From: (buffyfic Digest) To: Subject: buffyfic Digest V1 #38 Reply-To: Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: buffyfic Digest Monday, October 13 1997 Volume 01 : Number 038 In this issue: BUFFYFIC: ADMIN: List rules BUFFYFIC: Shadow of an Apocalypse (1/6) BUFFYFIC: Shadow of an Apocalypse (4/6) BUFFYFIC: Shadow of an Apocalypse (2/6) See the end of the digest for information on subscribing to the buffyfic or buffyfic-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 13 Oct 1997 09:49:47 -0400 From: sah Subject: BUFFYFIC: ADMIN: List rules Welcome! This list is for fiction related to "Buffy The Vampire Slayer," both the TV series and the movie. To ensure that we all get to enjoy as much fiction as possible, please adhere to the following guidelines, and please save them for future reference. 1. Fiction should have Buffy characters in it and clearly be related to Buffy. Crossovers are great, and expected, but general vampire/monster stories that aren't in the Buffy universe and don't use Buffy characters belong somewhere else. 2. Discussion of posted fiction is permitted onlist. Please put "DISCUSS" in your subject line. Requests for missing story parts should go directly to the author, and not be posted to the list. Discussion that is not related directly to the fiction should go over to the general Buffy list. Discussion of fiction is expected to follow common netiquette guidelines and use PG-13 language. 3. No advertising of items or services, Buffy related or not, and no posting of non-story items such as .gifs, sound files, etc.. No attached files of kind-- if your mailer makes your fiction into attached files, you need to find another way to get it to the list. 4. If you're writing a story and including advance information on a new episode, and you're posting your story earlier than the national viewing time, please: **Mark the post as a "spoiler" in the subject header. **Leave about twelve lines (blank or with non-spoiler info) at the top of the post. This ensures that anyone who doesn't like knowing about an episode ahead of time is "protected." :) The blank space is for people whose mailers automatically open up the next piece of mail, without giving them a chance to see "spoiler" in the header. Spoiler warnings are not necessary after the start of the episode's national viewing time, which is currently set at 9 p.m. Mondays, Eastern Standard Time. Spoiler warnings are not necessary for reruns. 5. This list is absolutely NOT for erotic fiction. stronger than sexually PG-13 material is to be posted to the list under any circumstances. A story may be R rated for violence or language, however. If you have a question about something's suitability for posting, feel free to ask one of the listowners. Sending sexually explicit material will get you immediately and permanently uns*bscribed. No exceptions. 6. By subscribing and/or posting to this list, you acknowledge that Buffy the Vampire slayer and all characters associated with either the televised series or the motion picture were created by Josh Whedon and are owned by Mutant Enemy productions, Kuzui Productions, Sandollar Productions, and 20th Century Fox. All stories posted to this list are for entertainment purposes only, are not sold for profit of any kind, and are not intended to infringe on any copyrights. 7. When posting stories to the list, please follow the following formatting guidelines - --No story parts longer than 250 lines - --No lines longer than 75 characters - --Turn off your "smart quotes"-- many readers receive these as garbage or weird symbols - --Put the title of the story in the subject header, indicate if it's a multipart story, and if so what part this is. Example: Buffy Meets Godzilla (2/65) indicates that this post is part two of a 65 part story. 8. If a story is rated "R" for language/violence, indicate this in an introduction. For example, "There's a really bloody fight scene at the end of this part" or "if you don't like dismemberment, stop reading now!" If there's chance that someone might be disturbed by something in your story (even if it's not rated R) please include some kind of warning up front. 9. And last, but not least, the listowners reserve the right to deny subscription (new, renewed, or continued) to the list for any individual(s). PLEASE NOTE: not following any or all of these rules will get you the following: **First offense: offender is uns*bscribed for one week. **Second offense: offender is uns*bscribed to the Buffyfic list for a minimum of three months. **If the offender returns and does it again, they're offlist permanently. As noted above, posting sexually explicit material is the exception -- you go straight to permanent unsubbing. Again, welcome! If you have any questions about these rules, please contact either one of us offlist. If you have subscription problems or questions, the fastest way to get h*lp is to e-mail one of us at the addresses below, at the addy which is the "official" e-mail owner of the list. Jill Kirby ( & Sharon Himmanen ( Listowners, Buffy the Vampire Slayer Fiction List ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 13 Oct 1997 19:17:02, -0500 From: (MS CHRISTINA L KAMNIKAR) Subject: BUFFYFIC: Shadow of an Apocalypse (1/6) Author's Notes: Due to popular demand (and a mental breakdown on my part) here's the Ms. Calendar version of "Prophecy Girl", with extra dialogue and scenes we didn't see onscreen--including what happened at Spring Fling. As per usual, I'm not making money off this, the characters and Sunnydale belong to Joss Whedon the Insane, 20th Century Fox, Mutant Enemy, Sandstar, Warner Bros., and this is intended in the purest spirit of admiration to the show. TYK's to Cath for making me think about another story until this one untangled itself, Perri & Dianne & Lizbet for beta'ing, and Perri for the opening idea. I can never write 'til I can find the first line.... and one last thank-you-kindly to the Sunnydale Slayers, who saw it first. Comments desired, wanted, needed, at "Shadow of an Apocalypse" by Christina Kamnikar copyright 1997 The e-mail sat there and glared at me. > Subject: Prophecy's fulfillment > Date: Thurs, 14 May 1997 05:37:00 -9:00 (PST) > To: List (see attached) > From: Brother Luca > > Time is speeding. The Chosen One must be warned; the Anointed One is > already preparing Himself. All signs indicate that Aurelius's Doom > has already come to pass, and we are all in danger! > > Perhaps all we can do is ready ourselves for the inevitable.... If > anyone has news of the fulfillment of this prediction, any tidings at > all, please inform as soon as possible. > > Yours in hope, > > Brother Luca > Abbey of St. Anselmo > Cortona, Italia > frerejacque@stanselmo.cortona.IT "Cheerful." Sunlight shone into my bedroom, illuminating the books that had spilled onto the floor during the previous night's earthquake, and the stain next to my bedstand that came from keeping a cup of coffee there, ready to mainline two seconds after I wake up. I made a face at the computer screen, wishing I could laugh at the e-mail that Cameo had forwarded to me (as had five other people) before she left town. But it was only the capper on what had been a steadily growing string of not-so-subtle hints from the Beyond. Sunnydale was heading for another catastrophic spiritual car wreck, and I was stuck dealing with it alone. Again. Cami had taken off for the Mojave the night before, along with several of my other fellow local Pagans. The coming weekend was supposed to be a pretty significant astronomical convergence, and they'd wanted a good view of the proceedings from out in the desert. I'd have loved to have gone with them, but I'd gotten roped into agreeing to chaperone the high school Spring Fling because I hadn't ducked out of the Teachers' Lounge fast enough. "Ms. Calendar. I believe you have yet to act as an Student Event Supporting Participant this year," had been Principal Snyder's exact words, and while I was busy going "hunh?" he'd grinned sadistically and clarified, "Chaperone. Be sure to wear something appropriate to the upcoming dance, won't you? You don't have to provide your own escort, of course. I'm sure Coach Galway will be happy to accompany you, since he is going to act as your partner," then breezed out before I could do more than gape at him, too stunned to find a comeback that wouldn't get me fired. //The day I attend a dance with Galway the Insane is the day I sign up for the Psychic Friends Network! Or better yet, go to work for them!// So instead of camping in the clean air and quiet, I was going to have to face hordes of teenage pretensions and hormones, not to mention a possible Apocalypse. On the same night. //Then again, it's not like there's much difference between your average Prom and the end of the world as we know it....// Reams of information, weird happenings, vague warnings, and I still didn't know *what* to expect, though. It was going to happen soon, maybe even within the next few days---but what was it? What kind of Armageddon was the world facing? And what could I possibly do about it? I stuck out my tongue at Henry V, then groaned, knowing what was coming next and dreading it. //Time to bite the bullet, Nikki. You've been putting it off long enough. You don't have any more options. If you want to know what's going on...// I was going to have to corner Snobby and try to get him to share info. It would be like pulling teeth. Worse. Pulling a secured file from the I.R.S. databanks would be easier than getting the truth out of Rupert Giles, close-mouthed Brit librarian and weirdness expert. He'd try to avoid the questions, I'd try to pin him down, we'd get into an argument, insults would be hurled, and I *still* might not know any more than I had to begin with. I cursed under my breath, pulling on my work clothes and gathering together my files with a bad attitude toward the day already. The attitude didn't get any better when I realized I was putting on lipstick at the stoplight. Some women wear makeup to conceal flaws, or exploit assets; some wear it to turn themselves into strangers. But when I wear makeup---and I mean more than the bare minimum, because eyeliner and mascara and lipstick don't come naturally to me---it's warpaint. Going into a situation where I want some armor, or to at least know that I look my most fabulous even if I'm screwing up, I pull out the blush and the pencils. When I'm feeling especially edgy I start putting on lipstick before I even know what I'm doing. Early conditioning is a pain, sometimes. He shouldn't be able to do this to me. You would think---if life were simple, and logical---that after sharing an uncommonly weird experience such as exorcising a demonic entity from cyberspace, that two people would become friends. Bond, or something. It wasn't as if Rupert and I couldn't be civil, given a chance. We'd even run interference for each other a couple times since the Moloch incident, especially when Snyder had been on the warpath about some new brilliant bit of administrivia. But I still hadn't gotten a decent explanation out of Rupert about the source of his arcane knowledge. In fact, he'd avoided discussing anything slightly paranormal with me with the same determination that he avoided learning more than was absolutely required about the computers in the library. Which didn't mean we hadn't had a couple of knock-down-drag-out arguments about various interpretations of the rules of magic, paganism, and the uses of computers. Rupert Giles is no more of a pushover than I am, despite the stutter and that bone-deep politeness. Maybe that's why I respect him. And why being deliberately shut out of something that meant as much to him as it did to me hurt a little bit. The man had some direct pipeline to occult answers and he had no intention of sharing it. I *knew* that another bizarre incident had happened two weeks before---the nightmares I had for three days straight _couldn't_ have been ordinary, and more than one of my friends had the same kinds of nocturnal terrors at that time. I could feel in my gut that Rupert knew what the cause was; but when I called him on it later, he refused to discuss it. Refused, as in "leave it alone, you're better off not knowing, Calendar" a statement which made me furious at his presumption and sparked a frigid silence between us broken only by chilly exchanges of courtesy. It was time to set all that aside, though. Holding a grudge while the end of the world was approaching could only be classified as major-league suicidal idiocy, at least if I wanted to do anything to prevent it. The first chance I had, I headed for Rupert's private sanctuary, hoping to beard the librarian in his den. The library was a wreck after the earthquake, with shelves collapsed against each other, books everywhere, and major cracks climbing up the walls and threading across the floor. //Poor Snobby. His first earthquake in California, and it has to be a 5.5 with an epicenter in Sunnydale....// Rupert was on phone when I walked in, looking as wrecked as his surroundings. The usually meticulous Brit had loosened his tie, unbuttoned and rolled up his sleeves, opened his shirt neck, and his hair was standing on end; he was rumpled, crumpled, spindled, folded... and tired, if I was any judge. Possibly even scared? The last quality kept me from knocking on the door and warning him that I was there, as I took a second just to study him while he held an intense conversation on the phone, oblivious to my presence. "I-I need to see you... No, I realize that... Come after sundown. Good.... I'll see you then." Giles hung up the phone with a click, then just sat there, utterly still, his face drawn with weariness while I tried to guess what could make him look that unhappy and tense. The last time it had been that bad... I pushed memories of Moloch away and spoke up, causing Rupert to jolt with alarm even though I kept my voice level and non-threatening. "You know, that outfit looks just like the one you wore yesterday. Only wrinklier. Were you here all night?" I asked, sounding more concerned than I'd meant to. "Sorry, uh... I'm not really up to socializing just now." The abruptness of his statement was backed up by the rough edge to his accent---but I couldn't give him a break because of one night's lack of sleep. "Something's going on, Rupert, and I'm guessing you already know what it is." I walked into his private office and he stood up, his body language becoming even more guarded and wary than before. "What do you know?" From his taut expression, Snobby hadn't believed for an instant that I was talking about school business, or one of the students, or life in general. //At least we're skipping the denial part of this discussion... That's encouraging.// "Well, I have been surfing the Net, looking for unexplained incidences. You know people are always sending stuff my way, they know the occult's my turf. Here is the latest." I sorted through the folders of clippings and print-outs I'd brought along, then cleared my throat and started reading articles at random. Rupert paced around the office, head down, avoiding my eyes. "A cat last week gave birth to a litter of snakes." The Brit continued to pace, not reacting with either the fear or denial that would have been any other person's response. His face showed no change from the pinched weariness I'd come in on. "A family was swimming in Whisper Lake when the lake began to boil. And Mercy Hospital last night, a boy was born with his eyes facing inward." I put the file down, and kept my voice steady and low with an effort. "I'm not stupid. This is Apocalypse stuff. Throw in last night's earthquake and I'd say the end is pretty seriously nigh." "I don't know if I can trust you." Doubt and hope seemed to be having it out in Rupert's mind, and I couldn't tell which one was going to win. So I pushed, not willing to be brushed aside like I'd been two weeks before. And not willing to leave Snobby alone in another situation like Moloch's return, no matter what. "I helped you cast that demon out of the Internet. I'd think that merits *some* trust." Giles nodded apologetically to me, his eyes reflecting tired agreement behind his glasses. "Look, I'm scared, okay? Plus, I've got this crazy monk emailing me from Cortona about some Anointed One---" "The Anointed One?" His voice rose with the first shock he'd shown since I walked in. "He's dead!" "Someone's dead?" Rupert took off his glasses, obviously impatient, wrinkling his brow as if he had a headache. "Who is this monk?" "A Brother Luca... something? Keeps sending out global mailings about a prophecy---" //Not good. This is not good. What's going on---// "I need you to talk to him, find out all he knows---" Giles was finally focusing on the here-and-now, but that wasn't any help when I had no idea why. "Look Rupert, you haven't told me jack, so what's with the orders?" "Just do it!" I'd forgotten how scary Snobby could be when he got intense; the whip-edge to his voice softened from an urgent command to apology as his eyes pleaded. "I'll... explain, later." "You'd better," I said grimly. //I'll cut you some slack for now... but I'm not letting you off the hook indefinitely.// I gathered my folders together and stalked out of the library before I could say something regrettable. //Find Brother Luca, get some answers from him, give 'em to Snobby, and I'll finally find out what's up. It better be worth it....// Of course, if it wasn't worth it, then maybe there wouldn't be an Apocalypse. Maybe the worst I'd have to deal with on Saturday night would be avoiding Coach Galway and being bored out of my mind at the Spring Fling. //Right, Nikki. You should be so lucky.// * Comments to Christina }|{ ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 13 Oct 1997 19:21:03, -0500 From: (MS CHRISTINA L KAMNIKAR) Subject: BUFFYFIC: Shadow of an Apocalypse (4/6) For disclaimers, see part 1. Comments hoped for! at "Shadow of an Apocalypse" (4/6) by Christina Kamnikar copyright 1997 Giles was still out cold when the phone rang. I dithered for a second, then answered it, trying to put a smile in my voice, hoping it wasn't another crisis. //Please, let it be someone trying to renew a book...// "Sunnydale Library." "Miss Calender?" It was a teenage voice, a familiar one I couldn't put a face to, sounding surprised. I frowned. "Yes, this is Miss Calender. Who is this?" "Uhhh... this is Xander Harris." I blinked, then placed him finally---Willow and Buffy's friend, the one who had been involved during the Moloch nightmare. //How much do you know, kid?// I wondered. "I was looking for Mr. Giles? Could I talk to him?" "Not at the moment, Xander. He's sort of..." I looked down at Rupert, who was murmuring and starting to come around, and I kneeled next to him, placing an icepack on his jaw as he blinked up at me. "Not feeling well. Could I take a message?" "Not feeling well," the teen repeated, his voice getting tighter. "But he's alive, right?" //That answers *that* question.// "He's just a little indisposed. He's fine, really---" "Is Buffy there?" Xander demanded, increasing my discomfort with the situation. "Noooo," I said slowly, supporting Snobby as he struggled into a sitting position. He groaned in pain, looking around for his glasses, and I hissed at him, "Lie back down, Rupert. You're going to hurt yourself---" "Listen, I called because Willow was really worried about Buffy," Xander was saying, sounding like someone trying to remain calm when he wants to yell. "She came over to see Will after she saw the evening news, and she was acting funny. Something's going on, isn't it? Something big?" "I can't tell you that---" "What do you mean, you can't tell me? Let me talk to Giles," he demanded, and then Snobby snaked the receiver out of my grasp. "I'm perfectly fine, Xander," he said wearily, leaning back against the book returns cabinet. "Buffy? Ermm... No, no, you shouldn't come here... Xander, no, I don't want--- damn." He glared at the phone, then hung it up. "Damn the boy. I didn't want them involved," Rupert snarled at me, then closed his eyes in pain. "I guessed that. Hang on to me, I'll get you to the chair. And put this on your jaw, I think it's already starting to swell." I half-dragged, half-supported him as he staggered over to one of the chairs, then let him collapse for a few seconds. "They know everything, don't they? Xander and Willow?" Rupert blinked fuzzily, sighed and mumbled, "Yes. Since Buffy first arrived. She saved them from a rather ugly situation her first week here." "Oh, great." I crossed my arms and glared at him. "How are we going to protect them if they show up? They should stay home---" "Which is why I didn't want them to know about this... I'm afraid we won't be able to. Xander is headstrong enough to insist on a course of action that could put him in danger, and Willow may refuse to be left behind, no matter how much she may wish to hide." Giles looked older and tireder, his face open and defenseless without his lenses on, defeat slumping his shoulders as he regarded me. He readjusted the icepack, stifling a groan. "If we all stay together here, we may be able to do so...." His voice trailed off and his eyes looked distant and sad. Thinking of Buffy, probably. "This wasn't supposed to happen," he murmured huskily. "She's too young. Even for a Slayer, she's too young to die." "You tried," I whispered, knowing it wasn't any comfort. "She knew what she was doing when she left..." I sat down next to him, suddenly feeling exhausted. "She said," I cleared my throat. "'Make up something cool, tell him I said it.' And that she was hoping to take him with her, if...." I broke off, unwilling to say it. "Of course," Rupert responded, trying to be brisk, trying to smile. Neither effort worked very well. I wanted to hold his hand, to tell him it would be okay, but I couldn't. Even if we averted the apocalypse, Buffy might not survive. And that would be one loss too many right there. That was how Xander and Willow found us a few minutes later. "Giles! You got hurt!" were the first words out of her mouth, along with an uncertain look at me. "Are you okay?" "Almost. Buffy pulled her punch," Giles said, avoiding both of their eyes. "*Buffy* did this?" Xander looked aghast, then grim. "Awright. Enough already. Spill it, Giles, what's going on? Why did those guys die in the A/V room this morning?" "I wish I didn't have to tell you. You should have stayed out of it. Both of you," Rupert said, looking pointedly at Willow, then at Xander, raising his eyebrows. The boy just rolled his eyes and made a face behind Willow's back. Clearly, there was no way Xander could have stopped her from coming along, despite the shock she'd had that morning. "I'm not staying out of it." Willow's chin looked like it wanted to quiver, but she crossed her arms stubbornly, her eyes remaining on the librarian's face. "I need to know why... that happened, in the A/V room." "There is a prophecy," Rupert shifted in his chair, and closed his eyes, "that the Master will be freed tonight. Buffy and I... disagreed about something, yesterday. I wasn't certain that letting her face him would be a good idea. Therefore, I was preparing to go in search of him this evening." "Are you *whacked*?" Xander asked, his voice rising dangerously. I stared, totally unprepared for his response. Evidently, Buffy wasn't the only one who felt comfortable treating Giles casually. "That's insane! He'd kill you!" "Perhaps he would! But the prophecy also stated that if the Master rose, the Slayer would most certainly die!" Snobby was reaching the end of his tether, and then he pulled back abruptly, reasserting control over himself as he saw Willow's white, stunned expression. "Which was why we... disagreed." He closed his eyes again, pulling in on himself. "So, where _is_ she?" Giles wasn't looking at me, his eyes closed in pain, either emotional or physical, but I knew that he wouldn't be able to say it. So I told them, since someone had to. Keeping my voice steady, I said, "She went to find the Master." Xander whirled around, shocked, his eyes wide. "She *what*?" "I _told_ you there was something going on with her...." Willow's voice was sad and plaintive as she perched on the reading table. The other teen turned to Snobby, demanding, "And she knew about this prophecy of yours?" Rupert gave a short, pained nod, and Xander groaned. "Oh man, what do we do?" "We stay calm, firstly," Giles cautioned, adjusting the icebag on his jaw. "Calm?!" "I think he's right." Willow was biting her lip, obviously scared but trying not to make the situation any worse. Which equally obviously wasn't one of her friend's concerns. "I'm sorry, calm may work for Locutus of the Borg here, but I'm freaked and I intend to stay that way!" Xander snapped, pacing around the library table. Rupert didn't react to the insult... possibly because he didn't understand it, I realized. He was starting to come out of his funk, looking hurt and confused but more aware now. "Xander...." Willow pleaded. He ignored her, turning back to the Brit, his expression full of accusation. "How could you let her go?" "As the soon-to-be-purple area on my jaw will attest, I did not *let* her go!" Rupert snapped back, but with more restraint than Xander deserved, in my opinion. Willow, typically, didn't succumb to the atmosphere of growing annoyance and pulled the conversation back on track. "Well, how can we help her?" "Ah, I'm sorry to bring this up, but we also have an apocalypse to worry about..." I said, hoping we could start concentrating on what we could do to avert the approaching catastrophes, instead of who was to blame for the prophecy coming to pass. Xander glared at me with disbelief and irritation, and then drawled out, "Do you mind?" I was still gaping at this put-down when Willow spoke up. "How come *she's* in the club?" She asked Rupert, sounding confused and defensive, which pricked my ego and then put _me_ on the defensive. Evidently it wasn't enough for them that Rupert had clued me in; the wary, distrustful looks I was getting gave me the impression that as far as vampire-slaying was concerned, they thought of me as a newbie amateur, while they were pros. It didn't help that I was feeling left out, and that both Xander and Willow seemed much more at ease with the situation than I did. //They've had more time to get used to it---but damn, I wish I was handling this better....// "Hey! Once the Hellmouth opens, the demons come to party, and _everybody_ dies," I said sharply. I wasn't willing to give up yet, just because Buffy had gone to face the Master. There _had_ to be another way around this, and maybe a way to save Buffy in the process--- "I don't care," Xander stated in a flat voice. I stared at him disbelievingly, anger rising as he unflinchingly met my eyes and then repeated, "I'm sorry, I don't. Right now I've got to help Buffy." The certainty in his stance threw me, stopping me from putting forth any of the obvious objections. Xander wasn't treating me as an adult, or a teacher, and he wasn't acting like a kid. The same eerily grown-up quality that Buffy had was working through him too, and an expression of resolve that I never could have imagined had settled on his face. //You're in love with Buffy,// I thought abruptly, glancing at Willow's averted face. She knew, I realized. She knew how he felt about her friend. //Xander, you're crazy, you can't go after her---// I didn't say it. He didn't look crazy; he looked just a little bit scary, and I wondered if this was something that had always been inside of him, or something he'd learned through association with Buffy and Giles. "We don't even know where she's gone," Rupert protested, wincing slightly. Xander's jaw hardened, and he turned and strode for the exit. "No, but I can find out," he threw over his shoulder without looking back. "*What*?" I looked around at the other two, Willow watching Xander leave with hurt, scared eyes, and Giles getting to his feet, his teeth gritted in pain. "Aren't we going to stop him?" "How?" Rupert asked baldly, throwing the icebag down on the table, letting out a breath of annoyance. "If he think he can help, perhaps he can. Xander can be very clever when he's... motivated. In any event, nothing short of cracking _him_ on the jaw will stop him now." He blinked several times, then firmly put his glasses back on. "Enough. You're quite right, Calender. We have to avert the opening of the Hellmouth. If we can do that---and if Xander can buy us some time---" "Maybe all isn't lost?" I suggested softly. "Yes." He gave a tight nod, not meeting my eyes for a moment. "We can, at least, give them a good showing. If the two of you are with me?" Rupert glanced at Willow, who nodded shakily, then he smiled grimly at me. "Let us proceed, then...." * Christina Comments? ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 13 Oct 1997 19:22:10, -0500 From: (MS CHRISTINA L KAMNIKAR) Subject: BUFFYFIC: Shadow of an Apocalypse (2/6) For disclaimers, see Part 1. Comments appreciated at "Shadow of an Apocalypse" (2/6) by Christina Kamnikar Copyright 1997 Four A.M. I was still wide awake. I didn't want to sleep. But the later I stayed up, the more I wished I'd gone with Cami to the Mojave. What was I trying to prove, anyway? The Net was quiet--- ominously, so, after weeks of warnings and intensifying strangeness. I hadn't been able to track down Brother Luca yet, either. What time was it in Italy; around noon? Another hour, maybe, and then I'd go to bed. That would give the good brother enough time to get done with lunch, or compline, or whatever, and answer my queries. _If_ he answered them. I stared at Henry V blankly as I automatically surfed from site to site, not really registering the places I was visiting, preoccupied with the possibilities that Rupert had staunchly refused to clear up. Why couldn't he have been more specific? Why wouldn't he just *tell* me what was going on? Okay, I knew the answer to that one, he'd come right out and said it: he didn't entirely trust me. Which was unfair. // Did he think I'd share the news of what was coming with CNN? He should know better. He should know by now that I take the supernatural as seriously as he does. He should know I wouldn't do anything reckless or stupid.// It was quiet, except for Henry's hum as he did another search on the phrase "Anointed One"; dark in my bedroom, except for the tensor lamp above the printer and the moonlight leaking through the window. I sipped my cup of cooling coffee and finally admitted my worst fear: that nothing _could_ be done, that Rupert was trying to shield me or to give me something to keep me occupied and sane while our time ran out. I didn't really believe that, though. Giles's desperation when I mentioned the prophecy to him had been too real, his focus too narrow for him to have been concocting a wild goose chase for my sake. Which still didn't mean I could help. Or that Rupert could do anthing about it either, even if I finally got the information he wanted. //Maybe there's nothing either of us - any of us - can do.// The prophecies coming over the lines for the last few days had been so doom-laden and vague--- //Face it, we could all be dead, or worse, before you have a clue why.// Horrible thought. I tried to push it away, but it kept coming back, like the nightmares from two weeks before. I believe in Powers that a lot of people laugh at or fear without reason. I know that the Divine is real, and present, because I can feel it inside of me, and sometimes see it in cyberspace, on sites set up for freedom of speech, or to aid the public, or in the way people reach out to strangers, welcoming them into a new world. But I'm not psychic or gifted with any extraordinary powers, and I don't have access to the kind of knowledge that can be used to fight avatars of the Dark on their own terms. What did I think I could accomplish, searching the Net for something I might not recognize if I found it? The digital clock on my bedstand read 5:24 AM. Nothing had arrived from Brother Luca. Sunlight was trying to filter its way through my blinds. Have you ever stayed up to see the sun rise, just to be sure that it would? It was like that.... I still didn't have any answers. But for no rational reason, the despair I'd been fighting lightened enough to let me crawl under the covers and set the alarm for six hours. Hopefully, mail from the mad monk would be waiting for me when I regained consciousness. Then I could confront Snobby with the Wicked Witch's broom he'd sent me off to find; and he'd have to tell me the truth. If there was no way to avert the end, I wanted to know about it. There were a lot of things I wanted to do before I died. But if there was a way--- it might be a losing fight, but I'd prefer to go down battling. Might as well die doing something I loved. > < > < > @ The buzzer sounded on my alarm clock, jarring me awake with a curse. My head ached. I stumbled over to the computer and checked my e-mail two seconds later. Nothing. Okay, it wasn't nothing. There was an ad from, inviting me to tour their website of male and female hard bodies; two notes from friends who'd just discovered the web and wanted to tell me how much fun they were having; and various articles forwarded to me from around the globe, confirming that yes, the end was getting too close for comfort. But nothing from Brother Luca. Disappointed didn't cover it; I was starting to get panicky. //Hate waiting, hate feeling helpless, useless....// Ruthlessly, I sat on the anxiety clawing at my insides and forced myself to do normal things: eat lunch, take a shower, get dressed in "appropriate" chaperone attire for the evening's Spring Fling. Until I knew otherwise, life was going on, and I couldn't ignore it yet. Feeling human, although still far too keyed-up, I spent the afternoon e-mailing and searching, hoping for some electronic crumb of information about Brother Luca. All the indications were that he'd disappeared from the Net, and the outer world too; no one knew where he was. Not his account administrator, not his abbey, not even the Papal Legate's office. Finally, around five or so, one last global post from him dropped into my mailbox, from a public access terminal in Rome. TO: List (see attached) FROM: Brother Luca (frerejacque@cafe.dante@rome.IT) DATE: Saturday, May 17, 1997 23:59:32:00 (-9) RE: Prophecy Context > To all who hope: Isaiah 11:6. The time is now. > > God help and bless the Chosen One. Pray this is enough. > > Yours in the Light > > Brother Luca Grinning in relief, I dialed Rupert's home number, sure he would be poring over his "volumes" in search of what Brother Luca had shared with me on-line. I hastily yanked down my copy of the King James Bible while the phone rang in my ear, flipping through to look up the pertinent quote. //Hmmmmm... out of context, I'd say that sounds even odder than usual...// "Giles here," sounded abruptly in my ear as I fumbled with the receiver. Rupert seemed more stressed than the day before, and I again wondered how he was sleeping lately. "Rupert? It's me. I'm coming over there, I found something I have to show you---" "Ms. Calender, have you seen the news?" Stressed wasn't the right word, really; Snobby sounded grim, which stopped my babbling and made my stomach tighten in anticipation before I even processed his words. "Um, no, should I have?" "You might want to sit down...." "Tell me." My throat had gone dry at those words; it was too much like he'd sounded when he'd told me that Dave was dead, strangled and hanged on Moloch's orders. This was worse. "Four students were found dead in the school's A/V room this morning. I'm afraid Willow---" "_No_!" //No, not again, not Willow---// "No, no, I meant---forgive me. Willow is fine, fine." He sighed, bleakness seeping into his voice as he went on. "As fine as anyone can be, who just found the exsanguinated corpses of her classmates a few hours ago. She and Cordelia Chase were the first on the scene, and it was--- disturbing, especially for someone of Willow's sensitivity. And Cordelia evidently knew one of the boys well...." "Oh my Goddess." //Four...// "We have to *do* something! We have to stop this, somehow, there has to be---" "I quite agree." The quiet rage in his voice echoed the sick, angry plunge my stomach took when he imparted the news. He gave me a minute to recover, then continued. "The police left half an hour ago. I'm afraid there's rather a lot I must do... and, well... very little time. I may need... 'backup', I believe you Americans call it?" The desperation was back in his voice, along with the pleading. "Could you meet me? At the library? Soon?" "I'm there. See you in twenty." I hung up the phone before he could say anything else, overwhelmed. And furious. //Not without a fight...// Whatever it was, whoever was pushing for the Apocalypse, was not going to get it without a fight. * Christina ------------------------------ End of buffyfic Digest V1 #38 ***************************** To subscribe to buffyfic Digest, send the command: subscribe buffyfic-digest in the body of a message to "". If you want to subscribe something other than the account the mail is coming from, such as a local redistribution list, then append that address to the "subscribe" command; for example, to subscribe "local-buffyfic": subscribe buffyfic-digest A non-digest (direct mail) version of this list is also available; to subscribe to that instead, replace all instances of "buffyfic-digest" in the commands above with "buffyfic". Back issues are available for anonymous FTP from, in pub/lists/buffyfic/archive. 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