From: (Buffyfic-digest) To: Subject: Buffyfic-digest V2 #78 Reply-To: Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk Buffyfic-digest Saturday, March 28 1998 Volume 02 : Number 078 In this issue: BUFFYFIC: Remembering the Memories (2/?) Re: BUFFYFIC: Homecoming - Prologue/? BUFFYFIC: *** BUFFYFIC: Test Readers for Homecoming Pt. 1 BUFFYFIC: I NEED HELLMOUTH HELP!!!!!!! BUFFYFIC: I NEED HELLMOUTH HELP!!!!!!! BUFFYFIC: The Ties That Bind (6/10) BUFFYFIC: The Question About Love (1/?) BUFFYFIC: Her Darkest Hour 2 Re: BUFFYFIC: Her Darkest Hour 2 Re: BUFFYFIC: OOOOOPS Her Darkest Hour 2 BUFFYFIC: Hope (35/?) See the end of the digest for information on subscribing to the buffyfic or buffyfic-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 27 Mar 1998 19:44:38 EST From: LnCAGCRulz Subject: BUFFYFIC: Remembering the Memories (2/?) Title: Remembering the Memories Author: Emily J. Jerome Rating: PG to date Summary: A resolution to the current problem, not to give anything away. Spoilers: All episodes up to the current date (3/13) are game. Major info pertaining to ‘Surprise’ and ‘Innocence,’ however. Comments: YES!!! Distribution: I’d prefer that this not be distributed outside of this list for the time being. However, if you are interested in distributing in the future, let me know. Disclaimers: As a rule, if you recognize it, it’s not mine. Everything else is. I am not making any money off of this piece of fanfic, nor is anyone else. If you think you are, I suggest you think otherwise. As is customary in my stories, a song will likely be used. If we make it to that point, all information about the song will be included. Part II She stared at him, waiting for a beginning and not expecting an end any time soon. "So...?" she prompted him. "This will be a long story. You're sure you have the time and everything? Because if you don't..." "YES! I mean, I do have the time. Start." He took a long, deep breath. "Well, I assume you remember the last time we saw each other." There was a pause as they both remembered. Christmas Eve 1998. It had been a particularly brutal night, even by Angel's terms. It was his first holiday being a vampire again and he wanted to make it memorable. He went on a killing spree until he held a former friend of both his and Buffy's. Willow Rosenburg was about to die when the slayer broke in. Immediately after saving her friend she fled. She left her family, her friends. Everything. When Angel had learned of this he knew his business in Sunnydale was over. He left also, partially in search of the slayer, partially escaping her. Being somewhere where she wasn't would make feeding much easier. "Yeah... I do. Clearly." "After you left, I left. I was trying to escape, just like you were. I excused it by telling Spike and Drucillia..." She injected her question with a tone of irritation. "How are they, anyway?" After further thought, she considered the fact that she may not really want to know. "I'm not sure, but we'll talk more about them later." "I can hardly wait." A look of slight disgust took over her face as she said the words, despite the fact that she tried to hide it. "I didn't mean to give that face..." she added quickly. "I'm sure you didn't. Back to the story. I told Spike and Dru that I was going to look for you. Sometimes I'd look. Other times I wouldn't. I traveled the world, just like I had before. On my typical rampage." Just as her look of disgust left her face, it returned tenfold. It was quickly followed by a look of confusion. She had loved this man before he had 'turned.' She hated him after. But now what was he? How could she be sure he was who he said she was. With Buffy's looks, Angel had paused his story. He know what she was thinking and it greatly saddened him. He hoped he would be able to explain. Even if they couldn't have the same feelings for each other as they once did, at least he wanted to be able to make her feel comfortable around him. When he received her attention again he continued. "I did the same things I had done before. Gone the same places... Killed the same people. Thinking I was having an exceptionally lucky streak, I ventured back to the area I had killed in when the curse was cast upon me. The same tribe was there, just has I had hoped. They recognized me immediately. "Their first instinct was to kill me. They tried very hard and nearly succeeded. I offered an explanation. Still, they attempted to kill. After three tries of explaining and them trying to take their revenge, I was able to talk my way out of it. I told them of my life with my soul. I explained all the good deeds I had done. I lied through my teeth, asking for my soul to return. I even went as far as to ask to be one of them -- to be accepted as a Gypsy. After this they unchained me and let me roam free through their camp. I'm not sure what lead them to do this, but they did. They didn't completely believe me, as far as I could tell. I had decided that I wasn't safe there, that they had a plan to do away with me once and for all." Buffy had her full attention on the man in her living room. Before he begun again, his eyes darted to the window. The evening he had first entered upon had been replaced by night. The sky was pitch black, as it often was in the country. Stars were just beginning to appear as the day time clouds cleared out. A full moon shown above trees and buildings. As he brought his eyes back to the woman, he noticed she was trying to look him in the eye. "It's okay. I've heard it all." "Sorry... This part is a little hard..." Doubt shown in his eyes, but he continued. "That night I killed the daughter of the tribe. Their prized child -- the one who was going to be the wisest. Just has I had done the first time. Except for this time I wanted everything to be worth it. I raped her. When she was laying dead on the floor, I went and killed her family. Her friends. Everyone who was close to her wound up dead." As he spoke the words he saw the pictures. Small flashes of the night came back to him evoking resentment in not only what he had done but also in how good the night had felt. Both pair of eyes filled with tears without a single drop spilling over. His were in memory, hers in realization. Both took a deep breath and looked away from each other. There was a silent agreement to give it a minute... These ideas were a lot for one person to comprehend. After a couple of minutes had passed Angel began his story again. His voice gained all the power it had lost. "They hunted me down. I was sure I had gotten far enough away, hidden myself well enough. I guess I didn't take into consideration that thousands of people would be looking for me. "It took them a day, but they found me. I had hidden in what I thought was a secluded cave. Suddenly, while I was sleeping, I was bound and gagged. A black cloth was placed over my eyes and plugs were put in my ears. "I'm not sure how much time passed, hours or days, but eventually I was unmasked and forced to face masses of angry people. I was tightly chained to a pole in the center of a circle. Before I could comprehend what was happening I heard chants in unrecognizable languages being spoken. I hadn't had anything to drink in possibly days, so I was weak and unable to escape, despite my valiant attempts. "When they saw that I had regained continence they hit me on the head with a long pole from outside of the circle. I was immediately on the, ground unable to understand my situation. I just laid there until everything went black. "I awoke to feel the sun beating on my skin. A feeling of guilt hit me as quickly as my eyes had opened, and I realized what had happened. A man who I think was a guard called out to the others. 'He's awake!!' A few more people came over with food and water. I ate as if I had never seen food before and drank all they had. As soon as I had my fill they gave me my instructions. I was told to head any direction I chose. They would all turn their backs to me for ten minutes as I ran. After those ten minutes had passed, they would come after me. I ran to the sound of their steady counting. I ran as fast as I could, at a speed that I don't assume was very great. I don't know if they ever turned around to try to find me, I just know I didn't look back." His eyes returned to Buffy's after realizing that they had once again drifted out the window. "That was two years ago. Since then I've been trying to make amends for my evil. And I've been trying to find you." The look Buffy returned to Angel was an unrecognizable one. Maybe it was one of many feelings attempting to be masked. Whatever it was, she kept it to herself. "Oh," she responded in a small voice. - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 27 Mar 1998 20:14:18 EST From: G90210 Subject: Re: BUFFYFIC: Homecoming - Prologue/? it was very good, want more more more more more more =o) ~Mindy - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 27 Mar 1998 22:14:36 EST From: Klutz454 Subject: BUFFYFIC: *** unsubscribe - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 27 Mar 1998 22:44:25 EST From: Daphne1784 Subject: BUFFYFIC: Test Readers for Homecoming Pt. 1 Hi my name is Katherine. I sent out the prologue to Homecoming a few hours ago and I just finished Part One and I need some test readers to read the story and give me some suggestions and help me a little with my story! Since this is my first fanfic I'm a little nervous and I want to make sure it is just right. Please respond to me off-list. Thanks. - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 27 Mar 1998 20:16:59 PST From: "Sara Barton" Subject: BUFFYFIC: I NEED HELLMOUTH HELP!!!!!!! I really need help!!! (No, not psychiactric help!) Can anyone PLEASE give me a description of what the Master's Lair looked like??? I am trying to write my fanfiction, and I don't remember. I need this info to continue writing "Hope". Also, was he in Hell? Or the Hellmouth? And remember in Prophecy Girl, when the Annointed One led her to see the Master, how did he lead her into Hell? Where exactly is the opening? Did it go thru the sewer systems? A portal? WHAT and WHERE??!! Mostly, I need to know what the Master's Lair looked like. I have posted this same message to a different list, and no one seems to want to help me! Since you are all huge Buffy fans and incredibly nice people, I thought that maybe SOMEONE could help me with this. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!! I would look myself, but I don't have any eps on tape. Now that I'm done groveling, I'm going to go and try to be the happy author that I am. Thanx so much!!! *sArA* "What am I? Mass transportation?" Cordy "That's what all the guys say, but I wouldn't pay any attention to's just locker room talk." Xander ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 27 Mar 1998 20:19:10 PST From: "Sara Barton" Subject: BUFFYFIC: I NEED HELLMOUTH HELP!!!!!!! I really need help!!! (No, not psychiactric help!) Can anyone PLEASE give me a description of what the Master's Lair looked like??? I am trying to write my fanfiction, and I don't remember. I need this info to continue writing "Hope". Also, was he in Hell? Or the Hellmouth? And remember in Prophecy Girl, when the Annointed One led her to see the Master, how did he lead her into Hell? Where exactly is the opening? Did it go thru the sewer systems? A portal? WHAT and WHERE??!! Mostly, I need to know what the Master's Lair looked like. I have posted this same message to a different list, and no one seems to want to help me! Since you are all huge Buffy fans and incredibly nice people, I thought that maybe SOMEONE could help me with this. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!! I would look myself, but I don't have any eps on tape. Now that I'm done groveling, I'm going to go and try to be the happy author that I am. Thanx so much!!! *sArA* "What am I? Mass transportation?" Cordy "That's what all the guys say, but I wouldn't pay any attention to's just locker room talk." Xander ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 28 Mar 1998 02:15:49 EST From: Anexsin Subject: BUFFYFIC: The Ties That Bind (6/10) Title: The Ties That Bind (6/10) Author: Melinda Frango Email Addy: Rating: PG Spoiler: All episodes before Passion. Feedback: Greatly appreciated. Disclaimer: Buffy and the gang belong to Joss Whedon, the WB, etc. Only the story is mine, and whatever characters never seen or mentioned on the show. Summary: Buffy and the gang get help from an unexpected source in restoring Angel's soul. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* "Ow," Giles winced as he landed on his back on the library floor. Another weekly training session with Buffy was landing the Watcher a brand new set of bruises. "That looks painful," Caitlin commented. "It is," Giles grunted, while Buffy helped him up. "Why don't we take a break," Giles offered as he took of his padding. Buffy grabbed a bottle of water and seated herself at the table where the rest of the group was sitting and planning a strategy for the ritual. "So where is the ritual going to take place?" Xander asked. "Well it has to be someplace where no one can see it happen, or interrupt," Caitlin explained. "The cemetary?" Willow offered. "No, to many souls floating around there," Caitlin took a deep breath. "The chance that the wrong soul could be caught in the pull is to great." "The park," Jenny Calendar called out from the doors of the library. "Aren't people there at night?" Caitlin questioned. "Not in this section of town. Usually the crowds are down by the Bronze," Cordelia interrupted walking into the library. "Cordy what are you doing here? I recall you saying 'I'm not wasting my saturday sitting in the library again. I have more important things to do. Like my nails,' " Xander seemed shocked. "Well I never been a part of anything this big. I want to help," Cordelia replied. "Well the park sounds good to me," Caitlin agreed. "The only other problem is getting Angelus there." "I'll be the bait," Buffy volunteered. "I don't think that's such a good idea," Giles doubted. "Buffy's our best chance. All she has to do is lure him to the park, and I'll take care of the rest," Caitlin explained. "How are you going to get him to follow her?"Cordelia inquired. "He'll come looking for Buffy. I'm sure physco girl told him trouble's here helping the Slayer. He'll want to know who," Caitlin inferred. "Drusilla?" Giles guessed. "Yeah. I knew Drusilla when I was younger. She gets these visions of what's to come. I was kind of surprised when I found out he brought her across." "You think she told him about the ritual?" Jenny asked still standing by the doors. "No. Before I came I cast a little spell to keep her in the dark, so to speak. She doesn't know what's going on." "What if she shows up with him?" Willow asked worriedly. "I doubt she will, but if she does we'll manage. I won't let her mess this up," Caitlin smiled. Willow nodded, obviously put at ease by Caitlin's comforting words. "So we have a plan worked out. That's step one. Step 2 is setting it up, and step 3 is actually casting it," Caitlin confirmed. "We should all meet at the park at 8:00. You'll all keep out of sight, I'll look like I'm hunting, and when Angel comes looking for me..." Caitlin cut Buffy off, "I'll ruff him up a bit, while you all get the circle ready. Set up the candles in one circle, all of you in a bigger circle around them, and I'll get him where he needs to be. Deal?" Caitlin asked. "Deal," Everyone answered in unison. "Tonight we bring Angel back," Caitlin assured. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* End part be continued. - - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 28 Mar 1998 12:33:38 EST From: Aglx Subject: BUFFYFIC: The Question About Love (1/?) Title: The Question about Love (1/?) Author: Dominique Email Addy: Rating: PG Spoiler: Not really. Takes place before Angel becomes evil. Feedback: PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE!!! Disclaimer: Buffy and the gang belong to Joss Whedon, the WB, etc. The Story and the characters not part of the regular cast are mine! Summary: A new creature comes to Sunnydale with an interesting tie to vampires. (The other story I submitted wasn't mine. This isn't either. Please send feedback to me and I'll relay it to the authors. I'll have my first story out soon.) The Question About Love (Part 1) Important: This story is from the earlier days when Angel was good. All characters except LOVE belong to Joss Whedon and the production teams of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. LOVE is capatalized to express the importance of the character and to keep the name from being confused with the word. It was a beautiful morning. The sun was shinning so brightly that everyone in the quad was wearing sunglasses. Buffy Summers just hopped out of her mom's car. Yes, it was a calm day, even for the slayer. She didn't have to walk far before her two best friends; Willow and Xander greeted her. "Hey Buffy, Slay any Vampires last night?" Xander questioned. "No," Buffy said. "It was a surprisingly calm night last night." "Were you with Angel?" Willow curiously asked. "I was at first," she replied, "but Cordilia showed up with her normal charm, and the next thing I knew, he was gone. I didn't even see him leave." Willow and Xander couldn't keep themselves from laughing. "So are we Bronzing it tonight?" Xander asked. "I guess so," Buffy replied. "We have nothing better to do unless there is grave danger." "Great," Xander ecstatically said. "There is supposed to be a hot new singer tonight." "Cool," Willow said with a happy tone. "Do you know what their name is?" "The flyer just says her name is LOVE" he answered. "Who is LOVE?" Buffy asked "Good question" Xander replied. All three of them walked to class. Actually, they didn't ditch a single class, which is amazing considering how many times they skipped class to fight off demons. "Wow, that was boring" Buffy said as if she were a walking zombie. "Home-ec is not my favorite class either," Xander replied. "That is not what you said last…" Willow started "SHUT-UP," Xander squealed. They all walked to the library. As they were going down the hall, Cordilia caught up with them. "Buffy," she said. "What did you do to poor Angel last night? When I got there he looked as if he was dead. Then he just vanished." "Yeah, you just have this affect on people," Buffy snapped. "Ha, ha. Did you make that up yourself?" Cordy said, trying to be mean. "First of all Cordy, that has got to be the worst come back of all times. Secondly, Angel is dead. And thirdly, YOU scared him away last night." Buffy answered. "AS IF!" she sharply replied. "He is not dead. Oh no," she said as she glared far ahead. "He hangs out with you, he totally ignores me, you can never see him when he is hiding in the shadows, and he likes you. He must be a vampire," she said. "Funny. Really funny," Buffy said. "Come on Buffy. Get off it. If Angel is a vampire, then how come he hangs with the slayer? Plus, he is way to cute to be a demon," Cordy replied. "You're right Cordy," Xander said. "You have nothing to worry about. If Angel were a vampire, then he would have shone you his demon face by now. UNLESS," he hissed in a tone so scary that even Buffy was startled. "Unless what?" She asked. "Unless he wanted to eat you!" Xander shouted. Xander began to crack up laughing. Cordially elbowed him hard in the ribs as he hissed "SHUT-UP!" "Go Xander," Buffy cheered. "Yeah, yeah. Very funny." Cordy snapped. "I thought so" Willow replied. "Xander, you have had your fun, now we all need to talk to Giles." "Why?" Buffy questioned. "Nothing bad happened last night." "Exactly" Willow said. "Giles promised last night to be a major blood feast or something. Yet, you said that there was nothing." "Good listening skills," Buffy said. "Lets go." All four of them walked in the library door. As Buffy was entering, she got this cold clammy feeling that she only had when she was being watched. She turned around and looked in directions, but the halls were completely deserted. "Oh well" she replied to herself. She walked through the library doors and closed them behind her. When she was gone, a girl peered around a corner to make sure Buffy didn't see her. When she was assured, the girl walked to the center of the hall. She looked younger than Buffy, but was a bit taller than her. "Well, well. They don't know," she said to herself. She walked down the hall toward the doors. Her shoes made a 'click', 'click' sound. She went out the door and disappeared. In the library Giles was talking on the phone while rummaging through a large selection of books. "Ok, thanks William. Call me if you find anything out. Alright, Bye." Giles said to the person on the other end of the phone. He hung the phone up and continued looking through his books. "Who was that?" Buffy asked. Her words startled Giles. "Buffy, you scared me," he replied. "That was a good friend of mine, William. He studies vampires and occasionally tapes them fighting, eating, you name it." "So what did he want?" Xander asked. "He had an unusual encounter last night. He said that he was tapping some vampires have a discussion about something, when he tripped and made noise as he fell to the ground. This, of course, informed the vampires of his presence. They came up to him, backed him up against a tree, and prepared to eat him. One of the vamps went for his neck, so he tightly closed his eyes. The next thing he knew, he fell to the floor and the vampires were gone. They just vanished. He said he didn't even hear them leave." 'That is unusual," Buffy said. "What time did he say that this happened?" "Around eight o'clock, why?" Giles questioned. "Well," Buffy started. "Cordilia came to the Bronze around eight, Right?" she asked Cordy. "," Cordilia replied. "Well," Buffy continued. "Angel left as soon as Cordy got there. Maybe it is this thing that has to do with all vampires." "Maybe," Giles said. "We should ask Angel where he went to. Ok?" "Ok," Buffy replied. "I might see him at the Bronze tonight." End Part 1 Please let me know if you want me to go on. - - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 28 Mar 1998 15:16:28 -0800 From: NightHunter Subject: BUFFYFIC: Her Darkest Hour 2 Her Darkest Hour 2 By NightHunter DISCLAIMER: Buffy The Vampire Slayer, and its characters belong to Jo= ss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, Sandollar, WB, and Fox.... I'm Just borrowing them. Th= e story is all from my deranged mind. No copyright infringement is intended. For those of you that read Her Darkest Hour 1 I stated that the next part would be called Her Darkest Hour 2 The First Death, I started writing and the name changed. Sorry! Special Thanks to Leslie Part 1 Darkness Falls (Hospital) Buffy had just entered the Sunnydale Hospital to see Angel. To her surprise he was to be released that day after only 3 weeks during which she came by every d= ay to talk to him about their future together. As she approached his room she saw that Giles, Xander & Willow were already there, and just like the old days Xander & Angel were fighting. She entered the room to see Angel looking at Xander with murder in his eyes yelling, "I am not going to leave here in a wheelchair!" Xander in his usual care-free way said "Look for a guy who's over 240 years old, you can be such a girlie boy. Besides they won't let you leave = if you are not in the chair. It can be so much fun." =20 "Fun how?" replied Angel.=20 "Trust me." said Xander helping Angel into the wheelchair. Just as Angel sat down in the chair, Xander let out a rebel yell and tiltes the chair backwards. In one smooth motion he then spun the chair around and started pushing it out the door. He sped down the hall at break neck speeds as nurses and doctors leapt out of the way. Buffy stepped out into the hall ready to stop Xander when she caught = the look on Angel's face, which had a smile on it a mile wide. Then she heard him yellin= g "Hey Xander you are right this is fun, but is this as fast as you can go?" Part 2 Darkness Falls (First Strike) While our group was having fun at the hospital an evil plan was unfolding at the Hellmouth. The dark figure had used a powerful spell to bring back li= fe to one of the most evil Vampire that had ever been. When the spell was completed, in the center of the chamber stood a 7' tall engine of muscle and destruction. When he growled, even the new Spike backed aw= ay. "Soon my friend, you will have your first taste of human blood in ove= r 2,000 years." The dark figure stated as it approached the new vampire. Spike who had been looking at this new vampire spoke to the dark figu= re. "What's so special about this vampire? And why do you think that he'll be able t= o destroy the Slayer?" The Dark figure approach Spike causing him to move back a step. "He's not here to destroy the Slayer, only to make her suffer." Then with a wave of its hand the dark figure freed the vampire from= =20 it's holding place it, looked at the Dark Figure and said, "I will not fail Master." The vampire moving at a speed that even a Formula - 4 Car would have trouble keeping up with left the chamber. Later that night at Buffy's house, Mrs. Summers answered the door to = see a very tall man wearing a Gas Company uniform. He looked at a clip board in his hands then back to her, saying "Is this the Summer's house?"=20 "Yes!" answered Mrs. Summers "How can I help you?" "I'm with the Gas Company. We've been having reports of gas leaks in = the neighborhood, so, the boss wanted us to go from house to house checking the gas levels. May I come in?" As she turns around to open the door wider she answers "Of course. Co= me in. We don't want to take a chance with something serious like that!" She missed = the evil grin on the man's face. After entering and closing the door the screams began. Part 3 Darkness Falls (Mom) Later that night Willow and Buffy arrived at Buffy's house. Willow ha= d been helping Buffy & Giles look up some old prophecies and had arranged to spend the nig= ht at Buffy's house.=20 They had just got to the door when Buffy notice that it was ajar. She slowly pushed it open with her left hand while pulling out her st= ake with her right hand. One thing that she had learned in her time fighting vampires wa= s that, they could be very sneaky in tricking someone into inviting them in. As the door opened all the way she was almost over powered by the cop= per like stench. She entered the house calling out for her mom. After receiving no answer she slowly entered the kitchen. Her screams caused Willow to come running in fro= m the front porch were she had been standing. Soon her screams also joined Buffy's. The= =20 sight that confronted them was that of Buffy's mom with two Stakes holding = her to the wall one through each shoulder. The copper like smell had come from the blood that was splattered all over everything. Buffy thought that her mom was dead until she heard her moan. Several minutes later the Ambulance that Willow had called arrived an= d took Buffy's mom to the hospital. Just as the ambulance was pulling out Giles's car pulled up. Giles and Xander jumped out running over to Buffy who was sitting on the front porch not moving, or even acknowledging the presence of her friends. After Willow had explained what had happened, Giles told her to go to Buffy's room and get a some of her things together. He would take her home with him, a= nd then call the hospital and see what he could find out about Buffy's mom. Part 4 Darkness Falls (Willow) Willow was walking home when she heard a loud growl from behind her. = She quickly turned around to see a werewolf approaching her. She slowly moved ba= ck saying, "OZ, its me Willow, you know the girl your going out with!" But as the creatu= re approached her she look into its eyes and could see that no trace of humanity remain= ed within him. Her last thoughts as the wolf's fangs sank into her throat was that, she really should have told Xander that she loved him, but, now it was to late. The wolf lifted it's blood stained muzzle up to the moon, howling its victory. Having completed its mission for the Master and knowing that it would soon h= ave a mate. Part 5 Darkness Falls (Xander) Xander had just left Giles house after making sure that Buffy would b= e alright. When he heard a soft voice calling "Xanderrr...Xanderrrr..." He turned and started to follow the sound of the voice into the tree line, not knowing why, only that he= =20 must find out who that lovely voice belonged to. He had just entered the tree line when he was grabbed from behind by = a giant vampire. Just as the vampire was getting ready to sink it's teeth into his throat, a voice called out =66rom the darkness. "Mad Dog, stop! He's mine!" A dark figure steps out of the trees making Mad Dog loosen his hold o= n Xander, but not enough to let him escape. As the figure approached Xander, the hood that had been covering it's face fell back. And upon seeing the face of the one controlling the vampire Xander asked, "Amy, why I thought that we were your friends?" =20 "Oh Xander, you may have been Amy's friends, but, she's gone now and= =20 this body is mine. I mean, did you really think that you could keep me imprisoned = in a school trophy?" Part 5 Darkness Falls (Giles) Several days later Buffy has still had no success in trying to find Willow and Xander. Her mom was still in the hospital in a coma. Buffy she had also just foun= d out that her dad had been killed in a car wreck. He had been coming to see her mother at = the hospital. Buffy was opening the door to Giles house using the key that he had given her. She had been staying with him ever since the attack on her mother since she didn't feel safe in her house any more. She had just opened the door to see Giles standing a= s still as a statue. As she started to get closer, she notice that the mirror in front of him. It reflected a female head, sitting on the table in front of him, and that it had snakes fo= r hair. Buffy quickly recalled the story of Medusas, she quickly grabbed a blanket and thre= w it over the head. Then using the blanket she picked it up and quickly (hurled) it all i= nto the fire. The head exploded into flames. She turns to see that Giles has been turned into stone. Then she hear= d the window break and turned to see two werewolves enter the room. One of them had red= =20 fur. Behind them, was Xander, who's face reflected the demon within him quite well. >F= rom behind Xander stepped Amy. "Well, it looks like you are all alone now little Slayer. You'll neve= r know who that you can trust again. You never should have challenged me. If I was you, I'd run!" Buffy turned and ran out the door into the night with the evil laught= er of a witch and vampire behind her. When Buffy reached Angels house she raised her hand to knock on the door. It was pulled open to show Spike & Druscilla standing there with Angelus. "Well Buffy, I guess your running out of places to hide. But keep running you might just get lucky." said Angelus laughing. Buffy turned and ran from Angel=92s house. Tears were streaming down= her face. She ran until out of breath then collapsed. In a dark alley, the past few day= s=20 began to flash in her mind. She relived everything that had happened: Her mother being attacked and put in a coma; her dad dead; Xander now a vampire; Willow being turned into a werewolf; and Giles getting turned into a stone statue. Then Angel going back to be= ing Angelus. She felt that she had finally hit the bottom of a seemingly bottomles= s pit as everything that she had worked for had been taken from her. She was ready to give it = all up. Let another be chosen she wearily thought. She then felt something rubbing agains= t her leg and looked down into the furry face of a small black cat. It had a white belly & paws, one of which had a small black spot on it. It made Buffy think of a sock with a ho= le in it. (You describe my cat almost to a tee!) She reached down picked up the small cat and begin to pet it. When sh= e heard the cat began to purr for the first time that night she felt safe. To Be Concluded in Her Darkest Hour 3 The Light Shines - - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 28 Mar 1998 15:37:17 EST From: LMcint6188 Subject: Re: BUFFYFIC: Her Darkest Hour 2 could you send me Her Darkest hour 1? THanx Lins - - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 28 Mar 1998 15:37:55 EST From: LMcint6188 Subject: Re: BUFFYFIC: OOOOOPS Her Darkest Hour 2 oops, sorry... didnt mean for that to go to the list Forgive? Lins - - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 28 Mar 1998 13:28:48 PST From: "Sara Barton" Subject: BUFFYFIC: Hope (35/?) Author: Sara B. Rating: Varies...will be posted at beginning of each part. Disclaimer: Buffy the Vampire Slayer, its characters, yada yada yada belong to Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, Sandollar, WB, and Fox.... I'm just borrowing them, (although I wish Angel was mine!) Everything else belongs to me! Author's note: This is your usual generic story. Angel is still good, so basically in my story surprise/innocence didn't happen. Willow and Oz are together, and Xander and Cordy are still hiding their secret utility closet rondevu's. This is going to be a long story, and will take some time so be patient with me. I'm not very good at story telling, so if this totally sucks and isn't read-worthy, just let me know. Oh yeah, and I want feedback, feedback, and more feedback. I don't care if it's good or bad, just tell me what you thought of it. Part 35 PG “Go upstairs and get washed up. Their is a towel in the closet a the end of the hallway, and feel free to use anything we have in the bathroom,” Buffy said to Hope, as she shut the door behind her. Hope nodded wearily and trudged up the stairs. “Hope?” The beautiful girl turned around. “Yeah?” her parched voice said. Buffy did her best to smile. “A vampire is a demon. They kill, torture, and cause suffering to people. They have no conscious and no guilt. Killing one of them is a good thing, in a weird way. The more of them you kill, the safer the world is.” Hope took her words to heart. “I’ll remember that.” She said, and continued making her way up the stairs. Buffy walked into the downstairs bathroom. She cleaned up the cut she had on her forehead, and took off her clothes. Standing in front of the full length mirror that was hanging on the door, she eyed her appearance. “Yuck,” she said, noticing her mussed hair. Grabbing a brush out of a drawer, she ran it through her hair, trying to make it descent looking. “Why am I even doing this? I have a world to save.” Sighing, she pulled a tissue out of the box and wiped the black makeup off that had run down her face from her tears. “I really need waterproof mascara.” She pulled a pair of clean jeans from the laundry basket and put them on. She put on a small white shirt on and pulled her hair back into a low pony tail. After taking a final glance at herself, she walked to the kitchen. Walking over to the counter, she noticed the open phone book. Flipping to the right page, she found the number for the hospital and dialed. “Sunnydayle Hospital,” the male voice said. “Uh, hi. I need to speak with Rupert Giles. He should be there,” Buffy said. “Does he work here?” “Uh, no...he is a librarian. I mean, he is waiting the hospital,” she stammered, “just page him or whatever you do. It’s really urgent,” Buffy said, feeling like an idiot. “Right. What was his name again?” “Giles. Uh, Rupert Giles.” “Okay, please hold.” Elevator music blared through the phone into her ear as she was put on hold. After three minutes of what seemed like an eternity, her Watcher’s familiar voice soothed her. “Hello?” Giles asked. “Giles! It’s Buffy. We’ve got big problems.” ***** Hope walked to the hall closet and pulled out a plush pink towel, then walked to the bathroom. Shutting the door behind her, she rested, leaning on it. Her body tingled, and she could smell the stench of dried blood. Looking down, she saw her stained jeans, remembering what she did to Marcus. Groaning, she peeled off her clothes and started a shower. She relaxed as the water hit her. The water turned a light pink color as she washed her body. Hope grabbed the nearest bottle of shampoo. “Mmm...peach. My favorite.” When she finally felt clean, she turned the water off, and stepped onto the mat that lay beside the tub. She dried herself off, and wiped the mist off on the foggy mirror. “I really need waterproof mascara,” she grumbled, and grabbed a tissue to wipe off her makeup that had run down her face. Running a comb through her blond hair, she left the bathroom. In Buffy’s room, Hope got dressed, putting on a pair of jeans and a white shirt that she pulled out of her bag. That’s when she looked at the clock and realized she hadn’t spoken or seen her parents in a long time. “Oh know! They are probably so freaked! I’m going to be grounded forever,” she said. Racing to the phone, she quickly dialed her number, fearing what her parents would say. “Hello?” “Mom! Oh, I’m so sorry I haven’t called you!” Hope rushed. “Its just that, well, there are things going on and I can’t explain them to you but I can’t come home because I have to save the world. OH! I ...I mean I have to uh, I have to, um...” she rambled, trying to think of an excuse. “It’s okay, honey. Calm down. I understand that you are busy with your new friends,” her mother, Gayle Callahan said. Hope was confused. “Who are you and what have you done with my mother?” she asked, and Gayle laughed. “I don’t get it. I was sure you and Frank would be wigged out with worry.” “Hope, dear, we know,” Gayle said. “You know what?” Hope questioned suspiciously. “We know about Mira and the necklace and the prophecy,” Frank Callahan’s voice said as he picked up the extension. “Wh..What?! I don’t understand!” Hope exclaimed, feeling queasy. “We know about what is going on right now. Why do you think we came to Sunnydale? Why do you think we gave you the necklace right before we moved? Because of your destiny to fight with Buffy,” Gayle said. Hope now felt like throwing up. “You know Buffy?” “Yes, we met today. I was the one who gave her a ride into Sunnydale. I know that this is a lot to take in all at once, but there is no time to explain. We can talk about it later. Right now you have a duty to perform. You must save Angelus.” Gayle said. “Your mother is right. Angelus needs you to give him his greatest wish,” Frank said. “What wish?” his step-daughter asked. “His wish to be able to human. To be with Buffy,” he told her. “Oh man. How do I do that?” “You will know what to do when the time comes,” Frank said. “How long have you known all of this?” Hope asked. “Since before your birth. That is why I named you ‘Hope’. You were to be the hope of the future. And you are,” Gayle explained. Hope was astonished. “Did my dad know about this before he died?” “Yes, he did. And Frank also new before I married him.” “This is all too much,” Hope said. “Don’t think about this right now. Think about what you have to do. And remember, you have the power within you,” Gayle said. “Right, right,” Hope said, dazed. “We love you, honey,” she said. “We know you will fulfill your destiny,” Frank said. “Bye Mom, Frank,” Hope said. “I love you.” She slowly placed the phone on the base. “Holy shit. This is too much.” ***** Hope walked down the stairs to inform Buffy of her newly found information. She found her lounging on the couch, sharpening a stake. “Hey,” she said, shyly, and put her hands into her pockets. Buffy looked up and sprung to her feet. She was about to speak but shut her mouth closed, eyeing Hope’s outfit to find it exactly like her own. Both girls stared at each other in bewilderment, shocked to find out that they both had on jeans, white shirts, and hair pulled back. “This is really weird,” Hope said, breaking their silence. Buffy took a deep breath. “Should you change, or should I?” she said, beginning to laugh. Both girls burst into giggles, laughing uncontrollably until their stomachs hurt. When they were able to control themselves, the happy atmosphere turned into a serious one. They shared their telephone conversations. “This is all too much,” Buffy said. “Strange. That is what I said,” Hope sighed. Buffy stared at her friend. “We have to win this fight. But how?” “I don’t know,” she said, leaning up against the wall. “I can’t believe they took your mother.” Buffy looked down, hiding her tears. Her stomach flipped upside down and her throat tightened. “If they hurt her, they will live to regret it. Actually, part of me thinks that Angel won’t do anything to her.” “Why do you think that?” Hope questioned. She shook her head and shrugged her shoulders. “Because he doesn’t want her. He wants me. And he wont let Spike hurt her because she is the bate to lure me in.” Buffy stared at Hope. Suddenly an idea floated into her mind. Buffy jumped up off the couch. “I have an idea!” She exclaimed, and pulled Hope up the stairs. She ran to her room. Hope followed her quickly, eager to find out what Buffy was up to. Buffy pulled out her desk chair and told Hope to sit in it. She stood behind her friend and they stared into the mirror. “Do you see what I see?” Buffy asked. “No,” Hope replied honestly. “With our blond hair, slender figures, light skin, we almost look incredibly alike,” she said. Hope examined her reflection against Buffy’s. “You know, your right,” she agreed. “But what does this have to do with anything?” Buffy grinned mischievously. “Just wait and you’ll find out.” ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - - ------------------------------ End of Buffyfic-digest V2 #78 ***************************** To subscribe to buffyfic or buffyfic-digest, send the command subscribe buffyfic-digest or subscribe buffyfic to You will need to go through a confirmation process, and the listowners have to manually approve your subscription request, so it may take some time. Back issues of this digest can be found at: Dalton Spence has also provided an index of the buffyfic archive at: For help, contact Jill Kirby ( or sah (