From: (buffyfic-digest) To: Subject: buffyfic-digest V2 #117 Reply-To: $SENDER Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk buffyfic-digest Saturday, April 11 1998 Volume 02 : Number 117 In this issue: BUFFYFIC: "Reunion" Note BUFFYFIC:The Watcher(4/?) BUFFYFIC: Repost query... BUFFYFIC: BBETA: Time Will Tell *Poem* BUFFYFIC: Vampires Anonymous, (1/5) by Andrea See the end of the digest for information on (un)subscribing to the buffyfic or buffyfic-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sat, 11 Apr 1998 00:24:04 -0400 From: (Ingrid E Stanton) Subject: BUFFYFIC: "Reunion" Note Regarding part 10: I'd like to apologize for the grammatical errors. I wrote it very, very quickly, and I meant to send it to my editor, but somehow I ended up sending it to the list by mistake. I saw it in the digest and banged my head against the desk repeatedly. Whatever anybody tells you, I am not illiterate, really! - -Ingrid Ingrid: Author of many long Buffyfics (and some short ones). "Return to Normalcy," "One Vampire's Headache...," "This Fleeting Hope," "Ghost of a Chance," "Tragic Sighs" and "Footsteps." _____________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] - - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 11 Apr 1998 11:55:44 EDT From: Jaclyn Amy Subject: BUFFYFIC:The Watcher(4/?) The Watcher (4/?) by Jaclyn Amy TITLE: The Watcher AUTHOR: Jaclyn RATING: PG/PG-13 SUMMARY: This takes place four years later while the Buffy gang is attending Montague University near Sunnydale. Angel’s soul has been permanently restored, and he is 100% human. Jenny Calendar is still alive. Buffy will be getting a new Watcher. DISTRIBUTION: Ask me first. DISCLAIMER: I own none of the characters from or the movie or show Buffy the Vampire Slayer. They were created by Joss Wheden and are owned by 20th Century Fox, Sandollar Television, Mutant Enemy, etc. No infringement intended. FEEDBACK: Please be nice; I’m still a newbie. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ------------------------------ Buffy slept fitfully. She woke up, startled, put her hand to her head. She reached over to her lamp, turned it on, and let out a sigh. She took her glass from her nightstand for a drink, but found it nearly empty. She got up to fill it. Buffy came out of her room holding the glass and walked down the hall. Behind her Drusilla stalked her. Buffy opened the door to the bathroom and suddenly found herself at the Bronze. A slow ballad, played. Buffy ventured in. She found Oz sitting at a table with a large cup of cappuccino and an organ grinder's monkey. To the monkey, he says, "L'hippo a pique' ses pantalons." (The hippo stole his pants.) The monkey on the table squeaked. Buffy walked up to the table and looked at Oz curiously. He smiled at her and waved. Buffy raised her hand back, but remained confused about the monkey. Buffy continued on and found her Xander holding a large cup and saucer. He saw her coming and turned to face her. "Do you really think you're ready, Buffy?" he asked. "What?" He dropped the saucer, and Buffy watched it fall. It shattered on the floor. He just turned and slowly walked away. Buffy watcheed him go, then looked around the room again. She walked past Oz again and through the crowd to the stage. It's empty, no band tonight. She turned around and smiled warmly. Angel and Willow stood at the pool table. He smiled and started toward her. Buffy began to walk toward him. Drusilla suddenly appeared behind Angel. She is vamped out, and thrusted a stake into his back and pulled it out. He arched backward in pain. "ANGEL!" They reached out for each other. Before she could touch him his hand began to disintegrate to dust. The rings on his fingers fell to the floor. His body didn’t explode like most vampires', but just crumbled to dust. Drusilla lowered the stake and took the few steps toward Willow. She sunk her fangs into Willow’s neck and lowered the stake. "I’m back, Buffy." "No, Willow! Angel!" she shrieked. "Buffy, I’m here." Buffy awoke, Angel lying next to her. "It’s okay. I’m right here." "Angel, it happened again, the dreams!" "What dreams?" "Remember when I almost 17 I had the dreams about you dying and Drusilla being alive? Then it all came true. Well, I had the exact same dream, just with different people. You and Willow died, and Drusilla was alive. Angel, I killed Drusilla three years ago. She’s alive again, and you and Willow are going to die die. It’s a sign; a sign that something terrible is going to happen again. Angel-" Tears fell down her red cheeks. "Shh, shh. It’s going to be okay." "You can’t know that. You said it yourself at the docks, ‘We can’t be sure of anything.’ Angel, I lost you once. I can’t lose you again." "And you won’t. I won’t let it happen. I’ll protect you." "Angel, you can’t. You couldn’t protect me last time, and you can’t protect me now. No one can stop this from happening; my dreams about the master came true. The dreams I had about you and Drusilla came true. Now these dreams will come true." "We’ll just talk to Gi-" he paused, "Willow. She’ll be able to help you." "Angel, this is her first day on the job. She hasn’t been trained properly, and isn’t ready for this." "Buffy, Giles is gone. Willow is here. You’re going to have to learn to trust her as your Watcher, or your friendship is over." "But how can I? Giles and Merrick were both so old, so experienced. And not just in their duties but in life. Willow is so much more unexperienced, so much younger. Hell, she’s even younger than I am. How can I just forget all about Giles and trust Willow like she’s as good as him?" Willow appeared in the door way, "Thanks for having such confidence in me. Buffy, I thought I was your friend." She quickly turned away and ran down the hall." "Oh, God, what have I done?" End Part 4 - - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 11 Apr 98 11:03:10 PDT From: "Angel's Lover" Subject: BUFFYFIC: Repost query... Sorry to butt in here.. but I posted a story a few months back called Sla= yer Be Slain.. in the last several months I have reworked and rewrote a = lot of the story, and I think it was much better.. so I was wondering if = anyone would mind if I posted the new version.. I'm only asking cause I = didn't want to inflict an already read story upon the masses. :) Let me = know if it's okay to repost! Angel's Lover (fondly known as Lea) "Love makes you do the wacky!" "When you kiss me I want to die." "I'm SO the net girl!" Defender of David Boreanaz... you know, the man with the fangs! - - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 11 Apr 1998 12:34:13 EDT From: G90210 Subject: BUFFYFIC: BBETA: Time Will Tell *Poem* This is just a poem I wrote one day. It's suppose to be about Buffy, but I guess it could fit in any of the other character you want, but that's up to you. FEEDBACK PLEEEEAAAASSSSEEE!!!!!!! It's the only way, I'll now if I'm doing good........or bad. Time Will Tell by:mInDy Do you know what you do to me, Everytime we touch, Everytime we kiss. Your love is the one thing keeping me sane. I know I'll have what's meant to be, Only time will tell what that is. Maybe it's you, Maybe it's another, Maybe it's death. I'll just wait for time to speak up. - - ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 11 Apr 1998 12:37:46 PDT From: "Andrea Newbery" Subject: BUFFYFIC: Vampires Anonymous, (1/5) by Andrea Title: Vampires Anonymous Author: Andrea Newbery e-mail: Distribution: sure, as long as I know where. Rating: PG-13 Spoilers: everything up to KbD Summary: I have been spending way too much time thinking about Angel's soul or lack thereof. That is not actually in the story but it is still true. Anyway I was thinking way to much on how Angel will get his soul back and I started thinking that it might be interesting if, say Willow found the ritual and performed it but made a slight mistake and restored the souls of everyone in the factory with Angel. So I decided to see what would happen. Disclaimer: The characters of Angel, Buffy et al. are the property of Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, the WB and whoever else… No copyright infringement intended. Please don't sue me I'm already up to my neck in debt! Feedback: Please...good, bad, whatever! "Angel, if you don't get over this self-pity gig and go to the meeting I may just change my mind on your existence and finish you off" Buffy stood glaring at her morose boyfriend. "That's why we started this group, to help you all deal with what happened to you." "But…" "Angel that's it, I'm going to the meeting, I'm in charge of snacks." With that she stomped out of his apartment totally fed up with him...again. Twenty minutes later she arrived at the library lugging two huge jugs filled with red liquid. She proceeded to slam them onto the table and throw herself into one of the softer chairs in the library. "Angel still giving you problems?" Giles came into the library carrying extra chairs from the gym. "Giles, I don't get it, why won't he participate, everyone else is finding it really helpful." Buffy stared at the table as if it knew the answer and wasn't talking. (Incidentally it did know the answer and no it wasn't talking). "Angel already regained and lost his soul once before, it's probably harder for him to accept that it happened again." With that Giles dropped off his load of chairs and headed out for the next pile. Buffy sat staring at the table for a while longer then got up and started moving things out of the way for the chairs to be set up. Xander and Cordelia came strolling in carrying stryofoam cups and paper plates. " Hey Buff where's Angel, home sulking?" Buffy just glared at him and continued setting up the chairs. After their usual quick fight Xander and Cordelia came over to help. "So, how many are we expecting for tonight, the usual twenty or has Willow resouled more vamps so we can start our own chain of vampire counseling centers and become filthy rich?" Xander smiled at his own joke. "Xander, do we have to go through this every week, yes the normal twenty will be here, and no of course Willow didn't do the ritual again, you know the disc was bad and she lost half the ritual!" She stood there glaring at him glad to have a focus for her frustration. Cordelia finished putting the chairs in rows and turned back to them. "Buffy really…you shouldn't get frustrated like that your face gets all wrinkly and before you now it you're going to look way older than you already are. And since your boyfriend is never going to age that is something your going to want to hold off as long as possible." "Gee thanks Cordy 'cause my day…life isn't already going bad enough." Glaring at the both of them she grabbed the jugs of red liquid and peered curiously at them, "How am I supposed to be able to tell which one is which because I will not be tasting it!" "I will." "Angel, you came!" Buffy smiled joyfully at him while Xander and Cordelia stared at him surprised. "So deadboy comes out of hiding, glad to see you again, which is as much of a surprise to me as I'm sure it is to you." "Thanks Xander, although I must admit I was counting on you to convince Buffy she should dump me so I could go back to the whole brooding guilt thing." "I tried man, I tried…I even tried to get her to stake you but no such luck." Xander peered anxiously at Angel to see how he would handle a little teasing and was relieved to see Angel staring at him with his ' I could kill you' look. Xander just smiled at him and went back to arranging the library while Angel taste-tested the jugs. "Buffy, where did you get this junk?" Angel was staring at her with a very pained look on his face. "Willie, he said it was fresh stuff" Buffy replied. "Fresh…. This was fresh when I was human, I'll go get some more, this stuff could cause a vamp to fall off the no human wagon." Angel then did his thing where he wasn't there as they all stood around thinking a joke, did no fun, guilt-ridden Angel actually attempt a joke. Admittedly a lame joke but still a joke. Simultaneously they then decided that no he probably actually meant it. With a group sigh they all went back to what they were doing. ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at - - ------------------------------ End of buffyfic-digest V2 #117 ****************************** To subscribe to buffyfic or buffyfic-digest, send the command subscribe buffyfic-digest or subscribe buffy to You will need to go through a confirmation process, and the listowners have to manually approve your subscription request, so it may take some time. To unsubscribe, send email to with unsubscribe buffyfic-digest or unsubscribe buffyfic in the body. Back issues of this digest can be found at: For help, contact Jill Kirby ( or sah (