From: (Buffyfic-digest) To: Subject: Buffyfic-digest V1 #79 Reply-To: Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk Buffyfic-digest Sunday, January 11 1998 Volume 01 : Number 079 In this issue: BUFFYFIC: Time Heals All: Section One of Part Two of Six BUFFYFIC: Time Heals All: Section Two of Part Two of Six. BUFFYFIC: Time Heals All: Part Three of Six BUFFYFIC: Time Heals All: Part Four of Six (Section One) BUFFYFIC: Time Heals All: Part Four (2/2) of Six See the end of the digest for information on subscribing to the buffyfic or buffyfic-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sun, 11 Jan 1998 23:14:55 -0800 From: Angel's Lover Subject: BUFFYFIC: Time Heals All: Section One of Part Two of Six Again the characters are not mine, they are Joss's and Mutant Enemy's... I make no money from this, and no copywright infringement was intended. Please send all comments to Lea at or . OH! BTW: I'm fondly known among my friends and readers as "Angst-Girl"... that comes directly into play with this fic.. just a warning.. LOL ________________________ Time Heals All: Part Two His body slammed down onto hers with a heavy thud as the time portal spit Angel back out onto the earth. With a flinch and a quick look to be sure, he relaxed, thanking the powers that be that it was still nightfall. He glanced down to see Buffy laying beneath him, an eyebrow raised. Angel almost blushed as he pulled himself away and helped her to her feet. "Sorry," he mumbled. She grinned, "Not a prob." She looked around, "So.. where are we?" Angel sighed, "You should be asking when are we." "Say again?" He shrugged, "This is Ireland..." he paused, "1756." She blinked, "1756???? How do you know for sure?" "I think Spike's coming back had something to do with me." He took her hand and turned her so that they were overlooking a small town. He pointed out a large house seperated from the others by large shrubs and a row of trees. "That was my house.... before." "Before?!" He nodded, "See that fire on the eastern border of town?" She nodded, "I'm there right now, "rescuing" Darla from the blaze." She frowned, "How long before she... um....?" "Three nights." She blinked, "Wow... she really moves fast." "Tell me about it." Buffy shifted, "Angel, you know that I can stop her from changing you... if you want me to." The expression on his face never changed, but something flickered in his eyes, a light Buffy had never before seen. She found herself holding her breath while the vampire shrugged. "We'll cross that bridge when we come to it. For now we have to find a way to get us home." Buffy nodded, "What was the name Spike called the demon he.. um... conjured?" "Grosaahk. He's the keeper of time and space in an ancient religion." "Which one?" "Tarkan, an ancient celt religion. They died out about a hundred and fifty years before you were born. Barely any evidence of their existence has survived the passing years. Few even recall their existence." "But you know of them." He nodded, "I.... knew several members." "Where can we find them?" Angel looked at her warily for a moment, "Buff... why don't we try and find this century's watcher first? The Tarkan are not a.... pleasant group." Buffy scowled, no one she dealt with was ever pleasant, but she nodded. Curiously she wondered if all watchers were as stiff as Giles. She giggled, it might be fun to find out... perhaps a little black mail for some future night off. She looked up at the sky and sobered. "It's almost dawn." Angel nodded, "I know." "Do you have someplace you can... um.. sleep until night?" Angel almost shuddered, it had been a long time since he had been forced to go below ground. Damp, rotting walls, dripping moss and cold dirt floors were not something he relished returning to. "There's a..." he hesitated, "mauseleum just down the road in the graveyard. No light gets in." Buffy shrugged, "Okay, let's go." His hand on her shoulder. "No. You're not going there." She sighed, "If we're gonna be slaying vamps and whatevering time demons then I need rest too." She paused, "Besides, I'd rather not be alone right now, this is your time, your home. I'm kinda out of place here." "I don't want you to have to sleep there.. it's not..." "Pleasant, so you've said. Too bad, I'm going anyways. So lead on, MacDuff. Oh wait.. he was scottish wasn't he?" Angel shook his head, "Fine. Whatever." One of these days that stubborn pushy slayer was going to push her way straight to her death. He sighed, and then his life would mean nothing once again. **************** Buffy grimaced at the stale air that filled the crypt. She darted a quick glance at Angel and caught him grimacing as well. She laughed. "What?" he asked suspiciously. She smiled, "You're more human than you may think." "Okay...." Angel raised an eyebrow but moved to the back of the mauseleum. He laid down on the cold hard floor and crossed his hands behind his head... he remembered this crypt well. The first while after his change he had spend long days within its confines. That was until Darla had returned for him and taught him of the demonic pleasure he could receive from not just feeding on his victims, but from toying with them and killing them. He was incredibly viscious, heartless, soulless, and he relished the feeling of complete freedom his new life had afforded him. He glanced at Buffy, still standing in the center of the crypt. She was probably thinking of all the horrors he had brought about as well. She was most likely wondering how insane she could possibly be to have fallen in love with a vampire. She caught his eye and smiled. Angel sighed, things had changed a lot in the last hundred years, he had changed. The evidence of the existence of his heart and soul was plain, for everytime he looked at her his chest ached. He longed to hold her close forever, but forever would not happen for her. One day the inevitable would come about, Buffy would die and Angel would be left alone, his heart in a million pieces, his soul slowly whithering away, and his every shred of humanity returning to the depths from which the Romani elders had pulled it. "Buff, come lie down." She looked at him warily for a moment before settling down upon the ground, resting her head upon his chest. They both sighed and Angel wrapped one of his arms around her shoulders. He made up his mind, right there and then, that the day Buffy died, the day her so very alive soul lay quiet and without light, that would be the day Angel would watch his final sunrise. He would wait until she was covered with the cold, dark earth, and then he would lay upon her grave, waiting for the sun to come and carry his soul away to join once again with that of his love. There would be no fear in his heart, only sadness for a love lost, and a lifetime of secrecy forced upon she who should have been allowed to be a child. "What are you thinking, Angel?" His arm tightened around her, "Nothing important." He sighed at the lie. "Where will we start looking for the Watcher tomorrow?" She grinned, "Where else?" He shook his head, "The town library it is." Finally they settled down into each others arms, closed their eyes, and allowed the quiet sounds of a town awakening to lull them into a deep, peaceful sleep. ************ Buffy awoke long before Angel, her head tucked into his shoulder, wrapped firmly into his powerful arms. She listened quietly as his heart beat slowly, smiling lightly at the so human sound of its steady rythmn. After a long while she gently untangled herself from his warm body, and silently crossed the crypt. She had three nights with Angel before they were forced to decide what to do about Darla. Should he choose to stop Darla from bringing him across, hundreds, perhaps thousands of lives would never know the pain his demon soul had wrought. She sighed, but then Angel would have died hundreds of years before she was born, and their love would never be. Did she have the right to ask him to continue his suffering just so that she could have a short period of happiness in his arms? And what of after she died? She was not immortal, one day a vampire would get her, or old age surely would and this time there would be no second chances. Was it right for her to use him so badly, knowing that in a short time she would be gone and he would be left once again to suffer new pain alone? Did anyone have that right? Across the crypt he shifted. "Sun's down," she said, as he slowly rose. She frowned, "Direct me to the library. I'll try to find the Watcher while you feed." "Thank you." She shrugged, "Hey, you gotta do what you gotta do." Her stomach rumbled, "I have to find something to eat too." "There's an apple grove on the road to town. You should be able to get food there." "Where are you going.... or do I want to know?" He sighed, "I'll find a farm, take a pig... maybe a few chickens." "Will you be okay without, uh... human blood?" He smiled, "I'm fine. I've grown used to pigs blood." She shrugged, "Okay... an hour long enough?" "I'll be there." They walked out of the crypt and went their seperate directions. Angel hesitated and turned back for a moment, "Buff?" She glanced back, "Yeah?" "If you see Darla, run, okay? I don't quite know how to handle her just yet." Her eyes darkened with sudden regret, but she nodded. "Will do." and they each went on their way. ************** Continued in Section Two - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 11 Jan 1998 23:20:28 -0800 From: Angel's Lover Subject: BUFFYFIC: Time Heals All: Section Two of Part Two of Six. Standard Disclaimers apply... the characters are Joss's and Mutant Enemy Productions... I make no money, and no copy wright infringement was intended. Please direct all comments to Lea at either or . __________________ Conclusion to Part Two She walked, trying not to think of the actions Angel was taking to prolong his existence. She sighed, it wasn't any different from eating meat, she supposed, it was just drinking their blood instead of cooking their flesh. A shuffle of rocks; she turned. "Ready?" Angel gave a small smile. "Ready." Together they stepped forward, slowly climbing the stairs to the small town library. They figured that if all the watchers were as diligent as Giles, which according to Angel they were, this generation's watcher would still be at work. Buffy stepped in front of Angel, wanting to protect him in case he'd be recognized for what he was. She knocked. There came only silence for a moment, so again she raised her hand to the door. Before she could knock, however, it opened inwards and a middle aged men stared out at her. "May I help you?" Buffy didn't mix words. "Are you the Watcher?" "Excuse me?!" He gave her a nervous glance. "You may not believe this, but I'm a slayer, and I need your help." The man blinked at her, his eyes widening as he took in the presence of Angel. "A slayer that walks with the undead?" "He's a friend. He's different." Pause. "Enter, but try nothing." As the two stepped forward, from the chill of the night into the warmth of the flickering firelight, the watcher frowned at Angel. "You seem familiar," he muttered. Buffy nodded, "That's part of what we need to chat about." "Including the explanation of how there could possibly be two slayers in one period of time?" His eyebrows raised as he took in the tight skirt, nearly sheer blouse, and high heels in which Buffy was clad. The teen looked down and shrugged. "Listen, we're from the future." The watcher's eyes opened widely, and Buffy sighed. "Can we sit? This is gonna take a while." Over the next several hours, Buffy and Angel explained to the Watcher, William, to the best of their knowledge what had happened. They spoke of Giles and their situation at home, running down the stories of Spike, Drusilla, the Master and Annoited one, and finally onto the story of Angel. As their story drew to a conclusion, William frowned and stood. "I must admit, I am baffled. I will have to..." Buffy grinned, "Consult your books!" Angel shook his head, but the Watcher smiled, "Then the future is not so different from my time?" The slayer had to giggle, "Some things never change." William glanced up at Angel. "And how about yourself, Angelus? Have you decided how to go about resolving your immediate problems?" The light of mirth died from Buffy's eyes as she waited silently for Angel's answer. The vampire shrugged, "I have a few days to decide." William nodded, "A hard choice indeed." The soft look that passed between the vampire and slayer did not go unnoticed. He raised an eyebrow. "Indeed." With a sigh he began removing large books from the shelves. "Onto the problem of Grosaahk." Buffy looked at the intricate books and swallowed hard. "Uh... is there any where I can go get snacks.. you think.. maybe.. perhaps...." When both men merely frowned at her, Buffy sighed. She missed Willow and Xander... a lot. *************** Near the rising of the dawn, William finally called out for Buffy and Angel. He had found the incantation and ingrediants necessary to call Grosaahk into their presence. Buffy slowly tapped her foot against the floor. "Well, when are we gonna do this, Willy?" The watcher twitched, "Could you not call me that? My name is William." Buffy rolled her eyes, "Geesh, chill pill, William. They really need to put personality powder into your ooze when they're cooking up you watchers. Talk about a need to relax." He sighed, "I need time to gather what we need." He glanced at the lightening sky and back at Angel. "For now the two of you need to move below ground before the sun rises any higher. Shall we meet back here just after sun down?" The two nodded; Angel held his hand out to Buffy, and helped her to her feet. "Tonight it is." Together slayer and vampire stepped out into the cold dawn, and slowly their steps led them back to the dark mauseleum. There the only warmth they received was in each others arms, but as Buffy nestled down against Angel's comforting body, that was all the warmth either of them needed. End Chapter Two - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 11 Jan 1998 23:31:32 -0800 From: Angel's Lover Subject: BUFFYFIC: Time Heals All: Part Three of Six Standard Disclaimers apply.. the characters belong to Joss and Mutant Enemy Productions.. I am not making money from this, and no copywright infringement was intended. Please direct all comments to Lea at either or . There's a little bit of closeness in this that I really don't think rates over PG13... especially not in this day and age. ________________________ Time Heals All: Part Three Buffy frowned in concern as Angel slashed out in his sleep. He cried out softly before his body changed into his vampire form. His hand involuntarily clenched on her shoulder, his long nails digging into her tender flesh, drawing five cuts of blood out of her soft skin. Biting her lip to keep from crying out herself, Buffy jumped back and away from Angel's nightmare racked form. "Angel," she spoke semi-loudly, her hand moving to her shoulder to try and stop the trickles of blood from the rather deep nail bites. "Angel!" She sighed and moved back to his side, her free hand cupping his cheek. "Angel, wake up." Very slowly his eyes opened, but his form did not revert back to human. He blinked, "You're bleeding." She nodded, "Just a couple of scratches." "From me?" She nodded, "Damn! I'm sorry, Buffy, I never wanted to hurt you." She grinned, "I know. You were stuck in a nightmare, and when you reached out for me, you just grabbed a little too tight. Nothing major." She watched as his fingers dug into his palms, the smell of her blood was beginning to get to him. Lord how he wanted just a tiny taste.. he wouldn't hurt her... oh to just suck very gently on the tiny wounds.... Her heart stopped at the desperate longing she saw growing in his eyes. With a shiver running down the length of her body she held out to him her hand spotted with the blood of her wounds. With a soft groan his tongue darted out and gently licked the red liquid from her fingers. With a lack of self consciousness that surprised them both, Buffy reached down and drew over her head the fine fabric that made up her shirt. Angel hesitated as he gazed in wonder at her, but she smiled lightly and lay a gentle kiss upon his lips before directing his mouth to her cuts. His cold lips met her stinging flesh, and as he sucked very gently, her head dropped back against the damp wall. His tongue lapped at her tender skin, then ever so softly he pulled away, human once again. Her eyes were slightly glazed as she gathered her shirt back to her body. Angel rose to his feet and offered her his hand; she sighed. "I'm sorry," he whispered, guilt clouding his face. She smiled softly, "Don't be. Don't ever be sorry with me." she paused, then reached up and kissed him, "This wasn't unwelcome." He held her close for a long while, inwardly cursing himself for his loss of control. His heart warmed with the knowledge that Buffy didn't hold against him his darker nature, and with regret he stepped away. "Sun's down. William will be waiting." "Are you all right?" His eyes flickered away but he nodded, "We'd better get going." Buffy frowned at Angel's retreating back, wishing she could help calm his turmoil, but now was not the time. With a sigh she followed him out into the night. ************ Angel's eyes drew to the boiling cauldron of blood and then back to William as the watcher slowly stirred it. Angel's nails dug into the palms of his hand. The watcher grimaced as he turned away, then he frowned lightly at the tense expression on Angel's face. "Now you understand my incredulty at the thought of a large group of vampires putting together this spell." "No duh!" Buffy herself was peering at Angel in concern. Due to their rush, aside from the small amounts he had taken from her wounds, Angel had not fed. "Angel, do you want to go.. uh..." He shook his head, "I'm fine. Let's just get on with this." She shrugged, "Is there anything we can do to help?" "Just stand back and repeat after me the words I have given you." And they did. Vampire and slayer alike watched closely the cards William had given them, flawlessly repeating the strange words. Though the sounds came to Buffy with difficulty, Angel slipped into the ancient tongue seemingly without effort. Buffy watched him in quiet surpirse as he revealed yet another aspect of his unique personality. The ancient gaelic words were coming from him as if the language were an old friend, reminding her again just how different the two of them truly were. As they spoke a dark cloud gathered in the room, a sound of thunder rumbled throughout the library, shaking the foundation, sending books tumbling in all directions. As William finished the incantation and stained the floor with the boiled blood, the clouds began to solidify into a horrendous figure. Deep red skin covered this creature, horns twisted into grotesque shapes, fur matting into solid lumps and so forth. It was the spitting image of the very devil all good christians had been raised to fear. Buffy swallowed hard and Angel moved to stand slightly in front of her, his arms a welcome comfort to ward off the chill of horror. "Why have you awakened me?!" William stood straight, his horror overwhelmed by his sence of duty. "We require your assistance in a matter of time." "To when do you wish to travel." Buffy spoke up, "1997... november 11, around 10pm." Grosaahk frowned, "As you desire, however it will be on my terms. Two nights you will remain in this time. If at the end of that period your desire to leave remains, a portal will open in front of you. You must step through within 60 seconds or the portal will close." Buffy and Angel nodded, and William replied, "They understand, Grosaahk. We are indebted to you for your service." "Yeah, thanks." Buffy interjected. The demon inclinded its head slightly, then as fast as they had developed, the clouds dispersed, and Grosaahk was gone. Buffy and Angel both sighed. Two nights meant they still had to decide what to do about Darla. It would have been so much more simple to go home right now and forget the entire thing, but they couldn't... not now... perhaps not ever. William smiled, "Well, there you are, children. Two nights from now and you will be well on your way home." Buffy glanced up at Angel, "Yeah, but we've got some unfinished business we have to deal with first." Angel looked at her and frowned, "Darla?" She shrugged, "You have to decide what you're gonna do. You only have until tomorrow night... and then we have to deal with Grosaahk right after too." He paused as he looked out the window, "There are a few hours until dawn. Would you like to go to my house... see what's happening?" Her eyes lit, "Sure... uh, that is as long as you and Darla aren't doing anything that I don't particularily want to see!" He grinned mischievously, "Well then maybe you should stay here." She glared at him, "I'll kill her!" He laughed, "Too late, I already did." *************** The two silently peered into the window of the dimly lit house. Inside Darla was feeding a laughing Angel grapes out of a bowl on the table. On Angel's lap was a book of mythology; he believed he was teaching an ignorant Darla of the ancient greek gods and goddesses while they played Zeus and Aphrodite. Buffy was hard pressed to keep from laughing at her companion as he slowly shook his head in embarrasment. At her small sound of smothered laughter he turned an glared at her. "What are you laughing at?" She giggled, "Lame much?" "Oh and you could have done better I suppose." "As long as you never ask me to play Aphrodite, we won't have to find out, now will we?" He sighed and took her hand, "Come on, goddess mine. The sun's coming up. Darla'll be leaving soon too." Buffy bowed as she giggled, "Your wish is my command, oh king of the gods!" "Shut up." She laughed aloud as she followed his dark form down the empty streets of the still sleeping town. Though on the outside she displayed good natured mirth, inside Buffy was anything but happy. They only had one night left to decide what to do. Come tomorrow's dawn they'd be on their way home, and Angel would be a vampire once more. Almost unnoticably her laughter was washed away, come tomorrow's dawn would she be heading home alone? Without Angel? Without her heart? Very slowly her eyes filled with unshed tears; should he decide to slay Darla, should Angel decide to stop his demonic birth, Buffy would not argue. She would help Angel end the life he has suffered through for hundreds of years, then go home and try to patch back together the shattered pieces of her heart. She quickened her pace, comforting herself in the circle of his arms as they walked; for now they were together... tomorrow they would deal with tomorrow. End Part Three. - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 11 Jan 1998 23:41:08 -0800 From: Angel's Lover Subject: BUFFYFIC: Time Heals All: Part Four of Six (Section One) The standard disclaimers apply.. the characters belong to Joss and Mutant Enemy.. I am not making any money on this, and no copy wright infringement was intended. Please direct all comments to Lea at either or . ____________________ Time Heals All: Part Four Buffy awoke long before the nightfall, her nerves at the night to come overwhelming her need to sleep. Would Angel choose death over love or would he forsake his one chance at peace to be with her? For the first time since they had arrived, Buffy walked through Angel's town in the sunlight, seeing how quaint and beautiful his home had been. Children were running between the tiny shops, chasing each other, playing, laughing. Buffy smiled, thinking of a carefree Angel doing the same. How unfair it had been to take away that innocence. She wondered if he liked children, if he liked baseball, football, shopping. There were so many things she didn't know about him, and now may never find out. Sliding to the ground she sat comfortably in a patch of grass as she thought. Her clothing drew odd looks, but for the most part no one paid her any attention as she shivered in the cool air. That is until a dark shadow drew over her. Buffy looked up at the man next to her and gasped, "Angel!" He looked down at her and smiled, "I haven't quite received my wings yet, but perhaps someday, god willing." Realization dawned. This was not her Angel, this was Angel before Darla had infected him. His smile was bright and happy, no tinge of sadness or guilt behind his eyes. She sighed, he was even more gorgeous in daylight than she had ever imagined. His eyebrows raised, and suddenly she realized she had been staring at him. "Uh.. sorry... for a minute I thought you were somone else." He sat down beside her, "Mistakes happen. I haven't seen you here before." She shrugged, "Just passing through." "Unaccompanied?" "My friend is sleeping. He's a bit of a night creature." He laughed, "Yes. I have a friend who is the same. I have yet to see her before the rise of the moon." Buffy scowled, "Yeah, well, don't hold your breath." "Excuse me?" "Never mind. Listen... be careful of your friend of you see her toinght, okay?" "May I ask why?" "No. Just watch your back. People aren't always what they seem." Though it broke her heart to do so, Buffy couldn't just sit back and watch while Angel destroyed his life. She had to warn him, even if it meant such a cryptic message. She didn't know if she was praying for him to listen to her warning or not, but she sent a silent message to God that the right decision would be made. "Are you what you seem?" The question took her by surprise, and for a moment she stopped to think. "I don't know." He smiled. "Perhaps one day you'll discover the answer." She shrugged, "Maybe." "If you ever do, I'd like to know the answer." Buffy smiled into the chocolate brown eyes with in which she had so often lost herself; her heart melted. "You'll be the first person I tell." ********** By the time she reached the mauseleum, Angle was up and pacing its confines. When he had awakened to find her gone, he had feared the worst. This was not her time nor place.... where could she be? What was she doing? Was she in danger? hurt? dead? When the door scraped slowly open and the tiny blonde stepped back into the darkness, he turned on her visciously. "Where have you been?" She blinked in surprise. "I couldn't sleep so I went into town to look around." His eyes softened, "I wish you would have told me. I was..." he paused, "Worried." "Don't be. I can take care of myself." "I know, Buff, but..." "Yeah, yeah, yeah." she giggled, "You're sweet, ya know." He smiled, "And you're going to be the death of me yet." She grinned, "Gee, and I was working on being the life of you." Unexpectedly, he reached out and gently caressed her cheek. "You already are." The two went suddenly serious as Buffy slipped into Angel's embrace. Her head rested lightly against his chest, listening to the rythm of his heart beat. They stood like that for long minutes, his head resting a top hers, his arms holding her tightly to him. For the first time in what seemed like endless days they refused to think about Angel's decision, for now they were determined only to feel, both the physical sensations of their intertwined bodies, and the sweet warmth that spread through both their souls, beginning with their hearts. Finally, as the sun slipped below the horizon, they let each other step away. In two hours Angel would be a vampire... in five Grosaahk's portal would be upon them. From this point on their feelings would have to wait. They had a lot of very serious work to complete in a very short period of time. They walked out of the mauseleum and back into the town. The shadows seemed longer that evening as the moon was hidden behind dark clouds. The beautiful afternoon Buffy had enjoyed evaporated into the bleakness of the evening. A deep chill over took her as they walked and she couldn't stop herself from shivering. Her shiver didn't go unnoticed as Angel slipped out of his jacket and wrapped it around her shoulders. "Thanks." He smiled, "No problem." They slowly passed by the library, neither surprised to find the windows lit with the flickering flame of William's lamps. Just like any dutiful watcher, William was hard at work upon some mystery or another. The familiarity of the watcher's dedication touched Buffy as she realized just how desperately she missed her friends. She missed Willow's wacky thoughts, Xanders xany comments; she missed Cordelia's self centered concerns, and Giles' endless meanderings. As much as she hated to admit it, her slaying had brought her close to many people, people she loved as much as family. There was some good in everything, she supposed. There's some good in everything, Angel thought as his eyes flickered down to watch Buffy. She was deep in thought, about what he'd no clue, but it didn't matter. He had considered his change to be a curse, but his vampirism had allowed him to live long enough to know Buffy. He had considered the Romani's spell to be a curse, but the return of his soul had allowed him to experience the one thing he would forever cherish: pure, innocent, and total love. Together they sighed, coming to a stop behind the row of trees shading Angel's old home. Through the window they could see Angel and Darla relaxing in the parlor, Darla moved around behind him and began her change. The time was near. "We have about five minutes," Angel muttered lowly. "Darla liked to... toy with her victims before she fed." Buffy looked up at him as she pulled from her purse a sharpened stake. "You never told me why she chose to bring you across," she paused as she spun the stake in her hand. "Now would be a good time." He hesitated in his reply as he looked at her sadly, finally he touched her shoulders lightly. "I never loved her, Buffy. As a man it was facination... as a vampire it was...." "Desire. Yeah, I get ya." She frowned, "Stay here... I'll be back as soon as it's over.. so don't disappear." He cast his eyes to the ground, "Buff... I may not have a choice. I don't know how fast the change in time will get to me." His comment stung like a slap in the face, and very suddenly tears sprang to her eyes. Stepping forward Buffy pressed trembling lips against Angel's, and a single tear slipped over her cheek to drip between their sealed mouths. She sighed and steped back into the shadows. "I love you, Angel." she whispered softly before opening the door to the house and disappearing inside. "I love you, too," he whispered once she was gone. ************ Continued in Section Two. - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 11 Jan 1998 23:46:54 -0800 From: Angel's Lover Subject: BUFFYFIC: Time Heals All: Part Four (2/2) of Six Standard disclaimers apply.. the characters are Joss's and Mutant Enemy's, I am not making a cent out of this and no copy wright infringement was intended. Please direct all comments to Lea at either or . ______________________ Conclusion to Part Four Silently she krept through the house; if she timed this well enough she should come upon Darla before the vampire could sink her teeth into Angel. Slowly she became aware of Darla's breathy voice growing clearer. Buffy scowled, that was one voice she perferred to forget. "Trust me, darling... a night with me is a night that will last you until the end of time." Buffy's hand clasped tightly on her stake as she moved forward. She rarely took pleasure in her job, but slaying Darla would be one exception she was glad to make. Darla had caused her more pain than anyone... aside from the Master... it was time Buffy had her payback. Taking a deep breath, she stepped into the room behind Darla... three steps would take her into slaying range... three steps would take her to her destiny. One step. Buffy held her breath... Darla was engrossed with Angel... she hadn't heard the slayer's approach. Two steps. Her very silence would save Angel from a life of hell.. everything counting on this moment. Three steps. She was a hairs breath from the blonde vampire.. all she had to do was raise the stake... one forward motion and Darla would be history.. again. But then so would be Buffy and Angel's love. For a moment Buffy hesitated as a Willow-type thought came to mind. If their love never existed once she changed time, would it really be history? And if not.. how would one describe it? Buffy hardened her heart to the sharp pain eminating from its core as she brought her stake up to the level of Darla's heart. It was over.. it was all over. Buffy moved her arm down quickly, closing her eyes against the sight of it's point sinking deeply into Darla's back and into her blackened heart. The stake met resistance as it slammed into solid flesh, and she opened her eyes. Darla stood still before her, and Buffy swallowed hard; one of Angel's hands was clasped around her wrist, the other was holding the stake mere milimeters away from Darla's heart. Quickly Angel pulled Buffy away from the other vampire. Within moments they were outside the house, Angel pulling Buffy away from the scene that would be his demise... and his birth. "Angel, what are you doing?" "I made my decision." "What?!" "I don't want to lose you, Buff. Living my life would mean nothing without you." Buffy breathed in a sigh at Angel's admission... she hadn't known. How could she have? He had described her exact feelings.. her soul's very cry... a tear came to her eye and she looked away. "Are you sure?" "I'm sure." "Totally sure?" "I'm sure." "Completely sure, cause I still have time to..." "Buffy! I'm sure!" He sighed. "If I didn't know better I'd say you didn't want me to come back with you." Buffy pulled his head down to her level and glared at him. "I'm glad you're staying," she whispered before kissing him softly. "We have to move away from here.... before she changes him." Buffy nodded and the two of them moved into the cover of the trees. Within moments came a sharp cry from the house. Buffy looked up at Angel to see his eyes close with remembered pain. Slowly she put her arms around him and they held each other quietly. They stood holding each other for an endless amount of time. Suddenly the sound of a twig snapping brought them both back into the reality of their situation. They looked up but saw nothing. Angel frowned. "Stay here." he muttered, and he stepped silently into the shadows. Buffy watched the place he disappeared for several minutes, hearing no further sound coming from the woods. "Angel?" she called finally after nearly five minutes had passed. There came no reply. She steppted out after him, "Angel?" Finally he stepped out of the darkest shadows of the trees, into the little light offered by the still covered moon. Buffy breathed a sigh of relief. "Why didn't you answer me?" she scowled, "And we definately have to do something about that walk of yours... and believe me you don't want to hear Xander's suggestion!" Angel said nothing, he merely stood before her staring at her coldly. Buffy frowned. "Ange?" Suddenly she understood what was happening... and Angel smiled. "Yes. I like that name. Angel.. from Angelus. I think I'll keep it." Buffy stepped back suddenly. "Oh, no. I did NOT just name you!" He smiled coldly, "Now you're a part of me. It's only right you be my first meal... hmm.. if you're tasty enough" his eyes drew slowly over her body and he licked his lips, shifting suddenly into his vampirical form, "maybe you can even be my first child." Knowing that she could never slay the man she loved, Buffy turned on her heel to run, but the vampire proved to be too fast for her. Swiftly he caught her arm and spun her around to face him. "Sorry, love, but my place is this way." Caught unable to defend herself and unable to escape, Buffy was left only to allow herself to be dragged back to the now darkened mansion. There she would face immenent death... or worse. ********** End Chapter Four - - ------------------------------ End of Buffyfic-digest V1 #79 ***************************** To subscribe to buffyfic or buffyfic-digest, send the command subscribe buffyfic-digest or subscribe buffyfic to You will need to go through a confirmation process, and the listowners have to manually approve your subscription request, so it may take some time. Back issues of this digest can be found at: Dalton Spence has also provided an index of the buffyfic archive at: For help, contact Jill Kirby ( or sah (