From: (buffyfic-digest) To: Subject: buffyfic-digest V2 #140 Reply-To: $SENDER Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk buffyfic-digest Sunday, April 19 1998 Volume 02 : Number 140 In this issue: BUFFYFIC:The Watcher (5/?) BUFFYFIC: Hope (epilogue) BUFFYFIC:The Watcher (6/8) BUFFYFIC:The Watcher (7/8) See the end of the digest for information on (un)subscribing to the buffyfic or buffyfic-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sat, 18 Apr 1998 16:16:16 EDT From: Jaclyn Amy Subject: BUFFYFIC:The Watcher (5/?) The Watcher (5/?) by Jaclyn Amy TITLE: The Watcher AUTHOR: Jaclyn RATING: PG/PG-13 SUMMARY: This takes place four years later while the Buffy gang is attending Montague University near Sunnydale. Angel’s soul has been permanently restored, and he is 100% human. Jenny Calendar is still alive. Buffy will be getting a new Watcher. DISTRIBUTION: Ask me first. DISCLAIMER: I own none of the characters from or the movie or show Buffy the Vampire Slayer. They were created by Joss Wheden and are owned by 20th Century Fox, Sandollar Television, Mutant Enemy, etc. No infringement intended. FEEDBACK: Please be nice; I’m still a newbie. "Willow, wait!" Buffy screamed. She quickly grabbed her robe and ran after her. //Oh, God, how could this have happened? I mean, Willow is my best friend, so why would I say that about her? I am such an idiot!// She found Willow downstairs, about to run out the door. "Will, don’t please." "Why would you say that about me? I’m your best friend. You’re supposed to have confidence in me, not insult me." "I’m sorry. I just had a bad dream and was worried. I was wrong and I appoligize for that." She took a deep breath. "But that’s not important right now. Willow, you know that dream I had of Drusilla killing Angel when I was almost 17? Well, I had the exact same dream again, only you were killed also by Drusilla. I, I think that it will come true. Drusilla being alive and murdering you and Angel." "Look, Buffy, what you said really hurt, and I don’t think I can forgive you. But what’s happening now is more important. I’ll try to figure out what it means. Go back to sleep." "But Will, you can’t just sit there hating me. I need you to forgive me." "What you said ruined the past five years of friendship. You should’ve had more faith in me. How are either of us supposed to do our jobs when we are angry at each other. Now, if you want to stay, stay. But I’d rather work alone." Buffy appoligized once more before going back to her room. Willow spent the remander of the evening researching Slaying dreams, bringing vamps back to life, and just Spike and Drusilla’s activities in general. Almost none of Giles’s books said much these topics, but she didn’t give up hope. At about 4:30 in the morning, she found a book about the ritual to bring a vamp back to life. "Buffy!" she cried. Buffy came running downstairs to see what was wrong. "Will, what happened?" "I found it!" "Found what?" "The ceremony to bring a vamp back to life. It states that if the vampire is not the Master, you don’t need the bones. You need a drop of the sire’s blood, part of the ashes, and the one he or she had the strongest conection with while they were undead. This all has to take place on the anniversery of their death." Buffy’s face turned a ghostly white. "Yesterday was the anniversery. Drusilla is alive." End Part 5 ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 18 Apr 1998 15:11:03 PDT From: "Sara Barton" Subject: BUFFYFIC: Hope (epilogue) Epilogue “It’s a little late for such a little girl to be out all by herself, don’t you think?” A smooth voice called out in the night. Annoyed, Hope stopped dead in her tracks and turned around, preparing to make a wise-ass comment to the stranger. The sudden smile that formed on her lips marked her instant reaction to the deep blue eyes that stared into hers. She was taken back by the man’s good looks. The sandy blond hair that fell just below his ears framed his handsome face. She was particularly startled by this, not expecting such a gorgeous creature. Hope attempted to speak, but something stopped her. Those eyes. She began to notice there was a familiar coldness about them, a frigid emptiness that lacked feeling and emotion. She had seen the same look before. Hope’s eyes narrowed at her disappointing realization: Vampire. “That depends on your definition of little,” she answered coolly, her attitude showing through her body language. Hope held her hands on her hips, with her head cocked to one side and her right eyebrow raised in a manner that resembled Cordelia. He smiled, clearly amused at her anger. “Oh, well don’t take offense to what I said. It was just an observation.” “Well, let me tell you what you can do with your observations,” she snapped defensively. “Woah, woah,” he said, holding his hands up in front of him. “Calm down. Let me introduce myself--” “I’m sorry,” Hope interrupted, “But my mom told me never to talk to strangers, let alone vampires.” The cold blue eyes opened wide with surprise, but the look was instantly replaced by a humor as a grin formed on his red lips. “Vampire?” “Don’t play games with me. I know what you are. Vampire. Creature of the Night. One who sucks blood,” she said, exasperately. He laughed. “Well, well, well. You must be that slayer I’ve been hearing so much about. The infamous Buffy Summers.” Hope smiled. “No, you are wrong. But you will get to take home this nice consolation prize,” she said, fingering the stake that rested in the sleeve of her sweater. “Oh, and what’s that?” He asked, casually running his hands through his hair as if too distract the girl with his boyish charm. “This pretty little stake!” She squealed with mock enthusiasm as she whipped out the stake and plunged it into the vampires heart before he even knew what happened. Wiping the dust from her hands, she replaced the stake in the sheath and continued walking through the desolate graveyard. Hope hated cemeteries, but knew that this was the place to be for vampire hunting. She had taken over patrol for Buffy, who was still very much in mourning over Angel. It had been a long week for the Slayer and her slayerettes since that fateful night. A week of tears, anger, frustration, and understanding. Buffy’s friends continued to comfort and support her. Her sorrow affected all of them, even the thick-skinned Cordelia, who, in a fight to heal her leg, threw a small party for the Slayer. Everyone gathered in Buffy’s living room, with food, and movies, and laughter. Their festivities had lasted the whole night, and despite the heavy sadness that loomed in her heart, Buffy had a good time. Hope sighed heavily and sat down on the steps of one of the old crypts. It had been eight days since she met Buffy and learned of her fate. It was a trying time for the girl, with new emotions and responsibilities. Her parents wanted her to drop out of school and focus on her destiny as a Slayer, but she had readily refused their pleas. Hope wanted to be as much as a teenager as she could possibly be, and school was important to her. Not only that, she wasn’t to happy on the idea of her being immortal. The thought sent chills down her spine. She would forever be a 17 year old girl...forced to watch her family and friends die, while she lived on, knowing she would never age, never bear children.....and never die. In addition to those problems, something else plagued her intensely. Angel’s death. Giles told her countless times not to blame herself, but the guilt remained strong. Hope felt like she failed her parents, Buffy, and most of all Angel. She never got to give him his greatest wish--to be human. The only comfort she had was that Angel could still be with Buffy, watching over her like her guardian of the night. Hope leaned back against the wall, a smile forming on her pale face. Chuckling slightly, she recalled the night that Giles told Buffy she was alive. The Slayer’s shock was overwhelming, and when Hope walked into the room, Buffy was still in denial. She had screamed, “No way! Either I’m seeing a ghost, or that’s a vampire! Giles!...,” she clutched his shoulder, staring at him with wide open eyes..., “Get me my stake!!!” Despite the serious of that Saturday afternoon, two days after the horrible night, Hope couldn’t help but find humor in the whole thing. When Buffy came to grips with reality, her denial did a complete one-eighty, turning into a mixture of relief and happiness. The joyful tears that were shed in their reunion could have filled a river, and Buffy’s sad spirits had been lifted, the heaviness of her heart growing lighter. That night Hope stayed at Buffy’s house, and they talked all night long. Buffy was forever thankful that Hope saved her life, and told her not to feel guilty over Angel’s death. Buffy’s forgiveness meant more to Hope than she could possibly know. “It wasn’t your fault that Angel died,” Buffy had said to her. < Everyone has been telling me that > Hope thought sorely. Xander, Buffy, Giles, her parents. A thousand of those exact words could be spoken, and her feelings wouldn’t change. No one could understand what she was feeling. So much had changed in her life over the course of a week. Everything that she thought life to be was a lie. Everything she thought about herself was a lie. Hope continually thought ‘Why Me?’ and cursed the heavens for giving her this fate. Hope felt like she was doomed to live a life of violence. With her innocence lost, she was now a completely different person. < I wonder what my friends back home would think about me now? > Resentment. < Would they resent me? Buffy does.... > Hope could see it lying in the Slayer’s eyes. There wasn’t a lot of it, but it was still there. Hope was sympathetic to her friend’s feelings, and was more than understanding. She knew that Buffy’s life hadn’t been everything it should. She wasn’t a normal teenager, and trying to juggle two lives--being the slayer and being Buffy--was hard. Now she had to deal with a new slayer on the block. First Kendra--now her. Although Buffy was thankful to have someone she could rely on and relate to, she still felt jealous and upset over having Giles’ attention being divided. Something else bothered Buffy greatly about Hope. She had the advantage over Buffy--Buffy could die, Hope couldn’t. But, despite those feelings of anger and resentment, Buffy was much more happy to have her friend back than she was angry. The Slayer pushed those bad feelings aside, and looked at the positive issues. Another Slayer meant less vampires, and a better change of killing off Spike and Drusilla. A better change of seeking and obtaining revenge. In the midst of her thoughts, Hope almost didn’t notice the presence of another person near her until the hair on the back of her neck stood on end. She stood up quickly and grabbed the stake from her sheath. “Okay--I know someone is out there, so just go ahead and come on out ‘cause I don’t have all night.” She waited, and the presence grew stronger, even though no one came out. “Hello?! While I’m still young, please!” Out of no where, a figure jumped down on her from the roof of the crypt. She toppled, rolling down the steps. “Ouch!” She called out loudly. “Who ever you are, your gonna pay! That hurt you son of a bitch!” She scrambled to her feet and waited for the figure to attack. He just stood there, in the shadows, concealing his identity. Annoyed for the second time that evening, Hope gritted her teeth. “What is with you? Are you trying to be Mr. Mysterioso or something?” “Ha Ha. Very funny,” Spike’s voice said, dripping with sarcasm. She rolled her eyes. “Oh, it’s you.” “That’s not the way to greet someone,” he said, leaning against a tree. “Like I care,” she snapped, holding up her stake. “What do you want?” “Don’t worry, I’m not here to hurt you,” he said, grinning. “I want to know what is the deal with you. What the bloody hell are you?” His much too casual tone and manner made Hope uncomfortable. “What do you mean by that? I’m a normal human being,” she replied, taking a deep breath. “No normal human can fight like you can. I see it this way: You can’t be a Slayer, because there is already two of them. You can’t be a vampire because you wear that cross without pain. So _what_ are you?” The vampire stepped out from the shadows and stood beneath the pallid moonlight. To Hope, his chiseled features and British accent screamed ‘sexy’. She tried to push that thought from her mind, but his good looks were hard to ignore. “Maybe I’m just special,” she crooned, leaning against a large tombstone. Spike laughed loudly, his dark eyes gleaming. Sauntering up to Hope, he stood so close she could smell his cologne and feel his non-existent breath upon her face. “Maybe you are special,” he whispered, running a hand along her arm. Grabbing her fiercely, he kissed her roughly on the mouth. Lost in the embrace, Hope almost didn’t notice his lips moving to her neck. Feeling his mouth brush against her throat, she broke out of the trance and instantly shot her leg up, kicking him hard in the groin. The vampire groaned loudly, keeling over in pain. “Nice try, dead boy,” she laughed, grabbing his hair. Slamming his head against her knee, she brought her stake up and plunged it in his heart. She stepped backward, waiting for his body to burst into ashes. Instead, she saw blood coming from his chest and realized she missed his heart and stabbed his lung. “Ah, shit,” she said loudly, watching Spike wither in pain. He yanked the stake out of his body and glared at her, fuming. “I can’t believe I missed. I mean, I’ve been practicing my aim for the last week. Ugh.” “You bitch,” he growled, clutching his chest. “This isn’t over.” Hope shrugged, and watched the vampire struggle to walk away. “That’ll leave a mark,” she grinned. When Spike was out of sight, Hope returned to her thoughts while slowing strolling through the cemetery. < What a jerk > she thought. < He thought his good lucks would allow him to distract me. Ugh! See if I ever let _that_ happen again!..... > Hope shook her head, silently scolding herself. < But wait? What am I worried about? He can’t kill me! But can he turn me into a vampire even though I am already immortal? Hmmm...I’ll have to add to my list of things to ask Giles..... > < Spike is incredibly sexy. I wonder what he is like in bed?...> Hope practically slapped herself. < AKK! Bad thought! He is the enemy! A vampire!.......but a good looking vampire. I mean, I’m gonna live forever, why not get my kicks now?.... > A wide grin formed on her lips. < But what would Buffy do if she ever found out? > Her grin turned into a frown. < Why should I be worried about what she thinks? She’s in love with a vampire!--But he was a good vampire. Spike is a bad vampire... > She sighed, plopping down on a bench. < Oh well. Like it will ever happen. > Hope craned her neck upward and stared at the bright stars that hung in the sky. Her thoughts drifted to Caploe’s Hill, the place where she would always go to think in San Diego. < I need to find a place like that here > she thought, and remembered her conversation with Xander on her first day at SHS. He told her about an lookout point where could see all the city lights at night. Immediately, she stood up and began to swiftly walk there. < Where did he say it was? On Old Creek Road, ten minutes from the school? > A half an hour later, Hope reached a large, grassy hill. “This must be it,” she said aloud, and began hiking through the grass. It’s steepness was immensely tiring, but she trekked up it until she reached the top. Hope pushed away the trees and bushes, until she came to a big clearing at the edge of the cliff. Hope gasped at the beautiful sight she had found. The lights of Sunnydale illuminated the clear night sky, and the stars were even more radiant at this high elevation. Slowly sitting down, she leaned against an old tree trunk and watched over the city, as if she were it’s guardian of the night. Awed by the magnificent sight, Hope almost forgot all her troubles. “It’s amazing that, underneath all of this, lies the mouth of Hell. Under the beauty is a beast,” she murmured. < And that beast has fucked up my life > She sighed heavily, pulled her knees up to her chest. A light wind blew about her, slightly chilling her. < I wish Xander could be up here with me.... > She thought. Her heart had been broken over seeing him with Cordelia. < Well, if he’s happy with her, then I guess I’m happy for him. There are other fish in the sea. All I have to do is find myself vampire with a soul and I’m all set. > Her thoughts drifted to Spike. < I wonder if....No. No way. Spike with a soul? > Hope couldn’t help but laugh at her thought. < Spike with a soul. Could it work? I mean, could I possible give him a soul? Wouldn’t that be a site. > Getting the feeling she wasn’t alone, Hope looked up to see Buffy standing behind her. “Hey,” she said softly. “Oh, hi. How long have you been standing there?” Hope asked, surprised. “Not long,” she replied, sitting down next to Hope. “I see you’ve found the lookout.” Hope nodded. “Yeah...I needed a place to think. Xander told me about it.” Buffy smiled. “Well, this is definitely a good place to come and be alone. Do you want me to leave?” “Oh, no. Of course not,” Hope assured her. “How are you?” Buffy felt the tears come to her eyes. “It hurts.” Hope put a comforting arm around her friend. “I know.” “I miss him so much,” she cried softly, letting the tears fall freely down her face. “I hope he doesn’t forget me.” Hope’s mind flashed to the cat sitting on Buffy’s bed, purring his heart out. She was the only one who knew that was Angel. “Of course he won’t forget you. How could he? He loved you more than life itself.” “Why did he have to die?” Buffy whispered, wiping the tears from her eyes. “I don’t know,” Hope lied. < The reason he died was because the demon was keeping his body alive, and when the demon left, his soul wasn’t strong enough to keep him alive > “But I do know that where ever you are, he will be in your heart with you.” “When did you become so wise,” Buffy slightly joked. “It’s just the whole immortality thing,” Hope giggled. “I am so glad you didn’t die. I couldn’t bear losing you both,” Buffy spoke, sniffling. “How could I die when I had so much more slaying to do with you?” Hope said with a smile. “Yeah, slaying isn’t an easy job. Are you sure your up to entering the business?” “More than ready,” she replied. “Well, then I’m glad to have you on the team,” Buffy said. “Well I’ll only join on one condition,” Hope said, grinning. Buffy raised an eyebrow. “What would that be?” “That we kill them. We kill them all,” Hope said. Buffy sat straight up and stared at her with a more than shocked expression. “That is the exact same thing that----” “--that Angel said to you when you first met,” Hope said, finishing her sentence. “But how did you know that?” Buffy asked, not believing what she just heard. “I just know,” Hope whispered. “I don’t know how I know.....I just do.” Buffy didn’t know what to say. “You know, this world never ceases to amaze me.” “I couldn’t have said that better myself,” she replied, taking her words to heart. A thick silence filled the air, speaking more than a thousand words. The two friends stared out into the wide open sky, watching the stars twinkle over the city lights. In all her life, Buffy had never met a person she related with until Hope entered her life. Their connection to each other was stronger than ever thought possible. With their soul’s intertwined, a friendship was formed. One that would withstand even the harshest enemies that threatened to tear it apart. An unbreakable bond lasting forever. ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 19 Apr 1998 08:53:42 EDT From: Jaclyn Amy Subject: BUFFYFIC:The Watcher (6/8) The Watcher (6/8) by Jaclyn Amy TITLE: The Watcher AUTHOR: Jaclyn RATING: PG/PG-13 SUMMARY: This takes place four years later while the Buffy gang is attending Montague University near Sunnydale. Angel’s soul has been permanently restored, and he is 100% human. Jenny Calendar is still alive. Buffy will be getting a new Watcher. DISTRIBUTION: Ask me first. DISCLAIMER: I own none of the characters from or the movie or show Buffy the Vampire Slayer. They were created by Joss Wheden and are owned by 20th Century Fox, Sandollar Television, Mutant Enemy, etc. No infringement intended. FEEDBACK: Please be nice; I’m still a newbie. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ------------------------------ Buffy ran upstair to wake Angel. "Angel! Angel!" she cried out. He ran out of the room in a state of bewilderment. "Buffy, what’s wrong?" "Drusilla, she’s, she’s-" "What is she? Whatever it is we can handle it." "She’s alive." A dead silence filled the hall. Even Xander, Oz, and Cordelia who had appeared in the doorways were shocked. "Buffy, are you sure?" Cordelia asked. She nodded her head meekly. "What are we going to do, Angel? The last fight I had with Dru, she nearly killed me. If you weren’t there…" "Don’t worry. It’s not a big deal. We’ll handle it; we always do, right?" He held her in his arms. "I’ve got to go. I’ve got to kill her." "You can’t just go there alone," Cordelia said. "She’s right," added Xander. "I’ll go with you." "No, you won’t. I’m going alone. More deaths is the last thing I need. I want all of you to stay here. Angel, if I’m not back by sundown, come after me alone." "You can’t do this," Angel spoke again. "I won’t let you." She placed a kiss on his lips and ran into her room, locking the door behind her. *** As she arrived at the warehouse, she was met by Spike and some of his men. "Well, well, well, if it isn’t the little Slayer. I ‘aven’t seen you in Sunnydale in years." "I’m going to kill her, Spike. Her and you." "That’ll be the day." "You don’t think I could?" She kicked him in the face. Two of the others jumped on her, but she got them off. Spike took a piece of metal from the side of the wall and hit her in the head. She was in a daze whenthe rest of the vamps grabbed her and dragged her off into the warehouse. As she got in everything went cold. *** "Spike?" Drusilla asked wearily. "Spike, come ‘ere." Her beautiful body lay on her bed. Dressed in a long red gown and having her gorgeous black hair curled, she waited for her reincarnation party. "I’m right here, love. What is it?" "Where’s my Angel?" "That bloody Slayer returned his soul to him. He’s back to being the Buffy- whipped Angelus now." //Which is not half bad// he added silently. "Are you feeling any better?" "I’m ready for my party, Spike. I need my party." "It’ll come all in good time." He kissed her seducing lips. "It’s been ages. I have a little present for you." She stepped out of bed and, with her full strength, went into the main room. There, Buffy’s arms and legs were chained up to the wall. She walked over to her and shoved her neck into position. "This’ll be a tasty treat." End Part 6 ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 19 Apr 1998 09:17:05 EDT From: Jaclyn Amy Subject: BUFFYFIC:The Watcher (7/8) The Watcher (7/8) by Jaclyn Amy TITLE: The Watcher AUTHOR: Jaclyn RATING: PG/PG-13 SUMMARY: This takes place four years later while the Buffy gang is attending Montague University near Sunnydale. Angel’s soul has been permanently restored, and he is 100% human. Jenny Calendar is still alive. Buffy will be getting a new Watcher. DISTRIBUTION: Ask me first. DISCLAIMER: I own none of the characters from or the movie or show Buffy the Vampire Slayer. They were created by Joss Wheden and are owned by 20th Century Fox, Sandollar Television, Mutant Enemy, etc. No infringement intended. FEEDBACK: Please be nice; I’m still a newbie. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ------------------------------ Drusilla’s games face appeared as she pierced Buffy neck. She drank slowly and calmly. Suddenly though, she was knocked over. "Willow!" Buffy cried. "Get out of here!" "I don’t think so." She kicked Drusilla in the face and threw her against the wall. Spike came up behind and grabbed her, so she smacked her head against his. Drusilla, in the mean time, had stayed against the wall. Willow grabbed her stake and shoved it into her heart. Spike, in a mad rage, got up and ran towards Buffy. He sunk his fangs deep into her neck where Dru left off. Slowly, the life drained out of Buffy’s face. Willow hobbled over to her as fast as she could. She kicked Spike in the face and sent him flying into a wall. Willow pulled another stake out of her jacket and stuck it into Spike. Quickly, she ran over to Buffy. She was unconscious hanging from the wall. Willow gently set her free and layed her upon the ground. She dragged Buffy out into the street and called for help. Soon an ambulence was there. "She’ll live," the paramedics said. "She is going to live." End Part 7 ------------------------------ End of buffyfic-digest V2 #140 ****************************** To subscribe to buffyfic or buffyfic-digest, send the command subscribe buffyfic-digest or subscribe buffy to You will need to go through a confirmation process, and the listowners have to manually approve your subscription request, so it may take some time. To unsubscribe, send email to with unsubscribe buffyfic-digest or unsubscribe buffyfic in the body. Back issues of this digest can be found at: Dalton Spence has also provided an index of the buffyfic archive at: For help, contact Jill Kirby ( or sah (