From: (buffyfic-digest) To: Subject: buffyfic-digest V2 #111 Reply-To: $SENDER Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk buffyfic-digest Thursday, April 9 1998 Volume 02 : Number 111 In this issue: BUFFYFIC: Adieu my Love and Ode to Oz BUFFYFIC: DISCUSS: "Reunion" note BUFFYFIC: Her Darkest Hour 3 Part 1 See the end of the digest for information on (un)subscribing to the buffyfic or buffyfic-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 8 Apr 1998 07:28:46 -0700 From: (Charity C Tran) Subject: BUFFYFIC: Adieu my Love and Ode to Oz This is a poem I wrote a few months ago. I was thinking about Buffy's lost, and how she had to say good-bye. I made it a little longer recently and I decided to send it to the list for feedback. So PLEASE send feed back. I also put in my first try at poetry about Oz. Very short, but I feel its too the point. Please send feedback about that too. Adieu My Love By: Taygeta Adieu my love of demon dust, For you are gone and I am lost. How can it be your vessel still alive, Cannot contain the golden heart it once had inside? Oh, Angel, Angel in the night, Where has your soul gone away? Could not thy righteous soul defeat demon soul in god versus devil fight? Did thee love me as you once did say? In dreams that I cannot describe, I feel your arms wrap around me tight. The world is dark without your light, And even day is like the night. I hear your voice whisper to me in dreams, My thoughts of you linger on. And try as I might to wish such thoughts and dreams away, I only succeed in dreaming still. Good-bye, good-bye, my Angel in the night, Adieu my love of demon dust. You are gone and I am lost. And I am only lost because I have lost you. *************** Ode to Oz By: Taygeta He saw me, Before I saw him. He loved me, Before I loved him. He saw something, And I was blind. I saw his appearance first, He, my spirit. In short time, My blind eyes did see. I no longer met him with my eyes to his, But rather heart-to-heart. ************************ Going with the French good-bye Fin What did you all think? Feedback! _____________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] _____________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] - - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 8 Apr 1998 21:00:57 -0400 From: (Ingrid E Stanton) Subject: BUFFYFIC: DISCUSS: "Reunion" note In case anybody was wondering, I've already written part 7 of reunion, and I promise to send it to the list as soon as it's edited- Hey, I've got a vacation coming up, and tomorrow's my last day of school for a week, so expect a lot more fic! - -Ingrid Ingrid: Author of many long Buffyfics (and some short ones). "Return to Normalcy," "One Vampire's Headache...," "This Fleeting Hope," "Ghost of a Chance," "Tragic Sighs" and "Footsteps." _____________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] - - ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 09 Apr 1998 05:55:54 -0700 From: NightHunter Subject: BUFFYFIC: Her Darkest Hour 3 Part 1 DISCLAIMER: Buffy The Vampire Slayer, and its characters belong to Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, Sandollar, WB, and Fox.... I'm Just borrowing them. The story is all from my deranged mind. No copyright infringement is intended. I Had to break it down into seperate posts it was bouncing Sorry Ok here it is the final part of Her Darkest Hour trilogy. I hope everyone liked it. I enjoyed writing it, and have plans for a short epilog. Feedback: Let me know if you liked it Special Thanks To Leslie Part 1 The Light Shines (Confession Time) As Buffy picked up the small cat she felt the need to confess her problems, so, looking at the small cat she said, "There toward the end I couldn't even tell the good guys from the bad guys." Then as a tear fell she started to sing "The Good Guys and the Bad Guys, it's amazing how much their alike. They both act sincerely but, they are so filled with fear they switch sides in the wink of an eye. The Good Guys and the Bad Guys, well it ain't like ol' whyit in Dodge. You knew where you stood then, what was evil and good then, and the Good Guys always came out on top. Now who's wearing black hats and who's wearing white, who's on the side of justice and right. The line is so fine between Heaven and Hell, not even a hero can tell. The Good Guys and the Bad Guys, today neither one wants to fight fair, they keep changing the rules making everybody fools. Until, finally nobody cares. The Good Guys and the Bad Guys don't count neither one as your friend, when the going gets rough they won't back you up. You are left all alone in the end. Now who's wearing black hats and who's wearing white, who's on the side of justice and right. The line is so fine between Heaven and Hell not even a hero can tell. The Good Guys from the Bad Guys." Buffy had just finished to find that the small cat was looking up into her face and had a small tear rolling down it's face. The cat slowly placed its paws on Buffy's face and spoke to her saying "Poor Slayer." "What! You can talk!" said a surprised Buffy. "Yes!" answered the cat. "Now, sit down and let me tell you a story Slayer" Part 2 The Light Shines (Truth Revealed) "You see Buffy, in the beginning there was only darkness, so dark for so very long that light itself was inconceivable. This dark void was ruled by beings that were old, before time even began," the cat said looking up and seeing that he had Buffy's attention, he continued. "But the light came and grew until the darkness screamed. As much in relief as in pain. In that moment time began, mighty worlds were created. Orbiting shinning suns on one such world there came life." "What does this have to do with me?" said Buffy "Listen and learn the truth," said the cat. "You see the dark ones didn't want to give up everything. They had ruled for so very long. So they began a war on the kingdom of light. From this war came a band of fighting Mages like no one had ever seen, for they were feline." As the cat finished tears were running down his small face. "Are you alright?" asked Buffy, taking a piece of her torn shirt and wiping his eyes. "Yes!" said the cat. "Let me finish. You see these Mages were gifted with powers like no one had seen. They led a battle against the Dark Ones, pushing them back. But on the eve of their greatest victory came their most shattering defeat. You see they had become complacent in their powers. In a last ditch effort, the dark ones attacked, but, the Mages were able to close the gateway. At a high cost, out of one thousand Mages, only a hundred survived. The Dark Ones that managed to escaped created the Vampires. They hoped that they would one day allowed the others to return." "So, it was decided that mankind should take up the battle to save it's world. The remaining Mages gathered together and using their powers created the Slayer." "Oh!" Said Buffy "I always wondered.... why is the Chosen One always a girl?" "Because of the female maternal instance to protect," answered the cat. "Out of all the Slayers, you are the last hope for the human race Buffy. You see, the remaining Mages channeled their powers, giving everything that they had to create the last Slayer. Out of forty-five only one is left," said the cat, his voice started to break up as he continued. "You Buffy are that chosen one. And mankind's last best hope for victory." "The chosen one? But, I failed worse then you did an evil witch is ready to open the gateway, and I can't do a thing about it!" Part 3 The Light Shines (The First Ones) "Come Buffy, it's time you met the first ones. Each one from a different world, maybe they can convince you that you are a hero," said the cat. Then as he waved his paw, a bright light engulfed them. When the light faded Buffy looked around to find that she had been transported elsewhere. "Wow!" exclaimed Buffy. "Xander would love this!" >From out of the light came a man that radiated compassion. All Buffy could see was a red cape flowing in the air. The figure spoke "My name is Kal-El and I am the sole survivor of a destroyed world. I was raised by a human family even though I was alien. They treated me as their own, and I grew up to fight for Truth & Justice." What does that mean?" questioned Buffy. "It means that family is one of the most important things. They will always love you, and in their eyes, you are a hero!" The figure faded and another one steped forward. "My name is Peter," he said. "And like you I tried not to be a hero. It cost me my uncle. So remember Buffy with great powers come great responsibility." The cat appeared once again at Buffy's side. "I still don't understand." said Buffy "I don't know what more I can sho-" started the cat when he was interrupted by a female figure stepping out of the light with the wings of an angel moving from behind a flowing red cape. "Buffy it's time forget the others, come with me." she said holding out her hand. Buffy took her hand and then in a flash of light they were gone. - - ------------------------------ End of buffyfic-digest V2 #111 ****************************** To subscribe to buffyfic or buffyfic-digest, send the command subscribe buffyfic-digest or subscribe buffy to You will need to go through a confirmation process, and the listowners have to manually approve your subscription request, so it may take some time. To unsubscribe, send email to with unsubscribe buffyfic-digest or unsubscribe buffyfic in the body. Back issues of this digest can be found at: For help, contact Jill Kirby ( or sah (