From: (buffy-digest) To: Subject: buffy-digest V3 #9 Reply-To: Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk buffy-digest Thursday, January 7 1999 Volume 03 : Number 009 In this issue: Re: BUFFY: How to stay together BUFFY: Sticking together BUFFY: New List Re: BUFFY: How to stay together Re: BUFFY: PlanetX Buffy List (and Buffy Watchers List) BUFFY: dingoes ATE my baby BUFFY: A Replacement for xmission list already exists BUFFY: Invitation to join BUFFY: Memories BUFFY: Buffy: New Lists BUFFY: Whistler and the First BUFFY: Thank you for the wonderful Buffy-ness~ BUFFY: List Conversions/Hotel-Motel Issue BUFFY: Re: buffy-digest V3 #7 BUFFY: Give it time BUFFY: Jey Leno Did anyone see this? BUFFY: New Page Re: BUFFY: Keeping our little family together. . .please read BUFFY: Date: Thu, 07 Jan 1999 12:34:16 PST BUFFY: The List Keeping (Re: BUFFY: PlanetX Buffy List (and Buffy Watchers List)) BUFFY: Re: List Ending Re: BUFFY: List Ending; PLEASE READ!!! Re: BUFFY: Let's stay together! BUFFY: Staying together -- please read BUFFY: the end BUFFY: Little Willow & Co. List? BUFFY: fish symbols Re: BUFFY: Little Willow & Co. List? BUFFY: ATT: THE REPLACEMENT MAILING LIST See the end of the digest for information on subscribing to the buffy or buffy-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 7 Jan 1999 09:35:48 -0600 From: "Dunlap, Tanya A" Subject: Re: BUFFY: How to stay together Katie wrote: If the list mommy's would be willing to forward > me a list of all the member's of the list as of right now, I will paste it > onto a new list through onelist Candy replied: <> I agree with Katie and Candy. This is the best idea so far. I am also more of a lurker than a poster, but I love being able to read the ongoing BTVS discussions. This list is great and I think we should all stick together; it makes a lot of sense to just paste all of us subscribers to "onelist". Count me in Katie! Oh, and please let us know if the current list owners agree to this. BTW, a special thanks to the current list "moms". All of the work and time you've put into this list is much appreciated! Tad - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 7 Jan 1999 09:58:26 -0600 From: "Dunlap, Tanya A" Subject: BUFFY: Sticking together Jill wrote: >That would actually be pretty unethical. People s*bscribed to this list with a certain set of expectations and an understanding about how this list was run (and some people uns*bscribed for the same reasons). Automatically subbing everyone to another list just wouldn't be right-- to paraphrase a tag line from another fandom, that's "not what they signed on for."< Sorry, I originally thought the idea of pasting our names to another list was a good way to keep everyone together, but now that you mention it, it wouldn't be right to just sign someone up without their consent. Thanks for the reality check, Jill! I still think we should try to stick together. I'm going to check out the following list (for ages 18 and over) that Lisa Rose posted earlier: >>There's another well-established Buffy list out there which has been around almost as long as this one. It's on the PlanetX server and you can check it out at this location: << BTW, as someone else posted earlier, thanks to all the list members who filled my mailbox with more interesting things than it usually has!! Tad - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 07 Jan 1999 10:59:37 -0500 From: (Genevieve Faulkner) Subject: BUFFY: New List We really have got to slow down. I just finished reading all the mails, and I agree with Little Willow. Let's give everyone some time to get their mails before we all jump. A few people have offered up their list as new alternates. And then Ryan and Little Willow jumped up with a new list. Can we please take some time to discuss this? I really do not want to lose ANY of you. We still have time, please do not go join other lists just yet. (Obviously, this is your prerogative, but I want to stick together.) Sorry for the repetiveness, but I just want to stay with you guys!! P.S. Is anyone going to Fangoria in NY to see Nick Brendan? Genevieve I'm a Buffaholic, I'm a Cordy Girl, "Tact is just not saying true stuff. I'll pass."(KBD)-- My new motto to live by. Love ya, Cordelia! Guardian of Cordelia's Homecoming disapointment, and heartbreak (two defining moments in Cordy's life) I'm Spike's slave--and proud of it! I'm a GASPer, keeper of Giles' "Burt Reynolds"-like status - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 07 Jan 1999 10:59:45 EST From: "John Nestoriak" Subject: Re: BUFFY: How to stay together > If the list mommy's would be willing to forward >> me a list of all the member's of the list as of right now, I will paste it >> onto a new list through onelist Sorry but that's just not right. I for one don't want to be transfered to another list. While I've enjoyed this list for a long time I think I need to evaluate my list membership for myself and decide where I want to go. It seems to me that when I first signed up for this list (summer after season 1) the list discussion consisted mostly of review and analysis of episodes. Now I'm innundated with all sorts of stuff I really don't care about - sightings of minor characters in other roles, long discussions of haircuts, endless lists of what's my favorite episode/girl/guy/monster, constant reminders to vote in meaningless web polls. I just don't have the time or interest to keep up with all this stuff. What I'd really like is a buffy reviews list. Moderated and fairly low volume. Keep it all reviews/analysis/speculation. No spoilers, no discussion of actors other roles, no "me too" posts. I don't know if a list like this exists. I don't know if there's enough interest to create a list like this. I don't have the time to moderate it by myself and don't know who else to ask to moderate. But this is the list I want to be on. Please don't sign me up for any others. John ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 7 Jan 1999 11:16:46 -0500 (EST) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: PlanetX Buffy List (and Buffy Watchers List) Good morning all. This is a both sad and joyous occasion. Sad because we are leaving xmission, but joyous because we have all realized how much this list means to us. Thank you, list moms, for all of your hard work. I'm working on my dissertation now, and I could NEVER have kept up with this and the work you guys have put into this list. Now, as for joining an established list, will the current members be annoyed if we invade in our huge numbers, or will they rejoice that their numbers have been swelled? If *I* was on a small, intimate list that I enjoyed, I would be annoyed if dozens and dozens of new people suddenly came on and said, "Whee! We're still together here! Aren't we happy?" Also, what about the Keepers lists? There would undoubtably be overlabs between us and the new lists, so should we give up that which we keep since we would be the newbies on the new list? Something to think on... Cheers! Tracey Keeper of the Cluelessness of the Rest of the School - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 7 Jan 1999 08:35:46 -0800 From: "Deborah" Subject: BUFFY: dingoes ATE my baby This is a multi-part message in MIME format. - ------=_NextPart_000_000C_01BE3A18.B8C818E0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Actually "a cry in the dark" isn't the original source. It's a TRUE = story. a woman in australia was camping and her baby was "stolen" she = said a dingo had eaten her baby but they didn't believe her and they put = her in prison for killing her child. later they found the baby's hat far = away (it had fallen off the kid when a dingo really HAD taken it and = eaten it) so she got out. subsequently they made the "a cry in the dark" = movie and then everyone took that line from it.=20 When i saw that oz' band was named that i laughed at the cleverness = of it but at the same time remember the true story behind it. it's not a = funny thing. hope i helped =20 deborah _________________________________________________________________________= ________________________________________________________________- "Music. Food of love, emotion, mathematics, isolation, rhythm, feeling, = power, harmony, and heavy competition" -Rent - ------=_NextPart_000_000C_01BE3A18.B8C818E0 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Actually = "a cry in the=20 dark" isn't the original source. It's a TRUE story. a woman in = australia=20 was camping and her baby was "stolen" she said a dingo had = eaten her=20 baby but they didn't believe her and they put her in prison for killing = her=20 child. later they found the baby's hat far away (it had fallen off the = kid when=20 a dingo really HAD taken it and eaten it) so she got out. subsequently = they made=20 the "a cry in the dark" movie and then everyone took that line = from=20 it.
    When i saw that oz' band was named that i = laughed at=20 the cleverness of it but at the same time remember the true story behind = it.=20 it's not a funny thing.
hope i = helped
________________________________________________________________= _________________________________________________________________________= - -
"Music.=20 Food of love, emotion, mathematics, isolation, rhythm, feeling, power, = harmony,=20 and heavy=20 competition"
        &nbs= p;       =20 - -Rent
- ------=_NextPart_000_000C_01BE3A18.B8C818E0-- - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 07 Jan 1999 16:36:10 GMT From: (Aly Walansky) Subject: BUFFY: A Replacement for xmission list already exists Greetings all, =46irst, let me say I share your pain about the loss of the xmission list. It was a wonderful venue, and will be sorely missed. However, we must move on. Might I suggest that all of you join Angel series has 300 list members, all of whom post actively with intelligent buffy related conversation. there are occasional spoilers, but space is always given, and for the most part, rhe lisr is one wirh a positive spirit.=20 Please check us out. Borh normal and digest versions are available. love, aly Visit one of the hottest buffy sites on the net - as well as the first site on earth dedicated to "Angel"! "I love you. I try not to, but I can't stop." Angel, "Surprise" -BTVS Creator of #angelseries on undernet, on usenet Listowner of AngelSeries mailing list Listower of Felicitylovers mailing list Listowner of Ingo mailing list Ringmaster, Angel Series Web Ring Contact me on ICQ at 11847594 or on aol at Alysonmw - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 7 Jan 1999 09:39:26 -0700 From: Subject: BUFFY: Invitation to join Hello, I would like to invite you to join the angelseries mailing list. The description of this mailing list is: Buffy The Vampire Slayer has been such a phenomenal success for it's creators that Joss Whedon and Warner Brothers have agreed to work on the production of the series first spin-off, "Angel". The show, set to begin in early 1999, will revolve around the character of Angel, played by David Boreanaz. Not much is known yet about this series that is already being eagerly anticipated, but there are already several venues available in cyberspace to share your excitement. Brought to you by the creators of the Aly Zone, this is the first mailing list devoted to this new series. Already one of the fastest growing lists around, this is a great time for you to join in the fun. You can join this list by going to the following web page: If you do not wish to join this list, please ignore this message. Thanks, List Owner - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 07 Jan 1999 08:50:53 -0800 From: Subject: BUFFY: Memories Just wanted to say thanks for two years of humor, pettiness, flaming, friendship and speculation. List mommies, you rock (but you know that). Thanks for spanking me when necessary. (Spare the rod, spoil the child.) And a special hello to the friends I've made (most of whom I've met up with in that other world) including Jason Martinez, Jesse Jou, James Bjorkman, Brian Zino, and Lisa Rose. Lets have a fantastic last month!! By the way, just wondering -- how many of us are on this list now? How big has this community grown? Here's to knowing the answers to all the "undead questions". Miss Hayse/aka Autumn - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 07 Jan 1999 11:59:59 -0500 From: (Genevieve Faulkner) Subject: BUFFY: Buffy: New Lists I was just reading Aly's invitaion to join the angelseries list, and a concern came to mind. On any new list created, can we also discuss the Angel show? I would really prefer to be on a list where both shows are represented. I know some people may disagree, but it seems the majority will be watching both. I just want to put this out there. Maybe it could be called "joss'world". Or not. Genevieve - -------------------------------------------------------- "Tact is just not saying true stuff. I'll pass." -- BtVS - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 7 Jan 1999 11:05:21 -0600 From: "Dunlap, Tanya A" Subject: BUFFY: Whistler and the First >>>So, suppose that the ruling demons, including the First, were thrown out by demons like Whistler, who rebelled against the First and sided with the humans. It's a mirror image of the whole Satan/rebellion/fallen angels bit; the First is God and Whistler is Satan, in a sense, but here God's the bad guy, Satan's the hero, and Satan won and threw God into Hell. It also reverses the Garden of Eden bit; instead of an ancient paradise ruined by disobedience to authority, there's an ancient demon-ruled world freed by rebelling against authority. And it fits in with the teenager/high school metaphor aspect of BtVS; it's taking the side of the rebellious teenager against the strict parent. <<< I think you are way over analyzing! Why compare the First to GOD and Whistler to satan!?! IMO, I don't see any logic in the above post. - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 7 Jan 1999 12:10:44 EST From: Subject: BUFFY: Thank you for the wonderful Buffy-ness~ Before the list ends, I just wanted to thank you for all the wonderful Buffy conversation......and thanks to the list mommies for all their hard work keeping the list going. We all really appreciate it! This was my first Buffy list, or list of anykind, and I am going to miss you all! Kara (after trying to find a quote I actually liked to put after my signature.....I finally found one! LOL) ~~~~~~"It was to burn in my soul like a memory etched in the twilight of a youth who had never know innocence." ~C. Pike~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 7 Jan 1999 09:25:55 -0800 From: "Jan" Subject: BUFFY: List Conversions/Hotel-Motel Issue Thanks to all of you for keeping this professional list lurker well informed as well as entertained for almost a year and a half. I would love to be included in a new list. I am on the Planetx list, but it has a different flavor than the one here :) I would appreciate it if one of the more enterprising of you list members would e-mail me privately w/ the decision of the new list (when you decide....I have no particular preference) at . On to the issue of whether vampires need an invitation to enter a motel....... I would say that its an issue of an open invitation into the lobby (and/or check-in window) area making it possible for vampires to enter any of the hotel/motel ROOMS as a continuation of that open invitation. It could be considered part of the same domicile, a technicality I know. This was reasoned out when Jennie's uncle was murdered by Angel. Feel free to pin me to the wall on this one, but its the only logical explanation I could think of. I have to think that her uncle would have refused to allow Angel into the room, knowing who he was and all. Janice - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 07 Jan 1999 09:37:18 -0800 From: Wirchler Subject: BUFFY: Re: buffy-digest V3 #7 Now I haven't posted in a while, but i have followed the discussions and enjoyed almost every debate I have seen here, even the silliest ones! I wish the list moms love & luck in their future endeavors (I have to do the dissertation next year!!), and thank you for all the support and effort youput into this list. I hope something pops up again, and It will be fun to join another list sometime in the future. Until then, May the Slayer always be watching your back! (Metaphorically speaking, of course, I know Buffy isn't real......right?) ;) Wirchler Keeper of Spike's (reluctant) respect for Buffy....... - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 7 Jan 1999 11:43:18 -0600 From: "Paul J. Gillespie" Subject: BUFFY: Give it time Just some thoughts. I agree with waiting awhile before jumping to other lists in mass. I was on a Star Trek Voyager list that was of similiar tone to this one where everyone developed e-relationships. We were swamped in one weekend by another list which went down..... the short story ..... our list died in total within three months, it just was not the same anymore and "the veterans" left in droves. Rather than putting other "established" lists through that, the idea put forth by Ryan and Little Willow is IMHO the best option for everyone on this list as well as those on other lists. Paul - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 7 Jan 1999 12:23:26 -0600 From: "Dunlap, Tanya A" Subject: BUFFY: Jey Leno Did anyone see this? Jason TknoPagan wrote: >>>Hey guys, this is kinda cousin said he was watching Leno the other night and some guy camne on with pet otters named Buffy and Xander.!?!?!? Did anyone see this? Just wondering.<<< I saw it. I thought it was interesting. I think the first thought that came to mind is "that guy must watch Buffy! Cool!" Do people still use the word "cool"? It must be left over from my days as a teenager, which are now long gone. tad - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 7 Jan 1999 12:29:47 -0600 (CST) From: Kelly White Subject: BUFFY: New Page I have created a new page devoted to Willow/Spike, yes I said Willow/Spike. If anyone knows of some fanfic out there, just send me an e-mail. The page is located at Kelly J. White SIUE Computer Support and Service "God grant me the strength to accept the things I cannot change, change those I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those people who irritated me." - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 7 Jan 1999 15:13:07 EST From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Keeping our little family together. . .please read I think it would be great for somebody to create a list that we can all join! I've really enjoyed everybody's comments on this list & I'd miss you all terribly! And thanks to list mommies as well, you guys were great! Lots 'o Luv, Ashley - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 7 Jan 1999 13:34:53 -0700 From: "Cassey Jones" Subject: BUFFY: Date: Thu, 07 Jan 1999 12:34:16 PST Me Too Please... This is not good News... >From: >Date: Wed, 6 Jan 1999 21:11:25 EST >To: >Subject: BUFFY: List Ending >Reply-To: > >Hey all. I'd just like to say that I enjoyed being on this list. I loved all >the debates over certain issues such as: Buffy & Angel's relationship, the >whole Xander lying, and all the love triangles. I'm gonna miss this list & >all you guys! And, if anyone has an addy for some other mailing lists I >appreciate it if you could send the addy to me. Thanks alot! > > >Lots 'o Luv, >Ashley > >- > ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 07 Jan 1999 12:39:17 PST From: "Cassey Jones" Subject: BUFFY: The List I want to go to the same list as everyone else... Where is everyone going... Fun Nee, do you have an answer ? ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 7 Jan 1999 12:39:47 -0800 (PST) From: Sonja Marie Subject: Keeping (Re: BUFFY: PlanetX Buffy List (and Buffy Watchers List)) On Thu, 7 Jan 1999 wrote: > happy?" Also, what about the Keepers lists? There would undoubtably be > overlabs between us and the new lists, so should we give up that which we > keep since we would be the newbies on the new list? Considering that all of the Keeper maintainers are on 1 or more of the lists (this one, planetx, mlists, etc), and keep a very close eye on the keepers on each list, there shouldn't be any overlapping, unless they are false keepers. Each list doesn't have it's own set of seperate keepers. Not sure if that made much since, maybe Lisa Rose can put it more succinctly if possible. Sonja Marie - President - Anthony Stewart Head Fan Club (ASHFC) Official Anthony Head WebPage - Owner of the Anthony S. Head, Buffy-Beta Fic, Jeff Fahey & Paul Wylie Lists Pres. of Giles' Appreciation Society Panters - GASP!- Keeper of Coats & Ties Anthony Stewart Head (Giles-BTVS) About What Fans Sent Him in the Mail: "Fair amount of lingerie, yeah, all of which I tried, none of which fitted" - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 7 Jan 1999 15:40:41 -0500 From: (Jaina Solo) Subject: BUFFY: Re: List Ending Just to put my two cents in on this topic, I second the nomination of Little Willow and Ryan to head up a new list. I would much rather have the option of joining a new list created specifically to replace this one than join an already-created list. I think it would be a good idea to choose one new list and give everyone to option of res*bbing to it, effectively recreating our list community. These are my thoughts, un-profound as they may be. And kudos to our Listmoms for making this such a wonderful place for us to play for so long. :-) - -Jaina "I'm a moose. A blue one." Lather. Rinse. Maim. Fic, stuff, at "When you gonna make up your mind? When you gonna love you you as much as I do?" ___________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 7 Jan 1999 15:49:27 EST From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: List Ending; PLEASE READ!!! Hi everyone!!! Ok this list was the very first Buffy mailing list I joined, and I love it very much!! I hope that our list moms do not feel quilty for doing what they have to do. I just wanted to say that you guys run a great list! Now, I have an idea. I run a very new and unactive buffy list at ONElist. It is called the ScoobyGangDigest. I had the idea that, since my list needs some major posters and e-mailers, that if the people from this Buffy list would like to s*bscribe to my list, I've provided the info. Therefore, if you all do this we can continue our normal Buffy conversations because my list is to talk about ANYONE from the show. Please e-mail me about this, I don't always download the e-mails so I might miss a post on this topic, so if you are replying to my message, please e-mail me and the list. If you all decide you don't like this idea could someone e-mail me and let me know what list ya'll are gonna s*bscribe to so that I can also??? If you have any questions e-mail me at . If the list moms would like to e-mail me please do!! ~Kristy~ P.S. I'll miss this list a lot!!!! Want to join a mailing list all about Buffy The Vampire Slayer???? Including the demons and vamps?? Well then go to the address below or click the link and sign up to subscribe to The Scooby Gang Digest! or..... - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 7 Jan 1999 15:54:57 EST From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Let's stay together! In a message dated 1/6/99 11:31:32 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes: << However, I would like everyone from this list to join another list TOGETHER. Can everyone here decide right now which list we can all move to TOGETHER. Just because this list is ending doesn't mean we have to separate and go our own ways. I like the people on this list. You people are wonderful and I'd like to continue on another list with this same bunch. >> I second this motion. I've been on this list for over a year and a half, and have grown quite fond of you guys. I love being on this list, and wanna be a part of the new one if all of y'all come too. - -----Smurf Smurf Keeper of Buffys Faith Longtime member of the Buffy Crew - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 7 Jan 1999 15:58:11 EST From: Subject: BUFFY: Staying together -- please read Okay, I think that we need to make a decision. I definitely think that a new list needs to be created in pretty short order, so we can all know what's going on and have a relatively smooth transition. If Little Willow and company are going to do it, that's great, and we should get that up in the next day or so, so that we can minimize the confusion. If you guys need some help, I would be happy to lend any assistance that I can. Thanks for volunteering. If that doesn't pan out, then I'll create the list myself. I think that it's important to keep the same tone, the same etiquette, and the same friends that we currently discuss Buffy with. I love you guys bunches. By the way, Little Willow, would you please let me know about your plans offlist so that I can plan accordingly? Thanks. : ) Love, A - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 7 Jan 1999 16:12:34 -0500 From: "B + C White" Subject: BUFFY: the end I am so sad that this is over! Can someone please email me and tell me where else I can join a Buffy list and where I can get spoilers? If anyone wants to start up another list, I am there. Celia - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 07 Jan 1999 13:45:58 PST From: "Jessica Ritchie" Subject: BUFFY: Little Willow & Co. List? Hi everyone, I'm also a usual lurker on this list, but I've really enjoyed hearing about everybody's perspectives, news, and information regarding Buffy, the actors, and the other appearances. I do not want to see everybody split into different lists!! Could Little Willow and anybody else who is possibly creating the list for us to switch to e-mail me at to keep me informed about this?? Any information would be greatly appreciated!! Thanks so much, Jessica ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 7 Jan 1999 15:47:48 -0600 From: "Dunlap, Tanya A" Subject: BUFFY: fish symbols I am just now getting around to reading all of my email so sorry this is so late and maybe it's been discussed already, but anyway here it is: In a message dated 98-12-17 00:20:20 EST, writes: << .I wonder if vampires have an aversion to fish symbols? >> Mia replied on 12/17/98: >>Interesting question! The list has discussed from time to time how religion fits into the Buffyverse, and the solution to the thing about the cross is that it derives its power from millennia of association with God and goodness.<< The cross is a symbol of Christianity because Jesus, the Son of God, was crucified on a wooden cross. Fish were probably a symbol of Christianity because Jesus was known as the Fisherman of Men. A few of his Disciples were fishermen and He basically told them to throw down their nets and follow Him and He will make them fishermen of men, which means they will lead men to God. Now, I don't know the Bible completely, but I can remember some things from attending church. Just my $0.02. tad - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 07 Jan 1999 15:50:58 -0600 From: Mauri Petersen Subject: Re: BUFFY: Little Willow & Co. List? One thing that I would like to see in a new list is the format of the title of the list in every message, that way the messages are kept together. Mauri - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 07 Jan 1999 17:18:30 -0500 From: Ryan Harrington Subject: BUFFY: ATT: THE REPLACEMENT MAILING LIST Hello again. Here's what I propose we do. We do need to create a new list rather than invade someone elses. And I think it would be in everone's best interests to stick with xmission since it has worked so well for us so far. Since the majority of people are in favor of me starting the new list (along with Little Willow if she's still interested) I will head this up. I will go to xmission and get the new list up and running. I will work out getting list managers and all. What I need from everyone on the list is for everyone to calm down and enjoy the lst few weeks of this list. Let a little time go bye for everyone to find out what's what. In the last week this list is online I will post all the new information on who/what/when/where/why/how of the replacement list. This will be the best way to do it because: It will give me time to get me and the other new listmoms ducks in a row and get the list ready. It would cause mass confusion to start signing up for the new list right now. Everyone will have heard what's going on and will be ready to make the switch (if they so choose). Now everyone just please calm down. You will be notified on how to get on the new list at the appropriate time. And please don't everyone keep starting new lists and new lists. LET THIS ONE BE THE ONE WE *ALL* SWITCH TO so we can keep the list together. Thank you very much and I will appreciate your cooperation. Ryan Harrington * * "Close your eyes"- Said by both Darla and Buffy to Angel (both right before they killed him). Keeper of Darla's voice & smart @$$ attitude - - ------------------------------ End of buffy-digest V3 #9 ************************* To subscribe to buffy or buffy-digest, send the command subscribe buffy-digest or subscribe buffy to You will need to go through a confirmation process, and the listowners have to manually approve your subscription request, so it may take some time. Back issues of this digest can be found at: For help, contact Jill Kirby ( or sah (