From: (Buffyfic-digest) To: Subject: Buffyfic-digest V2 #68 Reply-To: Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk Buffyfic-digest Sunday, March 22 1998 Volume 02 : Number 068 In this issue: BUFFYFIC: Our Hearts Will Go On 1/6 BUFFYFIC: Our Hearts Will Go On 4/6 See the end of the digest for information on subscribing to the buffyfic or buffyfic-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sun, 22 Mar 1998 11:14:19 -0800 (PST) From: michele v Subject: BUFFYFIC: Our Hearts Will Go On 1/6 TITLE: Our Hearts Will Go On 1/6 AUTHOR: Michele V EMAIL ADDRESS: DISTRIBUTION: Please ask first FEEDBACK: Yes, especially since this is my first fic-but since it is, please don't be too harsh SPOILER: What's My Line 1&2 RATING PG-13 SUMMARY: A Buffy/Angel story that takes place after What's My Line 1 & 2, with some added Willow/Oz and Xander/Cordelia. Also, Buffy and the gang find out about the return of the Master- in some form. CONTENT WARNING: Some kissing,talk of sex, and a sexual situation(nothing graphic at all) DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of the characters except for one, whose name is unknown as of now-but will be included in Part 2 and possibly all remaining parts of this. All of the other characters belong to Joss Whedon and the WB. No copywrite infringement is intended. NOTE: I wrote this after "What's My Line 2", therefor without knowing that something similar to this *sort of* happens in "Surprise" ********** PART 1 SUNNYDALE HIGH SCHOOL Willow spotted Buffy hurrying down the hallway ahead of her. "Buffy! Hey, wait up!" she called as she ran to catch up with her. Buffy waited for her friend. "Hey Will. What's up?" Willow frowned. "Will- what's wrong? What aren't you telling me?," Buffy asked suspiciously. "Well I saw something that I really didn't want to and didn't need to see. I saw- oh boy, you are never gonna believe this-" "Well I don't really need to believe it- I just need to know. What is it, Will?" Buffy asked impatiently. Willow sighed. "Ok, well I was in the library helping Giles with something before and Xander was there and so was Cordelia- and Giles asked Xander to go find a book on some- thing- and Cordelia to help him-so they went. And I was left to do research on the computer, of course, but I finished before Xander and Cordelia found the book so I went in the back to help them and-" Willow paused. "And?" Buffy asked anxiously. Willow frowned. "I saw Xander and Cordelia making out in front of the Encyclopedias." "Wow, you really took note of where they were standing-But maybe it wasn;t what you thought it was," Buffy said trying to give Willow some hope. Willow shook her head. "No, no- I know what I saw. And I saw Xander and Cordelia totally lip locked." "Maybe one of them passed out and needed mouth to mouth," Buffy suggested jokingly. "Buffy this is not funny- I mean- it's Xander and Cordelia here- Xander hates Cordelia-Cordelia hates Xander- That's like, that's like Tom the cat kissing Jerry the mouse...uh, well, you know what I mean" "True, but haven't you ever heard of the saying that opposites attract? I mean as ick-worthy as it is, maybe Xander and Cordelia are an example of that." "Well I don't like *that* example. And the worst part is, I'm his best friend- you are too- and he didn't even tell us," Willow said with anger. "Maybe he was afraid of our reaction. I mean it is Cordelia-she was supposed to be his- and our - sworn enemy- and now he's kissing her," Buffy suggested. "Maybe- but I'm still mad at him. I don't understand what he sees in her- he never saw anything in her before except popular snotiness- I thought she would be the last person that he'd ever date. But now this happened, and now it's like-" Willow stopped with a frown. "It's like what?" Buffy asked trying to be understanding. "It's like I'm the last person he'd ever date," Willow said with tears forming in her eyes. She continued. "Like Cordelia's good enough for him- and I-his best friend-am not." The tears began falling down her face. "Hey, it's not you Willow-Xander's probably just going through those hormonal changes that men tend to go through. I'm sure he never meant it to be like that," Buffy said as she hugged her friend. Willow pulled away to look at Buffy, wiping her tears. "Really?" "*Really*"Buffy repeated. "Well, I'm still mad at him. I don't know if I'm even gonna talk to him. I'll let him tell me- or us, that is." "We'll see about that. Somehow, I think you will." The two started walking again. "So, who's this Oz guy that was so heroic as to risk himself getting shot in the arm so that you wouldn't?" Buffy asked changing the subject. "Oz? Oz is no one- he's just this guy- that I know." "A guy that you know. Very informative Will," "Ok, well, we were both chosen for this computer thing at the Career Fair, so we've been talking," Willow told her. "By the way, how did that whole Slayer goodbye thing go between you and Kendra?," Willow asked changing the subject. "Was there any hugging or crying going on?" she continued. Buffy shook her head at her friend with a grin. "You were quick to change the subject. But no, no hugging. Just a goodbye. Kendra has that "No Huggy Huggy, Touchy Touchy," policy." "Oh, right. So- I guess that means there was no crying," Willow answered for Buffy. "Definitely a negative. But even though I was counting the days until she'd leave, it was a little sad to see her go. I guess cause we had something in common. I'm ok now, though." Willow smiled. "Well, good. So have you and Angel been playing helpless patient and nurse lately?" Willow asked anxious to hear the answer. "Actually, me and Angel haven't even talked or seen each other since the night at the church. Kendra was kind enough to volunteer to take him home safely that night so that I could get home to sleep." Willow couldn't believe it. "Wow, you mean you're not even worried that he could not be ok?" "I thought about it of course. But I thought it would be better if he could rest and if I was was with him, there definitely would be no resting going on," Buffy explained. Willow nodded in agreement. "Oh, I see your point. I bet you miss his kisses though." "You could say that. I've definitely been going through some *major* withdrawal," Buffy agreed. Xander came up behind the two of them just in time to hear Buffy's last sentence. "Withdrawal! Buffy, you're not taking drugs now are you? 'Cause that's what that DARE Program is all bout- Saying *no* to drugs." Buffy grinned. "No Xander, Buffy was talking about withdrawal from Angel's kisses- which is probably what you're going through now without Cordelia's kisses!" Willow shot at him with anger. Xander's eyes widened in shock. He looked at Buffy. Buffy shrugged. "What can I say, Xand- secrets secrets are no fun-especially when you keep them from your best friends." Xander shook his head in disbelief. "I don't kn-I don't know what you're talking about," he said trying to cover everything up. Buffy looked at Willow. "Willow?" she asked giving her the cue to explain. "I-I saw you two in the library-when you were looking for that book-I went to help you-and I saw you two-kissing," she told Xander. "Oh, boy... Gosh...I'm sorry, Will. We didn't mean for you-or anyone to see that. We- Look, I have no idea what is going on between me and Cordelia. I mean we get into these fights and then we kiss-and it's completely-completely weird. I mean I don't understand it and I know you two don't either. Right now I'm just trying to sort everything out. And that's why I didn't tell you guys. I mean it's me and- Cordelia- we're not supposed to be together. I mean that's like Tom and Jerry kissing each other-Well,you know-you know what I'm saying." Willow smiled. "I said the same thing," she told him. "Xander like I told Willow before, you're probably going through hormonal changes that men tend to go through," Buffy explained. Xander grinned. "Maybe. I just hope you two will forgive me for not telling," he pleaded. Buffy grinned. "You're forgiven-by me at least." "Willow?" Xander asked. "I forgive you-but only this once Xander-you not tell us something again and I'll-I'll..." Willow paused. Xander smiled. "Thanks you guys. I promise- it'll *never* happen again." "So-" Willow said changing the subject once again,"Where were we?" "Well I know that I was about to tell Buffy that withdrawal from Angel's kisses is even worse then from drugs and that she could say no to that too.. but then.."Xander started. Willow finished for him. "We kinda got into a different conversation. But about what you were gonna say," Willow said with a smile,"I don't think she'd wanna say no to that." Xander smiled at her then turned to Buffy. "How is our vampish fiend anyway? Not that I really care but he just looked like he was in major pain the other night- definitely a good thing." "Actually," she explained again," I haven't seen him since that night. But, I'm sure he's fine." "Darn!" Xander said as he stomped his foot. Willow and Buffy gave him "the look." "Sorry, that just came out unplanned-like a reflex," Xander explained. "Well you better try to control that reflex or my reflex will be to tape your mouth shut," Buffy warned him jokingly. "Whoa-Buff, I knew you were a violent one- with evil creatures but I didn't think you'd be that way with friends. I mean I 'll try but a reflex is a reflex- pretty much uncontrollable. Oh, by the way, Buff, the G-man was looking for you- I was supposed to tell you. Seemed pretty urgent." "Gee, thanks for telling me now that class starts in like a minute." Xander spotted Giles approaching them. "Well, it must be pretty important 'cause here he comes now," he informed Buffy and motioned to him. "Buffy!" Giles called as he caught site of her. Buffy, Xander, and Willow walked over to him. "Giles, hey. What's up?" Buffy asked him. "Buffy I need to see you in the library- in five minutes." Buffy sighed. "Giles, can this wait? 'Cause I have history now and you know how much I'm faltering in that class." Giles shook his head. "Buffy, this is extremely urgent. It'll only take a few minutes," he told her. "Ok. Ill be right there," she obeyed. She turned to her two friends. "I'll see you guys at lunch." Xander nodded. "Ok, best of luck Buff! You may need it with whatever this urgent thing is." "See ya," Willow told her. SCHOOL LIBRARY Giles was relieved when he saw Buffy come through the library doors. "Oh, good. You're here." "What you didn't trust that I'd come?" Buffy asked him slightly annoyed. Giles shook his head. "Well, no. No it's just-" he began. Buffy interrupted shaking her head. "Ok, Giles, What's up? What is this extremely urgent thing that you *need* to tell me about?" she asked impatiently. Giles sighed. "Sit down," he told her. "Gosh this must be bad. When someone asks you to sit down before they tell you something, you know it can *never* be a good thing," she said as she sat. "So, what is this terrible thing?" she asked. "Well, it's two things actually," he told her. "Oh goody. So it's the more problems the merrier kind of deal. So, go head, share." Giles sighed. "Well, I went back to what remains of the church that Druscilla's healing ritual was performed in a few nights ago.." he began. "And?" Buffy asked impatiently. "And while I was looking through the remains of it, I found this," he continued as he pulled a piece of red cloth out of his pocket and handed it to Buffy. "Hmm..a piece of red cloth, probably from a shirt or something," she said as she examined it in her hands, "Giles what does this have to do with- anything?" she asked. "Well, it's not just a piece of cloth off of just anyone's shirt.." he began. "Oooo-could it be-I mean maybe it's a piece of one of Gavin Rossdale's shirts. Can I keep it then- for a souvenir?" Buffy said jokingly. "Gavin Rossdale- I don't believe I've heard of a Gavin Rossdale. Who-Who is he?" Giles asked her. "No one- never mind." Buffy stared down at the torn piece of clothing in her hands. "Wait a sec," she said realizing something,"Spike was wearing a shirt that looked something like this the night that we were in the church and I...killed.." She paused and her eyes widened. "When a vampire is killed every part of it turns to dust, except anything that it may be holding, such as a weapon, but everything else becomes dust, including all of its clothing," he began explaining. "Him," Buffy said finishing her sentence from before, "Oh my gosh." "But when I looked underneath all of the debris, I found not only a piece of his clothing but not a sign of vampire dust in the area in which they were supposed to be killed. It still would have been visible even days later, but since there was none, it would mean that.." Giles continued explaining but was interrupted by Buffy who finished his sentence for him. "Spike and Druscilla are alive," she finished. Giles nodded. "I'm afraid so. Now, have you spoken to Angel at all since that night?" Buffy shook her head. "I haven't yet. I thought I should leave him to recuperate," she started. Giles interrupted. "Well I think it would be a good idea to go see hi, tonight. To- make sure that he's al right. With Druscilla still alive and uncured, he could be in great ganger of her and Spike," he warned her. Buffy became a little nervous at what he said. "Great danger? Are we talking death here?" she asked him. "Buffy he was nearly killed by Spike's last attempt to cure her, and if that hasn't worked, well- there's no telling what they'll do next." Buffy agreed. "Ok, so it's Destination Angel's then." "Wait, Buffy. As I said before, that us only one of the problems." "Uh, Giles- I wasn't going anywhere. Remember, school? Well, it's still in session in case you didn't know. And I don't need Principle Snyder to find out that I ditched the rest of the day," Buffy reminded him. Giles agreed. "Oh, yes. That's right. Well anyway, I was researching that Watcher Diaries.." Buffy rolled her eyes and interrupted him. "Really Giles? Cause I thought you always were researching in Reader's Digest," she joked. Giles gave her a stern look. "Continue," she told him. "Well as I was researching, I found out that six months after the Master dies, on the six day, and the six hour, his or her spirit comes back in the form of the opposite sex. It then, goes after the person who killed him or her, along with a team of all the vampires existing at that time," he explained. "Sixth month, sixth day, sixth hour..Giles are you noticing this 666 ocult reference that I'm noticing?"she asked him. "Yes and I believe that has something to do with the fact that the Master is like a vampires versian of the Christian religion's "Anichrist," he explained. "Ok, so anyway, the person who killed the Master," Buffy observed, "That would be me. So why don't they just say "the slayer" cause I thought that's always the person he fights during the Prophecy." "Well, in a few earlier cases," Giles explained,"the Slayer was not the person who killed him or her. Sometimes, it was just a person who happened to be there." Buffy shook her head in confusion. "You keep saying "him or her." Are you saying that the Master could be female?" she asked him. "Well, yes. There have been some female masters in the past, and quite powerful ones, I might add," he explained. "Wow. Talk about girl power. And I thought women only ruled in the 90's." "Yes and the spirit oh the Master that is supposed to be coming will be female, since it's spirit is always the opposite sex." Buffy took everything in and tried putting it into her own words. "Ok, so this master spirit girl, she's coming- six months after the Master's death- which would be- next month-and on the sixth day- Giles, today is the 15th- that means that ghost girl will be coming in only three weeks, and I'm guessing she's *no* Casper-which means we're gonna need a *lot* of time to prepare for it- and we don't even know much of anything about it- I mean it's a spirit,worse then your ordinary poltergeist, and it's the Masters-opposite sex or not- Giles, how the hell are we gonna kill this thing!? Or..make it go away?" Giles took off his glasses and rubbed his eyes in distress. He looked at Buffy who stood waiting for an answer. One that he didn't have. "I-I don't know," he told her truthfully. Buffy couldn't believe it. "You don't know?! You're the Watcher- You're supposed to know these things.... Just tell me one thing- Am I supposed to die from this?" she asked him with tears almost beginning to form in her eyes. Giles shook his head. "No, not that I'm aware if. All that's listed in the Watcher Diaries is what I've told you. That is why, I need you to find out from Angel, everything he knows about this," he told her. Buffy finally calmed down and returned to her normal self. "Ok, well, I'll make sure I make some time in between kisses for us to chat about it," she told him. "Buffy, this is nothing to joke about. You must be serious." "I was being serious just now," she joked again. Giles gave Buffy the same stern look from before. "Ok, Ok, I'll make sure that I talk to him about it. And by the way, I was being serious just a few minutes before the other thing I said. Maybe a little *too* serious. Anyway, are we done here cause I have to get to class now?" Giles nodded. "Ok then I better go. See ya, Giles," she said as she walked out the library doors. LATER ON IN THE SCHOOL DAY *bell rings* Willow and Xander walked together out of the classroom that they were just in and down the halls. Approaching them was Cordelia, Devon, and Oz. Willow smiled at the sight of Oz. When they were in speaking range Xander acknowledged Cordelia."Well, would you look who it is," Xander said looking at her. "What's that supposed to mean?" she asked him. "Nothing. Just, look who it is- it's you." "And your point is?" "No point. I was just- acknowledging your presence," he told her. "Why?" she asked him in a snotty voice. "Never mind. I don't wanna know. Come on Devon. Let's go." She pulled Devon with her down the halls. Oz stayed behind. "Hi," he said looking at Willow. "Hey Oz," she said smiling. "Weren't you supposed to leave with them," Willow asked referring to Cordelia and Devon. "Well, see, I wanted to know if you were going to the Bronze tonight," he explained. "Oh. Well, I don't know- I mean I gotta check with my friends to see if their going or not," she told him. "Why do you wanna know?" she asked him. "Well my band is gonna be playing there tonight and if you were going, then you'd get to see us play. And, you know, maybe when we're done playing, you and I could maybe hang out together for a little while if it was cool with you," he told her. "Oh, yeah, that, that would be cool-with me. Yeah." "So you're going then?" Oz asked her. "Yeah. I'll be there," she told him. "Alright, well I'll see you then." "Yeah, see ya," she said with a smile. She turned and watched him walk away. "Willow? Hello? Anyone there?" Xander called waving his hands in front of her face. "Oh, yeah. Sorry, Xand." "That's ok. So, I guess we're Bronze bound tonight, huh?" Xander asked. "Yeah," she answered with a smile across her face. "Well, that'll work out good. I can dance with Cordelia while Devon's busy singing and you can stare at Oz, the great and powerful." "Xander!" "Sorry, couldn't stop myself there. The Wizard of Oz thing was gonna come up some time. And then was the time." "By the way, why were you and Cordelia fighting back there. I thought you guys were ok with each other now." Willow asked confused slightly. "We are ok, but Devon and Oz were there. We can't act like love birds in front of them. Not that we are or anything," he explained. Xander noticed Buffy walking up ahead. "Hey, let's go see if Buffy can join us tonight," he told Willow. The two ran to catch up with her. "Hey Buff." "Hey guys." "So, Willow and I are going to the Bronze tonight. Feel like joining us?" he asked. "Well, I would but I'm gonna go check on Angel tonight. I have to find out stuff from him for Giles too," she told them. "Well, if it's for Giles then I guess you should," Xander said a little disappointed. "Oz is gonna be there," Willow told her excitedly. "And we're gonna hang out when his band's done playing." "And you said you two would never become a thing. It's already in the working," Buffy told her. Willow smiled. *bell rings* "Ooo, gotta get to class. I'll see you guys," Buffy said and then started to walk to her next class. Willow and Xander did the same. Buffy turned back around. "Willow!" she shouted down the hall. Willow turned around. "Good luck tonight." Willow smiled and they both turned and continued on to their next class. LATER THAT NIGHT ANGEL'S APARTMENT Buffy knocked on Angel's door."Angel?" she called. She tried to open it but it as locked of course. She knocked again. "Angel, it's just me .Open up." She waited then knocked once more. When he still didn't answer she decided to let herself in by kicking open the door. She walked in and closed the door behind her. "Angel?...Hello? Anybody home?" she called. *He's gotta be home. He's recuperating* she thought. Finally she came to the area where his bed was and found him sound asleep in it. She smiled at the sight of his sleeping figure, then got an idea. She went over to the phone and dialed her home phone number. "Mom? Hi. I'm over at Willow's- she's helping me study for this big history test and it looks like we won't be done till late tonight. So can I stay over and get a ride to school with her?...Yeah, it's ok with her parents...Ok, thanks a lot mom..I love you too. Bye." Buffy listened as her mom hung up and grinned mischeiviously at what she had just done. Then, as she was going to hang up the phone she was pulled back onto the bed behind her and on top of Angel who immediately leaned up and kissed her. They kissed again and soon the two were wrapped up in a whirl of passion. Angel began kissing down Buffy's face and to her neck. Buffy let out a slight moan as Angel kissed her neck. She then moved to claim his lips with hers again, afraid that if he kissed her neck any longer, he might go vamp on her. But soon she found his lips trailing back down the same path to her neck. She had to admit, it felt great when he kissed her there, but again, she didn't want him to lose his control. It was too late though- his lips were already there and the pleasure from him kissing her there, overwhelmed her. "Angel," she managed to get out, trying to make him stop, but what it really sounded like was a sigh of pleasure. After a moment, she called his name again, this time sounded more like her calling him. Still he didn't stop. "Mmm?" he just said as his lips trailed up and down her face to her neck. She let out a soft cry again as he kissed a sensitive spot that he hadn't kissed yet. Finally she was able to tell him. "Um, Angel, maybe you shouldn't kiss me there." Angel stopped and lifted his head to meet her eyes. He was a little confused. "Sorry-I thought you were enjoying it." Buffy blushed alittle."I was- I was- it's just-Well I was afraid you'd go vampire on me- No offense," she explained. Angel chuckled. "Why would you think that?" he asked with a smile. "Oh- I don't know, maybe because you-on a few occasions-have been known to go vamp on me while we were lip locked," she said with a slight grin. Angel shook his head. "Well, just so you know, that really only happens when I'm angry-or- I have something on my mind. But- I can control it otherwise," he explained to her with a smile. Buffy tried to fight back her impulse to ask him more, but couldn't. "Even if you're kissing my neck- the very same spot that you could be feeding on me from?" Angel's face saddened a bit. "I'm Sorry, that didn't come out the right way," she told him. Angel just looked away. Buffy took her hand and turned his face so that he faced her. "Hey, I trust you Angel, I do." Angel nodded, but still looked a little sad. "I know," he answered. Buffy changed the subject."Well, so anyway, I came here to see how you were-You're ok, right?" Angel nodded. "Yeah, I'm fine." "Ok, good-Is there anything I could do?" she asked with a smile. Angel grinned. "Well, you could start by, kissing me again." Buffy smiled back at him. "That I can definitely do," she said as she leaned down to kiss him. Their lips met for a few more kisses before they pulled away. "I've missed you," Angel said as their lips parted. "Been kinda lonely here-and without you," he continued. Buffy smiled. "Sorry I haven't come by- but I thought you'd need some time to rest and recuperate without any distractions," she explained. "Yeah, you're probably right," he told her with a smile. Buffy loved when he told her she was right. "Well, I'm here now-And we have the whole night to be together-I told my mom I was at Willow's so I can stay the night," she told him. Angel shook his head. "Buffy, that's very kind of you to be here, but I'm not sure it's such a good idea you spend the night." Buffy didn't understand. "Well, why not? If you're worried that you don't have an extra bed, you shouldn't cause I think were a little past sleeping in separate beds. I can just- sleep right here next to you," she said then patted a spot on the bed. "That's just it, Buffy. Don't you think it would be a little tempting being together in the same bed? I mean don't you thing we might end up wanting to-," "Have sex?" Buffy suggested bluntly. Angel seemed a little uncomfortable. "Well..yeah," he told her. "So- what's so wrong with that? I mean, we've been way past a cup of of coffee. We can't even go 5 minutes without kissing each other." "It's just- If I lose control Buffy, which I could, you could die. And hurting you is the last thing I want to do," he told her. "Angel, I know that-But I don't think you would. I trust you enough to know that you'd never hurt me, even in your vampire mode." Angel shook his head. "Buffy please- It's hard enough not to- please don't make it any harder," he begged. Buffy looked deeply into Angel's eyes. "Please Angel- I love you..I need you," she pleaded with him. Angel lightened a bit. "What caused the change of mid? Just before, you didn't even want me kissing you- and now-," Angel began, curious. "You told me you could control it- and I believe you. And I realized that we don't know how much time we'll have together. I mean, it was the scariest thing, you almost died the other night. And me, being the Slayer-Well,you know, Slayers are known to have short lives. I figure we should do..things..while we have the chance," she explained. Angel agreed. "Alright," he said with a slight nod. His eyes stared deeply into Buffy's.But there was something about them- something about his eyes that was different. It was as if they held an untold secret-as if Angel knew that something was about to tear him and Buffy apart. "Ok?" Buffy asked with a smile. "Ok," Angel replied grinning. Buffy leaned in and kissed him. "I love you, Buffy. I want you to know that," he told her. She kissed him again. "I know," she said with a smile. Angel looked as if he was waiting for her to say more. "I love you too," she finished finally. He smiled-but then that look appeared in his eyes again-the look of pain-of knowing something Buffy did not. Buffy kissed him again, then saw that look in his eyes. "Hey, what's wrong?" she asked concerned. "It's nothing- really." "Are you sure? I mean are you nervous or something?-'cause I'll admit that I am a little," she asked slightly worried. "No- I'm fine," Angel said with a smile. He then pulled her back down on him for a kiss. "Good," Buffy said as she pulled the covers up over them , coming back down on him, and kissing him. They kissed each other passionately for a few moments. Then Buffy took control and began kissing down Angel's face, nibbling on his jaw line and planting soft kisses down his neck. She then paused to help him remove his white tee-shirt, and began kissing him again from his collar bone down to his smooth chest. She then worked her way back up to his mouth as her hands ran up and down his arms and broad chest, feeling his muscles....beneath her touch. Their kiss lingered on for a while, before it was broken by Angel, who sat up in bed. "Angel, what's worng," Buffy asked concerned. Angel shook his head. "I can't. I can't do this Buffy...I'm sorry. I 'm so, sorry. You know I'd do anything for you Buffy, but I can't do this. I can't," Angel explained to her, quite upset. He looked almost as if he was about to cry and Buffy could sense that. She wrapped her arms around him, hugging him close to her. "It's ok Angel. It's ok-I understand. I shouldn't have..pressured you so much. I'm sorry," she whispered in his ear. Angel pulled away after a short while and laid back down on the bed. Buffy laid down also, resting her head against his shoulder. She turned to look at him. "Are you ok?" she asked him. Angel nodded. "Yeah, I'm ok," he replied in a sad tone. "I still love you,Angel. You know that, right?," she told him. "I know," he replied. Buffy gave him a little smile then settled her head on his chest and closed her eyes. Angel put an arm around her and did the same. Little did Buffy know that,inside, Angel really wasn't fine or ok-and she would soon not be either. To be continued... _________________________________________________________ DO YOU YAHOO!? Get your free address at - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 22 Mar 1998 11:14:13 -0800 (PST) From: michele v Subject: BUFFYFIC: Our Hearts Will Go On 4/6 TITLE: Our Hearts Will Go On 4/? AUTHOR: Michele V. EMAIL ADDRESS: FEEDBACK: Definitely, especially since this is my first fic- but since it is, please don't be too harsh SPOILERS: All episodes through "What's My Line 1 & 2" RATING: PG SUMMARY: A Buffy/Angel story that takes place after "What's My Line 1 & 2" with some added Willow/Oz and Xander/Cordelia. Also, Buffy and the gang find out about the return of the Master- in some form. DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of the characters except for "The Elgradora" All of the other characters belong to Joss Whedon and the WB. No copywrite infringement intended. NOTE: I wrote this after "What's My Line 2" therefor without knowing that something similar would *sort of* happen in "Surprise" ********** PART 4 SUNNYDALE HIGH SCHOOL Xander and Willow sat talking outside on the steps of Sunnydale High after school got out. "Did you see the look on Mr. Jamison's face when he realized that his toupe' had fallen off?" Xander asked, laughing. "Yeah, it was pretty funny," Willow said giggling. "But- not as funny as the time he bent over and split his pants and everyone saw his Batman underwear," Xander said, still laughing. "True, I don't thing anything could beat that," Willow answered. Xander looked off to the side briefly and spotted Buffy looking around for them. "Hey, Buff! We're over here!" Xander called to her. Buffy smiled and walked over towards them. "Hey," she greeted them. "Hi," Willow said. "How are you? I mean, are you feeling better?" she asked her friend. "A little," Buffy told them. "The story about Mr. Jamison made me smile, so that's a plus" Buffy said grinning. "You heard?" Xander asked. "Yeah, me and everyone else in school," Buffy told him. "Oh, of course" There was an awkward silence. Buffy's smile disappeared and her face was filled with sadness. "So...the big Friday night dance at the Bronze..Are you two game?" Xander asked breaking the silence. Buffy looked up at him. "Well I kinda have to go. I told Angel I'd be there so he's gonna meet me there after he's done packing," she told them. "So I'll take that as a yes from you. Willow?" "Yeah, I'll go," Willow told him. "Ok, then. Our plans are now set. Mom's here- so now I must go home and couch potato it until it's time to go. I'll see you guys, later," Xander said then got into his mother's car. Willow and Buffy waved goodbye to Xander and his mom. Buffy turned to Willow. "Well, since training is off for today, I can walk you home," Buffy said standing up. "Then when I get home I can sulk for three hours and by then it'll be time to get ready to leave." Willow smiled and the two of them walked home together. (LATER THAT NIGHT) THE BRONZE Willow and Xander finally took a break from dancing and walked over to the table where Buffy had been sitting alone for almost two hours. "Still no sign of Angel, huh?" Willow asked her friend. Xander shook his head in disgust. "And you call that a boyfriend? Where I'm from that's called standing someone up. Now he had better have a good reason for putting my best friend in more major mope mode then she already is in or I'll just have to-" Willow interrupted. "Xander, calm down. This is Angel we're talking about. He'd never do that to Buffy." "Ya know, you're right. What am I talking about? He'd never do such a thing as that- he'd just move far far away so that her heart could be broken." Willow looked at Buffy. "So, what do you think happened to him, Buffy? I mean, what if- he was on his way here and Spike and Druscilla found out he was coming here, so they waited outside for him and captured-" Willow paused when she saw the look Buffy was giving her. "Ok, ok, sorry- Guess I got a little carried away." "Just a little," Buffy said sarcasticly. "So you think he's ok then?," Willow asked, already knowing her answer. "I'm sure he's fine," Buffy answered her. "He's probably just finishing up all of his packing tonight so he can sleep all day tomorrow." "Yeah, well, I'd hate to tell you but I think our vampy pal Angel is a no show tonight- The Bronze closes in fifteen minutes- which means, there's only like three more songs left to boogie on down to"Xander told her. "So what do you say, Buffy- Think you can spare one little dance with your best friend?" Buffy nodded. "Sure- It beats sitting down and sulking.. Anyway, I came here to dance- and I haven't done that all night." "That's that spirit! C'mon!" Xander said, pulling Buffy onto the dance floor. Buffy and Xander danced together to an upbeat song. Then a slower song came on. Xander and Buffy continued dancing together while Willow sat alone at the table. "Are you with anyone?" a familiar voice behind her asked. Willow turned around to see Oz standing there. "Oh, hi, Oz. Well, I came with my two friends but they're out on the dance floor right now- so right now, no- Are you?" Oz shook his head. "Not anymore. I came with Devon but as soon as Cordelia spotted him she-" Willow interrupted. "You don't have to tell me the rest- I think I know what happened." "Yeah," Oz agreed. "So, did you just come here now? 'Cause it closes soon and it would just be kinda weird if you came for only the last few minutes," Willow asked. "Well, actually, yeah- we just came now. Devon wanted to see Cordelia since he knew shed be here-and since he's my ride home I had to come along, so, yeah," Oz told her. The two sat in silence for a moment. "Do you wanna dance?" Oz asked, breaking the silence. "Me?" Willow asked, somewhat surprised. Oz grinned. "Well, yeah- I didn't think there was any other Willow here that I was talking to- Unless you have some invisible clone- Wait let me check," he said, then looked under the table and behind him. "Willow? Willow?" he said as he did so. Willow giggled slightly. "Sorry- I guess-I' just not used to a guy-well other then Xander- asking me to dance," she explained. "Well you do know how, right?" Oz asked . "Oh, yeah, I just-" she began. "Well then let's dance," he told her. Willow nodded her head in agreement as Oz led her out on the dance floor. The two began slow dancing. When the song ended, Devon came over by where Oz and Willow were standing. "Hey Devon, What's going on?" Oz asked his friend. "Cordelia and I got into a little *disagreement*, so I'm ready to bail. You coming?" Oz looked at Willow for a moment then turned back to his friend. "I think I'm gonna stay," he told Devon. "Ok man, See you tomorrow at practice," Devon said. "Yeah-I'll be there. See ya," Oz answered. When Devon was gone, Willow turned to Oz. "Uh, Oz? Wasn't he your ride home?" she asked him. Oz nodded with a slight grin. "Yeah..but staying here is worth my walking home," he told her. Willow blushed. "Has anyone ever told you that you look kind of cute when you blush like that?" Oz asked her grinning. Willow just stared at him. "'Cause you do.. Not good at handling compliments, are you? "No- Oh, I mean- Sorry- it's just- Well, no one has really-" Willow began. "Ever complimented you," Oz finished for her. "Well, no guy-Well, besides-" Willow began again. "Xander," Oz finished for her again. Willow nodded. "Yeah." "Well, I don't handle them too well myself so...But, do you wanna keep dancing?" "Oh-yeah, sure. I mean if you want to," Willow answered nervously. Oz smiled. "I want to," he answered. "Ok, then, let's- keep dancing," she said. Willow and Oz started dancing dancing again as the song "How Do I Live," by LeAnn Rhymes came on. Xander and Buffy also began to slow dance together again, when someone approached them from behind Buffy. "Hey," the person said, looking at Xander. "Hi," Xander answered. Buffy turned around as soon as she heard the person's voice. "Angel. I wasn't sure you'd show," she told him. Angel looked at Xander. "Can I- cut in?" Angel asked him. Xander nodded. "She's all yours-Well, not *all* yours- Ah, you know what I mean." Xander headed back to a table by himself when he spotted Cordelia standing all alone in a corner. He approached her. "Cordelia- What are you doing here all by yourself-I figured you'd be latched on to Devon somewhere." "No. We-well we just broke up," Cordelia told him. "I'm sorry to hear that," Xander said, trying to sound like he meant it, although he really did not. "Look- I know your probably gonna say to no this- but I thought I'd ask anyway..Do you wanna maybe- dance?" Cordelia looked annoyed at first but then managed a slight smile. "Sure-why not." The two walked off onto the dance floor and began slow dancing together. Angel wrapped his arms around Buffy's waist holding her close to him while Buffy placed her hands on Angel's shoulders. "I'm really sorry that I got here so late. I just- had a lot of things to do to-" Angel began explaining softly. "It's ok. I understand. Let's just forget about it and enjoy now, ok?" Angel nodded. "Ok." They danced, holding each other close, as they looked deeply into each other's eyes. The words to the song finally came on. *How do I Get through the night with you If I had to live without you What kind of life would that be* *Oh I, Need you in my arms, need you to hold You're my world, my heart, my soul If you ever leave Baby it would take away everything good in my life* *And tell me now, How do I live without you, I want to know, How do I breathe without you, If you ever go* As Buffy stared into Angel's eyes, listening to the lyrics of the beautiful song, a tear rolled down her cheek when she realized how much the lyrics to the song expressed the way she was feeling about Angel leaving. When Angel noticed her tears he began to get slightly choked up himself. He pulled Buffy even closer to him, letting her head rest on his shoulder, and almost hugging her for comfort as they swayed to the music. *Without you, There would be no sun in my sky There would be no love in my life, There'd be no world left for me* *And I, Baby I don't know what I would do, I'd be lost if I lost you If you ever leave, Baby you would take away everything Real in my life* "Angel?" Buffy whispered in his ear, through slight sobs. "Hmm?" he answered. "Will you ever be back?" she asked him, drawing away from him so she could look into his eyes. "I don't know," he answered softly after a long pause. Buffy just nodded and pulled her self closer to him, holding on tight to him, as if that would keep him from leaving. *How do I go on If you ever leave, Baby you would take away everything Need you with me Baby don't you know that you are everything good in my life* Buffy couldn't take it anymore and tears flooded her eyes and cheeks as she cried onto Angel's shoulder. Angel felt her body shaking as she cried and tried to comfort her- while he hugged her with one arm, he brought his other arm to the back of her head, burying her head in his chest. He kissed the top of her head. *And tell me now How do I live without you I want to know How do I breathe without you If you ever go How do I ever, ever survive How do I, How do I, oh How do I live* The song was almost over but Buffy couldn't wait until the end-she had to leave-the pain was too much for her. She pulled away from Angel and sprinted out of the Bronze, hysterical, and ran all the way home. To her advantage her mother wasn't home again- she didn't want to have to answer any questions about why she was upset. Buffy just went straight to her room and laid down on her bed, crying hysterically. After a few minutes, she was able to calm down a bit, but still, hadn't noticed that someone else was in the room with her. Angel. Her back was turned towards him but he could tell that she was still crying by the light sobs he heard coming from her. Angel walked quietly over to her bed and placed a gentle hand on her cheek. Buffy knew who it was right away and turned to face him, exposing her tear-filled face to him. It hurt Angel so much to see her like that. He moved his hand to wipe the tears that were falling from her eyes as she stared at him. His own face showed a pain filled expression as he stared down at her. As he went to wipe more tears away Buffy covered his hand with hers for a second and then pushed it away from her face, letting go of her grip on it. She turned her head the other way- She couldn't look at him and see the pain that she afflicted upon him by pushing him away when he was only trying to comfort her. Angel stood there with question. Tears were beginning to fill his own eyes as he stood unsure of what he should say, or what he should do. After a few more sobs Buffy finally spoke to him. "This is hard ,Angel, this is so hard," she said. Angel nodded. "I know," was all he could say. Buffy waited a few moments and spoke again. "I can't do this- I can't say goodbye like this-when we're involved- It's too hard," Buffy continued. Angel just stared at her. Buffy waited a few more seconds. "I think- we should just- not be together anymore- end our relationship here- because it's just too hard to say goodbye to you while we're in one," she said. She turned her head the other way. "What are you saying, Buffy?" Angel asked softly. After a few more sobs she spoke again. "I need you... to leave," Buffy told him. She turned her head back, to see what his response to this would be. Angel stared at her for a second. He understood how she was feeling- and that it hurt her more right now to see him. He gave her a slight nod then stared at her a few more seconds-then turned and walked towards her door. Angel stopped when he reached the door and turned his head slightly, but still not enough to face her. "I wish things could be different, Buffy..that I didn't have to leave Sunnydale," he commented. After a short silence, Buffy answered. "Me too. But- things just don't go the way we want them to in life. Especially in mine." She wished he would just leave so that she wouldn't lose it in front of him. "Well, goodbye Buffy," he said knowing that she wanted him to leave. Buffy didn't answer and just watched him continue out of her room. She waited until she heard him close her front door to let loose the emotions she was holding back. She broke out into tears again. She cried and cried , nonstop for about an hour. Then around 11:00 she finally calmed down a bit. The phone rang on the night table next to Buffy's bed. Buffy reached over and picked it up. "Hello?...Oh, hey Will....I just couldn't take it anymore, I had to leave or I would've just cried write there....Yeah, he came by, but- I told him to leave. I think it was the right thing to do- Just break it off-and stay away from him until tommorow night..It should be easy to do considering it's only a day..Yeah, should be but right now it doesn't seem like it will be. I miss him already and I just saw him an hour ago...No, I think he understands why..I think it'll be easier to deal with, I guess..He said goodbye, but I didn't answer. I couldn't- It was just too hard..Will, I think I'm gonna go on slay patrol now, even though it's kind of late. That should get my mind off this..I will.Ok, I'll try. I'll call you tomorrow and we can do something..K, bye." Buffy hung up the phone, just to have it ring again. "Hello?..Mom- hi..I'm fine. I was just- getting ready t o go to Willow's-to sleep over I mean since it's so late..You do?..No, I'll be fine.Besides I'll be at Willow's tonight and- I'll see if I can stay there tomorrow night too..You just take care of whatever you have to at the gallery and I'll see you Monday..That's two days right?..No-mom, I'll be fine..Don't worry, I'll be good..Ok mom. Love you, too. Bye," Buffy hung up the phone again. She grabbed the jacket that Angel had given her awhile back and a stake from her drawer and left the house on slay patrol. Buffy was walking towards the park when she came to the building that Angel lived in. She stopped for a moment thinking of how badly she wanted to just go in there and throw her arms around him. But she couldn't. She had to stay away from him to make it easier to let go. She continued walking again, her thoughts still on Angel and how he was leaving. But since her thoughts were invading her mind and taking her attention off of slaying, she didn't notice the vampire that had come up behind her until it was too late. He had her by the neck and she was too tired and stressed out to fight back at the moment. The she felt it- two fangs puncture the skin on her neck and the vampire slowly draining the blood out of her. After he had taken the slightest bit, Buffy's salyer sense kicked in and she managed to push her stake through his heart, turning him to dust immediately. Buffy turned the other way and placed her fingers up to her neck, in pain. She decided that she needed help fast, and the closet place would be Angel's. As much as she wanted to stay away from him, she couldn't. She needed help immediately. Buffy ran to Angel's apartment and knocked on his door with tears in her eyes from the pain and fear she was feeling. As soon as Angel opened the door, she fell into his arms, sobbing uncontrollably. Angel hugged her close to him, trying to comfort her, thinking that she was crying because she would miss him and didn't want him to leave. "It'll be alright, soon," he whispered in her ear. "It hurts," Buffy sobbed. "I know, I know," he replied and kissed the top of her head. "The pain-" Buffy began. "Shhh..It'll all go away- it may take awhile- but soon, things will be alright," he promised her. "It-feels- like a thousand knives are stabbing into my neck- all at once," she told him. "Your...neck?" Angel asked hoping she wasn't referring to what he thought she was. "What are you talking about? I thought-" he began. Buffy pulled away, shaking her head, exposing the two red fang marks on her neck to him. Angel looked at the marks and growled. "Who did this to you?" he asked in anger. "I don't know. Just some- random vampire I guess," she told him. "How did it happen?" Angel asked. "Well, I was out on slay patrol and I guess I was a little..sidetracked and didn't notice that he was behind me. So he snuck up on me and attacked. It wasn't until he already had his fangs in my neck that I was able to fight back," Buffy explained. "Did you kill him?" Angel asked. Buffy nodded. "Yeah- dusted him off right away," she answered. Angel sighed, putting his head down. "What? Was I not supposed to kill him?" she asked, confused. Angel just stood there with his head down trying to figure out what to do. "Angel? You're scaring me. What gives here?" Buffy asked. Angel lifted his head to look at her. "Sorry- I ,uh- I was just worried. You shouldn't have," he began. "Killed him. I shouldn't have killed him," Buffy finished for him. Angel nodded. "But I didn't know- I thought vampires- except you, of course- were the bad guys and that I was supposed to kill them. I was scared- I didn't know what to do," she explained. "i know- It's not your fault. It's just- he could've been useful in getting you better," Angel told her. "How?" Buffy asked. "Well, as strange at it may sound, he didn't drain enough blood out of you to complete the process of healing- if he did, you'd be unconcous, so if he was still around we'd have to lure him into draining the slightest bit more out of you. Then, we'd have cut his neck and make him bleed and you'd have to drink the blood from his neck until you were strong again," he explained. Buffy was confused. "Uh, Angel- I could be wrong here but doesn't drinking a vampire's blood after he drank yours make you become a vampire?" she asked. "In most cases, yes, but not in this one. Since your the slayer it doesn't work the same for you," he told her. "How come?" Buffy asked. "Well, since your the slayer, you can drink the blood from the same spot that you were bitten in and not become a vampire," Angel explained. "Oh..ok..*ow* Whatever needs to be done to treat this, could we do it now?" Buffy asked in pain. "That's the thing, Buffy. Without that vampire, I don't know of any other way of treating it," he told her. "*Ow* Well, do I need *that* vampire? I mean, can't I just get any old vamp and suck the blood from that one's neck in stead? *Ow*" Buffy was able to get out. Angel shook his head. "It has to be the same one that bit you, otherwise it won't work," he told her. "Oh..great. So what do I do? I can't go to a hospital because they'll have to call my mom and she's out of town- I don't want her worrying or anything," Buffy said holding the spot on her neck again. "Let me look at it," Angel said. Buffy nodded and took her hand off the fang marks. Angel reached out his hand to touch it, then pulled back, almost instantly, and turned his head the other way with a growl. "Angel?" Buffy called. "You need to get Go find Giles or someone," he told her. "Aren't you gonna come? I mean, even though that vampire only got a little out of me, I'm still a little weak. What if another vampire comes along- I won't have the strength to fight it and-" "I can't," Angel answered with a growl, still turned the other way. Buffy walked around him so that she could face him. She realized that he was in his "game" face. "Oh. I get it. You can't look at me, can you? 'Cause when you do, all you see is the two red marks on my neck," she said. "I'm sorry, Buffy. I want to help you but..the temptation- it's just too great," Angel told her. "It's ok. I understand," Buffy said, with a hint of hurt in her voice. Angel noticed this and wanted to show her that he cared about her and loved her- even though they were no longer together. He stepped closer to her, placing a hand on the side of her neck without the fang marks. Angel bent his head down toward her neck. Fear overwhelmed Buffy as Angel's mouth neared the fang marks on her neck. After all, Angel was in his "vampire mode" But the fear and pain washed away, and was replaced with pleasure as Buffy felt Angel's soft, sensual lips, instead of fangs, pressed against the cut. Angel did not pull his lips away right way. He let them linger there for some seconds. As they did, Buffy closed her eyes and let her head tilt back slightly, exposing her neck to his lips and letting the pleasure take over her. Seeing Buffy's reaction to this, and how much pleasure this was giving her, he drew his lips away for merely a second, and kissed her there again. "Angel," Buffy sighed with pleasure. Angel was fighting so hard to control the demon inside him, so that he would not bite her. But the temptation was becoming to great, so he pulled his lips away from her neck. Buffy opened her eyes to find him staring at her. "Better?" Angel asked, referring to the pain from the bite. Buffy wanted to tell him how incredible it felt to have his lips on her, kissing her, since he hadn't in a while. But she knew that she couldn't. The y could no longer be together and she felt the need to remind him. "Angel, why did you do that? I mean, you know that we can't be together anymore. It'll be to hard to say goodbye if we are," Buffy said. Angel was finally able to gain control and morph back into his normal face again. "I know. I just- wanted to let you know that- whether we're together or not- I care about you, you. And no matter what happens to us Buffy, I'll never stop. Even if..Even if you stake me right now. It hurts me so much to see you in pain and I'd give anything to help you- unless it would risk your life. And right would-So I can't be with you..I'm sorry." Buffy nodded. She understood. But she was curious about something and had to ask him. "Did you wanna bite me just before?" she asked. Angel frowned and put his head down. "I did," he admitted in a sad tone. "But- I was able to control the urge," he told her. Buffy smiled slightly. "Well, I guess I should be greatful for your honesty. But- to answer your question from before..It is..better." Angel looked up at her with a slight smile. Buffy grinned back at him slightly. "Well, maybe I'll just have to do it again," Angel said flirtatiously. Buffy smiled. "Yeah, and maybe if you keep doing it, I'll be completely better." Angel's smile turned to a frown. "If that was all it really would take, I wish I could," he said, a sad tone in his voice again. Buffy's smile disappeared too, when he said this. "Well, I better go to Giles house now," she told him changing the subject. Angel nodded. "I'd go with you but-" "I know..the temptation..I know," Buffy said, understandingly. "Well, I guess this is goodbye then," Angel said, still with a sad tone. Buffy nodded. "Yeah..guess it is." She stared at him a few more seconds. "I'll..I'll see ya," she blurted out, quickly walking to the door. Without giving him the chance to answer her, she opened the door and left. She didn't start crying until she got outside. Once outside, the tears began to pour down her face as she walked to Giles to get help. Angel was left standing there in his apartment, tears rolling down his hace. "Yeah..see ya," he said in a whisper. TO BE CONTINUED _________________________________________________________ DO YOU YAHOO!? Get your free address at - - ------------------------------ End of Buffyfic-digest V2 #68 ***************************** To subscribe to buffyfic or buffyfic-digest, send the command subscribe buffyfic-digest or subscribe buffyfic to You will need to go through a confirmation process, and the listowners have to manually approve your subscription request, so it may take some time. Back issues of this digest can be found at: Dalton Spence has also provided an index of the buffyfic archive at: For help, contact Jill Kirby ( or sah (