From: (buffy-digest) To: Subject: buffy-digest V3 #32 Reply-To: Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk buffy-digest Friday, January 22 1999 Volume 03 : Number 032 In this issue: Re: BUFFY: Helpless and the vamp lie BUFFY: New list?!? Re: BUFFY: Helpless BUFFY: Re: Aly's New Movie Re: BUFFY: Helpless and the vamp lie Re: BUFFY: About Giles bashing!!! BUFFY: Sunnydale High School used in "She's All That" BUFFY: New EW TV Poll Re: BUFFY: Helpless BUFFY: My Last/First Message BUFFY: Joss in TV Guide On-line BUFFY: One last one BUFFY: REMINDER: List going bye-bye BUFFY: a final ?'s Re: BUFFY: a final ?'s Re: BUFFY: a final ?'s BUFFY: The Keeper Network BUFFY: BUFFY Spoilers BUFFY: Goodbye, xmission list. (Goodnight, moon.) BUFFY: SMG Cameo article Re: BUFFY: a final ?'s BUFFY: NB remarks from Asylum Re: BUFFY: Helpless Question BUFFY: Final Goodbye Re: BUFFY: a final ?'s BUFFY: Joining the new list ("Hurry!") See the end of the digest for information on subscribing to the buffy or buffy-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 21 Jan 1999 14:13:54 -0800 From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Helpless and the vamp lie > There is definitely a demonic aspect to Buffyverse vamps (the living > forever, need for blood, etc...), but I can't believe all these demons are > waiting in line for the next human carcass to be drained. > One might say the same for souls and births of babies. Perhaps a new demon is created when a new vampire is made. (an offshoot of the First, even?) I fully agree, however, with the rest of your commentary-- although I have a kind of different perspective. I like to look at things as being on a spectrum- and with this perspective you do not divide things as being good or evil, or black and white, etc.... you look at them as being connected, but on opposite sides of a spectrum. In this case, you could dally with the idea of a demon being the opposite of a soul-- an eternal being that is based on evil rather than good. However, as we all know from organized religion, etc., a soul can contain evil as well as good. Therefore, it stands to reason that a demon could contain "humanity"- as the Judge puts it (I think, referring to a mixed nature. Not simply evil.). When I think of Angel's case, it seems to reason that perhaps the majority of his "good, or humanity" had gone over to the soul- since both the dark and light had been residing inside of him together (unnaturally). In that case, the demon would possess no humanity, since there had been an available host for some time. Just as Spike and Dru obviously have some weaknesses (although their love does tend to be towards the 'dark'), you could say the same for the kissing betrayal of Willow and Xander. Their motives were not from Good, necessarily, but it doesn't make them evil, just a mixture of some kind of both. As to the "they aren't who they were anymore-so slay them"... maybe that is referring to the fact that the demon does make them of another race- one that will kill humans, because it feels little kinship with a mere mortal. On another short note, I think it is interesting that vampires are seen as Immortal- since they very obviously can be killed... Some, it seems, have shorter life spans than humans. They are ageless, but not immune to death. Just as the soul leaves the body , so the demon leaves the "host". Anyhow, just some thoughts. Autumn - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 21 Jan 1999 18:06:51 -0500 (EST) From: Michael Hickerson Subject: BUFFY: New list?!? Hey there! It's Michael, the Buffy reviews guy. I've been on the lookout for the info on the new list and how to join, but I think I missed it. If you could please e-mail me privately and point me in the right direction to jump on board, I'd apprecaite it... That is, if y'all will have me....:-) See ya! Michael Michael Hickerson | "Just look behind your own soul | and the person that you'll see, | just might remind you of me." | --Colin Raye | - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 21 Jan 1999 17:34:34 -0700 From: David Simpson Subject: Re: BUFFY: Helpless On Wed, 20 Jan 1999, Kara wrote: <> I think that the Council itself does not call the Slayer but merely finds her and trains her. There is some mystical power that does the actual calling of a new Slayer. Think back to Prophecy Girl, when Buffy was killed. Only 3 people knew that she had died: the Master, Xander, and Angel. Xander revived her with CPR after only a couple of minutes, and she was once again active as the Slayer. Yet in that short time while she was dead, when no one outside of the Master's lair knew that she had died, Kendra was called as the new Slayer and received her Slayer's powers. No one from the Watchers' Council was involved in calling Kendra. David Simpson Buffy: If I was at full Slayer power, I'd be punning right about now. - --- Helpless (BtVS) - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 21 Jan 1999 16:48:10 -0800 (PST) From: Little Willow Subject: BUFFY: Re: Aly's New Movie Alyson Hannigan's newest big screen venture was first titled "East Great Falls High" / "Great Falls", with the title ever tentative. Now it's reported to be "American Pie". Most likely rated PG13 IF not R. The sites I've browsed around haven't pointedly announced a rating, but the subject matter & plot leans towards the "intended for our adult and teen viewers", a la BtVS' opening. Little Willow - -------------------------------------------------------- Thristy for BtVS news or looking to stake your claim in the official Alyson Hannigan fan club, WPWP? Climb on over to Little Willow's Slayground at - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 21 Jan 1999 18:51:31 -0600 From: DEATHS FURY Subject: Re: BUFFY: Helpless and the vamp lie I wrote and said pretty much the same thing around the time the series premiere episode was re-broadcast some time ago. I also thought that it was damn convenient how Giles explained what a vampire is/how they came about. I chalked it up to the fact that the writer/Joss wanted to set up a clear black/white morality structure for the series. Buffy=white hat=good. Vampires=black hat=demons. As time and the series has gone on this line is beginning to blur. Especially when it was illustrated that some Vampires retain their humanity as did Spike, Dru, and the scholar vamp w/ that one demon around Buffy's last birthday. I said something along the lines that it reminded me of the de-humanization of the enemy theory. One side of a war/battle classifies/calls the other a name that negates that they are or were in Buffy's case-human beings. World War II the enemy was called Japs. Communists are called Reds. Viet Cong were V.C. It rationalizes the killing of so many of the enemy which is necessary for a soldier to do his job. Reality is never quite so neatly divided into good/evil as Giles and the Watcher's Council would have us believe. Giles and the Council are kidding themselves if they really believe that Vampires are just totally evil demons. Whistler might be an example of how the Watcher's view of vampires is blown totally out of the water. Whistler accepts the classification of demon when Buffy guesses what he is; a demon who seemingly does good deeds. Therefore not all demons are evil; the rationalization that vampires are just "demons at the core" is starting not to look good anymore. J.B. Hope to see/read everyone on Ryan's &Katie's & Little Willow's List. On Thu, 21 Jan 1999 15:09:56 -0500 writes: >>explain to Ford about becoming a vamp: Ford: I will become immortal. Buffy: ...That's not how it works. You die. And a demon sets up shop in your old house. And it walks and talks and remembers your life, but it's not you. The whole thing smacks of being a big, fat lie to me. The above quote is what the Slayer is taught happens to people who become vampires. Mighty convenient, isn't it? This way, the Slayer has no difficulties dispatching friends and aquaintences who are turned. ___________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 21 Jan 1999 18:00:09 -0700 From: David Simpson Subject: Re: BUFFY: About Giles bashing!!! There has been quite a bit of discussion about why Giles helped to administer the Council's test to Buffy, most of it along the lines of he should have known better and that Buffy has proved herself over and over again. I agree with all of that. However, what came to my mind when thinking about the situation in which Giles found himself was when Faith originally came to town. She claimed that her Watcher was attending a Watchers' retreat in the Cotswolds in England. Do you remember the wistful tone that Giles had in his voice as he described what occurred at those retreats, and how it was such a great honor to be invited to one? And I still remember him saying something along the lines of "Or so I've been told." I think Giles is young for a Watcher, and has been on the outskirts of Watcherdom because of his Ripper rebellion, and desperately wanted to join the inner circle. That is why he went along with the Council about Buffy's test, until his true feelings told him that the life of Buffy, his Slayer, was more important than any 12-century-old test mandated by a bunch of out-of-touch old fuddy-duddies. David Simpson Buffy: If I was at full Slayer power, I'd be punning right about now. - --- Helpless (BtVS) - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 21 Jan 1999 20:55:03 -0500 From: GORDON K CUMMING Subject: BUFFY: Sunnydale High School used in "She's All That" I just saw a promo for "She's All That" and the High School that they go to is Sunnydale High School (Torrance High School). They show a shot of the front of the school from an angle that they use a lot on Buffy. That is probably why Sarah is supposed to have a cameo apperance in the movie. I thought it was cool to see:) Jennifer Cumming - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 21 Jan 1999 19:33:38 -0700 From: David Simpson Subject: BUFFY: New EW TV Poll Entertainment Weekly has begun a 4-week series that is looking at The 100 Most Defining Moments in Television. As they say: "Entertainment Weekly's editors -- who are not immune to millennium fever -- have chosen 1999 as the time to name the 400 most memorable pop culture stars and events of the 20th century. The first of four special magazine issues will look back at the most defining moments of TV. Before the issue hits newsstands on February 19, you can share your own pre-millennial thoughts about TV right here. "The nominees have been chosen! Now you've got till January 25 to vote (in a poll that will be printed in the magazine) for the all-time best TV actors, actresses, and shows." Category 3 is for all-time Best TV Actress (Drama). Sarah Michelle Gellar is one of the 27 nominees in this category. Category 5 is for all-time Best Dramatic Series. Buffy the Vampire Slayer is one of the 20 nominees in this category. The poll is located at David Simpson Buffy: Okay, so I battle evil. But I don't really win. The bad keeps coming back, and getting stronger. I'm like that kid in the story, the boy that stuck his finger in the duck. Angel: Dike. It's another word for dam. Buffy: Oh. Okay, that story makes a lot more sense now. - --- Gingerbread (BtVS) - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 21 Jan 1999 21:57:20 EST From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Helpless wrote: > I think that the Council itself does not call the Slayer but merely finds > her and trains her. There is some mystical power that does the actual > calling of a new Slayer. > the watcher does the calling. remember the part where angel revealed to buffy he had been following her since she lived in los angeles and saw her being called? the slayer gets chosen through some other means, either heredity or a supreme force or whatever, and then the watcher finds out somehow and then he has to go find her. so the way i understand it the calling is just when the watcher finds the slayer and says "you're up" while the choosing is from some other means. at least i think that's the way it goes... :) gary - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 21 Jan 1999 23:05:26 -0800 From: Fanboy Subject: BUFFY: My Last/First Message This is my last message to the X-Mission list, I'm going to miss it. For reason's yet unknown to me I have decided to join the JossBtVS list at onelist. So this is going to double as my first message there. It the spirit of such thing I'm going to take a look back/forward on Buffy. I hope this doesn't bore you. Favorite 1st season moment: When, in Welcome to the Hellmouth, Buffy say's to Darla "We can do this the hard way or. . . well there's just the hard way." 2nd Season: Buffy's dance with Xander in When She was Bad. I have the song they dance to on CD and it's one of my favorites. There are two other memorable moments that I will never, ever ever, forget: At the end of Suprise, The last we see of Angel for a long time is when we see him, on his knees in the rain, screaming his love's name as his soul gets ripped out of him. That I will never forget. The other is the fight scene in Becoming pt2, Buffy and Angelus' fencing match showed the slayer at her best, confident, quick, and determined. Angelus never stood a chance. 3rd season: Two things standout to me in the same episode, both are in Anne. The first is when Buffy is in the hospital at night rummaging through their personal files. The nurse says she's going to call the cops and Buffy pulls the phone off the wall with out looking and without thinking twice. The Slayer has returned. The Second one from Anne is where Buffy, trapped in a factory in the demon demintion--a place where they make only despair, fights to hold off the guards so at least some of the teens can live there lives out in world. That fight was hopeless, Buffy couldn't have truly won on the demon's home turf, but she fought and accomplished her objective. The Future (my views only, yours might be different) Giles--will earn his place as Buffy's watcher again. The Watcher's councle--isn't going to see season five. I predict that by the end of season four, the Watcher's Council is going down. I just don't see it happening this season. Angel--I'm not completely sure that his show will succeed. I know it's going to be good, but I'm not convinced that Angel has the fan base by himself to support his own show. Principal Snyder--Last episode of season three, he's going to bite the dust. (Or he will be saved by Buffy and he will relize--but not admit-- that Buffy is a force for good) The Mayer--will not live. End of Story Dru--will resurface and boy will it be fun!!! SMG--will star in the second Star Wars prequel, says Lucas "She's simply irresistible." ; ) Fanboy - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 22 Jan 1999 00:28:50 -0700 From: David Simpson Subject: BUFFY: Joss in TV Guide On-line There is an article about Joss Whedon in the on-line TV Guide site. The teaser on the Sci-Fi page ( says: BIG MAN ON CAMPUS Why is Buffy creator Joss Whedon still in high school? The main article can be found at and reads as follows: ========== BY JOHN WALSH Love Hurts What's the secret to Sunnydale High's unique, smart-alecky teen patois on Buffy the Vampire Slayer? "When I wrote the movie I was teaching high school," Buffy creator Joss Whedon told reporters at the Television Critics Association's annual press tour in Pasadena, CA. "I listened very carefully. What are these kids saying and what can I use?" Unfortunately, "everything they said was from Heathers, so I couldn't use it." Incorporating current slang into a TV or movie script is a losing battle, Whedon learned, "because by the time it gets on the air they'll have stopped saying it." The trick, he said, "is keeping it fresh. If what you hear makes sense and you haven't heard it 400 times, that is the way a teenager is going to speak." Whedon never thought his relationship with Buffy (Tuesdays, 8 pm/ET, WB) would last. "I had not intended to stay [with the series] as long as I did," he said. "I just fell in love with it. I never worked with better actors. I never had more of my vision realized." Series star Sarah Michelle Gellar, sitting on the same panel, responded, "May I also mention that I would hurt him badly if he tried to leave?" Whedon conceded, "I want to do movies, and I'm working on a few projects. But there's the pain factor." ========== There is also a picture of Joss accompanying the article, with a caption that reads: Joss Whedon: Buffy creator never thought it would last. David Simpson Buffy: Now, I'm gonna ask you this once, and then I'm gonna get testy. - --- The Wish (BtVS) - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 22 Jan 1999 02:07:14 -0000 From: "haha" Subject: BUFFY: One last one I have been pretty much just a luker since I joined the list about a year and a half ago, but anyway I wanted to ask one more question before the list goes quietly it the night, why are vampires so eager to kill slayers, wouldn't they make quite powerful wepons if made into vampires because they would have their slayer powers plus the added powers of the demon, just a thought. fare well to all on the list and thanks list moms for keeping it this long. - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 22 Jan 1999 07:03:51 -0500 From: sah Subject: BUFFY: REMINDER: List going bye-bye This is just a reminder that the list is going away effective tomorrow. If you haven't yet found another list you wish to join, please do so today. - --sah "What Hyde doesn't seem to realize with all his 'protecting us from the knock on the door at 3 am' melodrama is that our war dead died to protect our freedoms -- not to empower government to spy on our sex life, set perjury traps, and 'get' our political enemies. What Hyde and company are doing is totalitarian -- the exact opposite of his jabber. And to try to pretend that pushing a guy into a corner about sex is about something higher and nobler is insulting to us all." --Hamilton - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 22 Jan 1999 07:05:55 PST From: "Christine Molesky" Subject: BUFFY: a final ?'s As my final post to this list I would just like to address a few things. *If Giles is so unconventional, why did he even bother listening to the Council? *What makes water "holy"? Couldn't a priest bless all the water on earth? *How does a high school student like Buffy get no sleep ever, but can still get up nice and early to get her hair all perfect? *If Joyce's hair is curly, shouldn't Buffy's at least be wavy? *In Willow's room, after the took her away in "Gingerbread", how did the picture on her wall get cock-eyed? I never understood that anywhere! #Hope to see you all on JossBtVS, Ryan and Little Willow's new list at!# Christine M. --> SMURF (a very blue Smurf if we part) *Keeper of Willow's seat on the "joy train" (TW) and her pink blouse with green collar (RB) *Keeper of Buffy's pinned green sweater (WSWB), her tampon (SH), and her eyeshadow* *WPWP member #675* -- *XDC member #336* ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 22 Jan 1999 09:23:10 -0600 (CST) From: Jill Kirby Subject: Re: BUFFY: a final ?'s > *How does a high school student like Buffy get no sleep ever, but can > still get up nice and early to get her hair all perfect? And she wakes up in the mornings looking great, with even a bit of lip gloss. Just like the soap operas! > *If Joyce's hair is curly, shouldn't Buffy's at least be wavy? She could blow-dry it straight. :) Someone more genetically aware than me might know the answer to this one, but if Buffy's dad's hair is straight (which it seemed to be), couldn't she just be taking after him? Jill - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 22 Jan 1999 10:24:47 -0500 (EST) From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: a final ?'s On Fri, 22 Jan 1999, Christine Molesky wrote: > *If Joyce's hair is curly, shouldn't Buffy's at least be wavy? Maybe Joyce has a perm? Tracey Keeper of the Cluelessness of the Rest of the School - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 22 Jan 1999 10:59:21 EST From: Subject: BUFFY: The Keeper Network Hi guys, With this list coming to an end this weekend, I wanted to take one last opportunity to remind you all that the Keeper Network is still in tact, and will continue to offer it's wacky brand of fan support/worship whatever, for a long time to come. Check out the Keeper Index at for a list of all the places you can keep or guard anything and everything, and don't forget to stake your claim. The Keepers Sites Managers will be active on any and all Buffy lists, so remember: accept no substitutes! Thanks to the list moms for getting this going in the first place, and for their sanity throughout it existence. Best of luck in whatever you do, wherever you go. In Buffyness, Mike Manager of the Cordelia Chase Keepers & Guardians Website Keeper of all sorts of really cool stuff - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 22 Jan 1999 11:01:22 -0500 From: (Genevieve Faulkner) Subject: BUFFY: BUFFY Spoilers The James Marters Millennium episode is tonight. Jan 22 Hot off the WB presses... Feb 9 Bad Girls 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 9 8 7 6 5 A taste of the wild life leaves Buffy wanting more, and while Sunnydale is being inhabited by a long-dead demon and his vampire minions, Buffy follows Faith into her irresponsible world of reckless slaying abandon. Meanwhile, Giles fights to maintain his sanity in the face of the pompous and stuffy new watcher (guest star Alexis Denisof), while Willow, Xander, and Oz ponder their options for life after high school." Well, the new Watcher is a woman. Who would have guessed?!!? - -------------------------------------------------------- "Tact is just not saying true stuff. I'll pass." -- BtVS - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 22 Jan 1999 08:05:04 -0800 (PST) From: Little Willow Subject: BUFFY: Goodbye, xmission list. (Goodnight, moon.) Goodbye, Xmission list, you've treated us well... Throughout the rumors, speculation, spoilers, and controversy, this list was a forum to unleash all of your BtVS thoughts. Though I was only on it for a short time before it headed towards closing, I was able to see its magic (or perhaps, *magick* - wink) in action as well as its effectiveness. No one was staked and no dingoes (or babies) were harmed during this list's duration. Moloch struck us all at times, but we were able to overcome. Now, this list goes the way of Jesse, Kendra, Ms. Calendar, and yes - even Herbert the mascot: Gone but not forgotten. Many thank you's to the wonderful list mommies and admin. staff. Couldn't have done it without your dedication, loyalty, expertise, and Giles' weaponry. Jill, sah, G, the ones who go unnamed - Thank you from the bottom of the list s*bbers hearts. One last paraphrased quote, as said by David Greenwalt (co-executive producer of BtVS) - "If Joss had had one good day in high school, we wouldn't be here." Hope to see many of you joining - Little Willow "Hang onto that rose quartz of Jenny's - It'll heal ya." - -------------------------------------------------------- "Can Buffy come out and *slay*?" Little Willow's Slayground - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 22 Jan 1999 13:14:01 -0500 (EST) From: (JW) Subject: BUFFY: SMG Cameo article Been some talk about SMG's cameo appearance in the film 'She's all That'. This article was in today's USA Today. Buffy Slays'em with impromptu movie cameo. Fans of TV's Buffy the Vampire Slayer will know the high school in the new film She's All That, a teen update of George Bernard Shaw's Pygmalion., Opening January 29th. But even if they don't recognize Buffy's Sunnydale High, they're bound to reconize Buffy. Sarah Michelle Gellar has a cameo in She's All That, which stars Freddie Prinze Jr. and Rachel Leigh Cook "Sarah Michelle Gellar was shooting Buffy across the hall" says director Robert Iscove. He asked Prinze, who starred with Gellar in I Know what you did last Summer, to invite her to do a bit part. She accepted. Gellar has no lines but does get to make a face when Kieran Culkin asks if she'd like fresh ground pepper on her pizza. "I thought it would be very cool if this movie was happening in another part of the same school where Buffy takes place", Iscove says. "But we call it Harrison High". The building actually is California's Torrance High School. (by: Andy Seiler) JW - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 22 Jan 1999 13:35:08 -0500 (EST) From: (JW) Subject: Re: BUFFY: a final ?'s >*If Giles is so unconventional, why did he even bother listening to the >Council? He's unconventional, but wants to be accepted by the other watchers. >*What makes water "holy"? Couldn't a priest bless all the water on >earth? Only a five gallon limit >*How does a high school student like Buffy get no sleep ever, but can >still get up nice and early to get her hair all perfect? Part of her powers has the slayer. Broken wrists heal overnight and so do bags under the eyes >*If Joyce's hair is curly, shouldn't Buffy's at least be wavy? Joyce is just tense, plus mystical energy from a Hellmouth is worse than humidity in miami. >*In Willow's room, after the took her away in "Gingerbread", how did the >picture on her wall get cock-eyed? I never understood that anywhere! I took that to be her entire room was in disaray because Willow's Mom and the others used force to break in and take her, but Willow put up a fight, thus causing the cock-eyedness. JW Keeper "The Ripper" nickname Keeper Xander's Elvis bust - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 22 Jan 1999 13:39:14 -0500 (EST) From: (JW) Subject: BUFFY: NB remarks from Asylum Got this from an Asylum update on NB's recent interview "I describe it as the Real World for five years, and not eight weeks. We're like brother and sister. We all live for each other and would probably die for each other." Nicholas Brendon, Xander on Buffy the Vampire Slayer, when asked how the cast gets along. JW Keeper "The Ripper" nickname GASP Keeper Xander's Elvis Bust - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 22 Jan 1999 13:49:46 EST From: Subject: Re: BUFFY: Helpless Question In a message dated 99-01-20 14:33:55 EST, writes: << Do we know what the pills were doing for the Zachary guy? What kind of vampire needs pills? >> I'm behind again; this has prolly been addressed, but my take was; he had some kind of migraine or possibly tension headache condition that survived his change. He seemed to be in intolerable pain. BTW, goodbye, all! I'll see you on Jossbtvs! And thanks once again to the Buffy listowners! Mia Member WPWP Keeper of the Opening Wolf Howl I *LOVE* this show! - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 22 Jan 1999 14:04:11 EST From: Subject: BUFFY: Final Goodbye Okay guys as my eyes are welling up with tears I wanted to make a final goodbye to the list. I know most of us have already moved to Ryan and Little Willow's list. So most of us will stay together. Sah and Jill? Will you two be joining any of the lists? You dont have time to run it, but hey you can still enjoy it with all of your adopted children....!!! Well I just wanted to say I had a great couple of years with you guys.... Signing off..... Jason "Dont u just feel like you are in one of those scenes at the end of Armageddon..." - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 22 Jan 1999 14:51:47 -0500 From: Jeff Rohaly Subject: Re: BUFFY: a final ?'s At 07:05 1999-01-22 PST, Christine Molesky wrote: >*If Giles is so unconventional, why did he even bother listening to the >Council? I wonder if Buffy will confront him on this, or whether it will be resolved or dealt with off-camera. And don't many more important things get dealt with off-camera and then just referred to (or not even that), on Buffy than on other shows? Sometimes I think this is a nice technique, forcing us to read between the lines, and other times I feel sort of cheated. In any case, by no means do I think that all is well and good between Buffy and Giles again. >*How does a high school student like Buffy get no sleep ever, but can >still get up nice and early to get her hair all perfect? Personally, I was more distraught over learning that Cordelia requires $45 imported hairspray to look the way she looks. And here I am thinking she's just naturally stunning. >*In Willow's room, after the took her away in "Gingerbread", how did the >picture on her wall get cock-eyed? I never understood that anywhere! Cock-eyed? I thought it looked more askew. Sorry, pretty pathetic final post. For those of you who read my ratings summaries, I'll keep on posting them on the new jossbtvs@onelist. Jeff Rohaly - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 22 Jan 1999 15:29:21 -0500 From: Ryan Harrington Subject: BUFFY: Joining the new list ("Hurry!") Everywhere you see an * in this message replace it with a U. Dear X-Mission list- This is the last day this list will be up so I strongly encourage you to join my, Litlle Willow, and Katie's list. We already have 241 members of this list s*bbed to us. There are so many more of you out there though. We would really like to keep the list together so please join us! This list ends on January 23rd and today is the 22nd so hurry! HOW TO JOIN: (Option 2 is recommended if you want to view the archives) 1) Join by email: Send an email to one of the following addresses (note: the last two are for after you have s*bbed to the list already) jossbtvs-s* - s*bscribe to a list. jossbtvs-uns* - uns*bscribe from a list. - switch your s*bscription to digest mode. - switch your s*bscription to normal mode. 2) Join through a web page Go to to s*b. It has very simple directions on how to s*b to normal and digest modes. Also you may be required to register with onelist if you s*b through the web page (don't worry about this though, it remains confidential and its free). Once you have sent your email or requested a s*bscription us listowner have to approve it, just like here at xmission. When we approve you, you will be sent a copy of rules and directions automatically so BE SURE NOT TO DELETE IT. The rules have been modified some and we will enforce them strictly just like here at xmission. Also if you delete your welcome message you're not gonna know how to post. If you encounter any problems joining or if you accidentally delete your welcome message or anything of that nature or if you have any questions please email myself < > or Little Willow < >. Katie is a co-listowner also but is having problems with her email so for right now just email the two of us questions. We encourage everyone to join the new list because this xmission one goes down on January 23rd so get those s*bscriptions in! Good Luck! =) - -RyanH, Little Willow, and Katie Masters - - ------------------------------ End of buffy-digest V3 #32 ************************** To subscribe to buffy or buffy-digest, send the command subscribe buffy-digest or subscribe buffy to You will need to go through a confirmation process, and the listowners have to manually approve your subscription request, so it may take some time. Back issues of this digest can be found at: For help, contact Jill Kirby ( or sah (