From: (buffyfic Digest) To: Subject: buffyfic Digest V1 #17 Reply-To: Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: buffyfic Digest Wednesday, August 27 1997 Volume 01 : Number 017 In this issue: BUFFYFIC: Stakin' You in the Streets BUFFYFIC: Stakin' It to the Streets, indeed. How about "Buffy?" Re: BUFFYFIC: Stakin' It to the Streets, indeed. How about "Buffy?" BUFFYFIC: Gone 3 The God of Nine Walls 2/? by JJ BUFFYFIC: The Weapon: Part IX/X BUFFYFIC: Beach Blanket Buffy 11/? by JJ BUFFYFIC: Gone 3: The God of Nine Walls 3/? by JJ See the end of the digest for information on subscribing to the buffyfic or buffyfic-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sun, 24 Aug 1997 14:22:30 -0700 From: Lisa Rose Subject: BUFFYFIC: Stakin' You in the Streets New item on the Little Buffy Page, LR - -------------------------- STAKIN' YOU IN THE STREETS (To the tune of "Takin' it to the Streets" by the Doobie Brothers) You don't know me but I'm the Slayer I'm the law now in this living hell You may mock me in your vampire world Overconfidence, that's swell! Chorus: You, Smug because you thugs think you outnumber me More to slay? That's OK! 'Cause now I'm gonna be Stakin' you in the streets Stakin' you in the streets Stakin' you in the streets Stakin' you in the streets Take my message to your Master Say this "little girl" feels fine Tell him I'll take on his hundred vamps Whoops! Make that ninety-nine... Chorus (Lyrics copyright 1997 by Lisa Rose; title inspired by Allison T. & Christine M.) ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 24 Aug 1997 18:06:56 -0400 From: Jesse Jou Subject: BUFFYFIC: Stakin' It to the Streets, indeed. How about "Buffy?" "Buffy" (sung to the tune of Looking Glass's "Brandy") There's a school In a Western town The undead, Lurking all around. And there's Buffy, with her roundhouse kick She serves them death-on-a-stick. Chorus: The Master says "Buffy, You're a fine girl. What a Slayer you have been! (such a fine girl!) But please stop, killin' my people and my kin." (dooooo do do do do do do) Buffy wears a silver cross From her sweetie pie, a guy who isn't Joss. A trinket That burned the chest Of the man that Buffy loves. Chorus Buffy, you just roll your eyes When you hear those Xander stories. You can feel her passion come alive, as Willow just lives for these. But you have always told the truth. Lord, you are an honest lass. So when Xander asked you out, you kicked his a--! (dooooo do do do do do do) There's a school In a Western town With a girl Who once was drowned. But she's better now So don't stick around If you're a plasma-suckin' fiend. Chorus repeats and fades out. ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 24 Aug 1997 18:16:27 -0400 From: (slb) Subject: Re: BUFFYFIC: Stakin' It to the Streets, indeed. How about "Buffy?" At 6:06 PM 8/24/97 -0400, Jesse Jou wrote: >"Buffy" >(sung to the tune of Looking Glass's "Brandy") ROTFL! I liked Lisa's Doobie Brothers tune, too. So, anyone up for a NIN tune? Sheryl -- "There I was ... inverted. But, maybe I wasn't." -- anonymous ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 25 Aug 1997 19:08:32 -0400 From: Jesse Jou Subject: BUFFYFIC: Gone 3 The God of Nine Walls 2/? by JJ Here's the second part. Thanks to everyone who responded to the first; I'm not sure I'm too happy with this, so a critical eye would be especially appreciated here. Haven't forgotten about Beach Blanket Buffy, I'm gonna try to have the next part out tomorrow. Thanks! JJ Title: Gone 3: The God of Nine Walls Author: JJ email address: Distribution: With permission of the author Spoiler Warning: No spoilers for any real episode Rating: PG Warnings: Pretty tame. Classification: UTB Summary: Inspired by Anya's original Gone... story, I wrote a sequel that followed Willow and Angel to Europe, where they met the infamous Brother Luca, who took Willow away to train with the Order of Our Lady of Demonic Assassinations, while Angel returned to Sunnydale. I had left enough loose threads in that story to warrant a third part and this is it. Both Gone... and Gone II can be found on the Slayer's Fanfic Archive. I would recommend reading the previous stories, but if you are not of a mind to do so, all you really need to know is that Willow was turned into a quasivampiric killer by the Anointed One and had to leave Sunnydale after her death was faked. Buffy and Xander grieved, finding out their friend was lost to them forever. Disclaimer: I don't own these characters except for the ones who haven't shown up on the show; Joss Whedon, the WB, and their associated production companies do. Our Lady of Demonic Assassinations is the invention of my evil twin sister, Lisa Rose. I'm also not making a red cent of any of this, so there's no point in suing me. Part 2 The goddess Hecate, all midnight-black hair and heavily kohl-ed eyes, arrived at the Holiday Inn Sunnydale around 10 pm that night. "This is the best hotel in town?" she asked, looking at the two story monstrosity built around a central courtyard with pool. The driver nodded. "Not a whole lot of town, ma'am. Florindel is only 45 minutes away from Sunnydale; they've got a Sheraton?" he suggested helpfully. "Never mind," she said, graciously, digging out a couple of bills from her pocket. "Here," she said, handing them to him. "No one saw me coming here." The driver's eyes clouded over briefly, then he said, "Sure, lady, thanks for using Sunnydale Taxi Service." Later, when he would try to recall his passenger that night, he would remember the famous platinum-blonde pop star who had confessed to him of the incredible lover that she was secretly meeting at the Holiday Inn. Hecate smiled, the woman's last music video had annoyed her greatly and it gave the sorceress a minor pleasure to inconvenience her this way. "Now," she thought, throwing her carry-on over her shoulder, "To the business of stopping the girl." - --- "Do you want a beer or something?" he shouted from the kitchen, having changed into a dry t-shirt and jeans while Willow waited in the living room. "I'm fine," she shouted back. He grabbed a Shiner and popped the top, taking a slug as he returned from the kitchen. Willow He watched as she browsed through the oak bookcases that rose to the ceiling in the living room. She hadn't changed much in the 18 years since he had last seen her. Petite and...Willow-shaped. He ran a hand through his wet hair, chuckling at his mighty descriptive abilities. She turned to look at him, holding a gilded picture frame she had taken from a shelf. "I don't remember taking this." It was a blown-up shot of teenage Willow, Xander, and Buffy piled into a photobooth, their laughing faces barely visible in a mass of hands and arms and kneecaps. He took it from her, holding it with one hand as the other held the beer bottle. "Don't you remember?" he asked, recognizing it immediately. "We took this early in the summer, before..." He fell silent, his face a mask of inscrutable regret. Sadly, he put it back on the shelf. He shook the mood off and smiled at her. "So," he said. "So," she responded, curling up into a corner of the sofa with the grace of cat. He remained standing. "I'm not quite sure what to say," Xander confessed. "It's been so long." "Did you miss me?" she asked, pointedly. He broke into a grin, eyes downcast, and nodded. "Good. I missed you." His head popped up. "Oh, hey," he began, heading toward one of the bookcases and drawing down a tattered book. He held it out to her, "I guess I better return this." She took it and recognized it as her journal. She groaned and covered her eyes in embarassment. "I can't believe you held onto this!" she smiled, shaking her head as she revisited those pages she had written in a haze of anger and sorrow. He sat down next to her and finished his beer. "I've read it over several times," he said, looking over her shoulder and pointing to one particular passage as she flipped to it. "Especially the parts about how I never appreciated how much you loved me." He smiled at her knowingly. She blushed, unwilling to meet his eyes,"I'm sorry. It was a long time ago. I think I expected too much from you; you were my childhood crush." There was something profoundly sad in his expression as he began to peel the bottle label. "Actually, I think I should be the one apologizing. I think I always knew that you cared very deeply for me and I took it for granted. God!" he said, self-deprecatingly, "I was a selfish little bastard." "We're very different people now," Willow observed, watching his face intently. He nodded. "After Sunnydale, went to UCLA, got a Rhodes scholarship, got a Masters, a couple of years later got a PhD. Now I'm back in Sunnydale. Can't seem to leave. What about you?" She chuckled. "Umm. After Sunnydale, went to Paris, went to Cortona, from Cortona struck out at evil in all its myriad forms..." He laughed. "Now I'm back in Sunnydale. Can't seem to stay," she said sadly. "I wish you had been at the memorial," he said, changing the subject. Willow fought down a shudder. "I wish I could have been there, too," she answered, remembering how Angel had frantically tried to find her to tell her that Buffy needed help. But Willow had stumbled back into Cortona a day too late. By then, Buffy was gone. "I still don't know what happened?" "I don't think I can talk about it," Xander said quickly. "Sure. Sorry," she apologized. There was an awkward silence until finally Xander spoke up. "Well, this is going smashingly!" he joked. She laughed. "You know, I've wondered for 18 years what I would say to you if I got the chance. I mean, I built this really elaborate fantasy." "And?" she inquired, bemused. "And, right now, all I can think of is Jenny McReynold's birthday party," he said, half-seriously. She turned a bright red. "Spin the bottle." "You weren't talking to me because of the whole Barbie incident..." he recalled. "To this day, I think you cheated..." she interjected. "You should've seen your face when it landed on you..." "I didn't want to play in the first place. Where the hell were that girl's parents?..." "Seven minutes in heaven..." "You were so nervous, you kept ramming your nose into my cheek..." "It was a pretty *bad* kiss..." "And we just sat in that closet for the last six minutes until they let us out." "But we were okay, after that, right?" he concluded. "Sure," she answered. "Why are remembering that?" He smiled crookedly and set his empty bottle on its side on the coffee table. With a flick of the wrist, he set it spinning and inexorably it slowed to a halt in her direction. She looked at it and cocked an eyebrow at him. "It's kind of robbed of mystery when it's only two people playing," she stated simply. He leaned his head towards her. "Should we go to the closet?" she asked, his face inches away from hers. He shook his head wordlessly, then kissed her. - ---- end part 2 ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 26 Aug 1997 02:20:38 -0400 From: Subject: BUFFYFIC: The Weapon: Part IX/X Title: The Weapon Rating: R. Graphic descriptions of acts of violence. Summary: At the end of part VIIIb, SuperXander was marching off to face Karakis, while Buffy, Angel, and Willow were rushing off to the dungeon to rescue our Xander. Disclaimer: Buffy, Willow, Xander, and Angel are the property of Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, and 20th Century Fox. The rest is mine. Touch it and I'll break yo' fingers. Distribution: Anyone previously given permission to use my fic can use this too, as long as I'm given proper credit. Note that I'd like my real name, C.M. Koch, to be included alongside my nick when I'm given credit for a piece. ***** Xander marched purposefully down the hallway towards Karakis' throne room. This was it, after all these years. Finally, he'd have his vengeance... his justice. After the soul slip with his younger self, he hadn't explained the exact nature of the boy's imprisonment to the others. But he knew what was being done to him. He knew the terror of the Circle all too well. But if he had it his way, Karakis would never use the Circle on anyone again. If he had it his way, Karakis would never do *anything* ever again. Xander was so engrossed in his thoughts, that he almost didn't notice the demon soldier stepping out of the shadows in front of him, preparing to attack. Almost. A phrase he had heard long ago, in a similar situation, came to mind. "Oh look," he said innocently, as he smirked beneath the protection of his other, "a bad guy." Xander's arm lashed out as the demon moved to intercept him, forcing the creature's face somewhere back into the middle of his brain. The demon dropped, now useful only as carrion. Without a second glance, Xander continued towards his destiny. ***** Marak looked down at his new arm. After Lord Karakis had punished him, he had seen that a new limb was crafted for his favorite torturer. And quite a limb it was. Crafted from wrought iron and Valkyrie bone, and charged with a necromantic energy that seared the flesh of all but the most unholy creatures at its touch. Gleefully, he raked his claws across the back of the dark haired mortal boy he had been ordered to torture. He had said and thought nothing when Lord Karakis had told him to stay here and torture the boy during the battle. After all, he had learned well not to doubt his Great Lord's wisdom. Besides, Lord Karakis had assigned one of the strongest contingents of his Royal Guard to protect the dungeon during the battle. And though he had no idea what went on above, Marak was confident that his Lord's forces would defeat the pitiful invaders. Concentrating, he shaped the foul energies of his new limb into a lash of sorts, and set about striking his victim with it, again, and again. The screams of the mortal grew so loud, that he didn't even notice the shouts coming from the hallway, echoing down the staircase. It wasn't till he paused to admire his work that he heard a sound. A thump. In fact several thumps, one after another. He turned, and saw an object rolling down the staircase into the dungeon. It continued rolling downward, and then across the floor, coming to a stop when it bumped into his foot. It was a head. Picking it up, he turned the face towards him. It was the head of Ploovo, who had been assigned to lead the contingent guarding the dungeon. The head of Ploovo, one of the most despicable, heartless, foul creatures Marak had ever met. He had liked Ploovo. He would avenge him. Marak watched as Ploovo's murderer descended the staircase. It was a petite blonde mortal girl, carrying a wickedly sharp ichor-stained blade. Marak would have stood aghast had he not sensed what she was. "Slayerrrrr...." hissed the demon torturer, as his new limb flared with demonfire. "Guilty." said the girl, smiling at him grimly. "I'm sorry," she continued, "was that a friend of yours?" ***** Xander reached the end of the hallway, and came face to face with a set of large oak doors. With a loud guttural grunt, he forced the doors open, and stepped inside the room. It was dark. Darker even than the rest of the castle. And a variety of bizarre flora seemed to grow about the area. As Xander gazed into the darkness, his heightened vision could make out another set of doors, these iron, at the other side of the room. "This... *isn't* the throne room." he said, slightly confused. "Correct." responded a raspy voice from behind him. Xander spun coming face to face with a tall and sinewy wraith-like figure, its dull yellow eyes standing out in contrast to its leathery grey skin. It wore no armor, and carried only one weapon: a large axe, the handle as long as a quarterstaff, with a massive and brutally sharp blade. "To get to the throne room..." continued the figure. " have to go through us." said a second voice. Xander quickly turned to see a second figure, identical to the first. "Lemme guess," said Xander, as he glanced back and forth from one figure to the other, "you're Karakis' retainers. Good. This means he'll have some friends to meet up with when I send him to hell. Lets go." With that, the blades on Xander's armor grew and lengthened, protruding even more from his body. Silently, with unnerving speed, the retainers moved in, and attacked. Xander parried their axes with his arm blades, putting his raw strength against theirs. Then, suddenly, he withdrew, and the two retainers blades swung downwards, embedding them in the ground. With terrible grace and quickness, Xander crouched, thrust his blades into the retainers, and stood again, pulling up hard. The blades sliced cleanly through the demons, gutting them from crotch to forehead. Coldly, Xander stepped over the dead retainers, and headed towards the iron doors. "If this is the best you've got Karakis," he muttered, "you're screwed." ***** Marak raised his hand, and was about to shower the wretch with hellfire, when an ebon haired man leapt from the top of the staircase, tackling him. Tasting his own blood, Marak, thrust his new arm forward, clasping it on to the man's face. Howling in pain, the man staggered back, his hands clasping his seared face. When the man removed his hands, Marak was infuriated. Before him, he saw the scorched face of a vampire. "Infidel!" shouted Marak as he circled the vampire, "You dare to attack your greater, half-breed?" "What can I say?" replied the traitorous creature, smirking painfully. "I don't much like my 'greaters'." Burning with anger, Marak attacked. The vampire ducked under the attack and returned with one of his own. The traitor's hand latched onto Marak's neck, and with a powerful jerk, the torturer's throat was torn out. Marak gasped briefly, disbelieving. Then he fell to the floor. ***** Buffy watched as Angel fought the demon, leaning against the wall tiredly. She could only take so much fighting in one day, and she was beginning to wear out. She was too relieved to be disgusted when Angel, in a state of feral frenzy, tore the creature's throat from its body. Angel looked up at Buffy, his eyes aflame, and his hands soaked in blood. He began to move towards her. "Angel, look out!" Angel heard the shout, and turned just in time to see a stumbling and wheezing Marak have his head blown clean from his shoulders. His mind cleared, Angel turned back towards the source of the voice, and saw Willow descending the staircase with a smoking shotgun. "Thank you." Angel said, for more reasons than one. Willow said nothing, only pushed past Buffy and rushed to the side of the scarred and bleeding dark-haired boy Marak had been beating. Angel quickly joined her, and checked for a pulse. He found none. "He's..." Angel couldn't bring himself to finish the sentence. He had never liked Xander much, but he knew how the two girls had felt about him. Finally, he pulled together enough courage to complete the statement. "He's dead." said the vampire, and turned away from the body. "Whaa-a-at?" said Buffy, coming out of her stupor, and walking towards the body, "no... he can't be dead!" She crouched next to the body, and helped Willow roll it onto its back. The boys face was gone, crushed, bruised, and slashed beyond recognition. Buffy swallowed hard, and rose to her feet, only to collapse into Angel's arms, sobbing. Willow simply crouched next to the naked body, examining it with her cold, empty, eyes. Then she fixed on a certain point. She moved in closer to examine it, then stood. "That's not Xander." she said, an edge of relief creeping into her voice. "What?" asked Angel, as Buffy pulled her tear stained face from his jacket. "That's not Xander," repeated Willow, "it's not him." "How--" Buffy stuttered slightly as she wiped the tears from her eyes, "how do you know?" Willow smiled. It was only a half-smile, but it was the first semblance of a smile that had crossed her face since the boy she loved had disappeared. "Xander, he's," she blushed slightly as she tried to put the words together, "he's, well, his um, well, y'know, it's *bigger*." Buffy looked puzzled for a moment, then her eyes widened in realization. She almost giggled, in spite of the current situation. "And you know this *how?*" asked the Slayer, as she tried to stifle a smile. "I forgot," replied Willow, "I never told you about the Great Shower Incident. But the story's gonna have to wait. We've got to figure out where the *real* Xander is." "Well, why wouldn't he be in the dungeon?" asked Buffy, "I mean, what's with making us think this poor guy is him?" "It could be a decoy..." muttered Angel. "But why? I mean, what purpose did it serve?" asked Buffy. "It split us up from the other Xander!" said Willow, as realization dawned on her. "Which means..." "That this is all a trap for him." concluded Angel. Somehow, Buffy felt re-energized, as if the knowledge that *both* Xanders were in danger charged her, drove her. "C'mon," she said , as she began to rush back up the staircase, "we gotta get to the throne room. I got a feeling that's where *our* Xander is too." Willow rushed off after Buffy. Angel paused, and marveled for a moment at the energy the two girls miraculously contained. Then he shot off after them, silently hoping that they weren't too late. ***** Xander faced the massive iron doors. They were the only thing still standing between him and his vengeance. Silently, he focused, calling up all the energy he could. With a massive booming blast, he blew the doors straight off their hinges, and burst into the room. There, in the center of the chamber, sat Karakis. His massive form was supported by an oddly constructed throne. It appeared to almost grow out of the stone floor, conforming to the Demon Lord's body. "Hello Alexander," said Karakis, as he lounged peacefully in his throne, "I've been expecting you." "So," said Xander, as he steeled himself for battle, "you do know my name. I'd been wondering. Then you know the name of the man that's going to kill you." Karakis laughed, his deep, disturbing laughter echoing throughout the dark chamber. "Boy," said the Demon Lord, stifling his chuckles, "you won't be killing anyone more today." "We'll see about that!" shouted Xander. As his anger rose, his armor changed, responding to his emotions. More blades began to spring from it, and spikes lined it. The blades continued to grow and change, some lengthening to be several feet long. The spikes grew and sharpened. The whole armor became a mass of jagged points and cutting edges. It was impossible to tell where the man ended and the Weapon began. They were truly one and the same. Screaming a battle cry that held years of pent up anger and aggression, Xander launched himself at Karakis. He hurtled through the air, a deadly mass of blades. Then Karakis raised his right hand, and Xander stopped dead still. Suddenly, he let out a scream of pain. It felt as though he were on fire, as though his skin was being pulled away from him. Xander looked down at his hands. They were melting--no they weren't melting. The sphere was. Over his entire body, the metal liquefied, dripping off of him, falling away. Within seconds, it was nothing more than a puddle on the floor. Then, slowly, it resolidified. But the sphere was different now. No longer bright and shining silver. Dull. Grey. Dead. Xander could feel it, the symbiote was dead, lifeless, their connection was broken. Slowly, Karakis rose from his throne, walked over to the floating nomad, and wrapped his hand around his throat. "Come boy!" shouted Karakis, yanking on the chains in his other hand. "I want you to see this." Slowly, fearfully, young Xander Harris crept out of the shadows. His arms, neck, and ankles were bound in heavy irons. But he almost forgot about them when he saw what was happening. The man this demon Karakis was strangling... it was him! He was older, bigger, but he was him. Xander tried to wrap his brain around this situation, but in his current state, all he could do was stare. "You're a fool Karakis!" said the older Xander between coughs. Karakis grip on his throat tightened. "You destroyed the Weapon," continued Xander, "now you'll never have its power!" "You mean the Sphere?" said Karakis. Xander smirked. The Demon Lord responded with a wide, fanged, grin. "Let me tell you a secret." he said, as he brought his mouth to the man's ear. "The Sphere's not the Weapon," he whispered, smiling wickedly, "*you* are." ***** End Part IX ***** Plot twist! Soon, the stunning finale! Hey, is that Little Willow's trademark ominous music I hear? ;-) - --Viashino the Snickering-- ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 26 Aug 1997 19:36:29 -0400 From: Jesse Jou Subject: BUFFYFIC: Beach Blanket Buffy 11/? by JJ Okay, here's the next part of my beach saga. Easily the worst part because of the amount of stuff in it. Things'll get better. Grr Argh. As always, advice, feedback, etc. is greatly welcomed and appreciated. Thanks! JJ Title: Beach Blanket Buffy Author: JJ email address: Distribution: With permission of the author Spoiler Warning: The events for this take place after Prophecy Girl and references are made to events in the past season. Rating: PG Warnings: Violence Classification: TB Summary: There's trouble in store when Buffy and the gang visit the beach! Hey, watch out for that vampire! Yes, there's fun and merriment in store when the gang plays...Beach Blanket Buffy! Disclaimer: I don't own these characters except for the ones who haven't shown up on the show; Joss Whedon, the WB, and their associated production companies do. I'm also not making a red cent of any of this, so there's no point in suing me. Part 11 "You're a fish!" Xander exclaimed. "No," Marie protested, "I am a mermaid. Of the Sylphi Clan." "I'm wigging!" Xander interrupted. "You're a fish!" "Please, Xander, I swam all this way to stop them. You must help me," she said simply; she had not expected him to react well to this revelation. "You kissed me!" said Xander, remembering that morning. "With tongue! You don't have parasites or anything, do you?" "Would you please calm down?" Marie said, a bit irritated. "I can't concentrate with all the noise you're making." Xander's jaw dropped as her tail slowly transformed back into a pair of human legs. Buffy meanwhile had helped Annette to her feet and walked her over to the other two. "Alright," Buffy said, "I think you better start talking." "Don't you think you should kill her?" Marie said, nodding her head at Annette. The crying girl's eyes grew large with fear. "She's one of them." "I don't see why I shouldn't kill both of you," Buffy retorted tartly. Clearly, the girl had withheld key information from both Buffy and Xander and had tried to manipulate them. Buffy didn't like to be anyone's pawn. Marie shrugged. "My people hunt her kind, for food. The ones who dwell near water. Every hundred years, we send someone to warn the landers about the Rising. This time, I was chosen." "Why would you bother?" Buffy asked. "Does one let cattle run wild?" Marie replied, clinically. "Now, see how much better everyone gets along when we tell the truth?" Buffy responded, smiling grimly. "What about you?" she asked, directing her attention to Annette. Annette sniffled, "Please, you have to believe me. I didn't know Frankie and those boys were going to jump you. Frankie's really a nice guy; he just hangs out with a bad crowd." Buffy took the girl by the shoulders, "I didn't ask about Frankie; I asked about you." Annette was flabbergasted. "I...well, Frankie used to do all the talking for both of us." "You know that you're a vampire?" Buffy asked. Annette nodded. "Do you know what that means?" Buffy asked. She recited from memory, "It means we're on a special diet until they find a cure." Buffy was shocked. "Who told you that? Frankie?" The girl nodded again. Buffy was astonished. Was it possible that she was naive enough to believe that? And yet Buffy didn't sense anything insincere or malicious about Annette. Was it her complete deprivation of common sense that enabled her to resist the vampiric demon's influence totally? Annette had not tried to harm them during the fight--indeed, she had even been something of a help. For this reason, Buffy was willing to give her the benefit of a doubt. But what to do with her? Buffy didn't think the girl would survive on her own, abandoned as she had been by her supposed protector. As if reading her mind, Marie spoke up, "I think you should just put her out of her misery." Buffy threw her a withering gaze, "Who gives a damn what you think?" The mermaid fell silent. Buffy came to a decision. "Alright," she began, as authoritatively as possible. "This is what's going to happen. Frankie's gone and I don't want to wait here for him to bring anymore of his surfer buds, so we're going to head back to the beach house. Annette, you'll have to come with us, but if I sense a whiff of evil from you, you're toast. Xander, give the Little Mermaid your button-down so she can cover herself and help her..." "I can't go back there!" Marie exclaimed, fidgeting excitedly. "Why not?" Buffy demanded, her impatience readily apparent. "I thought it would be finished tonight. I thought we'd find them and stop them..." Marie shot off on a rapid stream of words. "Come on," Xander said. "If Buffy says we book, we boo..." "Please, Xander, let's look around a little while longer!" Marie interjected, trying desperately to coo to him. "If we find them, I can leave and you'll never have to see me again...I swear!" Buffy and Xander looked quizzically at each other. "Her!" Marie shouted, pointing at Annette, "She could lead us right to them. We can make her take us to them..." Annette squealed in terror, hiding behind Buffy as the nervous mermaid took a step towards them. Buffy raised her hands, "Whoa! Calm down! Thanks to the fact that you didn't deem it necessary to tell us what you knew about these vampires...among other things...I think we're going to need to regroup and plan a new strategy..." "I can't go back there!" Marie whined, a tone of desperate finality in her voice. "Why? What's back at the house?" Buffy questioned, then added slowly, "What did you do?" Marie broke into tears. "I did it for you!" she sobbed, looking at Xander. "I did it so she wouldn't distract you from me. Oh, briny gods! I love you!! I never thought I'd know what it was like to love a boy! A human boy! Please, you must forgive me!" She collapsed on the sand, clutching Xander's legs. "Please love me! Please love me!" she moaned repeatedly. Xander was horrified as realization dawned on his face. He looked at Buffy and they said simultaneously, "Willow." - --- "Omigod!" Cordelia squealed delightedly as Willow came out of the bathroom. "Mr. Wong, you are a *true* artist!" Willow was quite pleased at how the cut had turned out: a short, layered bob that came just to the top of the neck, but long in front so she could sweep it behind her ear. It was functional, and on Willow, adorable. "Yes, I'm very happy with it," Mr. Wong said, feeling very much like a combat surgeon who just saved a private's leg with a butter knife in one of those war movies he loved. "See," Cordelia said, "You get lemons and you make lemonade." "Do you think Xander'll like it?" Willow asked. "How could he not?" Cordelia responded, secretly doubting that the boy would notice if Willow pierced every orifice of her body. - ---- end Part 11 ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 27 Aug 1997 20:08:10 -0400 From: Jesse Jou Subject: BUFFYFIC: Gone 3: The God of Nine Walls 3/? by JJ Here's part 3 of the sequel to Gone 2, which itself was a sequel to Gone... Please read the warning below. All comments and feedback is greatly appreciated! Thanks! JJ Title: Gone 3: The God of Nine Walls Author: JJ email address: Distribution: With permission of the author Spoiler Warning: No spoilers for any real episode Rating: PG-13 Warnings: There's some kissing and grown-up things, but nothing you wouldn't see on TV. Classification: UTB Summary: Inspired by Anya's original Gone... story, I wrote a sequel that followed Willow and Angel to Europe, where they met the infamous Brother Luca, who took Willow away to train with the Order of Our Lady of Demonic Assassinations, while Angel returned to Sunnydale. I had left enough loose threads in that story to warrant a third part and this is it. Both Gone... and Gone II can be found on the Slayer's Fanfic Archive. I would recommend reading the previous stories, but if you are not of a mind to do so, all you really need to know is that Willow was turned into a quasivampiric killer by the Anointed One and had to leave Sunnydale after her death was faked. Buffy and Xander grieved, finding out their friend was lost to them forever. Disclaimer: I don't own these characters except for the ones who haven't shown up on the show; Joss Whedon, the WB, and their associated production companies do. Our Lady of Demonic Assassinations is the invention of my evil twin sister, Lisa Rose. I'm also not making a red cent of any of this, so there's no point in suing me. Part 3 Xander broke the kiss, looking deeply into her smiling eyes. "You've gotten better since Jenny McReynold's birthday party," she sighed. "I practice thirty minutes a day. After Tai Chi," he replied. She laughed, then kissed him. His arms wrapped around her waist as she ran her hands through his hair, pulling him down on top of her. The kiss deepened as he fumbled with the top button of her blouse; she urged him on, pressing her body tightly against his, pulling his shirt tail out of his pants.. He looked down at her, his eyes full of honesty and desire. "I think we should move to the other room," he suggested, his voice a husky whisper. "I think we should." Willow regarded him carefully, then nodded slowly. He got off the couch and with a swift, sure move, lifted her into the air. He got as far as the foyer. "Knock, knock" went the door. Xander's head popped up. Willow stifled a scream of frustration. "Ignore it," he said, starting again down the hall to the bedroom. "Knock, knock," the door repeated, this time mimicking a woman's voice, "Alexander! Is that you I see?" A woman's face was pressed against the opaque glass plane set into the door. "Mom?" Willow whispered, terrified, as Xander set her down. He opened the front closet door and shoved her in, "Quick! In there!" He took a deep breath, then answered the front door. "Mrs. Rosenberg!" he smiled, ushering the slender and attractive woman into the foyer. She shook her wet umbrella before entering, a plastic bag hanging from her wrist. "I hope I'm not disturbing you," she said. "No, not at all," he answered, "I was just putting away some clothes." "Oh, look at your hair!" she fussed, patting down the tousled locks. "Alex, I'm not surprised you haven't met a nice girl yet, you look like a longshoreman!" Xander deferred to her insistent ministrations. "I was just coming home from the supermarket and got you some nice coldcuts. You look so thin. Are you eating?" she demanded, heading through the dining room into the kitchen. She opened the refrigerator. "Alex, there's nothing but beer and a jar of pickles in here!" she exclaimed. "I think you're exaggerating," Xander said, looking at the well-stocked interior as she added her bag to it. "And look at this," she elaborated, as she picked up his wet jacket from the countertop. "I thought you said you were putting away clothes? Did it occur to you to put this away, too?" "I was going to go get that dry-cleaned," he explained, as she waved a hand annoyedly at him. "If you don't hang it up," she criticized, "It'll dry all wrinkled." She headed towards the front closet. "Surely you've got a hanger in here..." Xander rushed and grabbed the doorknob before she could. He positioned himself between the two. "Uh, don't worry," he smiled, "I've got it." He opened the door a crack and stuck his hand in as Willow handed him a hanger from the bar. "See?" he said, holding it up for Mrs. Rosenberg's inspection, then hanging the soaked jacket on it. "I'll hang it in the bathroom so it doesn't drip on the carpet." "Smart boy!" she said, approvingly, patting his cheek. "You know, it's always so nice to see you. After we lost Willow," she paused to collect herself, "We thought you'd disappear from our lives, too, but instead it's like we gained a son." Xander recognized the spiel. Since he had come back to Sunnydale, he had grown accustomed to Mrs. Rosenberg periodically stopping by with food and motherly advice. It made him feel less lonely as he didn't talk to his own parents much, but her timing had been fairly rotten today. Every visit would end with a reminder of the daughter that she lost that would force her to leave the house in tears. "I'm sorry," Mrs. Rosenberg apologized. "I'm just upsetting us. I should go." "I wish I could visit longer," Xander said, sensitive to his guest in the front closet. "But I've really got to get some work done tonight." "Sure," Mrs. Rosenberg smiled, taking his hand gently in hers as he lead her to the front door. "You know, Mr. Rosenberg and I always hoped that you and our Willow would someday be together. Maybe start a family. I think she would have been so very proud of you today. So very proud indeed!" "Thank you," he said graciously, as she kissed him on the cheek and ran her hand through his hair one last time. "Be careful driving home!" he shouted as she ran out to her car. When she was gone, Xander went to the front closet and opened the door. Willow stood inside, weeping openly and bursting out in laughter as light fell on her. "Are you okay?" he asked, gently. "She sounded good, didn't she?" Willow responded, with a bittersweet grin. He held his arms open and she fell into them. The two of them stood in the front hall, hugging each other tightly for several minutes. - --- Mrs. Rosenberg had just turned the corner when she pulled to the side of the road. A woman got in on the passenger side. "Was she there?" the woman asked. Gilda Rosenberg nodded with a smile, "He was hiding her in the front closet." Both women laughed. "Oh, here," Gilda said, plucking the strands of Xander's hair that were caught between her fingers. "I hope that's enough," she said, handing it to the other woman. "That's more than enough," the other woman said, putting them into a small wax packet she took out of her front pocket. "You know, you're so much cooler in person than you are in email," she observed. Gilda smiled as she pulled out into the street, the streetlamp briefly catching Hecate's face. "I've lived in Sunnydale my entire life," Gilda explained. "I know what's what." - --- Angel was tired, leaping from roof to roof. It had only been 8 years, but it had seemed like a century. He sighed, feeling the blood supply hidden in his backpack jostle, as he went back to his awful and necessary burden. In the streets below, a young woman was being murdered, her body vivisected as she screamed helplessly. When she was dead, the thing that killed her took its scalpel and inserted it just under her ear, gently slicing upwards and taking care not to rip the skin. And the God of Nine Walls rumbled. - --- end Part 3 ------------------------------ End of buffyfic Digest V1 #17 ***************************** To subscribe to buffyfic Digest, send the command: subscribe buffyfic-digest in the body of a message to "". If you want to subscribe something other than the account the mail is coming from, such as a local redistribution list, then append that address to the "subscribe" command; for example, to subscribe "local-buffyfic": subscribe buffyfic-digest A non-digest (direct mail) version of this list is also available; to subscribe to that instead, replace all instances of "buffyfic-digest" in the commands above with "buffyfic". Back issues are available for anonymous FTP from, in pub/lists/buffyfic/archive. These are organized by date.