From: (buffyfic-digest) To: Subject: buffyfic-digest V2 #142 Reply-To: $SENDER Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk buffyfic-digest Monday, April 20 1998 Volume 02 : Number 142 In this issue: BUFFYFIC: Lost & Found (12/13) BUFFYFIC: Lost & Found (13/13) BUFFYFIC: A shot (or somthing) of luck BUFFYFIC: A Stroke of Luck (part 6) BUFFYFIC: A Stroke of Luck (Part 7) BUFFYFIC: Any Room Left (1/1) See the end of the digest for information on (un)subscribing to the buffyfic or buffyfic-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sun, 19 Apr 1998 16:01:03 EDT From: Aglx Subject: BUFFYFIC: Lost & Found (12/13) Lost & Found 12 Title: Lost & Found (12/13) Author: Michelle E-mail: Rating: PG-13 = violence and graphic descriptions (no sex) Summary: Series after Vengeance - Buffy, Xander, Willow & Giles are all vampires. Drusilla is making Buffy pay for supposedly killing Spike. Previous Stories: If you like this story but don't understand it, it's probally because you haven't read Vengeance. That came before this one and this is a continuation of it. You can find it as well as all my other stories at: Distribution: I'll say yes, but ask. Spoilers: Everything up to Killed By Death (just to be safe) Feedback: Please, good or bad, I need to know. The more feedback, the more writting I do! I won't care if you tell me this story is horrible, I just want to know. This story is something that happens after Killed By Death. Probally a Third season type story. This story has some pretty graphic descriptions and some people may be upset by the story. There is a PG-13 rating on this story however, there is no sex or sexual situations. Just some Buffy like language and violence. This story will go on for a while, or until I come up with a way to end it. The characters, Buffy, Xander, Willow, etc. belong to Joss Whedon, The WB, Sandollar, etc. ************ Everything was almost set. Xander and Oz were placing Angel's body on the table. Buffy grabbed Spike's arm and took him away from Drusilla. "After we take care of Angel, I want you to perform the spell on me too." Buffy couldn't believe her words. The demon inside of her was screaming for her not to speak, but she overpowered it. "Are you sure about that?" Spike was surprised to hear her words as well. "When you made me a vampire, I knew it was the only way to get Angel. Now, I don't want it anymore." "Buffy, I don't get it. Vampire's don't have souls, you shouldn't be feeling this way." "Spike, just cause we don't have souls doesn't mean I don't have thoughts and memories. And all my good memories are with my friends." Buffy paused for a short second. "And Angel." "If it's what you want, sure, but I don't know why the bloody hell you would want it." "Just do it. As soon as our souls are restored, Angel and I can take care of the others." "You might want to look into this 'thought' thing too. I can't believe a violent vampire like yourself could feel this way." Buffy hit Spike on the arm. They both smiled and walked back over to the group. "Okay, showtime." Spike opened the book and began to read from it. Angel awoke suddenly to Spike's chanting. Buffy stood by his feet and watched his face as he realized what was going on. "NO!" Angel struggled to get up but it was too late, the spell was working. He cried out in pain as he continued to try and get up. After Spike finished, Angel collapsed. "Okay, my turn," Buffy said. Everyone in the room turned to her, shocked. "Buffy? What the..." Buffy silenced Xander with her hand. "Stop. You don't understand." "What is going on Buffy?" Drusilla took several steps until she was face to face with Buffy. "Dru, you remember that night when you killed Xander?" "Yes..." "Let's just say, I'm a damn good actress!" "What are you talking about?" Xander said as he pulled Buffy to face him." "When I confronted Drusilla, I wasn't Buffy Summers, Vampire Slayer. I was Buffy Summers, Vampire. See, the night before, Spike and I had a little chat. He agreed to transform me into a vampire so that I could get Angel out of his way." Buffy broke away from Xander's glare and walked away from the group. "The next night, when you sent Spike after me, it was all just a setup. We fought because Spike didn't want to go along with the plan. When he finally agreed, I stuck a spike in his gut just to make sure he knew I was serious." "But, I turned you into a vampire," Drusilla said trying to catch Buffy's eye. "Well, you did. You sucked me dry and then gave me your blood. Let's just say those rumors about how making a vampire a vampire doesn't work aren't true. I'm still here." "To make a really long story short, I moved here to figure out the spell and to get ready for Buffy to bring me Angel. After you made her a vampire again, she was too busy with killing of everyone who breathed on her, to think about why she became a vampire in the first place. Basically, she wants to have Angel back and that's what I'm going to do. After all, my word is good. Most of the time." Spike smiled slightly at all that was going on. Buffy turned to Xander. "Xander, I do have feelings for you, but you know my heart belongs to Angel. It always has." "Unfortunately, I do." He didn't know whether to be furious at her or to be her friend. It was all too much at one time for him to handle, especially as a vampire. Buffy pushed Angel's body off the table so she could lay down. "Okay, let's get this over with before the demon in me takes over." Spike started chanting again. Buffy fell unconscious on the table. "My job is done. Now lets get you home my sweet." He scooped Dru up into his arms and they left the room. Xander, Oz and Willow waited to see what would happen when Angel and Buffy awoke. End Part 12 - Send Feedback and I'm still looking for editors for my stories. ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 19 Apr 1998 16:03:56 EDT From: Aglx Subject: BUFFYFIC: Lost & Found (13/13) Lost & Found 13 Title: Lost & Found (13/13) Author: Michelle E-mail: Rating: PG-13 = violence and graphic descriptions (no sex) Summary: Series after Vengeance - Buffy, Xander, Willow are all vampires. Drusilla is making Buffy pay for supposedly killing Spike. Previous Stories: If you like this story but don't understand it, it's probally because you haven't read Vengeance. That came before this one and this is a continuation of it. You can find it as well as all my other stories at: Distribution: I'll say yes, but ask. Spoilers: Everything up to Killed By Death (just to be safe) Feedback: Please, good or bad, I need to know. The more feedback, the more writting I do! I won't care if you tell me this story is horrible, I just want to know. This story is something that happens after Killed By Death. Probally a Third season type story. This story has some pretty graphic descriptions and some people may be upset by the story. There is a PG-13 rating on this story however, there is no sex or sexual situations. Just some Buffy like language and violence. This story will go on for a while, or until I come up with a way to end it. The characters, Buffy, Xander, Willow, etc. belong to Joss Whedon, The WB, Sandollar, etc. ************ She awoke in his warm embrace. He had moved them into a dark room where the sun couldn't find them. Buffy's eyes opened slowly to a familiar face. "Hi," she said softly. "Hey." His words were quiet and caring, something she desperately missed. Angel and Buffy were sitting peacefuly on a bed in a small bedroom. As far as she could tell, they were still in the house. "Xander, Willow, Oz?" "Willow and Xander are fine. I cast the spell on them yesterday. They still haven't regained conciousness. Oz however, got away. He was too much for me to handle. I'm still pretty weak. "How long was I out for?" Buffy's voice was calm as she settled herself against his body. "A few days, but you earned it." Angel smiled as he looked down into her eyes. They both had so much to say to eachother. So many appologies. They both knew how sorry they were. "I can't beleive this is all happening," Buffy said as she closed her eyes. "Me either, but it is." "Angel?" She opened her eyes to look into his. "Yeah?" "Hold me, and don't ever let go." "I won't. Ever." ******* Willow awoke lying next to Xander. He was still out, but she watched him lovingly. Willow sat up slowly and rested her back against the wall. She closed her eyes, reminising of the events that had happened. Everyone was a vampire. It was a lot for a person to take on. "Willow?" Xander's voice was weak as he slowly awoke to her beautiful smile looking down on him. "I'm here." He smiled as her fingers carressed his face. They didn't need words to express the feelings they had for eachother. It had exisited when they were evil demons, and even when they were humans. Now, as a combination of the two, they were finally able to show it. The two stared into eachothers eyes, smiles grazing their flawless features. Xander sat up next to her and placed her hands in his. After several minutes of looking into eachother's eyes, Xander moved in to kiss Willow. As they broke away, Willow said werily, "You have no idea how long I've been waiting for that." They both smiled as Xander took her into his arms. They had an eternal life to build together. *************************************************** That is the end of Lost & Found. Putting an end to this series, I will be starting an entirely new story that will start where this story leaves off. Don't worry, I'll be sure to be descrptive so you don't have to read all my previous stories to understand it. ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 19 Apr 1998 17:10:16 +0000 From: Subject: BUFFYFIC: A shot (or somthing) of luck ok, I totaly Erased the part 5 of that story! ok, in case my title was wrong, the story was about spike, and drusilla had died, and willow was chained up...that kind of thing. so if the person who wrote it would send me another copy, I would be greatful, (It was a wonderfull story) -Dru ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 19 Apr 1998 16:27:45 -0700 From: LadySun Subject: BUFFYFIC: A Stroke of Luck (part 6) For disclaimers see part 1 A Stroke of Luck (part 6) Buffy paced around in the waiting room franticly, grabbing every doctors arm that walked by, asking about Giles. "Hey! Lady, wanna site down?" Yelled a guy watching the television. Buffy was about to give him a piece of her mind, when she spotted angel walking towards her. "What happened?" He asked his voice betraying a hint of sadness. "Drusilla...she was...uh...out hunting" Buffy assumed she was out hunting at least. And tried to think hard of what to say next, especially after the speech Angel had given her just days before... when he had his obsession with Drusilla... But Angel wasn't listening. The minute she had said Dru's name the light had clicked on in Angels mind. He stopped listening and began to grow furious, They would *not* get away with this. He promised himself and he promised Giles. Spike and Dru... they had gone to far now. Buffy continued, lost in thought of the day's events... "and.. she was talking to Giles, right before I came...and...Umm.." Buffy looked at Angel... "O god!" She cried softly, and Angel looked around to make sure no one was listening. He pulled her to his arms, holding her securely "I killed her" Buffy said. Angels eyes flew wide open in shock... Dru was dead? "And now, he's killed Giles" "shhhh" he said Buffy shook visibly in his arms. Angel gently pulled her away to look into her face. There were no tears in her eyes, but she was very clearly distraught ~~ Spike led Willow into another room in the warehouse. It was much more decorated than the two she had just been in. But still looked way to gloomy for her tastes. Her hands were shaking again. Spikes hands were cold. Very cold in fact! And it scared her. Being around him, being trapped like this. It made her feel to helpless. "This was her's" Spike began, swiping his hand around the room "all of it" Willow's confused. Whose? Drusilla's? It must be, she thought, looking at the dolls in the corner of the room and the lacey bed. Willow stopped her thought's suddenly "was?" She asked in her shaking voice. The one she couldn't seem to get away. "Was." Spike said glaring at her. "She owned it all" His voice trailed off "Until your playmate killed her." He suddenly hissed Buffy!? Willow's wide-eyed expression was enough to make Spike want to kill her all over again. She quickly saw the anger in his eyes, and looked down. Willow began begging silently, to whatever gods would listen to her. But at least she knew now. She knew the reason he had brought her here... She was going to pay for Buffy's crimes. She looked up again. Spike wasn't looking at her, and she quickly began to scan the room for a weapon or something. Willow smiled brightly. Leave it to Drusilla to label all her toys! "Willow?" Spike asked, turning to face her. Willow quickly took her eyes off the 'holy water' container and looked at Spike. "Umm.. yeah?" "Goodnight." He said as he hit her over the head with his fist. Willow promptly went limp, and fell to the floor. - -- ~ ` ~ LadySun ~ ` ~ 'We look before and After, and pine for what is not; our sincerest laughter with some pain is fraught; Our sweetest songs are those that tell the saddest thought...' The Cure (Wish) ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 19 Apr 1998 20:25:00 -0700 From: LadySun Subject: BUFFYFIC: A Stroke of Luck (Part 7) For disclaimers see part 1 A Stroke of Luck (part 7) When Willow awoke she was in complete darkness, she felt trapped around in the silk sheets on the bed, and quickly untangled herself. She went to stand up, to look for a way out. She fell back down again. Willow's head was spinning. Grabbing her hands to her head in the pretense of stilling her mind she felt a large bump on the side of her head, from when Spike had hit her... Willow groaned. Her eyes went wide, as though to see through the darkness "Gee Spike. Couldn't even leave me with a little light?" She asked to no-one. Wondering where the hell she was now. Wondering where Buffy was now that she was the one needing to be saved... ~~~~~ ~ You say that you'll be there to catch me ~ Buffy, Angel, Xander and Cordelia all sat in Giles hospital room, waiting in silence. He had been unconscious for nearly two days now. The doctors said he had a good chance. The 'tree branch' hadn't hit any vital organs. "He had lost a lot of blood, and there was some shock to the heart. But he should be fine." "Thanks" Buffy told the doctor, and he left them alone with the patient... She began to pace around the room. "I can't believe this" Buffy sighed. There was a long pause of silence, as the four of them sat there starring off into space, each lost in their own thoughts. "I'm going to kill him... He can't..." She stopped. The emotion she felt was overwhelming her. "He cannot get away with this!" She hissed "Angel, you know where he lives don't you?" Angel was at her side immediately "Going up against Spike now is not a good idea Buffy. You know that!" He wasn't sure she'd heard him. He was about to comment some-more when Xander spoke up. "Anyone seen Willow?" ~~~~~~~ Spike had sat for the better part of the day remembering Drusilla. Just laying on top of the conference table thinking about the past, when Angel was Angelus and when Dru was alive. He had been off in his own world until his vampiric senses had picked up Willow's movements. He listened. He had waited for her to fall back asleep, grabbing Lucius from his slumber and ordered him go out to get his new pet something to eat. He had nearly smacked him when he came back with pizza! But figured she wouldn't mind, most likely think it was poisoned anyways. Spike crept into Dru's old room to look in on Willow. She lay there, curled up on the corner of the bed, the covers where kicked aside and tangled near her feet. Hair clung to the side of her face, and her clothes were ripped and tattered. But she was still beautiful.. The thought crossed Spikes mind... Moving to sit on the edge of the bed, he pushed a few strands of hair away out of her face. She could've been Dru. Were it not for the fire in her hair. Leaning over he kissed her lips lightly, as an evil smile spread across his face. - -- ~ ` ~ LadySun ~ ` ~ 'We look before and After, and pine for what is not; our sincerest laughter with some pain is fraught; Our sweetest songs are those that tell the saddest thought...' The Cure (Wish) ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 20 Apr 1998 09:27:27 PDT From: "Sara Barton" Subject: BUFFYFIC: Any Room Left (1/1) Author: Sara B. email: Title: Any Room Left Distribution: Just let me know first! Disclaimer: Anything affiliatied with Buffy ain't mine! Summary: This is just a little fic about Willow's thoughts. It takes place right after last season's finale "Prophecy Girl." Feedback: Please send! Any Room Left (1/1) I can’t believe it. He asked me to the dance. ME! All of my hopes and dreams had come true in that instant. This was the moment I had been waiting for my entire life. My first reaction was to throw my arms around his neck and yell, “Yes! Of course I’ll go with you!” But I didn’t, because the look in his eyes stopped me. I had seen the look before, it’s familiarity hit me harshly. It was the intense look of rejection. She had rejected him. I couldn’t believe it. In less than a second, I had gone from soaring high in the sky to plummeting back down to the earth. Reality hit me. So, while my heart ripped into a million pieces and my knees grew weak, I fought back my tears and uttered the words I never thought would come out of my mouth at a moment like this. I told him no. I just flat out said it. No. He hadn’t quiet heard me at first. When he asked me to go, it was moments after she had told him no, moments after she practically put a knife through his heart. I remember his exact words: “Hey, I know what we'll do! We can go! Be my date! We'll, we'll have a great time! We'll dance, we'll go wild... Whadaya say?” It was like he thought I had no feelings. As if I was just his back up plan, like an old toy just lying around to play with when the new one broke. So, I told him no. My words had been, “You think I wanna go to the dance with you and watch you wish you were at the dance with her? You think that's my idea of hijinx? You should know better.” He stared at me when I said that like a ton of bricks had fallen upon him from above. His realization at his worlds left him ashamed. “I didn’t think,” he said, looking away. “I'm sorry it didn't work out for you. I'll see you on Monday,” were my last words to him before I walked away from him. And he walked away also, mumbling something about country music being the music of pain. I knew his pain was intense. I had known him my entire life, and when he hurt, I hurt. When he was happy, I was happy. And when he was in pain, I was in pain. And while I walked away from him, my body mind soul ached. I longed for a love that was so strong, yet so alone. It was my love for him...the love that had been looming inside of me for so many years. It was a sort of quiet love, one that goes untouched, unstirred. A love that was, in it’s own way, an everlasting emotion that would always burn inside of me. It was a feeling that had become a part of me, vowing to never disappear. Destined to be everlasting...destined to be alone. He and I were best friends. An inseparable pair. Our lives had been so simple, so pure. We lived in an in innocent world, filled with naive and blindness. And when she came along, that world fell apart. It came tumbling down around us...crumbling into fragments of a life once so close, yet now so far away. And all that was left was for me to pick up the remaining pieces and keep them locked away safely in my memory. Don’t get me wrong---I loved her.......but so did he. From the moment his eyes laid upon her, he wanted her. I would listen to him for hours while he constantly talked about how wonderful she was. Her eyes. Her hair. Her skin. Her voice. Her supreme greatness. He wanted it all. He wanted her. So I was forced to take a back seat in his life while she rode shotgun. Over the course of the year, his infatuation grew to immense proportions, taking up his entire heart. And I was left in the shadows, wondering if there was any room left for me. I pondered this constantly, worrying that I was no longer the most important thing in his life. I was desperate for his attention, desperate for him to notice me, notice *my* supreme greatness. It was as if she was a bright star outshining everything in it’s path. She outshines me. She had become my best friend, but little did she know she had become my worst enemy. But I would never tell her this, for her heart meant to do only good, never bad. She didn’t mean to make him fall in love with her. It just happened. The extent of her feelings for him had never reached farther than a purely platonic friendship. I suppose that is why she rejected him. Their friendship meant far to much to her to risk losing it. Through out all of this, one question still remained, burning in my mind. Why can’t I be the one he loves? I’ve been there for him through his good times and bad times. I was the shoulder he cried on. I have been his support unit. I know him better than anyone. Hell, I know him better than he knows himself. And then, it happened. She was destined to die one fateful night at the end of the school year. I remember when he learned that she was in danger. He immediately grew angry, cursing at Giles for letting her go. He went from being calm to being freaked out, fearing that she would die...fearing that he would lose her forever. And so, he gallantly went off to save her, like he was her White Night. He bravely risked his life for her. He saved her from death. Would he have done the same for me? If my life were in danger, would he save me? Would he risk his life for me like he did for her? I hope to God that he would. Oh, I pray that he would, for I would do it for him. No questions asked. If he was on the brink of death, I would give my life for his. And now, that the horrible night is over, and she has left for L.A., I sit in my bedroom alone, thinking about the past year. How much we have all changed! She has taught me to be more stick up for myself. My self esteem has increased greatly since she entered my life, and I’m thankful that she is here. If she weren’t, I’d be dead...and so would everyone else in this damned town. So I guess that she has done more good for me than bad. Sure, he loves her, but my consolation is that she doesn’t love him. Yes, my feelings have been out of jealousy of her, and the thought of Xander loving her make my skin crawl. But maybe now that Buffy is going to be gone all summer I can get over those feelings. And maybe, just maybe, Xander can get over his feelings too. Perhaps there is hope for him, and for me. I can only pray for it to be true...that one day, he steps out of her blinding light, and notices me. Hopefully, that day will come soon. The End *Well? Whadaya think?* ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at ------------------------------ End of buffyfic-digest V2 #142 ****************************** To subscribe to buffyfic or buffyfic-digest, send the command subscribe buffyfic-digest or subscribe buffy to You will need to go through a confirmation process, and the listowners have to manually approve your subscription request, so it may take some time. To unsubscribe, send email to with unsubscribe buffyfic-digest or unsubscribe buffyfic in the body. Back issues of this digest can be found at: Dalton Spence has also provided an index of the buffyfic archive at: For help, contact Jill Kirby ( or sah (