From: (buffyfic-digest) To: Subject: buffyfic-digest V2 #98 Reply-To: $SENDER Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk buffyfic-digest Monday, April 6 1998 Volume 02 : Number 098 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sun, 5 Apr 1998 18:09:45 EDT From: Jaclyn Amy Subject: BUFFYFIC:Star-Cross'd Lovers(4/5) Star-Cross’d Lovers (4/5) by Jaclyn Amy TITLE: Star-Cross’d Lovers AUTHOR: Jaclyn Amy RATING: PG DISTRIBUTION: Ask me first. SPOILERS: None. SUMMARY: Angel is Angelus and has killed Ms. Calendar. Pretty much, this just shows how strong Angel’s and Buffy’s love is. Oh, and this isn’t your regular restoration story. This gets sad, so if you are not into that kind of thing, don’t read it. DISCLAIMER: I do not own Buffy the Vampire Slayer. It is owned by Joss Wheden, Mutant Enemy, Sandollar Productions, 20th Century Fox, etc. No infringement intended. FEEDBACK: Please. Star-Cross’d Lovers(4/5) Angel and Buffy had spent the rest of the day cleaning out Angel’s appartment, saying goodbyes, and groping. It was 7:56; two minutes until he was gone. "Angel, I don’t want to let you go." "I don’t want to let you go either." "Buffy, I love you. I’ve loved you since the day I met you. I don’t regret one bit this decision, or any decision you’ve made for that matter." "I love you too. I-" Suddenly life started to drain from this face. "Kiss me," he whispered, "don’t say goodbye." And so she did just that. One small kiss on his lips, and his eyes closed. "Angel!" she shrieked. "NO!" A burst of tears fell down her face. She held her face in her hands and noticed her ring. As she started looking for her cross, she found a key to her drawer. She opened it up and saw the gun. On a piece of paper, she scribbled something and left it on the desk. Her hands picked up the gun. She pulled back the hammer and stuck it to her head. Her eyes closed, she pulled the trigger and fell into Angel’s arms, where she would live forever. ***** Angel: Is there a problem, ma'am? Buffy: Yeah, there's a problem. Why are you following me? Angel: I know what you're thinking. Don't worry, I don't bite…Truth is, I thought you'd be taller, or bigger muscles and all that. You're pretty spry, though. Buffy: What do you want? Angel: The same thing you do. Buffy: Okay. What do I want? Angel: To kill them. To kill them all. Buffy: Sorry, that's incorrect…What I want is to be left alone!…Who are you? Angel: Let's just say... I'm a friend. Buffy: Yeah, well, maybe I don't want a friend. Angel: I didn't say I was yours. *** Angel: Look, I don't wanna get you in any more trouble... Buffy: And I don't wanna get you dead… So, uh, oh... two of us, one bed. That doesn't work. Um, why don't you take the bed? Y'know, you're wounded... Angel: I'll take the floor. Buffy: Uh, no, that's not... Angel: Oh, believe me, I've had worse. Angel: Y-you even look pretty when you go to sleep. Buffy: Well, when I wake up it's an entirely different story. Buffy: Here. Sleep tight. Buffy: Angel? Angel: Hm? Buffy: Do you snore? Angel: I don't know. It's been a long time since anybody's been in a position to let me know. *** Buffy: I just wanted to be a real girl for once. The kind of fancy girl you liked when you were my age. Angel: Oh, ho. Buffy: What? Angel: I hated the girls back then. Especially the noble women. Buffy: You did. Angel: They were just incredibly dull. Simpering morons, a lot of them. I always wished I could meet someone... exciting. Interesting. Buffy: Really? Interesting how? Angel: You know how. Buffy: Still, I had a really hard day. You should probably tell me. Angel: You're right. I should. Buffy: Definitely. *** Angel: When was the last time you put on your skates? Buffy: About a couple of hundred demons ago. Angel: There's a rink out past route 17, it's... closed on Tuesdays. Buffy: Tomorrow's Tuesday. Angel: I know. *** Angel: Are you okay? Buffy: What about you? That cut! Angel: Forget about me. This is bad, Buffy. We gotta get you outta here. Buffy: What, you mean hide? Angel: Let's just get you someplace safe! Buffy: No! Your eye! She reaches back up to him and he shakes her off. Buffy: Hey! Don't be a baby. I'm not gonna hurt you. Angel: It's not that. I... Buffy: What? Angel: You shouldn't have to touch me when I'm like this. Buffy: Oh. I didn't even notice. *** Buffy: You almost went away today. Angel: We both did. Buffy: Angel... I feel like I lost you... You're right, though. We can't be sure of anything. Angel: Shhh. I... Buffy: You what? Angel: I love you. I try not to, but I can't stop. Buffy: Me, me, too. I can't either. Angel: Buffy, maybe we shouldn't... Buffy: Don't. Just kiss me…. *** Buffy: Angel, I don’t want to let you go. Angel: I don’t want to let you go either. Buffy, I love you. I’ve loved you since the day I met you. I don’t regret one bit this decision, or any decision you’ve made for that matter. Buffy: I love you too. I- Angel: Kiss me…don’t say goodbye. *** End Part 4/5 Prologue to come!! - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 5 Apr 1998 18:45:10 EDT From: Jaclyn Amy Subject: BUFFYFIC:Star-Crossed Lovers(5/5) Star-Cross’d Lovers (5/5) by Jaclyn Amy TITLE: Star-Cross’d Lovers AUTHOR: Jaclyn Amy RATING: PG DISTRIBUTION: Ask me first. SPOILERS: None. SUMMARY: Angel is Angelus and has killed Ms. Calendar. Pretty much, this just shows how strong Angel’s and Buffy’s love is. Oh, and this isn’t your regular restoration story. This gets sad, so if you are not into that kind of thing, don’t read it. DISCLAIMER: I do not own Buffy the Vampire Slayer. It is owned by Joss Wheden, Mutant Enemy, Sandollar Productions, 20th Century Fox, etc. No infringement intended. I’d also like to thank Alexander for giving me the episode transcripts for doing section 4/5. FEEDBACK: Please. Star-Cross’d Lovers (5/5 Epilogue) Giles had woken up just in time to hear the gun shot. He had run from Mrs. Summer’s room, where he had been laid, to Buffy’s room. He was shocked at the sight in front of him. A dead, bloody Buffy lay on Angel, who had her blood splattered on his face. He noticed the gun in Buffy’s hand, and was utterly confused. He then remembered his death and was even more perplexed. Mrs. Summer’s, Xander, Willow, and Cordelia ran into the room. Cordelia and Mrs. Summer’s shrieked, Willow cried, Xander was in shock. Finally, Giles noticed the note on the desk. He read it silently to himself. Dear Giles, I know that you are probably confused and upset; and you every reason to be. I’ll try to explain this as best I can: Angelus murdered everyone: you, Willow, Xander, Cordelia, and Mom. I found something Willow had been working on on her computer: the Restoration Ceremony. I permormed it and Angel’s soul was not only returned, but the demon left. He had a choice though, to either be human for the rest of his life, or to have all that he killed since the last full moon live and he perish. He chose to die. I didn’t know how to go on without him. I couldn’t go on without him. I’m with him now, in heaven. I’m sorry, Giles. Sorry I couldn’t say goodbye; sorry that I needed to say goodbye. Tell Mom I love her, and that Angelus killed me. Ironically, its the truth. Tell Will and Xander that they were terrific friends, and I appreciated that. I love you, and I’ll never forget you. Have a great life, and make sure to take care of the new Slayer just as well as you did me. - -Buffy *** As it was supposed to happen, Kendra took over as Slayer. Giles, not needing to be a Watcher, left for England. Xander and Cordelia were married and divorced-twice. Willow and Oz had been married, but Oz had joined the army and died in battle. She and Xander had gotten married later on in life and had one child. None of them ever forgot Buffy or Angel or the Hellmouth. But, as life went on, the pain became less. End Star-Cross’d Lovers - - ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 05 Apr 1998 23:12:30 -0400 From: Dreamscape Subject: Re: BUFFYFIC: DISCUSS: You Answered My Challenge!!! I've been working on a Willow/Angel fic for awhile. Due to time constraints, it's taking me much longer than I thought. I've been posting it on the BBeta and Willfic lists, but if you would like it posted here...or for me to send you the finished parts, I would be honored to have you read it Thanks for your time, Dreamscape Ingrid E Stanton wrote: > Everybody- > I just wanted to compliment everyone who answered my challenge (to write > some Willow/Angel fic). They're all interesting spins on the situation. > Who knows? Maybe if I ever finish "Reunion," I'll do my own take on it! > Once again, my compliments! > -Ingrid > > Ingrid: Author of many long Buffyfics (and some short ones). "Return to > Normalcy," > "One Vampire's Headache...," "This Fleeting Hope," "Ghost of a Chance," > "Tragic > Sighs" and "Footsteps." > > _____________________________________________________________________ > You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. > Get completely free e-mail from Juno at > Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] > > - - - ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 6 Apr 1998 02:52:54 EDT From: Anexsin Subject: BUFFYFIC: The Ties That Bind (epilouge) Title: The Ties That Bind (epilouge) Author: Melinda Frango Email Addy: Rating: PG Spoiler: All episodes before Passion. Distribution: Ask first Feedback: Greatly appreciated. Disclaimer: Buffy and the gang belong to Joss Whedon, the WB, etc. Only the story is mine, and whatever characters never seen or mentioned on the show. Summary: Buffy and the gang get help from an unexpected source in restoring Angel's soul. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ - -One week later- "So Buffs, is our undead friend supposed to show up?" Xander questioned. Xander, Cordelia, and Buffy were sitting at one of the tables in the Bronze, while Willow and Oz were off dancing. Buffy broke her longing gaze off of the entrance of the Bronze to answer Xander. "He said he'd be here," she answered with a grin. "Well it's good to have him back," he commented. Buffy stared at him with a look of confusion etched upon her face. "What? There's no more Angelus running around trying to kill us, and it's nice to see you happy again. Therefore I can deal with dead boy," he pointed out. Buffy shook her head at Xander's change in attitude towards Angel, and chuckled slightly. "Buffy," Willow called, as she approached the table with Oz in tow. "Look who's here," she observed, as she pointed towards the entrance. Buffy immediately knew who Willow was talking about, so when she turned her head to where she was looking, she wasn't surprised to see Angel making his way towards her. A wide smile spread across both their features when their eyes locked, and everything around them ceased to exist. "Hi," she greeted, when he approached the table, giving him a loving kiss on the lips. "Hey," he replied, while taking a seat beside Buffy, and sneaking her hand into his. He greeted the others, albeit awkwardly, and they returned it. Things between the slayerettes and Angel had gotten better, but they still felt uncomfortable around each other. Time was needed to heal open wounds, and to regain the trust that was lost between them when Angel reverted to his former self. However, the ties that bind there friendship together will triumph in the end. "Will you take a walk with me?" Angel asked Buffy after a few moments of silence around the table. Buffy smiled at him once again and nodded in agreement. She stood up, and Angel helped her put on her jacket. Then he stood as well. He headed over to the door, and waited patiently while she talked to her friends. After Buffy said her goodbyes, she hooked her arm through Angel's, and leaned her head against his shoulder as the couple made their way out into the cool night air. "I haven't seen her smile like that in a long time," Willow conceded. "Yeah, it's good to see her happy, once again," Cordelia added. "C'mon let's dance," Xander offered. Oz, Willow, Xander, and Cordelia went out onto the dance floor, and let themselves have some fun for the first time in weeks. The End - - ------------------------------ End of buffyfic-digest V2 #98 ***************************** -