From: (buffyfic-digest) To: Subject: buffyfic-digest V2 #172 Reply-To: $SENDER Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk buffyfic-digest Saturday, May 9 1998 Volume 02 : Number 172 In this issue: BUFFYFIC: Charlotte Sometimes (part 8) BUFFYFIC: "Reunion" Interlude #6: "Sorry," by Ingrid BUFFYFIC: "Reunion" (15/?) by Ingrid BUFFYFIC: Charlotte Sometimes (Part 9) See the end of the digest for information on (un)subscribing to the buffyfic or buffyfic-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 08 May 1998 21:30:36 -0700 From: LadySun Subject: BUFFYFIC: Charlotte Sometimes (part 8) Charlotte Sometimes (Part 8)=20 Dru's father stood outside the carriage as the coachmen helped the two ladies out.=20 Drusilla took a deep breath, or would have, had her corset not been so tight. And the three of them walked through the doors. She was right. The air was suffocating, and the minute they walked through the doors a small group of ladies next to them began gossiping=20 away about Drusilla's outfit. It was going to be a long night. =09 ~ It took him mere minutes to find her. She looked so alone, though she stood in the middle of a large crowed.=20 He could sense her uneasiness and from the looks of it, she didn't quite like balls as much as he thought she might. He politely made his way through the crowed, until he stood next to Drusilla. "Excuse me?" Angelus smiled modestly. All the girls turned towards him, a couple blushed. One girl across from Drusilla, nearly jumped out of her heels as she huddled closer to Angelus. "For give us, sir." She bowed, Drusilla watched her new friend as her refined smile nearly reached her lips and Dru was almost sure her cheeks were going to crack under all the thick powder she had layered on. "We were just so caught up in conversation." The girl purposely blushed Angelus smiled. Quickly throwing his attention to Drusilla, not wanting to get caught up in another girls games=85 Not yet at least. "Would you care to dance?" All the girls stared wide-eyed at Drusilla. Especially her mother. "I-umm" Dru looked down for a moment knowing she was embarrassing herself. She looked up at the handsome stranger "Why thank you, sir" "Angelus" He whispered in her ear as he led her towards the dance floor. "Angelus" She repeated. "My name is Drusilla" =20 Angelus was a very good dancer, she noted. And he was very handsome.=20 He had picked her.=20 The thought made her blush. Out of all the ladies in the room, and in the circle, he had wanted to dance with her. ~ Angelus moved them away from the main dance, wanting only to see her, to touch her, to be with her. He held her as she tried to move away as the dance was going. She looked up confused for a second, then released what he was doing. He looked down at her blushed face, she was so tense. He didn't think to apologize for his actions, instead spoke, "I saw you from afar. You did not seem to be enjoying yourself with the other ladies." Dru blushed for a second. She hadn't been enjoying herself. But she felt warmer now. With a man who was so ravishing, and enjoying of her company "I wasn't not enjoying myself." She spoke of her defense though. Angelus nodded "Of course." "But thank you," She whispered "For taking me away from those women" Angelus laughed. "May I ask, I have not seen you around before? Are you from here?" He shook his head "No, I am just visiting, I was born a couple miles from Prague actually." It was Dru's turn to smile, she followed his steps carefully then inquired "May I ask your last name then?"=20 He thought for a moment. "My given name is Angelus O ' Neil. I'm not much for it though, Angelus is fine" He smiled down at her, the song was ending, but he didn't want to let go of her slim waist.=20 =09 ~=20 =20 Dru didn't really want to stop dancing either. She had no desire to face those women with their chatter and questions, though she wasn't about to impose on a gentleman she had just met. Angelus led her off of the dance floor. =09 "It's suffocating in here." He said with disgust. "Would you care to join me outside? Get a nip of fresh air, before we return?" =09 He had read her thoughts! She was just about to feint for the airless, musty room anyways. She quickly agreed and followed his led outside, looking quickly hoping no one saw. - --=20 ~ ` ~ LadySun ~ ` ~ ~ ` ~ Spikette ` Mercenary ~ ` ~=20 SD - FK - We look before and After, and pine for what is not; our sincerest laughter with some pain is fraught; Our sweetest songs are those that tell the saddest=20 thought...' The Cure Wish) ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 8 May 1998 23:37:45 -0400 From: (Ingrid E Stanton) Subject: BUFFYFIC: "Reunion" Interlude #6: "Sorry," by Ingrid Disclaimer: in parts 1-13 and Interludes 1-4. Summary: ibid. I'm tired, OK? "Reunion" Interlude # 6: "Sorry" by Ingrid He wasn’t supposed to be crying. It was, as far as he knew, physically impossible. Images of last night (How long had they been down here?) tore through his head at dizzying speeds. He remembered the orb, soft and glowing; remembered focusing all his hate on the gentle beauty as the English voice finished the rhythmic patterns of the chant. Then Willow. He remembered the fury in Xander’s eyes, and his own submission to his irrational demands. Stupid. It had been so stupid. God… what if… He didn’t want to think about it. Willow was dead. That was bad enough. Just leave things as they were. With Buffy crying hysterically because of all that he had done. And him. How the *hell* was he crying? Buffy seemed to sense that he was preoccupied. He heard a sniffle, and let her pull away to examine his countenance. "What is it," she choked, trying to find her voice. "It’s nothing. It’s- I’m crying. I don’t know how…" "What?" She squinted and brushed at the tears on his face. *Oh, Angel.* Then she grabbed him again, reassuring him and herself that this wasn’t just some ridiculous dream. "I’m sorry," he whispered, feeling almost guilty for holding her this way. But whenever he tried to pull away from him, she just tightened her grip. I’m sorry. The words dropped into the water like pebbles, their meaning venturing outward in circles; deepening. I’m sorry. He couldn’t begin to express it. "I know," she answered simply, closing her eyes once more. And she knew. He felt the need to continue. "And the things I said… I didn’t mean-" "Shh.." "I love you why didn’t you kill me you should have killed me." His speech ran together like a lullaby in her ear. She kissed him again. Short, soft kisses on his face and neck. They seemed to be calming her down. She couldn’t answer, but he knew if he turned vamp on her now, she wouldn’t do it. The meaning of it all struck him. That she’d been willing to sacrifice *everything* for a remote chance at getting him back. He loved her, and he wanted to crumple up and die, but he couldn’t- he was crying too much. She’d stopped finally, and began to look around the room with a newborn curiosity. "Angel," how long have we been here? And how exactly did we get here?" "I don’t know," he answered distractedly, too preoccupied with his guilt to really listen. He wanted to die, but he couldn’t leave her. If he left her now, he’d be letting Angelus win, wouldn’t he? All he could do was try to repair everything the vampire had destroyed. He couldn’t repair Theresa, or Jenny, or Willow. Or any of the midnight snacks he’d enjoyed in his more self-indulgent moods. He wanted to die. "It was Friday," she said to herself, smoothing her fingers over his shoulder absently. "Car crash. Spring break. April vacation. It must still be… Why are you bleeding?" "What?" "You’re bleeding. How long have we been here?" She was focused on the gash on his forehead. It hurt when she touched it, and he winced in pain. She kissed him again on the lips gently. Then her eyes brightened. "Note. Over there." Sticking out on the grey floor was a white paper, slightly torn. He pulled himself up. His body screamed in response. "Angel, wait." She clasped his hand and ducked under his arm for support. He leaned on her with most of his weight, trying not to hurt her, but he seemed to be the only one with the unbearable pain. She helped him limp over to the note. Allowing him to steady himself, she reached down and picked it up. "Giles," she acknowledged, and put it down on the table. "His handwriting is so messy. He must be hurt badly." She grimaced. She had her own guilt. "What time is it?" She stumbled to the door and opened it, walking a few feet outside. The sun shone on her hair, illuminating her whole face. She was the angel, he knew. Something ached inside him. Suddenly, Buffy clutched at her leg and began to fall. Automatically, he flew outside the door and into the sun. He caught her, and felt the warmth strike his back. In a revelation of sorts, it descended upon him. Sun is death. He waited. Nothing happened. **** END, Interlude # 6 "Thanks for letting me know. I really hadn't noticed I'd had circles under my eyes today. Maybe it had something to do with me not sleeping last night- I don't know- maybe." _____________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 9 May 1998 10:25:04 -0400 From: (Ingrid E Stanton) Subject: BUFFYFIC: "Reunion" (15/?) by Ingrid DISCLAIMER: The characters of Angel, Buffy, Cordelia, Willow, Xander, Jenny, Giles & company are the property of Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, Sandollar Productions, and The Warner Brothers Network, and are used without permission. The author claims no rights to these characters. SUMMARY: More fun with Willow the vampire. This takes place ten years into the future, but I’m not telling you what’s happened in advance. I’m going to reveal that as time goes on in the story. I love to get feedback, except when my mailbox explodes, which is often, but send it anyway! My address is If you don’t get this, that’s because you haven’t read the other parts. If you want to get this, ask me for them! ********* "Reunion," by Ingrid Part Fifteen: "A Friend from the Shadows" ********* Cordelia’s eyes shot open as soon as the girl turned around. She looked like a sacrificial lamb standing there, white and shaking, her eyes piercing and tragic. Too much to bear, Cordelia thought. Outside, she was brilliant as a freshly-minted penny, but inside she seemed rotting; tiredness corroded her green from within. There was something about her, that even in Xander’s arms, she’d looked alone; apart, and haunted. "Willow." She knew. They both knew she was a vampire without saying the words. "I don’t know." She sat down on the bottom stair, all her energy having flown. "I heard about Spike’s plan. I need… I want," she corrected, "to help you. If you’ll let me." "Of course," Xander assured her, resting a hand on the vampire’s shoulder. Cordelia ignored the sinking feeling in her chest, and turned to the door. "Willow, we could definitely use your help, but I think there’s someone you’ll want to see first." Willow stood. She looked puzzled, but let Cordelia guide her into the room. Cordelia winced. She’d never been this close to a vampire before. She felt the demon throbbing like a heart would. Willow felt like air against her and more drifted than walked. She saw Buffy and Angel both jerk their heads from what they’d been reading together. Buffy backed against the couch and Angel looked completely stunned. Cordelia led Willow to the couch. She sat down almost demurely. "We don’t know how," but she’s here to help, Cordelia explained. Buffy let out a breath sharply, and couldn’t stop the tears. She ran to Willow and embraced her. Willow was shaken. She wasn’t sure how to handle all this at once. Worse yet, she could feel her friend’s heart pumping blood so close. It was driving her crazy; everyone around the room was a source of heat moving about slowly, temptingly. She looked at Angel across the room. Her killer. He was looking appropriately guilty. The trouble was, she couldn’t seem to sense anything from him. She should have felt him. She could always feel the presence of other vampires…unless… Unless Buffy had gotten there with the orb, and the "permanent" curse had worked better than they’d thought. Buffy let her go and wiped the wetness from her cheeks, waiting for Willow to speak. She didn’t wait long. "Buffy, I’ve been…well, underground, with the vampires and all, finding out things. I knew something was up, but nothing as big as I found." "You know about Spike?" "Yeah. I know about Spike. Buffy, he’s insane. Absolutely, completely insane. And he’s out to get you. He wants more than to kill you. He wants to make you pay." *** END, part 15 _____________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 09 May 1998 22:38:44 -0700 From: LadySun Subject: BUFFYFIC: Charlotte Sometimes (Part 9) Charlotte Sometimes (Part 9) =09 The fresh air did wonders for Drusilla, and she felt more like herself with out all the women poking around her making her feel like a child again. But she was nervous, sitting outside with a man whose name she barely knew ~ Angelus worried for a minute that he was moving to fast. But quickly dismissed it, had he been moving to fast, she'd not be outside with him now. No, he was going at the right pace, and now he was glad to finally be alone with his Drusilla. "I hope you do not think me uncivil for asking you out here" He began "But it was so shrouded inside, and I'm not much for theses festivities." =09 She was happy, the tension was finally beginning to wear off her, that and she had finally met someone else who hated these events as much as she. =20 =09 "Not at all." Drusilla agreed "I've only come for my mothers sake. I'd most happily be out here with you than inside." She didn't miss Angelus' delighted smile =09 "Your mother? Which is she?" Angelus walked further out to sit under a large chestnut tree, leading Dru father from the castle "Lady Hurst?"=09 Angelus nodded "ahh, yes. You mother is quite ravishing" "Thank you" =09 She was almost totally relaxed, Angelus was easy to get on with and she was so glad to be in the night air. Feeling reborn again, happy to see someone actually taking some interest in her own personality.=20 "You said your only visiting? How long will you be here," Dru blushed for a second realizing her forwardness "If I may ask." "You needn't say that. Ask me what you will, I should be here for a couple months. More or less as time allows" There was a pause as they sat in silence, peacefully enjoying the night air. Angelus cleared his throat and spoke up.=20 "May I call apon you? Sometime? Your company has been so great, I would hate to never see you again" Drusilla smiled. "Oh, please do. It will be so wonderful to have someone other than my sister to talk with--" The minute she said it, she regretted it. Angelus smiled, as though to say, don't worry about it. "You sister? Is she here tonight?"=20 He had said the words, but knew she wasn't here. She'd be at the house, along with all of the servants and nurses. He wondered if Dru had found the dead puppy he had left laying on the swings.=20 "No" Drusilla Laughed "My sister, Lydia, is only seven. She'd have a worse time here than any of us." "Yes, she would" Angelus whispered to Dru. There was another long pause, and Drusilla turned to look at the people inside the ball, dancing. "We should be getting back=85"She said. "Yeah" Angelus agreed, not about to get up out of his comfortable position. =09 ~ Drusilla felt uncomfortable again, with this man, they really should be getting back before they were missed. "Angelus?" She asked, wondering if he was still paying attention "Hmm?" He replied, focusing his eyes on hers. "We should be getting back" She repeated.=09 Angelus looked at her face. The wind was lightly blowing strands of her hair, away from the lavish design she had it in. She had that sweet, innocent, lost look on her face=85 "Yes, we should," Angelus said standing up. "But... First" He stood, towering over her, looking down apon her face, gently taking her chin in his hands and kissed her lips. She gasped suddenly pushing away from him. "Forgive, Drusilla" He apologized, "I shouldn't be so forward. But you're so beautiful." He moved closer to her, trying to fill the gap she had created. She made no move to back away. He took this as a good sign. =09 Dru's heart told her to kiss him, that his lips on her oddly felt right, and good. But her head told her no. That he was just a man trying to take advantage of her. Still, her body made no move to back away from him,=20 "Forgive me Drusilla" He smiled down at her. She took a deep breath and smiled back. He was forgiven. - --=20 ~ ` ~ LadySun ~ ` ~ ~ ` ~ Spikette ` Mercenary ~ ` ~=20 SD - FK - We look before and After, and pine for what is not; our sincerest laughter with some pain is fraught; Our sweetest songs are those that tell the saddest=20 thought...' The Cure Wish) ------------------------------ End of buffyfic-digest V2 #172 ****************************** To subscribe to buffyfic or buffyfic-digest, send the command subscribe buffyfic-digest or subscribe buffy to You will need to go through a confirmation process, and the listowners have to manually approve your subscription request, so it may take some time. To unsubscribe, send email to with unsubscribe buffyfic-digest or unsubscribe buffyfic in the body. Back issues of this digest can be found at: Dalton Spence has also provided an index of the buffyfic archive at: For help, contact Jill Kirby ( or sah (