From: (Buffyfic-digest) To: Subject: Buffyfic-digest V2 #80 Reply-To: Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk Buffyfic-digest Monday, March 30 1998 Volume 02 : Number 080 In this issue: BUFFYFIC: unsubscribe buffyfic-digest BUFFYFIC: *** BUFFYFIC: DISCUSS: "Cloaked in Darkness" part 2 Re: BUFFYFIC: The Ties That Bind (6/10) BUFFYFIC: Help Re: BUFFYFIC: Cloaked In Darkness 1/? BUFFYFIC: unsubscribe buffyfic-digest BUFFYFIC: Homecoming Pt. 1/? BUFFYFIC: DISCUSS: Homecoming Pt. 1/? Re: BUFFYFIC: Help BUFFYFIC: Re: Thanks Re: BUFFYFIC: DISCUSS: BUFFYFIC: Sacrifices of Love 8/14 BUFFYFIC: Sacrifices of Love 1/14 BUFFYFIC: Sacrifices of Love 9/14 BUFFYFIC: Sacrifices of Love 10/14 See the end of the digest for information on subscribing to the buffyfic or buffyfic-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sun, 29 Mar 1998 17:58:04 +1100 From: Andrew Oswell Subject: BUFFYFIC: unsubscribe buffyfic-digest unsubscribe buffyfic-digest - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 29 Mar 1998 09:40:53 EST From: Klutz454 Subject: BUFFYFIC: *** unsubscribe - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 29 Mar 1998 09:52:08 -0500 From: (Ingrid E Stanton) Subject: BUFFYFIC: DISCUSS: "Cloaked in Darkness" part 2 Aurelia- I loved this! What marvelous thoughts were running through Willow's head there? I know you're not going to go in this direction, b/c you said it was an Angel/Buffy piece, but...what if....? CHALLENGE: (to Aurelia or anyone else on the list) Write an Angel/ Willow piece. Sure, it's weird, but those kind are the most fun, in the hands of good writers, that is! - -Ingrid Ingrid: Author of many long Buffyfics (and some short ones). "Return to Normalcy," "One Vampire's Headache...," "This Fleeting Hope," "Ghost of a Chance," "Tragic Sighs" and "Footsteps." _____________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 29 Mar 1998 12:05:15 EST From: Greeneteen Subject: Re: BUFFYFIC: The Ties That Bind (6/10) could u please send me pasrts 4 and 5? i think i deleted them on acciedent. thanks - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 29 Mar 1998 13:24:01 -0800 From: NightHunter Subject: BUFFYFIC: Help Does any one remember the name of amy's mother from BTVS The Witch. - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 29 Mar 1998 14:40:00 EST From: G90210 Subject: Re: BUFFYFIC: Cloaked In Darkness 1/? MORE MORE MORE, I'm a hopeless romantic too. hehehe very good story. ~mInDy - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 29 Mar 1998 16:20:08 EST From: LIPS000000 Subject: BUFFYFIC: unsubscribe buffyfic-digest unsubscribe buffyfic-digest - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 29 Mar 1998 17:15:13 EST From: Daphne1784 Subject: BUFFYFIC: Homecoming Pt. 1/? Title: Homecoming Pt 1/? Author: Aphrodite ( Just my pen name :P ) E-mail Addy: Rating: It will vary so I will have them listed at the beginning of each part Distribution: Sure just make sure you ask me first! Summary: This is going to be about Buffy/Angel mostly. Spoilers: All the way up through "Killed by Death" Disclaimer: Buffy and the gang belong to the television show "Buffy the Vampire Slayer," Joss Whedon, FOX, Mutant Enemy, and Warner Brothers. The Story and all characters that I decide to create are mine. Don't sue! Feedback: Please send me some feedback, good or bad, so that I will know if I should continue to write it. Also this is my very first fanfic so I want to know how I'm doing. ********************************* Homecoming Part One Rating P.G. By: Aphrodite ********************************* The next day Buffy was feeling a little tired when she walked into the library. Giles and the rest of the gang were already there. "How come you left the Bronze so early Buffy?" Xander asked, "We missed ya." "I wasn't feeling well so I decided to go home and rest. It's been really quiet and Angelus must be up to something." Buffy answered, hoping that nobody would push the subject any further. "Are you sure you're up for it Buffy? You seem a bit...tired." Giles replied. "I'm fine. Don't worry about me. I can deal." Buffy said, sounding a little tense. Not wanting to push the issue, Giles returned to his books. "Knowing something was wrong with Buffy, but figuring she would discuss it with her friends, he decided not to push the subject." "Well I gotta to go to class," Willow said trying to break the silence. "Will, don't you have a freebie right now?" Xander asked curiously. "Yeah but they still haven't found a replacement for Miss..." Willow stopped and looked over at Giles. A sadness swept through him. Even though he tried to cover it up everyone knew that he still missed Jenny. Suspecting that Giles probably wanted to be alone Buffy suggested that they accompany Willow to the computer lab. "I feel so sorry for Giles. He needs to do something to distract himself from her." Cordelia replied. "Hey, that's a good idea but what? But Giles is like book geek. That is definitely not my area of expertise. That's more Willow." Buffy said. "No offense Will." "None taken." Willow said, "but Giles is more of a book geek then me." "Well we'll just figure something out later. Right now Cordy and I have to........uh......we have to go to class." Xander said quickly. "Uh huh" Buffy and Willow replied at the exact same time. "Well see ya later" Cordy said as they ran off. "Hey Will, are you sure you're okay about Xander and Cordelia? I mean after everything that happened last Valentines Day?" Buffy asked to her friend. "Well I know that it's going to take some time you know. I really loved Xander and I know that he only thinks of me as a friend and I guess that's ok and any ways, I have Oz." Willow said, convincing herself that that was the way she wanted it. "Well okay Will. See you after class." Buffy said as Willow walked into the classroom. Willow walked into the classroom. She was a bit early and only the janitor was in there. "Umm miss." the janitor asked. "Yes?" answered Willow. "Well I found this yellow disk between the desk and the trash can. It was probably Miss Calender's. Do you want to keep it or do you want me to throw it away?" "Well," Willow said thinking it over, "It might be something important. I think I'll just keep it." "Ok." the janitor said handing the disk to Willow. The bell rang. Oh well Willow thought, as she tossed the disk onto her temporary desk. I'll just look at it later. End of Part One - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 29 Mar 1998 17:39:19 EST From: JMHnoodles Subject: BUFFYFIC: DISCUSS: Homecoming Pt. 1/? Ooh, I love the way you're doing this! Keep it coming! Jen - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 29 Mar 1998 19:06:33 EST From: (Diane K.) Subject: Re: BUFFYFIC: Help Catherine "the Great" _______________/7______/7______/7______/7______________ \ ::::::::::::Diane Klamt ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ On Sun, 29 Mar 1998 13:24:01 -0800 NightHunter writes: >Does any one remember the name of amy's mother from BTVS >The Witch. > > >- > > _____________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 29 Mar 1998 20:17:00 -0800 From: NightHunter Subject: BUFFYFIC: Re: Thanks Thanks to everyone who sent me the name of amy's mom. - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 29 Mar 1998 20:56:34 PST From: "Aurelia Destiny" Subject: Re: BUFFYFIC: DISCUSS: > >Aurelia- >I loved this! What marvelous thoughts were running through Willow's head there? I know you're not going to go in this direction, b/c you said it was an Angel/Buffy piece, but...what if....? > >CHALLENGE: (to Aurelia or anyone else on the list) Write an Angel/ Willow piece. Sure, it's weird, but those kind are the most fun, in the hands of good writers, that is! > >-Ingrid > Ingrid, I'd LOVE the challenge...but unfortunetly I'm already in the middle of Three Lists, 9 Fanfics plus stuff on the you have any idea how much e-mail a day you get from 3 Lists? It's HELL, Hehehe. Love, Aurelia ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 31 Mar 1998 02:33:02 +1000 From: Andrew Parkinson Subject: BUFFYFIC: Sacrifices of Love 8/14 Sacrifices of Love 8/14 Author: Andrew Parkinson Rating: Ratings for each chapter would vary, but the story overall contains, PG13 for Sexual Scenes and Discussion and TV14 for violence and action scenes.(This is only a saftey barrier for people who may be offended. The actual content may not be that high depending on your point of view) Disclaimer: Buffy the Vampire Slayer, its characters, situation and settings belong to Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, Sandollar, WB, and Fox. This story is written for the sake of enjoyment for fans of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. This story is not intended to infringe on copyright and is not to be used by anyone else or myself for commercial gain. Spoiler/Setting for the Story: Set after Killed By Death, so anything that has happened on the show before that episode is fair game. Author's note: This Story is set aprox 2 months after "Killed By Death". Feedback: Yes Please.....This is my first story since high school, so I am very interested in feedback. ************************************ Chapter 8 A long line of people was the first thing Willow noticed when she and Oz pulled up at the Stage entrance door for the Bronze. Willow had noted on numerous occasions that The Bronze was so popular primarily because there wasn't anywhere else to go in Sunnydale. The nightclub itself was not flash my any means. A fairly sparse interior that mainly did the job in providing some nighttime entertainment. It did however seem to have no problems letting under-age club goers in so Willow and her friends had pretty much adopted in as their hangout. "At least being in the Band gets you some privileges," Oz remarked looking at the cue at the front door. "So does being a girlfriend," replied Willow with a smile. "If only we were successful enough for us to have our own roadies." " Well you will be, then I will be able to say, I used to do that," Willow said as she opened the door. She went around to the back of the van. Oz came around the other side and opened the doors. There were two guitars and a couple of amps in the back. "It's times like this I am glad you don't play the drums," Willow said as she picked up one of the guitars. 'So are my neighbors" ...................... Giles was putting on a tie when his doorbell rang. "Be there in a minute," he said loud enough to travel the distance to the patio. Outside Buffy waited. Giles had suggested picking her up at her place, but she decided that having her mother, who had returned that day, see her getting into a teachers car at night may not be the wisest move in avoiding unnecessary questions. The door opened. "Hi Giles, nice gear" Buffy greeted him, giving his outfit the once over. Giles looked down and quickly glanced at his usual trousers, tie and jacket. "Ah teenage fashion sarcasm" he thought. "Hmmm" was his only audible reply. "So are you ready?" She asked. "Yes, let's get a move on then." ..................................... Willow and Oz had finished setting up the band equipment and had taken custody of a table with enough seats around it for their friends that would be turning up soon. "You know I'm all for turning up in the sunlight, but it's really a non-hip, not to mention an incredibly boring time to be here" Oz said. " Better bored that gored," Willow replied, then seeing Buffy and Giles walking through the entranceway, "Buffy, Giles over here," she said with a wave. Buffy acknowledged her call and nudged Giles in the right direction. They both took seats at the table. "You know Buffy, it's a wonder that people don't think it's weird all of you hanging around with a librarian after school" Giles asked. " Well I think it's a combination of, Willow, Xander and me are thought of as strange anyway, Oz is in the band and Cordelia goes out with Xander, which incidentally has people looking at her in a whole new light. And the fact they probably think I am trying to suck up to a teacher. Mind you I think it has worked in reverse for you. Principal Snyder seems to think we are putting to much bad teenage influence on you." "Yes quite, I am going to have a scout around and check to see if there are any other places vampires could hide, just in case they decide to get in another way," Giles said moving off. "Ah speaking of checking on things, I should see if the other band members have arrived yet. Last time one didn't turn up. Wasn't till I saw him a coupe of days later with a extra large forehead I realized what had happened," Oz said. He kissed Willow on the cheek. Willow turned to Buffy and smiled. "Anyway, did you see Xander and Cordelia outside?" she asked Buffy. "Nah, Xander is probably waiting for Cordelia to try on her tenth outfit or something. Well either that or he has finally run out silly one liners to add to every conversation," Buffy looked at Willow, they both agreed, "Nah." "Yeah go figure. I can't believe that they are still together. I mean I have heard that opposites attract but Oil and Water" Willow said. "True, but Cordelia has surprised me lately. She has been quite keen to get involved in our training. It also can't have been an easy decision to stand up to her friends and stay with Xander. They have basically ignored her since" "Strange I used to think that it would be harder for Xander seeing that we all really didn't like her. But you're right, she's not the girl she use to be." Willow took another sip of cola. "And now you are with Oz," Buffy said, "and I might add it seems to be agreeing with you rather well." "Yes it does. It shows doesn't it? I can't help it. My life is so full when he's around," replied Willow, "if Xander's as happy as I am - lucky him." "Yeah well I think he is. He was really glowing this morning," Buffy added looking at Willow inquisitively. "I didn't really notice," then seeing Buffy's look, "you mean, nah... you think?" ........................................................... Outside the Bronze, Cordelia parked the car and Xander and Cordelia got out. "Do you think our friends noticed?" Xander asked. "I don't think so. Who cares if they do? I know this about our friends, they may interested but they won't pry" Cordelia responded. "C'mon lets get inside. Maybe we should argue a bit to throw them off track, just in case," Xander offered. Cordelia grabbed his hand, "As if that would ever be a problem, I mean, look at your hair, heard of a brush?" ........................................................ The sun seemed to set very quickly in Sunnydale. Tonight was no exception. It had the aura of completely transforming the place. What in daylight could look inviting, in darkness oozed terror. Shadows that could conceal, shadows that only brought them. Terror in the form of Vampires. A group of fifteen vampires, including Angel, Drusilla and Spike appeared from one such shadow, in an alleyway, just to the right of the front entrance to the Bronze. "Are you sure she's in here Angel?" Spike asked, looking at the front entrance. "I can feel her. She's in there all right. I just hope our appetizer is in there as well," he replied as the group headed towards the entrance. **************************************************************** Visit Slayer's Down Under at The Offical Keeper of: "There is a beautiful, big full moon outside tonight. It doesn't get more romantic than this. So shut up!" - Cordelia [Phases] **************************************************************** - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 31 Mar 1998 02:23:27 +1000 From: Andrew Parkinson Subject: BUFFYFIC: Sacrifices of Love 1/14 Sacrifices of Love 1/14 Author: Andrew Parkinson Rating: Ratings for each chapter would vary, but the story overall contains, PG13 for Sexual Scenes and Discussion and TV14 for violence and action scenes.(This is only a saftey barrier for people who may be offended. The actual content may not be that high depending on your point of view) Disclaimer: Buffy the Vampire Slayer, its characters, situation and settings belong to Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, Sandollar, WB, and Fox. This story is written for the sake of enjoyment for fans of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. This story is not intended to infringe on copyright and is not to be used by anyone else or myself for commercial gain. Spoiler/Setting for the Story: Set after Killed By Death, so anything that has happened on the show before that episode is fair game. Author's note: This Story is set aprox 2 months after "Killed By Death". Feedback: Yes Please.....This is my first story since high school, so I am very interested in feedback. ************************************ Chapter 1 Sunnydale California 4.30am May 1st 1998 Evil. The place shouted the feeling. It wasn't just the darkness of the hall. It was more tangible than that. It hung in the air. The hall while mainly spartan was decorated in part with furniture that would not have looked out of place two hundred years earlier. Candles, situated around the room provided the light. There was probably fifty or more, giving the room enough light to illuminate the main areas, while shrouding the corners in darkness. From the center of the room it was impossible to tell if anyone else was in the room, unless they were also in the center. With more than ten entry points to the room, it was a disconcerting place to be, except if it was your home. The silence was broken with a scream. It almost sounded like a moan. "No!!!!!!!" At that point three figures emerged from the shadows. The taller of the figures moved towards the table situated in the center of the room. He slammed his fists on the table, "I am not having fun" He through a couple of plates and cups that were on the table, smashing them into the far wall, just missing the two other occupants, a male and a female. "Watch it Angel" spoke the male, with an English accent. Angel glared at him. His glare could create fear into normal people. Cold, pure as it could be. He looked like he was contemplating attacking, but withdrew from his offensive pose and sat himself in a chair that was situated beside the table. Angel could have been considered good looking. A tall male. Looking around twenty-four, dark hair and the face of a model, he would have been quite a catch, if it weren't for one thing. "Don't lecture me Spike. She did it to us again. We live to enjoy ourselves. Otherwise what's the point? " Spike moved towards him. He had a top of white hair and a maniacal look in his eye. While not as tall as Angel, he was only a little less intimidating, "Well why don't we do something about it?" "What do you think we have been doing. She gets in our way," Angel retorted. "That's not what I mean. We need to forget about all our other pleasures for a while and concentrate on eliminating her," Spike replied while moving away to take the hand of the female. He brought her into the center of the room and sat her at the table, "What do you think Dru?" "Angel knows what he's doing, Spike" she also spoke with an English accent although it had a twisted edge to it, an almost insane touch, "you do know what you are doing?" she asked Angel. "Drusilla my darling, I knew what I was doing when I did you didn't I", he replied with a smile. Drusilla smiled back, as if drooling on the experience. Spike moved back towards Angel and crouched behind him, with one hand on his shoulder, "O.K. what next?" he asked. "I think it's time to stop playing around. It was fun in the beginning but our numbers are being depleted and we have not progressed. I want to hurt her, " Angel said as he rose to circle the table. "Killing her would be too easy. I want to take her friends one by one. And when they are all gone, then I will take her as my mate, only this time it will be the real me. Buffy and Angel, Spike an Drusilla, it does have a good ring to it" "I don't like it Angel. Killing that gypsy witch didn't help, if anything it has made the Slayer stronger. Just kill her," Spike stated. "No! It's not my way. You know that Spike, you use to enjoy witnessing it." "That was before her. Before you and her were close. She's too dangerous." "Yes she is dangerous. She is more dangerous than any other slayer. That's precisely why I need to kill her from the inside. And stop bringing up the past Spike. That wasn't me. I have none of those feelings anymore. I just think that if she dies with the knowledge in her head that she will be by my side for eternity it will be the icing on the cake, but only if her friends are gone one by one in front of her eyes first" "Let me do it Angel, I want to do it," Drusilla interjected. Angel moved to Drusilla and caressed he face; "There will be plenty for all of us to do, Dru" Spike looked on with rising anger. Drusilla was his. He would have been more worried if he really thought Angel would take her away. He was more upset with how Drusilla encouraged it and enjoyed it. "You would do better to think about what we have to do, Angel. How do you want to do this?" he asked. Angel looked up and smiled, knowing that he was getting to Spike, one of his favorite pastimes. "It's simple really. I want to kill two birds with one stone. Hurt Buffy and accomplish a personal task. Xander is first on the list." "Why him specifically?" Spike asked Angel turned around. His face had changed and he now had a protruding forehead, which shaped around the eyes, creating an arrow point down the nose. He smiled revealing two longer teeth at the side of his mouth. "Why? I don't like him." **************************************************************** Andrew Parkinson ICQ-6962498 **************************************************************** - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 31 Mar 1998 02:34:04 +1000 From: Andrew Parkinson Subject: BUFFYFIC: Sacrifices of Love 9/14 Sacrifices of Love 9/14 Author: Andrew Parkinson Rating: Ratings for each chapter would vary, but the story overall contains, PG13 for Sexual Scenes and Discussion and TV14 for violence and action scenes.(This is only a saftey barrier for people who may be offended. The actual content may not be that high depending on your point of view) Disclaimer: Buffy the Vampire Slayer, its characters, situation and settings belong to Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, Sandollar, WB, and Fox. This story is written for the sake of enjoyment for fans of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. This story is not intended to infringe on copyright and is not to be used by anyone else or myself for commercial gain. Spoiler/Setting for the Story: Set after Killed By Death, so anything that has happened on the show before that episode is fair game. Author's note: This Story is set aprox 2 months after "Killed By Death". Feedback: Yes Please.....This is my first story since high school, so I am very interested in feedback. ************************************ Chapter 9 Oz's band had started their second set of the night. The Band, "The dingo ate my baby" had built a steady following in the last few months. Oz often commented that this was helped in no small part by the band actually practicing. Willow didn't care; she would be up dancing even if it was horrible. She looked over at her friends motioning for them to join her on the dance floor. Giles recoiled in horror, but Buffy and Cordelia got up to join her. Xander volunteered to stay with Giles and keep observing. "No worries Xander, at least you can do that better than you dance," Cordelia quipped as she made her way to the dance floor. Xander of course liked to dance, almost as much as he liked to see Cordelia dance. But he wasn't totally lying about his reasons for staying with Giles. His limited training so far, his own instincts and his short period as a solider last Halloween made him realize that it was best not to weaken a flank. It was much better to have him and Giles together than Giles by himself. Giles turned to him, "So Xander have you been practicing your moves?" "No...what's Cordelia been saying?" he replied looking embarrassed. "No not that, heaven forbid the details," Giles jumped in before Xander could say anything more. "Your fighting skills?" "Yes. Not that I really want to test them yet unless I have to, but I have been putting in the hours." "Good. I must say you have come along rather well. All of you have, " Giles replied. "We have excellent teachers," Xander said with just the slightest hint of patronization. 'Yes fine.... I wouldn't want you to go one on one with a vampire yet, but hopefully it will be enough to get you out of trouble not into it. Just enough to get away to safety." "Believe me Giles, that will be the only thing on my mind." ............................................. Behind them the vampires had started to enter. With the light show that was going on while the band was playing it was impossible to see much off the dance floor. Angel ordered the vampires to conceal themselves until it was time. Spike, Drusilla and Angel spread out along the back wall, near the bar. "Remember I want Xander, anyone else is gravy for the masses" he told them. He hadn't bothered to tell the rest of the Vampires. To be honest he didn't care what happened to them. He considered them to stupid to pose a serious threat to Buffy's gang. ............................................. "Wow he's really good," Cordelia said commenting on Oz's playing as they exited the dance floor and took their seats. Buffy and Willow just stared at each other. "I can be nice sometimes," Cordelia said in her own defense," I'm in a really good mood." She leant over and put her arm around Xander. Buffy and Willow looked at each other as if to say, "Oh My God!!!" Buffy decided to change the subject, "So Giles anything hairy going on." "No it has been surprisingly quiet." "Funny. I feel as though we are being watched," she said as she looked around. "Well if you think we should go," Giles suggested. "We can't go. Oz has a few more songs to play," Willow interjected. "It's O.K. Willow. We won't go yet. The feeling is pretty small on the wig factor." Willow happy with that, turned back around to face the band. "I am going for a drink," Cordelia said looking around the table, "anyone else?" Buffy, Willow and Giles all shook their heads. "I'll come with you," said Xander getting up next to Cordelia. "Oh glorious savior" replied Cordelia. "Better prey I don't have to protect you from Dragons. That will be a tough call distinguishing the difference," Xander said as they moved off. Buffy looked at Willow, " ... and maybe they didn't." Buffy followed them with her eyes as they walked towards the bar. She saw Cordelia go up and order, with Xander doing his best bodyguard impression. She got the feeling again. She quickly glanced to the left, then to the right. She couldn't see anyone. "Giles, something's wrong, I can sense it." Giles turned around and looked. He could not see anything either. .......... Cordelia got her drink and turned to face Xander ............ Buffy saw him, "Cordelia, Xander watch out," she shouted .............. Cordelia thought she heard something, before she could check a dark shape blocked her way. She looked the figure, she new that Face, Angel. She screamed, but was quickly silenced by a punch to the jaw. Cordelia fell down, knocking her head against the bar as she did. ............ Buffy had seen Angel appear and punch Cordelia and she was now no more than a couple of feet from him when he reached for Xander. She went to shout and warn him, when suddenly her legs were taken out from under her. .............. By this time the club was filled with screams. The band had stopped playing. Oz saw a vampire sneaking up on Willow. Grabbing a drumstick he ran and plunged the stick through its heart, shattering it to dust. He grabbed Willow and headed for the stage, to open the back door and let some people out. ................ Giles saw Buffy take off, and then in quick succession Cordelia get hit and Buffy get taken down by Spike. He was about to rush to help Buffy but saw that she was back on her feet. He grabbed his stakes out of his bag he was carrying and went looking for vampires to kill. .................... Xander had seen out of the corner of his eye Cordelia go down, in one motion he turned and punched Angel. Angel reeled from the blow. "Not bad," he commented. "Good enough to make you wish you had never laid a hand on her," Xander replied. He shouldn't have replied, it gave Angel the opportunity to kick him in the stomach, knocking him to the floor. ................. Buffy unleashed a flurry of kicks against Spike. Spike took most of them but by the sixth and seventh he had decided that he should get out of there. He exited quickly. Buffy was going to follow but saw Drusilla moving towards Cordelia's prone body. A couple of twists and flips and she stood in front of Drusilla. Quickly punching her away, she bent down over Cordelia checking her neck to see if she was O.K.. There was no bite marks and she still had a pulse. Good, now onto Angel. She turned to see Xander hit Angel again, only this time Angel hardly felt it. She knew Xander was tiring and soon he wouldn't be able to defend himself. She got up and kicked Angel away from Xander. "Xander look after Cordelia," she screamed as she laid another flurry of kicks at Angel. ................. Giles moved to another vampire and staked it. He looked around for another vampire and couldn't see any on the top level. He raced to the stairs and down them. It looked like all the vampires were gone, apart from Angel. ................. Buffy and Angel continued hitting each other. Blow for blow, kick for kick, neither one was gaining the advantage. It didn't help that she kept checking on Xander and Cordelia to see it they were O.K.. Xander's face was a bloody mess. He had at least three deep lacerations. "Giles, get over here and get them out of here" she shouted as she saw Giles coming over to her. "You aren't going to kill my friends tonight" she spat at Angel, ducking a punch and landing one of her own. ................................... Giles made it over to Xander and Cordelia. Cordelia was barley conscious; Xander was covering her, alert, if exhausted. He bent down to drag them away, when suddenly he was kicked from behind. As he turned around he saw Spike standing above him. Xander witnessed Spike take Giles down. He saw Spike move towards Giles to try and end it. With every ounce of strength he made it to his feet and half jumped/half fell on Spike. Spike was knocked away from the impact. Spike got up and turned around about to attack when suddenly he noticed something behind Xander and Giles. He smiled and waved goodbye, exiting out the front door. ............................ Angel glanced off another blow. He decided to cut his losses and fight another day. "It has been fun hasn't it" he mocked Buffy as he moved off. Buffy made no attempt to follow, as she was more concerned with her friends. She went over to them. Giles and Xander were both alive. She looked around. She saw Willow and Oz coming over. "We got nearly everyone out," Willow said. Buffy continued glancing around. Where was Cordelia? A sudden panic hit her. She ran out the front entrance. She reached outside. There was no sign of them. She was pretty sure they had taken her. She had to get her back. Cordelia had not only become a good friend; she was also the girlfriend of one of her best friends. "Oh am I going to tell Xander," she whispered to herself. **************************************************************** Visit Slayer's Down Under at The Offical Keeper of: "There is a beautiful, big full moon outside tonight. It doesn't get more romantic than this. So shut up!" - Cordelia [Phases] **************************************************************** - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 31 Mar 1998 02:34:49 +1000 From: Andrew Parkinson Subject: BUFFYFIC: Sacrifices of Love 10/14 Sacrifices of Love 10/14 Author: Andrew Parkinson Rating: Ratings for each chapter would vary, but the story overall contains, PG13 for Sexual Scenes and Discussion and TV14 for violence and action scenes.(This is only a saftey barrier for people who may be offended. The actual content may not be that high depending on your point of view) Disclaimer: Buffy the Vampire Slayer, its characters, situation and settings belong to Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, Sandollar, WB, and Fox. This story is written for the sake of enjoyment for fans of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. This story is not intended to infringe on copyright and is not to be used by anyone else or myself for commercial gain. Spoiler/Setting for the Story: Set after Killed By Death, so anything that has happened on the show before that episode is fair game. Author's note: This Story is set aprox 2 months after "Killed By Death". Feedback: Yes Please.....This is my first story since high school, so I am very interested in feedback. ************************************ Chapter 10 Cordelia awoke to find herself tied down. She looked around the room, struggling to make out any shapes. The room had little if no light. There were a few candles lit next to the bed she was tied up to. "A bed" she thought, "Why am I tied to a bed?" ...................................................... "What the hell to you mean, you think Angel took her?" Xander looked at Buffy hoping for a more positive response. He had held his anger in as much as possible as they had made their way back to the school library. "All I know is I turned around and she was gone. I think it's highly probably that she was either taken or....,"she replied. "No don't say it," Xander said as he walked away from Buffy. He walked over to a filing cabinet, which was in the corner of the library and rested his arms and head on the top of it. He exploded. He kicked and punched the filing cabinet, as if he could draw blood from it, he did not stop till blood was spilt from his hands. He slowly turned around and addressed the group. " If that blood sucking parasite has hurt her, I will kill him. I won't stop till he, or I are dead." "Xander, think of what you are saying. We have to think about this if we are to save her." Willow advised. "Willow she has become my life," tears started to swell up in Xander's eyes, "we are together now. I can't be without her. You know what I mean." Willow looked at him. Trying to understand exactly what he was saying. "I do, "Buffy said softly looking him straight in the eyes. Her eyes showed the inner torment she was feeling. She moved towards him and put her arm around him. "Xander you will not lose her. I won't have you go through what I did." ................................... "So Cordelia, you always wanted to share a bed with me. What's it like." Angel asked while stroking her hair, "Oh that's right you can't speak. Must be an unusual experience for you not being able to have the last word." Cordelia had seen Angel appear out of the shadows. He mockingly called he name as he did. She watched in terror as he moved towards her position. She couldn't think about what Angel was going to do to her. She had already decided that unless Buffy came to rescue her she did not want to think about her future. Angel came over and lay down on the bed with her. His hand moved over and for a minute she thought he was going to strangle her. Instead he touched her hair. She felt like she was going to be sick. "C'mon Cordelia, this is your fantasy isn't it. You always wanted what Buffy had." Angel moved his hand down from Cordelia's hair, over her face, lightly touching her cheeks, "It's almost worth taking the gag off, just to savor you lips, " he whispered. He then moved his hand down further, running along the front of her dress. "Angel, let me kill her now," came a voice from the dark. "Dru, you know my rules. We have to get the catch, before the bait can be eaten," Angel said stopping his caressing. Drusilla came out of the shadows and sat on the opposite side of the bed, so that Cordelia was sandwiched between the two. "But after that, I have her, can't I Angel," "Of course you can Dru, you can have her, while I have her boyfriend," Angel said glancing down at Cordelia. Cordelia tried to scream. ............................ Buffy, Willow, Oz and Giles were sitting around a table formulating a plan. All had agreed that this would be the hardest thing they would have had to do. Xander sat by himself. Buffy turned to look at him hoping that his anger would not hinder him in what was to come. She wanted to get him in on the conversation. "Xander what do you think?" she asked hoping he would offer some suggestions. Xander just shrugged his shoulders. Buffy turned to Giles, "We have to get him doing something." "I know," Giles replied, "Xander could you go and get all the weaponry ready?" Xander got up and went over to the cupboard where all the weaponry was kept. It took all of his willpower not to grab a few crossbows and go after her. The bottles of Holy Water caught his eye. His mouth started to curl up at the sides, in the form of a sadistic grin rather than a smile. He had a plan. One that he hoped would cause a great deal of pain to Angel, if not killing him. ............................... Cordelia was relieved that both Angel and Drusilla had moved away from her. Her mind really wasn't on herself. She kept hearing Angel's last words, ..... "when I have her boyfriend." A number of vampires came into the room. Cordelia tried to close off her thoughts, seeing she could hear what they were saying. "We should just kill her now, " Spike argued, " this game's pointless. Why worry about the boy, we should be killing the Slayer." Angel had by this time had more than enough of Spike's objections, "Listen Spike, if you don't like it, there's the door. Remember that you failed pretty miserably in getting the Slayer. To kill Buffy, you need to kill her from the inside. First you take her friends, then her family and then maybe you will be able to kill her." " Well Angel, I am telling you that if you don't get some results tonight, you and me are going to have to have a talk." Angel looked like he would strike Spike there and then. Instead he smiled, "I will be looking forward to it Spike." .................. "C'mon let's get going already," Xander was calling from the door. "Just a sec, Xander," Giles said, "Buffy over here". Buffy came over to Giles, who was looking at one of the Holy Water containers, "One of them is missing some fluid," he said. "Wow there's a puzzle," she replied, "who cares, there's plenty left. We have to get going. You grab those three containers and I grab the rest." With that Buffy and Giles caught up with Willow, Oz and Xander at the door. Rushing past them, Buffy turned around, "Well are you ready? " She kept on walking. Willow and Oz immediately followed, with Giles just behind them. Xander looked at them for a moment and then tapped his jacket pocket. "You don't know just how ready I am," he said to himself, before setting off with them. **************************************************************** Visit Slayer's Down Under at The Offical Keeper of: "There is a beautiful, big full moon outside tonight. It doesn't get more romantic than this. So shut up!" - Cordelia [Phases] **************************************************************** - - ------------------------------ End of Buffyfic-digest V2 #80 ***************************** To subscribe to buffyfic or buffyfic-digest, send the command subscribe buffyfic-digest or subscribe buffyfic to You will need to go through a confirmation process, and the listowners have to manually approve your subscription request, so it may take some time. Back issues of this digest can be found at: Dalton Spence has also provided an index of the buffyfic archive at: For help, contact Jill Kirby ( or sah (