From: (Buffyfic-digest) To: Subject: Buffyfic-digest V2 #17 Reply-To: Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk Buffyfic-digest Tuesday, January 27 1998 Volume 02 : Number 017 In this issue: BUFFYFIC: DISCUSS: Dust BUFFYFIC: "One Vampire's Headache..." (7/?) by Ingrid Re: BUFFYFIC: Ill MEt By Moonlight, part 19 of 19 BUFFYFIC: Slayer Be Slain Part Two of Three (Minor spoilers for Surprise and Innocence) Re: BUFFYFIC: The Lesson BUFFYFIC: ADMIN: List rules BUFFYFIC: "One Vampire's Headache..." (8/?) by Ingrid BUFFYFIC: DISCUSS: "My Heart Will Go On," by Sapphire BUFFYFIC: BBETA/Buffy-Fic: Sins of the Mother (3/9) Rated PG-14 See the end of the digest for information on subscribing to the buffyfic or buffyfic-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 26 Jan 1998 23:15:11 EST From: (Ingrid E Stanton) Subject: BUFFYFIC: DISCUSS: Dust Rebecca- Try something happy! I just read "All I See" off the net, and it was excellent! Tomorrow will provide a strong dose of depression, I fear! - -Ingrid _____________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 26 Jan 1998 23:15:11 EST From: (Ingrid E Stanton) Subject: BUFFYFIC: "One Vampire's Headache..." (7/?) by Ingrid DISCLAIMER: I’m borrowing characters from "Buffy the Vampire Slayer," & claim no rights to them whatsoever. They belong to the WB, Joss Whedon, Sandollar Productions & Mutant Enemy. SUMMARY: Part 7, the morning after the conversation in part 5. Alternate Buffy universe. If you don’t get this, that’s cause you haven’t read the other parts. If you want to get this, send me mail at I should warn you… I’m becoming a nocturnal creature, and can no longer function when writing. Remember that I am not responsible for the fact that my story makes absolutely *no* sense whatsoever, so… Read at your own risk… Egads! This is so unexpectedly angsty! You'll like this one! *** "One Vampire’s Headache…" Part the Seventh *** "Come, let’s away to prison. We two alone will sing like birds in the cage." - --King Lear *** Buffy strode through the damp grass at dawn, heading directly for Sunnydale high…or the first vampire that happened to get in her way. This part was easy, Buffy thought, looking around at the vacant buildings. *The only people crazy enough to be out here at this time of day are vampires and the slayer, and luckily, the only other slayer I know lives on another continent.* Buffy enjoyed the cool air on her skin, and the sheer anticipation of everything around her. The very grass seemed straining at its roots. Someone else was waiting too, she remembered, walking more purposefully. It didn’t take her long to find what she was looking for. A distinctly 70’s chick was making her way across the football field. The disco pants told all, Buffy thought with a curve of her lips. Oh how they tried. They just didn’t realize that 20 years for humans were a lot different than 20 years for them. "Grrooovy!" Buffy shouted across the lawn. The girl whipped around instantaneously. She was fairly young, with long frizzy dark hair. "Love the outfit, girlfriend. Too bad there’s not a disco ball around when you need one." "The slayer?" Her voice was quiet. It was *weird.* She almost seemed feeble. "That’s right. Hours of operation are 9 to midnight. Please call again." The vampire turned and attempted to run. Her run quickly became a jog, and Buffy easily caught up with her, plunging a steak through her heart. Buffy breathed a sigh of excitement as the vampire dissolved into nothing more than dust. This meant… Buffy had to restrain herself from skipping the rest of the way to Angel’s place. She gave up her calm walk and took off at full speed. She finally reached his door, out of breath and bursting with happiness. "Angel!" She rapped hard at the heavy door. Angel answered slowly once again. She kept forgetting: bedtime. When the door at last rolled open to reveal Angel standing there, Buffy lost all the control she’d been trying for. "Angel!" She flew into his arms. He barely had time to react and she was kissing his face and neck exuberantly. She took a few short breaths before exploding in conversation. "Angel," she panted, "It’s true! It’s true! I just killed a vamp and she turned to dust outside in the sunlight, and geez, Angel, she was dressed in these absolutely horrible seventies clothes, and she was so weak that she actually tried to run, and she couldn’t! Have you ever heard of anything like that? She couldn’t even run. It was weird. But you’re- Oh my God, Angel, are you okay?" He released a gentle slow breath. "I’m just a little tired, Buffy." It took her a few minutes to register, and then her eyes flew open. "You breathed!" He stared at her for a moment, not registering what she’d just said. Then it got through. He took a deep breath and felt the sensation of oxygen passing in and out of his lungs, restoring him; filling him. "I breathed," he repeated gently, gazing intently into her eyes. He kissed her passionately, enjoying the sensation of simply needing air, breaking away, and returning to her lips to double the intensity. It had been so long. He’d barely remembered how good it felt. Angel, I killed a vamp! You’ve got to come outside now! We can’t waste another second! She looked back up at him to convince him of her point, but his eyes were focused on something beyond her. "What is it, Angel?" Her voice was concerned "Look," he said simply, turning her gently by the shoulders. Her searching gaze dropped to the mirror, where she saw herself standing there… with Angel behind her. *My God.* *He was in the mirror.* Buffy clapped a hand to her mouth and felt her heart rise in her chest. She began to feel a wetness at the corners of her eyes and she turned back to him. "Oh *Angel*" She was not prepared for it. Streaming tears escaped down Angel’s pale cheeks. She clamped him to her as hard as she could, waiting for the surge of emotions to quell. They didn’t, but she regained as much of her composure as possible, wiping hard at the tracks on her face. "Angel," she choked. He grabbed her hand. "Let’s go outside." *** Didja like? I spend my precious, precious time with this. =| Please give me some input! ( =) "Why does my stupid *life* have to get in the way of my stories?" - --Ingrid _____________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 25 Jan 1998 15:35:31 -0600 From: Tannim Umoren Subject: Re: BUFFYFIC: Ill MEt By Moonlight, part 19 of 19 This was a very good fic. I really like the way you brought in the Romani. That's an angle very few have ever done before until "Innocence" that is. Your character Sasha was excellently done. She seems to be very like buffy in the aspect that at first she doesn't want the responsibility of being chov-hani but then reluctantly accepts it and does her duty. I only had one question about this fic and that is that both Angel and Sash acted like they were under a spell in their instant dislike. I mean centuries of hatred doesn't mean that they will just instantly want to kill one another like that. It was as if they could smell the difference on each other and reacted. I hope this weird behavior is really explained in some future fic. All in all I really wanted to say how much I liked this fic and I am looking foward to more from ya! Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go back to the.... ...all concealing lurker-type shadows :-) - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 27 Jan 1998 00:58:40 -0800 From: Angel's Lover Subject: BUFFYFIC: Slayer Be Slain Part Two of Three (Minor spoilers for Surprise and Innocence) Well, I'm back with another part to this story. I got a few emails asking for Slayer be Slain to be continued so I decided to write two more parts. This is part two, part three will be out wednesday or thursday. Deals with after surprise and innocence so there are spoilers involved, but nothing really direct. The standard disclaimers apply... characters are not mine, they're joss's and mutant enemy's, I get no money for this, and no copywright infringement was intended. Please forward all comments to Lea at or . BTW: Yes I know they talk like Spike and Dru... sorry.. I couldn't help myself! Thanks! ______________________ Slayer be Slain ~ Part Two Her undeath was nothing similar to what her life had been. Buffy rejoiced in the freedom vampirism brought to her. Her days were spent relaxing in the arms of Angelus, her nights were spent drinking freely from those unfortunate enough to cross her path. Undeath was wonderful. Together she and Angel lay under the warm blankets of their antique bed. Deep red draperies surounded them, adding a tinge of mystique to their room in addition to the more contemporary articles Angel had brought with him from his old loft. On Drusilla's order they were given their own wing of the massive warehouse that the vampires occupied. Spike was only too pleased to comply to this request as with Angelus wrapped up with Buffy, he would pose no threat to Spike's relationship with Drusilla. It was nearing time for them to rise; the sun was slowly sinking in the sky, yet still they lay in comfort. Angel raised a goblet of thick red blood to Buffy's lips. "Drink, my love," he murmered softly. Slowly her tongue inched out of her mouth, dipping delicately into the still warm liquid. For a moment she savoured the flavor, before smiling. "Fresh," she whispered, "Young." He nodded, "A child, bled especially for us." She took a long, slow sip of the precious blood, allowing the liquid to fill her mouth and coat her throat as she swallowed gently. She took one more sip before handing Angel back the goblet. Her eyes urged him, too, to drink his fill. A small trickle of the blood dribbled slowly over Buffy's chin, and Angel smiled. His hand slid carefully into her hair as he drew her towards himself. His tongue slid out to softly lick from her skin the blood she had spilt. His mouth moved slowly to her neck, his tongue moving in lazy circles over her tender flesh. Gently he nibbled on her throat, sending slightly painful but not unwelcome sensations throughout her body. At long last he straightened once more, leaning back upon the pillows, bringing the goblet to his own lips. He drank deeply of the innocent blood within, smiling softly as Buffy turned to watch. "Would you like more?" he queried, willing only to share with her; any other creature could go without, but Buffy he would keep happy for eternity. She shook her head, "I can wait for tonight's hunt. You drink, love." she smiled wickedly, "A child's blood strengthen's you greatly." His laugh was honest, for though what she was saying was true, her hidden meaning came as a welcome promise for later that night. For now he swallowed the last of his drink and licked his lips. "Where do you want to hunt tonight, Buffy? Any place... special?" His eyes glinted in humor; he knew that her heart was just as black as his own. Her pleasure in the hunt at first took him by surprise, but now it only strengthened the bond that they shared. They were two halves of the same whole: as pure as the day when human, as dark as the night now that they were whole vampires. She nodded as she climbed astride him, her hands resting on his powerful shoulders. Excitement shone behind her eyes, "I want to visit her, Angel. Please, can I?" He smiled softly, "To feed?" She shook her head, "To play!" He nodded his assent, and she wrapped her arms around him, kissing him with inhuman strength and demonic passion. Tonight would be more fun than he had had in a hundred years. Tonight Buffy would truly come into her element of evil, and then no force beyond death would ever be able to seperate them. He gathered her into his arms and lifted her out of the bed, gently placing her on her feet after bestowing her with a final loving kiss upon her forehead. "Then it's settled. Once we dress we will go above and pay Willow a short visit before our hunt." Buffy giggled in anticipation, her joy shining through her eyes in a way which he had never seen. ***************** They stood outside Willow's bedroom, waiting for the girl to return to her computer. Angel slipped behind the treeline, allowing Buffy her fun. With a delicious grin, she tapped lightly upon the glass pane. "Will!" she called, quietly. "Hey, Willow! Let me in!" The red headed teenager turned quickly, and her jaw dropped at the sight of her best friend outside. "Buffy!" She hurried over and opened the door. "Where have you been? Giles has been in maxie wig, and your mother..." she shook her head, "Where were you?" Buffy remained outside, unable to cross the threshold. She shrugged, "I needed to book for a while. After the whole thing with Ange... well, I just couldn't hang in this wiggy hellmouth any more." Willow nodded, "That's what I told Giles, but he's been so freaked since you bolted. He thought Angel got you or something. You really should have called." Buffy smiled coldly, "Angel and I have... worked things out. He's gonna lay off me and vice versa." "Wow. How did you work that out?" "Let's just say I can see his side." Finally Willow seemed to realize that Buffy was not coming inside. She frowned, "Buffy, why aren't you coming in?" "Invite me, Will." She blinked, "Why?" "Just invite me in." Willow smiled nervously. "Maybe you should go see your mom." Buffy smiled, "Oh, believe me, I will.. but first just invite me in for a sec, Will.. we haven't seen each other in a few days, you gotta dish me in on what's going on." When the other girl didn't answer Buffy frowned. "Come on. Invite me inside." "Oh." Willow stepped backwards. "Oh, no." "Oh, yes." Willow stumbled backwards towards her telephone, barely taking her eyes off of her "friend" as she dialed Giles's number. Buffy turned and called over her shoulder, "She doesn't want to play, love." Angel appeared behind her. "Would you like me to bring her out for you?" Slowly he stepped across the threshold and back outside again, "Once invited...." She shook her head, "No. I can have my fun from out here." She stood in the open doorway, "Willow... you can't stay inside forever." Swiftly she shifted into her vampirical form. She pouted sarcastically, "Don't you want to be my friend?" The teenager was rapidly talking on the phone, barely making sense as she tried to explain to Giles what was happening. Her eyes fixated on Angel as he continued to enter and exit her room at will. "I can't close the door, Angel's there!" There was a pause, "But I already did, months ago! He still can!" Another pause. "Okay, I will..... NO! Don't! They'll get you before you can get from the car to the house.... I'll be okay." Finally she hung up the phone, and turned to dig through her belongings. She came up with two crosses and a Star of David. Holding all three out to ward off the vampires, Willow slammed shut the glass door and taped the religious artifacts to the glass, the door handle, and the floor in front of the opening. She pulled the shades closed. Willow lay down upon her bed, clutching a larged stuffed bear close as she listened to her "friends" prowl around outside, calling her name, tapping on the window, uttering vile threats, slowly driving her out of her mind. Hours past when finally blessed silence filled her room. At long last Willow turned on her damp pillow and fell asleep. End Part Two! - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 26 Jan 1998 17:10:15 -0800 From: "Donald Jones" Subject: Re: BUFFYFIC: The Lesson That was soooooo great!!!!! You don't even know. I was rolling on the floor laughing soooooooooooo hard!!!!!!! Love always, Bev - -----Original Message----- From: Angel's Lover To: Date: Thursday, January 22, 1998 23:05 Subject: BUFFYFIC: The Lesson >Okay.. y'all are going to have to forgive me this one.. It was late, I >was tired, and only just got around to seeing those pics of Anthony from >the Rocky Horror Show.... with those pics in mind.. I couldn't shake >this scene from my mind.. so this is what I ended up with. Now there is >no offence intended towards Anthony.. I'm sure he did an excellent job >with Frankie, this is just meant for comic relief. Standard disclaimers >apply.. the characters are Joss's and Mutant Enemy's... no money comes >my way, and no copywright infringement was intended. The Lion King >belongs to Disney, Emma belongs to Jane Austen and Emma Thompson, and >The Rocky Horror Picture Show belongs to who it belongs to.. Okay.. >please forward all comments to Lea at either or > . Thanks... and please remember.. I am insane! > >_____________________ > > The Lesson > > "Giles, you need to loosen up!" Buffy Summers sighed in frustration as >once again the Brittish librarian frowned at her plans to hang at the >Bronze with Willow and Xander. "I've said it before and I'll say it >again, I love you dearly... in a slayer/watcher sort of way, but >Giles... you need a life in a massive way." > Giles frowned at the teenager before him. "I'll have you know, young >lady, that I do indeed have a life... in keeping you out of trouble." > "Yeah, but Giles, that's not the kind of life I mean. You need to get >down, go dancing, drinking... just let go of higher reason for a night." > He nodded, "Undoubtedly the very night all hell breaks loose and you >get killed." > She rolled her eyes, "Morbid much?" > He sighed, "Buffy, you know as well as I that when one lives upon the >hellmouth relaxation is not a fathomable concept. I urge you to take >this lesson to heart, my dear. You spend far too much time partaking in >recreational events rather than improving upon your slaying skills. In >every generation there is a chosen one..." > "She alone will stand against the vampires, the demons and the forces >of darkness... yeah yeah yeah.. I get it already." > Xander pulled her away and Giles watched in curiosity as Buffy, Willow >and Xander conversed in whispers. Buffy finally nodded and grinned. > "Okay, Giles, I'll make you a deal." > He frowned, immediately suspicious. "What kind of... deal, persay?" > "You perform a routine in the teacher talent show that's coming up, and >I'll double my practice time." > He blinked, "Excuse me?" > Xander butt in, "The teach's are putting on a show for the students. >They do this every year in a thinly veiled attempt to make us believe >they're not totally uncool." > "What would I have to do?" > "Well," Willow began, "You have to choose a scene out of a popular >movie and act it out on stage." > His eyes lightened, "Any movie?" > Xander wagged his finger at him, "Uh uh. No Shakespeare, or.. or.. or >any other literary person... type... thingy. You have to choose a >meaningless flick." > Buffy nodded, "If I'm gonna kill whatever is left of my already non >existant social life, it had better be worth it." > Giles sat for a moment, running the pros and cons through his >analytical mind. He'd been trying to get Buffy to up her practice >schedule for over a year... this chance couldn't be passed up. A slow >smile spread across his face. Perhaps he could even use this to teach >these cocky teenagers a lesson. Finally he nodded. > "Fine. You have yourselves a deal." > The teens stared at him in shock for a moment, then cheered. Xander >clapped Giles on the back. "Giles, my man, for the first time in my >high school career, I'm looking forward to the freak show!" > Giles scowled and ushered the kids out of the library. "Now go home. >Buffy, you're on patrol tonight." > She nodded, "Yeah yeah, sacred duty, I'm there." > The door swung shut, and Giles was left alone. He strode over to his >desk and began scanning the pages of the phone book. His fingers came >to rest upon the phone number of an Adult clothing store. He smiled. > >****************** > > Two nights later Buffy was wandering the streets of Sunnydale after >having spent several hours at the cemetary. It was late, but as she >passed the highschool loud music caught her attention. She couldn't >quite place the song, for though it was familiar, she couldn't hear the >lyrics. > A shadow danced in front of the library window. Her eyes widened. >What Giles was up to she had no clue, but she could have sworn he was >wearing.... nah... she must just be tired... really.... really.... >really tired. Exhausted even... delusional... perhaps she was already >chained up in an asylum and this was just a drug induced nightmare. >Yeah.. that was it. > Blinking furiously, Buffy turned on her heel and bolted for home. > >****************** > > The day had finally come for the performance. Xander, Buffy and Willow >secured front row seats.. not that that had been much of a feat... the >rest of the students dragged slowly into the auditorium. They sat down >and eagerly awaited Giles's turn. > The first scene was by their english teacher; it was a clip from the >recently released Austin movie, Emma. They sighed. > Xander whispered to Buffy, "What do you think he'll do? Something lame >probably." > Willow nodded, "Way lame." > Buffy only shrugged, unwilling to admit to what she had seen a week >earlier. > Xander blinked as two more teachers stepped on stage; he almost snorted >with laughter. "Tell me they're not doing the Lion King?" The music >began and he groaned, "The Lion King??!!!" > A half an hour passed, then principal Schneider came on stage. As he >began his version of Hamlet's solilique all the students groaned. > "Does this breathe lameness or is it just me?" Buffy sighed. > Willow nodded, "Breathing it most definately is." > Finally Giles was announced. Buffy, Willow and Xander straightened >with excitement as a platform began lowering from the roof of the >stage. A tapping foot could be heard beating in time with the slowly >starting music. At long last the platform hit the stage and Giles >stepped out. > Buffy and Willow's jaws hit the ground in shock, and Xander blinked so >rapidly his head began to spin. As the rest of the student body roared >in laughter, Buffy groaned. > "I'm gonna owe him every free moment of the rest of my life!" She said >lowly before the absolute shock of Giles's performance drew her >attention back to the stage. > Giles was dressed in black leather. The top had leather straps, one >that slid down over his bare shoulder. The feminine garb cut straight, >so very low across his body that the top of his chest was completely >exposed. The leather "shirt" ran into a black leather skirt, cut so >short that the leather underwear he was sporting became visable once in >a while. Cutting lower, his legs were covered in black fish net >stockings, and as he danced his black high heeled shoes clicked on the >stage. > He sang loud and in perfect synch with the music of the cult song. >"I'm just a sweet transvestite, from transexual, transylvania.. ha ha. >I'm just a sweet transvestite," he winked at Buffy, "From transexual," >he wiggled and writhed to the beat, "Transylvania!" > At long last his performance ended. The rest of the student body >hooted and hollared, cheering in appreciation for the comedic >intervention in an otherwise lamefull show. > Silently, with no expression beyond shock upon their faces, Buffy, >Xander and Willow, soon joined by an equally shocked Cordelia and Oz, >made their way back to the library. There Giles was back in his normal >tweed suit, the make up he had been sporting completely gone from his >image. > As they all kind of collapsed into the seats of the library, Giles >walked over and placed his hand on Buffy's shoulder. > "Yes, well then... shall we meet tonight? Say six o'clock?" > For the first time in her life, Buffy remained completely speechless. >All she could do was nod, and mourn the now complete death of her social >life. > > The End! > >- > - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 27 Jan 1998 15:01:23 -0500 (EST) From: sah Subject: BUFFYFIC: ADMIN: List rules Welcome! This list is for fiction related to "Buffy The Vampire Slayer," both the TV series and the movie. To ensure that we all get to enjoy as much fiction as possible, please adhere to the following guidelines, and please save them for future reference. 1. Fiction should have Buffy characters in it and clearly be related to Buffy. Crossovers are great, and expected, but general vampire/monster stories that aren't in the Buffy universe and don't use Buffy characters belong somewhere else. 2. Discussion of posted fiction is permitted onlist. Please put "DISCUSS" in your subject line. Requests for missing story parts should go directly to the author, and not be posted to the list. Discussion that is not related directly to the fiction should go over to the general Buffy list. Discussion of fiction is expected to follow common netiquette guidelines and use PG-13 language. 3. No advertising of items or services, Buffy related or not, and no posting of non-story items such as .gifs, sound files, etc.. No attached files of kind-- if your mailer makes your fiction into attached files, you need to find another way to get it to the list. 4. If you're writing a story and including advance information on a new episode, and you're posting your story earlier than the national viewing time, please: **Mark the post as a "spoiler" in the subject header. **Leave about twelve lines (blank or with non-spoiler info) at the top of the post. This ensures that anyone who doesn't like knowing about an episode ahead of time is "protected." :) The blank space is for people whose mailers automatically open up the next piece of mail, without giving them a chance to see "spoiler" in the header. Spoiler warnings are not necessary after the start of the episode's national viewing time, which is currently set at 9 p.m. Mondays, Eastern Standard Time. Spoiler warnings are not necessary for reruns. 5. This list is absolutely NOT for erotic fiction. stronger than sexually PG-13 material is to be posted to the list under any circumstances. A story may be R rated for violence or language, however. If you have a question about something's suitability for posting, feel free to ask one of the listowners. Sending sexually explicit material will get you immediately and permanently unsubscribed. No exceptions. 6. By subscribing and/or posting to this list, you acknowledge that Buffy the Vampire slayer and all characters associated with either the televised series or the motion picture were created by Josh Whedon and are owned by Mutant Enemy productions, Kuzui Productions, Sandollar Productions, and 20th Century Fox. All stories posted to this list are for entertainment purposes only, are not sold for profit of any kind, and are not intended to infringe on any copyrights. 7. When posting stories to the list, please follow the following formatting guidelines - --No story parts longer than 250 lines - --No lines longer than 75 characters - --Turn off your "smart quotes"-- many readers receive these as garbage or weird symbols - --Put the title of the story in the subject header, indicate if it's a multipart story, and if so what part this is. Example: Buffy Meets Godzilla (2/65) indicates that this post is part two of a 65 part story. 8. If a story is rated "R" for language/violence, indicate this in an introduction. For example, "There's a really bloody fight scene at the end of this part" or "if you don't like dismemberment, stop reading now!" If there's chance that someone might be disturbed by something in your story (even if it's not rated R) please include some kind of warning up front. 9. And last, but not least, the listowners reserve the right to deny subscription (new, renewed, or continued) to the list for any individual(s). PLEASE NOTE: not following any or all of these rules will get you the following: **First offense: offender is unsubscribed for one week. **Second offense: offender is unsubscribed to the Buffyfic list for a minimum of three months. **If the offender returns and does it again, they're offlist permanently. As noted above, posting sexually explicit material is the exception -- you go straight to permanent unsubbing. Again, welcome! If you have any questions about these rules, please contact either one of us offlist. If you have subscription problems or questions, the fastest way to get help is to e-mail one of us at the addresses below, at the addy which is the "official" e-mail owner of the list. Jill Kirby ( & Sharon Himmanen ( Listowners, Buffy the Vampire Slayer Fiction List - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 27 Jan 1998 16:28:48 -0500 From: (Ingrid E Stanton) Subject: BUFFYFIC: "One Vampire's Headache..." (8/?) by Ingrid DISCLAIMER: I claim no rights to the characters mentioned from "Buffy the Vampire Slayer." They are used w/o permission. They belong to the WB, Joss Whedon, Sandollar Productions & Mutant Enemy. SUMMARY: Part 8, A bit of Spike/ Dru stuff. Alternate Buffy universe. If you don’t get this, that’s cause you haven’t read the other parts. If you want to get this, send me mail at Would you believe I’m getting a cramp in my shoulder from pointing and clicking? Talk about a workout! I *should* be reading Doctor Faustus right now, but *noooo* I had to write a *stooory!* Why am I griping? It’s not your fault. Oh don’t mind me- the ravings of a lunatic, I assure you. Let the madness begin! *** "One Vampire’s Headache…" Part the Eighth *** "Wait a minute, Dru!" Spike tugged at her shirt and continued to whine as she pulled out a set of rusty keys. "I can’t crawl as fast as you can, love!" She turned slightly, touching his face with a shaky hand. "It’s aright. I’m trying to open the door!" She struggled for a few more moments with the key, finally sinking in a pile on the floor and screeching like a banshee. "Spike! I c-can’t open the door!" "That’s aright, love. Hand daddy the keys." He reached for her hand and took the key from her. "I feel so ill. I can’t go on!" She sobbed into the stone wall. "Yes you can, Dru. There," he answered simply, managing to push open the door with what strength he had left. He took her hand, and they began to crawl together up the stairs. The light hit them like an electric jolt. An intense red swelled behind Spike’s eyes and he could hear Drusilla moaning behind him. Being both blind and weak for the moment, he searched for Drusilla with his hands. When at last he felt something there, he wrapped his arm around her waist in comfort. He felt her relax against him, and remembered how nice it felt just to bask in the warmth of the sun. His stomach turned once again and his vision began to clear. He saw that Drusilla was getting her bearings beside him, craning her neck in all directions to observe the world around her. He never realized how different the place might look in the daytime. If he hadn’t known it, he wouldn’t have believed he was still in Sunnydale. The place was aptly named, he decided. Everything seemed to glow around him. Well, they had to get up sometime. Spike tested his legs. Weak, but he thought he could manage. Slowly but surely, he struggled to a standing position, and took Dru’s hand. She rose easily with his help and stood beside him. Now. If they could only find a few meals, they might be able to have quite a feast tonight- Spike felt a wave of dizziness sweep over him. He held onto Dru until it passed. "Spike?" "Just a little spell, Dru. Didn’t know I was going to be so bloody weak to-day." He waited. "There. That’s better," he tried to reassure her, but confusion was gradually creeping up on him. *** END, PART 8. Stay tuned for Part 9, which will include the continuation of the scene with Buffy and Angel! "One good thing about being wrong is the joy it brings to others" –The Lion MAIL COMMENTS TO: I cannot live on posts alone! _____________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 27 Jan 1998 16:36:08 -0500 From: (Ingrid E Stanton) Subject: BUFFYFIC: DISCUSS: "My Heart Will Go On," by Sapphire Sapphire- Nice story. Depressing, but nice. *Love* the idea that Angel remembers the actual Titanic. What a great idea! - -Ingrid _____________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 27 Jan 1998 18:59:58 -0500 From: Vapthorne Subject: BUFFYFIC: BBETA/Buffy-Fic: Sins of the Mother (3/9) Rated PG-14 Title: Sins of the Mother (3 of 9) Author: Vapthorne=20 E-Mail: Distribution: I would love to have this work distributed, but please ask= first. Spoilers: None Rating: I think PG-13 for right now. Disclaimer: Joyce Summers (aka Joy Matthews), and any other character from= =20 Buffy the Vampire Slayer are the creation and property of Joss Whedon. I do= =20 not own them. However the characters: Rebecca Casey, Dalton Plague, Cecil=20 Kane, Thaos, and the Necromancer, etc. are my creations and you got ask me= to use=20 them. Summary: While Buffy is busy 'studying' with Giles and the other. Her mother= =20 looks back to when she was Buffy's age and recalls some interesting= memories. PS: One hour until the next Buffy show.... enjoy :) Sins of the Mother: Chapter Three - --------------------------------------------- =20 "A vampire?" Rebecca puzzled at Joy's last night confrontation with that thing and had difficulty swallowing the story as the two walked down the school hallways. "Are you sure it was a vampire?" "Yes. I'm positive it was a vampire that attacked me." If Joy were the one who listened to the story and not experienced it, she to would had trouble believing the story. Regardless, Joy knew what she had seen and she was=20 convinced that the creature wasn't human. "Have you seen a vampire before. I mean you're the one who said that they only exist under the bed." Rebecca teased. =20 "So you're saying I'm crazy?" "No, I'm just saying that the person who attacked you couldn't be vampire. They don't exist." =20 "All right, then explain these three things, one, why did he had a face so distorted, two, what were the reason behind his fangs, and three, when I stabbed him in the heart, why did he turn to dust?" Rebecca came up the logic conclusions for all three of Joy's points. "Conclusions, one, he must have been on drugs, two, he apparently never been to the dentist, and three." She founded her being dumbfounded and unable to come up with an answer. "Vampires don't turn to dust." =20 "Joy, you're my friend, and I don't think you're crazy. But, you have to admit, what you saw wasn't a demon or goblin or anything. You problaly just had too much to drink last night." =20 "All I drank was Coke. Caffeine doesn't make people hallucinate." Joy=20 was beginning to doubt what she was saying. Joy had always had a strong sense of what's 'real' and what's 'not real'. This sense remained as= =20 solid as stone until things got turned upside down and what's not real suddenly became=20 real. She realized what she'd always considered to be reality might not be reality at all. =20 "Maybe Rebecca was right; maybe the guy who attacked me wasn't a vampire, but a messed up human." She thought. Rebecca's first two answers to Joy's=20 observations seemed with in reason. However, it was phenomenon where a=20 person turned to dust confused Joy. "Rebecca, failed to logically explain that part. However, what's worse, I can't come up with a reasonable explanation myself. I never= =20 heard anything that said they turn to dust." "Joy, you just seen one too many horror films." Rebecca teased. "Well, can't= =20 talk about Dracula now. We got to get to class." Rebecca and Joy went their= =20 seperate paths. She no longer had anytime to think about these subjects; she= =20 had more subjects to worry about right now. Those subjects included Chemistry, Biology, American History, and Algebra. Like everyone else in her school, she had to attend classes.=20 Joy's passion for her classes was one thing that didn't exist, and she produced grades that reflected that. Only on certain days when Joy managed= =20 to stay awake, were the times when she was most productive. Solely, the only class on her roster that she enjoyed was her fifth period art class. =20 The study of art was the only thing that Joy seemed to enjoy. She didn't know what it was about it. Was it the visual aspect of the artwork? Not to Joy Matthews, the mythology and mysticism that went into some of the ancient works of art was what mesmerized her. The way ancient civilization captured their beliefs, their superstitions, and even their gods, into statues, sculptures, paintings, and vases were all too inspiring. =20 Conceivably, it could Joy's devotion to mythological art that sparked her lore towards mythology itself. In order fully admire a work of art, she felt she should study the legendary nature behind it. Often when she wasn't in the Aphrodite at night, she would read some of her books on Greek, Egyptian, Aztec, Pagan, and Medieval myths and legend. She never took any of the stories seriously, that was, until last night. Later after school=85. =20 =20 Joy walked into her home and head straight for her room to put her books=20 away. She then went down to the living room to watch her favorite soap opera= =20 on the TV. She became television glue for the next hour until her mother=20 told to get her homework done. She returned to her room and opened her=20 alegbra book. "Damn pathagerim therom." She quietky struggled with her=20 homework, "When am I ever going to need math anyway?" It took her a while,= =20 but she finally finished her homework. "Joyce!" Her mother yelled, "Get down here and eat." Joy closed her book and she walked to the kitchen. Her mother had made her= =20 special meatloaf. Like Buffy, Joy was with out siblings.=20 Her father was a manager at the local grocery store, and her mother played the role of the happy homemaker. Joy imagined that her parents were once happy, but if any romantic spark remained, it was hard to see. She couldn't help feel that her parents' sadness was her fault, a common deduction made by all children. =20 A few hours past sunset, Joy finished eating and had free time to remember= =20 the vampire incident last night. She went under her bed to pull a small box.= =20 She kept her controversial books on demon lore and such in the sealed box. She locked it so she wouldn't fear her parents coming across it by accident. She had dozen or so books on the subject ranging from monsters to magic. Most of the novels were paperbacks written in the same century, with one or two that seemed very ancient and ranking in importance. She pulled out one of the books on vampire, titled 'Doctrine of the Nosferatu' and she began flipping through the pages. In the past, she had= only read the first few chapters dealing with the basics. Now, she forced herself to understand the whole. With the chance that vampires could be real, Joy needed the next couple of hours to learn more about them. Knowledge, dark knowledge, flowed into the young girl's mind. Through the short passage of time, she learned many things. One, when vampires are punctured in the heart they turn to dust. Joy had finally proven her theory. Now all she needed to do is to find out any other information. =20 Several interesting observations heeded the inquiring teenage. The common information were that silver holy water, sunlight all can harmed them. One chapter talked about a chosen one, known as the Slayer. In every generation, one girl is supposed to be trained by their guardian, the Watcher, to stand up against the forces of darkness. 'Can this be true. A Vampire Slayer?' Joy had a bit of difficulty trying to believe. 'If this slayer existed, where was she last night. Better yet, where was she the night that other girl was killed.' =20 Joy suddenly paused and realized that vampires can create more vampires by letting the victim to drink their blood. It could be possible that the girl who was first killed can be well one her way to enter the order of the undead. If that's true, then she would be popping out of her grave anything. 'This could be my chance to prove that vampires exist.' It became Joy's instinctive action to go to the graveyard and find the girl before she raised from the dead. < Joy stopped and realized that she needed= =20 to know who was it that was killed. In order to find out, she picked up the= =20 phone to call Dalton, since he knew about the killing. =20 "Hello." A voice responded after a few rings. "Hello, Mr. Plague, this is Joy. Is Dalton home?" She asked. =20 "In a minute." The father told, in a few moments Dalton's voice was on the receiver. =20 "Hello?" =20 "Hey, Dalton. It's me, Joy." =20 "How's it going, Joy." =20 "Fine. Listen, do you know who that girl was?" =20 "Huh? What girl?" From the sound of Dalton's voice, he sounded confused. =20 "The girl that got killed. The one with the bite marks by a possible= vampire." =20 "I don't know for sure. But, it was in yesterday's paper. Rebecca told me what happened, you're still not thinking that you saw a real vampire." =20 "I'm was past thinking. I'm convinced." Joy said in a sure tone, "Talk to you tomorrow." She hung up the telephone before Dalton could say goodbye. =20 Now Joy needed to find yesterday's paper. She knew that her father always read the paper, and if he remembered to pay the kid down the= =20 block, they might still have a subscription. She had to ask her father were was. =20 "I threw it out yesterday, Joyce." Her father sat in his chair smoking a cigarette and reading today's newspaper. "You can check the trash can if you want." =20 Digging through the trash? That sounded gross to Joy, but in order to prove her theory she had no choice. Luckily, the garbage hadn't buried=20 the paper too deep. When she recovered yesterday's edition the front-page, this became covered by the food waste and other trash. The sight repulsed her as she discarded that page. The article she was searching for wasn't the cover story, so Joy took the remaining paper and went back to her room. As she quickly scanned the articles, she discovered that the girl's name was Pauline Einstein. Now, Joy knows what tombstone to look for tonight. =20 It was now time to make the necessary preparations for her outing. It was a bit chilly out tonight , so Joy decided to wear her favorite blue= =20 sweater. Underneath the fabric she place a small holy cross that her mother has given to her as a Christmas present on her neck. This would surely provide some=20 protection against the supernatural elements she was sure to face. Without any silver or holy water, the battle bound girl grabbed what she thought would serve as a good substitute, garlic. =20 She thrown the newspaper back in the trash, but she removed the article with Pauline and kept it in her room. Joy told her parents that she was going to Rebecca's house as she slipped out the back door. She was ready for the hunt, with the exception of a weapon, a wooden stake. She had other to use, and praying a tree branch will fortunately wait for her when she arrives is senseless. Luck would have to come in another form, and it did. The next-door neighbor had placed an old broomstick out side of the driveway. The girl gazed at the broom with awe and discovery. Joy seized the useless stick and slammed the middle section against her knee, thus breaking into two pieces with a sharp tip at each end. She finally had the wooden stake. She was ready. =20 The dead remained sleeping peacefully in their graves when Joy arrived. She had spent the next hour waiting for Pauline to wake up. Will she wake up? Did the vampire give her his blood? Why am I here, this is crazy? All these= =20 questions passed through the mind of Joyce Matthews. It finally dawned on her that she was wasting her time here. She decided she=20 should go home. First, she took one quick glance at the grave of Pauline Einstein to pay her respect. =20 "Poor girl." Joy turned and started to head home. "It must be terrible to be killed off by a vampire." =20 Suddenly a faint rumble in the ground was followed by the sound of a female voice. "You wanna find out?" =20 Joy circled around and looked into the eyes of Pauline. Apparently, the murdered teenager had been turned into a vamp. Joy's expression of fear= =20 and=20 shock died out in a second. Her preparations gave her the upper hand. =20 "Back off." Joy commanded as she reached for the garlic in her purse, "I have garlic and I know how to use it." =20 Pauline laughed and approached the living teen. The garlic had produced neither effect nor fear from the vampire, and that paralyzed Joy=20 with fear. Pauline grabbed her arm with one hand and removed the garlic. To prove, for once and all, that garlic doesn't hurt them. The demon took a bite. Within a minute, she found herself spitting the garlic out of her mouth. Vampires maybe immune to garlic, but that doesn't mean that they like the taste. =20 Joy knew with almost certainty what the vampire was going to taste next. 'Fat chance.' She hadn't fallen victim last night and she certainly wasn't going to let it happen this night. She grabbed the vampire's arm, moved behind her, and twisted the arm in painful position. Pauline wasn't as strong as the previous vamp; their strength must grow in time. Joy was not one who was going to let Pauline grow strong. When a person becomes a vampire they lose their soul and the demon takes over. With the two girls locked in a combat position, Joy pitied Pauline. The girl lost her soul forever; she didn't want to be turn into a vampire. One human can willingly ask to forfeit their soul. The only humane thing to do was to slay the vampire and let poor Pauline rest in peace. =20 The demon was stubborn when it smacked Joy with an elbow. She was quickly knocked to the ground. Pauline grabbed Joy's hair and banged her head on the dirt several times. Retaliation was meet when Joy kicked the vampire hard in the face. She quickly searched for the wooden stake she made from the broomstick. =20 "What you looking for now?" Pauline snickered. "Your ticket to the ash tray." Joy took a blind stab at the vampire. The=20 next thing she saw was the dust of the vampire, Pauline Einstein. She won in her second night of vampire hunting. Joy stood up, pushed her hair away from her face, and stood in a brief second of disbelief. "So vampires are real." "They certainly are." A dark voice echoed for behind, The cloaked figure, outfitted in leather plated armor and celtic style garment, that was spying on her the night before stepped out the shadow. =20 Joy turned around and gasped, then she asked the obvious as she tried to look into his shadowcasted face, "Who are you?" =20 "I am known as the Necromancer." The wizard spoke with a soft, yet sinister= =20 Romanian accent. "You're skill is majestic." "What skill! Try survial instincts?" She asked. "A survial instinct would have told you to stay home little one." "Just who are you?" =20 "I've been watching since last night." The Necromancer had been honest with her. =20 "It's nice that you're being honest." She said, "Tell me, why are you here." =20 "The Undead sings. I can hear their song. Forces of darkness are still in our midst." =20 In a normal world, this man would seem crazy. However, Joy no longer lived in a normal world. Fear kept her from approaching the cloaked= stranger, but her unanswered question< wanted her to confront him. "What do you= know?" She then received the spark of realization from her readings, "Wait a minute=85 You think I'm the 'Slayer'." "I am no Watcher, and the Slayer is far. But, I will tell you this, Joy Matthews, our paths are star-crossed and we shall meet again." The mysterious man called the Necromancer, walked into the darkness from which he came. Vapthorne - ---------- ********-my minions-********** * NU-RPG: ffff,0000,0000Jasper and 0000,0000,ffffAria * * CardeaRPG: ffff,0000,ffffMercury =20 * ****************************** ffff,0000,ffff --------------------------------------------------------------------= - ---- Keeper of Buffy's First day in Sunnydale and her vampire form Nightmares=20 Proud Keeper of Ethan's broken statue of Janus (all I need is super glue)=20 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Giles: The good guys are valiant and true. The bad guys=20 are always distinguishable by their pointy horns and black hats.=20 We always manage to defeat them. Nobody ever dies and we all=20 live happily ever after. Buffy: Lair! - - ------------------------------ End of Buffyfic-digest V2 #17 ***************************** To subscribe to buffyfic or buffyfic-digest, send the command subscribe buffyfic-digest or subscribe buffyfic to You will need to go through a confirmation process, and the listowners have to manually approve your subscription request, so it may take some time. Back issues of this digest can be found at: Dalton Spence has also provided an index of the buffyfic archive at: For help, contact Jill Kirby ( or sah (