From: (Buffyfic-digest) To: Subject: Buffyfic-digest V2 #30 Reply-To: Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk Buffyfic-digest Sunday, February 8 1998 Volume 02 : Number 030 In this issue: BUFFYFIC: HMTTN (3/4): Is Your Love Strong Enough? (1/1) BUFFYFIC: HMTTN (4/4):Epilogue: Don't Leave Me Now (1/1) BUFFYFIC: HMTTN (2/4): Bad Moon Rising (1/1) BUFFYFIC: Archive idea.... Re: BUFFYFIC: Archive idea.... BUFFYFIC: Valentine's Day fanfic challenge See the end of the digest for information on subscribing to the buffyfic or buffyfic-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sun, 8 Feb 1998 19:47:57 EST From: Subject: BUFFYFIC: HMTTN (3/4): Is Your Love Strong Enough? (1/1) Title: Help Me Through The Night (3/4):Is Your Love Strong Enough (1/1) By: Alex Queirolo EMAIL ADDRESS: DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT: Anya's and my site eventually.. SPOILER WARNING: Suprise/Innocence and pre-uninformed spoilers for BBB RATING: A PG-13. Violence. A bit of language. FEEDBACK: Yes..yes..YES!!! Please! And beware of the yellow haired rats. ******** HELP ME THROUGH THE NIGHT ________________________________________ CHAPTER THREE: IS YOUR LOVE STRONG ENOUGH ******** AUTHOR'S NOTE: This takes place during BBB. That would be the upcoming episode due to air on February 10, 1998. That said, I haven't seen the ep but I'm creating theories and making guesses and taking all that from just the thirty second preview. I want to emphasize that I am pulling Buffy out of character to fit how I see this scene occuring. DISCLAIMER: None of the characters of this fic belong to me. They belong to Joss "Da Man" Whedon. Any dialogue that appears on the show also belongs to Joss while any that doesn't belongs to me. No toe-stepping is intended. The title is taken from a Bryan Ferry song from the THREESOME soundtrack. The quote is taken from the Eagles song "Take It Easy." STORY NOTES: This is the third of three plus an epilogue. This one deals with Xander and Angel at Buffy's place. At this point, all of these stories step out of the time-stream and exist within mine. ******** "Well I'm running down the road Trying to loosen my load I got seven women on my mind Four that want to own me Two that want to stone me One says she's a friend of mine Take it easy." It looked like rain. It might not actually happen but it sure looked like it could. Dark clouds swirled angrily in the sky and the wind slapped teh branches of the large oak trees lining Revello drive around like they were pieces of paper. He walked slowly, not completely convinced that he was making an intelligent decision. What if she was still not right in the head? What if Giles hadn't managed to find Amy yet? So many what ifs and only Giles and Amy could fix things. He hoped they would do it fast before things got any worse. As if they could. Things were out of control. It'd started with him being dumped the night before Valentine's Day by his steady Cordelia Chase. Things had pretty much spun out since then. Admittedly, it hadn't been one of the more intelligence inspired moves of his short existance to request help from Amy but in his defense, it had made some type of sense at the time. Ever since Buffy had saved Amy from her psychotic body-stealing mother, they'd been something of friends and so it'd seemed somewhat logical to go to her to help him where Buffy and Willow could not. And it wasn't their fault. Buffy had her own romantic problems; to say that she was merely heartbroken would be a devasting understatement. She'd lost the man she loved, perhaps even more than herself, to a curse none of them really understood. He wanted to talk to her but he knew that the reality of it was that he could offer her very little comfort. He knew that she'd be willing to listen and be there for him just the same but he also knew that he couldn't ask that from her. It wasn't fair. And Willow. His best buddy, his oldest friend. She'd finally found happiness and he'd be damned if he'd infringe upon that. And yet, on both counts, he had. Somehow his plan to win Cordelia back has misfired..horribly. Cordy hadn't been swayed but every girl in Sunnydale, including Willow and Buffy, had very suddenly fallen madly and obcessively in love with him. And not in a good way either. Buffy had attempted to seduce him in the library and she'd been pretty damn persuasive. That was bad enough but the walls of hell had pretty much fallen down around his shoulders when Cordelia had appeared from within the stacks to witness Buffy atop of him with her shirt unbuttoned and her hands roaming about wildly. Suffice it to say, he'd been unable to convince her that it was all just a big misunderstanding and that it was she he wanted on top of him. Since the confrontation in the hallway, he'd managed to figure outexactly what had gone wrong with Amy's spell. A few mispronounced words had changed it drastically and now Giles was trying to make things right while Xander went off in search of the Slayer. "Watch her," Giles had warned, "She could get herself hurt if she's not thinking like her self. Keep her inside until the spell is broken." Easier said than done. Xander sighed and looked up at her house. Her mother was in Los Angeles buying or something equally tedious. In any case, he knew that he needn't worry about knocking. When Joyce Summers was out of town, the house pretty much became Slayer central until she returned. "Buffy?" Xander called out as he stepped into the entry-hall. When all he heard was silence, he started up the stairs. "Buffster?" Oh God, this was crazy. How the hell was he supposed to stop her from going out if that was what she had her mind set on doing. Logic and reason? Yeah, that'd work. He opened the door to her room and stepped in. He sighed tiredly when one look in confirmed that she was missing in action. Not a terribly good thing. He moved over to her bed and shuffled a few of her stuffed animals out of the way. Leaning back on it, he placed his hands beneath his head and closed his eyes. With any luck, by the time the Slayer returned to find him lying on her bed, she'd be wanting to order him off instead of trying to jump him. "Buffy?" a voice called out from the window. Xander blinked and looked up. Now that was curious."Buffy?" the voice called out again, this time lower and menacing. Xander slid off of the bed and sank to his knees. Crawling, he moved towards the window. The voice called out again and Xander saw a foot come through the window. Angel. Angelus. Whatever. He swallowed hard and begged his mind to come up with a plan that wouldn't end up with him sucked dry and dead on the floor of Buffy's bedroom. It wasn't something she'd deal with in a positive way. "Come out, come out wherever you are, my sexy little Slayer," Angel cackled. "There are things I want to do to you." Xander felt anger rising up in his chest as he listened to Angel's taunting. By design they were meant to hurt Buffy; to break her down and destroy her heart and soul piece by piece. "Come on, Buffy...I know you want me. How about this...I'll make love to you...if you want to call it last time before I kill you.' "No!" Xander screamed, rushing to his feet. He slammed against Angel and sent them both hurling out onto the roof. He rolled a few feet and then managed to catch his foot in the drainage gutter. He looked up and saw that Angel was already on his feet and decked out in his game face. With a feral growl, Angel reached down and pulled Xander up and into the air by his throat. "Where is she?" "Go to hell," Xander replied, eyes steady and angry. There wasn't a force in existance that could possibly convince him to betray Buffy. "Gladly," Angel laughed just before he threw Xander over the side of the roof. Xander cried out in shock but quickly discovered that he didn't have much time to flash through his life's events before he collided with a fern bush planted at the base of the side of the house. He lay there stunned and sore and knowing without a doubt that the bush had saved his life. Again, he hadn't much time to contemplate it before he heard a low savage growl and felt Angel wrap a hand of steel around his throat. He gagged and tried to breathe but Angel had little intention of allowing it. "Where's Buffy?" He growled again as he launched Xander into a flip in the air. Xander landed hard on his back and lay there, painfully disorientated and unable to answer the question even if he'd wanted to. "Where's Buffy?" Angel screamed at him, fangs out and ready to strike. "Right here,Angelus. Right here," Buffy said from behind them and over by the patio door. "And I'm going to kill you." Angel turned and smiled, "Buffy! Babe! What a suprise...oh but it's so good to see you." "It won't be for much longer," Buffy replied coldly, her blue eyes locked into a Slayers' deadly stare. She meant business. Angel glanced down at Xander who was just now attempting to regain his fragile equillibrium. "Oh and what are you gonna do? Kick me again? Ooh..ouch...metal cup, love." "I'm not going to casterate you, I'm gonna kill you," Buffy responded calmly as she flicked her wrist sharply to produce a rather nasty looking stake. "You can't kill me, Buffy." Angel said with a smirk. He leaned half a step forward and whispered mockingly, "You love me." "No," she smiled, "I don't. That was then. This is now. I love the man you hurt and that means that your Get Out Of Being Slayed card has expired." "You love Xander," Angel hissed in disbelief. "That's insane." "No, screwing you was insane," Buffy shot back. On the grass and inching away from Angel, Xander winced at the abnormal crudity of her words. She was very obviously still not herself. Angel growled, "Alright, wanna play games..we can play." "No more games, Angelus. Not now..not ever again. Tonight we end it, one way or another." "Fine," Angel replied, opening his mouth to show off his razor-sharp teeth. "Let's dance, little girl." "My thoughts exactly, "Buffy murmured, her eyes blazing fire. Just as he was not the man she'd fallen in love with, she was also not the girl who's heart he owned. He knew that something weird was going on with her but as she jumped into the air ready to bring the stake down into his heart, he also realized that now was not the time to figure out what it was. She slammed him roughly to the ground and then hit him across the face. She pulled back her fist to strike again but this time he caught her hand. "Didn't know you still wanted to get hot and heavy, Buffy," Angel taunted as he twisted her wrist hard and then whacked his head full-on against hers. She staggered back a few steps and placed a hand on above her eye. A tiny stream of blood seeped from a cut that had formed there. "I must have thought you were somebody else," Buffy replied, charging. They scuffled for a few minutes, each connecting and drawing blood. They threw angry taunts at each other; Angel trying to remind her of her undying love for him and Buffy repeatedly countering with declarations of love for Xander. Just when it seemed like neither could possibly best the other, Buffy reached forward and using her nails, raked a set of bloody lines down his face. He howled in pain and fury and fell to the ground. Almost immediately she was upon him; holding the point of the stake against the fabric and skin that housed his heart. "Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, asshole." "Buffy, no!" Xander screamed from across the yard. Buffy shifted her gaze only slightly and moved her knee against Angel's crotch to compensate. Not suprisingly, there was no metal cup protecting him. "Xander, get the hell inside. It'll be over in a minute and then we can be together." "Buffy, it's not supposed to be like this. You've got to believe me," Xander pleaded. "You can't kill him." "Sure, I ca...oh my God!" Buffy squeaked as a little yellow-haired rat scurried across her boot. She stared at in horror. "Kinda looks like you, Buffy." Angel hissed. Buffy reeled back and hit him across the face. "Shut up, Angelus," Buffy growled, "Or I'll make you eat the rat before I kill you." "Been there, done that," Angel taunted. Then he narrowed his eyes, "Come on, Slayer..kick my ass." "Buffy, please! You love him. You can't do this," Xander begged. "I love you! I want you, Xander." Buffy responded, pulling back to prepare the final blow. "And I won't let him hurt you ever again.' Xander appeared from behind her,"And I won't let you kill him." And with that he produced a length of the metal drainage canal that had come loose from the roof. "Forgive me." He pulled it back and then slammed it hard against Buffy's head. Almost instantly, she grunted and collapsed, a small spot of blood appearing on the back of her blonde head. Well, he'd known that he'd have to hit her hard to knock her out. Angel leapt to his feet, blood pouring down his face and looking himself like he'd been through a war. Which in a way he had. "You've doomed yourself, Xander..the both of you for a love she doesn't remember. You're a fool." Xander lifted the metal rail and then bent to pick up the stake that had fallen from Buffy's hand. "If you're gonna try to kill me, can you do it fast? I've had a really bad day and one way or another, I'd like to end it." Angel narrowed his eyes. He knew that he wasn't fit to go another round. Especially with this boy. Xander stopped Buffy from killing him but there was no guilty feelings stopping Xander from doing it himself and the boy was just strung out enough to put up a good fight. "Another day. I know my game. I know my time but don't think it's over. It's just begun." And with that, he turned and fled. Xander sighed tiredly and then dropped to his knees to check Buffy. He felt around the back of her head and felt a rather large bump but very little blood. She would have a helluva headache but would be just fine. Pulling her head into his lap, he whispered, "Oh man, Buff, I really let this get out of hand and then I had to hurt you to fix it. I'm sorry.." "Xander? Buffy?" A shrill voice called out as two forms came racing out through the patio door and into the yard. Looking up, he saw Willow and Oz and they both appeared rather agitated. "We saw vampires and with everyone all doped up..oh God...Buffy!" Willow fell to the ground, "Is she?" "Unconsious," Xander murmured. "She was gonna kill Angel so I knocked her out. She never would have forgiven herself. I couldn't allow that..I started it all." "It's over, man. Giles and Amy fixed it. Everyone's normal..for Sunnydale anyways," Oz informed him with a smile. "Everyone is back with their correct partner, you psycho Romeo, you." "Everyone but Cordelia," Xander murmured. "I mean, that's good to hear." "Xander.." "I know, Will, I know." He sighed. "Come on, we should get her inside and mayve put an ice-pack on her. She's already got a helluva welt and I have a bad feeling that she's gonna go whup-ass on her Xander shaped friend come the morning." Oz laughed and then looked up at them, "It's funny." Willow grinned and laughed. Xander lifted Buffy into his arms and carried her into the living room of her house. He set her down on the couch and then headed off towards the kitchen in search of a First Aide kit. When he returned, he saw Willow pulling a blanket up over Buffy. Xander sat down on the couch next to the Slayer and brought her towards him so that her head was rested in his lap. He lifted it ever-so-gently and placed a towel and an ice-pack there so it was resting against the bump. "Hey," Oz chirped as he flipped through the channels on the television, "Demons Who See Who We Really Are From Jupiter part nine. Right on." "Cool, movie night. I'll uh..find some popcorn," Willow replied, standing up. She smiled at the boys' questioning looks and then disappeared into the kitchen. She glanced behind her once and then picked up the phone and punched in seven numbers. "Hello? Cordelia? It's Willow..we need to talk. There are some things you need to know about." - -FIN - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 8 Feb 1998 19:48:02 EST From: Subject: BUFFYFIC: HMTTN (4/4):Epilogue: Don't Leave Me Now (1/1) Title: Help Me Through The Night (4/4): Epilogue: Don't Leave Me Now (1/1) By: Alex Queirolo EMAIL ADDRESS: DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT: Anya's and my site eventually.. SPOILER WARNING: Suprise/Innocence and pre-uninformed spoilers for BBB RATING: A PG. Smoochies. FEEDBACK: Yes..yes..YES!!! Please! And beware of the yellow haired rats. ********** HELP ME THROUGH THE NIGHT ________________________________________ EPILOGUE: DON'T LEAVE ME NOW ******** AUTHOR'S NOTE: This takes place during BBB. That would be the upcoming episode due to air on February 10, 1998. That said, I haven't seen the ep but I'm creating theories and making guesses and taking all that from just the thirty second preview. DISCLAIMER: None of the characters of this fic belong to me. They belong to Joss "Da Man" Whedon. Any dialogue that appears on the show also belongs to Joss while any that doesn't belongs to me. No toe-stepping is intended. The title is taken from a Pink Floyd song. The quote is taken from the Verve Pipe song "The Freshmen". The ultimate title of this piece is from an Eagles song. STORY NOTES: This is the epilogue. This one deals with the after-effects of the other three pieces. At this point, all of these stories step out of the time-stream and exist within mine. ********* We've tried to wash our hands of all of this We never talk of our lacking relationships And how we're guilt stricken sobbing with our Heads on the floor We fell through the ice when we tried not to Slip, we'd say "I can't be held responsible Cause she was touching her face I won't be held responsible She fell in love in the first place" "Xander, your elbow," she growled as she gave him a less than delicate shove that pushed him into the still sleeping Slayer. "Hey! nice. She's already gonna hurt me for taking her out..I don't want to deal with a cranky Slayer who's pissed because I woke her up, too." Xander protested as he moved over-so-slightly to allow Buffy's head to fall back against his chest. "Too late, "Buffy moaned. "I'm awake and you are so going to pay.." she lurched forward and then stopped abruptly and put a hand to the back of her head, "Ow, it wasn't a dream." "Um, nope." Xander said with a shy smile. "Um, this is kinda my fault. It's a long story." "Ugh, I imagine. All I remember is you, me, the library, a black robe, Angel, blonde rats and then getting hit over the head. You hit me?" "Yeah," Xander nodded. She looked down at her hands and then whispered, "Thank you." Reaching forward, she gave him a hug and then she placed a hand on the arm of the couch and tried to push herself up. "Ow..I'm gonna get some Tylenol." "No, hey, sit down. I'll do that," Xander said quickly as he pulled her back down into the sitting position. Then he stood, "It's the least I can do." "Yeah," Willow chimed in, "And Oz and I can fill you in on what happened." "Okay," Buffy replied. "Besides, my head really doesn't want me to get up. I think for once I'll listen. Ow. Ow. Cripes, Xand, what did you hit me with? A lead pipe?" "Something like that," he muttered before beating a hasty retreat to the kitchen. Maybe it would have been easier if she had been pissed and wanted to kick his ass. Then at least he wouldn't have to think about what it was that had started the whole mess. "Xander?" He looked up at the open kitchen door, "Cordelia?" "Hi," she said softly, walking a few steps into the kitchen. "I thought maybe we could talk." "Thinking? You? Wow..." Xander said. Almost immediately he slapped himself mentally. Stupid, stupid, stupid. "You know what? Never.." "No, hey, wait..I'm sorry. It was instinct. I'm sorry..about everything..." "I know," Cordelia said softly. He didn't seem to hear her,"I tried to get you back but I guess I had no right.." "Xander.." "I mean, everything I did and the stupid spell. I tried to take a short-cut and I'm sorry. I wouldn't blame.." "Xander, shut up!" Cordelia hissed, leaning forward and kissing him hard. After a long moment, he broke away reluctantly, "'re not mad?" "Wrong, Romeo..I'm furious." Pulling back, she slapped him sharply across the face and then she leaned forward again and kissed his reddened cheek. "But I think it's cute, too." " do?" Xander asked in astonishment. "God help me but yeah," Cordelia grinned, kissing him again. He wrapped his arms around her and their passionate embrace deepened. "So," he asked between breath consuming kisses, "Does this mean that we're back together?" "Well, yes. As long as you promise no more weird spells. They're just icky." "What made you change your mind?" She chuckled, "I realized that none of the people I tried to please by dumping you would have ever gone as far as you did to keep us together. Even if it was way weird." Then she grinned, "That and I really like the necklace you got me." "Oh..right." Xander said shyly. He reached into his pocket and pulled it out. "It's yours." Reaching around her, he slipped it around her neck and clasped it, kissing her neck as he passed over it. "You're beautiful." "I know," she replied with a large grin. Her eyes twinkled devilishly. With a small laugh, she reached up, grabbed him by the collar and then pushed him against the wet-bar. "Hey, xand, what happened to the Tylen..oh. Oh." Buffy murmured. "Hi guys," she chirped. "Um, not on the counter, okay? I have to eat on that." "Sure, Buffy." They both laughed. She sighed and shook her head, "I am so going back to bed." - -FIN FEEEEEEEDBACK PLEASE - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 8 Feb 1998 19:47:46 EST From: Subject: BUFFYFIC: HMTTN (2/4): Bad Moon Rising (1/1) Title: Help Me Through The Night (2/4):Bad Moon Rising (1/1) By: Alex Queirolo EMAIL ADDRESS: DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT: Anya's and my site eventually.. SPOILER WARNING: Suprise/Innocence and pre-uninformed spoilers for BBB RATING: A PG-13. Extreme sexual situations but nothing terribly graphic. FEEDBACK: Yes..yes..YES!!! Please! And beware of the yellow haired rats. ********** HELP ME THROUGH THE NIGHT ________________________________________ CHAPTER TWO: BAD MOON RISING ******** AUTHOR'S NOTE: This takes place during BBB. That would be the upcoming episode due to air on February 10, 1998. That said, I haven't seen the ep but I'm creating theories and making guesses and taking all that from just the thirty second preview. I want to emphasize that I'm pulling Buffy waaaaaaay outta character to fit these theories. DISCLAIMER: None of the characters of this fic belong to me. They belong to Joss "Da Man" Whedon. Any dialogue that appears on the show also belongs to Joss while any that doesn't belongs to me. No toe-stepping is intended. The title is taken from a Creedence Clearwater Revival song. The quote is taken from the Eagles song "The New Kid In Town." STORY NOTES: This is the second of three plus an epilogue. This one deals with Buffy and Xander in the library. At this point, all of these stories step out of the time-stream and exist within mine. ******** "He's holding her while you're still around" He placed his hands over his face and leaned back against the check-out counter in the library. Giles was off at some boring teachers' meeting so the place was deserted. With a tired sigh, he closed his eyes tight and tried to block out the events of the last several hours. Easier said than done. For as long as he could remember, he'd dreamed of being the center of attention; the object of every girls' fantasy. Now Xander Harris knew what the old saying "watch what you wish for, it just might come true" meant. In easy case, this wasn't what he'd had in mind. It'd been less than twenty-four hours since his ex-girlfriend Cordelia Chase had rather brutally dumped him. That had been bad enough but this was much worse. Since he'd got to school eight hours earlier, every girl at Sunnydale High had tried to make him feel better. Only they didn't want to just give him a friendly hug and a shoulder to cry on...they wanted to give him lips to kiss and body parts to touch and that was just weird. Even for an overly-hormonal seventeen year old boy. And it wasn't just every girl in was also his two best gal pals, Willow Rosenberg and Buffy Summers and oh boy, that sure did complicate things more than he'd like to imagine. There was something weird going on. Even he knew that much. For as long as he'd had thoughts about Buffy that had ranged from standard male images to downright racy visions, he'd never really expected her to reply in kind. But she was. And then some. He wondered idly if he was somewhat behind the weird behavior that had been following him around all day but then he quickly shook it off. The spell was for Cordelia and it hadn't worked. He'd come to school with the hope that when he walked up to her, she would wrap her arms around him and kiss him full and hard. Well, strike three..she hadn't even looked at him. So what the hell was going on? Cordy still wanted nothing to do with him and every other girl suddenly wanted a piece of him. Was this part of Murphy's Law? And could this day get any worse? "Xander?" a low breathy voice called out from over by the doors. He looked up, almost afraid to see who it was and then he nearly fell over, eyes wide open in shock and jaw dropped down like he was a cartoon character, "Buffy?" he gasped. Well, that answered that question. "Uh huh," she replied, only she didn't really use words to say it. She smiled at him and he felt his knees turn to jello as his eyes locked on her and oh God...what she was wearing. "Cordelia.." he muttered, taking a step backwards, "That is.." "She dumped's okay...I always knew she was tasteless." Buffy replied, her smile becoming larger and sexier. "She..oh God...Buffy..." Xander found that he couldn't stop his eyes from roaming. She was dressed in a tiny black silk robe that flowed over her and left only the most creative parts to the imagination. He couldn't help but wonder how she'd managed to make it through school in that outfit without being stopped. True, it was the end of the day and the only students still lingering about were the jocks and the clubbers but damn, that was a short robe and damn was it hot. "You have no idea," she all but purred."I got you a present, Xander." "A present?" he stammered. Then he tried to smile, "That's's just that I'm boycotting Valentine's Day this year.." "You don't have to do that," Buffy whispered, her hands trailing down to the bottom of her robe and rubbing on her thighs. Any doubt in his mind as to her intentions immediately disappeared. "Oh, it's okay..really.." "Shush," she replied, her eyelids drooping to half-mast, "Don't you want to open your present?" And then to his suprise, her hands fell down to the buttons of her robe and began to gently pull them loose. "What are you doing?" he whispered as she began to slowly walk towards him. This was a had to be. Only there did Buffy pull this sex on wheels routine. In reality, he doubted if she'd do it even for Angel. She was the Slayer..very true and she wasn't timid but he knew that she was shy when it came to this kind of thing. "I'm unwrapping it for you," she said with a throaty laugh. He watched, eyes wide as she pulled the top button loose to reveal smooth tanned flesh. Oh boy.. "That's okay..really, you shouldn't have.." he whispered as he took another step backwards and fell into the stairs leading up to the stacks. Almost instantly,she was upon him. "God...I can't believe I ever thought you and I were wrong," she whispered just before she pressed her lips against his and kissed him with all of her Slayer strength. He gasped and for a minute he forgot what he was supposed to be doing; breathing or kissing her. It wasn't long before the latter won out and he kissed her back. He felt her hands move roughly over his body. This was so not her that it was amazing. She was forward, completely wild..not at all tentative. He wanted to say that he liked it and that it was his dream come true but even in his dreams she was a little more reserved. "Buffy.." "Don't talk, rip."Buffy whispered, her mouth again descending upon his as if it and only it provided her salvation. He felt the strength of her arms around his chest, crushing him to her small body. "What?" Xander managed to gasp out between savage kisses. She pushed him away with her arm and stared down at herself, "My clothes, them off." "Buffy, this isn't you," Xander protested. "What about Cordelia..." "Oh, get over's just you and me." She pressed forward again and kissed him, her tongue darting out to do a seductive dance with his. He shook his head, moaned and managed to back away enough so that he could speak. " love Angel." "No," she hissed, her voice deep and sexy, "I love you. I want you. Oh God...I need you." She reached out and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and slammed him back onto the platform at the top of the stairs and then she moved her body so that she was straddling him. As she bent forward to kiss him again, he turned his face. "I know love Angel. You've always loved Angel. What's gotten into you?" "Hopefully you," Buffy growled, shoving him back down and pressing herself on top of him. She reached out and grabbed one of his hands and brought it to the opening of her robe. "Go your present." Xander looked up desperately. He glanced about the library looking for an escape, knowing that the girl that was atop him was not in her right mind and knowing that if he took advantage of her it would have brutal reprecussions. And then his eyes fell on his last hope and he felt the air deflate from his chest; she'd blocked the door. He realized that he'd been too distracted by her presense to notice that she'd placed the card catalogue across the library doors to keep anyone from interrupting them. Oh God... " don't want to do this," Xander pleaded as her hands began to probe him in dangerous places. "No..that's where your wrong. For the first time in my life, I do know what I want and dammit, Xander..I want you..right here..right now and I know you want me too. You've always wanted I'm yours. No one to stand in our one. Just you and me and unbelievable sex." "Oh" he pushed up and managed to get enough strength behind it to push her off of him. He jumped to his feet and stumbled backwards and down the stairs, falling flat on his butt on the ground at the foot of the steps. Immediately he knew that he was a goner because she pounced again and this time she allowed no breathing room as she crushed herself to him. Take or be taken, he thought to himself with a sardonic chuckle. He had the girl of his fantasies atop him, ripping at his clothes and begging him to do the same and he was resisting..why? Why? Because this wasn't right. As she all but inhaled his oxygen for him, he finally realized what was going on. This wasn't Buffy. Even if he were Angel, he doubted that Buffy would act this..loose. That was the only way to put it. He knew his friend and he knew that she'd never act this way so there was only one explanation; the spell had gone horribly wrong. He closed his eyes as he felt her lips leave his and began to kiss a trail of fire down his neck and throat. Whether or not he actually wanted her was irrelevant; she was stimulating him and it was becoming harder and harder to push her away. That and she honest-to-God had him pinned. She leaned upwards away from him and unbuttoned two more of the little black buttons on the robe causing it to fall open and reveal far more than he knew he had the right to see. "God, I dunno what it is about you but you drive me wild," Buffy whispered as her hands found their way underneath his shirt. "I don't know..either." Xander squeaked loudly as she begun to tug his shirt upwards. He reached out and tried to pull it back down. "That's really not..neccesary..." "Yes, it is. I wanna feel you on me. I need to feel you on me." Buffy said with a laugh as she grabbed his shirt and with one hard pull ripped it into two halves. At that point he knew he'd lost. Even drugged or whatever the hell Amy's spell had done to her, she was still ten times stronger than he was. And for some backwards reason, she had her mind set on making love to him. In the library of all places. Oh God...and he'd thought the day couldn't get any worse. What killed him the most was the fact that he'd wanted this since he'd first seen her walking up the steps to the school. He'd wanted her to kiss him like there was no tommorow and he'd desired nothing more than for her to beg him to take her. Only now, this wasn't what he wanted. "I see you move fast," a voice said from above him. He blinked and looked up. Past Buffy and up to the landing above the stairs. "Cordelia," he whispered as his heart slammed to his knees. He felt his body go weak in Buffy's powerful grasp. "Suprise, suprise." She shook her head in disgust. "And so here I am...coming to the library and walking around with all these gross musty book thingies and I'm thinking about you and wondering if maybe I didn't make a mistake." She narrowed her eyes at him, "Now I know I didn't." "No, it's not like that.'s really..really not." He pushed Buffy away and off of him and managed by luck alone to suceed because the girl was too stunned by the arrival of Cordelia to put up a fight. Xander jumped to his feet and put out his arms. "Something weird is going on." "No...something weird was going on." Cordelia replied. "I mean come on, Xander..we don't even make sense...I'm me and you're're you." "Right, I got it..." Xander replied, glancing over at Buffy who was quickly rebuttoning herself. Unfortunately it also looked like the Slayer was very hurriedly getting pissed. Oh..this could get ugly. "Look..can we talk about this some place..else? Buffy's not exactly herself." Cordelia cast a look at Buffy and what she was wearing and even through her anger at Xander, she could tell that he spoke the truth. But it didn't really matter. "We have nothing to talk about. You move fast." "You know,'re kind of a bitch," Buffy drawled, acting almost as if she were drunk. "So I've been told..what's your point?" Cordelia countered, knowing better than to get offended by what the Slayer was saying. Something was very definately amiss here. "My point is, I want you to keep your hands off of him. He's mine. You touch him and I'll rip your throat.." "Okay..enough!" Xander cried out, placing a hand over Buffy's mouth. "Enough." He took a deep breath and then reached out and touched her shoulders. "Do me a favor." "Anything," she chirped as she leaned up and kissed him. Cordelia found that she couldn't help but look away and that further angered her. Why should she care..afterall, it wasn't like she really did have a thing for Xander. Right? "Go sit in Giles' office, okay? Don't move...I'll be right in. You promise?" She considered it for a moment and then nodded. "As long as we can pick up where we were before Ms. Bitch interrupted us." Xander was about to reply when he saw Cordelia roll her eyes and move away towards the door. He wanted to reach out and stop her but he knew that he had to take care of Buffy first. He looked over at Cordy shoving the card catalogue out of the way and then he grabbed Buffy by the arm and pulled her into Giles' office. He sat her down in the chair. "Remember, you promised." "Uh huh," she breathed as she grabbed his shirt and kissed him hard. "I'll be waiting." He broke away and replied, "Right." And then he turned and fled, moving quickly towards the opened doors and out into the hallway. "Cordelia!" She kept walking, her stride getting longer and angrier. He called out for her again but she kept moving. "Dammit, Cordy..come on." And then she stopped and turned. Almost as if she had all of hell behind her, she strode towards him and then reached up,grabbed him by his shirt and slammed him against a locker. "You want to know what the worst part is?" "Um, will it hurt?" he gasped as he placed a hand over hers. She ignored him and plowed ahead, "I spent all last night up thinking about I mean...I actually felt bad for dumping you." She snorted derisively. "God..what I wouldn't do for that time back." And with that she pushed him against the locker and walked away. "You know what? I don't know why I resisted Buffy? It's not like I ever wanted you!"," he called out after her, his anger sparking to dangerous levels. A few athletes stragling in the hallway turned to look at him with confused gazes. And then for the briefest of moments, she stopped. She stood in the middle of the hallway, body rigid, jaw clenched and she considered responding. And then she started to walk again. He watched her disappear through the doors out to the parking lot and then he dipped his head and murmured, "Except I do." - -fin - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 08 Feb 98 20:36:28 PST From: "Sapphire" Subject: BUFFYFIC: Archive idea.... We are tossing around ideas for a fanfic challenges and possibly a websit= e, and I am working on doing one. Does sound like something that you guys would like? Fanfic cha= llenges can be very fun, and a specialty website could be a fun project...what = do you all think? Sapphire X-Over Crossover list admin X-Over: XF Crossover archive Gossamer Specialty Archive SPCDD; LOMIG founder; G-Woman #3 Keeper of Willow's mometary obsession with sore thumbs - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 08 Feb 1998 21:02:26 -0500 From: Sali Subject: Re: BUFFYFIC: Archive idea.... Hi.. I think this sounds like a great idea!! The challanges, and the web page!! If you need any help with the page, i'd be glad to volenteer in any way possible.. Great idea!! Sali.. Sapphire wrote: > We are tossing around ideas for a fanfic challenges and possibly a website, and I am working on > doing one. Does sound like something that you guys would like? Fanfic challenges > can be very fun, and a specialty website could be a fun project...what do you all > think? > > Sapphire > > X-Over Crossover list admin > X-Over: XF Crossover archive > > Gossamer Specialty Archive > > SPCDD; LOMIG founder; G-Woman #3 > Keeper of Willow's mometary obsession with sore thumbs > > - - -- "A moment of joy, in a life ||"You are *so* weird!" time of sorrow. Take it, while||"This can *not* be news to you can it?" you can."`- Londo, Babylon 5 ||"Um... no."-- Mai to me on #Willow chat. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------- e-mail: Homepage: WALLFLOWERS Home Page: - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 08 Feb 98 23:09:00 PST From: "Sapphire" Subject: BUFFYFIC: Valentine's Day fanfic challenge This idea just popped into my head... Valentine's Day challenge: Since Valentine's Day is almost upon us, I issue this challenge to all = you Buffy and Angel fans. Write a Valentine's Day story that involves Angel = visiting Buffy in her dreams. The rest is up to you! ;) It would be grea= t if it could done by the big day, and of course I would like to archive it = at my brand-new challenge web site ::shameless plug, mainly because it is one day old and empty:: Let's get some stories rolling!!! Sapphire X-Over Crossover list admin X-Over: XF Crossover archive Gossamer Specialty Archive SPCDD; LOMIG founder; G-Woman #3 Keeper of Willow's mometary obsession with sore thumbs - - ------------------------------ End of Buffyfic-digest V2 #30 ***************************** To subscribe to buffyfic or buffyfic-digest, send the command subscribe buffyfic-digest or subscribe buffyfic to You will need to go through a confirmation process, and the listowners have to manually approve your subscription request, so it may take some time. 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