From: (buffyfic-digest) To: Subject: buffyfic-digest V2 #115 Reply-To: $SENDER Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk buffyfic-digest Thursday, April 9 1998 Volume 02 : Number 115 In this issue: BUFFYFIC: "Reunion" (7/?) by Ingrid BUFFYFIC: "Reunion" (7/?) by Ingrid See the end of the digest for information on (un)subscribing to the buffyfic or buffyfic-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 9 Apr 1998 15:40:57 -0400 From: (Ingrid E Stanton) Subject: BUFFYFIC: "Reunion" (7/?) by Ingrid DISCLAIMER: The characters of Angel, Buffy, Cordelia, Willow, Xander, Jenny, Giles & company are the property of Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, Sandollar Productions, and The Warner Brothers Network, and are used without permission. The author claims no rights to these characters. SUMMARY: This one deals with Xander and Cordelia’s relationship quite a bit. Welcome to my story. This one might be a tad difficult to understand at first, since it takes place ten years into the future, and I’m not telling you what’s happened in advance. I’m going to reveal that as time goes on in the story. I love to get feedback, except when my mailbox explodes, which is often, but send it anyway! My address is If you don’t get this, that’s because you haven’t read the other parts. If you want to get this, ask me for them! ********* "Reunion," by Ingrid Part Seven: "Picture Window" ********* Xander sunk into the overstuffed armchair and watched the flurries weave circuitous paths to the ground outside the huge picture window. The gently sloped landscape spread for miles in all directions, pure and untouched. Inside it was warm, but not particularly cozy. The ceilings were high, and the room bare and contemporary. The only furniture in it was the chair, a sofa, and a long, black and glass coffee table. He hadn’t turned the lights on, and the bluish glow from outside was creeping into the place, making it cold and uncomfortably large. He pulled his sweater closer for warmth. He didn’t think he’d ever get over how cold it was here, having lived in Sunnydale all his life. "Of the past!" His wife’s voice was exuberant, drawing his eyes back towards the kitchen, where light was dispersing the darkness near the arc of the open door. They’d been working like this all day, occasionally speaking out in joyous tones when they were able to translate something. Most of the time, though, there was simply silence. He scribbled something down in his notebook and mused on it for a while. Then he looked outside the picture window again. The snowflakes were really accumulating. They might have a storm on their hands tonight. He shivered and closed his small computer. He rested his head on the back of the chair and closed his eyes. Even their murmuring had died down now, and there was nothing. After a few seconds had ticked by, he heard the door open, a quick goodbye, and then it shutting yet again. A car pulled out of the driveway mechanically; smoothly. Soft footsteps approached, and he felt a delicate arm around his shoulders. He let her lift the tiny computer and the notebook from his lap, and set them on the table. She slipped next to him on the chair and buried her head in his sweater. He drew her to him with one arm, and watched the falling snow over her shoulder. Something red darted across a far off hill. A rabbit seeking shelter from this bitterly cold weather, he guessed, and sighed. He looked back at Cordelia. Her tired eyes were closed, and her arms loose around him. She was breathing shallowly; gently. At last, she rested. That was when the cell phone on the table rang sharply. Cordelia mumbled something unintelligible. He picked up after 4 rings, figuring that whoever it was that was calling wasn’t planning on giving up. "Hello?" He spoke flatly into the phone, with a tone that was almost complaining. "Xander?" He jumped at hearing her voice, which woke Cordelia up again. "Buffy?" "Yeah. It’s me. Listen, I don’t want to bother you, but is Cordelia available by any chance?" He looked at his wife, who was now bolt upright in the chair, worlds of worry on her tired face. "Yeah, she’s here," he sighed, and handed the phone over. "Buffy?" He watched her pull the tangled hair back from her face as she anxiously stood up. He watched her absorb the information, looking distant, thoughtful, and agitated. "Buffy, we’ve just read a prophesy- Corin and I have been having the dreams. You have to come up here as soon as possible. Do you have any vacation time?" She waited. So Buffy was going to show up again. He thought about what it would be like seeing her in the big house. Maybe they could forget what had happened. Or maybe they wouldn’t be able to, and they’d just stand there awkwardly, still wishing *she* was alive. "You’ve got to get Giles to come too," she answered into the phone, "Tell him it’s necessary. Tell him it’s important." Minutes passed reluctantly, and he found his gaze drifting back to the snow on the hill. The rabbit was gone. He heard the beep that meant she’d hung up. "She’s coming in two days." ***** END, PART SEVEN Send all your feedback to Ingrid: Author of many long Buffyfics (and some short ones). "Return to Normalcy," "One Vampire's Headache...," "This Fleeting Hope," "Ghost of a Chance," "Tragic Sighs" and "Footsteps." _____________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] - - ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 10 Apr 1998 00:10:25 -0400 From: (Ingrid E Stanton) Subject: BUFFYFIC: "Reunion" (7/?) by Ingrid Hmm... I don't think this part mailed correctly, because I didn't get it myself, and I got part eight. Forgive me if this is a reprint! =) - -Ingrid DISCLAIMER: The characters of Angel, Buffy, Cordelia, Willow, Xander, Jenny, Giles & company are the property of Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, Sandollar Productions, and The Warner Brothers Network, and are used without permission. The author claims no rights to these characters. SUMMARY: This one deals with Xander and Cordelia’s relationship quite a bit. Welcome to my story. This one might be a tad difficult to understand at first, since it takes place ten years into the future, and I’m not telling you what’s happened in advance. I’m going to reveal that as time goes on in the story. I love to get feedback, except when my mailbox explodes, which is often, but send it anyway! My address is If you don’t get this, that’s because you haven’t read the other parts. If you want to get this, ask me for them! ********* "Reunion," by Ingrid Part Seven: "Picture Window" ********* Xander sunk into the overstuffed armchair and watched the flurries weave circuitous paths to the ground outside the huge picture window. The gently sloped landscape spread for miles in all directions, pure and untouched. Inside it was warm, but not particularly cozy. The ceilings were high, and the room bare and contemporary. The only furniture in it was the chair, a sofa, and a long, black and glass coffee table. He hadn’t turned the lights on, and the bluish glow from outside was creeping into the place, making it cold and uncomfortably large. He pulled his sweater closer for warmth. He didn’t think he’d ever get over how cold it was here, having lived in Sunnydale all his life. "Of the past!" His wife’s voice was exuberant, drawing his eyes back towards the kitchen, where light was dispersing the darkness near the arc of the open door. They’d been working like this all day, occasionally speaking out in joyous tones when they were able to translate something. Most of the time, though, there was simply silence. He scribbled something down in his notebook and mused on it for a while. Then he looked outside the picture window again. The snowflakes were really accumulating. They might have a storm on their hands tonight. He shivered and closed his small computer. He rested his head on the back of the chair and closed his eyes. Even their murmuring had died down now, and there was nothing. After a few seconds had ticked by, he heard the door open, a quick goodbye, and then it shutting yet again. A car pulled out of the driveway mechanically; smoothly. Soft footsteps approached, and he felt a delicate arm around his shoulders. He let her lift the tiny computer and the notebook from his lap, and set them on the table. She slipped next to him on the chair and buried her head in his sweater. He drew her to him with one arm, and watched the falling snow over her shoulder. Something red darted across a far off hill. A rabbit seeking shelter from this bitterly cold weather, he guessed, and sighed. He looked back at Cordelia. Her tired eyes were closed, and her arms loose around him. She was breathing shallowly; gently. At last, she rested. That was when the cell phone on the table rang sharply. Cordelia mumbled something unintelligible. He picked up after 4 rings, figuring that whoever it was that was calling wasn’t planning on giving up. "Hello?" He spoke flatly into the phone, with a tone that was almost complaining. "Xander?" He jumped at hearing her voice, which woke Cordelia up again. "Buffy?" "Yeah. It’s me. Listen, I don’t want to bother you, but is Cordelia available by any chance?" He looked at his wife, who was now bolt upright in the chair, worlds of worry on her tired face. "Yeah, she’s here," he sighed, and handed the phone over. "Buffy?" He watched her pull the tangled hair back from her face as she anxiously stood up. He watched her absorb the information, looking distant, thoughtful, and agitated. "Buffy, we’ve just read a prophesy- Corin and I have been having the dreams. You have to come up here as soon as possible. Do you have any vacation time?" She waited. So Buffy was going to show up again. He thought about what it would be like seeing her in the big house. Maybe they could forget what had happened. Or maybe they wouldn’t be able to, and they’d just stand there awkwardly, still wishing *she* was alive. "You’ve got to get Giles to come too," she answered into the phone, "Tell him it’s necessary. Tell him it’s important." Minutes passed reluctantly, and he found his gaze drifting back to the snow on the hill. The rabbit was gone. He heard the beep that meant she’d hung up. "She’s coming in two days." ***** END, PART SEVEN Send all your feedback to Ingrid: Author of many long Buffyfics (and some short ones). "Return to Normalcy," "One Vampire's Headache...," "This Fleeting Hope," "Ghost of a Chance," "Tragic Sighs" and "Footsteps." _____________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] - - ------------------------------ End of buffyfic-digest V2 #115 ****************************** To subscribe to buffyfic or buffyfic-digest, send the command subscribe buffyfic-digest or subscribe buffy to You will need to go through a confirmation process, and the listowners have to manually approve your subscription request, so it may take some time. To unsubscribe, send email to with unsubscribe buffyfic-digest or unsubscribe buffyfic in the body. Back issues of this digest can be found at: For help, contact Jill Kirby ( or sah (