From: (buffyfic Digest) To: Subject: buffyfic Digest V1 #34 Reply-To: Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: buffyfic Digest Wednesday, September 24 1997 Volume 01 : Number 034 In this issue: BUFFYFIC: Disaster Stiketh! BUFFYFIC: Blackmail in a Little Black Box 1/1, by Anya BUFFYFIC: Gone 3: The God of Nine Walls Part 14/15 by JJ Re: BUFFYFIC: Gone 3: The God of Nine Walls Part 14/15 by JJ BUFFYFIC: ADMIN: List rules BUFFYFIC: Gone 3: The God of Nine Walls 15/15 by JJ BUFFYFIC: Xander and the Klew Brick (1/1) See the end of the digest for information on subscribing to the buffyfic or buffyfic-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 19 Sep 1997 21:49:42 -0400 From: Anya Subject: BUFFYFIC: Disaster Stiketh! Hi All! More archive fic..yep, that's right, disaster strikes again! Disaster Striketh! by the Anya! The Anointed One howled in rage, and struck out at the nearest vampire. His tiny hands sunk into the soft white flesh at the throat, and ripped the jugular right out. "I WANT IT BACK!!!" He screamed, waving his gory hand at the wide-eyed audience. "We working on it, Great One!" One of the braver members of the vampiric community dared to speak, humbly bent down on one knee. "Why is it offline?" His young sounding voice bore only tones of utterly reasonable calm. The wild fervor in his eyes spoke of near hysteria. "That is unknown, August One." Another spoke, "We have a plan, however. We intend to grab the Slayer's friend, the one skilled with computers. Perhaps SHE can find the archive." Colin seemed to muse this over. "Yes...yes, and if she fails, we kill her." He frowned suddenly, a thought occurring to him. "However, she had BETTER be delivered to me without a scratch, indent, hole or puncture mark anywhere on her body. Is that understood?" A general murmur rippled through his minions, and a chorus of "Yes's" rang out. "Good," He murmured, staring at the horrible white screen and it's evil message: 'Sorry, the server is refusing connections right now. Try again later.' "No." He muttered, pressing the "reload" button. "I want a connection NOW!" *************************** The vampires moved quickly through the tunnels to the upper world. "This would never have happened under the Master's guidance," One of the older vampires commented. "HE'D never have allowed his schemes to get so out of control. Only the Slayer and the humans were to get addicted to that fanfic site, not the community." A youngster shrugged. "Why not? I think it's awesome!" The oldster snorted, "Yeah, that's why we always get dusted in each story." The group seemed to consider this notion, but collectively all shrugged. "So what? It's still amazing!" Someone shouted. The older vampire through his hands up, "Kids!" ********************************* (Later) Willow actually laughed at them, "You're NOT serious?" "Yes, we are." The one who had introduced himself as Damon nodded vigorously. "I'm personally at MY wits end, the Anointed one, all of the youngsters, and most of the older ones are affected by this spell. It's gone out of control." Willow snickered. "Good, maybe that will teach you all NOT to much with stuff like that." The vampire hissed, but Willow waved a mocking finger at him, "Tsk, tsk..don't go there, or I won't try to get to the bottom of your A-1's little withdrawal problem." "Sorry," Damon muttered, scowling darkly at one of the near drooling youngsters. This had gone poorly, from the start. A simple "grab and run" procedure had turned into every predator's nightmare. The youngsters, seeing Willow deftly manipulate a computer, had all begun to pay her homage as a Web Goddess. Tripping over the large volume of pious vampires was not conducive to abductions. In fact, if he were to TRY to actually attack the girl, the masses would rise up and slay HIM for touching their avatar. This century simply SUCKED. "Can you help us?" He asked plaintively, accepted defeat with all the grace he could. Willow's smile grew wide and very dark. "What's in it for me?" "Your life." He replied, his voice dead and cold. Willow's smile was absolutely malicious. "Not good enough. Sweeten the pot, honey, or no go." Damon grumbled for a few moments, eyeing this slip of a girl with more respect than he normally allocated to mortals. "What do you want?" "The details of the spell, and the anti spell if you have it." "No." "Then, have fun with the Anointed one. I'm SURE the archive will come up sometime soon...maybe by Tuesday, or's only Friday now..that's just four or five days..." Willow turned, her back to this vampire. It was dangerous, but strangely enough, she felt confident of her safety. They needed HER skills too much to do something stupid. A low growl, followed by a heavy sigh announced her victory. "You win. Just..fix it!" Willow held back from cheering. Her world was saved! She could revert her friends to their normal selves, and NOT be subjected to another day in Cordelia's company. Those hellish shoes HURT!!! "We have a deal." She turned to him. "I'll contact Anya now, and I'll MEET you at the library in a half hour with some information." She held his gaze until he nodded. Damon gathered up his drooling flock of vampires, and disappeared into the night. She stared after them for a long, quiet moment, before she bent down to the porch steps, and gathered up her still humming laptop. Straightening, she pensively stared out again into the darkness, a slow, beautiful smile lighting her face. "Y'know..I liked him...he was kinda cute when he got desperate." Tapping her finger against the side of her nose, she tinkered with several ideas. "I think the Anointed One needs to learn a valuable lesson. And making him wait just MIGHT be the way to accomplish it." Snickering softly, she wandered back into her home, and up to the computer. *The End* Yes, the archive is missing for reason's I've YET to understand... I hope to have more details soon, and rectify this problem ASAP! Toodles! - -Anya ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 21 Sep 1997 11:25:41 -0400 From: Anya Subject: BUFFYFIC: Blackmail in a Little Black Box 1/1, by Anya Hi! Okay, first, I admit to being really, really in a weird mood. Blame this story on allergies, antihistamines, and whatever else. Second, to some of the people who've emailed me, sorry! I tried to write back, but I've been getting the mail back as undeliverable! Blackmail in a Little Black Box by Anya Willow frowned at the printout in her hand, musing thoughtfully at her options. She had sent an email to Anya ages ago, and the only reply at been the "Mailer daemon" message, from Anya's server. What the heck was going on with that. "I don't have time for waiting," Willow murmured. Her eyes rested briefly on the telephone, and a decision was quickly made. It was worth the long distance charges, to guarantee her own safety while playing games with the vampires. Her parents would understand, they trusted her implicitly. "The things I do for my friends.." She sighed, pulling her address book up on the computer. Scrolling down, she found Anya's full name, address and phone number. The handset was in her hand before she could even read the first three digits. Willow looked at the illuminated buttons, her computer screen, and then out the window again. "It's awfully late, what if I wake her up?" The flashing image of Buffy, Giles, Xander and Angel all cluttered around the computer popped into her mind, and was quickly followed by Cordelia, holding a pair of strappy sandaled heels. The buttons were pressed very fast. The line clicked to life, and a groggy "Whaaat?" Echoed through. "Whassit?" "Anya? Oh God, I'm sorry..but..I couldn't email you, it's not working right, I don't think, when you're sending replies..and.." "Willow?!" The voice at the other end coughed, and another voice spoke up, with a few grumbled mutters. "Hold on, Willow. I'll be right with you." A few moments of listening to some scrambling, and Anya was back. "What's wrong, I've booted up the computer and ....oh my." "Yeah, that." Willow sighed. "Eeks. I've had EVERY email I've sent returned with a fatal error. What the heck?" Anya muttered. "I bet you didn't get the email I sent you, did you?" Willow twined the cord around her fingernails, "Well...I got something from you, but it's really scrambled." "Hmmm." Anya gnawed on the side of her thumb, while her free hand idly stroked the soft fur of her dog's head resting on her lap. Patch didn't like having her nights interrupted, but for some bizarre reason followed her Mistress everywhere, at all hours. "Okay, I got an idea." The archivist suddenly said. "Do you have a micro recorder?" Willow blinked twice, "Yesss....Oh!" She suddenly realized what the fanfic writer was thinking. "Oh! I get it! That's perfect!" "If it works, you mean." Anya said dryly. Willow, however, had dropped the phone and was rooting through her desk. Finding the little hand-held unit she hadn't used in well over a year, she quickly checked for a tape and live batteries. Everything was in order, and she grabbed the phone. "Got it!" "Well then, we have an Anointed One to screw up, don't we?" The archivist snickered. "Let's do it!" (Thirty minutes later) Willow sat on the wide brick banister of the second floor rail-guard of the school, her feet swinging in the free air. Damon should be here, anytime now, she mused. Her thumb idly caressed the "play" button on the recorder. "Is the archive fixed?" The vampire's voice seemed to come out of nowhere. In the space of time between heartbeats, he was standing beside her, looking very agitated. "Nope." Willow said cheerfully. "Anya says the entire ALZ com site is down, and she has to wait until Biohaz finds out!" Damon's face shifted as his agitation turned to icy fear. The Anointed One was going to have his heart. "You HAVE to fix it NOW!" "No can do, not right now." Willow held up the small black recorder, "However, I have a message for the Anointed One, from Anya." Damon blinked. "You do?" "Yup." "I'll take it to him." His hand reached out for the tape, but Willow quickly snatched it back. "Sorry, I don't think so. This thing was expensive." She smiled. "How about I play it for you, and you can repeat it to him?" Damon seemed to toy with this idea. He clearly didn't like it, but the hacker held the upper hand. What else was a 700 year old vampire to do? "Very well." He grumbled. "Play your little tape." Willow's smile was malicious, "With Pleasure." ...............'This message is directed to the Anointed One of the Vampires in Sunnydale California. My name is Anya, and I am the Slayer's Fanfic Archive Archivist. You, have been a very naughty little boy, and I am greatly displeased with all and any of your actions. I think I'm going to kill you off in my next fanfic. I will NOT restore the archive until you agree to several conditions. I will know if these conditions have been met through the office of my representative, Ms. Willow Rosenberg. 1. You will release all notes and information, as well as the text that you created, found, or derived the spell from, into the hands of my representative. By the term spell, I mean the "arcane construction which influenced the natural order of things, contrary to nature's plans." And the alteration was the enforced addiction to fanfic. 2. You will cease and desist in all attempts to resurrect the Master. If you don't stop, I'll come down and spank you, child abuse laws or not. 3. You will stop sending me those ridiculous emails. I WILL NOT write a story which hooks you up with the Slayer. That's just disgusting! Get over yourself! Do these things, or I will permanently keep the fanfic site down. Toodles.....Anya!' There was a sudden pause, before the archivist's voice resumed. "Oh, and Damon, if you hurt a hair on Willow's head, I can guarantee your unlife will become increasingly unpleasant. You never know what kind of story the A-1 will do you?" Damon gaped at the tiny black unit, his mouth opening and closing like he was a fish out of water. "I can't repeat that to him!" Willow shrugged, and hopped off the railing. "Well, I guess you have a problem then, don't you." She blew him a kiss, thoroughly enjoying this superior position, and disappeared into the school's hallways. The End ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 21 Sep 1997 17:10:19 -0400 From: Jesse Jou Subject: BUFFYFIC: Gone 3: The God of Nine Walls Part 14/15 by JJ Whew. This part was really hard to write. I'm not quite sure if I expressed what I wanted to well, so any and all feedback and suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks to everyone for their help. Now for the epilogue (You'll notice I added a part for the epilogue). I think I stayed within the spirit of the Gone stories so anyone with opinions or suggestions to that effect are welcomed to comment. JJ Title: Gone 3: The God of Nine Walls Author: JJ email address: Distribution: With permission of the author Spoiler Warning: Spoilers for Prophecy Girl Rating: PG-13 Warnings: Mild language. Violence. Classification: UTB Summary: Both Anya's Gone... and my Gone II can be found on the Slayer's Fanfic Archive. I would recommend reading the previous stories, but all you really need to know is that Willow was turned into a quasivampiric killer by the Anointed One and had to leave Sunnydale after her death was faked. Buffy and Xander grieved, finding out their friend was lost to them forever. Disclaimer: I don't own these characters except for the ones who haven't shown up on the show; Joss Whedon, the WB, and their associated production companies do. Our Lady of Demonic Assassinations is the invention of my evil twin sister, Lisa Rose. I'm also not making a red cent of any of this, so there's no point in suing me. Part 14 At the mouth of Hell, the rumblings under the earth had turned into violent lurches as the God below strained against the net of moonlight that the goddess had cast through the tunnels. Angel watched Hecate cautiously. "What are you going to do with that knife?" "What?" she asked absentmindedly, brandishing the bloody knife in her hand in his direction. "Oh, sorry. I'm not going to use it on you, if that's what you're thinking. What kind of barbarian do you take me for?" Angel chuckled halfheartedly, "Good." The goddess continued mirthlessly, "I'm going to use it on me." Angel was nonplussed. Hecate smiled sadly, "I foresaw that this would end badly. I had hoped that I could quiet the God of Nine Walls and keep my human life, but I see know that Willow was right. The line must be drawn." She wiped the knife on her pants leg, although it hardly mattered now whether it were clean or not. "it's been fun while it lasted. The others of my pantheon left this world many years ago. I will enjoy seeing them again." Her demeanor shifted suddenly to authoritative distance, "I will slit my wrists. You must drink what comes forth; my magick combined with the magick of the Old Ones within you should be enough to cease the God's movement. The necklace will help to channel it to the proper purpose." Angel nodded his understanding, as she rested the knife's edge against her forearm. Her hand visibly trembled. She laughed. "I find it very amusing at this late date that I should fear self-inflicted pain." His face contorted into his demon's visage. "There's another option," he offered, taking the knife away from her and pulling her into his arms. "Thank you," she whispered in gratitude, as he lowered his face to her neck and drank from his first living being in almost a century. The rich, warm, metallic taste of her blood exploded in his mouth as he felt the course of her power rush through his body. The necklace around his throat glowed hotly in response to the goddess' death. As she sighed her last, she managed, "Teleportational magick is tricky if you're unsure of your destination." Finally, her mortal heart stopped. Angel's mind was on fire. The glow that had surround the goddess now emanated from him. The world suddenly looked very different, everything tied together with brightly colored string, currents of energy wafting through the air aimlessly. He reached out and touched one of those currents and realized he could redirect it, could influence its color and texture. But most importantly he realized that her godhead was consuming his body, like a cold fire. He would have to act quickly, understanding her final words and hoping that the one below would not sense what they were doing. From behind he could hear a wail of inhuman rage. He wheeled around and saw a petite figure rushing into the chamber. He caught his breath when he realized who it was. "Buffy," he murmured in disbelief. - --- In the brightly lit tunnels, Willow ran quickly towards the access to the surface. She carried Xander on her back, his periodic moans reassuring her that he was still alive. She had retrieved the pieces of the wax figure, cursing whoever had created it as she put it back together. Once that had been done, she dug out the strands of hair that empowered the poppet and destroyed it. The objective now was to get out of the tunnels. She understood the significance of the moonlight flooding the tunnels. Hecate was literally holding the God down with her body, but Willow didn't care to speculate how much longer this would work. She reached the ladder leading up to City Hall and, stopping only long enough to tighten her grip on Xander, climbed rapidly to the surface. As she emerged from the manhole, a young man meandering around the parking lot started. "Help me!" she shouted, dragging Xander up beside her. The young man paused uncertainly then rushed over to her. "Who are you?" he asked, in a daze. "Willow Rosenberg," she said, picking herself up off the ground, "This is..." "Dr. Harris!" the young man exclaimed. "Who are you?" she asked, surprised. "I'm one of his students, Chris," he said, reaching down to help Willow pick up the wounded man. Willow reached into Xander's pocket and pulled out his keys, tossing them to the young man, "Chris, we're parked not far from here. Help me get him to the car, then I need you to drive us out of town, okay?" "Sure," he answered, cautiously, uncertain of what was happening. "Come on," she ordered, lugging Xander towards escape. - --- Angel, with a god's vision, saw immediately that what looked like Buffy wasn't her. The thing before him now was twisted and ugly on the inside, with dark malformed roots reaching into the earth below. "Hello, lover boy," it said, its voice harsh and cold. "What are you?" he demanded, the back of his mind working out the logistics of what he/Hecate had planned. The contorted clown bowed deepily, its right arm hanging limply at its side, "I am the extra-ordinary Prince of the Autopsy, Scapino of Nine Walls. I am Buffy of Nine Times Two Summers." *Keep him distracted* the goddess' voice in his head spoke. "You're not Buffy," Angel challenged. "I have been Buffy for as long as you have known me," it said, circling around the vampire and the two bodies next to him. "It is good that you have killed that bitch goddess. Come, kiss me and we shall share power until time ends." "You're not Buffy," Angel repeated angrily. "I am Buffy," the demon said snidely, "And I have you and the boy to thank for that. You allowed me to leave the pool so many years ago; it was you who allowed her to carry the germ of me back into the world." Eighteen years ago, Angel said, "You'll have to do it. I have no breath." "Oh god," Angel whispered now. "Who did you think encouraged her to give in to you? Did you think she would have allowed you to touch her as you did those nights? Your fumbled attempts at pleasure? I made love to her in her dreams a thousand times over and her screams were exquisite. And in the end, it was I who saved her and you who left her to die." "Bastard!" Angel snarled, almost leaping out of the circle at the demon. A force held him back. "I have already repaid the boy for his pains," Scapino sneered through Buffy's mouth, stepping to the edge of the circle. "Do you but step out of the circle and I shall settle accounts with you as well!" In his mind, Angel could hear the goddess drawing the magick together for one last spell, her voice resonant as she called down the moon. He felt the mild pain in his legs as he began to lose cohesion. "I have a better idea," Angel said, lashing out suddenly and grabbing the Prince by its collar. "Why don't you come in?" Angel dragged the demon into his arms and sank his teeth into its neck. The moonglow in the tunnels faded as the God of Nine Walls lurched once more, and broke through. - --- "The moon's back," Chris said, the car speeding down the road. "What?" Willow asked from the backseat, cradling Xander against her. His hair was plastered to his forehead with sweat, his eyebrows knitted together in agony. Willow's mind raced with options. She did not want him to die, but she would not make him like her. Breaking the poppet spell had done something to alleviate the wound, but he was still in danger. "It was gone, but now it's back," Chris explained, his voice slurring. Willow wondered if he had been drinking, but she looked up nevertheless. The moon was glowing particularly bright. And large. She looked out the window at the quiet homes, porch lights left on for the evening. So many sleeping people. She wanted to roll down the windows and shout to them all to flee, but it would do no good. They were all doomed. Her only hope remained in getting the three of them away. Suddenly her vision began to blur. "Chris, are you seeing double?" she asked, tentatively. "Yeah!" he agreed, surprised. She looked up at the moon again. This time, it was definitely larger, filling up half of the sky. "Chris, are you seeing double?" she heard herself ask, as an afterimage, as she said, "Chris, hurry up, we're almost out of town!" "Yeah!" he agreed, surprised. Suddenly, they heard a high keening from behind them as the earth beneath them began to collapse. Willow looked out to see a giant tentacle rising into the air, flailing madly as it was joined by another, then another. Hecate and Angel had failed. "Chris, hurry up, we're almost out of town!" Willow said, "Watch out for the road!" "Yeah!" he agreed, surprised, as the street before them tented upwards, gas mains and sewer pipes breaking above ground. He turned sharply to avoid the destruction; the buildings that lined the street were already beginning to burn. Willow closed her ears to the screaming as people were being wakened to the sound of their death. The distortion was growing worse as the town shifted further out of phase. The multiple images separating from each other made her eyes water. She looked again at the God rising from the earth, his thick coils of scaly dark flesh grasping for the sky, then realized that he was colliding with, and disappearing into, the image of the moon that covered the city. A single, yellow eye shot through with blood emerged from the earth and blinked at the destruction its body wrought. The God, eager for his freedom, didn't realize what was happening, but Willow understood. Hecate couldn't stop the God, so she was moving the world around him, shifting him and his surroundings out of time. This was teleportational magick of the highest order, trading one dimensional prison for another--this one bound to the moon and not to the Hellmouth. The car tore past the burning buildings and the collapsing streets and drove past a sign saying "You are leaving Sunnydale, The Town Built on Love." - --- Below, the tentacles of the God of Nine Walls breaking through the dirt had thrown Angel to the ground. He would be crushed soon by the muscular appendages ripping through the earth. It didn't matter; he could feel himself disintegrating, as he looked down at the face of the woman he had loved. She was dead now. He could feel the demon that had been inside her struggling within him as Angel fed its power to Hecate's spell: the Moon Mother, the Son of the Old Ones, and the Unholy Spirit. He leaned down and kissed Buffy's dead lips, whispering his love in a last burst of moonlight. - --- When they were out of the city limits, Chris drove them all to Claremont Bluff, which overlooked the town, and watched as the God of Nine Walls disappeared into the enormous portal, taking with him the entirety of Sunnydale. Finally, the last of the God disappeared, and in a brilliant flash, the portal closed, leaving only the quiet night, a gentle breeze, and an expanse of virgin forest where her home had once been. "What happened?" Chris asked, exhaling slowly, but Willow said nothing, returning to the car and curling up beside Xander, who was resting comfortably now. She closed her eyes and quickly fell asleep. - --- End Part 14 ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 22 Sep 1997 02:09:17 -0400 From: Subject: Re: BUFFYFIC: Gone 3: The God of Nine Walls Part 14/15 by JJ Damn man, this story's been good! I'll be sad to see it go! I can describe it in one word: EPIC! Oh, and I'm getting a very Lovecraftian vision of the God... ------------------ViAsHiNo------------------ | NOSFERATU PrImE MiNiStEr Of WhUp-@$$! | | kEePeR oF tHe MaStEr'S bOnEs | | MeMbEr MiSs CaLeNdAr'S tEcHnOpAgAnS | | "I *hate* that girl!" | |___-tHe AnNoInTeD oNe, "WhEn ShE wAs BaD"___| ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 22 Sep 1997 14:44:54 -0400 (EDT) From: (sah) Subject: BUFFYFIC: ADMIN: List rules 1. Fiction should have Buffy characters in it and clearly be related to Buffy. Crossovers are great, and expected, but general vampire/monster stories that aren't in the Buffy universe and don't use Buffy characters belong somewhere else. 2. Discussion of posted fiction is permitted onlist. Please put "DISCUSS" in your subject line. Requests for missing story parts should go directly to the author, and not be posted to the list. Discussion that is not related directly to the fiction should go over to the general Buffy list. Discussion of fiction is expected to follow common netiquette guidelines and use PG-13 language. 3. No advertising of items or services, Buffy related or not, and no posting of non-story items such as .gifs, sound files, etc.. No attached files of kind-- if your mailer makes your fiction into attached files, you need to find another way to get it to the list. 4. If you're writing a story and including advance information on a new episode, and you're posting your story earlier than the national viewing time, please: **Mark the post as a "spoiler" in the subject header. **Leave about twelve lines (blank or with non-spoiler info) at the top of the post. This ensures that anyone w*o doesn't like knowing about an episode ahead of time is "protected." :) The blank space is for people whose mailers automatically open up the next piece of mail, without giving them a chance to see "spoiler" in the header. Spoiler warnings are not necessary after the start of the episode's national viewing time, which is currently set at 9 p.m. Mondays, Eastern Standard Time. Spoiler warnings are not necessary for reruns. 5. This list is absolutely NOT for erotic fiction. stronger than sexually PG-13 material is to be posted to the list under any circumstances. A story may be R rated for violence or language, however. If you have a question about something's suitability for posting, feel free to ask one of the listowners. Sending sexually explicit material will get you immediately and permanently uns*bscribed. No exceptions. 6. By subscribing and/or posting to this list, you acknowledge that Buffy the Vampire slayer and all characters associated with either the televised series or the motion picture were created by Josh Whedon and are owned by Mutant Enemy productions, Kuzui Productions, Sandollar Productions, and 20th Century Fox. All stories posted to this list are for entertainment purposes only, are not sold for profit of any kind, and are not intended to infringe on any copyrights. 7. When posting stories to the list, please follow the following formatting guidelines - --No story parts longer than 250 lines - --No lines longer than 75 characters - --Turn off your "smart quotes"-- many readers receive these as garbage or weird symbols - --Put the title of the story in the subject header, indicate if it's a multipart story, and if so what part this is. Example: Buffy Meets Godzilla (2/65) indicates that this post is part two of a 65 part story. 8. If a story is rated "R" for language/violence, indicate this in an introduction. For example, "There's a really bloody fight scene at the end of this part" or "if you don't like dismemberment, stop reading now!" If there's chance that someone might be disturbed by something in your story (even if it's not rated R) please include some kind of warning up front. 9. And last, but not least, the listowners reserve the right to deny subscription (new, renewed, or continued) to the list for any individual(s). PLEASE NOTE: not following any or all of these rules will get you the following: **First offense: offender is uns*bscribed for one week. **Second offense: offender is uns*bscribed to the Buffyfic list for a minimum of three months. **If the offender returns and does it again, they're offlist permanently. As noted above, posting sexually explicit material is the exception -- you go straight to permanent unsubbing. Again, welcome! If you have any questions about these rules, please contact either one of us offlist. If you have subscription problems or questions, the fastest way to get h*lp is to e-mail one of us at the addresses below, at the addy which is the "official" e-mail owner of the list. Jill Kirby ( & Sharon Himmanen ( Listowners, Buffy the Vampire Slayer Fiction List ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 23 Sep 1997 18:56:57 -0400 From: Jesse Jou Subject: BUFFYFIC: Gone 3: The God of Nine Walls 15/15 by JJ It's done. sigh. aaahhh. Now to finish Beach Blanket Buffy, or start my next one, which will be probably be a Xander/Cordelia one done in the spirit of Dangerous Liaisons, I think. Please let me know what you've thought of this. I must warn you know that there is a non-explicit sexual situation in this part. Nothing that you couldn't see on Melrose Place or something, but just to let you know that it's there. JJ Title: Gone 3: The God of Nine Walls Author: JJ email address: Distribution: With permission of the author Spoiler Warning: Spoilers for Prophecy Girl Rating: PG-13 Warnings: Mild language. Sexual Situations Classification: UTB Summary: Both Anya's Gone... and my Gone II can be found on the Slayer's Fanfic Archive. I would recommend reading the previous stories, but all you really need to know is that Willow was turned into a quasivampiric killer by the Anointed One and had to leave Sunnydale after her death was faked. Buffy and Xander grieved, finding out their friend was lost to them forever. Disclaimer: I don't own these characters except for the ones who haven't shown up on the show; Joss Whedon, the WB, and their associated production companies do. Our Lady of Demonic Assassinations is the invention of my evil twin sister, Lisa Rose. I'm also not making a red cent of any of this, so there's no point in suing me. Epilogue It was a typically clement lunch hour on a typically clement day at Sunnydale High School. Willow and Xander sat down at the fountain in the school's courtyard, as Willow finished describing her dream the night before. "Wow," Xander said. "That was an amazing dream." Willow nodded, still shaken by her nightmare. "Everything was gone." Buffy Summers strolled over and joined them, opening her brown bag and taking out a tuna salad on whole wheat. "Trig was a total bear this morning. eww. Tuna." She took an unhappy bite into the sandwich. "Hey, Buff," Xander said, "Willow had a really cool nightmare. You were possessed by this psycho demon who went around skinning people's faces, Willow turned into an Amazon, and I was a university professor--fulfilling my as yet unrealized potential, thank you---then Sunnydale got shifted off the planet." Buffy slowly stopped chewing, smiling blithely. "That's not possible. This is the dream. Can you have a dream inside a dream?" "What?" Willow asked, startled, turning to look at Buffy only to realize that the sandwich she was eating was the Anointed One's face. She screamed and leapt to her feet, turning back to Xander, who suddenly was older and wore a goatee. "What's wrong?" Xander said, popping up and taking the girl by the shoulders. "Do you want the rest?" Buffy asked, holding up what remained of the Anointed One's face. "I'm afraid my eyes are too big for my stomach." Suddenly Buffy and Xander froze. "Hello," a voice said from behind her. Willow slowly turned around. It was Angel. "I see you're in this dream too." Willow said. "Just for a little while," Angel said, smiling. "I wanted to say goodbye." "Are you a ghost, or just part of the dream?" "Maybe I'm just necessary" Angel responded, indicating for her to walk beside him as crossed the school yard. "It's nice to be in sun again, even if it's only a dream." "I suppose," Willow said. "Did you survive the spell?" Angel looked at her cryptically, "Would you like to find out for sure? The town still exists; you just have to know how to get there." "The Mists of Sunnydale," Willow mused. "What?" Angel asked, to which she responded with a weak laugh. "Sorry. Marion Zimmer Bradley reference." "I see," Angel replied, although truly he didn't. Willow stopped suddenly, covering her eyes. "I'm sorry. This is harder than I thought it would be." Angel took her into his arms. "It's alright, you know. Things happen; it's not your burden." "I'll miss it. All of it," she wept. "Someday you will join us, and we will play in these fields which are paradise." Willow felt a light tickle on the side of her neck, prompting her to open her eyes in the waking world. - --- Xander smiled down at her; he had been blowing on the nape of her neck. They were in a Motel Six just outside of Detroit. "Good morning," he whispered, stroking the smooth skin of her exposed belly, propping himself up on the bed on his elbow. "How long have you been awake?" she asked, touching his face tenderly, his lips meeting her palm. "A couple of hours," he answered, quickly adding when he saw her concerned expression, "I don't mind. I just watch you sleep." She sat up pulling the bedclothes around her as he planted playful kisses along her spine. She giggled. "You really should stop that. The manager already thinks you're a pervert for sharing a room with a sixteen year old girl." "We both know you're not sixteen," he growled, kissing her ardently on the lips. "Well, Daddy Harris, we've got a couple of hundred miles to go today, so stop trying to distract me," she climbed out of the bed and headed towards the bathroom. Before closing the door, she looked out at him, "It'll be nice to see Cordelia again." Xander smiled as she shut the door, listening to the sound of the shower spray. He sighed contentedly and pulled on his boxers, padding over to their knapsacks and pulling out a map to chart the day's drive. Sunnydale was no longer on any map they could find. No news agency, no government agency had noted its disappearance. It was as if the town had never existed. Even now his memory of the town was becoming blurred, although he could distinctly remember the people he had known there. Willow had explained to him what had been necessary to save the world, but it was amazing to him that it was all gone--his parents, his work, his house, his life. He spread the map out on the cheap table in the room and became lost in routes and highways. A gentle brush against the back of his neck startled him as Willow wrapped her arms around him from behind. Her wet hair dripped onto his bare skin as she looked over his shoulder. He looked up at her, breathing in the scent of her shampoo. "Shower's free," she said, absorbed in the map before them. "Not for long," he chuckled, getting up suddenly and picking her up, leading to a peal of surprised laughter from Willow. With a playful battle cry, he rushed into the bathroom with her and slammed the door. The End. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 24 Sep 1997 15:13:27 EDT From: (Casey A Carpenter) Subject: BUFFYFIC: Xander and the Klew Brick (1/1) Disclaimer: I don't own any of the Buffy: The Vampire Slayer or Forever Knight characters, they belong to their respective owners. Also, I blame the silliness of this very short story on lack of sleep and a sugar/caffine rush :) Spoiler warning: This momentarily touches on the teaser for When She Was Bad before descending into weirdness. Xander and the Klew Brick (1/1) by Annanara ( "Xander!" Willow exclaimed. "Sorry, I can't help myself, your nose looks so tasty," Xander jokingly apologized. He took a napkin and began wiping the cold ice cream off the nose of his best friend. As he was doing so, he began gazing at Willow, noticing how pretty she really is just as something grazed the side of his head and barely missed Willow. "Oww!!" he yelled, "What was that??!!" Willow immediately began to tend to Xander's head, which was a bit hard since he kept turning his head to see what hit him. In no time flat, he found the offending object. It was a larg red brick with the word "klew" etched into the stone. Hm...funny spelling, Xander thought. He picked up the brick and was about to throw it out of frustration and pain when a female voice shouted. "Wait!!" Xander and Willow turned to find themselves facing an auburn haired woman dressed in a lab coat. "I'm so sorry about that!" the woman exclaimed. "I was aiming for a friend of mine, but somehow he managed to miss getting hit...again." "And you would be..." Willow began. "Natalie, Natalie Lambert," the woman supplied, smiling. "Oh, well, it looks like Xander's alright, so I wouldn't worry," Willow said, grinning back. She instantly recognized the doctor's name and the brick. However, she wasn't going to tell Xander about the Mysterious Klew Brick and what it did. That was a secret reserved only for certain women. The woman sighed in relief. "I was hoping it would finally get through Nick's thick skull and give him a clue, but I'm afraid my aim was bad. Again, I'm terribly sorry, I didn't mean to disturb you." The woman quickly grabbed the klew brick and flashed a secretive smile to Willow before vanishing into the night. "What a strange woman," Xander muttered, rubbing the side of his head. Willow smiled. Oh, I don't know, she thought, grazing Xander with the Mysterious Klew Brick may just be what he needed. - ------------------------------------- The End Annanara GASPer, Keeper of Giles' Skip "That went well. I think." --Giles, SAR Oh dear...this -has- gone the way of my FK/Borg Smurf story, hasn't it...--me, after rereading this story ------------------------------ End of buffyfic Digest V1 #34 ***************************** To subscribe to buffyfic Digest, send the command: subscribe buffyfic-digest in the body of a message to "". 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