From: (Buffyfic-digest) To: Subject: Buffyfic-digest V2 #16 Reply-To: Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk Buffyfic-digest Monday, January 26 1998 Volume 02 : Number 016 In this issue: BUFFYFIC: DISCUSS: Dust (1/1) by Rebecca Carefoot Re: BUFFYFIC: DISCUSS: Dust (1/1) by Rebecca Carefoot BUFFYFIC: Daughter of the Devil, Part 1 of ? BUFFYFIC: "One Vampire's Headache..." (5/?) by Ingrid BUFFYFIC: My Heart Will Go On 1/1 BUFFYFIC: "One Vampire's Headache..." (6/?) By Ingrid Re: BUFFYFIC: "One Vampire's Headache..." (6/?) By Ingrid BUFFYFIC: Buffy-Fic: Sins of the Mother 1/9 BUFFYFIC: Buffy Fic: Sins of the Mother 2/9 See the end of the digest for information on subscribing to the buffyfic or buffyfic-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 23 Jan 1998 20:12:20 EST From: (Ingrid E Stanton) Subject: BUFFYFIC: DISCUSS: Dust (1/1) by Rebecca Carefoot (Sniffle) Geez! You must be a glutton for punishment! More angst? Okay...I'll admit it it: your fic was beautiful...and sad! The floating soul thing was a great idea, but if I read any more angst, I'm gonna be *very* depressed. Heck! I am depressed! - -Ingrid - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 23 Jan 1998 23:03:36 EST From: Lady RHood Subject: Re: BUFFYFIC: DISCUSS: Dust (1/1) by Rebecca Carefoot In a message dated 98-01-23 20:14:26 EST, you write: << (Sniffle) Geez! You must be a glutton for punishment! More angst? Okay...I'll admit it it: your fic was beautiful...and sad! The floating soul thing was a great idea, but if I read any more angst, I'm gonna be *very* depressed. Heck! I am depressed! >> truth is... I started out writing the story to be a hopeful vignette. To show that Angel was still out there. But it sort of turned out completely differently from I thought...much sadder than I planned. Maybe I will try again. Rebecca - - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 24 Jan 1998 09:19:56 -0500 From: Subject: BUFFYFIC: Daughter of the Devil, Part 1 of ? TITLE: Daughter of the Devil, Part 1 of ? AUTHOR: Joseph W Brogan E-Mail: WEBPAGE: FEEDBACK: Please! (Why would I post this if I didn't want feedback? ^_^) RATING: ? Nothing really bad, I don't think. CONTENT: Action/Adventure (not an "inner thought" or angst fic; this is an adventure). SUMMARY: A mysterious woman rescues some vampires from Buffy. SETTING: Soon after "Innocence" DISCLAIMER: Joss Whedon owns the Buffy people, not me. NOTE: The "big old hairy mole" from The Movie is used in this story. (Joss has not said that that part had changed from the movie, so I used it.) Buffy Summers came out of the movie chuckling. She'd been rather leery about seeing Mouse Hunt, but it had been the choice of the others. Most of the other movies were just too heavy for the gang right now, reeling as they were from the recent events that had happened to them; their comrade Angel had rejoined his vampiric companions; their trusted friend Jenny Calendar had been revealed as an agent of the Kalderash people that had cursed Angel in the first place. Willow and Oz had suggested the movie in the first place, as a way for the group to relax. Oz had even given everyone a ride in his van, although Giles had driven himself to the theater. (He really was a great guy, Oz, Buffy thought. Willow's lucky to have him.) She made sure not to think of Angel; that memory was still painful. Giles currently wasn't speaking to Miss Calendar; Buffy knew in her heart that Miss Calendar had been on Angel's side...but that didn't change that she (or at least her people) had been responsible for what had happened. At least Xander and Cordelia had been relatively unscathed...although, why did they get only a small popcorn? Sheesh, they'd gotten up to get refilled at least twice, and the line was apparently hellishly long, (although it didn't appear to be quite that long from her vantage point.) Buffy suddenly heard a scream from outside. She ran out of a side exit and stood on a loading dock. Below, five people were being herded by four gun-wielding individuals. (Oh, great. Time to be Super-Buffy, Protector Of The Innocent, Buffy thought. Why can't I just see a movie in peace?) "Okay, drop it!" she yelled. Below, one of the gunmen, a rather thin person dressed in a black suit, looked up. "Well, I believe we are having here a personage that might be satisfactory for our purposes, boys." the gunman said in an accent straight out of a Mafia film (a really bad one, she mentally added). "Let us be adding this female to our current takeout order, my guys." Buffy crouched in a fighting stance, and then realized what the Mafiosi had said. T A K E O U T. (Oh great, she thought. It's stakin' time!) She leaped over the dock railing as the men shot at her. She landed in front of the Mafiosi and kicked his gun out of his hand. The others backed away as a dark-skinned individual took the hostages over to a corner away from Buffy. "Oh ho! I am believing that this is the Slayer that Don Angelus is so hot to suck, guys. Let us be...OOF!" The other vampires leaped at Buffy as soon as the word "Slayer" was mentioned. (Idiots.) Buffy immediately took out two stakes and stabbed them into the chests of the two vamps. The vampires slid off of the stakes and turned into dust clouds with a muffled screaming sound. "Oh no. I am not happening to believe..." Buffy immediately somersaulted at him, landing with her stake at his heart. "Hey! Your buddy's dust if you don't let those humans go!" The other vampire dropped his gun and kicked it away from him, as the humans overpowered him and ran out of the alley. The Mafiosi vampire struggled with Buffy's stake at his heart and one of her headbands in his mouth. " `Don Angelus?' Geez, you vampires take these stupid stereotypes really seriously, don't you?" Buffy was about to plunge the stake in when she heard a female voice above her. "Let him go, girl." The speaker was on an apartment balcony above Buffy. "What?!" Buffy exclaimed. The speaker stuck out its arm. Blue lightning flashed from it, electrocuting Buffy's stake hand. Buffy screamed and let the vampire go. "I am thanking you profusely, Miss Thunder Bolt." "You can thank me by leaving. NOW!" The vampire ran out of the alley with its companion. The speaker leaped down to the ground. "So, this is the Slayer." the woman said. "Yeah, don't remind me. And you?" The woman stepped into the light. She had brown hair, rather tan (but still light) skin, and was wearing a white dress. "Well, I can't tell you that now." Buffy reached into her purse and drew out a hand crossbow, firing it at the woman. The bolt flew toward the woman...and bounced right off her chest. "Oh! Um...`Ouch'." Buffy stared in disbelief, and the woman snorted. "I really expected more from a Slayer. Oh well." The woman turned to go, and then turned back. "Oh! I've got something you should see." She drew down her dress just enough to uncover a large blemish. One that Buffy recognized quite well. `The Mark'. The woman laughed and left the alley. Buffy reentered the theater and saw Xander, Cordelia, and Giles heading for Giles' car. "Where've you been, Buffy?" Cordelia said. "Willow and Oz went home alone, so Giles'll be driving us." Buffy sighed. "It's a long story involving more of the usual happy Hellmouth hijinks." "Oh, really?" Giles said. "Yes, Giles. I guess we'll be taking a detour somewhere." Giles exited the parking lot and headed away from their houses...and to the library. It was going to be a LONG night. =============================================================== A Message from the Grand Nagus AKA Latinum Racer and Shadam - - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 24 Jan 1998 16:10:12 EST From: (Ingrid E Stanton) Subject: BUFFYFIC: "One Vampire's Headache..." (5/?) by Ingrid Let me get this over with… I’m changing my disclaimer. Why? Dunno. I’m bored. I lovingly borrow the characters from "Buffy the Vampire Slayer," and do not intend to keep them. It’s not my show. In fact, the characters aren’t even mine! (Can you believe it?) But anyway, they belong to the WB, Joss "don’t you just hate me" Whedon, Sandollar Productions & ("grrr, argh!") Mutant Enemy. SUMMARY: Let’s see… This is part 5, right? Just crawling along, isn’t it? Well anyway, in this one, we’ll be treated to the continuation of the conversation between Angel and Buffy. Okay. This story takes place in an alternate Buffy universe. I’m currently in shock, so consider me unaware of the Surprise/Innocence yucky *thing* they called an episode. If you don’t get this, that’s cause you haven’t read the other parts. If you want to get this, ask me for them. If you don’t…well…I don’t need *you* either!!! Please send me mail. I love to talk. You can comment on my stories, or ask me about my theories regarding Angel’s return to goodness. (Forgive my sentences. I’m still very sleepy- heh! The worst part is that now I have to read "Passage to India." No rest for the weary, I suppose.) And I love to chat about the episodes, so write to me at I am so long winded… *** "One Vampire’s Headache…" Part the Fifth *** "The weight of this sad time we must obey, Speak what we feel, not what we ought to say. The oldest hath borne most; we that are young Shall never see so much nor live so long." - --King Lear *** "Did you know that you can see the sun?" "What?" "You can see the sun Angel! The sun can’t kill vampires on the Day of Weakness!" Angel smiled queasily. Buffy immediately recognized his hesitation. "What’s wrong?" "Nothing." Her voice became deeper; more serious. "Uh uh, mister. You’re not clamming up on me again. I thought you said you wanted to be able to see me in the sun" "I do." "Then *what?*" "Buffy, I haven’t been in the sun for more than two-hundred years! I can’t just…" "You’re afraid?" He stood there almost without reaction for a second. "What if I can’t? We don’t know that it’s true. Anything written is just mythology Buffy. How it actually works out is another thing. Remember when you killed the master? You were supposed to die. How do I know that I can go outside?" "Oh yeah." She looked at her feet. Then turned away." "Buffy?" She didn’t react. "Buffy!" He grabbed her arm and spun her around gently. "Buffy." She was close to tears. He pulled her towards him, and she didn’t resist. "I could have killed you, Angel," she whispered into his chest. "It’s okay Buffy." "I just- I just wanted it so badly…" "I know. But we don’t know yet. We’ll have to test it out." "What?" She pulled away a little, confused. "Come here tomorrow. In the morning. If you see any vampires outside, you know it’s true." "But Giles said that I won’t be able to sense them as well." "If you’ve ever used fashion to figure out who was a vampire, you’ll use it now." "Right. The power of suburban living." She looked at the door. "You have to go." It was more of a statement than a question. "Yeah. Giles said I need to get back to the library to prepare." She kissed him and began backing towards the door. "I’ll see you tomorrow morning." "I’ll be here." ***** END OF PART FIVE. Are you still alive? "If you find it silly, just keep your mouth shut." –Sarah the nerd. - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 25 Jan 98 10:20:23 PST From: (Amy Clayborn) Subject: BUFFYFIC: My Heart Will Go On 1/1 Title: My Heart Will Go On Author: Sapphire E-mail: Rating: PG Disclaimer: Angel and Buffy belong to Joss Whedon and Mutunt Enemy, I am = just borrowing them for a bit. I promise to return them unharmed ;) The song 'My Heart = Will Go On' is from the movie and Titanic, and is sang by Celine Dion, and I don't own that eithe= r ;) Distribution.: okay to archive anywhere, just leave my name and e-mail = with it This is my first Buffy fanfic, although I have been writing X-Files fanfi= c under different names for a couple of years. Feedback would be very much appreciated. This is = basically a slayerangst piece. Hope that you like it. My Heart Will Go On. by Sapphire That song pays on the radio 5,000 times a day, and I am pretty sure that I have heard it every time since that day. You know, we saw that movie together, Angel and I. It was our one attempt at an actual normal date. It was nice to get out of that cemetery for once. Gee, that is a sentence you don't hear very often, I bet. Such is my life. After he walked me home and we talked and he told me some stories that he had heard about the Titanic when it happened. Yes, it is much weird to have your boyfriend telling you 'Where I was when' stories about something that happened almost ninety years ago. But it was nice anyway. When I watched that movie I thought that Angel's death was about the least of my worries, seeing that he is immortal and all. I mean, we put ourselves in danger so much, I...I don't know, maybe I just never let the actual possibility sink in. I was so wrong. What he is, what happened, its worse than death, and it is all my fault. I feel like I am in hell. I look at his face, hear his voice, see his body, and they all belong to the man I love. Then I look in his eyes. That is when I know that my Angel is really gone. They are cold, calculating, loathing. Pure evil. I almost wish he *were* dead. It would be easier to take than listening to the same voice that said 'I love you' to me say such ugly things now. Part of me wants to die when I hear it. The other part of me is raging that fate, God, gypsies, whatever, could use something as beautiful as what we shared to turn him into the monster that he is now. How could I have been so stupid? What was I thinking? How could I have known what would happen? I keep asking myself these questions over and over, like a bad song that I can't get out of my head. He tried to warn me that it might not be a good idea, but Buffy the Raging Hormone wouldn't listen to him. I just loved him so, I *love* him so much. Present tense. I am in love with someone who doesn't exist anymore. The soul I love is gone and the demon has taken its place again. Most girls have to worry about STD's and babies when they have sex the first time. Me, I turn my boyfriend back into a blood-sucking vamp fiend after one time. It doesn't feel like it now, but I know that the song is true. I will go on, my heart will go on. I will always love the Angel I knew, but if I don't find a way to get him back, I will have to do it. I will have to kill him. I will want to die if that happens, but my heart will go on. But, it won't ever forget. I will never forget what he had. And I know that wherever *my* Angel is, he would want me to kill Angelus, and go on. I will go on, and he will go me. Becuase I keep him here in my heart, and my heart will go on. The end. Short and sweet, and right to the ansgt ;) Please let me know what you = thought! - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 26 Jan 1998 15:45:33 EST From: (Ingrid E Stanton) Subject: BUFFYFIC: "One Vampire's Headache..." (6/?) By Ingrid Let me get this over with… I lovingly borrow the characters from "Buffy the Vampire Slayer," and do not intend to keep them. It’s not my show. In fact, the characters aren’t even mine! (Can you believe it?) But anyway, they belong to the WB, Joss "don’t you just hate me" Whedon, Sandollar Productions & ("grrr, argh!") Mutant Enemy. SUMMARY: Part 6, where we return to the beloved Spike and Dru very briefly. Alternate Buffy universe and all that (blah blah blah). If you don’t get this, that’s cause you haven’t read the other parts. If you want to get this, ask me for them. If you don’t… well…I don’t need *you* either!!! Please send me mail at again, I’ve been up at all hours of the night, so forgive me- I know not what I write. Voila! *** "One Vampire’s Headache…" Part the Sixth *** "Love? I’m not feelin’ too well," Spike called from the bed. His head felt heavier than lead, and the worst part was that he had one hell of a headache. Dru drifted into the room listlessly, lowering her wilted form on the bed fairly gracefully next to Spike. "I’m not either, Spike? What’s wrong? Did the curse wear off?" Spike screamed from the top of his lungs. "Bacchus!!" There was only silence. "*Bacchus!*" He was about to call the vampire again, but figured that he and Dru wouldn’t be a match for a strong vampire. He needn’t have called twice anyway. Bacchus, a large burly dark-haired vamp practically crawled into the room. "Forgive me, Spike. I can hardly stand." "What is the meaning of this? Katherine? Geoffrey?" "They have fallen. Katherine sleeps in a chair and Geoffrey is nearly dead." Spike turned in surprise as Dru began to shake violently. A low hum became louder and louder until she was screeching and nearly weeping at the same time. "*It’s a bad day,*" she roared, "A VERY VERY BAD DAY!!!" She flew to the other end of the room, just barely able to snatch at one of her dolls before they both fell to the ground. She clutched at the doll, which had fallen a few feet from her. "What’s that, Molly?" She turned to Spike, rolling her head against the cement floor. "Molly says it’s the Day of Weakness, Spike." "And we can’t have a party today," she whined, beginning to sulk. Her face became dark with thought. Instantly, her features brightened. "…so we’ll just have to go outside and play!" She pushed herself up on her knees. *** END, PART 6. Whaddaya think? Send comments to Where are my digests? I'm writing this in hopes that I'll get one sometime soon! _____________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 26 Jan 1998 19:25:40 EST From: LMcint6188 Subject: Re: BUFFYFIC: "One Vampire's Headache..." (6/?) By Ingrid Wow, it is coming out great....... keep it coming... I long for more! LINS - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 26 Jan 1998 21:25:58 -0500 From: Vapthorne Subject: BUFFYFIC: Buffy-Fic: Sins of the Mother 1/9 Title: Sins of the Mother (1 of 9) Author: Vapthorne E-Mail: Distribution: I would love to have this work distributed, but please ask first. Spoilers: A little from "School Daze", "Angel", and "Bad Eggs". Rating: I think PG for right now. Disclaimer: Joyce Summers, and any other characters from Buffy the Vampire Slayer are the creation and property of Joss Weldon, I do not own them. However the characters: Rebecca Casey, Dalton Plague, Cecil Kane, Thaos, and the Necromancer, etc. are my creations and you got ask me to use them. Feedback: Please.. Summary: While Buffy is busy 'studying' with Giles and the other. Her mother looks back to when she was Buffy's age and recalls some interesting memories. Author's Note: I had some trouble digging up any background information on Joyce Summers, like her maiden name and so forth. So, most of what I using I made up. If there is any information from the show that I did not discover conflicts with the basics, I am using let me know so I can change. Sins of the Mother: Chapter One - --------------------------------------------- Joyce Summers wondered what is becoming of her only child. Ever since that accident back in Los Angeles where the school gym burned down, her daughter, Buffy, has been a different girl. She is always late coming home, she being increasingly irresponsible and she's letting her grades fall behind. Suddenly, the ringing sound of the telephone interrupted Joyce's thought. "Hello." Joyce picked up the receiver. "Hey, Mom, it's me Buffy." Her voice traveled over, "Listen, Me, Willow, and Xander are going to be studying all night with Giles in the library." "Buffy, it's late enough as it is." "I know, but we got this important test tomorrow, and I need to get a good grade in order to pass Biology." "All right, but I want to see that test paper." "You will, Mom. I love you, bye." The dial tone was the only thing heard when Joyce slowly hanged up the telephone. Her concern for her daughter now increased. Buffy has been doing all this late night studying, and her grades still showed no improvement. In addition, she's been studying with that librarian Giles. When Joyce went to pick up her daughter at school one time she noticed several books with subjects ranging from Ancient Demons to Black Magick lying around on the table. Giles told Joyce that they were merely a simple hobby of his and it had nothing to do with her daughter. Nevertheless, that did not shake Joyce's concern. Shortly after that time, she forgot the next couple of hours. She came to her senses in the school basement and people told her that there was a gas leak. Now, Joyce's mind started to recall several odd occurrences that happened when she moved to Sunnydale. That parent teacher night when those groups of thugs attacked the school. Their faces were most peculiar. Principal Snyder said that they were one some drug, but she recognized those faces before. They were Vampires, a crossbreed of humans and demons. Joyce can remember the face of any vampire when they seek to drink blood, for it was a face she seen one too many times. She knew she shouldn't had left Buffy go off to fight them that night. Joyce was lucky she came to her daughter's aide before it was too late. The previous incident that occurred last year had hit closer to home. A catholic schoolgirl named Darla came over saying she was here to help Buffy with her history. She didn't suspect that Darla was a vampire at the time so she invited her into her home. When Joyce realized that Darla was a demon, it was too late because the vampire had attacked her and began to feed. She counted her blessings that her daughter, Buffy, wasn't attacked by that vampire. When Buffy came home, it must have scarred Darla. When she called 911, she thought that her mother accidentally stabbed herself with a meat fork. Joyce knew she doesn't own but she accepted that story for Buffy's sake, and did the best she can do not to let anyone know what really happened. "The last thing I want my daughter to learn that demons and goblins really exist, that truth would be too much to bare." Joyce thought to herself as she sat back recalling the time when she was Buffy's age she learns that such beings from dark mythologies was out there. The memory of her encounters with some of them were still fresh in her mind, no matter how hard she tried to move on to forget. Vapthorne - ---------- ********-my minions-********** * NU-RPG: ffff,0000,0000Jasper and 0000,0000,ffffAria * * CardeaRPG: ffff,0000,ffffMercury * ****************************** ffff,0000,ffff ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Keeper of Buffy's First day in Sunnydale and her vampire form Nightmares Proud Keeper of Ethan's broken statue of Janus (all I need is super glue) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Giles: The good guys are valiant and true. The bad guys are always distinguishable by their pointy horns and black hats. We always manage to defeat them. Nobody ever dies and we all live happily ever after. Buffy: Lair! - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 26 Jan 1998 21:28:35 -0500 From: Vapthorne Subject: BUFFYFIC: Buffy Fic: Sins of the Mother 2/9 Title: Sins of the Mother (2 of 9) Author: Vapthorne E-Mail: Distribution: I would love to have this work distributed, but please ask first. Spoilers: None Rating: I think PG-13 for right now. Disclaimer: Joyce Summers (aka Joy Matthews), and any other character from Buffy the Vampire Slayer are the creation and property of Joss Whedon. I do not own them. However the characters: Rebecca Casey, Dalton Plague, Cecil Kane, Thaos, and the Necromancer, etc. are my creations and you got ask me to use them. Summary: While Buffy is busy 'studying' with Giles and the other. Her mother looks back to when she was Buffy's age and recalls some interesting memories. Author's Note about Joyce Summers: I had some trouble digging up any background information on Joyce Summers, like her maiden name and so forth. So, most of what I using I made up. For instance, I decided to use Matthews as her maiden name, because I don't think the show mentioned it yet (at least I have not heard it). If there is any information from the show that I didn't discover conflicts with the basics, I'm using let me know so I can change. Help Wanted: I loved the feedback I received so far, in order to make Sins of the Mother a success I would like to have some people willing to act as proofreaders for my upcoming chapters. If interested, let me know. Enjoy :) Sins of the Mother: Chapter Two - --------------------------------------------- Joyce Summers now recalled when she was around Buffy's age. She was seventeen at the time and she lived in the small town of Silver Heights. Which is outside of L.A. on the other side of the hellmount, Sunnydale? Joyce had gone by her maiden name, Joy Matthews, when she attended her senior year of high school. Joy made several attempts in the past ten minutes trying to open her locker. She cursed quietly to herself as she tried to match the numbers. Surprisingly, Joyce looked a lot like her daughter, Buffy, when she was that this age. The stubborn locker finally opened and Joy was able to retrieve her books. She grabbed her book for Chemistry and proceeded to head for her nest class. "Hey Joy." Rebecca Casey, an Asian girl with long hair sported in a ponytail, welcome Joy as she took her seat. Rebecca and Joy had been best friends since the beginning of time. "Hey Rebecca." Joy exchanged her greetings, "Are we still going to the Aphrodite tonight?" "Plans haven't changed." "Groovy." "Miss Matthews and Miss Casey, does your conversation hold more over my class?" The chemistry teacher scolded the two teens. "Now class, please open to page 192 for today's lesson." Later on that day... Joy and Rebecca had met at the Aphrodite as planned. The Aphrodite was a local club where teenagers would hang out. The establishment was like the Bronze, but in lighter colors. The hottest bands would come in and play and this place served as the only hot spot in Silver Height. "What will you two hip chicks have?" The waiter asked Rebecca and Joy. "I'll have a Coca-Cola." Joy ordered. "Make mine a diet." Rebecca replied. The waiter wrote down their orders and proceeded to get their sodas. Abruptly, a voice spooked the girls from behind. "Boo!" The two teens jumped and turned around and saw a tall man with light brown hair and wire-frame glasses. "Dalton!" They slapped him hard on the chest for that brief moment of fright. "What was that for?" He asked. "Take a wild guess." Joy retorted. Dalton took a seat right next the two girls. He always found himself hanging out with them two. Why not, Joy was his friend, and Rebecca was his girlfriend. "So what's new?" "We have no idea." Joy answered. "Did you hear about the recent murders?" Dalton asked. "No we didn't." Rebecca became more curious by the second. "What happened." "Several young woman have been brutally murdered. It looked like something out of a horror movie." Dalton explained. "One young girl had bite marks on her neck and her blood was drained." "Hrm." Joy thought, "That sounds familiar. Shit, I can't remember what they're called." "What's what called?" Rebecca asked. "Those monster, you know, the one with the fangs, they sleep in coffins, bat-like and they drink blood." Joy described. "Zombies?" Dalton guessed. "No not zombies." Joy said. "Claudia Ericson?" Rebecca announced. "That's a close guess." Joy joked. "No." She replied, "Claudia is here at The Aphrodite." They all turned to her directed. In every generation, there is a chosen one. She is destined to the spoiled, snobby, and shallow one. In Joy's generation that was Claudia, who was your typical popular rich girl that was an awful mixture of Marsha Brady and Cordelia Chase. She saw the others staring at her and decided to give them a piece if your mind. "What are you losers looking at?" The redhead demurred. "What the matter, Claudia, no one ever gave you the evil eye before?" Joy snickered. "You think you're so funny don't you, Joy?" She retorted and she then turned to Rebecca who quietly laughing to herself. "And I don't know why we let you in here, after what you did to Pearl Harbor." "My family came from Singapore." Rebecca informed Claudia. "So?" Claudia wondered. "The Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor." Dalton said. "You're point?" Claudia asked. Joy took a gasp at Claudia's stupidity and decided to go back to her original topic. "Vampires." She said, "That's what they're called." "You people are strange..." Claudia decided that she done enough socializing with them, her friends would arrive shortly and she didn't want them to see this. The waiter returned and delivered the girls their cokes. He noticed the addition at the table and asked Dalton what he wanted. "I'll have a coffee with cream and sugar." Dalton asked. "Right away sir." The waiter acknowledged his order. "Anyway, Vampires?" He questions. "Yeah, vampires. Those monsters that drink blood." Joy explained. "You think a 'vampire' killed that girl." Rebecca asked. "Of course not. Vampires are not real. They're creates that only exist in horror stories, under your bed, and on Halloween." Joy comforted, "The ones you see on Halloween night don't go for blood, they go for candy. Don't get scared." "You're the one who knows about this stuff." Dalton commented. "I'm surprised you don't get the spooked about it." "I only read a few books on the subject." She told them. The waiter brought the coffee to Dalton and he moved on to the other customers that keep on coming in. The three briefly continued their casual conversation on demon before they moved on to other topic. In the heavy crowd of the Aphrodite, a cloaked figure from a dark corner watched the three closely. The figure charcoal emerald wrap blacked his facial features completely. Shortly after the Aphrodite closed, Joy Matthews found herself walking home in the dark night. Rebecca and Dalton lived on the other side of town so they took separate paths. Joy started to get worried about walking home by herself this late at night. Those stories about the murders and the conversation on vampires were more than enough to make anyone scared. She thought it would be best to walk where there is light. It wasn't sunlight, it was streetlight, but Joy prayed it would work. At least, it proved to be a good idea. However, Joy was wrong, because the next thing she knew, a tall man attacked her when they were near the park. The man grabbed her by the neck and she tried to pull his hands away from her, but she wasn't strong enough. In the midst of the struggle, Joy got a good look at the guy's face, and she realized she was in trouble. The face was not that of a human, it was pale and slightly demonic, as if the guy was on drugs or something. The thugs smiled at the sight of his victim revealing his fangs. It was that split-second that Joy knew that this was no mortal. It was a vampire, like the one she mentioned. Perhaps this vampire was the exact one who killed that girl a few days ago. The vampire slowly inched toward her neck to taste blood. She had difficulty breathing let alone screaming for help. She knew she was going to die. Nevertheless, she was not ready to die just yet. Taking the only action possible, she stamped on the demon's foot. The demon shrieked in pain and a forced to let go his meal. Joy then did the next logical thing, she ran away for that things as fast as she can. The bloodsucker pursued and with in the trees he managed to grab her left foot, which caused her to fall. She quickly found that the monster was on top of her. Unable to break free, Joy took a quick look around the environment and she found a small tree branch that must of broken off a tree. The branch had a very shape edge, which was perfect. She knew that a wooden stake in the heart was a popular way to kill a vampire. The branch was the closet thing to a branch so she grabbed the branch and punctured the vampire's heart. In the brief moment that vampire stood still, Joy pushed him out the way and got some distance. The reanimated corpse petrified into a brown dirt-like state and then combusted into dust. Joy stood in shock as she pieced together what happened. This was the first time she seen a vampire, and the turning to dust was something very new. The wind picked up to blow the dust away. It traveled a several yards in the air until some of the vampire leftovers collected on the boots of the same cloaked figure that was watching Joy at the Aphrodite earlier this night. Vapthorne - ---------- ********-my minions-********** * NU-RPG: ffff,0000,0000Jasper and 0000,0000,ffffAria * * CardeaRPG: ffff,0000,ffffMercury * ****************************** ffff,0000,ffff ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Keeper of Buffy's First day in Sunnydale and her vampire form Nightmares Proud Keeper of Ethan's broken statue of Janus (all I need is super glue) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Giles: The good guys are valiant and true. The bad guys are always distinguishable by their pointy horns and black hats. We always manage to defeat them. Nobody ever dies and we all live happily ever after. Buffy: Lair! - - ------------------------------ End of Buffyfic-digest V2 #16 ***************************** To subscribe to buffyfic or buffyfic-digest, send the command subscribe buffyfic-digest or subscribe buffyfic to You will need to go through a confirmation process, and the listowners have to manually approve your subscription request, so it may take some time. Back issues of this digest can be found at: Dalton Spence has also provided an index of the buffyfic archive at: For help, contact Jill Kirby ( or sah (