From: (Buffyfic-digest) To: Subject: Buffyfic-digest V2 #83 Reply-To: Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk Buffyfic-digest Monday, March 30 1998 Volume 02 : Number 083 In this issue: BUFFYFIC: The Question About Love (5/?) BUFFYFIC: The Question About Love (6/6) BUFFYFIC: *** BUFFYFIC: The Question about Love (3/?) BUFFYFIC: I Need You Now (1/?) BUFFYFIC: BUUFYFIC: I Need You Now (3/?) BUFFYFIC: I Need You Now (2/?) BUFFYFIC: I Need You Now (4/?) Re: BUFFYFIC: DISCUSS: BUFFYFIC: Until The Morning Light (1/1) See the end of the digest for information on subscribing to the buffyfic or buffyfic-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 30 Mar 1998 16:11:33 EST From: Aglx Subject: BUFFYFIC: The Question About Love (5/?) Title: The Question about Love (5/?) Author: Dominique Email Addy: Rating: PG Spoiler: Not really. Takes place before Angel becomes evil. Feedback: PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE!!! Disclaimer: Buffy and the gang belong to Joss Whedon, the WB, etc. The Story and the characters not part of the regular cast are mine! Summary: A new creature comes to Sunnydale with an interesting tie to vampires. (The other story I submitted wasn't mine. This isn't either. Please send feedback to me and I'll relay it to the authors. I'll have my first story out soon.) The Question About Love (Part 5) Important: This story is from the earlier days when Angel was good. All characters except LOVE belong to Joss Whedon and the production teams of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. LOVE is capatalized to express the importance of the character and to keep the name from being confused with the word. Spike came at Angel with the jar of holy water. He was just about to splash Angel with it when someone from behind Spike tapped him on the shoulder. He turned around in surprise. A clenched hand came at his face in a hard right hook. Spike fell backward. Angel turned to see his hero, expecting Buffy or maybe Giles, he was surprised when he saw Willow standing there rubbing her fist. "Ouch!" she screeched. "You have a hard head for a dead person." "Willow?" Angel asked in amazement. "How did you…?" "Hey," she said. "I am not going to let some slime ball hurt my best friend or her boyfriend." "Way to go Willow," cheered Xander from the background. "Thanks," Angel said still a little amazed. "That's right, thank your stupid little friend," Spike said as he got to his feet. "She isn't going to be around for much longer. But you Angel, are my first priority." Angel held the rope with his tied up hands and hung there as he kicked his feet high up and hit Spike right under the chin. "ENOUGH!" Spike screamed. "This is starting to become a bloody Bruce Lee film." Spike, once again got a jar of holy water and brought it over to Angel. He took the lid of once again and prepared to pour it on Angel. Just as he was about to, he was interrupted. "Spike?" a mysterious female voice asked. Just then a young girl (about Buffy's age) walked in the door. She was tall for her age and very beautiful. She was dressed in a long ivory nightgown. It was clear that all the yelling and smashing had woken her up from sleeping. She looked very familiar to everyone in the room. Though, it was clear that Angel, Spike, and the other vampires were very much afraid of her. "What are you doing?" she asked. "N-n-nothing," he replied with a shaky voice. She then realized what he really was doing. The calm, innocent look on her face disappeared. Her bright blue eyes turned black and cold. Her voice became strong and shaky. Her beautiful, long hair blew from side to side from the strong wind coming from the open doors of the furnished warehouse. The changes just made her more beautiful. Spike, Angel, Xander, Giles, and all of the male vamps knew it. "Oh yeah? Well it doesn't look like you are doing nothing. It looks like you are doing something. Something Bad! In fact it is the worst thing that you could possibly do. It looks like you are hurting MY ANGEL" she forcefully replied. "You know the rules! No one hurts My Angel and gets away with it. Or have you forgotten that rule already?" "No I remember it. I am sorry that I broke your number one rule. I promise that it will never happen again." Spike replied. "You're darn right it won't. And if it does than you know I will kill you. No one breaks my rules. Not even you." she replied strongly. She suddenly froze. Her eyes began to flood with tears, yet not a drop fell. She was facing Angel and not the other six. She didn't even see them when she came in which made her next move even weirder. She put her finger to her temple, and looked as if she was thinking. She closed her eyes and all the flooding tears fell to the floor. She looked even more psycho like that. She slowly turned around, still in the same position. "Slayer?" she asked with a strange hiss in her voice. "SPIKE!" she screamed. This time the entire room shook as she spoke. "You were going to kill the Slayer?" she asked with a lighter tone of voice. Her audience was amazed and terrified at the same time. You could tell that the other vampires were used to her strangeness. "LOVE, can you help me down?" Angel asked trying to change the subject. "Of course my Angel." she replied. She girl walked over to Angel and untied the rope he was fastened to. Angel lowered his hands and rubbed his wrists. There was an indentation on them where the rope was tightest. He fell to both knees and lowered his head. It was as if he was bowing to royalty. The rest of the vampires, even Spike, did the same. Just then, all of the remaining mortals remembered where they had seen her. She was LOVE. She was the singer at the Bronze. She was the one that the vampires bowed to. It couldn't be though. She looked so different. She looked so much older. She looked so much prettier. "RISE," Love said to the vampires. They all got up. She made a 'get lost' hand signal and all of the vampires left the room. Every vampire except for Angel. She looked at him, then looked at everyone else. "She needs some ice," LOVE said. "I'll get some." LOVE called Ox, one of the larger vampires, and had him carry Buffy into another room. LOVE walked into the kitchen and opened the huge freezer. She grabbed a plastic bad and filled it with ice. She walked back into the living room. When she had gotten there, everyone was already untied. "You guys just stay here and rest," she said. "Go ahead and use the stereos and TVs. You're more than welcome to grab a snack from the fridge on the left. Angel, grab yourself a drink, or a body part from the fridge on the right. The only rule is that you stay in this room. Oh, by the way I owe you guys, and I don't want you to let me forget." "She's awesome" Xander commented. "See. Not all vampires are bad," Angel declared. End Part 5 - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 30 Mar 1998 16:16:04 EST From: Aglx Subject: BUFFYFIC: The Question About Love (6/6) Title: The Question about Love (6/6) Author: Dominique Email Addy: Rating: PG Spoiler: Not really. Takes place before Angel becomes evil. Feedback: PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE!!! Disclaimer: Buffy and the gang belong to Joss Whedon, the WB, etc. The Story and the characters not part of the regular cast are mine! Summary: A new creature comes to Sunnydale with an interesting tie to vampires. (The other story I submitted wasn't mine. This isn't either. Please send feedback to me and I'll relay it to the authors. I'll have my first story out soon.) The Question About Love (Part 6) Important: This story is from the earlier days when Angel was good. All characters except LOVE belong to Joss Whedon and the production teams of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. LOVE is capatalized to express the importance of the character and to keep the name from being confused with the word. LOVE walked into the room that Buffy was in. She put the bag on Buffy's head, and they both introduced themselves. "Buffy Summers," Buffy said. "Occupation- vampire slayer." "LOVE," LOVE said. "Occupation- your worst nightmare." "It is amazing how many people have that job," Buffy answered. "From what I hear, only one person has the job, but they have to keep sending in reinforcements. They tell me that you are quite a diamond in the rough," LOVE said. "They do?" Buffy asked. "Yes," she said. "They say that they fear the slayer. It is told that every vampire has a chance to kill a slayer. If that is true, then you must encounter, and kill millions of them before the one that is supposed to kill you comes. Unless…." "Unless what?" Buffy asked. "Unless the one that kills you is someone you love. Someone you trust. Someone that you grew up with. Someone that was chosen to be a vampire just for the purpose of your death. Does that make that person's death your fault? Does it mean that your fate decided the fate of others? If it does, then I sure am glad that I was killed on my first day on the job. How many lives would be changed because of me? How many people would be without a person in their family because of my error? How many demons would be roaming around because of my misjudgment? How many people would only want one thing from life, which was to be one of the few that didn't have a vampire inside of them? How many people would be dead?" "I'm sorry. Are you telling me that you were the slayer?" Buffy questioned. "Yes," LOVE answered. "In my time, I was the slayer." "What was your time?" Buffy asked. "Well, lets see. I was born in 1740. Today I am 258 years old, which means I was killed in 1756," LOVE answered. "You were only sixteen when you died?" Buffy asked. "Correct. I guess I was too trusting," LOVE answered. "You are older than Angel. He is only 242. Who killed you?" Buffy asked. "Actually," Love said, "Angel had been a vampire for 242 years, but he was 20 when he died, so he really is 262 years old." "Oh. Who killed you then?" "That doesn't matter," LOVE said. "You rest now. I am going to check on the others." LOVE walked into the other room. She saw Willow, Xander, and Cordilia sitting in front of the TV watching a horror film on the sci-fi channel. She saw Giles, Miss. Calendar, and Angel talking. "Anyone need anything?" she asked. "Yes actually," Giles started. "I was wondering if I could stroll through the library." "Willow and I wanted to see your computers," Miss Calendar said. "I realize how interesting this place may look but I can't let you explore. You see this is my house, but I let other vampires stay here. If you are really interested, you are more than welcome to come back during the day when my friends are gone," she said. "We can come back?" Cordilia asked. "Of course you can. Anytime. But call first so I know to warn Spike and friends to not eat you," said LOVE. "Do you want us to leave?" Willow asked. "You can go at anytime. Buffy may have a small concussion so she can't be moved. Willow will you do me a favor?" she asked. "Of course. What do you need?" she asked. "I was wondering if you would call Buffy's mother and tell her that Buffy is spending the night at your house. I hope you don't mind lying. If we move Buffy, then there is a chance her head may begin bleeding, which would make her condition even worse," LOVE declared. "I don't mind lying, just as long as it is for Buffy," Willow said. Willow called Buffy's mom, and well, lied. All six of them left together around 10:30pm. In the morning, Buffy woke up, but she was not in her bed. She was sleeping on a couch, on a den, in a five-story warehouse. LOVE made breakfast, and loaned Buffy some clean clothes. She took Buffy to school. Buffy didn't mind her driving a little fast, because she had a chance to ride in LOVE's cherry red Ford Mustang Convertible. LOVE gave Buffy the choice of riding in that car or one of the other one hundred cars she owned. When Buffy asked her why she had so many cars, LOVE said it was because her life as a living person stunk, so she made a better life for herself. She also added that no one says "NO" to a 5'10 vampire. Anyway, LOVE and Buffy became good friends. They did lots together. Xander, Willow, Cordilia, and Angel hung around a lot too. They normally hung at the Bronze, but they went other places. She spent tons of money and magic on them. When they asked her why she did all of these nice things, she just said she wanted to have fun. They thought that she was just cooler after that. Spike, Angel, the other vampires, and LOVE knew the real reason that she did these things. They all knew that she was not going to be around for much longer. What Buffy and friends didn't know was that LOVE was dying. No one except LOVE could explain it, but she wouldn't tell a soul. One night LOVE invited everyone over to her house for a party. The only drawback was that there was going to be tons of vampires their. It really wasn't a problem though because they knew LOVE would warn them not to touch the mortals. Angel, Willow, and Xander all went to Buffy's house. They waited there until Cordilia came to pick them up. She drove them to the warehouse, and they all walked to the big iron doors. They could here loud music from inside. They looked into the window and saw everyone dancing. Even the vampires were having fun. "Don't you think that her neighbors would complain about the noise?" Xander asked. "Yeah. Making hungry vampires mad is something every mortal wants to do," Angel answered. "Shouldn't we ring the doorbell?" Buffy asked. "Good idea," Willow declared. Inside Love was dancing to "Come On Ride the Train" with Spike and the other vampires. She was the engine of the long line of people. Then a loud piercing scream came over the music. "What was that?" Cordilia asked. "Doorbell," Angel answered. Just then the large door opened, and LOVE invited them in. "Go ahead and grab some punch," she said. "It is the bowl on the left. The bowl on the right is something else." The party was great. Most of the vampires left around 2:00 though. They would have to if they wanted to make it home before sunrise. LOVE, Spike, Angel, Xander, Willow, Buffy, and Cordilia were the only ones left around 2:30. "Great party LOVE. Better than your last one," Spike commented as he kissed her cheek. "Yes I loved it," Angel said as he did the same. "I think I had better get home though before I get a sunburn." "Wait Angelous. I have something to give you," LOVE said. She walked out of the room and for moment, and returned with some items in her hands. One of things she had with her was torn pages from an old book. She handed them to him. He looked at the top of it. It had "THE ANSWER" written across the top of it (See The Answer). She then took his hand. And placed something in it. She closed his hand before he had a chance to see what it was. His hand stung at first then it stopped. He opened it and sitting on his palm, was the silver cross necklace that Angel had given her 258 years ago. He bought it on the day of her birth, and she had never taken it off even though it was to big for her as an infant. There was no burn mark where he had sat. He felt sick, and LOVE looked sick. Angel, LOVE, and Spike all fell to the ground. Angel and Spike weren't moving, but LOVE was gasping for air. Then she stopped struggling, and closed her eyes. Spike slowly sat up. Then Angel did the same. They both looked at their hands, and felt their faces. Buffy had never seen a person so happy before. Angel smiled, then said, "I'm human. I am not a vampire anymore." Spike looked happy too. Just then a man stumbled down the stairway. He was a large man. He looked just like Ox the vampire, but not as hideous. "I'm not a vampire anymore!" he happily cried. Angel unhappily looked at LOVE lying on the floor. He looked at her in those eyes. He took the cross, and put in her motionless hand. Her eyes opened. In surprise, she sat up. "Did it work?" she asked. "Are all of the vampires human?" "We are." Angel answered. "I don't know about all of the vampires." "If you are, then everyone is," she answered. "Looks like you are out of a job Buffy." "THANK YOU SO MUCH!" she screamed. "Maybe now I will have a normal life." "So Angel, Spike, now that you are human, what is the first thing you are going to do?" Xander asked in a cheesy game show host voice. "Shave," Spike replied. "Get a sun tan," Angel replied. "You know," Love started, "it is lonely in this big old house with no one around. How would you two like to move in with me? You don't have to pay rent." "Living with my sister, and my worst enemy in a huge warehouse, for free? I would love to," Angel replied. "Me too," Spike said. So Buffy, Xander, Willow, Cordilia, Miss. Calendar, Giles, Angel, Spike, and LOVE all became the best of friends. They did everything together during the summer, and when school began, LOVE, Spike, and Angel would sneak into classes and say they were foreign exchange students that didn't understand English. They had so much fun. Who would have thought that Angel and Spike would ever get along? Who would have thought that a 258-year-old ex-vampire would look so good? Who would have thought that vampire could do the "Train ride" dance? Who would have thought that a brother and sisters love for each other could be so strong that it could change the world. End of The Question About Love. The Answer is coming up soon! - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 30 Mar 1998 16:50:54 EST From: Klutz454 Subject: BUFFYFIC: *** unsubscribe - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 30 Mar 1998 15:53:46 EST From: Aglx Subject: BUFFYFIC: The Question about Love (3/?) Title: The Question about Love (3/?) Author: Dominique Email Addy: Rating: PG Spoiler: Not really. Takes place before Angel becomes evil. Feedback: PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE!!! Disclaimer: Buffy and the gang belong to Joss Whedon, the WB, etc. The Story and the characters not part of the regular cast are mine! Summary: A new creature comes to Sunnydale with an interesting tie to vampires. (The other story I submitted wasn't mine. This isn't either. Please send feedback to me and I'll relay it to the authors. I'll have my first story out soon.) The Question About Love (Part 3) Important: This story is from the earlier days when Angel was good. All characters except LOVE belong to Joss Whedon and the production teams of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. LOVE is capatalized to express the importance of the character and to keep the name from being confused with the word. The young girl from the far table got up and walked toward the stage. Giles and Buffy's faces lit up when they saw her. She looked even better standing. She glided across the dance floor, and up on stage. The announce handed her the microphone. "How's everybody doing tonight?" she asked. Almost all of the kids answered with a 'fine' or a 'good'. "That's good," she said. "I am going to sing a song I like to call 'Angelic demon'. I hope you like it." The band behind her played soft music, then she began to sing. The words she spoke were beautiful. They had the perfect tone. She sounded as if she were an angel. Buffy looked over at Willow and rolled her eyes. She liked the music, but wasn't too sure if she liked the title of the song. She saw Willow's face. Willow was starring at the stage in disbelief. "Come on Willow," Buffy said. "She is good, but not that good." "Tell that to them" Willow said pointing to the stage. Buffy turned and looked at the stage. She couldn't believe what she saw. Every guy in the Bronze was up at the stage. Giles, Xander, and ever Cordilia's date was by the stage, starring at LOVE. Just watching her sing. Listening to her words. Cordially came marching over to Buffy and Willow. "What is up with this?" she asked. "Richard dumping me for her? I don't think so." Love finished her song. Her voice was still as beautiful as the guys thought it was. She finished off with a "Thank You" and exited the stage. She returned to the same table. The men stopped drooling, and went back to their dates. You would be surprised how many of them were slapped or had coke poured on them. Buffy knew that she had to question the girl. She got up and started to make her way over there, even though she wasn't totally in hurry to meet her. Buffy watched as the girl looked around the room. She stopped when she saw Spike. It was almost like she had a plan. Buffy kept watching as Willow, Xander, Cordilia, Giles, and Miss. Calendar joined her. She informed them about what she saw, and they watched together. Once the girl saw Spike turn his head away, she took action. She stood up and looked at the vampire guarding the door. She ran toward him and, like a running back, she trampled him. She bolted out the door. Spike noticed what she did, and ordered the vampire to go in different directions to find her. Buffy and gang decided to help the girl, so they made their way outside. They saw vampires running here and there, and they also saw LOVE hiding. When she thought that the coast was clear, she headed out. She had bad timing. Though Spike and a good majority of the vampires had gone around to the other side, there were two huge burly vamps and two little ones that saw her. She was tired of running so she was walking while the four vampires were chasing her. "Let's try to help her," Buffy said to everyone else. "Here," she said as she handed them each a stake. Angel showed up just then. He took one look at the girl being chased be the vampires, and immediately ran after them. Buffy saw him and did the same. The rest of them followed. One of the small vampires and one of the large vampires realized they were being chased, so they turned around to fight of Angel and Buffy (who was not far behind). Angel went for the large guy. Angel did a spin kick in the air, and hit the vamp across the face. He fell back, but would be up in a few seconds. Buffy finally caught up with Angel and threw him a stake. He stabbed the big vampire and killed him. He was proud of his work and thankful for Buffy. The little vampire smacked Angel across the back of the head. Angel fell to the floor. Just because he wasn't hit hard enough to go unconsciousness, doesn't mean he wasn't hit hard enough for it to hurt. He got to his feet. He realized that Buffy was doing fine, so he continued to run after LOVE. Buffy staked and stabbed the other vamp just as the rest of the group caught up with her. They all followed Angel in the chase. They reached him. He was watching. LOVE had stopped walking, and the stalking vamps were only five feet away from her. "Shouldn't we help her?" Willow curiously asked. "Just watch," Angel answered. The larger vampire stepped on a twig, breaking it in half. The CRUNCH noise that it made enlightened LOVE of their presence. She turned around and kicked the little one in the face. The larger one came at her with his arms extended. She knew that her fighting would not hurt him, so she decided to do the only thing she could do. She turned and ran. He followed her. So did Angel, Buffy, and everyone else. After five minutes of running, she got tired, and stopped. She looked up at the sky as she gasped for air. "Enough," she said. "Bow." All of the vampire got down on their knees, and lowered their heads. They then got up. She raised her hands high into the air. The clouds shifted, and the sky became dark. Thunder boomed and lightning crashed all around. She clenched her hands as if she were reaching for something. A loud crackling noise came from in front of her (behind everyone else). Buffy couldn't believe her eyes. LOVE was ripping a tree out of the ground without even touching it (MAGIC). Just then, Spike and the rest of the vampires showed up. Spike went up to Angel. "What is she doing?" he asked Angel. "Getting rid of unwanted anger would be my best guess," Angel answered. "LOVE! Why don't you stop now, and we can go home for some nice hot tea," Spike shouted to LOVE. "I hate hot tea!" she screamed. "Coffee?" he asked. "I hate Coffee too," she answered. "Gee Spike, you really know your girlfriends well don't you?" Angel said to Spike. "Shut-up," he said back. "Hey LOVE," Angel shouted to her. "Angel? Is that you?" she asked. "Yep. How would you like some Snapple, or maybe some Frappuccino?" he asked. "I would love some," she said to him. "See Spike, I haven't seen Angel in almost five years, and yet he still know more about me than you do. You both should know because it wasn't just Angel that raised me. You and Dru raised me also. I am psychotic, just like Dru was so you stay away from me. No one owns me. I own myself. If I am going to live or die, then I am going to live or die the way I want to. Understand?" "Of course," Spike said sincerely. "You can have whatever you want. You know that." "Yeah, I really know that. Why do you think I ran away? I want to go outside. I want to be free. I want to be able to see my family. I want to see Angel. I want a chance to make friends," she shouted back. "That's all." The crackling noise stopped. She fell to the ground. The larger vampire stood in front of her so she wouldn't run away. Spike walked over to her and picked her up. He and the other vampires left with LOVE as they walked around the side of the building. Angel waited a minute, and then he slowly walked to the side of the building. "Where are you going?" Buffy asked him. "I am going to follow them. This way I will know where LOVE is kept, and I will know where Spikes hiding spot is," he answered "Good plan," Buffy agreed. "I will go with you." - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 30 Mar 1998 18:25:48 EST From: G90210 Subject: BUFFYFIC: I Need You Now (1/?) TITLE: I Need You Now AUTHOR: mInDy ( or SUMMARY: This is set 13 years after Angel lost his soul. Angel now has his soul back, and Buffy goes to visit him. Things don't turn out the way planned. SPOILERS: Everything that has happened, but mostly S/I DISCLAIMER: Nothing really, I own nothing, have no money. I only claim rights on the story idea. DISTRIBUTION: Ask Me First PLEEEAAASSSEEE! AUTHOR'S NOTE: At the end of this chapter there is something that said one, but alot of people thought it should be two, well it should be one. Read the story and it will make more sense. I Need You Now By: mInDy Part One *********** Buffy walked up to his apartment. She was nervous, even though it was her Angel, she still didn't know how to act around him. She had gone through a lot of changes in these past 13 years. Buffy was now a 30 year old women, not a 16 year old girl. She had already been married and divorced once, to Xander, and had given birth to a beautiful boy during that marriage. She had given birth to her son, Noah, at age 19, which would make him 11 years old now. Noah and her lived in a townhouse, just a little way out of Sunnydale. She loved Noah more than she could even tell you. She had wished she loved Xander the same way, but she couldn't. Buffy was too in love with Angel. The one who she gave her virginity to, the one who she loved the most in the world, more than herself most of the times. But that didn't matter. Buffy didn't know if Angel still loved her. She always believed that he did, but she just wasn't sure. A part of her had wished she had just stayed home today but another part was just to curious for it's own good. Buffy finally reached the big metal door that led to his apartment. She knocked on the door. *Ok this is it. I can either stay here and see him, and find out if he still loves me, or I can turn the other way and run as fast as I can.* Angel opened the door and there was Buffy, his Buffy. God did he miss her. "Buffy?" "Yeah, hey," In the distance they heard a scream, not knowing who it was they both took off after it. When they got there they were not prepared for what they saw, it was Xander's and Willow's bodies hanging from a tree. Willow was in her wedding dress and Xander was in his tux, they were suppose to get married next week, but it didn't look like it would happen. "Oh God," Buffy wispered. Angel walked up to the tree where they were hanging and on it, there was something written. "Buffy, come here." Angel commanded. Buffy did as she was told. When she got over there she saw it too. On the tree, written in blood was: "Till Death Do You Part, One Down Three To Go" Neither Angel nor Buffy knew what to think. All they could do was morn over the loss of some very close friends. ************ END PART ONE - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 30 Mar 1998 18:26:07 EST From: G90210 Subject: BUFFYFIC: BUUFYFIC: I Need You Now (3/?) TITLE: I Need You Now AUTHOR: mInDy ( or SUMMARY: This is set 13 years after Angel lost his soul. He Now has his soul back, and Buffy comes to visit him, and things don't turn out for the best. SPOILERS: Everything up till now, but mostly S/I. DISCLAIMER: I own nothing. Maybe a sock or two. ********** Part 3 Buffy's alarm clock went off at 7:00am that morning, pulling Buffy out of a very good dream. The radio was playing the song "Butterfly" by Mariah Carey. Buffy finally opened her eyes, to hit the dumb alarm clock so her and Angel could go back to sleep, when she noticed there was no Angel. Buffy's heart started to race, *Not again, I don't think I could handle Angelus now, not after what happened to Will and Xander, Oh God, please let him......* Buffy's thoughts were interrupted when she saw a note on her table next to her bed. It was sitting underneath her Mr. Gordo pig that she still had after all these years. She smiled knowing it was from Angel, and that he was ok. She picked up the not and read it. It read: Good Morning Love, Ahhhhh I shouldn't call you that, I sound like Spike!!!! Anyway I'm writing this to tell you that I'm downstairs, so you won't think that well you know what happened last time after we, well, anyways now that you're awake why don't you come downstairs, so I don't have to write anymore, I'm not good with writing letters. Love, Angel Buffy got Angel's message and got up, put her bathrobe on, and walked downstairs into the living room, then down to the basement. When she got down there Angel was laying on the couch/bed asleep. He looked so peaceful. She curled up write next to him, and after a few minutes fell asleep herself. **~**~**~**~**~**~**~**~**~**~**~**~**~**~**~**~**~* When Buffy woke up this time it was to the sound of her CD player going off playing her Grease soundtrack. Angel was listening to it. When he realized she was awake, he walked over to her and kissed her on the forehead. "Hey, I see you got my letter," Angel spoke first. "Yeah," was all Buffy could say, she was to busy looking at love in Angel's eyes. All of sudden, the song on the CD player had changed to Olivia Newton-John's song "Hopelessly Devoted to You". Angel looked up then back at Buffy and asked, "Can I have this dance?" Buffy was shocked at first, but then shook her head yes. Angel pulled her up into his arms, and swayed slowly to the music. They both were enjoying being and feeling so close until the phone rang, breaking the feeling. Buffy went to answer the phone. It was Giles. "Buffy, I hate to call and tell you this, but Cordila died last night." "What?" Buffy asked not beliving what she was hearing. "Cordila died last night, Buffy, I'm sorry." "What time did she die?" "Around midnight, why?" Buffy threw the phone down. Immeadatly Angel was at her side asking what was wrong. When Buffy finally stopped crying, she told Angel what happened. Then she screamed at him, "So you see, why we were making fucking love, Cordila was dying. I could've, no, I should've been there to save her. Not laying in bed getting fucked by you!!" Angel new she wasn't mad at him, she was mad that she couldn't have been there. Angel watched as Buffy curled up into a tight ball on the floor crying. Whoever was doing this to his slayer was going to pay, and they were going to pay dearly. ********** END PART 3 I LOVE FEEDBACK!!!!!!!!!!!! - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 30 Mar 1998 18:25:57 EST From: G90210 Subject: BUFFYFIC: I Need You Now (2/?) TITLE: I Need You Now AUTHOR: or SPOILERS: Up to S/I SUMMARY: Angel has his soul back, and it's 13 years since then. Buffy goes to visit Angel after all this time and things don't turn out the way she hoped. DISCLAIMER: I own nothing. Not even money. WARNING: May have some violence, lots of deaths, and suggests sexual contact. ********* PART TWO Angel walked Buffy to her new town house in silence after they called the police. When they got to Buffy's front door, Buffy turned around to face Angel. "Angel, listen, I stopped by your apartment to talks about alot of things, which I still wanna talk about, but....." "I know Buffy, I know. Are you gonna be ok tonight?" "Yeah I'll be fine, I just don't know how to tell Noah his dad's dead." "Who's Noah?" "My son, well mine and Xander's son. She when you lost your soul, I had no where else to run to, but him. I slowly started to fall in love with him...." "Yeah I get it, you stopped by to tell me about all this, and now you don't have husband anymore." "No, no, NO Angel. That's not why I went to your apartment. You see me and Xander got a divorce," Angel looked up at her to tell if she was lying, and he couldn't tell, he just could feel in his heart that it was the truth. Buffy started talking again which took Angel from his thoughts,"Angel I came by your apartment tonight to tell you that even after all you did, I still love you. And I was hoping you still loved me too." Angel couldn't believe what he was hearing. She still loved him even after what he did. What was wrong with her? Why was God being so nice to him after all that he had done to all those people? All these questions filled his head, and before he knew it he was crying. Buffy was just standing there, watching him, waiting for an answer. She got her answer all right, Angel was crying. She went over to him and held him. She stroked his back and neck, while he cried on her shoulder. "Let's get inside," Buffy whispered in Angel's ear. Angel followed her inside, after he was invited in of course. He sat down on the couch in the living room, Buffy sat next to him. Buffy couldn't help it. With him being so close to her, her body started to come alive in places she long forgot about since becoming a single mother. Thank God Noah was at his Grandma's. Angel looked at Buffy, he couldn't resist the urge to kiss her. He leaned over and kissed her lips lightly. Buffy responded immeaditly, pressing her lips hard on his. They both started to explore each other's body's since it had been so long since the two were together. After a few minutes, Angel looked up at Buffy and asked, "What about Noah?" "He's at his Grandmother's." Buffy stated simply kissing him hard on the lips. The two continued this for awhile downstairs, till they climbed up the stairs to Buffy's bedroom. As the two made love that night, nobody heard the scream of Cordelia Chase echoing through the town. And a note written near her: "For Better, For Worse: Only a few more to go." END PART TWO******** FEEDBACK PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 30 Mar 1998 18:57:46 EST From: G90210 Subject: BUFFYFIC: I Need You Now (4/?) TITLE: I Need You Now AUTHOR: mInDy ( or SUMMARY: This is set 13 years after Angel lost his soul. He has his soul back, and Buffy comes to visit him, and things don't turn out for the best. SPOILERS: Everything up till now, but mostly S/I. WARNING: May contain violence, lots of deaths, and may suggest sexual situations. DISCLAIMER: I own nothing!!! ******* Part 4 Buffy layed curled up on the floor for what seemed like hours, till the phone rang. Angel had to get up to answer it, since it looked like Buffy wouldn't. "Hello," Angel said politely. "Hello, is Buffy there," It was Buffy's mom on the other end. "Yes, hold on." "Buffy," Angel whispered in her ear. "What?" "Phone." "I don't wanna talk to anyone." "Come on Buff, it's your mom," Angel asked gently, while rubbing her back. "Ok, fine." Buffy said getting up, "Hello, Mom?" "Yeah honey, I'm calling to ask if it was ok with you, if I took Noah to the amusement park?" "Yeah mom, that would be great." "Ok honey, we better get going then ok?" "Ok, bye mom, I love you." "I love you, too, Buffy." Buffy hung up the phone, looking at Angel sitting next to her on the floor. "Hey, Angel, about what I yelled at you earlier, I didn't......." "I know Buffy, you were just upset, I understand," Angel interrupted her, then kissed her on the forehead. Buffy smiled at him, then looked up at the clock, then back at him and smiled again. "You know Angel, you still have about 5 hours until sunset while stuck with me." Angel smiled at her and asked, "What do you suppose we do until then?" "I dunno," Buffy answered simply, moving in closer to Angel's face, "what do you think?" "What I think? about.." Angel kissed her hard on the lips and pulled her down on the floor, "this?" "Sounds like a plan to me," Buffy smiled and kissed Angel back. At least the two had a little while together, with no pain, well no pain from anyone else but each other. END PART FOUR ************ FEEDBACK PLLLLEEEEAAASSSEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 30 Mar 1998 19:44:16 EST From: GothGirl77 Subject: Re: BUFFYFIC: DISCUSS: In a message dated 98-03-29 23:59:15 EST, you write: << Ingrid, I'd LOVE the challenge...but unfortunetly I'm already in the middle of Three Lists, 9 Fanfics plus stuff on the you have any idea how much e-mail a day you get from 3 Lists? It's HELL, Hehehe. >> You know how much mail you get from 3 lists? Try 4 lists! Plus I'm on the FK War loop and 8 newsgroups. The amount of messages I read each night is incredible. Why do I read so many. Cause it's fun!!!!! Nastassia - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 30 Mar 1998 19:48:58 EST From: GothGirl77 Subject: BUFFYFIC: Until The Morning Light (1/1) Title: Until The Morning Light (1/1) Author: Nastassia Email Addy: Rating: PG Spoiler: Suprise and Innocence Feedback: Please please please! Distribution: Maybe if you ask nicely. Disclaimer: Buffy, Angel, and Joyce belong to Joss & Co. Only the story is mine. Summary: Buffy dreams of Angel and awakes in tears. Joyce wonders what is happening to her daughter. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hey all, this is the first fanfic I have ever sent to a list, so I am begging !BEGGING! for you guys to give me feedback. This is something I wrote today during study hall. I hope you like it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Until The Morning Light (1/1) by Nastassia "I love you." Buffy awoke with a start from another dream where Angel held her again. Another dream that continued to haunt her.... No. No, the dreams were not what haunted Buffy. It was waking up. While she slept Buffy was able to see Angel as he really was-the gentle loving man she had fallen so easily in love with, not the sadistic evil bastard Angelus had made him into. No, Buffy did not hate the dreams. They were all she had left. Buffy closed her eyes as she recalled the dream she had awoken from. Without realizing it, Buffy started to sob again. It had been a dream about that night, the night Angel had made love to her for the first time. 'The only time,' Buffy thought, but did not say. The house was silent except for her sobs. Buffy remembered that night. Angel had been so gentle with her, so careful not to hurt her. The night had been like a dream. The nightmare had not started until the morning after. Joyce Summers stood outside the door to Buffy's room, listening to her daughter weep. It had been like this every night since her birthday. Something had happened, but Buffy refused to talk about it. Joyce's heart ached for her daughter. She wanted to do nothing but throw open the door and take Buffy in her arms and hold her until all the bad things went away. Yet Joyce stood still. She knew Buffy would refuse to tell her what was wrong. Buffy was stubborn as well as proud. She would suffer in silence before she would reveal her pain to anyone. Without ever saying a word Buffy's mother turned and walked back to her bedroom, where she knew she would listen to her child's cries until morning. ***** Buffy stood in front of the mirror in her bedroom, staring at her image glass without really seeing it. Instead she looked at the reflection of her window in the mirror. Buffy turned and gazed at the window and thought of all the times Angel had snuck into her bedroom to watch her sleep or kiss her goodnight or to just see her. The window looked so different in the daytime, with the golden rays streaming in. Buffy wondered idly what Angel would have looked like in the sunlight. Buffy shook herself out of her reverie and turned back to mirror. Nothing more than a slight redness of her eyes gave away what she had gone through last night, what she went through every night. She was finished dressing for school except for three things. Buffy fastened the clasp of the cross Angel had given her around her neck. She picked up Angel's leather jacket from the bed and put it on. Buffy inhaled the rich scent of leather and Angel. No matter how often she wore this jacket it still smelled like him. It was as close as Buffy could get to having Angel's arms around her. Buffy opened her jewelry box and removed the gold claddagh ring. With trembling hands Buffy placed the ring on her finger, the heart facing her. In her memory Buffy heard Angel say, "It means you belong to someone." "I still belong to someone, Angel," Buffy whispered, touching the ring softly and remembering how Angel had shown her the one he wore, "I will always belong to you, my Angel. I love you." Buffy exited her room quickly, before she could break down into tears again. She didn't see the pale specter appear before her window. A sad smile was on Angel's face. Bathed in the sunlight he was more beautiful than he was in the darkness. Angel touched his ring, a gesture identical to Buffy's. "I will always belong to you my beautiful warrior against evil. No matter what he says, know that I will never stop loving you." The soul of Angel faded away, and, though there was no wind that day, Buffy felt a light breeze blow past her, and she would later remember that the breeze seemed to be calling her name as it softly kissed her cheek. *The End* So what does everybody think? I have a few ideas for some longer stories so tell me if you want me to write them! ~Nastassia~ I fed on a flower person once. I spent the next six hours watching my hand move..... - - ------------------------------ End of Buffyfic-digest V2 #83 ***************************** To subscribe to buffyfic or buffyfic-digest, send the command subscribe buffyfic-digest or subscribe buffyfic to You will need to go through a confirmation process, and the listowners have to manually approve your subscription request, so it may take some time. 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