From: (Buffyfic-digest) To: Subject: Buffyfic-digest V2 #21 Reply-To: Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk Buffyfic-digest Friday, January 30 1998 Volume 02 : Number 021 In this issue: BUFFYFIC: The First Loss (4/?) RE: BUFFYFIC: The First Loss (3/?) Re: BUFFYFIC: DISCUSS: Beta readers wanted Re: BUFFYFIC: DISCUSS: Beta readers wanted BUFFYFIC: Admin: Beta-reading requests BUFFYFIC: Prom Night From Hell - Synopsis Help BUFFYFIC: Sins of the Mother (5/9) PG-13 by: Vapthorne See the end of the digest for information on subscribing to the buffyfic or buffyfic-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 30 Jan 1998 15:41:51 +0000 From: starstorm Subject: BUFFYFIC: The First Loss (4/?) Comments and disclaimers in part 1. Feedback is nice please. Pretty= please. "Well, my parents started having problems when I was about three. And my dad got involved with Nina or Nin, or whatever she calls herself." Oz told Willow. "Wait a minute wouldn't she sort have been two or three then, also?" Willow asked. "You'd think that, wouldn't you? More weird stuff. Whatever=85" he= shrugged. "So you hated her for being you know, the other woman?" Willow asked. Then she blushed and looked down at her shoes. "No. Maybe I was too little, but I didn't hate her. Hell, mom didn't hate her! She's just, I dunno, a fascinating person." He frowned. "So what happened?" Willow lay her head on Oz's shoulder. He gave a startled smile and then relaxed. "She used to have all these old books. Sort of like Giles. She'd read to me, horrible, eerie stuff, the kind every kid adores. One day she dropped me off at day care and went out to do whatever she does. When we got home, we found my dad," he shuddered and Willow's arms tightened around him. "Was he--?" she whispered. "He was alive. Barely. Someone had opened up his insides. They wrote out, 'This is a warning, Ninurta.' In his blood, on our wall." He suddenly slammed a fist into the wall. "Oz?" Willow whispered. "And then she just put me on the ground and called an ambulance. I went to mom's house. The next day she was gone, books and all. Just like that. Gone," he said with an exquisite calm. "Oz? Maybe she thought that way no on else would get hurt or something." "Yeah. I know. But she was like my Aunt Nin=85 you know she was just there= . I used to write her letters, but of course Dad didn't know where to send them." He smiled down at Willow and stroked her hair. "Sometimes I really love you." "Oh yeah, and the other times?" she teased. "Then too." He smiled. "You wanna, you know look up stuff?" "Sounds good." They went through old tomes until it started to get dark.=20 "I could walk you home?" Oz offered, reluctant to end the afternoon. "Yeah, that would be nice." She smiled shyly and took his arm. They walked outside the school for a while. Something rustled in the bushes. Willow frowned. "Did you hear that?" she asked. "What?" he replied. A bird cawed with a deep croaking sound. The bushes rustled again. "That," she cried. "Oh, that."=20 The vampire had popped out in front of them before they had a chance to blink. It was a strange creature, odd featured and a face twisted by tattoos. They both recognized it from Giles' research. "Apsu! O'my God. Oz, I'm such an idiot. Nin=85 Ninurta. The Ninurta!" Willow gasped. "Not now! Run!" He grabbed her arm and took his own advice. "Really, how far do you expect to get?" The vampire laughed. Suddenly it was in front of them. "Don't worry, I'm not going to kill you." Oz backed away, carefully keeping himself between Apsu and Willow. "What do you want?" he whispered. "Isn't it obvious? Bait." Apsu howled and ran at them again. "Really? I wouldn't." Three heads turned to meet Angel's determined face.= =20 "What are you doing? I don't need your help!" Apsu said. "Someone else does," the handsome vampire replied. Angel shrugged and pulled a wicked looking pistol out of his pocket and fired. Repeatedly. The he calmly put a stake through the ancient vampire's heart. "Angel?" Willow squeaked. "Are you, I mean why did you?" He looked up, his face twisted into its demon mask. "I didn't do this for you. You could all die in agony and I wouldn't care." "Okay," Oz drawled. "Just so you know. You're still dead next time we meet." The vampire turned and slipped into the shadows. "Well," Oz glanced down at the dust that was left of Apsu. "Home would be a good thing. We could go." "It's a plan. My place is closer, we'll call Giles." They nodded at each other, and then proceeded to run as fast as they could. **=20 Nin was curled up in bed when she heard the pounding on her door. After a brief moment she slipped up and pulled the pistol out from under her pillow.=20 "Whoever this is, it had better be good," she muttered. She checked the peephole.=20 Then she slumped down against the wall. "I have to talk to you!" Angel called from the other side of the door. "Don't you people ever give up? I mean ever?" she replied. "Look, I don't expect you to let me in. Just hear me out." "Talk." Not that she believed a word he might say. But then again her blood could have some fairly strange effects on a vampire. "Apsu tried to attack your former lover's son tonight. He would have succeeded," Angel drawled sarcastically. "That bastard is dead. Just wait until I catch him." Nin pounded her forehead into her knees. "He's already dead, Ninurta. I killed him," he deadpanned. "What? And I'm supposed to believe you because?" she let her voice trail off. "It's true. You can ask the boy or Willow for verification in the morning. I'm not exactly their best buddy anymore, they'd have no reason to lie." His voice sounded tired. "Assuming it's all true=85 why? To what possible end, vampire?" She caught the note of frustration in her own tone, but decided to ignore it. "I don't know." Her frustration was returned full measure. "Your blood, it burns inside me. Something is happening, I-- I don't know." "You did this for me?" she asked, incredulously. "Because of who you are. Because whatever Tiamat is, her rising will mean more than the death of the human race, won't it?" He leaned on her door, as if exhausted. "I have come to believe so, Angel. Now go. We'll talk again tomorrow." She promised. When the feeling of the vampire faded down the hall she tried to get back to sleep. After an hour of tossing she pulled out a dusty book and began to read. Whatever was happening to Angel could well be important, in more ways than one.=20 =20 ** "There's something wrong, Spike." Druscilla shifted in her seat. "What is it, baby?" he asked soothingly. "The Hellmouth isn't happy anymore. Something very bad has happened. Someone has been very naughty." She put her head in her hands and shivered. "What should we do, baby? And where is Angel?" He glanced around annoyed at the prolonged absence of the older vampire. Couldn't trust that bastard anymore. "Angel=85 he feels strange inside. He is afraid of something. Spike, what if the Hellmouth doesn't love us? What if it hates us as much as it hates humans?" She stood up suddenly and lay her head in his lap. "Why would that happen, Dru?"=20 "I don't know. Something bad has happened and I don't know anything anymore. Except that Angel is afraid and maybe he's right to feel that way." She rubbed her head against him frantically, like a cat hungry for warmth.=20 But there was no warmth in Spike's cold, dead body. None at all. =20 starstorm - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 30 Jan 1998 15:44:46 +0000 From: starstorm Subject: RE: BUFFYFIC: The First Loss (3/?) At 09:33 AM 1/30/98 -0600, you wrote: >good story, keep it coming! I loved how she is stronger than even >Angel, it taught him a lesson.... > >I liked it a lot! > Thank you kindly for responding. And yes, I'd say Angel learned his lesson... mama always said to be careful what you eat, it may disagree with you. Thanks again. - -- Lucy - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 30 Jan 1998 18:34:29 -0500 From: "Jim Heverling" Subject: Re: BUFFYFIC: DISCUSS: Beta readers wanted I wouldn't mind reading some stories. Actually I think it would fun. Let me know. - -catie - ---------- > From: Gale Weathers (Rachel) > To: > Subject: Re: BUFFYFIC: DISCUSS: Beta readers wanted > Date: Friday, January 30, 1998 12:05 AM > > >Hi all, > >I need two or three brave souls willing to volunteer to read my story > >and offer constructive criticicm, opinions, spot errors, etc. Please > >e-mail me if you have the time and are interested. > >Thanks! > >Holly > > Hey! > I'm brand new and I'd love to help ya out! Send it my way! > -Rachel > > "Listen to them...the children of the night...what sweet music they make" > - Dracula, Bram Stoker's Dracula > ----------------------------vampire--------------------------------- > "Did Norman Bates have a motive? Did they ever figure out why Hannibal > Lector like to eat people? DON'T THINK SO!" > -Billy Loomis 'Scream' > ---scream-----------------------------------------------scream 2---- > > "It can't rain all the time, the sky won't fall forever. And even > though the night is long, your tears won't fall forever" -The Crow > > -------------------------------------------------------------------- > X-F: > WLDD**SPCDD**DDSB**SDDL**GBLA**DDPOL**LODD**Teenage Davidites** > **The X-Files Fan Fiction List**X-F Creative** ^Friend^ Shipper > MY DD WEBSITE:Obsessed with David Duchovny > > XXXXXXXXXXXXTXHXEXXTXRXUXTXHXXIXSXXOXUXTXXTXHXEXRXEXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX > If you believe, no proof is necessary. > If you don't, no proof is sufficient. > > > > - > - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 30 Jan 1998 17:48:10 -0600 From: TSalloum Subject: Re: BUFFYFIC: DISCUSS: Beta readers wanted I would love to read your story (and the other stuff too)...let me know > > From: Gale Weathers (Rachel) > > To: > > Subject: Re: BUFFYFIC: DISCUSS: Beta readers wanted > > Date: Friday, January 30, 1998 12:05 AM > > > > >Hi all, > > >I need two or three brave souls willing to volunteer to read my story > > >and offer constructive criticicm, opinions, spot errors, etc. Please > > >e-mail me if you have the time and are interested. > > >Thanks! > > >Holly > > - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 30 Jan 1998 19:52:50 -0600 (CST) From: Jill Kirby Subject: BUFFYFIC: Admin: Beta-reading requests If you're responding to someone's request for beta-readers, please make sure you do the replying through private mail. Thank you. Jill Jill Kirby ~~ ~~ NatPack ~~ ABotCoS ~~ NP4 ~~ Dreamer/Minstrel Isn't it nice to know that we can warp reality to suit our own means at any time? --kg - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 30 Jan 1998 20:53:08 EST From: "The Mistress" Subject: BUFFYFIC: Prom Night From Hell - Synopsis Help "Prom Night From Hell" a synopsis by EA Karras Ok, this is a possible fanfic sequel to Nightmare At THe Hellmout, which has been sent to some of you and is posted on my website. It takes place about 1 and a half years after NatH, and a while after "Phases". Mender has returned from a sort of "slayer sabbatical" at the Watcher's HQ. He's changed quite a bit, in some bad ways some good ways. He's a lot less um...punch happy when it comes to Giles. On the other hand, he's going quite, quite mad. See, being the Dream Slayer, he's prone to nightmares. And of later, they've been very bad, and quite graphic. As for Buffy, she's dealing badly with the Angel/soul crisis. Oz is trying to deal with his Lycanthropy. Angel and Dru want to kidnap Mender, and turn him into a vampire. Spike disagrees with this, stating that he doesn't want to risk creating more "mad" vamps. Angel kidnaps Jack anyway, and well...begins the course of vamping him. That's all I've got so far, any ideas? Or opinions? Also a better title, might be good. Thanks. send them to ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 30 Jan 1998 21:48:20 -0500 From: Vapthorne Subject: BUFFYFIC: Sins of the Mother (5/9) PG-13 by: Vapthorne Title: Sins of the Mother (5 of 9) Author: Vapthorne=20 E-Mail: Distribution: I would love to have this work distributed, but please ask= first. Spoilers: Minor spoiler from Ted, Surprise, and Innocence. Rating: I think PG-13 for right now. Disclaimer: Joyce Summers (aka Joy Matthews), and any other character from= =20 Buffy the Vampire Slayer are the creation and property of Joss Weldon. I do= =20 not own them. However the characters: Rebecca Casey, Dalton Plague, Cecil=20 Kane, Thaos, and the Necromancer are my creations and you got ask me to use= =20 them. Summary: While Buffy is busy 'studying' with Giles and the other. Her mother= =20 looks back to when she was Buffy's age and recalls some interesting= memories. Feedback: I want it, badly! I need to know how I'm doing, Enjoy :) Sins of the Mother: Chapter Five - --------------------------------------------- "Why are we here in the sewer." A blonde hippie girl whined, "It's such a= =20 drag." "We have orders." A pale being, with long white hair, replied. "Why can't we finish them and go home." "The sun is still out you moron." He said. "Remember, Flower, vampires must= =20 never stay in the sun." "Why did the Necromancer send two of us?" Flower asked. "This girl, our target, had killed two vampires all ready. The Necromancer= =20 doesn't want to take any chances. Which makes me wonder why he called you.= =20 You certainly can't fight." "Hey.. wait a min=85" "Shhh=85" The pale vampire demanded. "Listen." ***** "I told you what's been going." Joy explained to Rebecca as they walked=20 down the sidewalk. "You mean this macromanner guy?" She replied. "It's Necromancer. And, I can't shake this dark feeling that's been=20 clouding over me." "I been trying to tell you. You simply made him up. He doesn't exist.=20 Anyway, what did Rayer do?" "He wants me to do 'volunteer' work with the school. I just don=85" Joy=20 stopped. "Wait a minute=85 Did you hear something." "What is it now?" Rebecca griped. =20 "I have this feeling that we're being followed." "Listen, Joy, you're my friend but I must say that you're starting to freak= =20 me out." Rebecca started to head off. "Maybe, you should calm down. Spend=20 some time alone. Talk to me when your sane again." Rebecca walked towards a= =20 different direction and Joy was alone. Joy made it home and spent the next few hours sitting in her room. She=20 tried to grasp whatever reality was left. Ever since the night when that=20 first vampire attacked her, things got more confusing by the minute. No one= =20 would believe her story, not even her friends, and it created a sense of=20 alienation between her and everyone.=20 Just around sunset, her mother called her down for a favor to ask. They were= =20 out of milk and Joy had to get to the general store before it closed. By the= =20 time she made it to the store and purchased the milk, the night sky had=20 already appeared. Joy became worried because she knew that this was when the= =20 vampire came out. She began walking with her eye behind her shoulder. She=20 swiftly turned behind her and stepped backwards. She cautiously moved back= =20 slowly until her body contacted someone else's. She turned and saw a middle= =20 aged man. "Excuse me." The man spoke in a monotone dialect. "You need to watch where= =20 you're going." "I was watching." Joy didn't know what to think of this guy. He didn't seem= =20 like he was playing with a full deck of cards. "Beg to differ. You'd need to watch your mouth. I don't stand for that kind= =20 of malarkey." "Listen! I don't care what you stand for." Joy bellowed, "I'm having a bad= =20 day and enough weirdoes as it is. I don't need some creep like you in my=20 life. Just get out of my face." The stranger walked away disgusted at Joy's attitude. She continued on her= =20 way and hoped she never see that strange man ever again. As she walked down= =20 the street, she heard someone following. "Look you creep, just leave me alone!" Joy turned and thought it was that=20 strange man, but it wasn't. "Oh, I'm sorry. I thought I you were someone= else." "I am." Said the young blonde girl dressed in a tie-dyed shirt. "Are you= okay." "Yeah. Just a bit edgy."=20 "You should mellow out man." She suggested. "My name is Flower." "Nice to meet you." Joy didn't give a full friendly expression. "Ever been to Woodstock?" Flower asked. "No I haven't." Joy answered. "I have." Flower said, "That's where I met him." "Who?" "A guy named Spike. He did this groovy thing to me. He made me what I am=20 today." Joy didn't even what to know what this Spike character did. "He made me a vampire." Flower snickered, and Joy became frozen shortly.=20 Then she stepped backwards and bumped into someone. "Hello beautiful." A pale faced vampire said. Joy knew she was in trouble now. The pale vampire placed her in a headlock.= =20 Joy struggled to break free but wasn't able to, the vampire was just too=20 strong. This encounter was different from the other two. Before, she was=20 just a random victim at the wrong place and the wrong time. Now, these=20 vampires had it in for her, they wanted her to die, and she couldn't stop=20 them. She had no tree branch or broomstick that could save her. The vampire= =20 pressed Joy against a car and held her neck steady so it can be bitten.=20 Just as the vampire was ready to sink his teeth, some force replied him. Joy= =20 looked up and saw a young man, a little older than Joy's, holding a wooden= =20 stake. The cross erected holy energy which can deliver pain to any unholy=20 demon. The demon quickly feel to the ground. "You all right?" The man asked. "Yeah, I guess so." Joy breathed with relief. Then she quickly jumped, "Look= =20 out!" Flower sneaked up from behind and slashed the guy across the arm with a=20 knife. The man dropped the cross as she started to bleed. Joy punched the=20 hippie vampire in the mouth. Next she grabbed the cross and shoved it in the= =20 demon face, causing her to halt any attack. Joy suddenly found herself=20 restrained by the pale vampire that took her by surprise. The pale vampire= =20 started to choke Joy until she started to see black. Before the young girl= =20 lost complete consciousness heard her savior's voice chanting a small=20 phrase. She couldn't understand what it was, but she guessed it was Latin.= =20 Swiftly, the vampires found their heads' spinning as they fled the street.= =20 Joy regained her vision and saw that there were no vampires. Joy thought=20 that a miracle have saved them from certain doom. "What happened?" Joy asked. "I used a spell. That phrase you heard can turn the undead." The man= explained. "Turn the undead?" Joy had no idea what he meant." "It means to send them to their origin. Where ever they came from." The man= =20 confirmed. "Listen, it isn't safe here. Come to my place, it's not far. I'm= =20 sure we can answer each others questions." "I like to really, but my parents said never to go with strangers." "I saved you life, that entitles me to your attention=85 oww." The man's=20 bleeding started to hurt even more. Joy supported him by the shoulder to=20 help him keep his balance. She decided to go with the young man, so he could= =20 do something about that cut. ***** "Cecil, you're hurt." A young girl opened the door to saw Joy carrying the= =20 man and helped them inside. They were inside a small apartment, which was=20 only a block where the attack took place. The young girl was about Joy's age= =20 with short black. The girl went into another room. "It's only a light cut." Cecil said.=20 The girl returned with a first aid kit and started to treat the wound. She= =20 noticed Joy and asked who she was. "Name's Joy." She introduced. "Name's Cecil Kane, and this is a friend of mine." Cecil said as he=20 gestured toward his friend. "Name's Jana. What's your story?" "I was attacked by vampires. Cecil came to my aid. By the way, Cecil, can I= =20 ask, what you were going there?" Joy asked. "I live nearby, like I said." Cecil explained, "It natural to be in the=20 neighborhood." "Sorry. I'm being rude." She apologized. "You have any idea why they would attack you?" Jana asked. "No, I'm just a kid." She explained, "The only thing I've done was=85 well,= I=20 did kill two vamps two days ago if that counts. What's been really bugging= =20 is now I have this necromancer following me." "The Necromancer!" So, there is one out there." Cecil bolted up and=20 shrieked in pain for the antibiotic Jana was placing on the cut. "Careful!" She shouted. "You know about this guy?" Joy asked. "Yes, there is this story." Cecil got in comfortable position and began to= =20 explain to Joy. "Long ago, around the forth century in Europe, there was=20 this group of druids that practiced black magic and done evil things. On=20 day, the elder discovered a way to communicate with the undead. This=20 practice called necromancy. However, unholy demons disguised themselves as= =20 spirits of the tribe deceased loved one, and the elder became influenced by= =20 the demons. The demons twisted his sanity and poured his mind with dark=20 thoughts. He became the Necromancer, servant of the demons of hell.=20 Listening to the songs of the damned caused the elder to lead unholy=20 crusades. This continued for countless generations as the Necromancer would= =20 pass his skills and curse down his family line." "And the Necromancer that's been following me is a descendent of this elder= =20 you told me about." "The druid clan that practice necromancy from the elder died out. It's hard= =20 to say if the one you're referring to is from the elder's line or someone=20 who stole the druid's knowledge. Either was, he is a dangerous man." "Why does he want with me?"=20 "We don't know, he could have reason to fear you." Cecil said. "He might of= =20 sent those vamps after you. A necromancer can command a legion of undead=20 creatures." "He controls all the vampires in Silver Heights?" Joy asked. "That would explain the rise of vampire attacks. They don't attack in=20 frequency unless they have a leader. That's why I'm here, to find out what's= =20 causing the rise. Now that you mentioned the Necromancer I think I found the= =20 explanation."=20 "Okay, then why do you two know so much?" Joy asked. "We practice magick ourselves." Jana explained. "I'm a gypsy=85" "Let's just say I'm a magic user who's been searching for evil creatures=20 like the Necromancer." Cecil intervened. "Are you two=85" Joy wondered if they had some sort of romantic= relationship. "No, we are not." Jana and Cecil answered. "Listen, it's late and I need to get home. My parents are going to kill me= =20 soon." Joy grabbed her things and headed for the door. "Take these." Cecil handed Joy a wooden cross and a silver curving-blade=20 dagger. "It's more than likely that the vampires will continue assaults=20 against you Joy." "Thank you." "I think I better come with you." Jana said as she grabbed her jacket to=20 escort Joy home. ***** Outside, on the other side of Silver Heights=85 "You failed me." Necromancer was not pleased to see the two vampires he=20 sent bowing down in shame. "It wasn't our fault." The pale vampire said. "A man interfered and turned= =20 us." "It was a bummer." Flower added. "Silence!" The Necromancer shouted, "The voices don't pity failure. With=20 the human, Joy Matthews, still alive she still can hinder our goals. The=20 voices have foreseen it. Nothing must prevent the wakening of the shadow=20 walker." The dark druid gestured towards a small rock, beating like a=20 poisoned heart, embedded in the ground. "Don't worry my lord. Tomorrow is another night." The pale vampire= snickered. "It won't be if you fail me again." The Necromancer stared into the night= =20 sky, "The girl is probably mocking us right now." ***** "What are you think about?" Jana asked Joy as she walked down the street. "He's mocking me." Joy said. "Who?" "The Necromancer, he's still out there, waiting, watching. I can feel it." "Oh, how did you get caught up in this message." "I was attacked by a vampire two nights ago. I had to defend myself, I was= =20 just at the wrong place at the wrong time." Joy explained. "Really, you just seemed more knowledgeable than most girls our age on the= =20 subject of demons." The gypsy wondered. "I like to study ancient art. In order to know what the people put into=20 their work, I done background study on popular mythology. That's how I know= =20 about mythology. Plus, I've read and watch enough movies." "Vampires from a movie are different from the real ones." "I realize that, while we're on the subject. What's your stake in this. Are= =20 you too after the Necromancer?" "No, my people are after someone else." "Who?" "It's a long story. A long time ago, a vampire named Angeles killed one of= =20 the most beloved maiden of our tribe. So to punish him we put a curse on= him." "What did you do." "My ancestors gave him back his soul. That way he'll feel the torment for= =20 the sins he committed. With a guilt trip he can't attack people like other= =20 vampires." "Then why are you still after him?" "My people want to make sure he still suffers for what he's done." Jana=20 explained.=20 "Don't you think that's a bit harsh?" "I don't know what to think, I never met this Angeles. But, I know vampires= =20 are evil. Nothing can change that. My people just make to sure that he still= =20 suffers like the way he hurt my people." "I see." "That's what demon's do. They hurt people. They have no reason, no emotion.= =20 That's what my elders taught me. All I been told is to search for him. With= =20 all the vampire activity I figured he might be here, that's how I met= Cecil." "Well this is my house. It was nice talking to you." Joy headed to her=20 front steps. "You too, Joy."=20 "Listen, I just wanted to thank you and Cecil." She thanked. "Why?" "For believing my story. No one else would believe me, not even my friends.= =20 Oh and I hope you find this Angeles character." Joy walked into her front door only to receive a harsh welcome from her=20 parents.=20 "Where were you, young lady!" Her father shouted. "I went to the store to get milk. Like you said." Joy defended. "And it took you this long!" Her mother started. "You realize what time it= =20 is?" "I lost track of time." Replied the teen. "You lost track. I don't know what your problem is Joyce Matthews, you're= =20 becoming more irresponsible, you're grades are a joke, and now you giving an= =20 attitude." Father said. "What's going on with you today, anyway." Mother asked. "I've been=85" She was about to tell them about the vampire incidents, but= =20 her judgement prevented her. The last thing she wanted was her parents to=20 think she was crazy. "I've been having issues, lately. You wouldn't=20 understand." "Understand what?" Her parents continued with their scolding tone. "You wouldn't understand that there are vampires running around." Joy=20 blasted it out without thinking. She knew she was in for it now. "That's it young lady!" Father had blown his top. "If you're not going to= =20 tell us the truth, fine. But, don't go making up fantasy stories that no one= =20 believes." "But=85" Joy panicked. "Just go to your room, Joy!" Mother commanded, "Consider yourself= grounded." Without the energy to fight, reasons, or oppose her parents, she went to=20 her room. As she pulled out the cross and the dagger from her purse, she=20 knew her problems just got worse. Vapthorne - ---------- NuRPG: Jasper and Aria Cardea: Mercury Author of "Sins of the Mother" -BtVS Fanfic ffff,0000,ffff Keeper of the following: Buffy's first day in Sunnydale Buffy's Vampire form (from Nightmares) Ethan's broken statue of Janus ***** "Only in a mad world, are the mad sane." -Akira Kurosawa - - ------------------------------ End of Buffyfic-digest V2 #21 ***************************** To subscribe to buffyfic or buffyfic-digest, send the command subscribe buffyfic-digest or subscribe buffyfic to You will need to go through a confirmation process, and the listowners have to manually approve your subscription request, so it may take some time. Back issues of this digest can be found at: Dalton Spence has also provided an index of the buffyfic archive at: For help, contact Jill Kirby ( or sah (