From: (buffyfic-digest) To: Subject: buffyfic-digest V2 #148 Reply-To: $SENDER Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk buffyfic-digest Saturday, April 25 1998 Volume 02 : Number 148 In this issue: BUFFYFIC: When? (1/?) BUFFYFIC: When? (2/?) BUFFYFIC: When? (4/?) BUFFYFIC: When? (3/?) BUFFYFIC: Broken Bonds (Part 4) BUFFYFIC: "The Cure" (9/14) BUFFYFIC: "The Cure" (10/14) BUFFYFIC: Ever After (1/1) See the end of the digest for information on (un)subscribing to the buffyfic or buffyfic-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sat, 26 Apr 1997 14:49:27 +0100 From: "Mark Jones" Subject: BUFFYFIC: When? (1/?) Could I please get feedback? Buffy sat there, cold and lonely. After all these painstakingly long hours, just siting there doing nothing she was bored, lonely but most of all she was upset. The day had seemed to drag, she hadn’t seen her friends for a few hours but to her it felt like a lifetime. She just lay back with her head resting on a tombstone, waiting, she was beginning to think that it wasn’t worth it, no matter how happy he had made her before, he had no right to make her stay and wait. The sun was starting to set in the clear sky, giving that red-pink colour that Buffy had loved so much, but that was then, then when her life felt secure, she was happy. But now she didn’t know how she felt about anything, especially not Angel. Why had he wanted to meet her after all this time and after everything that had happened, why did he want to meet her here, in the graveyard? But one thing troubled Buffy more than that was how had Angel managed to make her agree to this? She knew that she wouldn’t, especially not in a graveyard. It was as if he had a power over her, she had wanted to leave hours ago, but it was as if some invisible force prevented her, she was stuck there until Angel decided he wanted to show up, no matter how much she wanted to leave. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 26 Apr 1997 14:49:35 +0100 From: "Mark Jones" Subject: BUFFYFIC: When? (2/?) Feedback please!! She begun to doze, she couldn’t keep her eyes open for much longer, she felt them getting heavier and heavier, until they closed and Buffy was transported to another world, the world of dreams where anything could happen and where anything did. Buffy felt herself floating high above everybody else, the world was calm and relaxed, she could see everything in Sunnydale, the school, mall and all of her friends, Xander, Cordelia and Willow, they all looked very worried, she saw Giles approach them, he too was worried. but what about the dreaming Buffy wondered, and more importantly, why didn’t they tell her or ask for her help? Then, the peace was shattered and everyone rushed indoors, shouting, “It’s a trap! It’s a trap!” ‘What’s a trap? What’s a trap?’ Wondered Buffy, she saw nothing out of the ordinary going on. She wanted to help them, but although she felt like she had all the power in the world and could see everything, she tried and she had nothing, she was entirely powerless. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 26 Apr 1997 14:49:43 +0100 From: "Mark Jones" Subject: BUFFYFIC: When? (4/?) Feedback please! They didn’t move, they began to make Buffy uneasy until one of them spoke… “Slayer, we know you won’t harm us!!!” His voice was filled with confidence, “Oh yeah,?” Buffy replied, her voice strong and firm “Says who!?” “Says us” Came the reply, his voice filled with the same confidence as before. “Why shouldn’t I kill you?” Buffy asked, her own confidence growing by the second, she knew that they were just messing, trying to catch her off guard and then they would attack, ‘Well not this time’ Buffy happily thought. His reply came with even more confidence than before and he simply said “Because, if you kill us, our master kills all of your friends” “Oh yeah? And how’s he going to do that then? Take over the school!?!!” “Why yes, as a matter of fact he is!! You _are_ good at this game aren’t you now!! And just to make sure that you don’t kill us, we’ve already kidnapped a few of your friends, lets just call them our insurance, we die, they die, Simple enough!!?!!” ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 26 Apr 1997 14:49:41 +0100 From: "Mark Jones" Subject: BUFFYFIC: When? (3/?) Feedback plese!!! Buffy awoke with a start, she was scared, what had happened to her friends? what was going on? why had no-one told her? She quickly got up and was going to help, but then she realised, it had been a dream, and that no matter how much she wanted to leave, she couldn’t, Angel somehow was making sure of that. Her eyes started to focus on the surrounding area, and she didn’t like what she saw… She was surrounded, with no way out, now she knew what the dream meant, this was a trap and she was powerless, how could she escape? “Angel!” she called out, her voice filled with alarm thinking that maybe this was somekind of sick joke, no reply. She grabbed her bag, ready to kick some ass! The vampires didn’t move it was as if they were being forced to stay like Buffy was, by some invisible force. They all stood there, drilling their evil eyes into Buffy while she circled around them, ready to pounce. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 25 Apr 1998 13:32:35 -0400 From: Subject: BUFFYFIC: Broken Bonds (Part 4) Title: Broken Bonds (Part 4) Author: Northlight e-mail: Note: Thanks to all who helped. Summary: Giles dissapears and bad things start to happen. Disclaimer: They don't belong to me. Buffy found Willow outside later that day. The other girl was leaning against a tree, her biology textbook balancing on her knees. "Hey Willow," Buffy said, dropping down next to her. Willow looked up from the book, a smile on her lips. The smile faded a moment later as she took in Buffy's worried expression. "What's wrong?" "Where's Xander?" Buffy asked, "I'll tell you both together so I don't have to go over everything again." "He's home with the flu," Willow answered absently, still focused on Buffy's pale, drawn face. "So tell me what happened?" Buffy sighed, rubbing at her aching eyes before answering Willow's question. "I'm not quite sure what happened. I had one of my dreams again, and then when I to talk to Giles this morning, he wasn't there." Willow's face mirrored Buffy's concern when she heard that. 'When is Giles not here?' "Something happened to him?" she suggested uneasily. "I'm sure of it," Buffy answered with another sigh, "I'm just not sure what... yet. Anyway, Giles wasn't there, but some way freaky man was. He said that his name's Nathaniel Tyler and that he's my new Watcher." Her face darkened at the thought of the man she had met earlier that day. Even his name unnerved her. "According to him, Giles took the earliest flight he could back to England because of some emergency... and apparently he had to leave so quickly that he couldn't be bothered to tell me." "Giles wouldn't do that," Willow said, her voice certain. Buffy nodded. "I know, Willow. I don't trust Tyler, and my dreams are telling me that something big is about to happen... but I just don't know what to do. I need Giles here to help me, but I have the awful feeling that he's in as much trouble as I am." Willow looked at Buffy sympathetically. It was times like these when Willow knew that she wouldn't want to be Buffy for anything. "I'm here for you, Buffy. And so's Xander. Even if he has to drag himself out of bed to get to you." Buffy smiled, accepting Willow's comfort. "So, what do I do now, Willow? I know that something's wrong, but this isn't a problem that I can just fight away." "I think," Willow began, letting her textbook snap shut, "that the best thing that we can do for the moment is watch your new Watcher. We'll see if he does anything to confirm your suspicions.. and you might want to talk to Angel and see if he has any ideas about what may be going on." The mention of Buffy's favorite vampire had the desired effect, as the Slayer's face lit up in eager anticipation. "Yeah, I'm sure that Angel will have some ideas." "Great. We'll figure everything out. Giles will come back, Tyler will leave, and everything will go back to as normal as it ever is." End Part 4 ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 25 Apr 1998 16:30:54 From: Sarah Douglas Subject: BUFFYFIC: "The Cure" (9/14) DISCLAIMER: I don't own Buffy or any of the other wonderful characters in the Buffyverse. I am using them without the permission of the people who do own them who are not going to sue me because I am not making any money off this. Joss Whedon, WB, Mutant Enemy, Kusui and Sandollar own the Buffy characters. DISTRIBUTION: Just ask. RATING: Probably PG FEEDBACK: I would love to know what you all think of this. Please send me feedback. Pretty please. SUMMARY: Okay, well this takes place while Ms. Calendar is still alive, but Angel is evil, so probably Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered. It's another "Angel gets his soul back" story which I wrote to convince myself that Angel could be good again. It's kind of long and I'm sorry about that you all. AUTHOR'S MESSAGE: hello all. Yes that's right, another part this soon. Wow, am I impressive or what? Well, it's almost new Buffy ep time, so yay everybody be happy. I don't think I have anyone to dedicate this part to, so hmmmm, Jeanie, I guess this one goes out to you. On with the show The Cure (9/14) Angel was too restless to sleep. He kept pacing across the main room in the warehouse. He was very upset at not finding Willow. Spike and Dru had gone to bed much earlier. Dru had tried to convince Angel to go to bed then. He's just kept pacing, so she'd gone to bed. All of the sudden, Angel fell to the ground in incredible pain and stayed routed to the ground for several minutes. Then it ended almost as quickly as it began. <> *************** Buffy, Giles and the slayerettes set up at Oz's aging. "Oz, is there anywhere Giles and I can train?" Buffy asked. "Oh sure, through that door," Oz pointed towards the other door at the bottom of the stairs. "My parents were going to turn it into a work out room, but they never got around to it. It's just an empty room, but it's nicely carpeted." "Cool, thanks," Buffy replied. "The rest of you, should continue researching," Giles said. "If anyone needs anything from home, go now and be back before sunset. Cordelia, Zander, if you want to go home, please go before sunset," Buffy added following Giles into the room. "Well, I don't know about the rest of you people, but I'm going home. I'm just so sick of you people," Cordelia announced, picking up her bag. "I'll walk you home Cordy," Xander offered. "Thanks," Cordelia replied. "I'll be back in a bit," Xander called to Willow and Oz, heading up the stair after Cordelia. "Well, I guess we should get to work," Willow said picking up a book. "Willow, can I ask you something?" Oz asked. Willow nodded in reply. "How long have you been doing this?" "Basically since Buffy moved here last year." "Does it ever get to you? I mean, battling the undead on a daily basis, knowing that they know you and they want you dead, watching person after person die?" Oz asked. Willow put her book down. "A little at first. I mean, when I first found out, Xander and I found out at the same time, we were both like ‘yesterday our lives were like oh no, pop quiz, and now it's like oh no vampires.' It was weird at first, because at the same time as we found out our friend Jesse got turned into a vampire. It was at the same time as the Harvest and Xander had to slay him. And some weird stuff has happened, but at the end of the day, it's worth it because we help save the world," Willow replied and picked up her book again. Oz smiled at Willow. <> Oz picked up a book and got to work. *************** Buffy attacked Giles, kicking him squarely in the chest, knocking him off balance. She took advantage of her opening and threw him against the wall. She rushed forward and blocked him across the chest, grabbed her stake and put it over his heart. "One minute, twenty-eight seconds," Giles announced, stopping his stop-watch. Buffy smiled. "Okay, that's good, I guess we can stop now. I need a break anyways," Buffy said, picking up her water bottle. She took a swig. "Giles, should I slay him? If I see Angel, should I slay him if I can?" Buffy asked. Giles took off his glasses and wiped them. "Buffy, this isn't something I can just decide. If you're fighting him, your slayer instincts will take over, so if the time is right, you'll stake him." Buffy slowly nodded. Then she smiled. "You know that "slayer instincts" excuse must really be convenient," buffy joked. "I suppose that's true," Giles said, grinning. "You cracked a smile. Isn't that against some watcher rule?" Buffy jokingly accused. "Well, you're taking your slayer duties seriously. It's a world gone mad," Giles said. The slayer and the watcher laughed. *************** Xander and Cordelia reached the door. "Well, thanks for walking me home," Cordelia said. "No problem," Xander replied. He turned to go. "Aren't you even going to kiss me goodbye?" Cordelia asked, her hands on her hips. Xander turned around, grabbed Cordelia and lowered his lips onto her. End part 9 Okay, now I know you all have an opinion, so e-mail it to me good, bad, whatever. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 25 Apr 1998 16:34:54 From: Sarah Douglas Subject: BUFFYFIC: "The Cure" (10/14) DISCLAIMER: I don't own Buffy or any of the other wonderful characters in the Buffyverse. I am using them without the permission of the people who do own them who are not going to sue me because I am not making any money off this. Joss Whedon, WB, Mutant Enemy, Kusui and Sandollar own the Buffy characters. DISTRIBUTION: Just ask. RATING: Probably PG FEEDBACK: I would love to know what you all think of this. Please send me feedback. Pretty please. SUMMARY: Okay, well this takes place while Ms. Calendar is still alive, but Angel is evil, so probably Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered. It's another "Angel gets his soul back" story which I wrote to convince myself that Angel could be good again. It's kind of long and I'm sorry about that you all. AUTHOR'S MESSAGE:Yes, that's right, another part. I think that since I have time now, that I should send in the parts while I have time. Okay, enjoy. On with the show The Cure (10/14) Angel sat at the table. Dru approached him from behind. "Did you go to bed at all last night, love?" Dru asked. "Couldn't sleep." "You think too much about the slayer." Angel stayed silent. "Come on now love, What's wrong?" Dru asked. "I'm tired of being cooped up in this place. I want to hunt," Angel complained. Dru sat down on his lap. "Don't worry love. Soon the sun will set and we'll hunt." "Hey, hey, what's all this about?" Spike demanded. Suddenly the vampire on watch burst in. "The sun has set." "Sorry, Spike old boy. Explanations will have to wait for a later time. I'm going to hunt. Sorry you can't come with. Coming Dru?" Angel asked. "Coming. Bye Spike," Dru replied. She kissed Spike on the cheek and hurried after Angel. "That guy is really starting to piss me off." *************** "Hey guys," Buffy said, marching in on Willow and Oz. Buffy looked at them. "Where are Xander and Cordelia?" "Cordelia wanted to go home so Xander walked her home," Willow explained. "Xander's not back yet?" Buffy demanded. "Yes, he is," Xander answered, walking in. "Is Cordelia in her house?" Buffy asked "Yeah." "Then I'm going to patrol." *************** Angel walked with a purpose. "Where are we going?" Dru asked. Angel stopped. "Dru, I want you to go find yourself a meal. I'm going to wait for Buffy in the graveyard. Go home when you're done. I'll meet you there," Angel said and walked off, leaving Dru behind. Sometime that day, sitting racking his brain for where he could find Willow, he decided that he wanted to fight Buffy. Angel silently slipped into the graveyard. He went to a dark corner, a place he had lurked in times past. Angel sat down in the corner and waited. *************** Buffy walked out of Oz's house, today armed with stakes. She wanted to do some hand to hand combat tonight. << I don't really want to hunt at the graveyard tonight,>> she thought, but she was inexplicable drawn there. She walked in a looked around. In the back corner Angel saw her. He stood slowly, careful not to make any noise. Buffy spotted a vampire and silently crept behind him, plunging the stake into his back. Angel took that opportunity to sneak up behind her. Buffy brushed the dust off her hands. "One less demon walking the earth," Buffy said with satisfaction. "You've still got me, lover," Angel said. Buffy whirled around to face him. She looked a little startled. "Did I scare you lover? Oops, sorry,' Angel said, taunting her. Buffy took Angel off his guard by punching him square in the jaw. Angel fell backwards and Buffy delivered a roundhouse kick that hit Angel in the chest. Angel threw back a punch of his own, but Buffy blocked it quickly, and ducked under his arm. She kicked him in the back and he stumbled forwards. She attacked again, but this time Angel avoided her attack and grabbed her by the arm and threw her a few feet. Buffy scrambled to her feet, but Angel was quick. He grabbed her by the neck and pushed her against a gravestone. "What? No pleasant small talk first tonight? Did you have a bad day lover? I'll make it all better," Angel said, his game face appearing. Angel lowered his fangs closer to buffy's neck. Then, suddenly, Angel fell to the ground, in agony. Buffy was completely confused and a little scared. She hurried out of the cemetery. *************** Giles sat in a chair reading one of the watcher diaries. Willow and Oz were doing homework and Xander was looking through on of Giles' books. Buffy burst in and marched straight up to Giles. "Giles, the weirdest thing just happened. I was fighting with Angel and he just fell to the ground, in pain. What does it mean, Giles?" Buffy demanded. "You were fighting with Angel and he just fell to the ground for no apparent reason? And he was in pain? Is that right?" Giles asked in return. "Yup, that pretty much sums it up," Buffy replied. "Well, to be perfectly honest, I don't have the slightest idea." "Knowledge man doesn't know what's going on. Well, that's comforting,' Xander said sarcastically. "Well, there are any number of possibilities," Giles explained. "We do, after all, live on the Hellmouth. It could have something to do with that, or something that Buffy didn't see could have injured him. I'll have to-" "Consult my books," the slayer and slayerettes chimed in. "Yes, quite. Well, the rest of you ought to go get some sleep. This isn't urgent. Go to bed," Giles said authoritatively. "Okay, okay, we're going to bed. Night Giles," Buffy said. "Night G-man" "Night Giles." "Night Giles." "Goodnight everyone," Giles said and picked up a book. *************** Angel stumbled to his feet. <> Angel wondered. He left the graveyard and started walking toward the warehouse. He saw a red haired girl in front of him. He grabbed her from behind and sunk his fangs into her neck before she could scream. After he drained her, he went into the warehouse. "Hey Spike. What's up?" Angel asked. "Nothing, why do you ask?" Spike returned suspiciously. "On your guard I see. Oh well, maybe it's a smart idea. Is Dru home?" "Yeah, she got in about a half an hour ago. I thought you two were going out hunting together." "I went to find the slayer. I thought it would be best if Dru didn't come." "Did you find her?" "Yeah, we fought a while. Nothing exciting." "Look, when are you going to kill her already? What's up with the fighting and mind games? You're just going to make her angry!" "Whatever Spike, I'm going to bed." angel said and walked off. Spike hung back for a few moments, then followed. End part 10 Okay, all feedback (and you will all send feedback) to ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 25 Apr 1998 19:08:24 -0400 From: Subject: BUFFYFIC: Ever After (1/1) Title: Ever After Author: Northlight e-mail: Notes: Unlike "Broken Bonds" this story has not been checked over by anyone else, so please excuse any spelling or punctuation mistakes that I may have made. Summary: All that I can really say about it is that it involves Angelus and Buffy. Disclaimer: They aren't mine. She was running, her legs pumping and her heart pounding wildly. Hour after hour of training allowed her to continue her frantic pace long past the point where most people would have collapsed. Her long nights patrolling the cemetery for newly awakened vampires also allowed her to pass across the headstone spotted ground with relative ease. She hated herself for running. 'I'm the Slayer, dammit! I fight vampires! I don't run!' And yet her pace didn't slow. Her pride in her ability and her disgust in her flight were nothing compared to the insistent command of her survival instinct to run from this place. Or, more accurately, to run from the creature behind her. 'It's just another vampire!' she scolded herself as she vaulted over an overturned headstone. But it wasn't. The vampire that pursued her so relentlessly was none other than Angelus. 'Angelus...' the name sent a shudder racing through her straining body. Her flight was painfully cut short as her foot twisted in the loose earth of a recently disturbed grave. With a short, startled gasp, the Slayer tumbled to the ground. She fought the urge to give into her aching body, and pulled herself to her knees. It was far to late. Her accident had cost her precious time, and she knew that any chance that she had of evading Angelus was gone. 'I am so dead.' The thought flittered through her mind, strangely unreal. The insistent tug on her Slayer's special awareness brought reality sharply back into focus. He was there, only feet away from her. The vampire looked at her through hooded eyes, a dangerous smile curving his lips. Angelus sauntered towards her, his utter lack of concern about her ability as a Slayer making the young woman ache to wipe the smug look off of his face. Unfortunately, she knew that wasn't about to happen. Not willing to meet her death sprawled on the ground, she rose to her feet, biting back a grunt as her twisted ankle strongly protested. He was in front of her, their bodies only inches apart. She was helpless. Her supply of stakes had been spent on the horde of vampires she had faced earlier that night. Her cross had been lost the first time she had evaded Angelus' grip. And her body was exhausted from her long night of battles and her desperate flight through the cemetery. 'It wasn't supposed to end like this! The good guys always win...' Angelus reached out towards her, and the Slayer couldn't surpress her soft sob. She didn't want to die. Instead of wrapping around her neck and snuffing out her life, the vampire's hand twined around the strands of blonde hair that had escaped her ponytail. "Such pretty hair," Angelus said softly, rubbing the silky strands of hair between his fingertips absently. That was not what she had expected to hear. "What?!" Angelus smirked, amused by her obvious shock and the fear that his causal words had heightened. "I knew a Slayer once, she had such beautiful blonde hair, just like yours." She tried to back away, not liking the vicious glint in his eyes. But Angelus' grip on her hair tightened, immobilizing her. 'Say some witty Slayer type thing, and then beat him senseless.' "Uh... That's nice. Can I go now?" she stammered. 'I said witty! That wasn't witty! Okay, no problem, I can just skip to the beating the vampire up part.' Beneath the knowing eyes of her captor, the second part fizzled as easily as the first. "I can remember how her hair shone in the moonlight right before I ripped her throat out." He sighed sadly, "I was so hopping to hear her scream, but all she did was gurgle. Such high hopes gone to waste on that girl... but I'm guessing that you can make up for some of that." A cool breeze brushed across the Slayer's pale, terrified face as Angelus lowered his fangs towards her exposed neck with excruciating slowness. "I don't think so, dear." The voice was unexpected and filled with the strength that lacked in the trembling Slayer's tone. Angelus' eyes widened in recognition, and the girl slipped from his grasp. Free of the vampire's strong hands, the Slayer bonelessly dropped to the ground. "Buffy?!" Angelus hissed as he took in the sight of the woman who casually stood among the headstones, a stake held with easy familiarity in her hand. 'Buffy?' the Slayer thought dully, searching for the reason that name rung with such familiarity through her mind. It took a minute for the knowledge to permeate her foggy mind. 'Buffy! She was the Slayer before me! The one that Angelus... The one that Angelus killed!' Buffy smiled coyly, "I'm happy to see you to, I have so missed you." "Your dead!" Angelus growled, "I killed you!" "Details." Buffy shrugged, "and really, Angelus, you should know how unexpected things on the Hellmouth are." Angelus' eyes narrowed in hatred, and with a powerful thrust he launched himself towards Buffy. He would tear her apart. Again. And this time, she'd stay dead. "What the--!?" Angelus gasped as his body passed through Buffy's without resistance. He rolled to his feet, and stared at her, his fangs bared in warning. Buffy laughed. "Getting slow in your old age, Angelus? I'm already dead. Meaning, in case you're unable to grasp such a simple concept, you can't hurt me." The enraged vampire paused a moment, and then he smiled. "Maybe not, Buffy, but that means you can't hurt me either. So, there isn't anything to stop me from having my little snack over there," he said gesturing towards the wide eyed Slayer still slumped on the ground. With renewed purpose, Angelus moved towards the Slayer again, ignoring Buffy. That was a mistake. With a single, almost casual, movement, the stake Buffy held sliced through the vampire's shoulder. Her smile widened as Angelus howled in pain. "I said that you can't hurt me, I never said that it went the other way." Angelus' eyes rested on the new stake which had appeared in the apparitions hand and with a curse he backed away. "I'll be back to finish this," he warned before fading into the shadows. "And I'll be waiting!" Buffy called out after him. Business taken care of, Buffy turned towards the girl who had succeeded her as Slayer. "Are you alright? He didn't hurt you, did he?" The young Slayer gaped at Buffy, "your dead!" Buffy sighed. "I know." Before the other girl could question her further, Buffy continued, "I failed my friends, and I failed as a Slayer. The people I cared about died because I couldn't make myself kill the monster who wore the face of the man that I loved. But Giles, my Watcher, instilled a strong sense of duty in me, and when my body died, my spirit remained. So, we stayed here in Sunnydale to watch over and protect the people from Angelus." "We?" Buffy nodded, a joyful smile spreading over her face. "We," she confirmed, gesturing towards a second apparition among the headstones. The Slayer could clearly see the undeniably human face of Angelus on the figure. But his eyes were warm and loving as he looked towards them, and the girl knew that with him, she was safe. "Angel?" she asked, remembering what her Watcher had told her of the vampire with a soul. "Yes," Buffy stated simply, love shinning in her eyes as turned towards him. Buffy drifted towards Angel, her hand twinning in his. She glanced back towards the Slayer who had risen to her feet and smiled warmly, "don't worry about anything. We'll be here to help you." The Slayer nodded mutely, and watched in awe as the two figures faded away, a slight breeze marking their passage. The End ------------------------------ End of buffyfic-digest V2 #148 ****************************** To subscribe to buffyfic or buffyfic-digest, send the command subscribe buffyfic-digest or subscribe buffy to You will need to go through a confirmation process, and the listowners have to manually approve your subscription request, so it may take some time. 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