From: (Buffyfic-digest) To: Subject: Buffyfic-digest V2 #89 Reply-To: Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk Buffyfic-digest Thursday, April 2 1998 Volume 02 : Number 089 In this issue: BUFFYFIC: The Ties That Bind (9/10) Re: BUFFYFIC: DISCUSS: BUFFYFIC: Date: Thu, 2 Apr 1998 10:20:53 +1000 RE: BUFFYFIC: DISCUSS: FORMATTING GUIDELINES Re: BUFFYFIC: That Was The Day 2/2 BUFFYFIC: Enough, (1/3) by Andrea BUFFYFIC: Enough (2/3) by Andrea BUFFYFIC: Enough, (3/3) by Andrea BUFFYFIC: DISCUSS: Answer this challenge, everybody! Re: BUFFYFIC: DISCUSS: Answer this challenge, everybody! BUFFYFIC: Re: Discussion: Challenge BUFFYFIC: BUFFYFIC Re: BUFFYFIC: BUFFYFIC BUFFYFIC: Thanks Re: BUFFYFIC: I Dreamed A Dream (1/1) See the end of the digest for information on subscribing to the buffyfic or buffyfic-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 1 Apr 1998 17:23:34 EST From: Anexsin Subject: BUFFYFIC: The Ties That Bind (9/10) Title: The Ties That Bind (9/10) Author: Melinda Frango Email Addy: Rating: PG Spoiler: All episodes before Passion. Distribution: Ask first Feedback: Greatly appreciated. Disclaimer: Buffy and the gang belong to Joss Whedon, the WB, etc. Only the story is mine, and whatever characters never seen or mentioned on the show. Summary: Buffy and the gang get help from an unexpected source in restoring Angel's soul. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Caitlin remained silent for another long moment before speaking. Angel simply watched her, knowing full well what this conversation was going to be about. 'I know what you are going to say," he offered breaking the silence. "Oh, you do?" Caitlin asked slightly amused. "Yeah, you're going to tell me not to feel guilty, that it wasn't my fault, that it wasn't me." "Well, sort of. What I was really going to say was that she needs you," Cailtin informed him. "Who? Buffy?" he asked already knowing the answer. Caitlin nodded her head and continued. "She loves you," she said simply. "She deserves better, and I doubt she still loves me after everything I did to her," Angel explained sadly. "Angelus did those things, but she loves Angel. She doesn't want anyone else but you," Caitlin paused to take a deep breath. "She's that girl you always dreamed about meeting. Someone independent, strong, loving, don't give up on her so easily." Now Angel was staring at the ceiling. "I just need some time to deal with everything that has happened, and I don't know how long that will take." "You should've seen her face when I told her I was here to return your soul," Caitlin smiled slightly. "I've never seen a smile as big as hers. She wants to help you through this. To be there for you like you've been there for her," she explained. When Angel didn't respond or even glance at her, she spoke more firmly. "Look! I happen to know for a fact that none of them hate you. It's just hard for them to accept that a friend of theirs that was so nice and caring one day could turn into a evil, demonic creature the next. You and the demon are two different beings sharing the same body, you are not the same person!" "Fine believe what you want, but I'm the one feeling the pain and the guilt of his actions. He lurks right beneath my skin, and he's always there, reminding of what I am," Angel almost shouted. "Like I said before your soul is permanently housed in your body. It can't leave again, but the demon can. That's what I've been doing since that day you....well you know. I've been searching for a cure for vampirism, and I promise you that if it takes me 1000 years I'll find it, and you know I always keep my promises," Caitlin choked out. "Why do you want to waste your life looking for something that doesn't exist. If no one's found it by now, no one ever will," Angel said quietly. "I'm going to find it," she implied sternly. Angel's eyes glazed over and he drew her into hug. "I missed you so much," he whispered into her hair. "I missed you to. Oh, Xander says to tell you, that he doesn't hate you despite the window incident." Caitlin repeated. Angel looked at her skeptically for a moment, until realization dawned on him. Angel smiled and started laughing. "Xander doesn't hate me? That has got to be a first. I thought he'd be happy because he actually does have a reason to hate me now." "Now tell me something, if Xander does't hate you do you really think the rest of them do?" Caitlin asked. "I don't know. Like I said I need to deal with this in my own way. I don't want to put any of them in danger ever again, especially Buffy." "Think of it this way, Angelus is the evil twin, and Angel is the good twin. Blame the guilt on him, it was his fault after all," Caitlin smirked. "You never did cease to amaze me," Angel smiled. "Even when things are so horrible that laughter seems miles away, you can always make me laugh." "Stop, or you'll make me cry." Caitlin pretended to sob. "Now you have some explaining to do, sister dear. How did you come to be here, as in not dead." "Oh, boy. It's a good thing we have forever to live because this may just take that long." "Well like you said I have forever, let's hear it," Angel persisted while taking a comfortable seat on his couch, glad to have persuaded his sister from continuing their recent conversation. "But I do have something to do when your done," he added with a cryptic smile. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Buffy was sitting on her bed silently staring at her open math book, until the ringing of the telephone broke her out of her daze. "Hello," she greeted. "Hey, it's Willow. I just wanted to see how you were doing," Willow stated concerned. "I'm doing alright, I guess." "Has he showed up or called?" she asked. "No, I think he's avoiding me. You don't know how bad I want to go see him," Buffy answered. "I think I do," Willow smiled to herself. "I'm just glad he's back, and Angelus won't be back to terrorize us anytime soon," Buffy breathed a sigh of relief. "Believe me so am I." Willow hurriedly added. "Why don't you get some sleep, you sound like you could use it, and don't worry everything will turn out fine. It's just a feeling I have." "Thanks Will, you're a great friend. Goodnight," Buffy supressed a yawn. "Goodnight, Buffy. Sleep tight," Willow responded before placing the telephone back on its cradle. Buffy hung up the phone, and slipped into a pair pajamas. Before laying down in bed she opened her window and glanced out feeling as if someone was watching her. She smiled slightly and shook her head. "No, I'm daydreaming again," she whispered to herself. The past few weeks were finally taking their toll on her, exhaustion overcame her and she was asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow. Little did she know of the lone figure hiding in the shadows watching her bedroom window, waiting for the lights to go out. As soon as it did the figure climbed onto the roof and seated himself outside of her window. The figure stood vigil over her as she slept, and took comfort in the fact that she was alive and safe. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* End of part be continued. - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 01 Apr 1998 18:35:50 EST From: "Clare H." Subject: Re: BUFFYFIC: DISCUSS: I can also relate. I'm on three (it used to be four) lists, I get a newsletter once a week, and I used to get three jokes a day, not to mention my e-mail crazy friends...(but of course I *love* all the attention!) Clare - ----Original Message Follows---- From: GothGirl77 Date: Mon, 30 Mar 1998 19:44:16 EST To: Subject: Re: BUFFYFIC: DISCUSS: Reply-To: In a message dated 98-03-29 23:59:15 EST, you write: << Ingrid, I'd LOVE the challenge...but unfortunetly I'm already in the middle of Three Lists, 9 Fanfics plus stuff on the you have any idea how much e-mail a day you get from 3 Lists? It's HELL, Hehehe. >> You know how much mail you get from 3 lists? Try 4 lists! Plus I'm on the FK War loop and 8 newsgroups. The amount of messages I read each night is incredible. Why do I read so many. Cause it's fun!!!!! Nastassia - - ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 1 Apr 1998 17:23:37 -0700 From: "Bernie Baguley" Subject: BUFFYFIC: Date: Thu, 2 Apr 1998 10:20:53 +1000 unsubscribe - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 2 Apr 98 01:41:43 From: Subject: RE: BUFFYFIC: DISCUSS: FORMATTING GUIDELINES - --- On Tue, 31 Mar 1998 20:40:11 PST "Leslie S." wrote: >I am sure that I as well as most of the list subscribers ignores the >re-issuance of the list rules on its regular basis. But I wanted to >point out that #7 is really important!!! Yep, this is the one that'll mean I'll need heaps of help when it comes to posting my story. I'm gonna be begging more intelligent people to count lines for me! I'm real stupid when it comes to numbers. >It is very hard to read a story with irregular line breaks, so much so >that often times I will not finish a story. > >PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE take a moment to check your format when sending >stories to the list. I am *so* relieved I'm not the only one with this problem. :) But even more than that I'm incredibly relieved that I haven't been suspended for forgetting to put DISCUSS in my headers . I promise I'll try to be a model citizen in future. :) Betzi - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 1 Apr 1998 20:09:31 EST From: GothGirl77 Subject: Re: BUFFYFIC: That Was The Day 2/2 That was so funny! Xander in a bunny suit! Oh man, they have to do an April Fool's episode of Buffy. It would be hilarious! This would be perfect for it. Xander in a bunny suit, man, my face hurts from laughing. Nastassia - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 01 Apr 1998 18:43:33 PST From: "Andrea Newbery" Subject: BUFFYFIC: Enough, (1/3) by Andrea Title:Enough Author: Andrea Newbery e-mail: Distribution: sure, as long as I know where. Rating: PG-13 Spoilers: everything up to KbD Summary: Definitly a Buffy/Angel story. A resolution to the events of Innocence though not exactly how I wanted it to go. Disclaimer: The characters of Angel, Buffy et al. are the property of Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, the WB and whoever else… No copyright infringement intended. Please don’t sue me I’m already up to my neck in debt! Feedback: Please...good, bad, whatever! Kill him Buffy please. It ran through his head continually, a mantra of pain. He remembered it so clearly, the demon breaking through, his soul coming loose from his body. He knew in those few seconds how much of a mistake it had been to get close to her. The demon would hate her for that, for the love he felt for her. He expected to disappear then… to float without thought like he had the first time. Oh God, the first time, before he’d been summoned back and known in an instant the horror the demon had committed in his name. The crimes he was responsible for, crimes the demon had enjoyed committing. This time he hadn’t gone very far, still floated without form, had to watch the pain the demon inflicted on her. The words he said to her, the torture the demon put her and her friends through. These people, good people, who were now paying for his sins. Every harsh word she said about him, to him, gave him hope, but then… nothing. His body still walked, still tortured…still killed. The demon had killed Jenny. This pain was too new, too fresh, he didn't know how to deal with it. The only thing he understood was that she had to kill his body. He had thought that the first moments after the gypsy curse had been painful. They were nothing compared to this; this was his Buffy the demon was torturing. He did this… knew it, accepted that the blame was his, but he hadn’t known the cost of this love would be so high for her. It wasn’t right; he should be the only one to suffer. The love was fading from her eyes, but not quickly enough. Angelus… he… would destroy her before that happened. Now that the demon had killed Jenny, the deaths would only come quicker, giving her less time to recover, to overcome the guilt. If only he could help her, show her that it wasn’t him, that the body held no relation to the man she had loved. It had to be soon, the demon was working much quicker than he had thought he would. He should have done this sooner but he had held on to the hope she would find a way to get back, to re-curse him. That had died with Jenny. She had to kill the demon… soon. He thought about trying to appear in her dreams but she was already using him to explain things for herself. He needed to summon every last ounce of his strength, his will and most of all his love for her, to get his message through. A message through the watcher, the person she trusted most, given during the day, by the window. He knew it would be hard for Giles to see his face but he had no choice. A voice without form was to easily explained away. “Giles...” He formed a vision of himself, a hologram with no real substance. He hoped it would be enough. “Angel... it’s daytime... how?” He had to come in the day. To make sure they would now it was him and that he was separate; so Giles could believe it was he and not the demon who had killed his love. “She has to understand Giles, I’m not in that body, I’m already gone. He has to die, please Giles, he has to die.” His words came out in a rush tripping over each other in his hurry to make him understand before time ran out. He had to make him understand, so he could help her, so she could know it was okay. He wanted her to kill his body, needed her to kill it. The watcher had to convince her. It had to be enough. ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 01 Apr 1998 18:45:25 PST From: "Andrea Newbery" Subject: BUFFYFIC: Enough (2/3) by Andrea Title:Enough Author: Andrea Newbery e-mail: Distribution: sure, as long as I know where. Rating: PG-13 Spoilers: everything up to KbD Summary: Definitly a Buffy/Angel story. A resolution to the events of Innocence though not exactly how I wanted it to go. Disclaimer: The characters of Angel, Buffy et al. are the property of Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, the WB and whoever else… No copyright infringement intended. Please don’t sue me I’m already up to my neck in debt! Feedback: Please...good, bad, whatever! He felt her first, the love, then the fear. “Get away from him” So cold, to feel hate from her. “Buffy, it’s…it’s our Angel, it’s daytime, it’s his soul.” She collapsed then… oh God what had he done? He only wanted to help and he couldn’t even touch her, he was just a vision, an apparition. He had no body to pull hers off the floor with. She was here now and maybe that was for the best. Since she had seen him, maybe he could convince her it had to be done, she had to let him go. Oh God, he would never touch her again, hold her again, the pain rocketed through his whole being as the enormity of what they had lost took hold. He missed her so much but there was no way back, to undo what had been done. He had to make her see, help her to forgive herself. She had to understand that all blame was his alone. “Angel” her voice…. “I’m here, I’m free now Buffy. I’m sorry, I didn’t want to leave you, I never want to leave you but he has to die. I have to die, please; he’ll only get worse. He wants to destroy you, kill everyone you know. Now that he’s started he’ll kill quicker, be more evil, please, kill him” “But…” “No, Buffy, there is no buts, no escape clause for us, remember how much I love you, how happy we were, that night. One hundred years of torture were worth it, for me, in that moment. Don’t blame yourself, it’s my fault; it always was. I had no right to be loved and I let you do it anyway and I’m sorry.” Was he getting through to her, he was weakening, only his love, his determination that she would not pay anymore for his sins held him there, visible. “ Let me carry the burden Buffy, you kill him. It’s not me, I’m gone and there is no way back… I couldn’t go back.” “But… Angel, I love you, if we could re-curse you, restore your soul, we could ….” “NO! Buffy, you’ve seen the demon, he has to be stopped. There is no time for anything else, he’s already killed Jenny, he’ll go after the rest of them soon, please….” “Angel…” She was weakening now, seeing the truth, coming to know as he had that hope for them was gone now, they would not be together again. His thoughts screamed at him, how could he have done this to her, what right did he have to love, but later, he would hate himself later. For now, he had to finish it, convince her, however he could. “Buffy, please I see everything he does, I feel what he feels, he is pure evil, but I’m tethered to him until my body is gone. I have to watch what he does, who he kills, what he says to you. It hurts me as much as it hurts you, I…” “O.K.” Thank you God, Thank you. “I will love you forever” He was fading now, his sense of relief so strong. “I’ll never forget you Angel, never forget how much I love you, I’ll always belong to you” “Buffy, you gave me love, acceptance and trust when I deserve nothing, you gave me hope in an existence of doom and now you are giving me freedom, I am yours.” “Angel, don’t go yet…” He was invisible to her now, and he waited to see if she could do it, if she understood… if he had killed her last ray of hope. He watched her, realizing it was the first time he had seen her in the sunlight, his soul ached for her, for the completeness she gave him. He knew and accepted that some crimes can never be forgiven. When his body died he would be dragged into hell along with the demon that inhabited his body. It would be enough for the moments of love, to see the love in her eyes, the faith in him, vampire, killer of his family. He deserved his fate, wanted it, to free her from the demon's torture and the fate that awaited her if his body lived. Whatever torture could be devised for him could never be worse than her suffering. She had loved him, saw the good in him, gave herself to him; the wonder of it still awed him. She would not pay anymore for the love she had given him. She smiled then and looked to where he had appeared. “I’ll do it” she whispered “I’ll free you from him because I love you to much to try to bring you back to pay for his crimes, to feel guilt for him.” Even now her only thoughts were of his pain, could he have been given a greater gift? “And when it’s over, my tour of duty as the slayer, when it ends as we all know it will, in the way we all know it will, you’d better be there waiting for me. I got gypped in this life but I’m going to get eternity with you. I still believe we are meant to be together” Oh Buffy, I wish…but I have to pay for my crimes. “I know you’re probably thinking that you’ll be going to hell, but why? You are you and the demon is the demon, you’re not him and you’ve suffered more than enough for a choice you made as a young man. I believe that we will be together again and that will get me through” With that she collapsed into the chair. He watched Giles comfort her and prayed to a God he had betrayed to keep her safe. She was quiet until just before dusk and then she got up grim-faced and turned to Giles, “Tonight Giles, I have to free him tonight, while I’m still strong enough to let him go.” Please God, give her the strength to kill him. Let this afternoon be enough to convince her that I can never go back, we can never go back. He felt the tugging start then like he was a kite being pulled in. The demon was waking. He couldn’t get very far from him when he was awake, was forced to watch his body kill, torture, another punishment for the choice he had made as a young man. Sometimes it felt so unfair, he hadn’t known what the consequences would be, this torture would never end for him. For Buffy, though, it could end tonight, she could stop paying for his crimes along side him. He waited in the factory hoping she would do it tonight. Angelus was alone with Spike and Spike was in no condition to help him. The demon would never expect her to go on the offensive, to seek him out, to come to his lair. He thought she was still held back by the memory of her Angel. “Angel” She stood in the doorway, a vision in white, sending him off with style. He watched as she fought him, completely focused on finishing it, on killing him. The demon had been caught off guard; he’d had no intention of killing her anytime soon. She fought well, clean, quick, no emotion. This was the last thing she could do for her love. He knew it as the demon felt the first stirring of fear, as his taunts of her had no effect. He smiled, so proud of her courage and sacrifice. She pushed the stake in finally, with little fanfare and watched as the body of the man she loved turn to dust. She was free... his punishment was no longer hers. The string was broken and for the first time in over 200 years his soul was completely free. With all his strength he reached out and touched her face, “I love you." She cried then, he watched as she released every hidden hope she had for a reprieve from fate or God or whoever. He waited as she calmed down and stood up, "I’ll see you again Angel, remember I love you”. She walked out of the factory, a vision in white, his angel, the only one he would ever see. He waited, for the demons to come and carry him off to hell, happy that his body, his voice wouldn’t torture her anymore. He followed her to her home, into her bedroom, still waiting to be taken away. He watched as she put the cross he gave her on, then the ring. She smiled, a sad smile for a lost love, but no longer full of guilt and pain. She spoke to him then; “We had something special Angel, something worth having. It will go on, someday, somewhere, we will be together again. I know this with all my soul. I may love again in this world, but my soul belongs to yours for all eternity”. He cried then his whole soul aching for what they had and what it had cost them, cost her. He cried for the love that burned so steadily in her eyes, the same love that seared itself onto his very being. He barely noticed as the room filled with a wonderful light. He slowly became aware of a presence, another spirit, full of goodness and hope. He watched as it approached him, taking the form of a man as it did. A vision of a perfectly good man, with such kindness shining through he could barely look. This vision was talking to him, without words, telling him it was okay. Telling him the guilt wasn’t his, it never had been, he had made a wrong choice as a young man but he didn’t have to pay for eternity. None of the cruel acts committed by the demon were his. Oh, if only it were true, and this vision was saying it was and that he had to go with him, it would all be okay now. He had to leave Buffy. He turned and saw her watching him, them, in awe. She smiled and sent him off freely with a love so pure it rolled into his soul like waves traveling through him, never leaving. He reached out to her and gained enough form to hold her close, smooth back her hair and kiss her good-bye. It was enough. ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 01 Apr 1998 18:47:35 PST From: "Andrea Newbery" Subject: BUFFYFIC: Enough, (3/3) by Andrea Title:Enough Author: Andrea Newbery e-mail: Distribution: sure, as long as I know where. Rating: PG-13 Spoilers: everything up to KbD Summary: Definitly a Buffy/Angel story. A resolution to the events of Innocence though not exactly how I wanted it to go. Disclaimer: The characters of Angel, Buffy et al. are the property of Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, the WB and whoever else… No copyright infringement intended. Please don’t sue me I’m already up to my neck in debt! Feedback: Please...good, bad, whatever! She walked through the graveyard, sure-footed, secure in her abilities. In the five years since Angel she had become more committed to her destiny. Seeing it not only as ridding the world of evil but also of rescuing the souls of the bodies the demons had stolen. Freeing them as she knew Angel was free. She felt his presence close to her tonight, she always did when she was in real danger. He still tried to protect her, still gave his strength to her, so she could live, continue to fulfill her destiny. She talked to him often, telling him of her life. There was so much he had missed, Xander and Cordelia's wedding, Oz and Willow's new Computer Company. She told him of Giles and his new love, and how happy they were. She told him of her parents rediscovering one another. There was so much happiness in her life, so much love. She didn’t regret, couldn’t regret, loving him, even now, when she was alone, his presence still too large in her life to have room for anyone else. She was happy with her life, her friends, even her duty, but her soul wouldn’t be complete until she was with him again. It was her birthday tonight, twenty-two, the same age as Angel was when he died, was made a vampire. Five years since they joined together as one, it was all fitting somehow. It was over for her tonight, this life. She had accomplished a lot in the five years since she had lost him. Spike and Drusilla were long dead along with the majority of the vampires who had called Sunnydale home. She had killed countless other demons and even had two years of college under her belt. She hadn’t been afraid when Giles had read the prophecy that foretold her death on her twenty-second birthday. Since seeing Angel go into the light, for lack of a better description, she had known everything would be okay. If she died tonight Angel would be waiting for her, if she lived he would still wait. They had eternity to be together, she didn’t have to rush. She prepared though, told everyone what she needed to, finished writing up her version of the slayer diaries. She prayed for the strength to do her duty and then she proudly went to face her death. It came in the form of a group of the Master’s minions who had been planning this revenge for six years. She fought well, killed them all but the damage to her body was more than it could recover from. Giles, Willow and Xander all gathered around and said their final good-byes. Her Angel came then, a vision of himself surrounded by light and her soul lifted to stand beside him, ”Don’t be sad, please, I’m finally complete again. Rejoice in my life, our accomplishments, and the evil we erased from this earth. Remember our friendship and how much we love each other. I’m with Angel now, enjoy your lives, your loves as much as I enjoy the love I have." She turned to him then, reached out her hand and he folded her into him. Such love from him, it filled every inch of who she was, as her love had filled him. He smiled at her, a full smile with no guilt, no regrets, just joy and love. They all heard them laughing as their light faded away and disappeared. It floated lightly on the air surrounding them and they sat together and listened. It was enough. ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 1 Apr 1998 20:49:11 -0500 From: (Ingrid E Stanton) Subject: BUFFYFIC: DISCUSS: Answer this challenge, everybody! To whom it may concern- Since Aurelia is busy with her many in-progress Buffyfics, I would like to present my challenge to anyone who feels up to it. Here goes... CHALLENGE: How 'bout some Angel/Willow fic? Sure, I know it's weird, but so was Spike/Willow. If a good writer gets hold of this, the impossible becomes a really cool story. I call it experimentation. - -Ingrid: Author of many long Buffyfics (and some short ones). "Return to Normalcy," "One Vampire's Headache...," "This Fleeting Hope," "Ghost of a Chance," "Tragic Sighs" and "Footsteps." Oh! BTW, I've been working on my "ten years into the future" story, in case anyone was wondering. I'm working on the fourth part right now, but I want to get well into it before I start sending it to the list. Can you say 'pressure?' =) _____________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 1 Apr 1998 22:58:36 -0800 From: (Charity C Tran) Subject: Re: BUFFYFIC: DISCUSS: Answer this challenge, everybody! On Wed, 1 Apr 1998 20:49:11 -0500 (Ingrid E Stanton) writes: >To whom it may concern- >Since Aurelia is busy with her many in-progress Buffyfics, I would >like to present my challenge to anyone who feels up to it. Here >goes... > >CHALLENGE: How 'bout some Angel/Willow fic? Sure, I know it's weird, >but so was Spike/Willow. If a good writer gets hold of this, the >impossible becomes a really cool story. I call it experimentation. >-Ingrid: Author of many long Buffyfics (and some short ones). "Return >to Normalcy," >"One Vampire's Headache...," "This Fleeting Hope," "Ghost of a >Chance," "Tragic >Sighs" and "Footsteps." > >Oh! BTW, I've been working on my "ten years into the future" story, in >case anyone was wondering. I'm working on the fourth part right now, >but I want to get well into it before I start sending it to the list. >Can you say 'pressure?' =) I'll take the challenge, but whether it will be good fanfic or totally reek to no end is debatable. I'm brainstorming as I type. Taygeta 8~) ( Writer of "The Chronicles of the White Knight" Writer of "Capeside: the Hellmouth" Writer of "Beyond the Creek" "Xander's lips met hers, softly and gently, and all Buffy could think about was that this was wow and a whole lot more." - from "Chronicles of the White Knight #5 In the Hands of Astarte _____________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 2 Apr 1998 06:47:08 -0800 From: (Charity C Tran) Subject: BUFFYFIC: Re: Discussion: Challenge On Wed, 1 Apr 1998 20:49:11 -0500 (Ingrid E Stanton) writes: > >CHALLENGE: How 'bout some Angel/Willow fic? I'll take the challenge, but whether it will be good fanfic or totally reek to no end is debatable. I'm brainstorming as I type. Taygeta 8~) ( Writer of "The Chronicles of the White Knight" Writer of "Capeside: the Hellmouth" Writer of "Beyond the Creek" "Xander's lips met hers, softly and gently, and all Buffy could think about was that this was wow and a whole lot more." - from "Chronicles of the White Knight #5 In the Hands of Astarte _____________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 2 Apr 1998 18:06:37 EST From: Jaclyn Amy Subject: BUFFYFIC: BUFFYFIC I Dreamed A Dream (1/1) by Jaclyn Amy TITLE: I Dreamed A Dream AUTHOR: Jaclyn Amy DISCLAIMER: I do not own the rights or characters to Buffy the Vampire Slayer or Les Miserables. Buffy the Vampire Slayer is owned by Joss Wheden, 20th Century Fox, Sandollar Productions, etc. "I Dreamed a Dream" is owned by Alain Boublil, Claude-Michael Schonberg, etc. No infringement intended. DISTRIBUTION: Ask me first. RATING: PG SPOILERS: None. SUMMARY: Angel’s soul has been taken from him, and he is now Angelus. He has killed Ms. Calendar and caused Buffy a great deal of pain. Buffy is upset and distressed at his torture. FEEDBACK: Please!!! This is my first fanfic, so be nice. Well, here it goes….. There was a time when men were kind When their voices were soft And their words inviting There was a time when love was blind And the world was a song And the song was exciting There was a time Then it all went wrong It has been three years, and I still sometimes wakeup and think Angel is here. I can still feel his arms around me, and when I close my eyes, I can still see his face. I play his voice in my head over and over until tears fill my eyes. It should’ve gotten easier over time. The pain should’ve left. As the Slayer, I should not still be mourning. But I can’t help but think of when he and I were a couple, madly in love. When everything was wonderful. When I counted the minutes until I saw him. But that is gone. I dreamed a dream in times gone by When hope was high And life worth living I dreamed that love would never die I dreamed that God would be forgiving Then I was young and unafraid And dreams were made and used and wasted There was no ransom to be paid No song unsung No wine untasted I remember when I thought that nothing could separate us. I was so young and blind. I never imagined what kind of pain that life could put you through. I thought my duty was such a terrible fate. I thought love would last forever; we would be together forever. I dreamed that I would spend every night in his bed. I dreamed that he would always be there to help me solve a problem or kiss my tears away. I was so oblivious of life’s cruelties. I took for granted the fact that I could see him every day. Life was perfect. But the tigers come at night With their voices soft as thunder As they tear your hope apart And they turn your dream to shame He slept a summer by my side He filled my days with endless wonder He took my childhood in his stride But he was gone when autumn came But it couldn’t last. No, life had to take him away. Life took my dreams away. I couldn’t live a life of happines. I remember my seventeen birthday night so vividly. We had run through the rain to his appartment after facing the Judge. The pain of a cut I had was emence. "Take off you shirt," he had ordered. I followed his command. "It’s already closed up." We kissed the most passionate kiss. "Buffy, maybe we shouldn’t-" "Just kiss me." He did just that…and more. It was the best experience of my life, and by far the most memorable. His sweet kisses, his gentle hands, the words "I love you." I do not regret making love to him; only the unknown consequences that had come with it. I had lay in his arms all night, but when I awoke, he was gone. Little did I know, it would be forever. And still I dream he'll come to me That we will live the years together But there are dreams that cannot be And there are storms we cannot weather I had a dream my life would be So different from this hell I'm living So different now from what it seemed Now life has killed The dream I dreamed My first instinct when there is a problem still is to run to him. I hope that one day, he will come back and we will finish our lives together. But that can’t and won’t ever happen. I know that Angel is gone, and there isn’t anything I can do to bring him back. I can still hope, though. I think hope is the only thing that keeps me alive. Hope and love. Though my life is so different from the way I desired, I can’t let it affect my future. Life is bitch; I’ve learned to accept it. But I’ll never accept that he is gone. I love him, but I’m on my own. Life has killed the dream I dream. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ------------------------------ I Dreamed A Dream There was a time when men were kind When their voices were soft And their words inviting There was a time when love was blind And the world was a song And the song was exciting There was a time Then it all went wrong I dreamed a dream in times gone by When hope was high And life worth living I dreamed that love would never die I dreamed that God would be forgiving Then I was young and unafraid And dreams were made and used and wasted There was no ransom to be paid No song unsung No wine untasted But the tigers come at night With their voices soft as thunder As they tear your hope apart And they turn your dream to shame He slept a summer by my side He filled my days with endless wonder He took my childhood in his stride But he was gone when autumn came And still I dream he'll come to me That we will live the years together But there are dreams that cannot be And there are storms we cannot weather I had a dream my life would be So different from this hell I'm living So different now from what it seemed Now life has killed The dream I dreamed The End - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ------------------------------ - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 2 Apr 1998 18:14:43 EST From: G90210 Subject: Re: BUFFYFIC: BUFFYFIC this was really good, it had me on the verge of tears. i think, you should do a follow up to that, where you have Angel come back(can never get enough of thoughs) because you seem very good with telling how she was feeling. ~mInDy - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 2 Apr 1998 18:27:23 EST From: Jaclyn Amy Subject: BUFFYFIC: Thanks Thanks, mInDy. I don't think I'm going to do a follow up on that one, but I'm starting a new one called Star-Crossed Lovers that will definately show Buffy's feelings. But reader beware, it's going to be pretty sad. - -Jaclyn - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 2 Apr 1998 20:22:13 EST From: GothGirl77 Subject: Re: BUFFYFIC: I Dreamed A Dream (1/1) This was great! I love stories that use song lyrics, and yours was very well written. From one fanfic newbie to another, keep it up! It's fun and all the feedback is a total ego boost! Nastassia - - ------------------------------ End of Buffyfic-digest V2 #89 ***************************** To subscribe to buffyfic or buffyfic-digest, send the command subscribe buffyfic-digest or subscribe buffyfic to You will need to go through a confirmation process, and the listowners have to manually approve your subscription request, so it may take some time. 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