From: (buffy-digest) To: Subject: buffy-digest V3 #26 Reply-To: Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk buffy-digest Sunday, January 17 1999 Volume 03 : Number 026 In this issue: BUFFY: Michael BUFFY: DB in Teen Celebrity BUFFY: Scooby Doo Gang! I need some info PLEASE! BUFFY: DB Fanatic Rerun Re: BUFFY: Scooby Doo Gang! I need some info PLEASE! Re: BUFFY: Scooby Doo Gang! I need some info PLEASE! Re: BUFFY: Scooby Doo Gang! I need some info PLEASE! BUFFY: Buffy articles in my local newspaper BUFFY: Big Helpless Spoiler BUFFY: Rumor confirmations please (spoilers) Re: BUFFY: Rumor confirmations please (spoilers) Re: BUFFY: 2 degrees from Buffy Re: BUFFY: 6 Degrees of Buffy : ) Re: BUFFY: 2 degrees from Buffy Re: BUFFY: 6 Degrees of Buffy : ) Re: BUFFY: Actors Pay Re: BUFFY: ATT: REPLACEMENT STATUS Re: BUFFY: ATT: REPLACEMENT STATUS Re: BUFFY: ATT: REPLACEMENT STATUS Re: BUFFY: Rumor confirmations please (spoilers) Re: BUFFY: SMG and her new boy toy Re: BUFFY: ATT: REPLACEMENT STATUS BUFFY: ATT: If you want to join our new list BUFFY: Can't Hardly Wait BUFFY: Its a list fluke thats what it is and there will be no more fluking BUFFY: A plenthora of Buffy mailing lists. Re: BUFFY: A plenthora of Buffy mailing lists. See the end of the digest for information on subscribing to the buffy or buffy-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sun, 17 Jan 1999 11:04:12 PST From: "Karina Spencer" Subject: BUFFY: Michael Does anyone else recognize Michael from something? If you do, could you PLEASE tell me cause it's driving me and my sister crazy!!!!!! ___________________________ *Keeper of Principal Snyder's want to hang out with the Scooby Gang in Band Candy, and of Cordy's spikes in The Wish *Owner of the Slayerettes Webring ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 17 Jan 1999 11:26:03 -0800 (PST) From: Jeani Arera Subject: BUFFY: DB in Teen Celebrity Hey Everybody! Well in the Jan. issue of Teen Celebrity David Boreanaz is on the cover! There are two pix of him in it. The article is kinda short but that's okay. N-E-wayz, he was in the mag. be'cuz he was made #1 as the hotest guy. In fact all the Buffy guyz mad the list! I think Nicky was #26 and Seth was #33. And in the back of the magazine (the very last page) there's this really cool picture of Sarah, Nick, and Ally where they are all dressed in red. They aren't possing like the other pictures where they are in red, it's sort of different and there's a cassket in the back ground. But I thought I'd let you all know about it. Kay Buh-Byeies! Jeani == ********************************************************************** *Keeper of Buffy's Peddal Pushers *Keeper of Willows black eye and flat hair *Keeper of Cordy's drugged drink and History book *Keeper of Xander's luv for ted's chocolate chip cookies _________________________________________________________ DO YOU YAHOO!? Get your free address at - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 17 Jan 1999 11:34:41 -0800 (PST) From: Jeani Arera Subject: BUFFY: Scooby Doo Gang! I need some info PLEASE! Hey all, One more thingy I need! For all those Buffy Guru(s) I need some very simple information! Can you please help meeh out and tell meeh what are the gang names? Like what's Buffy's and Willow's and Xander's scooby name! I would really appreciate it if you could give meeh the 411! Spanks to all who reply! (that means thanks) Buh-Byeies, Jeani == ********************************************************************** *Keeper of Buffy's Peddal Pushers *Keeper of Willows black eye and flat hair *Keeper of Cordy's drugged drink and History book *Keeper of Xander's luv for ted's chocolate chip cookies _________________________________________________________ DO YOU YAHOO!? Get your free address at - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 17 Jan 1999 15:31:20 -0500 (EST) From: "F.Y.G." Subject: BUFFY: DB Fanatic Rerun David's "Fanatic" rerun is airing this Wednesday on MTV I think 10:30pm but I'm sure I'm wrong, I think. F.Y.G./missile Founder and President of the Buffy Crew Delta Sigma Phi Sargent at Arms - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 17 Jan 1999 13:43:02 -0800 From: Fanboy Subject: Re: BUFFY: Scooby Doo Gang! I need some info PLEASE! Jeani Arera wrote: > Can you please help meeh out and tell meeh what are the gang names? Like what's Buffy's and Willow's and > Xander's scooby name! If I understand your question correctly, they really don't have any. The Scooby gang nickname came from a line Xander said in "What's My Line?" pt 1 Xander says to Cordelia "You wanna be a member of the Scooby Gang, you gotta be willing to be inconvenienced now and then." The name stuck. Slayerttes is also used, from "The Witch." But. . . if I were going to assign names to the main Buffy Characters from Scooby Doo then this is what I would go with Cordelia--Dafine (I think that's it it been awhile sense I saw it) She was the supper pretty one (and a little snobbish, and under statement in Cordy's case) Willow--Willma (sp?) The computer person of the group Xander--Shagy, need I say more? This leaves Buffy as (you guessed it) Scooby Doo (it makes sense if you think about too much.) This also leaves Faith as (and you're really going to love this one) Scrappy Doo. (I get the giggles just from thinking about it.) Fanboy - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 17 Jan 1999 16:58:30 -0500 From: Ryan Harrington Subject: Re: BUFFY: Scooby Doo Gang! I need some info PLEASE! >Cordelia--Dafine (I think that's it it been awhile sense I saw it) She >was the supper pretty one (and a >little snobbish, and under statement in Cordy's case) Its Daphne. >Willow--Willma (sp?) The computer person of the group Willma was a Flinstone. I think you meant Velma. Ryan Harrington * * "Close your eyes"- Said by both Darla and Buffy to Angel (both right before they killed him). Keeper of Darla's voice & smart @$$ attitude Keeper of Amy's hampster wheel - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 17 Jan 1999 16:27:49 CST From: "Cydney" Subject: Re: BUFFY: Scooby Doo Gang! I need some info PLEASE! If I were to equate Buffy characters with Scooby characters, it would go like this: Xander=Shaggy Willow=Velma Giles=Freddy Oz= Scooby Cordelia=Daphne Buffy= Scrappy Doo (c'mon, that little pup was damned heroic) Snyder= that old guy who "would have gotten away for it if it hadn't been for you nosy kids" Cydney Proud GASPer ** Keeper of The Ripper's Desire to Shag Joyce** Keeper of Oz's Ability to Woo Technopagans in Training** Perceptive Guardian of Ethan and Giles' Not So Subtle Sexual Tension **Keeper of Dru's Incredible Ability to Keep Her Whites Their Whitest, Despite Her Gory Eating Habits and Her Equally Astounding Ability to Stay Manicured, Powdered, and Pretty Despite Being a Thundering Looney **Keeper of Oz's Incredible Pain Threshold and His Animal Magnetism** - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 17 Jan 1999 15:41:55 -0700 From: David Simpson Subject: BUFFY: Buffy articles in my local newspaper Do all the rest of you know how much fun it is to open up your local newspaper and see articles about the Buffster and her happy crew? Well, today I had that joy come into my life. My morning newspaper here in Salt Lake City (the Deseret News) had 3/4 of a page taken up by information about my favorite show, including information about Angel, Buffy, Xander, and Joss. There are two main articles on the page, with several subarticles in each. The first article is headlined: New 'Angel' series debuts in fall =97 but hype has already begun 'Buffy' spinoff to share characters with original show Within that article are the following subarticles: TOUGH LUCK XANDER THE WAITER? A COUPLE OF CLUES THE PRICE OF FAME The second article is headlined: 'Buffy' sees her character as smart role model for girls Within this article there is a subarticle headed: SHE WANTS TO DIE There is a lot of text associated with both articles, so I will not post the articles. If you can't access the articles on the Internet, e-mail me privately and I can send them to you. The two articles are located on the Internet at the following locations: 1.,1249,30005821,00.html? 2.,1249,30005797,00.html David Simpson Buffy: Okay, so I battle evil. But I don't really win. The bad keeps coming back, and getting stronger. I'm like that kid in the story, the boy that stuck his finger in the duck. Angel: Dike. It's another word for dam. Buffy: Oh. Okay, that story makes a lot more sense now. - --- Gingerbread (BtVS) - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 17 Jan 1999 14:56:01 PST From: "travis stone" Subject: BUFFY: Big Helpless Spoiler big spoiler news for this week ep. " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " Giles gets canned for being to much of a daddy to buffy in this week episiod "Helpless, and I would geuss a new watcher will be coming to sunnydale next week, hummmm later trav ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 17 Jan 1999 19:09:05 EST From: (fun ee) Subject: BUFFY: Rumor confirmations please (spoilers) s p o i l e r s j u s t i n c a s e Hello, Everyone: Ok lets get a few things straight here. Please, everyone jump in and correct or add to these following bits and pieces I have of what is to take place in future Buffy episodes and in the upcoming Angel series: 1. XANDER WILL SLEEP WITH FAITH -- True? According to a post here supposedly based on a chat with Wanda on E On-line. 2. WILLOW WILL NOT BE RAPED -- True? Both Will and Buff will become captives of a gang in a future episode. 3. CORDELIA, FAITH, SPIKE, DRU, and of course, ANGEL LEAVING -- Ok, from all the bits and pieces from the posting board, rumors, interviews, etc. it appears those 5 characters are DEFINITELY leaving the series for the new Angel spinoff. True? 4. CORDELIA WILL BECOME A VAMPIRE -- Ok, another piece from a telephone interview with Charisma Carpenter by a New Zealand newspaper. This is based on an answer from Charisma that in the new series she will 'be dead and everything'. Is this true? Ok, if you got other stuff you want to add to this by all means do so. Lets get the facts straight before we move on to the more important things like a Buffy/Dawson/Xena crossover. Ok? (: funee ___________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 17 Jan 1999 21:14:45 EST From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Rumor confirmations please (spoilers) In a message dated 1/17/99 7:17:34 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes: << s p o i l e r s j u s t i n c a s e Hello, Everyone: Ok lets get a few things straight here. Please, everyone jump in and correct or add to these following bits and pieces I have of what is to take place in future Buffy episodes and in the upcoming Angel series: 1. XANDER WILL SLEEP WITH FAITH -- True? According to a post here supposedly based on a chat with Wanda on E On-line. 2. WILLOW WILL NOT BE RAPED -- True? Both Will and Buff will become captives of a gang in a future episode. 3. CORDELIA, FAITH, SPIKE, DRU, and of course, ANGEL LEAVING -- Ok, from all the bits and pieces from the posting board, rumors, interviews, etc. it appears those 5 characters are DEFINITELY leaving the series for the new Angel spinoff. True? 4. CORDELIA WILL BECOME A VAMPIRE -- Ok, another piece from a telephone interview with Charisma Carpenter by a New Zealand newspaper. This is based on an answer from Charisma that in the new series she will 'be dead and everything'. Is this true? Ok, if you got other stuff you want to add to this by all means do so. Lets get the facts straight before we move on to the more important things like a Buffy/Dawson/Xena crossover. Ok? (: funee >> i do know that a new watcher comes to town, for faith and that it shakes things up, i am prett sure xander does not sleep with faith but not totally positve - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 17 Jan 1999 21:19:28 -0500 From: Scott Subject: Re: BUFFY: 2 degrees from Buffy wrote: > I'm afraid I've got you all beat. Unless one of you IS SMG > lurking on the list, or one of her coworkers. > If such is not the case, I respectfully submit my 2--that's > two, count 'em: one, two--degrees of separation from Our > Heroine: I am a first cousin (our mothers are sisters) to Actually, that's not really beating everyone. You are related to someone who has met Sarah (assuming you've met Larry). There are probably a couple hundred list members who have the same connection. Anyone's who's been to the posting board parties and has met someone affiliated with the show has the same degrees of separation. In addition to that, I'm sure there are a few people on this list that have 1 degree of separation to Sarah. I've talked to Alyson and Lost Boy (who did he turn out to be anyway, I never did find out), and met several of Sarah's friends or co-stars, so I have about 30-40 sets of 2-degree separations to her, and also a 1-degree separation. The whole "degree of separation" thing isn't as remarkable as it may sound. I'd be willing to bet that 98% of this list has a 4-degree separation to everyone on the show. - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 17 Jan 1999 21:23:25 -0500 From: Scott Subject: Re: BUFFY: 6 Degrees of Buffy : ) "Sarah W." wrote: > Okay, me too! Let me try to explain this. 1) My friend (who moved to > Russia) has 2) a sister at Yale whose dorm room is right across from 3) > Claire Danes (kinda cool, that close a degree there), who was in "My You're actually closer than that. Claire Danes was in a film with Freddie Prinze Jr, who was in I Know What You Did... with Sarah. Or, you could cut out Freddie prinze alltogether since Sarah and Claire Danes know each other. > Oh, and yay, Lawless is back! ;) Thanks :) - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 17 Jan 1999 21:29:37 -0500 From: Ryan Harrington Subject: Re: BUFFY: 2 degrees from Buffy OK since I've talked to Alyson on the phone before would that mean that I am 1 or 2 degrees from Sarah? Ryan Harrington * * "Close your eyes"- Said by both Darla and Buffy to Angel (both right before they killed him). Keeper of Darla's voice & smart @$$ attitude Keeper of Amy's hampster wheel - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 17 Jan 1999 21:28:56 -0500 From: Scott Subject: Re: BUFFY: 6 Degrees of Buffy : ) wrote: > 1)me -- 2)my cousin Greg who is in a band called Stroke9, which appears in Ron > Howard's new flick "Ed TV" (comes out March 26th). Greg and his band mates > got to go to the set and meet -- 3)Ron, Matthew McConaughey and others in the Sally Kirkland is in Ed Tv, and was in High Stakes with Gellar. I can't remember if the list moms said we should drop the 6-degrees thing last time it came up so this'll be my last post on it. - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 17 Jan 1999 21:38:33 -0500 From: Scott Subject: Re: BUFFY: Actors Pay I think the suporting cast (Hannigan, Head, Carpenter...) gets about 1/3rd of SMG's salary, who got a raise at the beginning of the 2nd season. SMG makes a decent amount considering the show's ratings. She gets mid-six figures annually. Alan Frandsen wrote: > Does anyone know roughly how much any of the actors get paid per > episode? - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 17 Jan 1999 22:09:00 -0500 From: Doyle Tatum Subject: Re: BUFFY: ATT: REPLACEMENT STATUS Ryan Harrington wrote: > Ok here's where we stand now everyone. Myself, Little Willow, and Katie > Masters are going to be the new listowners wherever we decide is the best > place to move the list to. RayneFire is going to be our contest person I'm sory, when did everyone on the list vote for you guys to be the new listowners? I like how you come on here and say "hey everyone, we will be the new list ownwers from now on." The logical thing to do would be to say that you will be starting up a new list where you are teh listowner and anyone who wants to join is free to instead of stating that you'll be the new leaders of the "new list." As for myself, I will not be joining any list that Katie Masters is a part of. I know some of you may be confused here and wondering why. Well, mainly because she's an idiot. I don't mean to be rude here, but that happens to simply be the case. Just look at how selfish she becomes about starting up her "own" list. She's power-hungry and that wouldn't be such a bad thing if she was more like normal people. I don't expect anyone to take my word for that, so do me a favor (and yourself), and go through your old messages for the last year and read some of her old posts. I can remember several occasions where she has come up with the most idiotic things to say and other posters have basically had to tell her to shut up. If you look at her old posts, you'll even find that she violates the quoting limit on MULTIPLE occasions and will quote an entire message. Yeah, that's what I want, to join a list run by someone who can';t even follow the rules on this one. But as I said, don't take my word for it, just go through your old mail or the archives (especially from when she first joined) and read some of her posts, and then ask yourself if you really want to be on a list she's involved with. It's bad enough that we had to deal with a couple power-hungry list moms on this board (just a couple, the others were great) that took pleasure in berating people and canceling discussions for the stupidest reasons, do we really want to deal with that on another with someone of even less intelligence? _ - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 17 Jan 1999 22:46:05 -0500 From: Ryan Harrington Subject: Re: BUFFY: ATT: REPLACEMENT STATUS Please don't slam people (especially onlist). Its not nice. Besides no will will be starting a corrupt list. Katie is working in conjunction with Little Willow and myself. There will be corrupting by anyone. Think of it as the balance of powers (I have no idea what they are in this country). Please don't say bad things about her or our list just b/c you do not like her. Ryan Harrington * * "Close your eyes"- Said by both Darla and Buffy to Angel (both right before they killed him). Keeper of Darla's voice & smart @$$ attitude Keeper of Amy's hampster wheel - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 17 Jan 1999 22:05:28 -0600 (CST) From: Jill Kirby Subject: Re: BUFFY: ATT: REPLACEMENT STATUS This person has been uns*bbed for what was a very obvious flame. There may only be a little time left for this list, but until it doesn't exist any more Sharon and I will continue to enforce the list rules as we always have. Jill Jill Kirby ~~ "That cow had my name on it!" --Fox Mulder - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 17 Jan 1999 23:08:12 EST From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Rumor confirmations please (spoilers) I JUST WANTED EVERYONE TO CHECK OUT MY WEBPAGE.. AND IF U HAVE A ALINK PLEASE EMAIL IT TO ME.... My Angel's World - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 17 Jan 1999 23:14:19 -0500 From: Scott Subject: Re: BUFFY: SMG and her new boy toy Teen People's just rehashing old gossip. The info about SMG and Jerry O'Connell is all rumors and she's had to mention a few times before that they're just friends. Jeani Arera wrote: > Hey you guyz, > Here is some new news about Sarah Michelle Gellar. I hope this > takes the thought of the list ending for just a little bit. Well > anywayz, I don't know if it has been posted but, it seems that Sarah > is now currently with Jerry O'Connell. I got this tid-bit from Teen > People. The tiny thingy says: > > VALENTINE VIRGINS > Last year SMG managed to sly her Scream 2 co-star Jerry O'Connell. > What's on the Valentine's Day menu- a stake, er, a steak dinner? > > I thought that was so cute! Well I am so sad that the list is ending > just thought I'd bring this one last thing up before our "happy > family" has to say good-bye, so long, sianora, lates, buh-byes! SO > SAD!!:*( > SNIFFLE! SNIFFLE! SIGH! > > That's it 4 now! > Bye all you buffy fanatics out there! (INCLUDING MEEH) > > ferwells, > Jeani > > > == > > ********************************************************************** *Keeper of Buffy's Peddel Pushers > *Keeper of Willows black eye and flat hair > *Keeper of Cordy's drugged drink and History book > *Keeper of Xander's luv for ted's chocolate chip cookies > > _________________________________________________________ > DO YOU YAHOO!? > Get your free address at > > - - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 17 Jan 1999 20:43:20 -0800 From: Fanboy Subject: Re: BUFFY: ATT: REPLACEMENT STATUS Doyle Tatum wrote: > The logical thing to do would be to say that you > will be starting up a new list where you are teh listowner and anyone who wants > to join is free to instead of stating that you'll be the new leaders of the "new > list." Despite the flame towards Katie, the first part dose make sense. I don't think Katie deserved the treatment she got, but I think that (to make this a easier and more pleasant transition for everyone) it is important to remember that there is no replacement list. Each of us will do what we feel is best for us. For the record I haven't decided where I'm going, but someone sent me a nice e-mail asking me to join a certain list and I'm leaning towards that one. Buffy is a great show. I love the intricate plots, the well rounded characters, and the witty lines. Joss has done an excellent job of creating a world that we can discuss in this forum. While posting the status and inventions to join a new list aren't prohibited, and even welcome to an extent; I ask that the conversation stay on the topic of this wonderful show. Fanboy - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 17 Jan 1999 23:52:43 -0500 From: Ryan Harrington Subject: BUFFY: ATT: If you want to join our new list Everywhere you see an * in this message replace it with a U. Well we've finally completed most everything and we're ready to have people begin s*bbing. We have a page for the new mailing list at but its not really all that much up and running yet. This will be the url to go to to find out anything and everything about the list. For those wondering: Yes we will have archives for the new list (note: these archives are only for the new list, the old archives cannot carry over) and yes we offer a digest version of the list. HOW TO JOIN: (Option 2 is recommended if you want to view the archives) 1) Join by email: Send an email to one of the following addresses (note: the last two are for after you have s*bbed to the list already) jossbtvs-s* - s*bscribe to the list. jossbtvs-uns* - uns*bscribe from the list. - switch your s*bscription to digest mode. - switch your s*bscription to normal mode. 2) Join through a web page Go to to s*b. It has very simple directions on how to s*b to normal and digest modes. Also you may be required to register with onelist if you s*b through the web page (don't worry about this though, it remains confidential and its free). Once you have sent your email or requested a s*bscription us listowners have to approve it, just like here at xmission. When we approve you, you will be sent a copy of rules and directions automatically so BE SURE NOT TO DELETE IT. The rules have been modified some and we will enforce them strictly just like here at xmission. Also if you delete your welcome message you're not gonna know how to post. If you encounter any problems joining or if you accidentally delete your welcome message or anything of that nature or if you have any questions please email myself < > or Little Willow < >. Katie is a co-listowner also but is having problems with her email so for right now just email the two of us questions. We encourage everyone to join the new list because this xmission one goes down on January 23rd so get those s*bscriptions in! Good Luck! =) Ryan Harrington * * "Close your eyes"- Said by both Darla and Buffy to Angel (both right before they killed him). Keeper of Darla's voice & smart @$$ attitude Keeper of Amy's hampster wheel - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 17 Jan 1999 23:57:29 EST From: Subject: BUFFY: Can't Hardly Wait Hey guys, tell me if I"m just being delusional or not.... In the movie Can't Hardly Wait, during that one scene when a brownie hits Denise on the side of the head, was the guy who licked her cheek the same guy who played Jesse in Welcome to the Hellmouth? Secondly, also in Can't Hardly Wait, right after Amanda tells off her ex boyfriend Mike or whatever, either the second or third guy who comes up to her to hit on her looked a lot like Owen from Never Kill a Boy on the First Date. Anyone want to tell me if I'm right or not? Joce - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 18 Jan 1999 00:25:29 -0500 From: Ryan Harrington Subject: BUFFY: Its a list fluke thats what it is and there will be no more fluking Those who got emails on joining our list where it said we were official, scratch that. Didnt realize what a powerful word official was. If yours didnt say that is b/c you got it after it was changed. Ryan Harrington * * "Close your eyes"- Said by both Darla and Buffy to Angel (both right before they killed him). Keeper of Darla's voice & smart @$$ attitude Keeper of Amy's hampster wheel - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 17 Jan 1999 21:26:27 -0800 From: Jessica Tear Subject: BUFFY: A plenthora of Buffy mailing lists. I just figured since everyone was griping about this and that, I'd throw my list into the fore=E9. A couple weeks ago I started the list, it's been running rather smoothly, although all in all there's only roughly 30 people on it and mailing hasn't been all that common yet. Anyone wishing to join can do so. -BtVS- is the name of the list. It is in the entertainment/television section at Thanks for readin' yet another babble filled mail! - - Jess It's what's for dinner. AOL&AIM - JessTear/Sykotropyk - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 18 Jan 1999 00:21:35 -0500 From: sah Subject: Re: BUFFY: A plenthora of Buffy mailing lists. At 09:26 PM 1/17/99 -0800, you wrote: >A couple weeks ago I started the list, it's been >running rather smoothly, although all in all there's only roughly 30 people >on it and mailing hasn't been all that common yet. Anyone wishing to join >can do so. And this provides a perfect way to remind people to post their own list info during the closing days of the list. Don't do it excessively (like once a day) but one reminder to everyone certainly won't hurt. - --sah "What Hyde doesn't seem to realize with all his 'protecting us from the knock on the door at 3 am' melodrama is that our war dead died to protect our freedoms -- not to empower government to spy on our sex life, set perjury traps, and 'get' our political enemies. What Hyde and company are doing is totalitarian -- the exact opposite of his jabber. And to try to pretend that pushing a guy into a corner about sex is about something higher and nobler is insulting to us all." --Hamilton - - ------------------------------ End of buffy-digest V3 #26 ************************** To subscribe to buffy or buffy-digest, send the command subscribe buffy-digest or subscribe buffy to You will need to go through a confirmation process, and the listowners have to manually approve your subscription request, so it may take some time. Back issues of this digest can be found at: For help, contact Jill Kirby ( or sah (