From: (Buffyfic-digest) To: Subject: Buffyfic-digest V2 #18 Reply-To: Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk Buffyfic-digest Thursday, January 29 1998 Volume 02 : Number 018 In this issue: BUFFYFIC: BuffyFIC: Sins of the Mother 4/9 Rated PG BUFFYFIC: Angel: Tragedy's Name BUFFYFIC: "One Vampire's Headache..." (9/?) by Ingrid BUFFYFIC: DISCUSS: Beta readers wanted BUFFYFIC: DISCUSS: Slayer be Slain BUFFYFIC: BETA please BUFFYFIC: Slayer Be Slain ~ Part Three ~ Conclusion See the end of the digest for information on subscribing to the buffyfic or buffyfic-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 27 Jan 1998 22:26:17 -0500 From: Vapthorne Subject: BUFFYFIC: BuffyFIC: Sins of the Mother 4/9 Rated PG Title: Sins of the Mother (4 of 9) Author: Vapthorne=20 E-Mail: Distribution: I would love to have this work distributed, but please ask= first. Spoilers: None Rating: I think PG-13 for right now. Disclaimer: Joyce Summers (aka Joy Matthews), and any other character from= =20 Buffy the Vampire Slayer are the creation and property of Joss Weldon. I do= =20 not own them. However the characters: Rebecca Casey, Dalton Plague, Cecil=20 Kane, Thaos, and the Necromancer are my creations and you got ask me to use= =20 them. Summary: While Buffy is busy 'studying' with Giles and the other. Her mother= =20 looks back to when she was Buffy's age and recalls some interesting= memories. Sins of the Mother: Chapter Four - --------------------------------------------- Joy found it harder to keep her mind focused on her schoolwork. She=20 couldn't shake the chill deep down her soul, the chill from last night's=20 encounter with the mysterious prophet. She thought the Necromancer sealed=20 her fate with his words, a fate that she wanted no part of. Her disturbed=20 concentration took its toll when she forgot to bring her homework to Algebra= =20 class. She spent all that time doing the assignments before she went to the= =20 graveyard. Her performance got even worse in Gym class. Several students=20 found them fleeing for their life, as she randomly thrown the basketball at= =20 a very high velocity. Her Gym teacher never knew that a basketball could=20 travel that fast. Her emotional state was just as gloomy as the stormy= weather. Joy found herself on the path towards nervous breakdown. Rebecca and=20 Dalton needed to aid their friend in this mental crisis. "Hey Joy." Rebecca sat down next to her. Dalton followed carrying a tray=20 covered with 'cafeteria meat'. "Hi guys." Joy gave no sign of emotion. "Hey, I've heard you flipped out in gym." Dalton commented with mild=20 excitement, "You nearly smashed Claudia in the face." "I know." Joy moaned. "I feel just terrible." "You're telling me." Dalton replied. "With a little more speed and aim, you= =20 would have nailed her." "Dalton, she does not need this." Rebecca scorned. "What happened?" "I went to the graveyard last night to see if that girl Pauline turned into= =20 a vampire." Joy explained. "You still don't believe that nonsense." Rebecca said concernedly. "You think vampires are fake." The young girl showed her bump that the=20 vampire gave her. "Explain this." "You banged your head." The skeptical one told Joy. "No!" She explained. "Pauline banged my head." "Okay." Dalton attempted to piece this together. "A vampire banged your=20 head, and you go mental?"=20 "It's not the vampire that creeping me out." The troubled teen told them.= =20 "It was this guy." "You meet a guy!" Rebecca became excited. "What's he like? Is he cute?" "He's scary. Veeeeeeeeery scary. He's your evil wizard type." "A wizard? You're delusions are getting quite interesting." Rebecca teased.= =20 "Tell me, are any Inca mummies making appearances?" "You think I'm still crazy?" "How dare you!" The doomed voice of Claudia peered from behind. Miss=20 Popular was not pleased back in gym class. "I could have been maimed,=20 killed, or worse, had a broken nose. You know the prom is coming in the next= =20 month. Just because you can't get a date for the dance, doesn't give you the= =20 right to ruin it for those with looks." "A little more speed and aim." Was Dalton's only thought. Rebecca whispered something in Joy's ear. Nevertheless, Joy's attention was= =20 turned elsewhere. Something within the cafeteria was disturbing her, even=20 scaring her. She suddenly jumped from her seat. "He's here!" she shouted=20 before she ran off. The other three turned and wondered what Joy was up to. "Who are you! Why are you stalking me! I don't care if the undead can sing.= =20 Leave me alone! Now!" The entire cafeteria was now watching Joy when she=20 grabbed and shouted at one of the faculty members. The guy was wearing a=20 green hooded slicker, which to Joy, resembled the Necromancer's cloak. Joy suddenly realized her fault, and she released the captive faculty=20 member. "Sorry, I thought you were someone else." She blushed in shame and= =20 tried to straighten out the wrinkles produced from her grip. "Nice slicker." Now, Joy Matthews found herself sitting in Principal Rayer's office. The=20 principal at Silver Heights High could easily make Principal Snyder look=20 like a pushover. He doesn't tolerate bad school, and he certainly wasn't=20 pleased with Joy at the moment. "Could you explain how a calculus teacher can be considered a mortal=20 threat?" Rayer scolded. "I thought he was someone else." Joy knew she could tell her 'vampire'=20 story to him. If her friends refused to believe her, he certainly won't.=20 Moreover, he would consider her crazy. "Just what has been with you, lately?" The principal lectured. "I've heard= =20 in your gym class you made your classmates play any interesting form of=20 dodgeball." "It was a accident."=20 "An accident that shouldn't have happened. Listen, Miss Matthews, I don't= =20 what's your problem is." "I've been dealing with=85 issues." She tried the best she could not to let= =20 Rayer on about the vampires. "It's drugs=85 isn't it?" "What?" "I know that's the 'thing' for you kids now-a-days. You went to Woodstock,= =20 decided to try it, and now your high." "I am not high." "Than what is it?" "My=85 issues." "Well do us a favor." Rayer demanded. "When you come into school, leave=20 your 'issues' at the front and pick them up when class is over." ***** The Necromancer sat in a dark, candle lit tent. He froze in mediation,=20 listening closely to the songs. Born with the ability to heed the voices of= =20 the deceased, this unholy prophet bared the mark of their words. He became= =20 just as troubled with the presence of the young woman, Joy Matthews. He knew= =20 that girl would somehow spell doom to him, the dead voices told him. "Oh, great Necromancer." A figure entered the tent and bowed in respect. "I've been feeling disturbed." The Necromancer spoke. "Does it, my master." "The dead speaks. They tell me that the woman, Joy Matthews, is linked,=20 somehow, with the next slayer. Her interference must end, or all our efforts= =20 will be lost."=20 "What should we do to her?" "Anything, as long as she's out of the way. I'm the chosen one, the=20 Necromancer. I have a duty to perform, she mustn't interfere." Vapthorne - ---------- ********-my minions-********** * NU-RPG: ffff,0000,0000Jasper and 0000,0000,ffffAria * * CardeaRPG: ffff,0000,ffffMercury =20 * ****************************** ffff,0000,ffff --------------------------------------------------------------------= - ---- Keeper of Buffy's First day in Sunnydale and her vampire form Nightmares=20 Proud Keeper of Ethan's broken statue of Janus (all I need is super glue)=20 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Giles: The good guys are valiant and true. The bad guys=20 are always distinguishable by their pointy horns and black hats.=20 We always manage to defeat them. Nobody ever dies and we all=20 live happily ever after. Buffy: Lair! - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 28 Jan 1998 20:10:07 -0500 From: "Jim Heverling" Subject: BUFFYFIC: Angel: Tragedy's Name This story was written by one of my friend's and I am sending it in for her. If you have any comments please send them c/o Rating: Pg: V Disclaimer: None of the characters in this story belong to me they belong to Joss Whedon Summary: Angel is going to kill everyone Buffy knows unless someone stops him Buffy the Vampire Slayer- Angel: Tragedy's Name Buffy sat down on her bed. She heard a strange noise and then she heard t= he sound again. She walked about three feet away and turned on her light. A blue ooze seeped from under her bed. It is rose and took shape. Buffy immediately recognized the figure as the Judge. Just then her mom came in. With one deadly look the Judge vaporized Joyce before Buffy's eyes. Then he aimed his arm at Buffy's throat. Buffy looked behind her. She could sense a vampire. Sure enough there wa= s Angel. He jumped down from Buffy's window. But instead of helping her, he grabbed Buffy's arms and held them behind her back. Out of the corner of her eye Buffy could see Dru standing in the window, laughing wildly. Just as the Judge was about to disintegrate her, Spike burst through the door with a giant gun. He blew the Judge to pieces then aimed it Angel an= d Dru. Drusilla and Angel could take a hint and flew the scene. Then Spike turned his attention to Buffy.=20 "You want Angel and I want Dru but that's never gonna happen as long as their together. So I was thinking maybe we would join forces. Ya know, we could make them mad by pretending to like each other. So then maybe they'= ll come back. Of course you might not be interested in Angel anymore but I guess that's not really a good case. So what do you say Slayer? You with me? The question echoed in her mind. Then she could feel someone shaking her. She=20 heard her mother's voice. "Wow", Joyce commented, "I didn't think you'd ever get up. Come on your late for school. What were you dreaming about anyway?" "Oh=85 I uh=85 I forget", Buffy replied. "If you don't want to tell me all you have to do is say so", Joyce said. "I really don't remember", Buffy insisted. When she got school the first bell had already rung. By her third period class,=20 Giles had already told her to meet him in the library after the last clas= s. =20 When school was finally over, Buffy headed for the library. She met Willow, Xander, and Cordelia there. "Where ya been Buffy?", Xander asked. "Around", Buffy replied. "Where's Giles?" "He had to go to a meeting but he'll be back soon", Will answered.=20 "So you going to the Bronze?" "I don't know", Buffy said "What about you Xander?", Cordelia cut in. "Yea", he considered. "I don't think so", Cordy reminded. "What makes you think your opinion matters?!", Willow blurted. "You can't tell him what to do!" "Whoa. Will", Xander corrected. "She's right. I've got other plans." "Like what?" Willow asked. "Like, little-miss-computer-freak, me and Xander have been going out for = so long. What do you think about that?" "Cordelia!", Xander reprimanded.=20 "Xander, is it true?", Willow questioned. "What my word doesn't count?", Cordelia retorted. "Yes", Xander finally answered. "Told you, freak", Cordelia snapped. "Watch you tongue Cordelia cause I don't see you as much importance. Real= ly you're just a snob and I don't think anyone would really care if you weren't around. Catch my drift?", Buffy defended. By that time Willow was gone. Buffy and Xander chased after her passing Giles. "We'll be back", Buffy said. Willow ran past her parents into her room shutting and locking the door behind her. "Hey Will", Buffy asked."Are you okay?" "Leave me alone", Willow replied. "Come on Willow", Xander reasoned. "You weren't supposed to find out this way." "Or at all", Willow assumed. "Just go=85please." Xander and Buffy left. Buffy went home and Xander went to find Cordelia. When Xander found her they decided to go to the Bronze after all. There, they met Buffy. "It think we should check on Willow", Xander suggested. "Okay", Cordelia and Buffy agreed. =09 When they got there all the lights were out. They opened the door and walked in. "Hello, Buffy=85Xander, Cordelia", Angel greeted from behind the door. "If you hurt her I'll=85", Xander threatened. "You'll what? Kill me? I think not", Angel retorted. Buffy looked around but Willow was nowhere to be found.=20 "Where is she?" "Let's just say that Spike and Dru have a new vampire to boss around", he answered. "Your lying", Cordelia assumed. "Am I? Maybe=85maybe not", Angel replied then left. "Spike and Drusilla", Xander thought out loud. "The warehouse. Come on, Buffy. We have to try." "I totally agree but first we have to stop by the library=85for supplies.= " When they go to the library they told Giles about everything and of course, he felt it his duty to tag along. The four of them worked their w= ay across town to the warehouse. Meanwhile back at her house, Jenny was really feeling guilty about Angel. She began searching through books. One by one she threw them aside. Then she remembered something. She rushed to the library. No one was there so the Watcher Diaries were completely unguarded. Sure enough she found it=85 the curse put on Angel years and years ago. After researching, she learned enough and made a few changes so that after he was good there's be absolutely no way to bring back Angelus back to us again and that he got one wish. She was almost positive he'd use it to make everyone forget about this whole Angelus thing. She also knew thi= s would get her on everyone's good side again. Sure he killed one of her people and sure he deserved to pay but Buffy's innocent and besides it seems Angel's paid enough. She knew it would take time but once she started there was no turning back. Immediately she got to work, but she was unaware of the battle abou= t to take place. Outside of the warehouse, the gang was gathering their strength. "Okay, we need a plan", Buffy said. "I agree", Cordelia said. "So fearless leader what is it?" "I don't know", Xander replied. 'Why don't we just storm in?" "That doesn't sound like much of a plan to me", Giles commented. "But it works=85I guess", Buffy decided. They opened the door. Drusilla, Spike, Angel and Willow unharmed except caged looked on. Angel put on his game face and began the brutal fight. H= e closed in on Xander and flipped him. Then Angel kicked Buffy in the face and elbowed Giles in the stomach. He pushed Cordelia as hard as he could then continued his attack on Xander. The others began to recover. That's when Dru decided to cut in, keeping the three of them busy as Angel began to feast on Xander and Spike watche= d more than amused. Dru pushed Giles to the ground then she grabbed Cordelia and prepared to snack. However, Buffy flipped over her and pulled Dru away. Then she met her face with a powerful roundhouse which knocked Dru into some stacked wooden crates and kept her out of the way for a while. Buffy looked over at Xander, but it was too late. He was dead. Then, she looked behind her to see Giles stake Drusilla.=20 "Dru!", Angel and Spike shouted simultaneously.=20 Angel was really mad now. He ran at Giles punching him in the stomach. Angel brought Giles back to the ground and began to bite him. Of course t= he Slayer jumped in right away. She pulled Angel off Giles, but before she could do anything Angel pushed her into Cordelia knocking them into the same stack of crates as Dru. Then he continued to feed on Giles. By the time Buffy got to her feet Giles too was dead. Then Angel closed in on Buffy. Suddenly he picked up the stake on the ground and used it to stab Cordelia as if she were a vampire. Now it was one-on-one, Buffy and Angel. They began to struggle. Spike an= d Willow watched on anxiously waiting for the outcome. Spike rooting for Angel and Willow rooting for Buffy. As Spike guessed Angel got the upperhand, he sank his pearly whites into her neck. At that moment Jenny finished her project=85 Angel collapsed as well as Buffy.=20 "Uh-oh", Spike said as he decided now was a good time to leave. Minutes after he did Angel awoke and he looked around. He saw Xander, Cordelia, and Giles bodies and Drusilla's ashes. Then he saw Willow caged. He rushed to free her. "Are you okay?", he asked. "Angel?", Willow said not sure if he was Angel or Angelus. "Yea. It's me. What happened?", he replied. "Look around" Angel looked around. That's when he saw Buffy. Blood pouring from her nec= k. "Buffy", he screamed as he hurried to check on her.=20 "What have I done?", he asked her when he realized Buffy was dead. "You didn't do anything", Willow comforted. "It was Angelus." "I guess I should explain this to her mom", Angel assumed. "Come on", Willow urged tugging on his arm. They knocked several times on Buffy's door. Finally Joyce answered. "Can I help you?" "I'm Angel, Buffy's b=85friend. Look. I have some bad news=85", Angel beg= an. He was going to tell her the truth but Willow interrupted. "Buffy, Mr. Giles, Cordelia, and Xander got into a horrible accident", Willow lied. "But they're okay, right?, Joyce questioned concerned. "I'm afraid not. Actually they are all=85well um=85 dead", Willow calmed = her down. As Angel walked Willow home they ran into Ms.Calender. "Hi", she greeted. "Jenny I've got some very bad news. All the others, Xander, Cordelia, Buffy, and Giles, are dead", Angel said. "What? That's=85bad", Jenny commented. Then she remembered something.=20 "Angel if you had one wish what would it be?" "Well I'd wish that everyone would be alive and Buffy and I could be more than friends again." When he was done a bright light flashed. Angel sat up in his bed. "It was all a dream!", he muttered to himself. Then he realized something. He was "Angel" again. He looked at the clock. It was 7:00pm and the sun w= as to set. He got dressed and raced to the library where he found everyone. = He walked in and Buffy pulled out a stake. "Wait", Jenny called out. "Don't. This isn't Angelus anymore." =09 Buffy lowered her stake. "What?"=20 Everyone in the room was shocked except Willow and Jenny. They were the only two besides Angel who remembered. "It's true", Willow said.=20 Then Angel explained the whole story to them and they went to the Bronze to celebrate. Back at the warehouse, Spike and Drusilla, who didn't remember a thing, plotted for the next time they and Buffy would meet. However they weren't aware Angel was once again on Buffy's side. When Buffy got home her mom, who also didn't remember anything was waiti= ng for her. "Where have you been", she asked. 'The Bronze", Buffy replied. "That's what I figured. It's almost pointless for me to ask anymore", Joy= ce commented. "Good night" "Good night, Mom", Buffy replied. =09 =09 Please send all comments c/o - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 28 Jan 1998 23:19:36 -0500 From: (Ingrid E Stanton) Subject: BUFFYFIC: "One Vampire's Headache..." (9/?) by Ingrid DISCLAIMER: I claim no rights to the characters mentioned from "Buffy the Vampire Slayer." They are used w/o permission. They belong to the WB, Joss Whedon, Sandollar Productions & Mutant Enemy. SUMMARY: Part 9, more Buffy/Angel angst. But good angst. Not evil Joss angst! (Alternate Buffy universe.) If you don’t get this, that’s cause you haven’t read the other parts. If you want to get this, send me mail at Hey! Quoting King Lear paid off! I got an "A" on my analysis! That’s cause for writing another part of my story, and procrastinating with work. This one was written to music from William Shakespeare’s Romeo & Juliet- gorgeous strings! (Forgive me for any errors. I sort of threw this together at the last minute.) Here goes! *** "One Vampire’s Headache…" Part the Ninth *** "I am silver and exact. I have no preconceptions Whatever I see I swallow immediately Just as it is, unmisted by love or dislike I am not cruel, only truthful- The eye of a little god, four-cornered Most of the time I meditate on the opposite wall. It is pink, with speckles. I have looked at it so long I think it is a part of my heart. But it flickers, Faces and darkness separate us over and over. - --From "Mirror," by Sylvia Plath *** "Come on, Angel," Buffy prodded, turning the doorknob and stepping into the golden light beyond. Angel clung to the shadows. "Buffy, I…" She watched him with pain in her heart, willing her soul to reach out to his. Instead, she settled for his hand. He looked down at their hands, a line of shadow sharply dividing them. Then he looked into her eyes. "Trust me, Angel." That did it. He stepped forward to let her pull him into the light. Instantly, the world was blazing, and his body coursed with energy. He felt his soul expand as he let warm bath of life soak into him. He closed his eyes momentarily, adjusting to the brilliance of the world around him while Buffy held his arm, offering support. When he opened his eyes, everything was still there, the sky still gleaming with promise. He turned to Buffy. Her hair was alive with the sun, her face turned up to him with a pretty smile. He couldn’t stop the tears again, but this time, he was smiling all the while at her. She nuzzled up against him, in tears herself. He felt her shake, not realizing for a moment that they were both shivering despite the heat of the sun. She pulled away from him, attempting to wade through the waves of emotion that crashed over her with every passing second. Then she looked up at him seriously, drained, but happy. "Angel. I love you." And the impossible came back. "I love you too." He pulled her to him and kissed her hard. She met his passion equally, loving him back. They were both breathless when they broke apart- breathless, and dizzy and in love. They both laughed, still kissing each other when their lungs allowed. Angel recovered his breathing and found Buffy staring at him. She touched his face, studying the angelic features, made truly angelic by heaven’s light. "What?" Her voice was serious, trapped in reverie "Forget me. You never told me how *you* look in the daytime. He smiled gently. "Couldn’t remember," and touched her face, mirroring her actions. They kissed again, softly, deeply. Suddenly, Angel felt something burst inside of him. The sunlight seemed to permeate his body completely, and he was swimming in a sea of red. His stomach churned hard as a battle raged inside him, and he collapsed to the ground. "Angel!" *** "A quote goes here. What are you looking at me for!?!" –Sarah the nerd. Didja like? TELL ME!!! ( _____________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 28 Jan 1998 21:42:12 -0800 From: "Holly L. Benton" Subject: BUFFYFIC: DISCUSS: Beta readers wanted Hi all, I need two or three brave souls willing to volunteer to read my story and offer constructive criticicm, opinions, spot errors, etc. Please e-mail me if you have the time and are interested. Thanks! Holly - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 29 Jan 1998 01:27:48 -0500 From: (Ingrid E Stanton) Subject: BUFFYFIC: DISCUSS: Slayer be Slain Discuss: Slayer be Slain, by Lea < Spike was only too pleased to comply to this request as with Angelus wrapped up with Buffy, he would pose no threat to Spike's relationship with Drusilla. > <"Would you like more?" he queried, willing only to share with her; any other creature could go without, but Buffy he would keep happy for eternity.> < "Buffy, why aren't you coming in?" "Invite me, Will." She blinked, "Why?" "Just invite me in."> Hmm... good writing, great integration of many aspects of the show. Another side of love between angel and buffy. Hey- whatever works. In some ways, I like it better than what's going on right now! - -Ingrid _____________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 29 Jan 1998 01:41:03 EST From: Trey Cash Subject: BUFFYFIC: BETA please Okay this is a first for me. I'm working on a piece and all and i could really use someone to BETA what I got and maybe act as a soundboard and idea bouncer. Please? Alex - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 29 Jan 1998 02:28:01 -0800 From: Angel's Lover Subject: BUFFYFIC: Slayer Be Slain ~ Part Three ~ Conclusion Okay.. here's the end of it.. minor spoilers for surprise and innocence. Oh, before any comments, I know Buffy's being kinda weak in this, but I'm going with the idea that new vampires are often like children, sensual, evil, yet still having to come into their full strength; this kinda works in with the protection of the sire/ lover thing. I'll think about this segment some more.. I have to hand it in at school next week anyway, so if I fix it perhaps I'll post again. Anyway.. standard disclaimers.. the characters aren't mind they're joss's and mutant enemey's.. I get no money for this and no copy wright infrigement was intended. Please forward all comments to Lea at either or . Thanks! ________________________ Slayer Be Slain ~ Part Three ~ Conclusion Buffy leapt onto the bed, crawling in a circle before settling into a comfortable place in the mattress. Stretching out with ease, she savoured the feel of the cool sheets against her skin, still warm from her exertions of the night. She purred softly with content as Angel lay beside her, slowly stroking her back, her soft skin covered only by light silk. "Did you have fun tonight, love?" he queried softly, his fingers playing lightly over the strap of her slip. "Mmm," she murmered, arching gracefully into his gentle caress. "Can we play again tomorrow? With the watcher and that gypsy?" Angel sighed lightly as he lathered her shoulders with tiny biting kisses. "Playing with a child is one thing, Buffy... but the watcher?" Slowly she turned over, allowing the weight of his hand to settle upon her stomach before she arched up. Her teeth bit into the soft skin of his cheek, her tongue easing the abrasion as she kissed him lightly. "Don't you want the watcher's heart, Angel? How many years has it been since you last sank your teeth into such a tender treat?" Again, she bit him gently. He weakened as she drew the tip of her tongue slowly over his throat and softly nibbled on his adam's apple. "Too many years to count." His voice was a low rumble. Her voice turned bitter, "And how much would you like to drain the blood from the gypsy wench?" He grumbled low in his throat, "Her blood would go far in soothing me." Her lips gently brushed across his, pulling back so that only her breath touched his skin, burning him slightly as she left him longing for the slight contact. Softly she whispered, "Tomorrow's hunt would please me." Her fingers trailed teasingly down his chest, "Greatly." A smile slowly spread across his features, promised pleasure warming his cold body. Gently, he stroked the side of her face, a low growl building in his chest. "Tell me, how do I deny you, love?" Her tongue slowly whet her lips as she smiled, and replied simply, "You don't." Angel sank his fingers deep into her hair, drawing her hard against him for a searing kiss. Finally he sighed in resignation. "I can't. You win, Buffy. When we awaken, we go to the library and feast." *********************** The day was not wasted. While the vampires slept, Giles, Willow, Xander, Cordelia, Oz, and even Ms. Calendar prepared for the immenent arrival of their one time friends. Phone calls were made, stakes were whittled, crosses prepared, and water blessed while the humans waited tensely for night to fall. Giles had worked all night and day on a plan, a plan Ms. Calendar was only to happy to help him put into motion. By the time the vampires arrived, everything would be in place. Tonight, Giles had to defeat his prodigy. *********************** They awoke early, Buffy's excitement too much to contain. They passed the several remaining hours of daylight in their room, preparing themselves for the night to come. Angel had a subserviant vampire bring them a bottle of blood, a treat to help them pass the time. He poured the dark liquid into two wine glasses, and offered one to Buffy. She settled into the corner of their sofa, curling her legs underneath her as she sipped on the sweet drink. Angel came to sit beside her, his expression concerned as she remained tense. Moving slightly, he pulled her down gently so that her head rested in his lap. Slowly, he began to caress her back, easing the knots and tension from her body in soft, sensuous strokes. "What's wrong?" he asked as she finally began to relax beneath his hands. She shrugged, "Nervous, I guess." He nodded, smiling down at her reassuringly. "They have no slayer, love, and you know as well as I their strengths and weaknesses. Besides, they are mere mortals. Only you ever kept them alive this long." His fingers trailed slowly from her back to her side, his strokes growing softer as she began to shiver lightly. Buffy giggled, "My bad." Angel moved his free hand and dipped a finger into her glass; slowly he brought his finger to her mouth, tracing her lips softly, leaving a trail of blood she was helpless to ignore. The tip of her tongue darted out, pulling the remaints of the treat into her mouth. A knock came at their door. Dark had fallen and the others were leaving for the hunt. Buffy and Angel looked at each other and smiled; it was time for them to go on a hunt of their own. Both vampires knocked back the remaining blood before rising to their feet. Angel delicately wrapped Buffy's coat around her shoulders, slowly lacing her boots for her. Finally, all was prepared, and they moved from the safety of their home into the mortal world. *************************** The lights in the library burned brightly as the vampires slowly prowled through the underbrush below the windows. Silently they peeked inside, raising their eyebrows as it seemed all their friends were gathered, waiting for them. Angel lay his hand upon Buffy's back as he directed her towards the school doors. "We dine well tonight," he whispered softly. "Only the watcher interests me. The others are just a bonus." "And the gypsy?" "Yours to do with as you please. Afterwards we share in the heart of the watcher." He smiled coldly, holding the door open for her. Together they shifted into their vampirical forms, never hesitating as they turned towards the library. They stepped through the swinging doors of the library to find the tables now vacated. Both vampires frowned. The lights suddenly were extinguished, the doors slamming shut, bolted from the outside by Willow, who with her friends stood peering in through the window. Long candles were lit in every corner, on every table, and on either side of the door. Their flickering light illuminated the crosses now sealing the windows and doors against the vampires escape. Buffy and Angel found themselves surrounded not by their friends, but by ancient, whithered strangers. Each person held before them a crucifix, a stake, and a vile of holy water which hung by a chain around their necks. They were reading from scrolls ancient words that made no sense in the vampires minds. Looking around in sudden concern, both vampires caught sight of Giles and Ms. Calendar, illuminated by candle light on the second story of the library. Angel stepped forward. "What have you done, Watcher, beyond give us more bodies from which to feed?" Giles shook his head, "No, Angelus. You will not drink from these people. They are the elders of the gypsy tribe, Calderosh. I believe you are already familiar with their abilities." "Impossible!" Ms. Calendar shook her head. "No. They came at my request. A tribe will not abandon one of its daughters." The gypsies continued chanting lowly, and a slow pain began spreading through both of the vampires bodies. Buffy looked at Angel uncertainly as she suddenly doubled over in agony. "Angel!" she cried out, dropping to the floor. He growled fiercely, fighting his own pain to gather her into his arms. He glared up at Giles as he held her, helpless to stop the workings of the curse. "I won't forget this, Watcher!" Without warning, both Buffy and Angel shifted into their human forms, and as the gypsies voices strengthened, they both slowly lost consciousness. Even then Angel's body draped over Buffy's, sheltering her from the curious eyes of the on lookers. It was almost as though even in unconsciousness he was driven to protect her from the dangers of the mortal world. Giles sighed sadly. "I'm counting on that, my friends." Hours later, when the candles burned low in their holders, and neither vampire had moved from their unconscious states, the gypsies voices finally came to a rest. The oldest gypsy, an ancient woman, turned to face Giles and Ms. Calendar. "It is done, Janna. Their souls are restored." Ms. Calendar nodded, "Thank you, grandmother." Slowly the tired elders filed out of the library, at last allowing Xander, Willow, Cordelia and Oz back inside. All four looked to the still silent forms of their friends uncertainly, and then back to Giles. He nodded, "Right, then. Oz, if you would be so kind as to bring around the van, I propose we return Buffy and Angel to Angel's loft before the rise of the sun." Willow swallowed, the remaints of fear still playing over her features. "Will they... I mean are they...?" Giles sighed, "When they awaken they will be as we knew them before... well, before." His eyes settled on the slayer and his expression darkened. "For the most part." As they moved to gather their friends, they found it difficult to seperate their forms. Angel's and Buffy's fingers were intertwined so tightly that nothing the watcher or the kids could do could pull them apart. Giving up finally, the carried the vampires to the van, together. Gently their unconscious forms were lain out, side by side. The worlds of Buffy and Angel had changed greatly in the last few weeks, and when the vampires awakened their worlds would change once again. This time, however, they would have each other to see themselves through the guilt and the pain of their demonic lives. Somehow they would find some semblance of happiness in their existence, after all, they were immortal. Eternity was theirs for the taking. The END!!!! - - ------------------------------ End of Buffyfic-digest V2 #18 ***************************** To subscribe to buffyfic or buffyfic-digest, send the command subscribe buffyfic-digest or subscribe buffyfic to You will need to go through a confirmation process, and the listowners have to manually approve your subscription request, so it may take some time. Back issues of this digest can be found at: Dalton Spence has also provided an index of the buffyfic archive at: For help, contact Jill Kirby ( or sah (