From: (Buffyfic-digest) To: Subject: Buffyfic-digest V2 #64 Reply-To: Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk Buffyfic-digest Saturday, March 21 1998 Volume 02 : Number 064 In this issue: Re: BUFFYFIC: Lawful Evisceration (ArchiveFic) Re: BUFFYFIC: "On This PAGE..." (1/1) Re: BUFFYFIC: Lawful Evisceration (ArchiveFic) BUFFYFIC: All Alone in the Night Part 5/5 BUFFYFIC: Our Hearts Will Go On 5/6 See the end of the digest for information on subscribing to the buffyfic or buffyfic-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 20 Mar 1998 15:25:24 -0500 From: "Doug Lehman" Subject: Re: BUFFYFIC: Lawful Evisceration (ArchiveFic) Have you found out anything of whether or not they asked for permission. I looked at the page myself and the creator seems to have good intentions BUT as a writer(be it I have yet to post a fanfic I'm having enough trouble trying to wrap-up my book) I get more then alittle steamed about the unauthorized use of anothers work, and I have a few tricks up my sleeve. Pay backs a bitca* :) With warmest reguards, mental Seriously, this website has taken whole pages, complete stories and more from my site. According to copyright laws, the graphics I designed, as well as page setups (in their complete form and style) are also a copyright allowed and assigned to me as creator. I have emailed the individual regarding this, but my biggest concern is to the AUTHORS WHO'S WORKS ARE ON MY ARCHIVE! This person may have infringed on YOUR works. The stories, and ideas YOU developed in your works are a copyright to you. S/he has no right to distribute or display them without your express permission. If he/she asked you, that's fine. But, I need to be sure that the author's rights are protected. (It makes me feel better!) ~Anya *bitca = well, you know. This is nice company, we don't say nasty words. - - - - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 21 Mar 1998 06:20:31 -0800 From: NightHunter Subject: Re: BUFFYFIC: "On This PAGE..." (1/1) I just finished reading this and Giles Letter to Buffy brought tears to my eyes. It was very very good. I hope you"ll let us know what Xander's & Willow's Letters Said - - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 21 Mar 1998 08:01:04 -0600 (CST) From: Tina Subject: Re: BUFFYFIC: Lawful Evisceration (ArchiveFic) On Fri, 20 Mar 1998, Doug Lehman wrote: > Have you found out anything of whether or not they asked for permission. I know they haven't. I was, I'd say less-than-pleased is a good find out that fifteen of my stories are up on that site. I promptly wrote the web site keeper, and asked him to take my stories off the page. Now, to attempt to make this vaguely on-topic,so the ListMoms don't eviscerate *me*... Anya, this was *extremely* funny. Not only that, but Willow got to be hyperassertive, and I love when that happens. Hehehe... Off to read more fic and mail... Tina Ms. Calendar's Domain: *NatPack *SunS *Slayerette *Duchovnik Lurker *CoS *MCTP *GDLM Clan *Keeper of Ms. Calendar's Pendant *Heretic ot CoJ *Broom Brigade Lurker "Nah, I just have this image of me in the desert trailing along behind the NatPack picking up their discarded monkeys." --Sharon H. - - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 21 Mar 1998 13:17:42 EST From: NuPhalanx Subject: BUFFYFIC: All Alone in the Night Part 5/5 TITLE: All Alone in the Night Part 5/5 AUTHOR: Mike Z. EMAIL: DISTRIBUTION: Anya and Zandarah, sure. Others, please ask. CONTENT/RATING: PG-13 - nothing too objectionable. SPOILER: Invisible Girl, 2nd season up to Some Assembly Required. FEEDBACK: Always welcome SUMMARY: Wrapping up the nights' events - Marci and Co. have left, and Angel must comfort Cordelia. DISCLAIMER: Joss Whedon and Warner Brothers get full rights to all characters used, I'm not making any money off of this so please be nice and don't sue me! I don't have any money anyway. Drat! All Alone in the Night Part 5/5 The rain had finally stopped. Angel was grateful for that as he stood outside the Chase house, watching the neighbors looking at the police cars and muttering amongst themselves. He could hear every word that was said, but was paying no attention. He watched closely as a man in coveralls finished repairing the alarm system, while another man was stapling a plastic sheet over the shattered kitchen window. He smiled when he remembered Cordelia's reaction to the news that her parents wouldn't be home until tommorow afternoon. He had never seen such a cold rage, and it was gone as soon as it had appeared. As long as Cordelia was alright, Mr. and Mrs. Chase saw no reason to cut their weekend short. Cordelia hadn't spoken to her mother, but Angel inferred the her parents had made the decision to stay at Vail together. The police Detective stepped outside and motioned to him. Angel did as he was asked and listened to what the man had to say. "So, there were three intruders? One male, two female, all caucasian? And the male had a gun?" Angel nodded before replying. He was glad that Cordelia seemed to go along with whatever he said, especially with the invisible parts. No sense in getting locked up at the local mental ward. "Yes. We were able to scare them off, I guess." Angel glanced inside. He could see Cordelia sitting on the stairs. "How is she holding up?" he asked, keeping his voice low. The detective puased for a moment, then answered. "Someone should stay with her tonight. I'd like the two of you to come down to the station and fill out some paperwork. But it can wait until Monday." The officer paused for a moment. "I still can't figure out who called 911. The Dispatcher said it cam from a cellular phone, yet Miss Chase told me all the phones in the house are out." He walked back to his car, shaking his head and writing on his notepad. Angel stepped back inside and sat down next to Cordelia. She was still a little pale, but at least she could keep her hands steady. She looked up at him with red eyes and managed a weak smile. "Thanks. I mean, if you hadn't shown up.." her voice trailed off in to silence. Angel hugger her close to him and rubbed her back. "It's okay now. Do you want me to take you anywhere?" Another policeman had told Cordelia that someone would keep an eye on the house until the repairs were completed, but that didn't reassure Cordelia. She stood and grabbed a leather jacket from a nearby closet. Angel helped her put it on and waited. "Look, I know you and Buffy are an item, but I really don't want to stay here tonight." She fixed her gaze on her shoes and continued. "Would it be okay if I stayed at your place? Please?" Her voice had a slight pleading note in it. Angel was just a little surprised; but being a gentleman, he couldn't say no to her. Buffy would understand - hopefully. "Sure. My bike's right down the road." He watched as she gathered a few things in to a small bag, then grabbed her keys and followed him out the door. As she was locking it, he scanned the area for any intruders but could detect nothing. Dulcimer and his kids were gone. True to the detective's word, there was a police cruiser parked at the end of the driveway. Cordelia spoke briefly with the officer inside, then started walking down the road with Angel. She was extremly quiet, which Angel knew was not like her. He was watching her closely, as she was obviously still in a slight state of shock. When they reached his motorcycle, he handed her the helmet and helped her put it on. She slid on the seat and clutched at his waist as he started the Kawasaki and rode off towards Sunnydale. *** Angel opened the door and held it while Cordelia entered. She still hadn't said a word, and he was starting to get a little worried. As he put his helmet away, he noticed she seemed to be fascinated by one of the paintings on the wall. He didn't get visitors very often, and he was glad he had kept the decor and furniture to a minimum. He checked his answering machine for messages and was relieved when there were none. He took Cordelia's jacket and hung it next to his. With a wave of his hand, he told her to make herself at home while he got her something to drink. He had just started keeping sodas in the fridge again since Buffy had been visiting him. Cordelia was curled up in a corner of the couch when he returned with a pepsi. He sat across from her and regarded her with his dark brown eyes. She had only taken a sip of the drink before going back to staring at the far wall. Angel was worried. He picked up the phone and dialed Giles' number. Giles answered after three rings. In hushed tones, Angel explained the nights' events to Giles. He answered a few questions from the Watcher, then put the phone back in its cradle. "Giles will take you home in the morning," he said. Cordelia didn't move, didn't give any indication of having heard him. He knelt on the floor and took her hands in his. "Talk to me." Her lower lip was trembling. A lone tear fell down her cheek, and she finally looked at him. With a trembling voice, she said: "I had to shoot him. I had to!" Angel shushed her and held her close. She started crying, her body racking with the sobs. She kept repeating the same words over and over. Angel closed his eyes and silently raged at the man who had done this. 'Do not cross my path again,' he vowed silently. After about ten minutes had passed, Cordelia hiccuped and pulled away from him. She wiped her eyes with the back of her hand. Angel offered her a Kleenex which she gladly accepted. He went back out to the kitchen and pulled a bottle of Jack Daniels out of the cabinet. He poured some in a small glass and set it in front of her. She looked at him with a strange expression on her face, then took the glass and downed the alchohol in two gulps. Cordelia smiled slightly at the confused look on his face. "Just like mom," she whispered, settling back on the couch. She closed her eyes and sighed. "I'll probably need therapy for the rest of my life after this." She motioned at the empty glass. "Could I have another?" Angel rose without a word and refilled her glass. He placed it on the table next to her and watched her down it in a few gulps. She looked at him again, and he shook his head. "That's your limit." She smiled sadly. Angel was curious. Cordelia had never mentioned her mother, and her actions gave him an insight into her personality. He sat back and waited; it was obvious that she wanted to talk. Hopefully the alcohol had calmed her down enough so she could let it out. "You're right, I don't want to end up like mother. She's either drunk, or sick, or..." her voice trailed off. She hugged herself and looked at him furtively, knowing she had revealed too much. Angel favored her with an encouraging smile. "It's okay, Cordelia. Our secret. Promise." She gave him a grateful smile and stretched out on the couch. He rose and knelt next to her. "You can have the bed, and I'll-" Cordelia cut him off with a raised hand. "No. I've, um, slept on couches before." She smiled at him at he pulled a blanket of the bed and covered her with it. "Besides, I like leather." She closed her eyes and tried to relax. Angel tucked the comforter around her and brushed her hair away from her face. She murmured something that he couldn't make out. He thought she said 'Dad' but wasn't sure. He straightened and returned to his post on the chair. He would watch her until Giles came in the morning. Angel had just started reading the book of poetry when it started. Cordelia snored, and loudly. Hanging his head, he reminded himself that a gentleman never complains about his guests. But it was going to be a long night. All Alone in the Night Fin. - - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 21 Mar 1998 14:44:20 -0800 (PST) From: michele v Subject: BUFFYFIC: Our Hearts Will Go On 5/6 TITLE: Our Hearts Will Go On 5/6 AUTHOR: Michele V. EMAIL ADDRESS: FEEDBACK: Definitely, especially since this is my first fic. SPOILERS: All episodes through "What's My Line 1 & 2," and especially "Angel," in this part. RATING: PG SUMMARY: A Buffy/Angel story with some added Willow/Oz and Xander/Cordelia. Also, Buffy and the gang find out about the return of the Master- in some form. DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of the characters except for "The Elgradora" All of the other characters belong to Joss Whedon and the WB. No copywrite infringement intended. NOTE: I wrote this after "What's My Line 2," therefor without knowing that something similar would *sort of* happen in "Surprise" ********** PART 5 THE NEXT DAY(SATURDAY) BUFFY'S HOUSE The door bell rang at the Summers' house and Buffy went to answer it since no one else was home. "Hi, Buffy," Willow greeted her at the door. "Hey, Will," Buffy answered. "Come on in." Willow walked in and Buffy shut the door behind her. "How are you feeling?" Willow asked her friend. Buffy seemed like she was in a daze. "No, Angel hasn't left yet," she answered her friend. "Uh, Buffy, are you alright?" Willow asked concerned. "Fine! Everything's fine! I'm fine, my mom's fine. I'm sure your are fine, right?" Willow nodded. "Yeah, but I don't think you are." "Don't be silly. I'm fine..great..wonderful. Nothing could be better," Buffy told her. "Are you sure about that Buffy," Willow asked. Buffy nodded. "Yeah! Why?" "Well, you're acting kind of strange. And when I asked you a minute ago how you were you told me that Angel hasn't left yet..That wasn't the question I asked," Willow told her. Buffy sighed. "I'm sorry..Guess I just have some- things on my mind," she explained. "Like, Angel leaving?" Willow asked. Buffy nodded. "Like Angel leaving," she repeated in an answer. "Look, I know this must be hard for you," Willow started, attempting to comfort her friend. Buffy looked at Willow, as if Willow really didn't know how hard it was. Willow sighed. "Ok, maybe I don't really know. I'm just trying to make you feel better- if that's possible," she said. Buffy sighed. "Look, I appreciate your help, I do. But, I really don't think that anything can help. I mean, Angel's leaving. There's nothing that can stop that from happening." Willow stared at Buffy. She knew that Buffy was right- There was nothing that could make Buffy feel any better- There was nothing that could prevent Angel from leaving. Buffy sat on her couch, looking in the other direction. Willow sat next to her. Tears were forming in Buffy's eyes. "It's just so hard...It's so hard..The only thing that makes sense to me is gone," she said. "He hasn't left yet, Buffy. You could still go see him now," Willow said softly. Buffy shook her head. "I can't. We said goodbye already..last night. We, well it wasn't exactly goodbye..I kinda just left and said bye," Buffy told her. "What happened? I mean, I expected you guys to go through that whole mushy goodbye thing," Willow said. "Definitely no mushy goodbye...He just told me that I had to go get help with the vampire bite and I said ok and just kinda said see you to him and walked out the door" she told Willow. "And I can't go back there to see him, it'll just make it harder for us both. I think that despite my feeling awful about ending like that, maybe there's still the chance that it'll work out easier," Buffy explained. "Well, is it working so far? Do you think it's easier?" Willow asker her. "No, I think I may have made it harder. I'll probably never forgive myself for not saying goodbye the right way, but, I guess I'll just have to give it time.," Buffy answered. There was a knock at the door. "Oh, I'll get it," Willow told her, getting up. "It's probably just Oz. He's been waiting out in his van for me," she said. "Oz?" Buffy asked. "Yeah..we're going on our first date tonight" Willow said. "Oh. Where to?" Buffy asked. "The Bronze," Willow answered. "The Bronze? That sounds romantic and quite..have fun," Buffy said sarcastically. Willow opened the door. "Hey, Oz. Come on in," she said motioning inside. "Shouldn't we get going?" he asked as she closed the door behind him. "Uh, yeah. Hey, Buffy- Do you wanna- come?" she asked her friend. "Xander's gonna be there too..uh, with Cordelia, but still there." "Nah. I think I'll stay in tonight. Besides, you two are going on a date, I don't wanna impose or anything," Buffy said. "Oh, no. You won't be imposing. We want you to come..Don't we Oz?" "Sure. It'll kinda break that first date tension having someone else around," Oz answered with a grin. "I don't know..I won't be much for company," she said. "Sure you will Buffy. You always are," Willow said. "Well, Angel has never left town for good before," Buffy reminded her. "Oh...yeah. But, I mean it's Saturday night. What else are you going to do besides stay home and wish Angel wasn't leaving," Willow pointed out. Buffy thought for a minute. "Ok..I'll come. I- just have to get something upstairs. I'll be down in a few minutes. You guys can wait outside," she said. "Ok..great," Willow said smiling. Buffy smiled back and ran upstairs. ******** GILE'S HOUSE Gile's was reading one of the Watcher diaries when he heard a knock on his door. He got up to answer it. He was surprised at who stood in front of it. "Oh..he..hello, Angel....Uh, why don't you come in?" he said, motioning him to come inside. Angel nodded. "Thanks." "Have a seat," Giles said pointing over to the couch. Angel nodded and sat down. "So..What brings you here?" Giles asked concerned. "The book on the Elgradora..I was able to get it for you. I thought- you'd be at the school library but you weren' I cam here to give it to you," Angel explained. He held out the book in his hands, giving it to Giles. Giles took it and looked down at it for a moment. He then began flipping through the pages. "It's somewhere in the fourth chapter," Angel told him. Giles flipped to Chapter four and scanned it for information. "Oh..yes, here it is..Well, Thank you very much. This will indeed be helpful in protecting Buffy-and- us all. Thank you," he said. "No problem," Angel said. His face saddened at the thought that he wouldn't be there anymore to protect Buffy as he always did before. "Is...she alright?" Angel asked suddenly. "Who? Buffy?" Giles asked. "Yeah. She was bitten by a vampire last night and I told her to go see you. Is she alright?" Angel asked, concerned. "Yes. Sh-she's fine," Giles assured him. There was a long silence. "Buffy-told me that you're leaving Sunnydale," Giles said, trying to make conversation. "I am..I'm leaving tonight," he told Giles. "Yes-I know. Buffy-is- very upset. She's going to miss you quite a bit, I suppose,"Giles told him. Angel nodded. "I know..I'm going to miss her too," he said in a sad tone. "When I got my soul back, I never thought that I'd be able to love anyone again. I human could ever love me because I'm not human and no vampire could ever love me and I could never love them because I'm not like them anymore..But then I met Buffy..and I fell in love with her..She- fell in love with me. And I was the happiest I'd ever been in all my life..because I felt-almost human again..I felt loved. There was still loneliness, still pain..but there was love..the greatest thing that could ever happen to me..and Buffy gave it to me. And now- it's all being taken away. I have to leave..." he "I'm terribly sorry that things can't work out for the two of you, Angel. And- I mean that. I know, I've said in the past that a vampire and a slayer could never belong together. But when I saw the extraordinary love that you have for Buffy and the extraordinary love that Buffy has for you...Well, I realized that you two were meant to be together" Giles told him. There was a short silence. "I should- probably thank you, as Buffy's watcher, for allowing us to be together," Angel said. "Well, as I said, I recognized that nothing could keep true lovers apart, and you two- are, in a sense, true lovers. I wasn't about to attempt to tear that apart," Giles explained. "But this does," Angel said, a sad tone in his voice. "Well, yes, I suppose it will.. But- even while the two of you are apart, I know- that you're love for each other will remain..perhaps forever" Giles said. "Angel," Giles began, curious,"Have you told Buffy what you just told me- about how you never thought you could love anyone until you met her?" he asked. "I've told her..many times," Angel told him. "Well did you tell her last night- before the two of you said goodbye?" Giles continued. Angel shook his head. "I didn't..I didn't get the chance to say goodbye to her. She was gone before I could say anything," Angel explained. He paused for a second. "Do you..think- you could tell her that I said goodbye..and..that- I love her?" he asked. Giles nodded. "I could..But- I know Buffy very well, and I know that she'd much rather hear you say that to her then, well me, of course," Giles told him. Angel shook his head. "Buffy said goodbye already. She doesn't want to see me again. It'll be to hard for her." "I'm afraid that Buffy is trying to talk herself into not seeing you again. She's afraid..of how she'll act when she sees you leaving her. But, I think what will be harder for her, is when she realizes that she should've said goodbye to you- the right way. And then it'll be too late," Giles said. He paused. "But, I'll tell her for you if that's what you'd like." Angel just stared at him. "I better go," he said after a few seconds,"My train leaves soon." He stood up and walked towards the door. "Very well," Giles said, following him and opening the door for him. "Goodbye," Angel said looking at Giles. "Goodbye, Angel," Giles replied. Angel turned and walked out the door. "Angel," Giles called as he watched Angel walk out into the street. Angel turned around. "You've..been of much help to- us all..over the course of the years we've known you..very much help. And I..thank you for that," Giles said. Angel nodded and turned back around and walked away. Giles watched him walk away. "Poor Buffy," he thought. "I hope he makes the right descision." ****** THE BRONZE While Willow and Oz were dancing, Willow looked over into a dark corner of the Bronze and spotted someone standing alone in the shadows. "Hey, Oz. Can you excuse me for a few minutes? I have to go to the DJ stand to- request a song," Willow told Oz. "Oh, sure. I'll just wait here for you," Oz said. "Ok, I'll be back in a little while," Willow said, then turned and walked over to where Xander and Cordelia were making out. Willow tapped Xander on the shoulder. "Uh, excuse me, Xander- There's something we need to go do," she told him. "Yeah, there is. *You* need to go back on the dance floor and dance with Oz, and *I* need to continue making out with Cordelia," Xander answered. "I'm sorry- I- interrupted your little..thing, but- this is more important," Willow explained. "Right now, nothing could be more important then Cordelia's lips against my lips- or maybe other body parts," Xander told her. Cordelia and Xander started kissing again. "'s about Buffy!" Willow told him. Xander broke away from Cordelia. "Well, maybe that." He looked at Cordelia. "Cordy, don't move. I'll be right back..My lips'll miss you- yours," he told her. "Ew! You're leaving me for her! Listen, Xander, If you think you've got me wrapped around your fingers, you're wrong! Ok, cause there's plenty of guys that are dying to go out with me- and some that I'd much rather go out with- and a few of them are here right now, So if I-" Cordelia began shouting at him. Xander grabbed the back of her head and passionately kissed her. "You better hurry up. Wouldn't want one of those stupid single losers to think I'm not with anyone," Cordelia said, changing her mind. Xander turned to a surprised Willow. "These babies are magical," he said pointing to his lips. Willow managed to smile slightly. "So, what's this we have to do for Buffy?" Xander asked following Willow. "Just follow my lead," Willow told him as they headed towards the DJ stand. Willow whispered a request of a song in the DJ's ear, who agreed to play it. "Will, you mind letting me in on the big secret?" Xander asked. Willow nodded. "Well, remember the night.." Willow started and proceeded to tell Xander her plan. Xander looked over at a dark figure in the corner of the Bronze, then looked at a lonely Buffy. "For Buffy's sake, I hope this works," Xander said. Willow nodded. "Me too.. Come on. let's go," she said. The two of them walked over to where Buffy sat. "Hi," Willow said to Buffy. Buffy looked up at the two of them. "Oh, hey guys," she answered. There was a long silence as Willow waited for the right moment to begin talking again. Finally, a new song began playing- the one that Willow had requested. Willow was relieved- her plan was working so far. The words to the song came on. *It's daybreak And you are asleep I can hear you breathe now Your breath is deep* "So, no word from Angel?" Willow asked Buffy, on cue. Buffy looked at Willow, confused. "What are you talking about, Will? Angel and I said goodbye already- last night- maybe it wasn't the best goodbye, but it was goodbye..I thought I told you," she said. Willow just ignored Buffy's question and comments. It did seem a little awkward saying this to her but it was part of her plan. Willow waited a few seconds, then continued. "Well, in a way he sort of is, in the way of that he's right over there," she said motioning to a dark figure in a corner of the Bronze. Buffy, looked at Willow, then at Xander, still quite confused. She then looked over at the figure Willow had pointed out. The person was looking in her direction. It was Angel. Buffy then realized that the things that Willow had just said to her-that weren't making a bit of sense- were the things that Willow said to her the night that Buffy and Angel said their first goodbye to each other, in a way. Buffy played their conversation from that night back in her head. *"So, no word from Angel?" Willow had asked Buffy. "Nah. It's weird, though. In this way, I feel like he's still watching me," Buffy told her. "Well, in a way he sort of is," Willow said, "In the way of that he's right over there," Willow said pointing to a dark figure that was staring in Buffy's direction..Angel.* Even the song that was playing right then- "I'll Remember You," by Sophie Zelmani- that was the same song that was playing that night too- Although, Willow had set it up that way. *But before I go I look at you one last time I can heat a heartbeat Is it yours or is it mine?* Buffy looked back at her two best friends. Xander motioned his head in Angel's direction, signaling her to go over to him. Buffy looked over at Willow, then back at Xander. She was hesitant about going over to him, afraid that it would be too hard to say goodbye. But then she gave her friends a smile, a silent thank you and turned and began slowly approaching Angel. Xander turned to Willow. Willow had a grin on her face as she watched Buffy and Angel approach each other. She was happy that her planned had worked out- bringing Buffy and Angel together to say goodbye that way they should have the night before. She knew it would make Buffy happier- although maybe just the slightest bit. "So, guess this is my cue to say ,'I don't need to watch because I'm not threatened. I'm just gonna look this way,'" Xander said grinning. Willow smiled. The two of them watched as Buffy and Angel approached each other. When they met, towards the center of the Bronze, Buffy looked up at Angel, greeting him with a smile. Angel just stared down at her, a sad look on his face. *I look at your lips I know how soft they can be Did they know what they wanted the times they kissed me?" Angel finally spoke. "I couldn't leave here without saying a proper goodbye to you," he told Buffy. Buffy just looked up at him and nodded slightly. Angel sighed. "I need to know that you're going to be alright...I know, that it's going to take awhile, but I need to know that, in'll move on..find someone else to love... Someone you can start a family with..someone you can grow old, and die with," Angel told her. He continued. "Someone you can watch the sunset with, before you go to bed at night..and- watch it rise with when you walk up in the morning...'Cause you deserve that, do. And I- need you to promise that you'll do that,Buffy...for me." Buffy's eyes held unshed tears as she stared up at him. She shook her head slightly. "I don't know if I can do that, Angel..I can't-just- forget you and move on. You're too much a part of me. I'm sorry, but- I can't make that promise," she told him. "Look, I know it all seems too hard right now- but I need to know that you'll try, at least," he said. "Do that for me, Buffy?" he asked. Buffy looked at him for a few seconds, then nodded. "I will..try, I mean." Angel gave her a slight smile. He felt slightly better knowing that she'd one day be happy again. "I have something for you," Angel told her, reaching into his pocket. "It's not much, really- but it's, a goodbye present." He held a velvet jewelry box in his hands. Buffy looked down at it in his hands. *And your hands that I held in mine Now they're reposing on the pillow Will they ever miss me some time?* She looked up at Angel. Finally, he handed her the box. "Don't open it, just now," Angel told her. "Wait- until I'm gone..When you really need to- when the pain is too much- open it then," he told her. Buffy nodded. "I, um, actually, have something for you, too. I was- gonna leave it by your door but- well, you're here now," she said. Buffy reached into her pocket and pulled out a small velvet pouch bag and handed it to him. "There's just a little something in there to remember me case you forget," she told him. Angel shook his head. "I won't ever forget you, Buffy..I won't," he swore to her. Buffy knew that he meant it. She'd never forget him either. Ever. He'd always be in her heart, just as she'd always be in his. *I'll remember you You will be there in my heart I'll remember you And that is all that I can do But I'll remember* Buffy remembered that she had something else for him. She reached in her pocket and pulled out a cassette tape. "This is for you, too. It's- a tape of this song-that- kinda reflects the way I feel bout you leaving..You can- play it while you open the bag-or, whenever. I know I don't know your musical taste but- I just had to give it you. The song just- seems like it was written for us," Buffy told him. Angel nodded and placed the two items in his pocket. He looked back down at Buffy. They stared at each other for a few seconds. Buffy could tell that Angel had something on his mind. She knew it was probably the fact that he was leaving and they'd no longer be together, but she had to ask anyway. "Is there- something else on your mind?" she asked him softly. "It's nothing- It's just *this*... It's just so-," Angel began. Buffy knew what he was going to say. "Painful," she said, finishing his sentence for him. "I know." "I wish things could be different, Buffy," he told her. Buffy nodded. "I know," she agreed. "Me too." Buffy shrugged slightly. "Well, it's getting kind of late. You should probably go now, or- you'll miss your train," she told him. As much as Buffy hated having to say that, it was the truth. Angel nodded. "I know," he whispered. Buffy stared up at him. Angel leaned down towards her face slightly. Buffy just stared into his eyes. He leaned forward a few more inches until his lips met hers for a soft kiss. The power between the two of them brought their lips together again, as they kissed again. Buffy closed her eyes, wrapped up in the moment, as Angel did the same. *Your eyes that always make me shiver Now they are closed They just sometimes twitch a little* As Angel's arms wrapped tightly around her, Buffy moved her hand to Angel's face and brought her other arm around his neck, deepening their kiss. As they shared this passionate kiss goodbye, Buffy was reminded of the first time they kissed goodbye- when they first decided that they shouldn't be together. Their conversation just a minute ago was even similar to the one they had that night. *"I just wanted to see if you were ok, and your mother," Angel said when they finally reached each other. "We're both" Buffy asked. "If I can go a little while without being shot or stabbed, I'll be alright," he answered with a slight chuckle. He became more serious. "Look, this can't.." he started. "Ever-be anything" Buffy finished, "I know. For one thing your like two hundred and twenty four years older then I am," she said with a smile. "I just gotta..I gotta walked away from this," Angel told her. Buffy nodded. "I know, me too....One of us has to go here," she said. Angel nodded slightly. "I know," he said in a whisper, then leaned in and kissed her.* Their kiss was even during the same song-although, again, Willow had arranged that. But Buffy knew that this would be their last kiss goodbye. And unlike the previous time, this one was goodbye forever. Buffy held on tighter to Angel as they kissed, not wanting to ever let go. Savoring the feel of his body close to hers for the last time. *And your body I could hold for an hour It sent me to heaven With it's heat and power* Slowly, Buffy and Angel pulled apart, looking deeply into each other's eyes as they did so. Tears were in both of their eyes. As soon as Angel saw Buffy's face filled with tears, he pulled her back into his embrace, wrapping his arms tightly around her tiny body, hugging her close to him. Angel stroked the back of her hair as he held her. After a few seconds, they pulled away again. "I have to go now," Angel told Buffy softly. "Ok," she said trying not to make it any harder for them. She tried to hold back the tears from pouring down her face again, but one had already slipped out of her eye. Then another, then another. Angel moved his hand to her cheeks and wiped some of the tears from her eyes. Buffy grabbed his hand and held it against her cheek. She closed her eyes a she took in the feel of his touch for the last time. Then she guided his hand down to her lips and kissed the back of it. Angel closed his own eyes as she did this. Slowly, Buffy moved his hand down to rest beneath her chin. Tears were forming in Angel's eyes again. He was wishing more then ever that he wasn't a vampire- so that none of this would have to happen. So that he wouldn't have to leave the girl that he loved more then anything in the world. "Please don't go, Angel. Please. I can't do this without you..I can't- live without you, Angel. Please don't leave me," Buffy pleaded with him as tears ran down her pale cheeks. She knew that she was being unfair to him saying this, but she couldn't help but say how she felt at that moment. Angel's eyes flooded with tears. He would have done anything for Buffy. Anything, He'd give the world to her- if she asked for it. But staying in Sunnydale was one thing he could not d o for her. He would not put her in danger of Spike's attempts at using him to restore Druscilla or trying to make him a normal vampire again. Angel placed his gentle hand back to rest on the side of Buffy's face. He caressed her cheek lightly. Tears continued to roll down both of their cheeks. "Buffy, when I got my soul back, I never once thought that I'd be able to love again or that anyone could ever love me..But..when I met you, things changed..I fell in love with you, you were able to fall in love with me. And I- was the happiest I'd ever been in all my life-because you made me feel complete- you made me feel, almost- human..because you made me feel loved. Of course, there was still loneliness, still pain, but there was love too- The love I had for you and the love you had for me. And it was the greatest thing that could ever happen to me-you gave me the greatest thing the greatest gift off all..your love, your heart. And I thank you for that, Buffy. I'd love to give something more then just my love-and my heart for you- in return, but staying here..I can't do. You know that, Buffy..You know that if it were in any way possible to stay here with you, I would..But I can't, with this," Angel told her. He continued. "You mean the world to me Buffy. And I'll never stop missing you, never stop loving you..Your eyes, your hair, your lips, your warmth, your smile, your touch..I'll never stop," he told her. Buffy stared at him with tears rolling down her cheeks. Angel pulled her close to him again, giving her one last, soft kiss on her lips. It didn't last as long as the previous one, but it was still magical. Angel pulled away from her slowly. He looked at her for a few more seconds. "Goodbye, Buffy," he said, softly. Buffy tried to say something but words couldn't escape her mouth, only sobs. She just stood there looking at him with tears pouring out of her eyes. Angel looked at her for one more moment, then turned and headed towards the exit of the Bronze. Buffy watched him walk away from her. "Angel..don't go," Buffy whispered, mainly to herself, in tears. Angel passed where Willow and Xander were standing. They, too, watched as he headed towards the door. Xander shook his head in disgust, then turned towards Willow. "He walks right past us, knowing that he'll never again see our faces, and he doesn't even say goodbye?!? The nerve of some vampires!" he said. Willow shrugged. "He said goodbye to me...He- came by my house the other night- and- said goodbye," Willow told him. Xander shook his head again. Just before reaching the door, Angel paused. He turned to look back at Buffy one last time. He'd never see her beautiful face again. "I love you," he whispered to her, then turned and walked out of the bronze. Buffy wiped some of the tears from her eyes, only to have more pour from them again. "Goodbye, Angel" she whispered in between sobs, "I love you too," she said staring at the now empty space in front of the door, as the song that was playing ended. *I'll remember you You will be there in my heart I'll remember you And that is all that I can do But I'll remember* TO BE CONTINUED _________________________________________________________ DO YOU YAHOO!? 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