From: (buffy-digest) To: Subject: buffy-digest V2 #601 Reply-To: Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk buffy-digest Tuesday, December 8 1998 Volume 02 : Number 601 In this issue: Re: BUFFY: The wish question, and wait a sec... BUFFY: tomorrows ep. - who is the hero???? Re: BUFFY: Season 3 So Far BUFFY: On the origin of Slayers (long) (boring?) BUFFY: Watchers and season 3 Re: BUFFY: Watchers and season 3 BUFFY: Re: Season 3 Re: BUFFY: Watchers and season 3 BUFFY: Snow in Sunnydale? Re: BUFFY: Snow in Sunnydale? BUFFY: Drusilla and Spike Re: BUFFY: Drusilla and Spike Re: BUFFY: Drusilla and Spike BUFFY: Buffy in canada Re: BUFFY: On the origin of Slayers (long) (boring?) Re: BUFFY: Buffy in canada Re: BUFFY: Drusilla and Spike BUFFY: Cdn. spoilers for "The Wish" BUFFY: Amends summaries Re: BUFFY: Snow in Sunnydale? Re: BUFFY: Drusilla and Spike Re: BUFFY: Amends summaries See the end of the digest for information on subscribing to the buffy or buffy-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 07 Dec 1998 10:15:48 -0500 From: (Genevieve Faulkner) Subject: Re: BUFFY: The wish question, and wait a sec... ><< 6) Cordelia wasn't close enough to the stage in the Harvest, so she >didn't get picked.>> > >Luke was just about ready to bite Cordelia when Buffy attracted his attention >sic) At that point Luke pushed Cordelia away from him, without biting her. I watched the Harvest again this weekend-not just to answer this question, a friend had not seen it-and I thought that if Buffy had not been around, then Jesse would have been killed, not used as bait. Jesse was with Cordelia when she was taken to Luke, so if she had not been on the dance floor with Jesse, she probably would not have been so close to Luke. So I say if Buffy had not been there, Cordy would still have lived. I'm a Buffaholic, I'm a Cordy Girl, "Tact is just not saying true stuff. I'll pass."(KBD)-- My new motto to live by. Love ya, Cordelia! Guardian of Cordelia's Homecoming dissapointment, and heartbreak (two defining moments in Cordy's life) I'm Spike's slave--and proud of it! I'm a GASPer, keeper of Giles' "Burt Reynolds"-like status - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 07 Dec 1998 08:54:39 -0800 From: Subject: BUFFY: tomorrows ep. - who is the hero???? SPOILER??? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I am really excited about tomorrows episode, because I'm not sure who is going to step up to the plate and be the hero! Cordelia? Is this the ep where she begins honing the survival skills that will make her an equal partner in crime with Angel in LA? Does Faith take over and help out? A lot of people have said things like Xander and Willow will be turned into vamps back in the old Jesse in WTTH days. I suppose this would be true if they did it like ITs a Wonderful LIfe... but from the previews, I wonder if it just starts from GO... with Faith there, Giles there... etc. I mean with out Buffy in the past you've got no use for Angel, Giles, Buffy, or Faith. I guess it would be funny to see Buffy and Giles training in Kansas or something... and for Angel to be homeless on Venice Beach or something equally tragic.... and Faith to be DEAD* or Kikistos "princess leiah" slave woman. Sorry... I've got waytoo much imagination on this monday morning! Autumn - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 07 Dec 1998 09:10:23 -0800 From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Season 3 So Far I'm answering a post from two days ago-- but my comment is this: while I'm enjoying the emotional road and consistency that this season has provided, I find the dialog somewhat trite these days.... kind of like the first Buffy books. They substituted substance with popculture cotton candy. For instance, until the last two eps (which have been WONDERFUL!!!!! total redemption!) I felt Willow's character was being played a little too dumb--not charming, sweet.. a caricature of what Willow has been! But the last two eps have regained the written integrity. So hopefully that is over. Anyone else agree? I'm not flaming here, just reflecting. Good stories, bad dialogue. A - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 07 Dec 1998 14:46:06 EST From: (Thomas W MacCarrol) Subject: BUFFY: On the origin of Slayers (long) (boring?) I pulled another round of storeroom duty the other night, and had *lots* of time to think about something that has been bugging me for a while. Months back (I'm too tired to root through 3.5's to find the archived posts) there was a thread onlist about the "two slayer" situation caused when Buffy died and then was revived (PG ->end of Season One.) The question posed was along the lines of 'why not deliberately kill and bring back each new Slayer in turn, thus creating an army...." I had problems with this idea, and not just from the moral/ethical issues of the good guys killing people. A Slayer army goes against the noble myth of "The lone heroic figure single-handedly holding back the Hordes of Hell..." Even one extra Slayer is getting tiresome at times, let alone an army. While tagging freight I think I've found the answer. "In every generation is born the Chosen One; one girl in all the world...." starts the well-known quote. But exactly what time period is "a generation"? Not the biological life span of a human (now well over 70 years in advanced nations), or even the working life span (from adulthood to retirement) where a person acts on and influences the world around them, these are much too long, and produce way too big a gap between Slayers. Instead, I'm gonna twist the text a little and say that what makes more sense is "cohort"; a term the Socio/Anthro folks use to mean "a peer group of similar age" I imagine that they went with the more familiar word 'generation' b/c it sounds better and is more understandable to a mass TV audience (and to media execs ). For argument's sake, let's set the span of a cohort/generation at about a "year"-> with the understanding that the word almost certainly does not match up with our familiar January-to-December, 365 1/4 day Gregorian calendar. The Slayer/vampire gig has been going on before that calendar was adopted (also before the adoption of the Roman era Julian calendar it replaced-> heck the Slayers predate even the Hebrew and Chinese calendars). God only knows what time system this works on=> 13 month lunar cycles, the precession of equinoxes divided by the average orbits of Pluto and Neptune, .....? (Maybe this is why Giles is always using a globe whenever he needs to explain anything?) For simplicity I'll call it a "year" and use familar month names, but it's probably something more complex. When we're introduced to the story (WttH), Buffy is 16, and is the active Slayer. That is, there are no girls senior to her still alive. If a pontential Slayer was born into each new cohort after her, then there are fifteen potential Slayers on earth; ranging from Kendra down to a baby who hasn't had her first birthday yet. Over the approximately two years we've followed the action; two potential Slayers were born, and two died, leaving the talent pool even. Thanks to Xander and Angel and modern first aid, one Slayer didn't stay dead; leading to a net gain for the good guys! The big point is that the talent pool is very shallow, and with a very small, fixed intake. Given the high death rate in the Slaying biz, there are not going to be very many girls in the "on-deck" circle at any given time. Even if some off-the-scale end-of-the-world crisis (worse than the usual ones, that is) comes about; forcing the Watchers to do what the thread suggested and activate every Slayer old enough to walk, you get a little over a dozen => more like a squad than an army, and two thirds of them will be pre-pubescent children. This is not a mighty force to sweep the world clean of evil; looks more like a disaster in progress. NB: by this scheme it would appear that Buffy and Faith should be two years apart, while it dosen't seem like it to look at them. Rebuttal; 1. Faith has not had an easy life, she's had to grow up hard and fast=> thus masking much of the chronological difference. 2. If Buffy was born late in her group and Faith early in hers, the difference can be cut drasticly. Example, using the modern calendar : if Buffy was born in late "December" of year 1, Kendra somewhere in year 2, and Faith in early "January" of year 3, the span from B to F is less than thirteen months (I KNOW this doesn't match Buffy's birthday from S/I; it's just an example to show how fit three Slayers into a little over a year of total time) On a slightly different tack. If, out of the millions of female infants that are born in a given year only one is the "Chosen", how in Dickens do the Watchers find her to begin training? The classic problem involving a haystack and a needle seems trivial by comparison. I would imagine that this is THE most closely guarded secret that the Watchers have. Vampire bigshots would give a lot to be able to pre-empt the next Slayer (or several). Remember King Herod? Slayerhood may be at least partly genetic (the problem componded by most of them not having direct desendants); implying Watcher/archivists poring over tons of birth and marriage records to construct pedigrees of known Slayers and build family trees to predict future ones. Then there are oracular methods: astrology, casting runes, crystal gazing, prayer vigils, channeling, etc. Of course there is the ever popular 'ancient prophecy' method: "...It seems that a text fragment found during 'Desert Storm' is a Sumerian translation of a partial collection, in Sanskrit, of the writtings of a Cantonese seer of the 9th century BCE pointing to the birth of a Slayer at the end of this millenium, north of the Alps and somewhere west of the Urals..." Gee, could you vauge that up for us? The most common method would seem to be how the Watchers got that name; have a network of people actively watching young girls to see if any display talents and abilities that are the mark of a future Slayer. (Maybe the L'il Buffy site isn't as far off base as first glance might indicate :) ) The movie (can't trust it entirely) hinted at a physical sign, a mole/birthmark above the left breast. One wonders just how many Watcher 'talent scouts' have been mistaken for perverts over all this time? I'm *certain* that I have way too much time to think about this stuff. Tom Mac Carrol ___________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 7 Dec 1998 16:19:46 -0500 (EST) From: Monet Subject: BUFFY: Watchers and season 3 Someone wrote: > On a slightly different tack. If, out of the millions of female > infants that are born in a given year only one is the "Chosen", how in > Dickens do the Watchers find her to begin training? In my own Buffy world (fanific world), I think Watchers, like Slayers, have a sort of supernatural power. They can "sense" a Slayer if they are in the vicinity. But I'm sure in the show it's just a tight network of Watchers at work. There really must be Watchers all over the place. And to respond to my take on season three, so far it's been good. I think I enjoyed season 2 better (and I really LOVE season 1) only because I watched season 1 over and over again, and I know ppl on this list and others were on their toes on whether or not "Buffy" would be picked up for another season, so when new episodes came out, it was heaven. We just have a stricter regime for this season. I think the Willow/Xander/Buffy friendship has taken its toll and its been hard for me to see it. Its interesting seeing where they are taking the Xander/Cordelia relationship and the Angel/Buffy one. But the Xander/Willow one is something I really need to watch. I do wish that Joyce never found out about Buffy being the Slayer, but it's so far made for interesting aspects of their relationship. And Faith, well, she's just one of my favorite additions to Season 3 unlike what Kendra was up until Becoming. That's my $.02! G :) ===================================== Spike:"This should be a kick." Buffy:"I violently dislike you." ===================================== - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 07 Dec 1998 13:36:29 -0800 From: Jessica Tear Subject: Re: BUFFY: Watchers and season 3 >Someone wrote: >=20 >> On a slightly different tack. If, out of the millions of female >> infants that are born in a given year only one is the "Chosen", how in >> Dickens do the Watchers find her to begin training? =20 > I was under the impression that there are several Slayers-in-Training at any given point in time and when one dies, another is 'activated'. Depending on who shows the best qualities.=20 However, while I got that impression from Kendra and Faith, it kinda makes me wonder why Buffy is -the- slayer. I mean, let's face it. She wasn't trained, she wasn't ready and she didn't want the job. But I guess that all goes back to Buffy bein' a special slayer. Havin' somethin' the others= don't.=20 - Jessica - =B7 =B7=B7 =B7=B7=B7=95=86=95=B7=B7=B7 =B7=B7 =B7 "You're not friends. You'll never be friends. You'll love each other until it kills you both. You'll fight, and you'll shag, and you'll hate each other until you quiver, but you'll never be friends. Love isn't brains, children, it's blood. Blood screaming inside of you to work it's will. I may be love's bitch, but at least -I'm- man enough to admit it." AIM - Sykotropyk ICQ - 23538154 - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 7 Dec 1998 15:58:18 -0600 From: "Paul J. Gillespie" Subject: BUFFY: Re: Season 3 My thoughts on season 3. It really does not matter comparing one season to another with this particular show. I say this because of all the shows I have watched in 30+ years of TV viewing (ugh, age showing), this is the first one where it is really difficult to pick a "dud season" or a string of bad episodes. That is not to say that there have not been some lame episodes (Bad Eggs, Reptile Boy, Teacher's Pet and Anne come to mind), but on the whole, not one really bad episode. If I were talking about something like Star Trek (which I am a fan) I can think of some really downright awful episodes (including the entire first season of Next Generation) without straining a gray cell. This applies to a number of shows I use to watch (there are only 2 shows I watch on TV, Buffy and Star Trek Voyager). I gave up TV because basically it was a rehash of things I have been watching for years ....... until Buffy. I saw the movie, thought it was cute but nothing to write home about. When the show came on, I ignored it because I saw the movie and presumed it would be in the same tone. I caught Season 1 in reruns and got hooked on the show. Buffy the Vampire Slayer is unique in the fact that it's "creator", Whedon, has creative control and he puts the blessing on storylines. Other than Babylon 5, I can not think of another show where someone has that amount of clout. That is what makes the difference in both concept and quality. Season 1 was good but suffered only because there were a dozen episodes or so and were filmed so far ahead of when season 2 started filming. Season 2 was outstanding due to the story arc and really took off once Angel (up to then, basically a wasted character IMHO) became Angelus. Of course, I hated seeing Jenny being killed off, but am really enjoying how they keep bringing her back in unique ways. The same applies to other characters that pop up now and then. The character of Cordelia (or: The one I was hoping they would kill off since the first time I saw her) has probably improved the most in the three seasons to date. If I had to pick something about the way things are going this season, there are two I can pinpoint right off the top: 1. Too many shows this season have had "gang up on Buffy" scenes; most uncalled for and seemed out of place with how everyone treated "the slayer" in past shows 2. What is Xander's problem this year? The boy needs a serious attitude adjustment or better yet, a good kick in some part of his anatomy from the Slayer. Where he cow-eyed over Buffy now he goes out of his way to pick on her. Just does not ring true to me and is getting tiresome. Willow-Oz? Still like that storyline and want to see it develop. Oz is under utiltized. Even though he physically is on the show more; he seems to have less lines. Would love to see more on the Watchers Circle and how that came to be and what they are really about. If there is one character I think really has to meet a quick and violent end, it is the Mayor of Sunnydale. Either that is a badly written character or just a god awful actor playing him. It is the only time I mute the TV during the show; his voice is like fingernails on a chalkboard. Ugh. Other good things this season, Faith. I still think Kendra would have been a good character if they had explored her further, but Faith is interesting and I will be curious to see what the outcome of that is. Spike and Dru ..... best on TV, hope to see more of them either this season, next or on the "Angel" show. Speaking of the "Angel" show, I for one really hope it works out. I like the concept of a darker world (non-teen and I do not mean that offensively to any teenager on this list) with more of an adult theme. I think it will work. I had thought Boreanaz a fairly weak actor up until he became Angelus; that convinced me of this guys depth as an actor. Possibilities abound for this new show. Anyways, that is my 2 cents as someone said, but being Canadian, means I owe you money once converted into US funds. Paul - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 7 Dec 1998 16:51:10 EST From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Watchers and season 3 Someone wrote: >> On a slightly different tack. If, out of the millions of female >> infants that are born in a given year only one is the "Chosen", how in >> Dickens do the Watchers find her to begin training? Funny someone should ask this now....Joss just addressed this issue on the posting board the other day (an archive of VIP posts is kept here: Joss says: There is only one active slayer at a time (except now cuz of the WACKY circumstances). Inactive, I don't know. The watchers pinpoint the potentials if the can. In some cultures (like Kendra's) they can announce their presence and whisk the girl off. In some, they can't. And sometimes they can't pinpoint the girl until she is called, which is what happened with Buffy. - -Rayne - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 7 Dec 1998 16:52:20 -0600 From: "Ryan Reid" Subject: BUFFY: Snow in Sunnydale? Hey eveyrone!! I was watching the promo for "Amends" from Flagg's site and i was wondering, why the hell is it snowing in the graveyard?? Sunnydale is in Southern California, right? *confused!* Ryan Keeper of: Joyce's glass she threw in fight with Buffy. Cordelia's yellow backless dress* (Becoming II), flowers from Xander and hospital gown (Lover's Walk). Opening Credits for Season 3. Buffy's acceptance that she "sucks at undercover" (Anne). Buffy's look to Willow when they find out they are playing dodgeball (The Pack). Webmaster of "The Bronze" Keeper Site - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 07 Dec 1998 15:18:44 -0800 From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Snow in Sunnydale? believe it or not-- it does snow here once in a while... (in SoCal, that is) Remember, this weekend it snowed heavily in VEGAS!!! unheard of! Perhaps it is El Nino's revenge... however-- I'm sure that it is some sort of supernatural thing at the same time-- especially if there are ghosts invovled with the episode. It may even be that it is a flashback to wherever Angel grew up-- i.e. Europe... Ireland, etc. A - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 07 Dec 1998 17:07:27 -0600 From: CRCROCKETT Subject: BUFFY: Drusilla and Spike Okay, I'm confused on one thing. In "School Hard" Spike referred to Angel as his "sire", meaning Angel made Spike a vampire. But in the #2 issue of the Buffy magazine there is a family tree of the villains. Such as the Master made Darla who made Angel....yadda yadda yadda. But anyway, according to the family tree, Angel made Drusilla, but Drusilla made Spike. Is this confusing to anyone else? Dru:-) - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 07 Dec 1998 16:19:22 PST From: "simara hubble" Subject: Re: BUFFY: Drusilla and Spike I read somewhere ( I think in a Juliet Landau interview transcript) that in a meeting between Juliet and Joss it was said that Drusilla was Spike's sire but later it was changed to Angel. ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 07 Dec 1998 16:25:18 -0800 From: Jessica Tear Subject: Re: BUFFY: Drusilla and Spike At 05:07 PM 12/7/98 -0600, CRCROCKETT wrote: >Okay, I'm confused on one thing. In "School Hard" Spike referred to >Angel as his "sire", meaning Angel made Spike a vampire.=20 I don't get it myself. Maybe someone should ask Joss? >But in the #2 issue of the Buffy magazine there is a family tree of the villains. >Such as the Master made Darla who made Angel....yadda yadda yadda. But >anyway, according to the family tree, Angel made Drusilla, but Drusilla >made Spike. Is this confusing to anyone else? I was truely under the impression that Spike was made from someone entirely different. Not a branch on that family tree as it were. And Dru and he just kinda hooked up, somewhere. - Jessica - =B7 =B7=B7 =B7=B7=B7=95=86=95=B7=B7=B7 =B7=B7 =B7 "You're not friends. You'll never be friends. You'll love each other until it kills you both. You'll fight, and you'll shag, and you'll hate each other until you quiver, but you'll never be friends. Love isn't brains, children, it's blood. Blood screaming inside of you to work it's will. I may be love's bitch, but at least -I'm- man enough to admit it." AIM - Sykotropyk ICQ - 23538154 - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 7 Dec 1998 19:35:24 -0500 (EST) From: Subject: BUFFY: Buffy in canada This is for all you people in southern ontario who watch buffy via "The New VR," usually on at 8:00 tonight. Buffy (presumably just for today) is switched to 10:00 tonight. *this has been a public service may now go back to your regularly scheduled mailing list* PS the episode being show according to my handy-dandy "Starweek" (Toronto Star's TV Guide) is The Wish! Happy CANADIAN Buffy night! :) sabrina - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 7 Dec 1998 19:45:14 -0500 From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: On the origin of Slayers (long) (boring?) Thomas W MacCarrol Monday, December 07, 1998 5:04 PM > "In every generation is born the Chosen One; one girl in all the >world...." starts the well-known quote. But exactly what time period >is "a generation"? For argument's sake, let's set the span of a >cohort/generation at about a "year"-> Right; you've got it. All the weird stuff in Buffy is a metaphor for high school; the key period of time is one school year. The "generations" in a high school are freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and seniors. So "in every generation" really means "in every graduating class"; Buffy is the Chosen One in her generation, the Class of 1999. - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 7 Dec 1998 19:46:14 -0500 (EST) From: "Jeff Reid (SpaceMOO Admin)" Subject: Re: BUFFY: Buffy in canada On Mon, 7 Dec 1998 wrote: > This is for all you people in southern ontario who watch buffy via "The New > VR," usually on at 8:00 tonight. Buffy (presumably just for today) is > switched to 10:00 tonight. It's not just the VR, it's also been delayed till 10 on tl 10 on The New RO. Some stupid movie is playing, bah. As a result my weekly spoilers/synopsis will be delayed till 11:30, or tomorrow around 4-4:30pm, depending on how everything goes. - ----------------- Jeff Reid - Virtual Ventures Volunteer at Carleton University -=- Picard (#2) at SpaceMOO: telnet:// Owner of the Onelist Earth: Final Conflict mailing list (earthfc) Owner of the Onelist Stargate mailing list (stargate) - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 7 Dec 1998 19:55:32 EST From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Drusilla and Spike In a message dated 12/7/98 6:25:37 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes: > Okay, I'm confused on one thing. In "School Hard" Spike referred to > Angel as his "sire", meaning Angel made Spike a vampire. But in the > #2 issue of the Buffy magazine there is a family tree of the villains. > Such as the Master made Darla who made Angel....yadda yadda yadda. But > anyway, according to the family tree, Angel made Drusilla, but Drusilla > made Spike. Is this confusing to anyone else? Gotta love this question! I think we should make it the greatest undead question of all time. Okay, I'll try to explain this. According to Joss, "Sire" means from the same line. He has stated many times on the posting board that Angel made Drusilla and Drusilla made Spike. However, according to the math that's been presented on the show (Spike being about 200 years old and Drusilla being turned into a vampire in 1860 - shown in Becoming Part 1 which would make her about 138 years old....*younger* than Spike), then Angel made Spike and Drusilla. People have asked Joss about the math discrepancies, and he has backed up his statement that Drusilla made Spike....and that the dates are wrong because he's bad at math. So, it's pretty much whatever you chose to believe. I know that's no help at all, but it's an answer. :-) - -Rayne Keeper of Spike's trench coat - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 7 Dec 1998 21:26:20 -0400 (AST) From: Jennifer McDonnell Subject: BUFFY: Cdn. spoilers for "The Wish" This ep was amazing! Spoilers below: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * "The Wish" has now been added to my list of the best Buffy eps of all time! Cordy finds out that her popularity level has plummeted because of her relationship with Xander, and she unwittingly makes a deal with an evil genie to live in a world in which Buffy did not live in Sunnydale. Here is what I loved: - -the Buffy-less Sunnydale was creepy. No one could dress in colours for fear of attracting vamps, there was a curfew, and the Bronze was overrun by vampires. - -Jonathan made an appearance! - -the master is still reigning supreme. - -the scooby-gang consisted of a slayer-free Giles, Oz, Larry, and some girl named Nancy. - -the absolute best part of the show was watching Xander and Willow as vamps. They were wearing skin-tight leather, and were always all over eachother. Alyson especially did an amazing job. She made Dru look like a teddy bear. And I never thought I would get so many shots of a person`s tongue. Definitely not the Willow we know and love! - -Buffy eventually shows up, and she too is completely different. Without her friends, she has turned into a bitter, hateful person who refuses to trust anyone else. The way she would not let anyone in reminded be of Faith. - -There was an INCREDIBLE fight scene. It wasin slow motion and set to music. Amazing. - -Unlike most eps, they had the opportunity to kill off as many regulars as they wanted, so it was really interesting how few were left standing by the end. Like I said, I absolutely loved this episode, so the few complaints I have are incredibly minor: - -I thought that there would be some explanation as to why Cordelia, Oz, and a bunch of other regulars were still alive in this alternate world, because there have been many times when Buffy has saved them from certain death. - -I also thought that they missed an opportunity to show characters that would still be alive if it were not for Buffy, like Ms. Calander, but I guess that would have been too confusing. - -I did not really understand how Angel recognized Buffy. Was it because he used to watch her in L.A. with Whistler, like they showed in an earlier episode. I guess I just have to rewatch my tape. My overall reaction is that this episode rocked! I am really impressed with the majority of the eps this year, and I hope Joss and co. keep it coming! Happy viewing! - -Jen - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 7 Dec 1998 21:50:08 -0500 From: "Ryan Harrington" Subject: BUFFY: Amends summaries Below are the summaries for Amends from Click TV and TV Guide. They give some interesting insight on this ep. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * TV Guide: Buffy the Vampire Slayer Tue, Dec 15 8:00pm WGN - 15 AMENDS As the holidays near, Angel (David Boreanaz) has a Dickens of a time dealing with Christmas kills from his past in this momentous episode. Tortured by recent visits from some of his victims, Angel finally learns why he was released from hell---and what fatal changes he must make to continue on in his immortal coil. But as he weighs his unsavory options, Buffy makes a choice that leads to a tear-jerking Christmas-morning moment of truth for Slayer and prey. Meanwhile, Giles makes a heinous discovery about exactly what is driving Angel's dreams; Faith (Eliza Dushku) finds a warm home for the holidays; and Oz has a nice night with a naughy Willow. Jenny: Robia LaMorte. 60 min (CC) Click TV: Buffy the Vampire Slayer Amends Program Type: Network Series / Horror Parental Guidance: TV-14 Buffy (Sarah Michelle Gellar) hopes for a quiet Christmas, but Angel (David Boreanaz) is troubled by visions of his past and the ghost of Jenny Calendar (guest star Robia LaMorte). (1 hr., Seasonal Program) Woo hoo! Sounds like Jenny might've been who got Angel outta Hell. - -RyanH - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 07 Dec 1998 21:53:53 PST From: "Mz. Gwyn" Subject: Re: BUFFY: Snow in Sunnydale? As hard as it to belive it does snow in "sunny So Cal" only just this weekend, their was a news report that snow in the San Diego area, Lancaster will overnight will be 21, last night it was 17. Big Bear and Sun Valley are not that far from here and theres snow up there, I think So Cal is the only area where you can surf in the morning and ski in the afternoon (I may be wrong, but as far as I know I'm right) and you can get anywhere in LA in 20 minutes but surfing and skiing I'd say 2 hours, hey there is snow on the Las Vegas strip right now. Now I'm only familar with LA and everthing due south, but as Joss just said somewhere Sunnydale is supposed to be near Santa Barbara (2 hour north of LA) so climate condition shouldn't be that different. BTW, LA People Aly will be on Kevin & Bean's morning program at KROQ, 106.7 FM. probably between the 7:00am - 9:30am hours they didn't get a specific time. Ciao Ms. Gwyn ______________________________________ From: "Ryan Reid" <> ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 07 Dec 1998 21:58:29 PST From: "Mz. Gwyn" Subject: Re: BUFFY: Drusilla and Spike This has been such a debate on the list but Joss himself said that Spike's context of "sire" was idol, some one he looked up to. Remember a few line from the show that Dru has said to Angel: "You've been a very bad daddy" WML to Spike: "Spike eat for mummy" Passion maybe and not exact words. So the family tree is correct Ciao Ms. Gwyn Keeper of a whole lot of stuff ___________________________ From: CRCROCKETT <> ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 07 Dec 1998 23:02:07 -0800 From: Jessica Tear Subject: Re: BUFFY: Amends summaries SPOILER SPACE >* >* >* >* >* >* >* >* >* >* >* >* >* >* >Woo hoo! Sounds like Jenny might've been who got Angel outta Hell. > Uh, because his soul was restored and Angel didn't belong there, Angelus= did? - Jessica - =B7 =B7=B7 =B7=B7=B7=95=86=95=B7=B7=B7 =B7=B7 =B7 "You're not friends. You'll never be friends. You'll love each other until it kills you both. You'll fight, and you'll shag, and you'll hate each other until you quiver, but you'll never be friends. Love isn't brains, children, it's blood. Blood screaming inside of you to work it's will. I may be love's bitch, but at least -I'm- man enough to admit it." AIM - Sykotropyk ICQ - 23538154 - - ------------------------------ End of buffy-digest V2 #601 *************************** To subscribe to buffy or buffy-digest, send the command subscribe buffy-digest or subscribe buffy to You will need to go through a confirmation process, and the listowners have to manually approve your subscription request, so it may take some time. Back issues of this digest can be found at: For help, contact Jill Kirby ( or sah (