From: (buffyfic-digest) To: Subject: buffyfic-digest V2 #157 Reply-To: $SENDER Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk buffyfic-digest Sunday, May 3 1998 Volume 02 : Number 157 In this issue: BUFFYFIC: My Moria (5/?) BUFFYFIC: When? (7/?) BUFFYFIC: Fear No Evil (2/4) BUFFYFIC: DISCUSS: General Problems Please Help!! BUFFYFIC: Angel 1/1 By- Buffy716 See the end of the digest for information on (un)subscribing to the buffyfic or buffyfic-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sat, 2 May 1998 17:42:43 -0700 From: (Charity C. T.) Subject: BUFFYFIC: My Moria (5/?) TITLE: My Moria (5/?) AUTHOR: Taygeta E-MAIL: RATING: PG DISTRIBUTION: Sure, just tell me first. FEEDBACK: Please??? SPOILER: Not really DISCLAIMER:The characters portrayed in this story and any other references to Buffy the Vampire Slayer are the property of its creater Joss Whedon, and its owners Mutant Enemy productions, Kuzui Productions, Sandollar Productions, and 20th Century Fox. In other words, these characters do not belong to me, and I am just borrowing them. DESCRIPTION: Twenty years into the future, 'nuff said. ********************** My Moria #5 By: Taygeta Buffy held vigilance over the glowing kitchen clock in the dark room, as she drowned her sorrows in a piece of chocolate cake. The kitchen door creaked loudly, but she didn't turn to see who had intruded on her silence and her darkness…she already knew who it was. He stood beside her, and poured a cup of warm coffee from the decanter on the counter. "You, okay?" he said quietly, cradling the steaming mug of brown, sugary liquid. She glanced at Xander and sighed, "What do you think?" "Sorry…stupid question," he replied, delicately lifting a loose wisp of her blonde hair away from her face, and his hand held the side of her face gently. Buffy's hand fell over her husband's before he could pull away and she closed her eyes as she felt his tender touch against her skin, "Oh, Xander, what are we going to do?" He embraced her and felt her body shake from uncontrollable sobs and felt tears in his eyes as well, "I wish I knew, Buffy, but how can you tell your daughter that she is destined to walk down this path. This path where you know she's going to stumble, fall, and quite possibly…die before she could live a real life? And how can you *let* your daughter walk down this path with the knowledge that you may lose her forever?" "I've fought these demons for so long, and all these years I thought I had finally stepped away from it all, but no…no, I couldn't," she said bitterly, "they wouldn't let me. If it was just me they were hurting, I could possibly handle this, but they've taken my daughter…my life." "You have to remember Buffy that when you were a slayer, all of us were endangered and there are some days that I didn't think we would have ever made it, but we did make it," Xander replied. "And I guess that's what we have to think about when we tell her and when we actually accept the fact ourselves that if we made it, then maybe she will too." "But *maybe* she'll live isn't enough," she said shaking her head in animosity at the very word, "I don't want to have a supposition to rely on, I want to know, not just hope that Moria will live through this. Y'know, I'm glad that I knew I was a slayer before Mom found out because she didn't have to go through all of this." "But she still had to worry, Buffy," sighed Xander kissing her softly on the forehead before looking into her eyes, "Just like we're worrying now." **************************** Cordelia stepped away from the kitchen door and felt guilty for eavesdropping on such a private conversation. She had meant to listen in, but she ended up doing so when she stopped by the kitchen to get a cup of coffee. She had begun to hear them talk, and had meant to step away, but she didn't…couldn't. Thoughts of her past romance with Xander so long ago came back to her when she first saw him earlier that day. She had never really gotten use to the idea that he and Buffy was married and had a child not even after 20 years, at least…until now. As she had watched them holding and comforting each other, she knew that everything had turned out, as it should be, perhaps even as it was destined to be. Except destiny had played a poor role in their lives when it chose Moira to be the new slayer. It would be a task, Cordelia understood, to watch over and to teach Moira, and it was especially difficult when she could see Xander and Buffy in her ways and her manner. Every time she saw Moira, she would immediately think of them, and know that they were depending on her…to help their daughter survive. _____________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 3 May 1997 10:14:57 +0100 From: "Mark Jones" Subject: BUFFYFIC: When? (7/?) Author: Rachel Jones WHEN? [part6] The vampires suddenly jumped at the opportunity for a quick feed, leaving Buffy with Angel. He was well aware that he would have to explain everything to her, and quick. “Buffy…” He began, but she cut him off “What is going on here, who do you think you are? Making me stay here when my friends are in trouble?!” She stood up, her face red and annoyed, she stilled loved him, and knew he would have an explanation, but was still worried. “Buffy, before you jump in, hear me out” “OK Angel, make it quick though” “I asked you here because I was wondering if you wanted to go out again, Buffy I love you.” “Angel, I don’t know what to say” All of her worries seemed to vanish, she wanted Angel more than anything, but why was he doing this, there were more important things to worry about. “Angel, later. What is going on, how did you force me here?” “I honestly don’t know Buff. I wanted to meet you in the daylight because I had been told that I was able to go outside in the day. They lied. And so told me the only way to make sure that you stayed was to wish it, I never thought it would work, I am so sorry Buffy, believe me, I would never hurt you, I love you.” He spoke with absolute sincerely, and Buffy knew he meant it. “I love you too, but my friends…” She trailed off, never finishing her sentence, too upset. What do you think? ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 03 May 1998 06:40:42 PDT From: "Chris Winslow" Subject: BUFFYFIC: Fear No Evil (2/4) Fear No Evil (2/4) by Chris Winslow TITLE: Fear No Evil AUTHOR: RATING: PG-13 SUMMARY: Well, what's so fun about reading a complete summary before actually reading the piece? FYI, though, the complete story includes all the main characters from the show, although this section just has Buffy, Xander, and Buffy’s mom. DISTRIBUTION: Sure, send it where ever you want! (You might want to wait until tomorrow when I send out the other 80% of the story, though.) DISCLAIMER: I own none of the characters from or the movie or show Buffy the Vampire Slayer, but then, you already knew that, didn't you? They were created by Joss Wheden and are owned by 20th Century Fox, Sandollar Television, Mutant Enemy, etc. FEEDBACK: Sure, go for it. Send it to me and not to the whole list, if you could. In the waiting room of the nearest hospital, Buffy sat in a chair, waiting to hear from a doctor. Xander was pacing next to her. While Buffy was the one who looked distraught, Xander looked nervous, tapping his fingers together without even thinking about it. "How long have they been in there?" Buffy asked, looking up at Xander for the first time in several minutes. Xander shrugged. "Fifteen, maybe twenty minutes." Buffy nodded and then dropped her head down again, looking at the tiles on the floor. After a long, uneasy pause, Buffy’s head jerked up again, staring straight at Xander. Xander stopped pacing and looked back at her. "Do you think my mother is going to make it?" she asked, her voice trembling ever so slightly. Xander considered the question carefully before answering. "I don’t know." He came up behind her, and squeezed her shoulders affectionately. "I just don’t know…it’s a miracle she didn’t die on impact She didn’t look all that hot when they brought her in…" He paused to take a breath, wanting to choose his words carefully. Before he had a chance to say anything else, a door opened, and a doctor in a white coat walked in stiffly. Buffy stood immediately, knowing without being told that he was there to talk with her. "Buffy Summers?" he asked, looking at her. She nodded, wiping her eyes. "How is my mother?" Buffy asked, suddenly taking control of the situation. The tears were gone from her eyes, and she’d taken control of her voice again. The doctor let out a brief sigh before beginning to speak. "She wasn’t in the best of shape when she came here…the fall from the bridge shattered several of her bones, most of them in her legs. We have managed to stabilize her, though, and she should be okay for the time being." "How does she feel?" Buffy asked. "Is she in any pain?" Again, the doctor let out a soft sigh. "There’s no way of knowing…at this time, your mother is in a coma. If she wakes up, we’ll be able to tell you more." Buffy’s eyes opened widely, and her whole face began to shift, the anger beginning to show. "*IF* she wakes up? What do you mean IF she wakes up?" Before the doctor could say another word, Buffy continued to ramble on. "My mother will wake up, and there is nothing hypothetical about that. She’s going to be as good as new once she leaves this hospital!" The doctor struggled with what to say. Xander pulled Buffy away from the doctor, since his friend looked like he wanted to strangle him right now. "Thank you for coming out," Xander said solemnly. "I’ll keep you informed as your mother’s prognosis changes," the doctor said. Then he turned and left the room. Buffy sank down in her chair again, as Xander took the seat next to her. "I can’t believe this is happening," Buffy said. "My mother—jumping of a bridge… Who would have thought?" The door to the waiting room opened, and several familiar faces walked in. First came Willow, who was still dressed in her night clothes…the most prominent piece of clothing being a pair of pink bunny slippers, which looked the size of clown shoes. Next came Giles, dressed as usual. Finally, Cordelia entered, her dour look revealing that she didn’t really want to be there in the first place. "Oh…" Willow came towards Buffy with open arms, hugging her friend close to her. Buffy hugged Willow tightly. As the two released their grips on each other, Willow looked at her friend, not knowing what to say. "We all came as soon as we could," Giles said. "I’m—that is, we—are all so sorry to hear about what has happened to your mother. Isn’t that right, Cordelia?" Cordelia yawned. "Tell me, though, why was your mother jumping off the bridge in the middle of the night? It doesn’t seem like her at all." Buffy and Xander went on to answer Giles’ question, with each of them adding different parts to the story. As they finished, Xander said, "And that was about it. The paramedics pulled her out of the water, and now she is in a coma." "Very strange," Giles whispered softly. "Very strange indeed." "Do you think that what happened is something supernatural?" Cordelia asked, stating the obvious. "You know, like demons and witches and vampires stuff." "Yes, yes," Giles said impatiently. "The only question now, is, WHICH supernatural force is at work here. Perhaps a demonic possession, or a spell of some sort…" The same doctor who had been out a few minutes before came back, a bit surprised to see that the waiting room had filled up so quickly. He looked at Buffy and said, "If you would like, you may go in with your mother now…she’s still unconscious, but there is a chance she could hear you." "Thank you, doctor," Buffy said quietly, walking towards the door. She turned back to her friends almost as an afterthought. "You can all go home for the night. I can handle things here just fine." "Buffy, this doesn’t seem like something you should go through al—" "I’m fine, Giles," Buffy said. "I am the Slayer…I can handle anything." She said the last sentence with a quiet sigh, as though she was trying to convince herself of that. Then, Buffy left the room, leaving the others by themselves. "Well, so much for my show of support," Cordelia said nonchalantly. "Ciao—I need my rest." She walked out of the hospital alone, closing the door behind her. "I’ve never seen Buffy so…" Willow said, struggling for the right word. No one finished Willow’s sentence, because they knew exactly what she was talking about. Giles said, "Because Buffy is so strong, we often forget that she is just as human as the rest of us." As soon as the doors to Sunnydale High began to open, students streamed through the doors, a new school day about to begin. Willow remained near her locker, her books pressing against her chest as she stared down the hallway. "Hello," came a familiar voice. Willow smiled briefly, as she recognized the voice as belonging to her boyfriend Oz. He kissed her on the cheek, and she kissed him back. "Is something wrong?" "That’s right, you weren’t there," Willow said. "And since you weren’t there, that means you wouldn’t know. And since you don’t know, then that means—" "That means I wouldn’t have any idea what you’re rambling about." Oz said. Xander walked up just then. "Ah, the horrors!" Xander said. "Don’t you just hate being out of the loop, Oz-Man?" Then, more seriously, he said, "Buffy’s mother jumped off Danes Bridge last night—and, last we heard, she was lying in the hospital in a coma." "Ugh," Oz said. "Tough. I take it that Buffy won’t be in school today?" "Sorry to disappoint you, but I’m here," Buffy said, calling out from the end of the hall. She was walking down the hallway with several books in tow. "How is your mom?" Willow asked, concerned. "She’s still in a coma," Buffy said. She smiled as she said, "I’m sure that by the time school is over, she’ll be up and walking." The bell began to ring and Buffy continued walking down the hallway towards her class. Willow and Xander shared a look. Oz, still out of the loop, said, Would someone mind filling me in on what’s going on around here? For someone with their mother in the hospital, Buffy sure does look chipper." Willow glanced at the clock on the wall. "I have to go," she said quickly. "I’m still teaching Miss Calendar’s class through the end of this week." She kissed Oz on his cheek again, then rushed down the hallway. When Oz turned back to get an answer from Xander, he saw that Xander had left as well. "I’ve got to find a way to get into the loop," Oz muttered under his breath, as he walked towards his first class. Walking alone through the hospital parking lot, Buffy revisited her evening in her mind. After school she had come directly to the hospital to sit with her mother, and she’d spent most of the past eight hours sitting by Joyce’s bed. Sometimes she had held her mother’s hand, other times she had sang softly to her. Just once she had left the room, going to the cafeteria to get a bite to eat. When she had been out of the room, she’d felt a pang of guilt, as though she had done something wrong by leaving. And now she was returning home..for a few hours, at least. She planned on getting up an hour earlier than usual to visit her mother before school. Now, though, she was just ready to collapse in her bed. She had never known how tiring it could be to sit in a hospital room all day. She wasn’t going to rest just yet, though. The silence of the parking lot was interrupted by a loud voice coming from several yards away. "I hear your mother isn’t doing that well. What a shame!" Buffy glanced over to see who was speaking, and tensed up inside when she saw a vampire coming towards her. The vampire was a tall, indescript male, and he was walking towards her casually, as though he was her best buddy, probably because he knew she was exhausted. Buffy was about to prove she was as strong as ever. She came towards the vampire in a flash, and before the vampire knew what was coming, her left leg connected with his chest. He flew back through the air, caught off guard by her attack. "I should have known better than to think I’d get a night off from fighting scum like you," Buffy said. Picking himself up off from the ground, the vampire began to walk back towards her. "On the contrary, we’re all excited about what happened to your mother," he said. "Some of us have even considered going in and finishing her off." Buffy’s eyes flared when she heard this, and again she went after the vampire. A few inches away from a tree, she snapped a large branch as though it was a twig, then thrust her hand forward, aiming for his chest. The vampire leaped to the side, narrowly missing her attack. Suddenly, though, Buffy leaped forward, the branch inches from the vampire’s heart. "I know who’s behind your mother’s behavior," the vampire blurted out, hoping to be saved. Hearing her mother mentioned again suddenly made Buffy ill, but she stood her ground. "Who is it?" she asked. "If I tell you, you have to let me go," the vampire said nervously. "Promise." Buffy kept her hand ready to stake the vampire, thinking about the question carefully. She released her grip on the vampire. "Tell me, and tell me now. If you make a run for it, count on me coming after you—and there won’t be any second chances." The vampire gulped, taking a small step away from Buffy. He opened his mouth to speak. "The person who made your mother want to jump off the bridge is—" A tree branch suddenly sliced through the vampire’s back and he vanished before he could tell Buffy what he knew. Buffy wasn’t at all surprised to see who was holding the branch: Angel. "Oh, did I spoil your fun?" Angel said, walking towards Buffy. "He was about to tell you who made your mother so crazy, wasn’t he?" Angel was grinning, and his fangs looked ready to bite Buffy’s neck. "Did I spoil all your fun? I’m so, so sorry about that." "I just don’t have time for your wisecracks tonight," Buffy said, sighing. Without missing a beat, she brought the tree branch in her hand towards Angel, slashing down towards his chest. Predictably, he jumped away before the branch could destroy him. "Oooh, testy," Angel said with a smirk. Then, in a quieter voice, he said, "I was just visiting your mother in her hospital room. Her neck looked very tasty…" "Liar!" Buffy snapped back. "I just left her room, and there’s a doctor with her now." Angel grimaced, and jumped towards Buffy, knocking her down. "Don’t screw with me, Buffy. If I wanted to, I’d make sure your mother didn’t leave the hospital alive—but I don’t think I’ll have to do anything to get what I want." When Buffy got up from where she had been knocked down, Angel was gone. Buffy was not the only person up so late. In the school library, Willow was hunched over a stack of books, reading through them to find any information she could on what had happened to Joyce. Her head dipped down as she began to fall asleep on the stack of books. After a moment of slumber, her head popped up again. "Need sleep," was all she managed to whisper, rubbing her eyes to wake herself up. She jumped up with a start as she heard someone talking from a nearby classroom. "Who else is up at this hour?" she asked herself, seeing that it was after 3 A.M. Yawning, she stood up and decided to go see what was going on. In the classroom a few feet away from Willow, three students were seated on top of the teacher’s desk, and one of them was twirling a small revolver in his hand. "It’s time to get the show on the road," the gun holder said ominously. He handed the gun to Grace, the only girl in the room. Without a second thought, Grace grasped the gun and placed it to her temple, aiming it in the middle of her forehead. "Bang, bang," she whispered. Then, she pulled the trigger. Nothing happened. The gun was passed to the next student, who also put the gun to his head, after first cocking it. This time there was no whisper, just the cocking of the gun. Then, he pulled the trigger as Grace had done. Nothing happened. The gun was again passed, this time to the student who had held the gun first. He held the gun in his hand, looking carefully at it, then cocked the gun again. The door to the classroom opened, and Willow walked in casually. "What’s going on?" she asked. "Is this some kind of late night study party?" Then she saw the gun in the young man’s hand and froze. The student holding the gun put it to his head, and pulled the trigger. This time, something happened. A bullet exploded out of the gun, striking the student in the forehead. He went flying off of the desk, his body collapsing in a heap on the floor. Willow screamed, somehow bringing the other two out of their trances. The game of Russian roulette was over. ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 3 May 98 22:26:40 From: Subject: BUFFYFIC: DISCUSS: General Problems Please Help!! Sorry for this, I know that if I'm missing parts of fanfic from an author I should write to that author and ask but my server has done the *all time* screw up and has given me no mail since Friday through to Sunday 2pm GMT! This means I *know* I'm missing Angel's Memories 1-3 by Jaclyn Amy, 1-6 of When? by Mark Jones, and It's Time 1 by Mark Jones. If anyone else posted during this time and I don't know about it (some people take a long time before sending in more fic so I can't even guess - I just know weekends are *usually* busy) could you please, please be kind enough to forward parts I've missed to me. Alternately could someone please write to me if they'd be prepared to discuss what parts of what stories they have so I can compare what I'm missing? I know that for the last few weeks my server has been unreliable and I've only known I've been missing something when a part comes in and I haven't had the three before it or something. I'd really like to know whether I'm missing entire story parts after part 1 without disturbing authors to find they've been busy. :) If anyone could help I'd be really grateful. Betzi ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 3 May 1998 17:55:17 EDT From: Buffy716 Subject: BUFFYFIC: Angel 1/1 By- Buffy716 Some of you my have seen this on the other list written by XanBufAngl but don't worry their both me. FEEDBACK Please!!!!! ***Angel*** By- Buffy716 Angel. I was always told angels would protect me from harm. This angel is causing the pain. My pain. It hurts so much. I can barely eat, sleep, even walk. Sometimes the pain is so great all I can do is fall to the ground and cry. A million times a day, I ask myself why? Why did he change so much? Nothing in my life ever seems to stay happy for long and I was happy. I'm starting to think the cycle is starting all over again. It started with my parents fighting. Ended with my burning down the gym. Now, it is starting again. My theory about it being me is starting to sound more right everyday. Everyone who comes in contact with me ends up dead. My first watcher, Merick, then Jenny, Theresa, Ford. Really no need to go on after that. Even those I don't know I feel died because of me. He killed some, all just to hurt me. He succeeded. His plan is to make me crazy. It's going perfectly. I know I have to stay strong for them. For Xander, Willow, Giles, even Cordelia. God, she is no help at all. Her little remarks. They all put me on this pedestal and expect me to be the strong one. How am I supposed when everyone is trying to rip me apart? I'm the object of everyone's obsession. Xander's and Angel's mostly--even Spikes's. They don't know how hard it is. To have the weight of the world on my shoulders plus the added pressure of being a teenage girl. They can never understand. No one. The pain I've gone through is more then anyone should ever experience. But, I had the pleasure of experiencing it. Lucky me. I know I have to kill him. But I can't because it was me who made him. They say everything comes in threes. Angel was number two. Pike was number one. All I can think about is who will be number three. And I wonder if number three will finally grant me my greatest wish. To end the pain. One problem. The only way I know to achieve my greatest wish, is to experience my worst fear; death. ***The End*** So did you like it? Email me. ------------------------------ End of buffyfic-digest V2 #157 ****************************** To subscribe to buffyfic or buffyfic-digest, send the command subscribe buffyfic-digest or subscribe buffy to You will need to go through a confirmation process, and the listowners have to manually approve your subscription request, so it may take some time. To unsubscribe, send email to with unsubscribe buffyfic-digest or unsubscribe buffyfic in the body. Back issues of this digest can be found at: Dalton Spence has also provided an index of the buffyfic archive at: For help, contact Jill Kirby ( or sah (