm a Cordy Girl, "Tact is just not saying true stuff. I'll pass."(KBD)-- My new motto to live by. Love ya, Cordelia! Guardian of Cordelia's Homecoming dissapointment, and heartbreak (two defining moments in Cordy's life) I'm Spike's slave--and proud of it! I'm a GASPer, keeper of Giles' "Burt Reynolds"-like status - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 3 Dec 1998 11:06:01 EST From: Subject: BUFFY: Ebay auction of Buffy stuff WARNING: Shameless self-promotion ahead, beware! Hey all, I'm auctioning off some Buffy stuff on Ebay so if you're interested, take a look. I'll be adding stuff on a daily basis so please check back! There's other non-Buffy related stuff that I'm selling too but you'll have to look me up under sellers because I'm not going to post it here. Cordelia 8x10 picture Spike 8x10 picture Angel & Buffy 8x10 (this is one of my favs) Willow 8x10 picture Buffy 8x10 picture Btvs "Pilot" script (not the script of what they taped) Btvs "Passion" script (Angel's original monologue can be found here) Thanks for letting me take up bandwidth! Joce - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 03 Dec 1998 10:43:37 -0600 From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: TV Guide reader's poll At 10:29 AM 12/3/98 -0500, you wrote: > >TV Guide is running a reader's poll, It may also be on the Internet at >One of the nominees for best actress in a drama series is SMG! Also, there are plenty >of write-in opportunities (ASH gets my vote as well). > Unfortunately, while there may be write in's allowed on the printed ballot enclosed with a copy of TV guide you get at the magazine vendor, there is no way to do a write-in with the online poll, except perhaps if you do a feedback. They have a scariest villain category with James Marsters as a possible selection. Sorry, but I don't find him particularly scary. The scare quotient for him or any of the vampires could rise a lot if the Scooby gang would let slip in conversation about the number of derelicts or other people found dead killed by them. As it is, the only "killings" attributable to Spike and his cronies are any that may occur during a confrontation with Buffy. And those aren't all that many or frightening. - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 03 Dec 1998 09:22:14 -0800 From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Re: Buffy hold on a sec...... SPOILER 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 90 question: since Cordelia puts the spell on the town, does she retain her memories of the real timeline???? The previews seem to support that. Opinions? - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 03 Dec 1998 09:28:59 -0800 From: Subject: BUFFY: oops. didn't read all my posts SPOILER QUESTION redundant! 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 > So in "The Wish" an unchanged Cordelia is around to see > how the world would be changed if Buffy never came to Sunnydale. > that is the answer to the question I just asked. my ObBuffy is (maybe also redundant) -- I think Buffy contributes just as much to the evil that exists in Sunnydale as the vampires. I've often thought- especially after WSWB- that you take away Buffy and you take away some the vampires... While I know that there were vamps during this last summer that the gang fought- I also know that they were minor players... that the big evil stayed away until there was a slayer. And now with 2 slayers.... for example, last ep you had two bad things come... a wayward watcher and a demon. Increase the slayage and increase the evil. anyhow.... A - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 3 Dec 1998 11:09:09 -0800 From: Sai Wong Subject: RE: BUFFY: Julie Benz (Darla) TV alert - Diagnosis Murder > Julie Benz is scheduled to appear on an episode of Diagnosis Murder on the > PAX network > on Wed 2nd Dec. > [Sai Wong (Exchange)] Saw this episode last night and Julie Benz was great. I never knew she was such a good ice skater. I wonder if Julie and SMG go ice skating together ? The episode was a rehash of the Nancy Kerrigan/Tonya Harding saga .... but with a slight twist to the story. Julie was playing an ice skater who got attacked by someone working for her main rival. I was watching closely and it seemed that Julie Benz was doing all the skating herself .... even that triple loop thing at the end. Did anyone else see this episode, if so what did you think ? Sai Keeper of the Grrrr Arrrggg end credit mutant - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 3 Dec 1998 14:15:22 EST From: Subject: BUFFY: sorry about the caps Sorry about the caps.. to anyone who I may have tured deaf I will make sure it doesnt happen - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 03 Dec 1998 14:54:09 EST From: (Thomas W MacCarrol) Subject: BUFFY: Buffy BtVs & VtM, alternate view. White wolf has cribbed from many of literary sources for their background, Joss (in the 3-pack interviews) admits to borrowing from former works, and adding a few twists for sake of production issues. (ie the 'explode into dust gig' to avoid having stacks of dead vamps lying around {sorta like the last act of "Hamlet"} and to clearly mark the idea that these kids are killing 'monsters' not people.) V:tM allows a very interesting look into the inner workings and politics of the undead 'community', something rarely seen in books or films. Spike's entry into Sunnydale, his coup to take over the ex-Master's minions, even the double-cross in 'Becoming 2' are perfect examples of vampire 'politics'...they play hardball! One other OB Buffy note: I've been at SF cons where 2/3 of the members were involved in V:tM live-action role-play. The hotel looked like the "Sunset Club" from LTM! Scores of people with dreadfull fashion sense ramming around all night promoting 'vampires, Yea!', The last few times I got involved, it was as a hunter-if I or my buds spotted anyone breaking the mascarade (public feeding, or display of vamp powers usually), we got to track them down staking 'em with 'post-its' . Didn't get to do any roundkicks though. Tom Mac Carrol ___________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 3 Dec 1998 14:00:46 CST From: "Cydney" Subject: BUFFY: DB Rumors from E! Taken from E! News daily: David Boreanaz, at Sky Bar. And just like Chazz, was steeped in beautiful gals. (They come with yer drink order in Hollywood, ya know.) D.B. picked two of the trashier ones and headed to one of the Mondrian's suites. David the vamp slayer... - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 03 Dec 1998 15:19:27 -0500 From: (Genevieve Faulkner) Subject: BUFFY: Buffy BtVs & VtM, alternate view. > V:tM allows a very interesting look into the inner workings and >politics of the undead 'community', What is V:tM? > One other OB Buffy note: What does OB Buffy mean? I see this all the time. Also, I am watching Howie right now, and Nick Brendon has not been on yet. You still have time!! I'm a Buffaholic, I'm a Cordy Girl, "Tact is just not saying true stuff. I'll pass."(KBD)-- My new motto to live by. Love ya, Cordelia! Guardian of Cordelia's Homecoming dissapointment, and heartbreak (two defining moments in Cordy's life) I'm Spike's slave--and proud of it! I'm a GASPer, keeper of Giles' "Burt Reynolds"-like status - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 3 Dec 1998 16:51:50 EST From: Subject: BUFFY: Discrepancy in David's Age? I hope everyone who celebrates Thanksgiving had a great one. I went home for a week and made a very interesting discovery... My brother graduated from Ithaca College in May 1991. As you may know, David Boreanaz (Angel) also graduated from that college. Anyway, I always assumed that he was two years behind my brother in school, since he supposedly is 27 years old (My brother is 29, born in 1969...David's bio says he was born in 1971). Well, to my surprise, my brother casually mentioned that he went to school with David. When I said "Yeah, he was two years behind you," my brother corrected me with "No. We graduated the same year." He then showed me his college yearbook. Sure enough, David's picture was with the Seniors. So, here's my it possible that David went through school in an excellerated way, and is telling the truth about his age, or...could he really be a couple of years older than he lets on? Hmmmm....... - -CD - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 03 Dec 1998 16:35:38 -0500 From: (Genevieve Faulkner) Subject: RE: BUFFY: Julie Benz (Darla) TV alert - Diagnosis Murder >> Julie Benz is scheduled to appear on an episode of Diagnosis Murder on the >> PAX network on Wed 2nd Dec. >> > [Sai Wong (Exchange)] > Saw this episode last night and Julie Benz was great. I never knew >she was such a good ice skater. I wonder if Julie and SMG go ice skating together? I was watching closely and it seemed that Julie Benz was doing all >the skating herself ....even that triple loop thing at the end. > I was flipping and luckily caught it, I had forgotten completely. She was great. I love her voice. And she played the villain!! I saw some of the making of the TV movie for Nancy/Tonya, and saw how they do the ice skating (they are pulled around on top of a platform), so I do not really believe that she did all that much. But you have to be able to do some. Did anyone see Nick on Howie? I have heard all those stories before, but never being told by him. He talked about the time he drove to this girls house in New Jersey from NY (took a cab) and did not know her address. The trip cost about $350.00. He also told about how Alyson and Sarah "pantsed" (spelling?) him. He was very cute. Then Howie said he was weird and said it was time to go. I missed what happened to make Howie call him weird. Anybody catch it? I'm a Buffaholic, I'm a Cordy Girl, "Tact is just not saying true stuff. I'll pass."(KBD)-- My new motto to live by. Love ya, Cordelia! Guardian of Cordelia's Homecoming dissapointment, and heartbreak (two defining moments in Cordy's life) I'm Spike's slave--and proud of it! I'm a GASPer, keeper of Giles' "Burt Reynolds"-like status - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 3 Dec 1998 17:06:58 -0500 (EST) From: Monet Subject: BUFFY: Nick on Howie Boy, does that title sound weird! Anyway, I saw Nick Brendon on "The Howie Mandel" show this morning. His past interviews (well, the ONE interview I saw on "Vibe") didn't really show just how funny this guy is. He really cracked me up! I loved the story of the $350.00 cab ride. Poor Nicky. To answer someone's question, I think the reason Howie thinks Nick is weird is because of the story he told about when Sarah and Alyson pansted him and he wanted to get them back somehow. He couldn't do the same to them, so he put sugar in Alyson's gas tank and went into her playroom in her house and told Howie he burnt it down! OF course he didn't, but it was funny anyway. It was an excellent interview and I think Howie and Nick had good chemistry :) G :) ===================================== Spike:"This should be a kick." Buffy:"I violently dislike you." ===================================== - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 3 Dec 1998 18:23:29 EST From: Subject: BUFFY: Nick on Howie Ah, I just watched my tape of Nick on Howie. Nick was so funny! It was great. I wish they'd given him more time to talk. I thought I'd do a bit of a sum-up for those who didn't get a chance to catch the interview. They showed the clip of Xander and Willow's Homecoming kiss, and then Nick came out. Nick made a comment about how he gets paid to kiss beautiful girls. Howie asked Nick if he was a romantic in real life and how his love life was going. Nick just broke up with his girlfriend (so I heard) so he pretended to get all teary and Howie handed him a box of tissues. But Nick, said yeah, he was a romantic, and told a story about how he wrote a love letter on a napkin to a girl who lived in New Jersey and how he drove all night in a cab (and racked up a $350 fare) to deliver the letter at 4 a.m. and he got just one of those "never call me again" looks. (This girl turned down Nick Brendon?? Is she crazy??) And he had brought her brie cheese too (was anyone else reminded of that scene involving brie cheese in "Dead Man's Party"? LOL) Poor Nicky. Then he told of how Aly and Sarah arranged to pants him while the camera was rolling for the gag reel, and they managed to pull it off, so of course Nick had to get revenge. So he said he poured sugar in her gas tank and then went into her house (I assume he meant Aly) and burned down her playroom. He was kidding of course. He even said Howie could call Aly and ask. Nick talked about some of his former jobs. He was a waiter, but he got fired from every place he worked. He was an errand boy, dropping scripts off for actors. He managed to get a job as a P.A on the show "Dave's World", but he also got fired from that. He said he had a problem with the protocol of the job -- making coffee, getting food. He said they'd give him a list of food that they wanted, but then Nick would buy what *he* liked. And then he got caught sleeping in the executive producer's office, so boom, fired. Then Nick and Howie kidded around a bit. Nick was really funny. I know this summary doesn't do him justice. I'm glad I got it on tape, I wish Nick did more appearances like this! Danielle Welcome to the Hellmouth - "I play. I have big fun." -Buffy, BtVS - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 3 Dec 1998 18:26:14 EST From: Subject: BUFFY: The wish question so i'm gonna add a little bit o' spoiler space so i don't get into trouble So if Buffy never came to sunnydale then my first question is where is she? Then if Buffy's not there then is Giles going to be there or Mrs. Calendar? What about Angel he's seen in the preview with Willow but wasn't he and whistler following Buffy around so why is he in Sunnydale. Oh well. So does anyone think anything of this? -erin - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 03 Dec 1998 18:43:45 EST From: (fun ee) Subject: BUFFY: Changing History The upcoming episode, The Wish, touches upon some devices used over and over throughout literary history. I mean, what was A Christmas Carol, but a flashback into history if a man named Scrooge had never changed his miserly ways? Or that other classic, It's A Wonderful Life, which explored the possibilities of a man never having been born. In The Wish, we have the hypothetical situation: What if Buffy hand never come to Sunnydale? Yet, if you start trying to figure out what would have happened if Buffy had never appeared in Sunnydale, there are many things that might have and might not have happened. Like the angel Clarence tells George Bailey: "Each life touches another..." So, in The Wish, we must consider that for every person Buffy touched in some way in Sunnydale, that person may have touched another person setting off endless series of events in motion. Also, one must consider that Buffy's presence acted as a means of coming in-between certain people touching and events occurring. There are literally endless possibilities. There is no one definite right way things would have turned out. In fact, as far as alternative realities are concerned, the only thing you can be absolutely sure about and bet your life upon is that if I hadn't joined this mailing list, it would be all the more poorer and less fun. funee (: ___________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] - - ------------------------------ End of buffy-digest V2 #597 *************************** To subscribe to buffy or buffy-digest, send the command subscribe buffy-digest or subscribe buffy to You will need to go through a confirmation process, and the listowners have to manually approve your subscription request, so it may take some time. Back issues of this digest can be found at: For help, contact Jill Kirby ( or sah (