From: (buffyfic-digest) To: Subject: buffyfic-digest V2 #95 Reply-To: $SENDER Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk buffyfic-digest Sunday, April 5 1998 Volume 02 : Number 095 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sun, 5 Apr 1998 09:52:23 EDT From: Jaclyn Amy Subject: BUFFYFIC:StarCross'd Lovers(2/5) Star-Cross’d Lovers (2/5) by Jaclyn Amy TITLE: Star-Cross’d Lovers AUTHOR: Jaclyn Amy RATING: PG DISTRIBUTION: Ask me first. SPOILERS: None. SUMMARY: Angel is Angelus and has killed Ms. Calendar. Pretty much, this just shows how strong Angel’s and Buffy’s love is. Oh, and this isn’t your regular restoration story. This gets sad, so if you are not into that kind of thing, don’t read it. DISCLAIMER: I do not own Buffy the Vampire Slayer. It is owned by Joss Wheden, Mutant Enemy, Sandollar Productions, 20th Century Fox, etc. No infringement intended. FEEDBACK: Please. Star-Cross’d Lovers(2/5) Buffy bravely lured Angelus to the library where she was going to perform the Restoration Ceremony. She had evreything she needed: a Thesselan Orb, Angelus, and a copy of the spell. "Well, well, well. I see you’ve decorated for me," Angelus sneered. "Y’like? I picked it out all by myself." "I hope you like my little presents. I made sure to give the very best." With that, she reached for a stake, but stopped herself. Instead, she started chanting the spell. Angelus fell to the ground in emense pain. "I’m gonna kill you, you little bitch!" But he couldn’t move. His body started to sting all over, and he shrieked. Suddenly, the pain stopped, and he was perfectly fine. "Buffy?" he whispered. He stood up and turned to see her. He quickly grabbed and held her. She leaned up and looked in his eyes. "Angel?" It was more of a statement than a question. He, too, looked in her eyes and was aghast at what he saw. Those weren’t the eyes of the Buffy he knew, but the eyes of someone emensely in agony. Memories flooded his mind. He had murdered them all, and it had killed Buffy. He couldn’t take it back. How could he even say he’s sorry and expect for her to understand. "Buffy, I’m…" "Angel, don’t. It isn’t your fault." Tears started falling down her face: tears of joy, tears of sadness, tears of anger. "Angel, Angelus was the one who did this; not you. You are in no way responsible; I am. But now he’s gone forever. You’re human, Angel. We’re just going to have to move on." But the look on her face told him that she was still hurting. "Buffy, I love you. I don’t regret making love to you, only the consequenses that follow. Don’t believe a word he said, ‘cause none of it’s true. You were terrific. Buffy-" "Just hold me." And he did just that. Together, they cried and cried. Finally, Angel let go. "I have a decision to make." "What are you talking about?" "When you are a true human and the demon is completely gone, you have a decision to make. You have two choices: One, you can start off at the age you died at and live a normal life. Or-" "Yes." "It’s not that simple, Buff. The other choice is to let all those you have murdered since the last full moon live, and you will perish, as if you weren’t a vampire. I have one day to make the decision. If I choose to live, we must perform this ceromony again. If I don’t, I will die, and Giles and Xander and Willow and Cordelia and your mom will be restored. Buffy, I want you to make the decision." "I, I can’t do that. I can’t choose between you and them." "Buffy, you have one day, and if you can’t make your mind up, the choice will be made for you. Is it me, your love, or them, your friends and relatives?" End Part 2 - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 5 Apr 1998 11:40:34 -0400 From: (Ingrid E Stanton) Subject: BUFFYFIC: "Reunion" (5/?) by Ingrid DISCLAIMER: The characters of Angel, Buffy, Cordy Willow, Xander, Jenny, Giles & company are the property of Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, Sandollar Productions, and The Warner Brothers Network, and are used without permission. The author claims no rights to these characters. SUMMARY: Welcome to my new story. This one might be a tad difficult to understand at first, since it takes place ten years into the future, and I’m not telling you what’s happened in advance. I’m going to reveal that as time goes on in the story. I love to get feedback, except when my mailbox explodes, which is often, but send it anyway! My address is If you don’t get this, that’s because you haven’t read the other parts. If you want to get this, ask me for it! ********* "Reunion," by Ingrid Part Five: "Peace" ********* It was raining again. The silver drops slipped along the window, merging and descending to the bottom. He watched idly, his mind somewhere far away as he sipped the tea. He grimaced. It had become cold while he’d been sitting. There was nothing to do today. Stores were closed, and the world froze with Sunday’s passage. Everything was still. At peace. Far outside it was cool, and the ground swelled with the sky’s moisture. The soft pattering on the window accompanied the silence in a monotonous symphony. Everything seemed monotonous now. A tea-bag. The rain. Getting up. Getting dressed. The worst by far was thinking. Thinking led to remembering, and more than anything, Rupert Giles wanted to forget. His objection to the dullness of everyday life was not so much the dullness in itself, but rather the way it made you think about other, more exciting times. If only something different would happen so he didn’t have to think about any of them. He could still see the young woman’s face on the last day. She’d been so happy. After all these years, she was finally free. She’d done the impossible, which meant that he’d done his job better than any of his predecessors. That’s what it was supposed to mean, at least. Then there’d been the dark-haired man behind her who’d still seemed out of place in the light of day. Giles hadn’t been able to bring himself to look at his face. The relief didn’t hit him until after the mumbled goodbye and the plane ride back to England. It hit him as he limped from the London airport and reached the old family house. That’s when he’d finally understood that it was over. And it was only a few days more when he’d realized he couldn’t stay with his family. This was his retreat. No guests, no phone calls, and only the occasional letter. He was alone, except for the ghosts. They came in dreams, rather, nightmares. Painful visions of the only woman he’d ever loved. Her graying body sprinkled with rose petals. That horrible opera. Then the little red-haired hacker, helplessly clutching her killer’s neck; falling. The funeral procession. The bodies combined into a nameless victim with a thousand faces. Dirt settling on top of the lacquered wood. The phone’s shrill sound ripped through his reverie, jolting him awake. It took him three rings before he’d recovered enough to answer. "Hello?" "Giles? It’s Buffy. I need your help." ***** END, PART 5. Comments? Questions? Write to me at Ingrid: Author of many long Buffyfics (and some short ones). "Return to Normalcy," "One Vampire's Headache...," "This Fleeting Hope," "Ghost of a Chance," "Tragic Sighs" and "Footsteps." _____________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 05 Apr 1998 08:46:08 PDT From: "Tracy Cain" Subject: BUFFYFIC: The Third Child: (1/?) Name: The Third Child Author: Rihanon Address: Feedback: This is my first story, so please share! Good? Bad? Ugly? I crave this information!!!!!!!! Distribution: Anya can have it, anyone else who wants it can e-mail me and ask. I'll say yes, but please ask first. Summary: Spike has a plot. (So what else is new?) Spoilers: uh- What's My Line? Definitely before S/I, though. Disclaimer: In no way am I creative enough to come up with the characters used in this story. If you recognize anything, it's not mine, and belongs to the evil Joss. Warnings: This part's not too bad, some violence, later parts will be worse, depending on your point of view. Rating: PG, I think. Maybe PG-13, I'm a really bad judge of this. ****************** The Third Child: (1/?) By Rihanon ****************** Buffy pushed a rebellious strand of hair out of her face as she knocked on the door. It was soon opened, and she felt her heart begin to pound as she gazed at his face. Angel moved to the side to allow her to enter, and she smiled as she brushed past him. "Hey." "Hey. You're here early," he observed. She shrugged. "I missed you." "You were here last night." "So?" He laughed, low in his throat, as he pulled her into his arms. "I missed you too," he murmured softly as he bent down to kiss her. The Slayer shivered at the taste of his lips as she melted into his embrace, wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him even closer. She loved the feel of his arms around her, the hard muscles of his chest and shoulders gently cradling her body. He inhaled the scent of her hair as he savored the kiss, his hands sliding across her back, caressing her slender body. Buffy pulled away slightly, gasping for breath, before claiming his mouth again. Eventually, she broke it off, sighing lightly. "I hate to say this, but I promised Giles I'd hunt tonight, to make up for missing so much time recently." He smiled that small subdued smile of his that she loved. "All right. Stop by again tomorrow?" "Like anything could keep me away." ***************************************************** "Giles," Buffy called out as she entered the library next morning. "Oh, there you are Buffy," said the librarian coming out from behind a stack of books, "How did hunting go last night?" "That's the weird thing. I made a pass of all the usual vampy haunts after I left Angel's, but I didn't see one. That's the second night in a row; it's like they're in hibernation or something." "Ummm, yes. That is rather odd." "Could it be because of Spike and Drucilla getting killed?" "I rather doubt it. The death of their leaders would have caused the local vampires to become both demoralized and rather disorganized, but I can't imagine them all going into hiding." "Well," she began, turning as the library doors opened. "Hi, Will, Xander." "Hi Buff," he said. "Slay any interesting vampires last night?" "No, the only one I even saw was Angel." "So, I repeat: slay any interesting vampires last night?" "Xander!" Willow exclaimed in exasperation. "Of course not." The bell rang, and Buffy looked up in irritation. "Oh crap, I'd better get to class; Snyder's really been on my case lately." "Yes, yes, of course," Giles muttered. "Stop by after school, and I'll, um, see if I can find an explanation for last night's aberration." "Will do. See you guys." "So, Giles, any luck?" she asked as she dropped her books on the table. "Actually, no; I admit, I'm quite baffled. Everything I read indicated that the only reason a whole town of vampires might, uh, ‘stay in' as it were, is that a strong leader is compelling them to do so. And we know that their leader was Spike." "Well, is it possible that they have a new leader?" "Possible, but highly unlikely. There were no other vampires in town that the others feared enough to follow, and I would think that we would have heard if anyone new had shown up. I have no idea what's going on." "So that's it? ‘Sorry, wait and see what tries to kill you next,' that's all you have for me?" "Buffy, I'm sorry. Have you spoken to Angel about all this?" "No, but I'll ask him tonight when I see him." "Yes, and let me know tomorrow if he had any insights into our dilemma." ***************************************************** Buffy walked through the graveyard, deep in thought. Still no vampires, and that lack was really making her nervous. On the surface it appeared to be a good thing, but she just *knew* they were up to something. Determinately she pushed her worries out of her mind, letting her thoughts wander. Angel... They always wandered to the same place anyway. She loved him, she was finally accepting that, but that thought caused another worry to flit through her mind. Her thoughts were interrupted as a chill feeling of evil slid across her skin. Disturbed, she whirled around trying to pinpoint the source. She heard air rushing over something as it hurtled towards her, and she threw herself to the ground. Claws rent the air where she had stood a moment before. As Buffy looked up, she saw a creature straight out of her worst nightmares. Leathery wings beat through the night as it wheeled to face her, looking like some kind of devil straight out of scripture. The creature lunged at her, it's claws raking her shoulder. She screamed as desperately she tried to bring her stake up. She finally managed to raise her stake, pitiful against this *thing* but the only weapon she had. As she felt blackness descend around her, she rammed the stake home with the last of her strength. She smelled sulfur and heard a distant scream as she fell to the ground, blood pouring from her shoulder, arm and chest. Behind her she heard derisive, mocking laughter. "My, my, it appears the little Slayer can barely handle a small hate-wraith. If such as *you* can give Spike so much trouble, it's a wonder he's still alive."A tall, slender vampire, his long dark hair framing violet eyes, walked languidly into her field of view. "If that's the best you can do, this won't be nearly as entertaining as I had hoped." He shrugged, "Oh well, it's not as though you're my actual target." Reaching down, he took hold of her hair, and, with a casual strength, dragged her to her feet. "I want you to deliver a message to Angelus, little Slayer; can you do that?" he inquired, giving her a rough shake. Buffy whimpered involuntarily in pain as the motion jarred her wounds. "Good. Tell him that Rasitin is in town, and that it's payback time. I'm going to show him how well I learned his lessons, and before I'm done- he'll beg to die. Maybe if he's very lucky, I'll leave you out of it." He laughed again as he released her. "Be a good girl, and hurry up now," he called after her as she stumbled away towards Angel's. ***************************************************** I think this part was rather cliched, if so forgive me. And if you're wondering who Rasitin is, you have to wait until part 2 to find out. ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - - ------------------------------ End of buffyfic-digest V2 #95 ***************************** -