From: (buffyfic Digest) To: Subject: buffyfic Digest V1 #15 Reply-To: Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: buffyfic Digest Saturday, August 23 1997 Volume 01 : Number 015 In this issue: BUFFYFIC: Nights Like These (6/10) BUFFYFIC: Nights Like These (8/10) BUFFYFIC: Nights Like These (9/10) BUFFYFIC: Nights Like These (10/10) See the end of the digest for information on subscribing to the buffyfic or buffyfic-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 19 Aug 1997 22:56:18 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: BUFFYFIC: Nights Like These (6/10) DISCLAIMER:I don't own any of the characters from the buffyverse. Someti= mes I steal them like I am doing now but I always return them as good as new. And I never make any money off them. (That would make me a pimp if I di= d wouldn't it?) They belong to the nice people at Fox, the WB and of course= to Joss Wheadon. Lily is mine, mine I tell you!! Also thanks to my fabulous beta reader: Dare the Great :)=20 Part 6 ######## When the bell rang, the three teenagers were forced to go to class. Listening to a history lecture seemed extremely insignificant at a time=20 like this. But they agreed to check back with Giles as soon as possible=20 and left for an hour of forced learning. Once again alone in the library,= =20 Giles called Angel in hopes that they could come up with a new angle on=20 the situation. As soon as school was over Buffy, Willow and Xander met once more in the = dark confines of the library. =20 "Giles?" Buffy called into the silent room. =20 "Ah, you're here," was Giles' answer as he popped up from behind one of t= he shelves. "So what's the word?" asked Xander anxiously. "Well, we may have the beginnings of a plan," answered Giles. "Tell," said Buffy. "I was talking to Angel and we've decided that we have to figure out how = the Anointed One is controlling Lily." "Um, great plan Giles." said Xander sarcastically. "We already knew that. Any idea on how you're going to figure this out." "We have one possibility. Angel has apprehended a vampire that he found lurking in his house," continued Giles. "We all have to head over there = and see if we can get any information from the beast." "Is this any particular vamp, or is it just one of the miscellaneous loiterers?" asked Buffy. "It's the other half of the pair that invaded Angel's home before. It's = name is Daniel I believe." "So what are we waiting around here for?" asked Willow. "Let's go kick s= ome ass." Every eye in the room settled on her and she squirmed under the scrutiny. "Well we are going to aren't we?" she asked. Buffy grinned at h= er and Xander gave her a high five.=20 "Let's go." said Buffy as she breezed through the library doors with the other three close behind. ************ Angel met them at the door of his apartment. He stood behind the door, hidden in shadows. Heavy blinds were closed tight against the painful=20 light of the sun, creating an artificial night. "He's over there," he said nodding in the direction of a large figure slu= mped against the wall. "He came after me, said I had shamed him. So=20 I knocked him out and chained him up." Xander approached the still=20 unconscious vampire cautiously. He resisted the urge to poke the man's body. "So how are we going to get him to tell us anything. I seriously doubt t= hat he's just going to spill his guts. He looks pretty tough." "There are ways," said Angel ominously, flashing a fang filled grin. He strolled over to the unconscious vampire and grabbed a hand full of=20 the man's long hair. He casually slapped Daniel's face. The vampire's=20 head rocked slightly with the force of the blow, but Angel's hold on his=20 hair kept his neck from snapping backwards. He came to with a low=20 growl and pulled against his chains. Keeping his face completely calm,=20 Angel bent Daniel's pinky back until the brittle bone snapped.=20 Daniel screamed in pain and Willow=92s face paled. =20 "Don't worry," said Angel. "He'll heal." He turned his attention back t= o the vampire before him. "We need a little information," he said politely. "You can either cooperate, or you can be tortured until you cooperate." Danie= l only hissed in response and spit in Angel's face. "I was hoping you'd say tha= t," Angel said, and licked his lips in anticipation. "But with less spit." He tur= ned to look at the four humans, who seemed less than thrilled at the show. "It's necessary," he said. "His Master will punish him if he tells, so we have to make him mo= re=20 afraid of us than he is of his Master." Their heads nodded, but their fac= es=20 evidenced their horror at the proceedings. "You don't have to watch,"=20 Angel offered. Willow nodded once and left the room. Xander glanced=20 after her, but decided to stay. "I think it's best I stay, to hear what he says," said Giles nervously. Buffy stared at the sullen vampire before her, the two slightly queasy humans, and finally at Angel. She could stand the gore, she'd seen worse. But she wasn't sure she wanted to witness the brutality Angel was capabl= e of. Finally she decided that it would be cowardly to try to pretend this wasn't happening. She stood her ground and Angel turned back to his vict= im. "We want to know why Lily follows the Anointed one," he hissed. His leg flashed out so quickly that Buffy almost didn't notice it move. A dry=20 crunch filled the room as Daniel's knee broke. He choked back a scream. = =20 Angel shrugged and stalked from one side of the vampire to the other. Hi= s fist flashed out and when he pulled it back Daniel's nose was smashed,=20 streaming blood. Xander silently turned away and walked out of the=20 apartment to join Willow. "If you tell us what we want to know, we'll let you go free," Angel said tantalizingly. =20 "You don't understand," said Daniel, choking on the blood streaming from = his nose. "She'll kill me." "So will we," said Angel, "if you don't tell." He reached in to his pock= et and brought out a blue jewelry box. He popped it open and showed the=20 contents to Daniel who's eyes jumped suddenly with fear. Angel pulled=20 the cross out of the box by it's chain. He swung it gently in front of=20 Daniel's face. Daniel began whimpering with panic. "Tell us why Lily=20 is following the Anointed One. We know she's powerful enough to kill him= ."=20 Angel brought the cross closer to Daniel's face and lightly touched his=20 forehead with it. The flesh sizzled where it touched the vampire and he=20 opened his mouth to scream. Angel grabbed the cross itself, ignoring the pain as it ate into his hand. He pressed the cross firmly to Daniel'= s=20 mouth, until the vampire's lips were black and his screams had devolved=20 into frantic, futile cowering. Then he grabbed the chain again. "You don't understand," whispered Daniel. "Then help us understand," threatened Angel, or I will burn out your tong= ue." "She's not following him!" Daniel screamed. "She's just using him," he b= egan to laugh hysterically. "Using him as a figurehead." He dropped his voice= to a whisper. "Sometimes, she feeds off him. She thinks it's funny. The oth= er vampires are too afraid to do anything. Eventually she'll tire of him, th= en she's going to kill him." Angel looked at Giles, who nodded carefully. = It was possible, more than possible. With a quick motion Angel unchained hi= s prisoner. The ravaged vampire ran at Buffy, attacking in an impossible situation. Her instinct took over, and she staked him before she even realized what was happening. =20 "Ooops," she said, looking down at the stake in her hand. "He wanted to die," said Angel. "He betrayed his Master, Lily." Angel turned to Giles. "So now we know who's pulling the strings, does that=20 help us at all?" "It may," said Giles. "There's only one thing I can think of to do. It = may not work, but it's better than facing all the vampires in the city at onc= e. =20 The sun's gone down, let's get out of here." He walked out of the room=20 to tell Willow and Xander what they had found out. =20 "Are you ok?" asked Angel, lightly touching Buffy on the shoulder. She jumped a little at his touch.=20 "How can you be so gentle with me, and yet be able to brutally torture th= at vampire?" she asked. "If one of your friends was in trouble and the only way you could save th= em was to torture your enemy, would you do it?" he asked. "Yes, I would" she answered. But I don't think I would enjoy it as much = as you did, she thought to herself. Some of her thought must have shown on = her face, because Angel's face hardened. She could tell that her disgust hur= t him, deepened his own self-hatred.=20 "Buffy, the beast is part of who I am. But believe me, if there had been= any other way, I wouldn't have tortured him." "I know," said Buffy. She understood the reason for what had been done. = In his place she would have done the same thing. But watching him do it was something she wished she hadn't seen. She was suddenly very glad that=20 Angel was on their side and that he was strong enough to keep his demons = in check. She grabbed his hand and together they went to look for the rest = of the group. =20 continues ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 23 Aug 1997 16:42:32 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: BUFFYFIC: Nights Like These (8/10) DISCLAIMER:I don't own any of the characters from the buffyverse. Sometimes I steal them like I am doing now but I always return them as good as new. And I never make any money off them. (That would make me a pimp if I did wouldn't it?) They belong to the nice people at Fox, the WB and of course to Joss Wheadon. Lily is mine, mine I tell you!! ################### Part 8 ################### Buffy ran down the street with the speed born of panic. Her mom was going to kill her. How could she have been so stupid? Especially now, why was it that she always got grounded right when the world most needed saving? Her heart thudded loudly in her chest as she cautiously opened the front door. She briefly considered sneaking up the stairs to her room and saying she'd been there the whole time. But even HER mom, the queen of cluelessness, wouldn't fall for that one. She decided the best thing to do at the moment was just to announce herself and face the consequences. "Mom?" she called loudly. "Buffy, is that you?" her mom answered. No, it's your other daughter, Buffy thought sarcastically. But she restrained herself from saying it out loud. She was in enough trouble without giving her mom an attitude. "I'm in the kitchen," continued her mother. So Buffy slowly trudged to the kitchen to meet her doom. "Buffy, you do realize that when I said you were grounded I meant you weren't supposed to go out?" said her mother. "I almost called the police, but then I realized that you were probably just playing out your teenage rebelliousness. You had me woriied sick!" "Oh Mom, I'm REALLY sorry. I swear I just totally forgot. As soon as I remembered I ran all the way home. It's just that there's a sort of crisis and it totally slipped my mind." "What kind of crisis?" "Um, I can't really tell you the details of it. It involves Xander and WIllow though." "Are they in trouble?" asked Buffy's mom, beginning to feel worried for her daughter's friends. "No, that's not the point. The point is I'm sorry and it won't happen again." Buffy kissed her mom on the cheek and turned to go upstairs. "You mean you're not going to argue?" "It doesn't do any good," siad Buffy bitterly. "You don't listen to what I say. You think I'm too young to know what I'm talking about. So I'd rather not scream into a vacuum again tonight, if you don't mind. I'm too tired to fight." Buffy's mom began to feel the stirrings of guilt. She had doubted herself since the moment she lost her temper and grounded Buffy. She was being awfully quick to judge that poor boy. She had barely even met him. "Buffy, wait" she finally said. "I know, it was kind of unfair of me to ground you, just because I don't like your boyfriend. But can't you find a boy your own age?" "I could find a boy, but I wouldn't be in love with him like I am with Angel." "I guess," her mom began," I guess I should really meet him before I decide whether I should forbid you to see him." Buffy kept her mouth from dropping by a supreme effort of will. "Who are you and what have you done with my mother?" she asked teasingly. Then she rushed at her mother and squeezed her tight in a huge hug. "Thanks Mom. You'll really like him," she said enthusisticlly. "So you'll bring him over tomorrow?" asked her mother. "Umm, tomorrow's no good. But the next day I promise." "Go to bed." "Mom? Am I still grounded?" "You're on probation, now get outta here." Buffy bounced up the stairs. She had no idea what had come over her mother, but if this worked out then things were looking up. Provided of course that they managed to kill the extremely strong, evil vampire, which was a big if. ************** Buffy woke early the next morning. This was it, the last day before the big showdown. Doubts began to pound against her skull, as she lay in her bed staring at the ceiling. There was so much that could go wrong. There were so many holes in their plan that she could barely believe that she had agreed to it. Angel was going to suck her blood, how much blood? Giles had neglected to mention that, and she had been too caught up in getting Angel to agree to the plan that she had forgotten to ask. What if he did lose control? What if the demon took over and she died in his arms? Well, there were a lot of worse ways to die, but she didn't want to die at all. And then say that the sucking part worked, what if it didn't give Angel enough of a boost and he lost the battle. She sat up and walked to the bathroom to throw cold water on her face. This was not a good attitude, she decided. She'd just have to believe that everything would turn out all right. She'd just have to have a little faith. It would have been easier if she had been the one going into the fight. Then she would've known what to do. She might have lost the fight, but at least it was something she was slightly in control of. Waiting for someone else to fight and letting them suck her blood, that wasn't her style. She needed the pumping of adrenaline, the use of her own strength to beat back the evils of the world. But this time someone else would be using her strength. She shivered a little. She never would have guessed that she would one day willingly let a vampire suck her blood. Her very nature screamed against it. But then she never would've guessed she'd fall in love with a vampire either. She hopped into the shower and then dressed herself in a pale green dress. It shimmered in the dim morning light of her bedroom, and her eyes suddenly filled with tears. She didn't want to do this. She didn't want to let him bite her. She quickly blinked the tears away and grabbed the leather jacket. She pressed it to her face, letting the rich smell of the leather calm her. She would do it because she had to. If it didn't work they were all dead anyway. So it had to work, it would work. Angel loved her, he wouldn't hurt her. She had to believe that. ************ Angel felt the dawn under his skin as the sun rose. He was safely hidden from the sun's rays but he could still feel them as they fell against the blinds in his apartment. When they were ready Giles would call. Until then, he would wait. The waiting was the worst, the doubts became more and more real as each minute passed. He had promised to do it, he had to do it. Buffy's face invaded his mind and he closed his eyes tightly, thinking of her. She had asked him to do it, and he would. He would do it for her. But his soul screamed against it, even as the hunger beat in his veins. His mind knew that if he didn't try they would both die. His soul refused to respond to the logic. She trusted him, but she didn't know how close to the edge he could get. Only he knew how dangerous this was. Only he knew how loudly the demon roared in the locked vault of his mind. He was alone. And never alone. His demon had him trapped and he knew it would take everything he had not to kill her. He put on the tiny gold cross that he sometimes wore to tame the urges, and to remind him of what he was. He would need all the help he could get. Faith and love, he had both; and he knew that she had faith in him too. They all did. He could feel the urges calm as the cross touched his chest. The pain was nothing, she was everything. He would fight to save her. It wasn't Lily he worried about. If they got that far, he thought he could win. It was himself that he feared more than anything. *********** Buffy, Xander and Willow were all gathered at Giles' house again. It was beginning to be their new center of operations. They talked softly, the mood subdued as the day wore on. Giles had explained more of the details of the blood transfer. All that was really needed was a taste. Less than the pint that they took from you in the bloodmobile. She would feel weak, he explained. But her regenerative powers made it a relatively riskless procedure. Relatively riskless until you factored in Angel's demon. If all went acording to plan, she would be fine within half an hour. If Angel lost control she would probably die. Finally the sun began to sink below in the afternoon sky. Giles called Angel. They were ready. He would meet them at the old mauseleum in the graveyard. He could reach it without facing sunlight by using the sewers. Most likely the rest of the vampires would be resting or readying themselves for the confrontation tonight. No doubt Colin and Lily would bring a large number of the other vampires with them to meet Angel in case he failed to deliver Buffy's body. It seemed so long ago that Daniel and Lily had delivered the warning to him. Could it really be only three days? The little group was already there when he finally reached the mauseleum. Their faces were as grim as he felt. Xander and WIllow stood a little apart. They weren't part of this. But they each had a stake hidden in their pockets. If things got out of hand there might not be much they could do, but they would try. Giles stood next to Buffy his hand on her shoulder. His face was a stoic mask, hiding the fear that this might not work. That his plan would be the death of both Buffy and Angel. He sighed, they had to try. Buffy looked up as Angel entered the mauseleum. He was so beautiful, she felt a rush of love and trust. She walked over to him and whispered the words "I love you." Then she wrapped her arms around his waist and exposed the side of her neck to him. He stared at the flesh, feeling his hunger take control. He felt the vampire face emerge and he didn't fight it. "I'm sorry," he whispered, and kissed the top of Buffy's head. This was it, no stalling, no waiting. Just him and her, and her warm blood. He bent his face to her neck, kissed it lightly and sunk his fangs into her vein. continues ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 23 Aug 1997 16:42:53 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: BUFFYFIC: Nights Like These (9/10) DISCLAIMER:I don't own any of the characters from the buffyverse. =20 Sometimes I steal them like I am doing now but I always return=20 them as good as new. And I never make any money off them. =20 (That would make me a pimp if I did wouldn't it?) They belong to=20 the nice people at Fox, the WB and of course to Joss Wheadon. Lily is mine, mine I tell you!! And before I forget..thanks Dare. You rock! =20 ###############=20 Part 9 =20 Buffy gasped as Angel=92s fangs sank into her neck. The sharp pain=20 brought tears to her eyes. But soon the pain faded and reality began=20 to shred. She was suddenly completely focused on his ear. Each=20 tiny detail assaulted her senses. Her vision swam and she began to=20 panic. This wasn=92t right, he needed to stop. Her fist beat futilely=20 against him but she had no strength behind the blows. She could feel her life drifting away, drifting into him and there was nothing=20 she could do to stop it. Calmly, dreamily she realized that she was=20 going to die. =93Angel,=94 was her last thought as she slipped into=20 unconsciousness. =20 Angel tasted the sweet coppery blood as it entered his mouth. =20 The raw power electrified him with an overwhelming burst of pleasure. =20 Vainly he fought against the hunger and was swept underneath it. =20 The pleasure, the hunger, the demon took over. He silently screamed=20 her name as he felt himself overwhelmed. The power surged=20 through him, causing each nerve ending to explode with feeling. =20 He felt her heart beat weaken as his grew stronger. He felt her life,=20 her strength seeping into him. He felt them become one and he=20 felt her begin to die. With each drop of blood the hunger grew stronger= . =20 With each heart beat the power flowed though him like a giant wave,=20 dragging him underneath. He wanted more than anything to give in to it.= =20 To let the power, the pleasure sweep him away. He held on to her=20 name like a drowning man, repeating it over and over to himself. =20 =20 The blood throbbed through his body, filling his ears with a dull roarin= g.=20 Dimly, as if from a great distance he could hear voices. Screams. Slowly he fought to regain control. Her name echoed in his mind=20 like an accusation. It took all his strength to pull his teeth from her=20 neck. He grimaced in pain as he denied himself the satisfaction=20 of her blood. Before he could lose control again, he laid her on=20 the ground and turned away. The hunger beat against his brain,=20 the power sang through each of his veins, setting each nerve-ending=20 on fire. He smashed his fist against the wall until the wall crumbled a= =20 little, until the pain began to drive away the haze of hunger. He shook= =20 his head trying to clear the last vestiges of the demon's control=20 from his body. When he was sure that he could keep from attacking,=20 he turned to face the others. They were crowded around Buffy's body,=20 and his heart stopped. He hadn't regained control in time. =20 "Is she dead?" he asked, his voice breaking with anguish. =20 "Actually, she's not," said Giles a little warily. "Are you sure you=20 are under control?" Angel nodded silently. "She's lost a lot of=20 blood. If she were anyone but the Slayer...she would be dead." =20 "I lost it," said Angel,"when I felt that blood on my tongue, in my vein= s.=20 It's like no other feeling on earth. I was so close to killing her." H= e=20 covered his face with his hands, feeling the ridges. Feeling the shame=20 of his beast, =20 "But you didn't," said Giles. "That's the important thing. Right now=20 you need to focus on the fight. You need to be able to concentrate. You need all your strength." =20 "Did it work, though?" asked Xander peering at Angel for some=20 evidence of change. Angel could still feel the power as it flowed=20 through his veins, as it swept him along on a wave of energy. =20 "Oh yeah, it worked," he said. "We'll just have to see if it's enough." =20 "You don't look any different," said Xander. =20 "A vampire's strength doesn't come from muscles. Our strength is=20 in direct relation to our power. It's the same for a Slayer. Buffy=20 doesn't look that strong, but she has enough power to tear you apart." =20 "So can you beat Lily?" asked Willow, looking up from where she sat=20 on the floor, cradling Buffy's head on her hands. =20 "I don't know." Angel answered dully, his eyes locked to Buffy's still form. He inhaled sharply as her eyelids fluttered and she worked her=20 way back into consciousness. She groaned and opened her eys. =20 "Is Angel..?" she began to ask. =20 "I'm here," he said, wanting to hold her but afraid that she would rathe= r he stay as far away from her as possible. =20 "Come here," she whispered. He slowly approched her body as she=20 lay on the floor. He hovered uncertainly over her body, unsure of what=20 she wanted from him. "Hold me," she said. He knelt beside her and=20 lifted her easily in his arms. She rested her head in the curve of his=20 shoulder and draped one arm weakly around his neck. "Take me with=20 you?" she asked. =20 "Buffy, you're too weak. If I lose.." =20 "If you lose they'll hunt me down, Lily's not one to mess around. =20 And she's not trapped underground like the Master was. If you win,=20 they won't threaten me tonight." She tilted her head up to look into=20 his face. "Please?" she asked. =20 "All right, " he sighed. He wanted her near him, wanted to reassure=20 himself that she was alive. That he hadn't killed her after all. "I lo= ve=20 you," he whispered softly into her ear. =20 =20 "I know," she whispered back. =20 Angel looked at Giles, and the librarian nodded. It was time. =20 Gently Angel carried Buffy through the graveyard, as gently as a=20 husband carrying his wife to bed for the first time. Lily and Colin=20 were waiting in the center of the graveyard. A dozen vampires=20 formed a half-circle behind them. =20 =20 "I'm surprised you came, Angelus. I didn't think you'd be able to=20 kill her. I thought your feelings would get in the way." said=20 Colin mockingly. =20 "Isn't it past your bedtime?" Angel asked. "I didn't come for you,=20 little boy. And I didn't come to bring the Slayer to you." He pointed=20 to Lily. "I came for her." Lily responded with a hiss, but Angel=20 wasn't finished. "I challenge you, by my right to fair combat," he=20 screamed. Lily growled deep in her throat. =20 "You don't know what you're getting into," she spat. "You're not=20 ready to take me on."=20 =20 "Do you refuse the challenge?" he asked. =20 "I accept," she hissed angrily. He nodded grimly in respose, and lay=20 Buffy's body down under a conveniant tree. Then he turned to face=20 his opponent. =20 continues=20 ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 23 Aug 1997 16:43:16 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: BUFFYFIC: Nights Like These (10/10) DISCLAIMER:I don't own any of the characters from the buffyverse. =20 Sometimes I steal them like I am doing now but I always return=20 them as good as new. And I never make any money off them. =20 (That would make me a pimp if I did wouldn't it?) They belong to=20 the nice people at Fox, the WB and of course to Joss Wheadon. Lily is mine, mine I tell you!! And before I forget..thanks Dare. You rock! ############# Part 10 Angel watched Lily warily, as they circled each other, testing=20 each other. The other vampires backed out of the way. Once=20 the battle was begun they could not interfere. Not that they=20 would want to anyway. The power rolled off the two warriors,=20 electrifying the air around them. Where their aura=92s met,=20 sparks flew. Angel moved suddenly, faster than sight and struck at Lily=92s=20 chest with his foot. She felt him coming and side stepped=20 easily, returning with a kick of her own that forced him to=20 scramble back. They circled each other once more. She=20 leapt at him, arm outstretched. He dodged out of the way,=20 grabbing her arm and twisting it behind her. She struggled=20 against his grasp and swept his feet out form under him. As=20 he fell to the ground he threw her away from him. They both=20 jumped up and began to circle again, feinting at each other. =20 Lily sent a bolt of power flying, as she tried to entrap Angel=92s=20 mind. Her power was a crushing weight against his will and=20 he felt her thought, her commands invade his brain. He warded=20 off her mental attacks with an attack of his own. He sent her=20 power flying back at her with a bolt of his own. She staggered=20 slightly and he used his advantage, pressing forward to leave a=20 long scratch along the length of her face. She shrieked in anger. =93You can=92t be this powerful,=94 she screamed. =20 =93Says who?=94 asked Angel as he leapt at her again. This time=20 she was ready and she turned his blow aside, answering=20 with a blow of her own. Her fist sent him reeling as stars=20 exploded in his vision. He blinked once to clear his eyes=20 and rolled out of the way of her kicking foot. He rose to his feet=20 in one smooth motion, grabbing her foot and sending her=20 flying through the air to land on her back. He licked the blood=20 from the lip she had split with her fist. She growled and dove=20 through the air. He tried to side-step her attack but she caught=20 him in the shoulder, driving him to the ground with her. They=20 rolled on the floor, biting and scratching at each other. Lily=20 attempted to gouge out Angel=92s eyes but he quickly moved=20 his head out of the way while using their momentum to end=20 up on top of her, straddling her struggling form. He pulled his=20 fist back and smashed it into her face with all his strength. =20 Bones snapped but she clung to consciousness, using her legs=20 to throw him off her. Dripping blood she came at him, grabbing=20 his throat and squeezing as hard as she could. He laughed=20 weakly. Vampires didn=92t breathe. Understanding her mistake=20 she changed her grip to tear out his throat. Realizing her=20 intentions, Angel punched through her chest with his claws. =20 His hand emerged from her chest, holding her heart. Blood=20 sprayed in every direction, coating Angel in gore. Lily stared=20 in disbelief at Angel=92s hand, still squeezing her heart. Blood=20 burbled up her throat and she sank to the ground. With a casual=20 movement, Angel tore out her throat. =20 He had won. He stood over her, and watched as her body=20 exploded into dust, adrenaline still surging through his system. =20 Without thinking he licked the blood from his hand. His lip=20 curled in distaste. There was power in it, but evil too. =20 Overwhelming evil. He could still feel the battle rage, the heat=20 of combat. He shook slightly as he forced himself to slow his=20 heart. As he forced his body under control. Then he looked=20 out at the world. The other vampires had run, and Colin was=20 gone with them. A sudden wave of panic broke over him and=20 he searched frantically for Buffy. She was still right where he=20 had laid her, leaning against the tree=92s supportive trunk. He=20 limped over to her, shaken by an irrational burst of fear that=20 somehow she had died. She lay against the tree, her eyes closed. He sat down beside=20 her and tenderly moved an errant strand of hair from out of her=20 face. Slowly responding to his touch, she opened her eyes. =20 She smiled when she saw him sitting beside her, staring worriedly into her face. =93I=92m fine," she said. He smiled in response and she reached=20 up to touch his face. =93We=92re a fine looking pair, you=92re completel= y=20 covered in blood, and I=92m sitting here with barely any left.=94 =93Do you feel any better?=94 =93Actually I kind of do. I guess we won, huh?=94 =93I=92d say so. Did you sleep through the whole fight?=94 he asked=20 teasingly. =93Just the boring parts,=94 she said grinning. =93To tell you the truth= ,=20 I felt like I was fighting too. I felt like I was a part of you.=94 =93You are,=94 said Angel softly, leaning towards her to kiss her=20 mouth softly. She returned the kiss, tangling her fingers in=20 his hair. Then she lay her head on his shoulder. =93I got blood on my dress,=94 she said. =93I really liked this dress.=94 =93I=92m sorry.=94=20 =93I was worth it,=94 she said with a grin. =93It was worth it all for t= hat=20 kiss and the look on Lily=92s face.=94 =93Which look?=94 =93The one where she saw you holding her heart in your hand.=94 =93You saw that?=94 Angel asked cringing. =20 =93I saw.=94 Buffy answered simply. She thought about the bloodlust=20 she had felt during the fight, the joy of battle, the viciousness. =20 The feelings that she had shared with him as if they were her=20 own. That could wait, she=92d tell him later. =93Can you walk?=94 he asked, standing up slowly. =93Yeah, no problem.=94 She pushed herself up off the floor. =20 =93Witness me walking. The great vampire slayer thinking=20 being able to walk by myself is a huge accomplishment. =20 What=92s wrong with that picture?=94 Angel smiled at her=20 lighthearted comments and swept her up into his arms.=20 =93Put me down,=94 she said. =93You=92re not in any shape to carry=20 any one.=94 =93Hey it=92s my fault you can barely walk and you=92re the=20 reason why I won. Besides it=92s so much faster this way.=94 =93Okay, just this once.=94 Buffy relaxed in his arms, hugging him=20 around the neck. He bent his head to kiss her and began to=20 carry her to Giles=92 house where the Slayerettes were waiting.=20 =93Oh I almost forgot,=94 Buffy said suddenly. =93You have to come=20 over to the house tomorrow and meet my mom.=94 =93Oh God,=94 groaned Angel. =93And I thought it couldn=92t get any=20 worse than facing the most powerful vampire alive and almost=20 killing my girlfriend in the process. =93 =93Just try not to let the vamp pop out while you=92re talking to her.=94 =93Gee, thanks for the advice.=94 Laughing, they continued down the=20 street. ********************** Giles winced as the loud music that filled the Bronze=20 assaulted his ears. He had agreed to come in a fit of=20 joy over their triumph. Now he was beginning to regret=20 that decision. He should have stayed home and re-read=20 one of his favorite books. That was more his kind of=20 celebration. He sat down at a table, drink in hand. He would=20 need several more to get through the night. He stared out=20 at the dance floor, searching the gyrating bodies for a familiar=20 face. His gaze finally settled on Xander and Willow, dancing=20 together. He smiled at the look of rapture on Willow=92s face. =20 It was almost worth it just to see her so happy. Watching Xander dance, Willow giggled a little. It was kind=20 of endearing how he threw himself into the dance, not caring=20 what anybody else thought. She felt a sudden rush of affection=20 for his total lack of rhythm. =93C=92mon Will,=94 he screamed over the music. =93Cut loose. =20 We saved the world remember, so boogie down.=94 Willow=20 shook her head doubtfully. She would feel too ridiculous. =20 She watched as his face fell slightly at her refusal, and she=20 immediately regretted her decision. The guy of her dreams=20 was asking her to dance and she refused because she was=20 afraid of a little embarrassment. Well not tonight, she decided. =20 Tonight she just wouldn=92t care what the rest of the world thought. =93All right!=94 she yelled. =93Let=92s get funky!=94 She abandoned=20 her traditional dance, which consisted of bouncing from=20 one leg to the other, and began to gyrate wildly. =93Whoo hoo!=94 Xander replied grinning, and the two shook and=20 shimmied to the music. Buffy laughed as she watched the pair=92s wildly flailing limbs.=20 =93I can=92t believe it,=94 Buffy said to Angel. =93Willow has never=20 danced like that in her life. She looks like she=92s having a=20 seizure...I mean in a good way.=94 Angel glanced over at the=20 pair and chuckled. =93That=92s what love=92ll do to you,=94 he said. They were sitting=20 at one of the many tables that filled the Bronze. They=20 had cleaned themselves up as much as possible. Angel=92s=20 jacket had been completely ruined so he was wearing=20 one of Giles=92 tweed numbers. It was amazing, Buffy thought,=20 he even managed to make Giles=92 clothes look good. =20 They had washed her dress in the sink, but it hadn=92t dried in=20 time; so she was wearing an over size T-shirt and boxers. =20 She covered the outfit with the leather jacket Angel had given=20 her. It wasn=92t her best look, but right now she couldn=92t care less=20 about fashion. =20 =93Tell me again why we can=92t dance too.=94 She whined. =93Mainly because we both almost died tonight.=94 =93Oh yeah,=94 Buffy said. =93But I feel so much better.=94 Angel=20 shook his head forbiddingly, just as Jewel=92s Foolish Games=20 came on. =93Oh, please!=94 she begged. =93Slow dancing is=20 just swaying anyway, there=92s no exertion involved.=94 Angel=20 looked into her pleading eyes and couldn=92t resist. =93Just one.=94 They walked to the dance floor and wrapped=20 their arms around each other. Buffy lay her head against=20 his chest. Feeling his strength; drinking in his heat, his=20 smell. She looked up as she felt him shift in her arms. =20 He kissed her forehead lightly and she raised her face. =20 Their lips met tenderly, then again more passionately. She=20 ran her hand up his back, inside his jacket and he shuddered=20 a little. He twisted a strand of her hair on his finger, and drew=20 her closer. Buffy knew that they still had issues to work through. =20 She had felt his blood lust during the fight, and it scared her. =20 And there was still the sex thing. Xander had been cruel when=20 he brought it up, but it was a valid point. She let all their=20 problems slip to the back of her mind. There would be plenty=20 of time for problems later. Right now they were together and=20 tomorrow would never come. She smiled up into his beautiful=20 eyes. Tonight problems didn=92t matter. All that mattered was=20 being in his arms. Xander caught her eye as he danced with=20 Willow. He grinned and Buffy couldn=92t help but grin back. =20 Everything would work out, she just knew it. Xander hugged Willow a little tighter. He liked the feel of=20 her in his arms. This was nice, really nice. He smiled down=20 at her head and let the music carry them. Angel leaned his head on top of Buffy=92s. She pulled back to=20 give him a kiss on the nose, which he returned. He smiled=20 at her, and his fangs peeked out of his mouth glinting in the=20 dim light. Quickly he shut his mouth, hiding them. He was=20 suddenly very aware of the blood, the life in the room. He=20 could fell the heat of the bodies that surrounded them. He=20 could hear the heart beats that pumped blood through each=20 of their bodies. The sound filled his ears, pounding against=20 his skull. He licked his lips nervously and his glance fell on=20 the girl nestled in his arms. Her look was questioning, but=20 her eyes were full of trust. He forced his heart to stop racing. =20 Gradually he recovered his calm. He was in control. He=20 touched her lips lightly, and kissed her hand. She was enough. The End=20 comments? Lady ------------------------------ End of buffyfic Digest V1 #15 ***************************** To subscribe to buffyfic Digest, send the command: subscribe buffyfic-digest in the body of a message to "". If you want to subscribe something other than the account the mail is coming from, such as a local redistribution list, then append that address to the "subscribe" command; for example, to subscribe "local-buffyfic": subscribe buffyfic-digest A non-digest (direct mail) version of this list is also available; to subscribe to that instead, replace all instances of "buffyfic-digest" in the commands above with "buffyfic". Back issues are available for anonymous FTP from, in pub/lists/buffyfic/archive. These are organized by date.