From: (buffyfic-digest) To: Subject: buffyfic-digest V2 #97 Reply-To: $SENDER Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk buffyfic-digest Sunday, April 5 1998 Volume 02 : Number 097 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sun, 5 Apr 1998 11:48:30 -0700 From: (Charity C Tran) Subject: BUFFYFIC: My Moira (1/?) Title: My Moira (1/?) Author: Taygeta E-mail: Feedback: It's new and I really need the thoughts, so please send. Distribution: Anywhere you think appropriate, but please tell me first. Spoiler: Not really Description: Twenty years into the future, 'nuff said. Disclaimer: The Buffy characters portrayed in this story and any other references to Buffy the Vampire Slayer are the property of its creater Joss Whedon, and its owners Mutant Enemy productions, Kuzui Productions, Sandollar Productions, and 20th Century Fox. Rating: PG, just kissing. ****************************** My Moira (1/?) By: Taygeta "Xander...oh, Xander," a coquettish voice said calling Alexander "Xander" Harris out of his deep slumber. He opened his eyes slowly, and they met the most beautiful sight...his wife. "Hey," Xander said softly as a smile appeared upon her face. "Hey, yourself," she said as she lightly kissed face; his forehead, his brow, his cheek, and just when she was about to reach his lips, she made a move to jump out of bed. "Not so fast," Xander said with a laugh as he grabbed her waist gently and then hushed her giggling lips with his. "I'd say get a room, but this is your room. So, I'm going to say get a room and close the door," retorted fifteen-year-old Moira Willow Harris leaning against the doorframe of her parents' bedroom. Xander coughed slightly as he let go of his wife, who was noticeable turning pinkish, despite the fact that their daughter had seen them in their passionate moments for more times than she liked to admit. Moira saw her mother kiss her father on the cheek gently before she got out of bed and walked to the door with a sigh. She looked at Moira with a smile, a shake of her head, and then said, "Just my luck, my daughter gets my husband's sense of humor," and she kissed her daughter and walked out of the door. "Moira, you also got my bad timing," said Xander with a yawn, causing Moira rolled her eyes, and close the door to let her dad sleep. Xander lay back on his pillows, but didn't fall asleep. He thought about how everything had changed since they had closed the Hellmouth twenty years ago. Everything was decidedly peaceful and there were no more vampires to slay or creatures of the night and day to fight, just the normal ones. He sighed in content, for the last few years, he had lived in peace and happiness that he had never known could exist. He found it everyday in his daughter, in his life, and in the love of his life...Buffy Summers. _____________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 05 Apr 1998 16:47:52 From: Sarah Douglas Subject: BUFFYFIC: "The Cure" (3/14) DISCLAIMER: I don't own Buffy or any of the other wonderful characters in the Buffyverse. I am using them without the permission of the people who do own them who are not going to sue me because I am not making any money off this. Joss Whedon, WB, Mutant Enemy, Kusui and Sandollar own the Buffy characters. DISTRIBUTION: Just ask. RATING: Probably PG FEEDBACK: I would love to know what you all think of this. Please send me feedback. Pretty please. SUMMARY: Okay, well this takes place while Ms. Calendar is still alive, but Angel is evil, so probably Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered. It's another "Angel gets his soul back" story which I wrote to convince myself that Angel could be good again. It's kind of long and I'm sorry about that you all. Well, enough with the talk, on with the show. AUTHOR'S MESSAGE: I'm looking for spoilers for the last few eps this season. If anyone knows some or where I can find some, I would really appriciate knowing. On with the show The Cure (3/14) Giles was sitting at the table, rubbing his temples. Willow sat across form him looking pale and worried. Xander sat next to her with his arm around her, as if trying to protect her. He was bitting his lower lip, looking off as if trying to come up with a plan. Buffy came in from Giles' office with two cups of tea. She put one in front of Giles and the other in front of Willow. "Okay, we need a plan. My mom is in New York, looking for new paintings so I have no problem moving in with Willow and protecting her," Buffy suggested, taking charge of the group. "My mom's at a conference and my dad's still on a business trip, so I'm on my own," Willow spoke up. "That's good luck," Buffy said. "Yes, it is, but we have to get you out right away. After school, I want both of you, go together, to go home, pack a bag and meet back here. Go quickly, I want everyting done before sunset," Giles instructed. Buffy and Willow nodded in agreement. Giles smiled in return and sipped his tea. ***************** Jenny Calendar had been searching the web, e-mailing her friends and trying whatever she could think of to figure out what to do to give Angel back his soul. Now, she leaned back in her chair and sipped her coffee. She looked around the classroom, realizing that she didn't know what had happened in any of her classes. She decided she should see what was going on. She walked around and asked her students what they were doing and if they had any problems. As she was talking with a student, suddenly she figured out who could help her. <> she realized. Jenny continued discussing things with her students until the bell finally rang. She dismissed her class and hurried to the phone in her office. She punched in the number they had given her "for emergincies only." She waited and it rang once, twice, then: "Hello?" "Hi, it's Janna." ***************** The final bell rang and Buffy and Willow headed for their lockers. They dropped off their stuff and headed out. They walked along together toward Willow's house. Willow looked over at Buffy, who looked a little upset. "Buffy, are you okay?" Willow asked. "Yeah, I'm fine, it's just . . .well, . . ." Buffy trailed off, trying to smile. Willow waited for Buffy to continue. "It's just, a few weeks ago, Angel was my refuge, my safe haven. I trusted him completely. I felt completely safe with him. Now, my best friend and I have to pack ourselves some bags and get out of our homes because Angel is such a threat to us." "Oh, Buffy," Willow said and gave her best friend a hug. Buffy started crying and Willow put her arm around Buffy. When Buffy regained her composure, the two carried on. *************** After class, Xander tried to find Buffy and Willow before they left. After looking for ten minutes, her decided that he'd missed them and went to the library. "Buffy?" Giles called out when he heard the door close behind Xander. "Nope Giles, it's me." "Oh, hello Xander." "What's up, G-man?" "I've been researching Angel's patterns from before he was cursed with his soul. It's rather disturbing actually." "Why?" "Well, when most vampires pick a special victim, they attack them, sometimes torture them, then feed on them and often make them vampires. Angel, on the other hand. . . well, when he picks a special victim, it's usually a young, beautiful woman, he drives them insane. He kills off everyone they care about one by one, often spacing them a week or two apart. He plays mind games with them. He'll torture someone his victim loves right in front of them, and then feed off them. Once Angel's killed off everyone close to his victim he *finally* feeds off them." "Oh no. Oh no. Okay, he's big on the mean nasty, hurtful part, but Buffy's the Slayer. She has some built in protection system, right?" "Ordinarily, yes, but Angel's something of a unique circumstance." "A Slayer's never been in love with a vampire before." "There's never been a vampire with a soul before. And I'm sure that Buffy will eventually be able to do what needs to be done. At any rate, I want to keep Willow where Angel can't get to her." "Good, I want to keep Willow out of harm's way." End part 3 What did you think? E-mail comments to me at Big hug to all who have sent feedback so far. - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 5 Apr 1998 17:20:33 EDT From: Jaclyn Amy Subject: BUFFYFIC:Star-Cross'd Lovers(3/5) Star-Cross’d Lovers (3/5) by Jaclyn Amy TITLE: Star-Cross’d Lovers AUTHOR: Jaclyn Amy RATING: PG DISTRIBUTION: Ask me first. SPOILERS: None. SUMMARY: Angel is Angelus and has killed Ms. Calendar. Pretty much, this just shows how strong Angel’s and Buffy’s love is. Oh, and this isn’t your regular restoration story. This gets sad, so if you are not into that kind of thing, don’t read it. DISCLAIMER: I do not own Buffy the Vampire Slayer. It is owned by Joss Wheden, Mutant Enemy, Sandollar Productions, 20th Century Fox, etc. No infringement intended. FEEDBACK: Please. Star-Cross’d Lovers(3/5) //I’m sorry, Angel, but I’ve decided that you have to die. No, no, no! That’s way to strong. God, how do you tell someone that you choose someone else to live over them!// Buffy stayed in bed as she practiced silently to herself. "Something wrong, Buffy?" Angel asked. He slipped his arms around her and kissed her cheek. They had spent one passionate night together, now that he was human. She lied, "No, nothing." He moved over to the side of the bed and put on his boxers. "Where are you going?" "I’ve got to go since it is morning. We only have twelve hours left." "Don’t go. It’s not day. It’s merely a meteor or something. Stay with me. Give me yourself again." "You’re right. God, in heaven, keep me here, for I am content to do so. Let me die here; Buffy wills it so." "No, no. It is day, not night. Go, go. Do what ever you have to do." "Buffy, what have you decided?" "I’m sorry; I’m so, so sorry. Angel, you mean the world to me. But the world needs Giles to train me. Without him, I wouldn’t be here to protect anyone from the vampires." "Buffy, don’t be sorry. You made the right decision." "Are you so sure? I mean, I lost you once, but I knew there was a possibility of bringing you back. This is forever. I don’t know if I could deal with that." Tears started to stream down her face. "I can’t live without you." "You’ll go on and be prosperous. I won’t let anything hurt you, okay? C’mon, we have to go." The two went to the graveyard and brought the bodies of Giles, Willow, Xander, Cordelia, and Mrs. Summer’s to the house. All they could do was wait. End Part 3/5 - - ------------------------------ End of buffyfic-digest V2 #97 ***************************** -