From: (buffy-digest) To: Subject: buffy-digest V3 #21 Reply-To: Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk buffy-digest Wednesday, January 13 1999 Volume 03 : Number 021 In this issue: Re: BUFFY: Joyce BUFFY: My Sympathies to the Buffy & Xander Club (E-online spoiler) Re: BUFFY: Overnight ratings for Gingerbread BUFFY: Giles???? On a compuer??? BUFFY: Gingerbread quote list Re: BUFFY: QUESTION! BUFFY: Johnny Re: BUFFY: Joyce BUFFY: gingerbread 'n' stuff BUFFY: Re: Hansel and Gretel BUFFY: Re: buffy-digest V3 #20 catfights (was Re: BUFFY: A new Guy for Buffy?) Re: BUFFY: Joyce BUFFY: Catfights BUFFY: Buffy Re: BUFFY: Gingerbread comment. BUFFY: Spike and Buffy Re: BUFFY: The New List BUFFY: Story behind Hansel and Gretel BUFFY: Joyce BUFFY: Girlfriend Re: BUFFY: Girlfriend BUFFY: Angel Saves the Day - shaking head See the end of the digest for information on subscribing to the buffy or buffy-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 13 Jan 1999 16:11:24 -0500 (EST) From: sah Subject: Re: BUFFY: Joyce At 03:54 PM 1/13/99 -0500, Jeff Rohaly wrote: >Maybe I should watch it again, but this issue wasn't as clear to me. >Especially concerning the other parents. I agree it's a bit unclear. I actually think everything except the calmly allowing their daughters to be burned at the stake were just a nature over-reaction to the situation. Book banning *still* goes on in this country in various places, so that's not so far-fetched. I draw the line at murdering your own child to save them. If Joyce and Sheila did that of their own volition how can you possibly see them as sympathetic or redeeming characters? They literally became the very thing they were supposedly protecting the town from. Given WIllow's comment about selective memory I'm inclined to believe some level of influence was going on, particularly toward the end, but will concede that it's very ambiguous. - --sah - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 13 Jan 1999 16:18:45 EST From: (fun ee) Subject: BUFFY: My Sympathies to the Buffy & Xander Club (E-online spoiler) r u m o r n e w s f r o m Wanda Spoilers on E-Online chat Well, if you read the post about Xander and Faith sleeping together and you are a Buffy and Xander Together devotee you must be heartbroken. I can just imagine Amanda crying: "Xander how could you do that to Buffy?" [funee give Amanda a........@}---'------,--------- ] Yet, maybe it's best this way. Now when Faith leaves for the Angel series, Xander's heart will be broken like the way he broke Cordelia's heart. That is, if all these rumors are TRUE! If they're not, I want my rose back. Just kidding, about the rose, I mean. funee (: PS If Xander REALLY does sleep with Faith, I'm thinking it really points out that Xander IS Joss, cause Xander gets all the girls! Geez! Talk about living your fantasy through your creations. ___________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 13 Jan 1999 16:36:01 EST From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Overnight ratings for Gingerbread i was wondering...could the fact that gingerbread came after several weeks of reruns have affected its rating? how have other episodes done that came after lengthy rerun periods? i was wondering if there was a pattern. sometimes i just wish they would run the entire season's worth of episodes uninterrupted. i know it won't happen because of sweeps and such, but it just seems to me that a show would be more likely to retain (and possibly gain) viewers that way. not to mention that fact a good storyline loses its impact when separated by reruns. gary - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 13 Jan 1999 16:44:14 EST From: Subject: BUFFY: Giles???? On a compuer??? I just watched Gingerbread, yeah, I know...........a little late.....I was totally shocked when Giles was sitting at the computer, let alone researching on it! One another note..........seems to be a really big bummer to be a part of Amy's family! Mom, stuck in s trophy, Amy, well, a rat! I liked the ep...kudos Joss!! Kara "It was to burn in my soul like a memory etched in the twilight of a youth who had never know innocence." ~C. Pike~ - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 13 Jan 1999 16:51:18 -0500 (EST) From: Betsy Vera Subject: BUFFY: Gingerbread quote list As always, the quote list was compiled by Maureen Wynn ( Bug her about mistakes, not me, okay? Maureen's quote lists are archived at: - - (Sunnydale Slayers) and - - (Cagey) - --------------------------------------------------------------------- Gingerbread Quote List B=Buffy, G=Giles, W=Willow, X=Xander, C=Cordelia, PS=Principal Snyder, J=Joyce, S=Sheila Rosenberg, M=Michael, A=Amy J: Is it a vampire? B: Mom, what are you doing here? J: I brought you a snack. I thought it was about time for me to come out and watch. You know, the slaying. B: You know, the Slaying is kind of an alone thing. J: It's, um, you know, something we could share. B: Actually, it's pretty dull, you know. It's bam, boom, stick... poof. J: Good, honey, kill him! J: It's Mr. Sanderson from the bank. And he's getting away! B: Stay! (closed captioning, but no voices heard: : Uh, there was, uh... Oh, it was, uh, Mrs. Plum, in the library, with a ratchet. :I--I really--I don't know what else I can tell you. The dead children? No, they didn't speak. :Okay, well, enjoy your doughnuts.) B: But I promise, everything's going to be okay. J: How? B: Because I'm going to find whatever did it. J: I guess. It's just, you can't... you can't make it right. G: Oh, uh, 12th Century, Papal Encyclical. B: Find me the thing that uses this symbol and point me at it. G: Hmm. B: "Hmm" what? Giles, speak. B: Someone with a soul did this? G: Yes, I'm afraid so. B: Okay. then while you're looking for the meaning of that symbol thingy, could you also find a loophole in that "Slayers don't kill people" rule? O: I haven't seen you all day. Where you been? X: Not with me. No sir. Ask anyone. No. X: Why was your mom there? B: More bad. She picked last night, of all nights, for a surprise bonding visit. W: God, your mom would actually take the time to do that with you? That really wasn't the point of the story, was it? J: A cult. Like witches. W: Sorry. Phlegm. Too much dairy. J: I know you kids think that stuff's cool. Buffy told me you dabble. W: Right. Absolutely. That's me. I'm a dabbler. J: Are you embarrassed to be hanging out with your mother? I didn't hug you. B: No, it's just... this hall is about school, and you're about home. Mix them, my world dissolves. B: You know what? A lot of times when we're working on stuff like this, we like to keep the number of people that know about it kind of... small. S: Willow, you cut off your hair. That's a new look. W: Yeah, it's just a sudden whim I had--in August. J: Well, it's uh, it's been a while. G: Right. Not since, uh, not since... not for a while. S: There's a rumor going around, Mr. Giles. G: Rumor, about us? About what? S: People calling themselves witches are responsible for this brutal crime. G: Indeed? How strange. W: Ha, ha. Yes. Strange. Witches. J: Mr. Mayor, you're dead wrong. This is not a good town. How many of us have lost someone who just disappeared? Or, or got skinned? Or suffered a neck rupture? C: You're going to be one busy little Slayer, baby-sitting them. B: I doubt they'll have any more trouble. C: I doubt your doubt. Everyone knows that witches killed those kids, and Amy is a witch. And Michael is whatever the boy of witch is, plus being the poster child for yuch. If you're going to hang with them, expect badness. 'Cause that's what you get when you hang with freaks and losers. Believe me, I know. That was a pointed comment about me hanging with you guys. B: Yeah, I got that one. B: Is Willow around? X: How can I convince you people that it's over? You assume because I'm here, she's here, that I somehow mysteriously know where she is. B: Those her books? X: Yeah, she's in the bathroom. X: I'm getting sick of the judgement. The innuendoes. Is a man not innocent until proven guilty? B: You are guilty. You got illicit smoochies, gonna have to pay the price. X: But I'm talking about the future guilt. Look, everyone expects me to mess up again. Like Oz. I see how he is around me. You know, that steely gaze... that pointed silence. B: 'Cause he's usually such a chatterbox. X: No, but it's different now. It's more a verbal nonverbal. He speaks volumes with his eyes. B: What is this? W: A doodle. I do doodle. You too. You do doodle, too. X: Oh, man, it's Nazi Germany, and I've got _Playboys_ in my locker. PS: This is a glorious day for Principals everywhere. No pathetic whining about students' rights. Just a long row of lockers, and a man with a key. W: I have stuff in my locker. Henbane, hellebore, mandrake root. X: Excuse me. Playboys. Can we turn the sympathy this way? G: They're confiscating my books. B: Giles, we need those books. G: Believe me, I tried to tell that to the nice man with the big gun. G: Ordinarily, I would say let's widen our research. B: Using what? A dictionary and _My Friend Flicka_? G: This is intolerable. Snyder has interfered before, but I won't take this from that twisted little homonculus. PS: I love the smell of desperate librarian in the morning. G: You get out... and take your marauders with you. PS: Oh, my. So fierce. PS: Just how is, um, "Blood Rites and Sacrifices" appropriate material for a public school library? Chess Club branching out? PS: Just remember, lift a finger against me, and you'll have to answer to MOO. B: Answer to Moo? Did that sentence just make some sense that I'm not in on? PS: Mothers Opposed to the Occult. A powerful new group. B: And who came up with that lame name? PS: That would be the founder. I believe you call her Mom. W: Mom, I'm not an age group. I'm me. Willow group. W: Mom, how would you know what I can do? I mean, the last time we had a conversation over three minutes, it was about the patriarchal bias of the Mister Rogers Show. S: You're grounded. W: Grounded? this is the first time _ever_ I've done something you don't like and I'm grounded? I'm supposed to mess up. I'm a teenager, remember? W: I'm a rebel. I'm having a rebellion. W: Mom, I'm not acting out, I'm a witch. I can make pencils float. And I can summon the four elements. Okay, two, but four soon. And I'm dating a musician! S: Oh, Willow! W: I worship Beelzebub. I do his biddings. Do you see any goats around? No, because I sacrificed them. W: All bow before Satan! S: I'm not listening to this. W: Prince of Night, I summon you! Come fill me with your black, naughty evil. S: I don't want you hanging out with those friends of yours. It's clear where this little obsession came from. You will not speak to Bunny Summers again. J: Honey, they opened a few lockers. B: Lockers. First syllable, lock. they're supposed to be private. J: Evil pops up, you undo it. And that's great. But is Sunnydale getting any better? Are they running out of vampires? B: I don't think that you run out of-- B: Okay, maybe I don't have a plan. Lord knows I don't have any lapel buttons. J: Buffy. B: And maybe next time that the world is getting sucked into hell, I won't be able to stop it because the anti-hell-sucking book isn't on the approved reading list. B: And nice acronym, Mom. A: I heard about this. People are talking. People are even talking to me. B: My mom said some things to me about being the Slayer. That it's fruitless. No fruit for Buffy. B: Okay, so I battle evil. But I don't really win. The bad keeps coming back, and getting stronger. I'm like that kid in the story, the boy that stuck his finger in the duck. A: Dike. It's another word for dam. B: Oh. Okay, that story makes a lot more sense now. G: "Session interrupted"? Who said you could interrupt, you stupid, useless fad! No, I said fad, and I'll say it again. X: At that point, I will become frightened. O: Take heart, we found your books. X: You can put the heart back. We can't get them. X: "Frisky Watchers Chat Room." Why, Giles! B: We need to get some information. G: Yeah, well somebody else do it, this thing's locked me out. X: Well, if you wouldn't yell at it... G: There is a fringe theory, held by a few folklorists, that some regional stories have actual, very literal antecedents. B: And in some language that's English? O: Fairy tales are real. X: Wait, Hansel and Gretel? Breadcrumbs, ovens, gingerbread house? G: Of course. It makes perfect sense. B: Yeah, it's all falling into place. Of course that place is nowhere near this place. X: I don't know about you, but I'm gonna go trade my cow for some beans. No one else is seeing the funny here. B: What happened? M: I was attacked. X: Officially not funny. C: Wake up! G: Cordelia? C: Took you long enough to wake up. My hand hurts. G: Pity. C: I came over here to tell Buffy to stop this craziness, and found you all unconscious--again. How many times have you been knocked out, anyway? I swear, one of these times, you're going to wake up in a coma. G: Wake up in a...? Oh, never mind. We need to save Buffy from Hansel and Gretel. C: Now, let's be clear. The brain damage happened before I hit you. X: What's with the grim? We're here to join you guys. No, really, why should you guys have all the fun? We want to be part of the hate. O: Just so we're clear, you guys know you're nuts, right? S: Torch. J: Thanks. this has been so trying, you've been such a champ. S: Oh, you too, Joyce. J: We should stay close, have lunch. S: Oh, I'd like that. How nice. A: All right, you want to fry a witch? I'll give you a witch. Goddess Hecate, work thy will. B: Uh-oh. W: You've seen what we can do. Another step and you will all feel my power! B: What are you gonna do, float a pencil at them? W: It's a really big power! B: Yes! You will all be turned into vermin. And some of you will be fish. Yeah, you in the back, will be fish. Guy: Maybe we should go. G: And, uh, drop a toadstone into the mixture. C: This? It doesn't look like a toad. G: No reason it should. It's from inside the toad. C: I hate you. B: Mom, dead people are talking to you. Do the math. C: God, you really were the little youthful offender, weren't you? You must just look back on that and cringe. C: You like that, huh? How about some more? B: Cordelia, put out the fire! C: Oh, right. C: Okay, I think I liked the two little ones more than the one big one. Demon: Protect us. Kill the bad girls. B: You know what? Not as convincing in that outfit. B: Did I get it? Did I get it? O: We're here to save you. W: Diana, Hecate, I hereby license thee to depart. Goddess of creatures great and small, I conjure thee to withdraw. A: B: Maybe we should get her one of those wheel thingies. - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 13 Jan 1999 16:51:59 EST From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: QUESTION! In a message dated 99-01-13 11:59:18 EST, writes: << Uggh to the pop psychology mom. She's one of those people who will catch 22 you with the "denial" argument. Did anyone else gag at her "I" statements? No wonder Willow was so sensitive to them in that past ep. >> Is it just me or can MOO also stand for MOMS who are OVERLY OBSESSIVE?? Kara - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 13 Jan 1999 16:54:31 EST From: Subject: BUFFY: Johnny Just asking.............was Johnny the black gothic guy who was with Willow and Amy? I thought it was him.............but I'm not sure. Kara - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 13 Jan 1999 15:55:37 -0600 From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Joyce At 03:54 PM 1/13/99 -0500, you wrote: >I think the episode remains more powerful if we're left with the idea that in their normal state, the citizenry of Sunnydale >are just a nudge away from a vengeful mob. > >Jeff Rohaly Who could blame them with all the deaths going on. Regardless of the explanations offered by the local government, people have GOT to be very edgy considering the massive loss of life in that town. So a regular citizen, Joyce, goes out at night and sees what most often isn't seen by the other residents of the town. Somebody is going to get the blame. It's all mob psychology. - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 13 Jan 1999 17:13:01 EST From: Subject: BUFFY: gingerbread 'n' stuff loved this episode! lots of hilarious scenes (cordy's comment about giles being knocked unconscious a lot, buffy's "did i get him?", the whole MOO thing). and i couldn't stop laughing at the whole watcher chat room scene. giles was in top form, not to mention snyder...hiss! the guy enjoys his evil too much...but that's why i like him :) as for the joyce bashing...personally i've thought since school hard that joyce may be a former slayer. a comment she made last night about buffy's slaying not making a difference, that she just "reacts", for example. could this be why, supposing joyce used the slayer, she got out of it? this scene alone isn't incriminating enough, but considering joyce's behavior since school hard, i have to wonder. and if this does prove to be the case, would her *alleged* love child with giles turn out to be a slayer? or for that matter a watcher, since giles mentioned watchers run in his family. since that has been proven the case with watchers, i always wondered if slayers ran in the family, meaning joyce could have very well been a slayer. and, if this is the case, that someone is born a watcher and slayer, what if someone is conceived by a watcher and former slayer? i've always wondered how someone is chosen to be a watcher or slayer, so maybe if joyce really is pregnant and my suspicions are confirmed, all this chosen business will be explained. also, about snyder. since this is the last year of high school for the gang, i wonder what will happen to him? i hate to see him go, but i wonder how they would be able to keep him? if this does prove to be his final year, i hope he really gets what's coming to him. even though i'd like him to stick around, i hope his send-off is a fiendishly violent one >:) this also makes me wonder about giles...since he is the high school librarian, what will happen to him when buffy graduates? if she goes to college, he would probably just go there to work. but what if she doesn't? it just seems to me that the whole structure of things is gonna change next season. gary - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 13 Jan 1999 17:10:00 EST From: Subject: BUFFY: Re: Hansel and Gretel In a message dated 99-01-13 16:17:37 EST, you write: << It is the only fair tale that I'm aware of where the boy and the girl both do something to save themselves. Hansel uses pebbles to save he and his sister the first time. Not bad, but then saving the day is what boys are supposed to do in fairy stories. Then a *huge* surprise. Gretel actually uses her brain to trick the witch into showing her how to test the temperature of the oven. This is an incredibly rare thing in fairy tales. >> Gonna have to disagree that this makes this a feminist, rather than misogynist, tale. Because in Hansel and Gretel, as with many fairy tales, all adult women are evil -- they are either witches, in which case they deserve to be shoved into ovens, or they are like the hunter's wife, in which case they also try to kill little children. Which is why I really appreciated seeing the story exposed for what it is -- a hatred and fear of women, as the fear of witchcraft has always been throughout history. iocaste - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 13 Jan 1999 16:25:41 -0600 From: LilyRei Subject: BUFFY: Re: buffy-digest V3 #20 buffy-digest wrote: Kelly White wrote: > After seeing Gingerbread, I've came to the conclusion that Joyce should > die. Or at least get what's coming to her. > Finally! Someone who agrees with me. Let's do lunch. :) - -- LilyRei Heart of the Slayer Angel ~ Passages ***** Sayings That Should Be On Buttons: "And your crybaby whiny-assed opinion would be...?" - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 13 Jan 1999 17:25:33 EST From: Subject: catfights (was Re: BUFFY: A new Guy for Buffy?) wrote: > WHY do guys always have this thing for catfights? well, i think for some guys it gives them some sort of turn-on. but being a gay guy, that is not why i said it. for me, it's just that i typically see guys on movies and tv having fights and such while girls either have heart to hearts or cry into their hankies. while i applaud the fact that such examples show women resolving conflict in a civilized manner, it's not often i see women going at it (since i don't watch those usa late night flicks) and it would just be fun for me to see. besides, i always thought dru was the most formidable of the spike and drucilla duo and was disappointed i never got to see a knockdown buffy/dru fight. gary - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 13 Jan 1999 14:33:53 -0800 From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Joyce > I think the episode remains more powerful if we're left with the idea that > in their normal state, the citizenry of Sunnydale >are just a nudge away > from a vengeful mob. > > > Absolutely-- and I'll tell you, it's true in most of the country in the real world as well. I forget which show I'm quoting- maybe men in black? But there is a line in it that says "A person is smart. People are stupid..." something to the effect that the masses tend to catch panic or hate and run with it. I have personally experienced this strangeness. I went to a Republican rally (featuring Bob Dole and ? Bo Derek- go figure) three years ago, in my very conservative S. California town, to protest a proposition that would eliminate a lot of equal opportunity programs in a lot of businesses. Anyhow, even though we weren't talking at all (it was just silence and signs) the community was outraged that these college upstarts had shown up to protest, and several of us were attacked physically. Personally, I was rammed in the shin by an empty baby carraige by a respectable 30something woman. My friend Melissa, however, bore the brunt of most of the abuse. She was also rammed, baby carraige style, pushed roughly by a 70 year old man yelling that she would go to hell, and, after trying to debate the issue with a 40something year old businessman was told that her only future lay in the porn business, and that she should shut her pretty mouth. All this in a quiet, happy community. There were people all around us, and nobody acted to deter the abuse. After speaking with the police who were security, they told us there was nothing they could do because these were the foundational families of my town. (iow, MONEY$$$) Anyhow, maybe this is offtopic, but last nights ep. definitely brought back memories. Mob mentality is SCARY. ObBuffy (just in case) Where was Jonathon???? ANyone spot him lurking? Autumn - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 13 Jan 1999 14:49:50 PST From: "Karina Spencer" Subject: BUFFY: Catfights I, personally, would LOVE to see a Buffy-Dru catfight! And it's not just guys who like 'em. All the girls in my school like 'em. ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 13 Jan 1999 17:50:06 EST From: Subject: BUFFY: Buffy I think the last episode was very good, but the adults should at least get convicted for doing that.They were like very unreasonable. I think the guest apperance of Amy made it good as well and she should be a regular since she is friends with Buffy and Willow and she could help Willow and Giles with spells, that is if they convert her back to a human. - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 13 Jan 1999 17:51:36 EST From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Gingerbread comment. <> They're burning people it doesn't get much crazier than that so i don't think it really matters where they burn them. - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 13 Jan 1999 15:05:21 PST From: "Karina Spencer" Subject: BUFFY: Spike and Buffy I can TOTALLY see Spike and Buffy together!!!! I've been waiting for that moment for forever, and it sure would be a good storyline. Like, they accidentally kiss and they're like, Oh my god! And it would be a Slayer and a REAL vampire, not a cursed one. ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 13 Jan 1999 18:30:55 -0500 From: Ryan Harrington Subject: Re: BUFFY: The New List >how woul di get there? We don't have our web page up yet, nor have we started subbing people yet. We will very soon though. Just one or two more things to work out. Ryan Harrington * * "Close your eyes"- Said by both Darla and Buffy to Angel (both right before they killed him). Keeper of Darla's voice & smart @$$ attitude - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 13 Jan 1999 18:37:55 -0500 From: GORDON K CUMMING Subject: BUFFY: Story behind Hansel and Gretel I borrowed a book from my library called The Hamlyn Book of Horror. It is based on real life ghost stories. There is reference in the book to a man named Dr M. R. James (1862-1936), he told the story of a boy named Stephan who was staying with his cousin Mr Abney. He was warned of danger by the ghosts of two children , a young girl and boy, They told Stephan that they were murdered by Mr Abney and he needed to be stopped. Had Stephan imagined this? No. Mr Abney was found dead later that night. The book says that the ghost have been reported being seen in other places throughout 1862-1936 before Dr M. R. James died. I thought this was very inbteresting because I found it after I haad seen the "Gingerbread" episode. It also seems like what happened on Buffy. Jennifer Cumming - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 13 Jan 1999 19:42:15 -0500 From: "B + C White" Subject: BUFFY: Joyce Yes, Joyce should die. What is it about TV moms? They all suck! Celia - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 14 Jan 1999 14:24:14 +1300 From: "" Subject: BUFFY: Girlfriend There is a poster of SMG, AH & NB in Australian Girlfriend magazine. It's almost the same as the picture where they're all wearing red, the backgrounds red. Anyway, this one I haven't seen before (it's got them just standing there with SMG's hand on NB's leg) but i know it's from the same photo shoot. Make sense? On the opposite page, there is a tiny interview with NB, just about his fave Halloween costume and how bloody the show is allowed to get. There may be other things in the magazine, but I haven't read it all yet. Junebabe - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 13 Jan 1999 17:27:48 -0800 (PST) From: Little Willow Subject: Re: BUFFY: Girlfriend The set Junebabe is describing sounds like the Entertainment Weekly photo shoot from fall 1997. I have one of those pictures up at the main entrance of my website. The people at E.Weekly had built that "coffin-building" set for that photo shoot, and since everyone loves those pictures, they've been used in some other magazines since as well. Any chance of any Aussie s*bscribers scanning the pics or typing the article from Girlfriend for us grateful States people? :) Little Willow - -------------------------------------------------------- Thristy for BtVS news or looking to stake your claim in the official Alyson Hannigan fan club, WPWP? Climb on over to Little Willow's Slayground at - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 13 Jan 1999 18:14:37 -0800 (PST) From: Little Willow Subject: BUFFY: Angel Saves the Day - shaking head S P O I L E R S P A C E F O R "Gingerbread" C O M M E N T S Actually, I was glad Angel didn't come to save the day at the close of the episode. The scene between Angel and Buffy mid-ep was excellent. After the initial hug, which almost scared me, I was having first season flashbacks (save me, hilary!). Many kudos to the dark brooding guy Xander felt so immediately jealous of. Where was that white tank and leather jacket of 1997? At this point, I'm in full-fledged ramble, but I digress. Angel saving the day typically makes me wish there had been a different way of going about it. A group effort, Angel slays this, someone else slays that. Not always waiting for Angel to show up and be SuperVamp, to the rescue. The "Angel Should Have and Did" example - The close of "Angel", where he kills Darla, was extremely poignant. He killed the thing that killed him, he killed his maker, his romantic ties, his new (at that point in time) love interest's enemy. That made sense for Angel to rush in and save the day with good timing. It was his battle to fight. The "Angel Saves the Day" sydrome example - The end of "Beauty and the Beasts" irked me. In rushes Angel, with his impeccable jelly doughnut timing, to snap Pete's neck and etcetera. "I'll be quiet now." Little Willow - -------------------------------------------------------- Thristy for BtVS news or looking to stake your claim in the official Alyson Hannigan fan club, WPWP? Climb on over to Little Willow's Slayground at - - ------------------------------ End of buffy-digest V3 #21 ************************** To subscribe to buffy or buffy-digest, send the command subscribe buffy-digest or subscribe buffy to You will need to go through a confirmation process, and the listowners have to manually approve your subscription request, so it may take some time. Back issues of this digest can be found at: For help, contact Jill Kirby ( or sah (