From: (Buffyfic-digest) To: Subject: Buffyfic-digest V2 #19 Reply-To: Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk Buffyfic-digest Thursday, January 29 1998 Volume 02 : Number 019 In this issue: Re: BUFFYFIC: DISCUSS: Beta readers wanted BUFFYFIC: Barbie Incident (3/5) by Kimela BUFFYFIC: BuffyFic: Beta request BUFFYFIC: Watching (1/1) Re: BUFFYFIC: Slayer Be Slain ~ Part Three ~ Conclusion BUFFYFIC: Life's A Journey, Not A Destination: Prologue Re: BUFFYFIC: DISCUSS: Watching (1/1) Re: BUFFYFIC: BuffyFic: Beta request BUFFYFIC: DISUSS: Slayer Be Slain BUFFYFIC: Dream (1/1) Re: BUFFYFIC: DISCUSS:Dream (1/1) Re: BUFFYFIC: BuffyFic: Beta request BUFFYFIC: "One Vampire's Headache..." (10/?) by Ingrid See the end of the digest for information on subscribing to the buffyfic or buffyfic-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 29 Jan 1998 06:55:39 EST From: Daphne1784 Subject: Re: BUFFYFIC: DISCUSS: Beta readers wanted I would love to read your story!! - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 29 Jan 98 07:51:44 -0600 From: "Kimela M Wilker" Subject: BUFFYFIC: Barbie Incident (3/5) by Kimela Title: The Barbie Incident Author: Kimela Email: Disclaimer: Xander and Willow do not belong to me, I am just borrowing them and will return them intact. Rating: PG (PG-13 maybe) Description: Xander recalls the "Barbie Incident" (for which he & Willow "Broke up" when they were 5-yrs-old.) The first 2 parts can be found at Reminder: Because it has been a long time since I last posted a section of this story, I realized I should probably note that Xander & Willow (in this section of the story, anyway) are only 5 years old... Barbie Incident Part Three: Of Dreams and Dolls When we got back to Willow's house, she immediately placed her doll in the spot where she always put her most coveted toys...on top of the monitor for her Commodore64. For a few minutes, she seemed intent on just sitting and staring at the doll with an odd sort of fascination. I didn't understand was just a stupid old doll, and it was ugly at that. But it did seem to please Willow, so I did my best to fake enthusiasm when she asked what I thought of her choice. "It's really..." there was an elongated pause as my mind frantically searched for words that might pass as a compliment. All I could think of was the old woman in the shop yelling about curses and mothers and warnings. I finally blurted the first non-judgmental thing that came to mind, "...happy!" Willow looked at me, confused. I swallowed hard, trying to think up an explanation. "I mean it gives me a happy just to know that you're so...happy...with the...happy doll," I stammered. Willow grinned widely, apparently accepting my ranting. "Thanks, Xander!" I was relieved when she dropped the subject of her doll and led me back downstairs to the kitchen, where Mrs. Rosenberg was busy preparing the popcorn. I always loved watching the way the tinfoil on the Jiffypop pan got bigger and bigger, as if it were going to explode, sending little popcorn bits throughout the room. I always wondered if you let it cook just a little bit longer than the directions said to if it really would blow up, but my mom never let me find out. Somehow, I didn't think that Mrs. Rosenberg would, either, so I didn't bother to ask. Instead, I waited until she pulled the foil open with tongs and dumped the popcorn into a big bowl. "Did you guys decide what you wanted to watch?" she asked as she poured melted butter over the puffy white kernels. Normally, I would have found it hard to resist reaching in to snag a handful, but right then, my heart just wasn't in it. I didn't know why I was still dwelling on the old woman's drivel, but for some reason, I just couldn't get it out of my mind. "How `bout The Wizard of Oz?" Willow suggested, gazing at me for approval. Great...a movie with a wicked old was usually one of my favorites, but I really wasn't in the mood for it. I couldn't think of a good alternate, though, so I forced myself to smile and nod. "Why don't you go ask your dad if he would set it up for you. I'm not so good with that gizmo yet." "Oh, I know how to do it," Willow announced expertly. They had only recently acquired a VCR, but she had already mastered the thing. "All you do is you put the tape in and--" "That's great, honey. Go get your dad to help. Alexander, you stay here and help me with this popcorn, huh?" Willow frowned slightly, but turned and headed for the family room, where her father was watching the tail end of the game. As soon as she was out of the room, Mrs. Rosenberg turned to me. "How are you doing?" she asked, looking concerned. I watched as she started sprinkling salt on the popcorn. "I'm okay," I assured her. "Just kind of tired." "Good," she smiled warmly as she picked up the bowl and turned toward me. I started to smile back when I realized that she was still pouring seasoning into the bowl. For a moment I stood, transfixed as I watched her shake more and more salt onto the already coated popcorn. I briefly wondered if she realized what she was doing, but before I got a chance to remind her, I caught sight of her face. The smile was gone and she was staring at me with a wild look. "Why didn't you listen to me, boy?" she croaked in a raspy voice. I blinked. That hadn't really happened...had it? Mrs. Rosenberg never sounded like that. I had to be imagining things. "What?" She stepped closer still staring at me insanely as she continued to dump more seasoning into the bowl. "I told you not to let your little friend take that doll, but you wouldn't listen to me, would you?" she spat, her voice sounding exactly like the old woman from the shop. "Now you'll be sorry! You'll watch as she takes over and you'll be helpless to stop her!" I kept backing away, but I was so nervous that I tripped over my own feet and fell, hitting my head on the corner of one of the kitchen chairs as I went down. I could see Mrs. Rosenberg's shoes as she shuffled toward me. "Alexander?" I heard her call, as if from a distance. "Alexander, are you okay?" And then she was kneeling over me, a worried expression on her face. "Can you sit up?" Her voice was back to normal and there was nothing about her that would indicate that moments ago she had been spouting out psychotic warnings about her daughter's doll. Maybe I truly had imagined the whole thing? As I slowly sat up a wave of nausea washed over me. Mrs. Rosenberg lifted me from the floor and set me on the edge of the counter. I winced as she gently explored the bump that was already rising on the back of my head. "That's quite a bump you've got there. Let's get some ice on that. Want to tell me what happened?" "I'm okay," I replied, dodging the question. She smoothed the hair out of my face and smiled at me. "Why don't you go on in and sit down. I'll bring you some ice for that lump." She helped me down from the counter and ushered me out of the kitchen. I headed to the family room, still feeling a little woozy from my fall. From the corner of my eye, I thought I saw something moving, but when I turned to look, nothing was there. Maybe I was going crazy? One thing I was sure of, I wasn't going to sleep that night. The stupid old woman and her insane warning about that dumb doll were going to give me nightmares. I was wrong about not sleeping. Somehow, I managed to fall asleep before the movie was even half over. I woke briefly as Mr. Rosenberg lifted me to carry me up to bed, but was asleep again before we even reached Willow's room. As I suspected, my dreams were plagued with images of the old woman. At first, she only appeared in the corner of my vision. No matter how I turned, I could never see her fully. As the dream progressed, however, she slowly began to take over entirely, filling my mind with images of her chasing me, grabbing at me. "You have to listen to me, boy," she called, almost pleading with me. "Leave me alone!" I cried, still running away through the darkness. She suddenly appeared in front of me and I couldn't stop myself from crashing into her. "You'll have to destroy her, boy, before she takes over!" she screamed at me, jolting me awake again. I glanced over at Willow's Commodore and was astonished to find that the doll was not there. I bolted upright and started scanning the room for the missing toy. It was poised on Willow's nightstand, looming over her and glowing a ghostly green. I blinked, hoping that I was still dreaming and that when I opened my eyes the doll would be normal. It was still there, and it was still glowing eerily. It may have been my imagination, but I could swear that it was grinning at me, taunting me. I lunged across Willow, and grabbed the doll. I'm not sure what I had been intending to do, but whatever it was, it didn't happen. As my hand closed around the doll, I could hear a faint sizzle and felt the flesh on my palm start to burn. I threw the doll away from me as hard and as fast as I could, not bothering to watch where it landed. I bit my lip to keep myself from crying out and clutched at my burnt hand. My mind raced, figuring out what my next move should be. Whenever I got burnt at home, mom would always make me hold ice on the injury, so I figured that I should probably do that this time, too. Not wanting to explain the wound-I would only sound crazy-I slipped quietly from the bed, careful not to wake Willow. I hurried downstairs to the kitchen, pushed a chair over to the refrigerator, and climbed up so that I could reach the ice bin in the freezer. As I reached to grab for the ice, I actually looked at the wound for the first time. My hand wasn't just red where I had touched the doll; it was glowing, as if it were on fire. I stifled the scream that formed in my throat. It was strange, because it looked as though my hand should hurt tremendously, but save for a slight burning sensation, I hardly felt it at all. What had the doll done to me? And what if it was doing the same thing to Willow? Why hadn't I stuck around at least long enough to make sure the doll was gone...I had to get back upstairs! Forgetting about the ice, I dashed up the stairs and into Willow's bedroom. To my horror, the doll was again looming over my friend and they were both glowing. It had grown larger somehow, and was now nearly the same size as Willow-who looked a lot smaller than I remembered her to be. The doll's arms were raised toward the ceiling and a faint blue lightning bolt seemed to jump from one plastic hand to the other...actually, the hands didn't even look plastic. Nor did the face, I realized as I cautiously moved to get a better look. It looked more like a human being than a toy. Its lips were moving as if it were was probably casting some sort of spell to take over Willow! The old woman was right-I had to stop it! As I lunged forward to try to knock the "doll" away from my sleeping friend, I caught sight of my glowing hand and had second thoughts. I decided that I should probably try a different tactic. I grabbed a book from Willow's desk and lobbed it at the iridescent being. The book never reached its mark. Instead, the doll seemed to sense what was coming and at the last moment whirled to block the attack. A bolt of the blue lightning struck the book and blasted it right back at me, nailing me in the head before I even saw it coming. The blow must have dazed me because the next thing I knew, the now child-sized doll was standing over me, its eyes blazing with fury. Its hand lashed out and gripped me by the neck, squeezing with impossible strength. I tried to cry out, but no sound could escape. I couldn't breathe. "Stay out of my way, child, or I will kill you," it threatened. "I can't have you breaking my concentration. You're fortunate I don't have my full strength yet or I'd do it now...I may need you yet." It released its hold and I gasped for air. For a few moments I was unable to move, terrified into a stupor. Then I realized that the doll was once again going after Willow. I leapt up and chased after it. As I suspected it was once again hovering over Willow, chanting. "You can't have her," I bellowed as I tackled it, bringing us both crashing to the floor on the other side of the bed. A furious cry emitted from the doll as it lashed out at me, striking me across the face. I yelped and tried to roll away from it only to find myself pinned on my back with the doll glaring down at me. It no longer even resembled a child's toy. Its face was twisted in a grimace that was pure evil. "I warned you, boy," it growled as it reached up and grabbed the pillow from the top of the bed, pulling the blanket down with it, covering us. Before I even figured out what was happening, the pillow was thrust over my face and the doll bore down on it with its full strength. I couldn't breathe! I flailed my arms and tried to push the thing off of me, but with each passing moment I felt myself getting weaker and weaker. Then all at once I felt the weight lifted from me. The bedspread and pillow were tossed aside and I found myself staring up into the worried face of Mrs. Rosenberg. I gulped in the air, filling my lungs. Mrs. Rosenberg lifted me up and sat down on the edge of the bed, pulling me into her lap. "Its okay, honey," she whispered. "It was only a dream, sweetie..." A dream? Didn't you see the--I glanced back at the floor and was stunned to see the doll back in its original form. It was just a harmless little piece of plastic. I blinked back the tears that were trying to form. It had to have happened! It was all so real! "What happened?" I heard Willow ask in a frightened voice. "Don't worry, honey. Alexander had a nightmare and fell out of bed. That's all. Go back to sleep." For the next several minutes Mrs. Rosenberg just sat and held me, comforting me. When she felt that I was calmed down enough, she set me back down on the bed and pulled the sheet up to my chin. She kissed me lightly on the forehead. "Now go back to sleep, honey." She ruffled my hair and smiled down at me warily. As soon as her mother left the room, Willow rolled toward me and looked me over appraisingly. "Are you all right?" "I'm fine..." No, I wasn't. I could have sworn that it had happened. I could still feel the hands clutching my throat and the burning in my hand. It couldn't have been a dream..."Just fine." She grinned. "So, are you tired?" she asked. I was, but I didn't think I'd ever get back to sleep...not with that doll in the room. "No." "Good, want to play a game or something?" "Sure," I replied. At least it would keep my mind off of...things. I swung my legs out of bed and planted them on the floor. As I stood up I again caught sight of the doll. It looked harmless enough now, but it still made me nervous. I forced myself to look away. "So what do you want to play?" "Monopoly?" she suggested. Perfect, that would keep us up for hours. I nodded. I watched as she padded to the door and peeked out to make sure the coast was clear. She waved for me to follow and disappeared into the hallway. I started to follow, but then I saw something move from the corner of my eye. I whirled to stare at the doll. I could have sworn that it had moved a few inches. Perhaps it was my imagination...perhaps not. I wasn't going to take the chance. I reached down and picked it up. "Stupid doll," I muttered as I shoved it into Willow's toy chest. I closed the chest and latched it shut. "Get out of that one." That accomplished I immediately felt infinitely better. Mission accomplished; disaster averted. Looking back I should have realized that it couldn't be that easy. - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 29 Jan 1998 10:32:54 EST From: "The Mistress" Subject: BUFFYFIC: BuffyFic: Beta request Hey. I've got a story, a sequel to one I posted on, and I need someone to Beta read the first section. It's entitled Prom Night In (or From, whichever sounds better) Hell. (Though, technically there's not much of a prom) Karras ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 29 Jan 1998 10:37:15 EST From: Isis212 Subject: BUFFYFIC: Watching (1/1) TITLE: Watching- but then the characters started talking (darn them!). Ruined the whole darn concept. IOW, need new name. Help! AUTHOR: Aramat- that's me! EMAIL: RATING: G- Cinderella kissed Prince Charming longer SUMMARY: Angel takes a moment to observe Buffy, the regular girl. DIST: Ask and you shall recieve. After I edit. FEEDBACK: Yes please! It makes me happy. DISC: I don't own BtVS or it's delightful characters. That guy Joss and some guys called the WB do. Note: This takes place before S/I. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Angel watched Buffy from the shadows. She was on the dance floor, dancing and laughing with Willow and Xander. Even though he knew she was expecting him he was reluctant to intrude on her time with her friends. His eyes moved to the redhead and he smiled. She stood slightly off to the side watching, an amused smile on her face, as Xander executed his unique style of dancing on the floor. She was a good friend to Buffy. And to him. They hadn't had much contact but he knew he could consider her a friend. Next his gaze fell on Xander. He couldn't stop the chuckle that escaped him as he watched the boy coax a very reluctant Willow to dance. Although he hated to admit it, he was glad Xander was there for Buffy. Once again, he fastened his eyes on Buffy. Looking at her now, surrounded by her friends, he could almost believe she was the normal teenager she wanted to be. He was glad she still had moments that made her forget, however briefly, about her real life. He was glad that she was happy. It was what she deserved. He waited a few minutes more before stepping out of the shadows. Almost immediately Buffy looked his way. When her eyes met his, she smiled. He couldn't but smile in return. She turned to Willow, said something that caused the girl to smile, and then worked her way over to him. "Hi," she said when she'd reached him. "I've been waiting for you. I was starting to worry." Angel was touched by her concern for him. "You were having so much fun I didn't want to disturb you." Annoyance flashed in her eyes, and Angel smiled. She grabbed his hand and dragged him into the crowd. "Don't you know by now that I'm never completely happy unless I'm with you?," she asked as they danced. "You're important to me. You make me happy." He smiled. He'd never realized she felt that way. It was good to hear. He wrapped his arms around her holding her close as they swayed to the music. Leaning down he whispered in her ear, "Never?" She laughed and nodded. "Never," she answered, smiling. "My circle's not complete without you." Angel lifted her chin so that her eyes met his. He leaned down and pressed a light kiss to her lips. "I'm glad I make you happy," he said softly. "You make me happy too." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ So, should I ditch the talking part? They weren't supposed to talk! I didn't want them speaking, but noooo. Buffy had to go over and start a conversation. And then Angel, being so unable to resist her charm, decided he wanted to talk too. They wanted to do more but I put my foot down (and my pen) and said no way! This is my story and no one talks unless I want them to. So, I ask again, should I ditch the talking part? Aramat!- Yes, I am crazy! But I'm not insane. - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 29 Jan 1998 11:33:00 -0600 From: Tannim Umoren Subject: Re: BUFFYFIC: Slayer Be Slain ~ Part Three ~ Conclusion This was great! I loved the way you had Buffy as a vampire! I loved how they tormented willow. The fact that Buffy was weak was a good Idea as well. I mean if a new vampire is just as strong as a 500 yr old vampire that just doesn't seem right. Any way I am looking forward to more stories from this buffyverse. I would especially like to see Buffy's visit to Willow from Will's point of view. Anyway very good fic. Keep up the good work! Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go back to the.... ...all concealing lurker-type shadows :-) - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 29 Jan 1998 11:52:51 -0600 From: Penny Horwitz Subject: BUFFYFIC: Life's A Journey, Not A Destination: Prologue Title: Life's a Journey, not a Destination By: Pen Horwitz [] Series title: Unknown as yet... [Yes there will be at least two more on the way] Genre: Horror/Suspense Historian's notes: This takes place ten years after BtVS. All the events in first season, and the events up to Surprise occurred in this alternate timeline. Disclaimer: Buffy, Willow, Angel, Xander, Giles, and the rest of the Sunnydale gang aren't mine. They belong to Joss and the nice people at Mutant Enemy. I'm not making any money off this so please don't sue. And please don't repost this without asking me first. Distribution: Anya has dibs on this Feedback: Yes, please! Spoilers: Possible for all episodes up to Act 3 of Surprise. Summery: It is 2008, ten years after the death of Buffy Summers, and a new Slayer has been called. Who she is remains a mystery that Rupert Giles and Willow Rosenberg must solve before it is too late Prologue Willow Harris sat staring at the candle. It was hard to believe that even after ten years one of the best friends she had ever was gone. She missed Buffy fiercely at times, and had become involved with the Watchers as a sort of remembrance of her friend. The ringing telephone snapped her back to reality. She picked up the receiver and cradled it to her ear. "Harris residence." "Oh thank God, Willow, I've been trying to reach you forever." The cultured British voice was one she'd recognize to her dying day. "Giles?" "Willow, Kendra's dead." Giles' voice quivered with rage. "Bloody bastards. They cut her down like an animal." Willow's mind was racing. "Has the next Slayer been called?" Her question snapped her old mentor and friend out of his fury. "We don't know who she is, Willow. All the signs point to a re-emergence of the danger of the Hellmouth, and that the Slayer is here, but I have no idea where." A note of defeat snuck into Giles' voice as he spoke. "Willow, I'm not sure if I'm up to this anymore. I'm getting too old, plus there's Brigid to deal with." Willow smiled at the thought of the sprite-like child Giles had become guardian of. "How is she? She's sixteen now, right?" "Oh, yes." Giles' tone shifted from defeated to besieged. "And I thought being a Watcher to a sixteen year old girl was bad. That sweet little six year old who was the apple of my cousin's eye has become an unholy terror worse than vampires." Willow was sympathetic. She and Xander didn't have any kids yet, but she had seen it in her own family enough to understand. "No more nightmares though?" she asked. Giles went silent for a moment. "Her's or mine?" He sighed, and Willow remembered how painful it was for him to talk about it. Of all of them, Giles felt the most responsible for what had happened. It had been his family Buffy had died trying to save from Spike and Drucilla. Of his cousin Abbey's family, only Brigid Giles survived that night. Willow had been lucky, she hadn't seen Buffy being brought out of the warehouse with third degree burns over her entire body, cradling a small frightened child in her arms. "Both." She said, her voice brimming with compassion. "Brigid hasn't had nightmares for 6 years. Mine, on the other-hand, never end. I can't do this alone, Willow. I can't train another girl to go to her death. I need your help." Willow took a deep breath. Her first assignment as a Watcher. She knew this would come someday, and she hoped Xander would understand. "I'll be there. Can you make arrangements?" ___________ Giles spoke with Willow on little things for a while longer, playing catch up, complaining that Xander's last novel portrayed him as overly stuffy, talking about his worries of what the new Slayer might face. What he didn't tell his young friend, was he had been reading through both the Watcher diaries and the Slayer prophecies, and they were much more dire than he had imagined. He knew that Drucilla anchoring herself to the essence of the Hellmouth would have lasting repercussions, but nothing like what the books were saying. At last he bid Willow farewell and sat back down at his desk. The Pagamon Codex lay open before him. The most detailed Slayer prophecies pointed to a young woman unlike any other Slayer before her. They had tested all the other Chosen, and none of them seemed to be the one they were searching for. He looked at the clock, 10:00 PM. He glared at the time piece as it mocked him. He hadn't slept since the news of Kendra's death had reached him over twenty four hours ago. He needed to sleep. Rupert dragged himself from his work, knowing it would still be there when he woke. He entered sleep as soon as his head hit his pillow. And with sleep came the nightmares which played out his failure before his eyes. _________________ "Buffy, you cannot go!" Giles yelled at her as she picked up the crossbow from the library weapons closet. "Damn it, Giles. It's my fault Abby and Brigid were taken. I should have killed Drucilla in the Sunset Club when I had the chance." Cold fury painted her face with shadows and she pointed to the box that had just arrived. "For all we know Abby's dead, and you said that the last ritual to seal Drucilla to the Hellmouth needs innocent blood, so at least Brigid should still be alive." The Slayer hoisted the bag of supplies onto her shoulder and made for the door. Giles raced after her. "I'm coming with you." Before she could protest he forged ahead. "I've been trained in self defense, and I've slain vampires before. Buffy, Brigid is the only blood family I have left in this world. If something happened to her, or to you and I could have prevented it..." He shook his head. "I'd never forgive myself." "All right, Giles." Buffy laid a hand on her Watcher's shoulder. "Let's go get your family back." It hadn't been hard for Buffy to track the vampires down. And when they arrived they found themselves staring down at a nightmarish perversion of a royal court. Abby was there, no longer the beautiful vibrant woman that Rupert had grown up with. Now a demon stalking her own child, grinning maliciously as the tiny girl sobbed in heartrending fear and struggled to free herself from her bonds. Reigning over the whole scene was Drucilla, with Spike at her side, looking every inch the Demon Queen. The rest was a blur as Giles watched the events from outside himself. He saw one of the ceremonial candles fall into the ornate drapery surrounding Drucilla's throne, and then consume Drucilla herself. He remembered Buffy pushing him through the door, and diving back into the inferno to save Brigid. And then the end came as Buffy stumbled out of the blaze, burned and battered, arms wrapped around the unconscious child. He reached out weeping, knowing he couldn't change anything. "NO!" Giles woke from the dream, and sobbed as the dispair he had locked away since Buffy's death returned. End Prologue - -- ====================================================== |Penny Horwitz [] |Owner and CEO of the Incubus Club |Suave Sister Temptress |SISTAH Penny Dreadful of the FAMILY |Thrawl of the Muses Angel and Marcus | ====================================================== "That's it. I'm tired of this Mr. Nice Guy crap. She's going to know fear. She's going to know pain, and _then_ I'm going to kill her!"-Angel "Life's a Journey, Not A Destination" - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 29 Jan 1998 11:53:31 -0600 From: "Michelle" Subject: Re: BUFFYFIC: DISCUSS: Watching (1/1) This was a great story! Nice to enjoy a simpler time when Angel and Buffy still loved each other. We never knew when we had it so good. The talking is just fine, completely appropriate for the ending. Leave it just as it is. :-) Michelle - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 29 Jan 98 10:30:13 -0600 From: "Kimela M Wilker" Subject: Re: BUFFYFIC: BuffyFic: Beta request Hi, I would love to be a beta reader for you, and would have sent this to you directly, but your email was not posted anywhere in your note. Since I am posting to the entire list with this reply, I would just like to take a moment to invite you all to visit a great Fanfiction site that a friend of mine started. It is devoted to the Slayerettes and is located at and it is run by Zak Zandarah. I know she does not belong to any of the mailing lists, so if you have a Slayerette story (one that focuses on Xander, Willow, or Cordy) that you would like to post on her site, you can email her at, or visit her site and you can send her stories from there. Kimela ______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________ Subject: BUFFYFIC: BuffyFic: Beta request Author: at smtpgate Date: 1/29/98 10:32 AM Hey. I've got a story, a sequel to one I posted on, and I need someone to Beta read the first section. It's entitled Prom Night In (or From, whichever sounds better) Hell. (Though, technically there's not much of a prom) Karras ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - - - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 29 Jan 1998 16:03:48 -0500 From: (Ingrid E Stanton) Subject: BUFFYFIC: DISUSS: Slayer Be Slain Marvelous work. Great illustration of the bond between Angel and Buffy. My only complaint is the abrupt ending. I wanted to know what happened afterwards! - -Ingrid _____________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 29 Jan 1998 16:28:09 EST From: Subject: BUFFYFIC: Dream (1/1) Hi gang! I know it's been a week since S/I but I just remembered this story. I wrote it a couple of weeks before the big two part ep and since it kinda fits I thought I'd post it. Now, keep in mind that I wrote this *before* S/I. I had no idea what was going to happen. I wrote this because I wanted to satisfy my curiousity. I'll let you guess what I was curious about. Anyway, read on and enjoy. TITLE: Dream AUTHOR: Aramat! EMAIL: DIST: Ask and you shall recieve. After I edit. RATING: PG - to be safe. SPOILERS: just a brief reference to PG. FEEDBACK: Pretty please? With sugar on top? And a cherry? Maybe some nuts? Oh, and can't forget the whipped cream! DISC: I don't own these wonderful people. They are the property of Joss Whedon and the WB. I just use them because I can not make up characters of my own. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dream Buffy scanned the cemetery, searching for the vampire she knew was there. He was close, she could sense him. There was an energy that radiated from him, a power she could feel deep inside her. He was strong, very strong. The fight would not be easy. She focused all her attention on him, blocking out every sound, every sight that would distract her attention from him. There was silence as she concentrated solely on him. She could feel his presence surrounding her. For a moment she was overwhelmed. She had never felt this way before during a hunt. She had complete confidence in her abilities to destroy the undead. The only time she had ever felt fear this great was during her fight against the Master. But somehow this feeling of dread was even stronger than that. For the first time she truly doubted her ability. How could she fight someone so strong? But she had to fight. Somehow she had to find the power inside herself to defeat this predator. She stopped, closing her eyes, and focused on him. All she allowed her mind to dwell on was destroying him. She heard a whisper of sound and she turned to her foe. She gasped, surprised, when she saw Angel emerge from the shadows. When, finally, her heart stopped racing uncontrollably she stepped forward to greet him. But the words of welcome died on her lips. There was something different about him. She knew it as sure as she knew the sun would rise in the morning. As she and Angel stood there watching each other, she knew soething had changed. None of the things she usually associated with Angel, safety, security, love, none of those things were present. It their place was something darker, something dangerous. Her other indication that things were not right was the look in his eyes. She wasn't quite sure it was hate, but she knew for a fact it wasn't love. The look in his eyes was impassive, but behind the indifference there was something predatory. It scared her. Buffy took a step back and Angel smiled at her obvious distress. But when Buffy looked up she realized smile was too nice a word for the expression on his face. It was more a baring of fangs, his lips curled in enjoyment of her fear. It was then that Buffy realized exactly what was going on. She reached for the stake in the sleeve of her jacket, holding it her hand taking comfort in it's presence. Holding the thick wooden stick in her hand she felt slightly reassured that if something happened she would be ready. She looked back up at Angel, who was watching her intently. She wanted to speak, to find out what had gone wrong, but she couldn't find the words. Watching him watch her, the eyes, the face that she'd spent so much time dreaming about, she felt some of her resistance fade away. But not all. As he walked toward her, each step slow and graceful, she found that words weren't the only thing that had abandoned her. Watching him warily, she found that all her instincts had left her. All she could do was stand there as he walked casually to her, his eyes darkening with some unidentifiable emotion. Her mind went blank, her body went numb. Everything she'd ever learned as the Slayer fled. She was now a regular girl, helpless and scared. She knew what was coming. She closed her eyes and awaited the inevitable, wishing he would be swift in his killing of her. But he didn't. His next moves surprised her. Angel reached her and he lifted a hand to touch her cheek. Buffy, not expectiing the contact, closed her eyes and leaned into his hand, absently rubbing her cheek against his palm. She felt Angel take her face in his hands, sensed him lean down close to her. When his lips met hers she gasped at the familiar sensation and Angel took full advantage. As he deepened the kiss, Buffy wrapped her arms aorund him pulling him close to her, losing herself in his warmth. His hands slid down her body before wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her into him. They stood there together, lost in each others arms, their passion rising to a higher level. Buffy was so caught up in the sensations she'd forgotten that she was supposed to fear this vampire. So lost, she never questioned as his questing mouth journeyed seductively to her throat, never noticed his face shift, never noticed his fangs extend. It was only when his teeth pierced her smooth flesh, sinking deep into her neck that she find the strength to fight back. As Angel fed lesuirely from her, she gripped the once forgotten stake and, with every ounce of strength she had left, plunged it through his back and into his heart. And as he dissolved into a cloud of dust she fell to the ground beside him, unconcious. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Buffy awoke from the nightmare slowly. She sat up in bed and was assaulted by images of she and Angel staring into each others eyes, she and Angel wrapped in a passionate embrace, Angel plunging his fangs into her neck, her ramming a stake into his heart. She felt tears well in her eyes as she recalled Angel's death and her body beside his ashes. But she refused to cry. Laying back down, she closed her eyes, willing sleep back to her. After moments of trying, sleep finally rose to claim her and, as she felt herself drift away, she whispered to the darkness that it was just a dream. The End ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hope you liked it! And this time they didn't speak. (Few will get this joke.) Aramat! - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 29 Jan 1998 19:38:48 EST From: Subject: Re: BUFFYFIC: DISCUSS:Dream (1/1) In a message dated 98-01-29 17:24:11 EST, Isis212@AOL.COM writes: << Hope you liked it! And this time they didn't speak. (Few will get this joke.) Aramat! >> I got it!! Very well writen... I liked it alot! Lins - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 29 Jan 1998 21:03:24 EST From: "The Mistress" Subject: Re: BUFFYFIC: BuffyFic: Beta request Heck, I'll just send Part One to the list. :) Expect it soon. Karras ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 29 Jan 1998 21:23:32 -0500 From: (Ingrid E Stanton) Subject: BUFFYFIC: "One Vampire's Headache..." (10/?) by Ingrid DISCLAIMER: I claim no rights to the characters mentioned from "Buffy the Vampire Slayer, " including Drusilla and Spike. They are used w/o permission, and rightfully belong to the WB, Joss Whedon, Sandollar Productions & Mutant Enemy. SUMMARY: Part 10, more Spike Drusilla stuff. (Alternate Buffy universe.) If you don’t get this, that’s cause you haven’t read the other parts. If you want to get this, send me mail at WARNING: A bit twisted. Don’t read if you can’t stand the mention of blood. - heh heh! I made a joke! Proceed… *** "One Vampire’s Headache…" Part the Tenth *** Spike walked on, ever so slowly. Something was hovering over him, clouding his brain, and hindering his sharp mind. Drusilla began to sing to a doll, slowing the lullaby to half time, dragging out the verse, and twisting the syllables with her faint voice: "Rock-a-bye b-a-by on the tree t-o-p When the wind bl-o-ws the cradle will r-o-ck…" The melody curled itself through Spike’s mind, becoming more and more muddled as she sang. "When the bow bre-a-ks, the cradle will f-a-ll…" He was dizzy, and his skin was itching. "And down will come b-a-by, cradle and a-ll!" Dru dropped her doll suddenly. "Spike?" "What is it, love?" "I don't feel good. I can't think like this! Where's my dolly?" Spike bent down and picked up the porcelin statuette. He handed it to her, watching her tuck it into her dress. Her long tresses blew carlessly about her as she pressed forwards. After a long silence, she seized his arm. "Sit. I need to sit. Here," she commanded, pulling him to the edge of the grass. He looked on as she dropped her head on his shoulder. He had intended to stay awake, but found himself slowly drifting off after her. *Just a little nap,* he thought as he closed his eyes... *** "If you think I know where I’m going with this story, you’re sadly mistaken!" - -Ingrid (Next part will be Buffy/Angel) Write to me at _____________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] - - ------------------------------ End of Buffyfic-digest V2 #19 ***************************** To subscribe to buffyfic or buffyfic-digest, send the command subscribe buffyfic-digest or subscribe buffyfic to You will need to go through a confirmation process, and the listowners have to manually approve your subscription request, so it may take some time. Back issues of this digest can be found at: Dalton Spence has also provided an index of the buffyfic archive at: For help, contact Jill Kirby ( or sah (