From: (buffyfic-digest) To: Subject: buffyfic-digest V2 #155 Reply-To: $SENDER Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk buffyfic-digest Saturday, May 2 1998 Volume 02 : Number 155 In this issue: BUFFYFIC: When (6/?) HELP NEEDED!!! BUFFYFIC: Angel's Memories (0/?) BUFFYFIC:Angel's Memories(1/?) BUFFYFIC:Angel's Memories(2/?) BUFFYFIC:Angel's Memories(3/?) BUFFYFIC: Cloaked in Darkness: chapter 2/? See the end of the digest for information on (un)subscribing to the buffyfic or buffyfic-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 1 May 1997 22:33:13 +0100 From: Mark Jones Subject: BUFFYFIC: When (6/?) HELP NEEDED!!! AUTHOR: Rachel Jones DISCLAIMER: I don't own any of the Buffy characters etc. they belong to Joss Weldon etc. PLEASE HELP! Ok, here's the thing, I have no idea at all on how to end this, the original story was not meant to be anything like this one, I just hope that you like it, I'm not too sure if I do, so it would be a great help it you would tell me what you think!! Thanks! In issue #153, there was a message saying 'Everton are rubbish...' and basically it had NOTHING to do with Buffy, here is what happened. I think my brother was sending the message to his friend who supports Everton, and he must have used the address book thing and clicked on the Buffyfic address by mistake, so I am VERY sorry about that! She just lay there waiting and concentration, Angel had to come soon Buffy hoped. To her amazement, at that exact moment Angel ran through the cemetery gates and towards Buffy, he then saw all of the other vampires and a chill ran down his spine, he didnt know what to do, he needed to talk to Buffy privately about her friends, he needed to give them some distraction. His mind was racing, until he knew what to do, these vampires would be hungry, he had to pretend to be one of them, just enough so that they would believe him, but Buffy would know that it was really Angel and not the evil vampire Angelus. He did the only thing that he felt he could do that would distract the vampires. He simply yelled Food, go and get it!!!! The other vampires looked at Buffy for a few seconds and then at Angel, they were stuck, but felt that if they went Angelus would watch over Buffy, little did they know ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 2 May 1998 08:10:00 EDT From: Jaclyn Amy Subject: BUFFYFIC: Angel's Memories (0/?) Angel’s Memories Prologue (0/?) by Jaclyn Amy TITLE: Angel’s Memories AUTHOR: Jaclyn RATING: PG/PG-13 SUMMARY: This is pretty much the story of Angel’s life before and as a vampire. Buffy finds Angel’s diary and decides to read it. If you notice any info that contradicts what the show has already said, please notify me. DISTRIBUTION: Ask me first. DISCLAIMER: I own none of the characters from or the movie or show Buffy the Vampire Slayer. They were created by Joss Wheden and are owned by 20th Century Fox, Sandollar Television, Mutant Enemy, etc. No infringement intended. FEEDBACK: Please be nice; I’m still a newbie. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ------------------------------ Buffy started going through the possesions in Angel’s appartment. It was daytime, and he wasn’t there now, so she was safe. There, she looked for anything of Angel’s. //I owe it to him// she thought //to make sure that Angelus doesn’t have the benifit of Angel’s things.// The first thing she checked was his dresser. Inside she found mostly clothing. A red velvet box caught her eye. She opened it, unsure of what she was going to find. His cross. She put his cross around her neck. The Claddagh ring. Tears started to sting her eyes. She closed her eyes and remembered the night she gave him the ring. "I love you." The three words that would change her life forever. //I love you too.// She slid the ring on her finger. She dug throught books and boxes. Most of them had to do with demonology and Slayers. One of them, though, stood out from all the rest. It didn’t have a title or an author on the cover. It had a beautiful red leather cover and delicate pages. //What’s this?// she thought to herself. She opened the book up to the first page. It was dated April 23, 1776. The handwriting was his. //This is his diary// she thought. //Maybe now I’ll find out about his past.// She browsed through it recognizing a name or event here and there. But for the most part, it was new to her. //This could be the key to bringing Angel back. Maybe he wrote the ceremony in here.// The sun had started to set, so she grabbed her coat, the diary, the cross, the ring, and a few more personal items she had found. As fast as she could, she rushed home to read the diary. The last thing she need was to see a vamp on her way home. She quietly climbed up the side of her house. Little did she know, her mother was inside. "Buffy, where were you?" Mrs. Summers asked her daughter. "I was just with Xander and Willow. We were, uh, um- " "Forget it. I probably don’t want to hear it. I thought you were going to stay home and study for your English test on Monday." "I was, but, I uh…" Her mother sighed. "Until you learn some responsibility, you’re grounded. The rest of the evening and all of tomarrow I expect you to be in your room studying or reading. No TV or phone calls to Willow or Xander, okay?" "But, Mom," Buffy feigned being upset, "whatever will I do?" "You’ll think of something." She left the room. Buffy grabbed the diary and opened it. //This should be interesting…// End Prologue - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ------------------------------ ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 2 May 1998 08:11:15 EDT From: Jaclyn Amy Subject: BUFFYFIC:Angel's Memories(1/?) Angel’s Memories (1/?) "Darla" by Jaclyn Amy TITLE: Angel’s Memories AUTHOR: Jaclyn RATING: PG/PG-13 SUMMARY: This is pretty much the story of Angel’s life before and as a vampire. Buffy finds Angel’s diary and decides to read it. If you notice any info that contradicts what the show has already said, please notify me. DISTRIBUTION: Ask me first. DISCLAIMER: I own none of the characters from or the movie or show Buffy the Vampire Slayer. They were created by Joss Wheden and are owned by 20th Century Fox, Sandollar Television, Mutant Enemy, etc. No infringement intended. FEEDBACK: Please be nice; I’m still a newbie. PROOFREADERS: Thanks for your time and effort proofing this. I really appreciate it. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ------------------------------ She silently started to read the diary. A look of fear struck her face. "Darla," Buffy whispered aloud. Suddenly, everything changed. She was no longer in Sunnydale, but in an old, gorgeous church. She was seeing everything. Unable to speak, unable to move, unable to think. It was like a movie that couldn’t be stopped. She was in Angel’s mind. *** "Help!" a voice shrieked from outside the church. "Help, someone, please!" I ran quickly towards the scream. In front of me stood a beautiful woman with blond hair, blue eyes, and pale skin. Her features, stiff in fright, were tear stained. Her clothing tattered, she sat in the dirt crying. "Are you alright, Miss?" "Please help me, kind sir. I was traveling across the grassy knoll in front of the church when a demon of some sort attacked me. I tried to fight him off, but he was too strong. Thus, I screamed. As soon as you appeared, he left. Thank you," she said. "Here, let me help you," I said. I lifted her in my arms and carried her inside. She seemed odd in some way, as if she had some sort of secret she was hiding but longed to tell me. "Are you sure you are alright?" "Yes, I am fine. Sir, what is your name?" "I am Father Angel, or soon to be. I am studdying with Father Lawrence to become a priest. What do they call you?" "I am Darla." "Darla," I spoke, "that’s a lovely name." "Thank you." Suddenly, my emotions went wild. I felt a feeling not even I described. I just wanted to hold her and never let her go. To kiss her and forget my vow of chastity. As I leaned forward, Sister Mary appeared. She cried out "Angel, what is here?" "Darla," I said. "She was attacked by demons and needs our aid." "Oh, poor dear. She will stay with us for a few nights. Come, girl, let’s away. I will bring you to the convent where you shall have a bed to sleep in and warm food to eat." She aided Darla away. *** I did not see her again until the next evening. The rain had been pouring terribly, and the thunder was fierce. I had been sitting in my cell, reading the bible when I heard a scream. "Angel!" I ran outside to see Darla, soaked to the bone, calling my name. "What is it?" "I saw a vampire. He tried to feed on me, but I put a stake through his heart." She seemed all shooken up. "I could’ve died tonight." "I would never let that happen. Come. You can spend the night in my room." "Thank you." She came in, soaking a freezing. "You’re shaking like a leaf. Here," I said, handing her a pair of clean clothing. "Put this on." "Thanks…for everything. If it wasn’t for you I would be-" I kissed her. "Shh. Don’t talk. What’s done is done." She kissed me back. I pulled her down onto the bed. "Angel," she whispered, "this isn’t right. You’re a priest; I’m a young girl. We shouldn’t be doing this. It’s wrong." "I’m a strong believer that sometimes its right to do the wrong thing." I held her in my arms that night as she slept. She was so peaceful, so innocent. Her hair clung to the side of her face as she sweated. I finally fell asleep around 3:00 that morning. When I awoke, though, she was gone. I noticed a note on the table. DEAREST ANGEL, I’m sorry I left so early this morning. I will see you again. At 10:00 this morning, meet me at the alter. YOUR BELOVED, DARLA It was almost 10:00, so I rushed to get dressed and bathe. When I got to the alter, though, she wasn’t there. I waited almost a half hour before she arived. She was careful to stay in the shadows. "Darla, come into the light." "I can’t." She walked farther towards me. "Come to me, Angel." I followed as she said. As I finally reached her, I noticed the strangeness of her face. "What has happened to you?" "It is amazing," she whispered. "I’ll show you." She bit into my neck. The blood slowly drained out of me. I felt warm blood run down my throat, choaking me. Then, everything went cold. End Part 1 (Darla) ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 2 May 1998 08:12:13 EDT From: Jaclyn Amy Subject: BUFFYFIC:Angel's Memories(2/?) Angel’s Memories (2/?) "Angelus" by Jaclyn Amy TITLE: Angel’s Memories AUTHOR: Jaclyn RATING: PG/PG-13 SUMMARY: This is pretty much the story of Angel’s life before and as a vampire. Buffy finds Angel’s diary and decides to read it. If you notice any info that contradicts what the show has already said, please notify me. DISTRIBUTION: Ask me first. DISCLAIMER: I own none of the characters from or the movie or show Buffy the Vampire Slayer. They were created by Joss Wheden and are owned by 20th Century Fox, Sandollar Television, Mutant Enemy, etc. No infringement intended. FEEDBACK: Please be nice; I’m still a newbie. PROOFREADERS: Thanks for your time and effort proofing this. I really appreciate it. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ------------------------------ I awoke the next evening in the church, in my church. I was dazed at first, but soon got my bearings. The coffin was dark but comfortable. I pushed my way out to see the church lit with beautiful white candles. Darla was wearing a beautiful dress and gorgeous jewelry. She came over to me, and before I could say a word, kissed me and smiled. I kissed her back, harder and more passionately. Finally, I pulled away, startled. "What happened?" "Do you not remember, Angel? I am a vampire. And now you are too." A wicked smile crossed her face. She took his hand and moved it to his face. "See? Come, now. You’re probably starving." We went outside and fed on a young couple before leaving. Darla had a place about a half mile from here. On our way, we fed on every mortal we past. That’s when Darla taught me how to change a human into a vampire. "First," she said, holding her victim, "is feed off their blood." She demonstrated. "Next, you bite into one of your vanes, such as your wrist." Blood poured from the spot. "Last, you pour it into their neck wound. In about a day or so, they should revive and start their first hunt. Go, on. Try it." I took the man I had in my grip and fed. Next, I bit my wrist. It was unusually painful. I thought you couldn’t feel pain as a vampire. I pushed my wrist against his neck and waited. Darla told me when took my hand when it was time to let go and licked some blood. From out of nowhere, a young girl showed up and fought with a nearby vampire. "She’s a Slayer," Darla explained. "Her destiny is to kill our kind. She has incredible strength; more than any human. Do not let her touch your heart with a stake, or you will die for good. Watch as I kill her." The Slayer easily staked her enemy and saw us. As she approached us, Darla spoke. "Hello, Maria. I’ve been waiting quite a while for this." The color drained out of her face. "You are…are…are" "That’s right. It’s Darla." The Slayer was frozen in fear as Darla advanced toward her. Suddenly, she kicked Darla in the face. But she was unfased. She returned that kick for a harder, stronger one to her stomach. The Slayer tried to punch her, but she blocked the punch and hit her in the stomach. She then through her against a wall. "Feed on her, Angel. She will give you strength." I did just that. Her blood tasted so sweet. "We must be going now, for the sun will be up soon." "So?" "A vampire is burnt to a crisp in the sun. It is increddibly painful. While, we’re on this subject, crosses, garlic, holy water: they won’t kill you, but they will burn your skin. Don’t let them touch you, love." *** The next night, we returned to the church to feed. We walked outside for a while. There we found the youngest and the oldest nuns, Mary and Catherine. //So pure, so chaste// I thought. Before I knew it, Darla was already feeding on Catherine. I grabbed Mary and flung her against a tree. "Angel!" she cried. "Please, no!" "It’s Angelus now." I ripped her clothes off of her weakened body and raped her before I killed her and made her one of us. "Angelus," Darla said, "I like it." End Part 2 (Angelus) ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 2 May 1998 08:13:09 EDT From: Jaclyn Amy Subject: BUFFYFIC:Angel's Memories(3/?) Angel’s Memories (3/?) "Edith and Billy" by Jaclyn Amy TITLE: Angel’s Memories AUTHOR: Jaclyn RATING: PG-13 SUMMARY: This is pretty much the story of Angel’s life before and as a vampire. Buffy finds Angel’s diary and decides to read it. If you notice any info that contradicts what the show has already said, please notify me. DISTRIBUTION: Ask me first. DISCLAIMER: I own none of the characters from or the movie or show Buffy the Vampire Slayer. They were created by Joss Wheden and are owned by 20th Century Fox, Sandollar Television, Mutant Enemy, etc. Nor do I own Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespere. No infringement intended. FEEDBACK: Please be nice; I’m still a newbie. PROOFREADERS: Thanks for your time and effort proofing this. I really appreciate it. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ------------------------------ For the next century, I traveled around Europe, killing and eating, murdering and torturing, making new vampires. Darla had gone her own way to Japan at the turn of the century, so I was alone. I had killed a Slayer in Germany, two in France, and one in Sweden. I was bored of just killing, and wanted to cause pain. Not to someone who was strong and could fight back, but to someone who was innocent and vulnerable. I was now aboard the Heaven, a ship taking me for England. I’d heard of a young noblewoman, Edith, whom was young and beautiful. She supposedly came from a filthily wealthy family. About twenty, she was an old maid looking for a suitor. That’s where I would come in. I brought with me a painting of her. She was fair, with curly black hair and dark eyes. Her beauty made me wonder why she had not been wed. It took me two nights to reach her town. Even there, it took me many hours before I could find her. One evening, I found her in her garden, planting flowers. I spoke, "Hello, ma’am." "Hello, sir," she spoke. "Would you like a daisy?" "No, thank you. My name is Angelus. Call me Angel." "I’m Edith, Edith Rosaline Buckler." "That’s a beautiful name." "Thank you. What brings you here?" I got all choked up. She appoligized, "I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have asked." "No, it alright. My whole family was murdered. I was unable to stop the killing, but managed to get away. I have no home, no family, no friends." "Oh, you poor dear! You shall stay at my home while you are here." "I don’t want to impose." "No, it’s no trouble at all." "Just go in through the front door. Tell them that you are here to seak my marriage. They shall give you a room and a meal. I shall explain to you later." She suddenly seemed in a hurry for me to go. I went towards the door, but hid in the bushes. A man came into the garden. He had short blond hair and warm, inviting eyes. "Edith," he spoke. She looked stunned. "What are you doing here? This place is death filled, considering who you are. Father told me that I am forbidden to see you again. And if I do, God knows what will happen." "I’d rather die tonight with you than live a thousand years without your love. Therefore," he cried in vain, "nothing shall keep me from this place." She pulled him away from the window’s sight. "If they see you, they will murder you. Please, be gone. I would not for the world wish that you are seen." "But I love you." He kissed her lips. "I must go. We cannot take this any farther. Not here, not now." "’Oh wilt thou leave me so unsatisfied?’" he quoted Shakespere. "What satisfaction do you wish for tonight?" "Marry me." He dropped on one knee. "Vow to be my wife." He slipped a ring on her finger. "Do you fancy it, pet?" "Billy!" she cried. "Yes! Yes! A thousand times yes!" Her arms wapped around his neck. "I’ve waited so long to here those words." I moved and Edith heard the noise. "I here a noise. I must leave before they find us together. Good night." She ran off into the house. "Good night, love. Goodnight. I shall see you again tomarrow." *** "Who was that?" Edith was in her room brushing her hair that evening. "Who was who?" "That man I saw you with in the garden." "I was with no man in the garden. What in heaven’s name gave you that idea?" "Edith, don’t lie to me. I saw you with him." "Shhh. If my mummy ever found out…" "So, who is this man?" "Billy. He is my fiance. We plan to be wed tomarrow evening." //This doesn’t give me much time.// "Congratulations. You’re parents must be very happy." "Shhh. You can’t tell Mummy and Daddy. They forbid me to see him since he is poor." She grabbed a comb and started brushing a doll’s hair. "Has Miss Drusilla been a good girl?" Edith’s parents came into the room. "Edith, who is this man?" Mrs. Buckler asked. "Angel, uh,…Angel. He has come to wed me." "So," said Mr. Buckler, "you fancy our little Edith here." "Very much, sir. I only hope she feels the same way." "Well, Edith," Mrs. Buckler said, "go to sleep. We have big plans to make." "Good night, Mummy, Daddy. Good night, Angel." *** I stayed in my room until the rest of the house was asleep. I crept out into the streets, then. Luckily, Billy was outside, wandering the streets. "Billy," I said. He turned around. "How do you know my name?" "I’m a friend of Edith’s." "Oh. Why’re you here, mate?" "I’ve got a message for you." "What is it?" I sank my teeth into his neck. End Part 3 (Edith and Billy) ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 02 May 1998 05:25:58 PDT From: "Aurelia Destiny" Subject: BUFFYFIC: Cloaked in Darkness: chapter 2/? TITLE: Cloaked In Darkness AUTHOR: Princess Destiny ( SUMMARY: Things are not exactly what they seem when Giles finds an ancient diary, with news of the death of the Slayer. A new girl comes to Sunnydale and things start to go crazy, Angel is jealous because Buffy has a boyfriend and The Master gets a nasty surprise... It is naturally a Buffy/Angel Romance story, cause I'm a hopeless romantic! Although it starts off a bit rocky, but I assure you they will end up together in this one! RATING: PG. TIME PERIOD: Hmm, well since we have only seen up till 'Prophesy Girl' here in AustraliaBut I HAVE read the scripts for the rest of them...Okay, say just after the 'Angel' episode and we'll leave it at that! THANK-YOUS: FEEDBACK: PLEASE! I love to hear from people! DISTRIBUTION: Ask me first, I'll say yes anyway, but I want to know where it is going. DISCLAIMER: Buffy, Angel and the others are the property of Joss Whedon. Gabriella and any others I add later on are Mine, Mine, Mine! This is my first try at a Buffy fic so don't be too harsh, comments and suggestions or even praise for my lovely story are very welcome! ************************ CLOAKED IN DARKNESS ************************ Chapter 2: Loosing The Slayer "Angel! What are you doing here?" Buffy demanded, looking for Dwayne with anxious eyes, if he came back and found Angel with her... "I come here every night, you know that" Angel said, his voice low, almost accusing. Buffy snorted, much as Cordelia had earlier. Angel was in no mood for games however and his eyes told her that, they seemed to burn a hole into her with their angered intensity. "Well you can go sit somewhere else, I’m with Dwayne" she told him and turned away with feigned disinterest, a low growl came from Angel and she pretended not to hear it. "Who is he? Does he know about you?" Angel demanded and Buffy turned back with a sweet smile, leaning in slightly towards him over the table. "Maybe" she taunted. Angel clenched his fists, visibly fighting for control and Buffy felt a thrill of fear and excitement at causing such a strong reaction. Angel pretended to be indifferent, but it was obvious to her that he was anything but...and the danger she sensed from Angel made her reckless. "He’s my boyfriend if you must know, so go away, he’ll be back any moment!" Buffy said with a sugary tone. Angel leaned forward also, seeming about to deliver some scathing retort but then he got to his feet and towered over her. "It won’t last." he said with a slight smile. They both watched as Buffy’s fingernails scraped strips of wood out of the surface of the table. She realized what she had done and turned away abruptly, furious that he had gotten to her so easily. Something thumped onto the table and she spun to face Angel angrily only to see that it was Dwayne back with the drinks. He saw her face and held up his hands mock-frightened. Buffy flushed and toyed with the straw in her coke. "What’s got you so angry, did I do something?" he joked and Buffy forced a smile to her face, though her eyes remained furious. "No, not you. Just..." she was interrupted as Cordelia stormed over to their table, her eyes annoyed. "Buffy, what did you say to Angel about me? I tried to talk to him and he just brushed right past me. ME!" she ranted at Buffy. The blonde sighed, Dwayne looking slightly confused until Cordelia left. "Who’s Angel?" he wanted to know. Buffy twisted the straw almost viciously, her thoughts again on the vampire who infuriated her as much as he made her heart leap with excitement at his presence. "No one. Just someone we both know, acquaintance." Buffy said with a bright smile and took a sip of her drink while Dwayne talked about his last football game. Angel watched from the shadows again, baring his sharp teeth in fury. He was so angered that he had gone vampire. His eyes burned into Buffy’s back, her words echoing tauntingly in his mind. ‘No one’. His hands clenched, the nails biting sharply into his hands until blood was almost drawn. ‘Just someone we both know, acquaintance’. He felt like breaking things, and even worse he felt like hurting the blonde guy Buffy was with. Sinking his fangs in and...he shook his head abruptly and his human face came back as he forced himself to relax. Buffy had made him this angry and Angel admitted he WAS jealous, she had a boyfriend now and wanted Angel out of her life. Well that was what she would get, he thought as he made his way unnoticed past her table and down the stairs to where he could see Xander and Willow talking and laughing together. They looked up and Willow smiled in welcome, though the look on Xanders face couldn’t possibly have been less inviting. "Hi Angel." She saw his face and the smile faded as he stood there and looked at them broodingly, something unreadable in his dark eyes. "Oh, you saw Buffy huh?" Willow said sadly, knowingly. Xander’s grin was tight, torn between relief that Buffy and Angel were no longer friends, and depression at the fact that she was now upstairs with another guy. "Yes" Angel said shortly, forcing a smile to his face and holding out a hand to Willow. "Care to dance?" he asked her, she smiled and put her hand in his. Willow ignored the daggered look her friend was giving her, sick of his comments about ‘dead boy’ as he called Angel regularly now. "Sure, nothing’s happening around here." she said innocently and was happily swept off by the gorgeous vampire, fervently hoping that Xander would be jealous. "In an alternate universe" she muttered as she put her arms around Angel and wondered if Buffy would be angry if she saw Willow dancing with the dark-haired vampire, especially to such a slow song. "So Angel..." Willow trailed off as she leaned back to look at his face and saw he was staring up at where Buffy and Dwayne could be seen. "You know, when you ask a girl to dance, it’s traditional to pay attention to her...maybe some light conversation?" Willow suggested lightly. Angel looked down at her, taking his eyes from Buffy for a moment. A rueful expression crossed his face and Willow suddenly wondered if it had been such a good idea to have a hunk like Angel giving her his full attention. He was so gorgeous, Willow found herself gaping like a fool at his face and looked down quickly. "You’re right, Willow." Angel’s voice came near her ear and she almost shivered, glancing up in shock, wondering vaguely if he could read minds. "I should be paying you more attention." he continued with a slight smile and Willow breathed easier, it had freaked her to think he knew she thought he was good-looking. Oh, Buffy, I could steal him away from you Willow told herself and almost stumbled to a halt at the un-Willow-like thoughts. "Willow?" Angel asked her and realized he had said something. She smiled brightly and met his dark eyes. "Yes?" she almost squeaked but he didn’t seem to notice, his eyes were again on Buffy and Dwayne, who were dancing slowly upstairs. "Do you think she’s serious about him?" Angel said almost under his breath and Willow felt suddenly protective of him, she smiled widely and flapped a hand nonchalantly. "Nah, it’s a faze" she assured him. Angel looked broodingly at the couple till the song ended, then he took her back to her seat and Xander. Willow was pleased to see that Xander was frowning like a thunderclap and her heart leapt. Angel sat down beside her and stared into space, his eyes dark and thoughtful. "What’s up vamp-man, can’t take the competition?" Xander asked laughingly and Angel’s eyes darkened even more as he swiftly glanced at Xander. Xander immediately realized his mistake and held up his hands as if to keep off the angry vampire. "Okay, sorry sorry. Bad joke" Xander muttered, turning away. Willow looked at him disapprovingly and Xander met her eyes almost guiltily. Willow turned back to apologize for Xander but saw the seat next to her was empty. A quick look around the room revealed nothing and she wondered where he had gone to in such a hurry. "Dead boy sure moves fast, I’ll give him that" Xander said happily and Willow sighed. ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at ------------------------------ End of buffyfic-digest V2 #155 ****************************** To subscribe to buffyfic or buffyfic-digest, send the command subscribe buffyfic-digest or subscribe buffy to You will need to go through a confirmation process, and the listowners have to manually approve your subscription request, so it may take some time. To unsubscribe, send email to with unsubscribe buffyfic-digest or unsubscribe buffyfic in the body. Back issues of this digest can be found at: Dalton Spence has also provided an index of the buffyfic archive at: For help, contact Jill Kirby ( or sah (