From: (buffyfic-digest) To: Subject: buffyfic-digest V2 #175 Reply-To: $SENDER Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk buffyfic-digest Sunday, May 10 1998 Volume 02 : Number 175 In this issue: BUFFYFIC: "Counterthrust" (2/3) BUFFYFIC: "Counterthrust" (3/3) BUFFYFIC: Life's A Bitch(4b/?) BUFFYFIC: "Future Imperfect" -- Chapter Two -- (1/1) BUFFYFIC: Charlotte Sometimes (Part 13) BUFFYFIC: Love's Revival (7/?) See the end of the digest for information on (un)subscribing to the buffyfic or buffyfic-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sun, 10 May 1998 20:02:29 EDT From: JMHnoodles Subject: BUFFYFIC: "Counterthrust" (2/3) Title: Counterthrust (2/3) Author: Noodlebrain Disclaimer: "Grr...Arg," not mine, no money, s'all good; I own nothing but some minor brain damage. Distribution: Just tell me first. Spoilers: Everything that's aired is up for grabs. Feedback: Please!!!! Even if you hate it, tell me. If you think it can be improved, please tell me how! Notes: I should have technically been doing 10 chapters of AP work, but I just had to finish this tonight! Warning: This is mildly violent and has one strong vulgarism. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "HOW DARE _YOU_?" he had left off, all those thoughts coursing through his mind in less than a second, "How dare you become complacent, shut me out, and put people in grave danger? How dare you run around playing this cat-and-mouse with Angelus? Think about that. _How_ _dare_ _you_?" he demanded, voice growing with each heavily stressed word. Giles could see the wheels turning in her mind; could sense the barriers start to fall. He hated himself passionately for everything he had just said, but he knew nothing else would work. He had thrust. She had parried. Now, it appeared his attack may have succeeded. But then they made eye contact, and Giles saw everything lock up again. A glint of something akin to pure malice sparked in Buffy's frozen face. "I can handle it," she said, her cold monotone ripping a fresh wound open in his heart, "without your help." With that, she came at him, attacking full force. Swing, *CRACK*, parry, *SMACK*, swing, swing, thrust, evade. Giles felt a wave of sadness wash over him as he fought back. He was hoping he wouldn't have to rip the girl's soul out and hold it front of her in order to accomplish this, but it was appearing he had no choice. *SMACK* *SMACK* *CRACK*, sweep, jump, thrust. "Let me guess," Giles said, his voice strained from the increasing physical exertion, "since you spent so much time with him, and you two loved each other enough to sleep together-" Swing, evade, *CRACK* *CRACK* block *CRACK* Giles struggled to finish as Buffy's violence increased by an order of magnitude. "-you think that you can use your knowledge of him against him?" he asked. When she didn't answer, he insisted, "Is that how you plan on doing it?" They now had their staves up against each other in a flattened X, looking right in one another's face as they grappled to break the hold. "Something like that, yeah," Buffy replied, her voice infused with acid. "And since you don't know him," she half-growled, biting off each word, "stay out of it." With that she broke the stalemate, sliding away and bringing her staff back up to hit him. Thrust, evade, parry, *CRACK*, swipe, duck. "So," he started again, resuming the old mock conversational tone, but too drained to soak it with much sarcasm, "you think you know him." *SMACK* "Hello, where the fuck have you been?" Buffy yelled, her agitation growing exponentially. "Isn't that what I just said?" Parry, *CRACK*, parry, thrust, *SMACK*, evade. "All right, then," Giles said, "I just make sure." *God,* he prayed silently, *please let this work, because I am not sure at all. I've just run out of ideas. I don't know what else to do.* *CRACK*, thrust, evade, swing, block, *CRACK* With that, Giles reached inward, into the darkest recesses of his soul, and let his own inner demons out to play. end part 2 ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 10 May 1998 20:02:46 EDT From: JMHnoodles Subject: BUFFYFIC: "Counterthrust" (3/3) Title: Counterthrust (3/3) Author: Noodlebrain Disclaimer: "Grr...Arg," not mine, no money, s'all good; I own nothing but some minor brain damage. Distribution: Just tell me first. Spoilers: Everything that's aired is up for grabs. Feedback: Please!!!! Even if you hate it, tell me. If you think it can be improved, please tell me how! Warning: This is mildly violent and has one strong vulgarism. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *CRACK* thrust *CRACK* *CRACK* swing *SMACK* He was no longer fighting like good old librarian-Watcher-Giles. Swing *SLAP* *CRACK* thrust evade swipe jump *SMACK* *SMACK* Something else engulfed him, fighting through him; an inhuman presence that knew nothing of love or loyalty or kindness. Evil becme the life that flowed through his veins, hell became the fire that burned behind his eyes. Any soul he might have had became dormant. Now he rounded on the girl viciously. *SMACK*swingthrust And Buffy realized she could no longer easily wallop Giles. sweepjumpswing*SMACK* In fact, she had no idea how to even fight him anymore. thrustevade*CRACK*swing*SLAP* His attack became swift, unrelenting, violent, and cruel. His face was carved in stone. He looked into her eyes; straight through her until he found her soul. swing*SLAP**SLAP**CRACK**_CRACK_* The confidence and anger on Buffy's face melted away and were replaced by confusion. She was slowly but steadily losing ground; backing away. As fear crept in on the edges of her mind, her fighting technique began to lose its effectiveness. *SMACK*thrustparryparry*CRACK**SLAP*duckswing*CRACK* Buffy's confusion became sheer fright. There was no longer any structure to her defense; she was in a full-blown panic, flailing the staff about wildly, struggling desperately to fend him off. *CRACK**CRACK*swing*SMACK**CRACK*block*SLAP**CRACK* "You," Giles growled between shots, "think you can fight me like you know me..." Giles brought his staff back and swung it down, hard- *_THWACK_* - -and that was it. Giles' staff hit home, catching her on the side of the head. "But that was Ripper. You were trying to fight Ripper like it was me, Rupert," Giles began explaining. He knelt down on the floor next to Buffy, who was holding a hand to her head, lips quivering. He reached out a hand to touch her, but she jerked away in fear. Giles swallowed down hard, then reached out again, putting a hand under her chin and gently making her look up at him. "You don't know Ripper. You tried to fight him the same way you fight Rupert, and you lost." Tears started sliding down Buffy's face, making smooth tracks in the sweat already covering her skin. "Buffy," Giles tried to say, but his throat was tight and the word came out strangled. He tried to swallow, but couldn't, so he just continued in a raspy voice: "You know Angel. You could have fought and defeated Angel. You don't know Angelus." Buffy turned away, managing a choked "No..." Giles grabbed her chin again. "Buffy, listen to me! You can't fight Ripper like Rupert, and you can't fight Angelus like Angel! They are in the same body but they are NOT THE SAME!" Giles sighed heavily. "I'm so sorry I had to do this, but I wasn't getting through. It was partly my fault, too, that's why I refused to give up." He contemplated turning away so she couldn't see his eyes moistening, but that would contradict everything he was trying to accomplish. No more hiding; no more closing each other off. "I couldn't think of any other way. I didn't want to hurt you, but if I didn't, you'd have only gone out and gotten yourself hurt more, or even killed. I only ask this: do you understand what I've just told you?" He wanted to tack on a million other questions, like "Do you know that you need to train more to beat him?" and "Can you ever forgive me for this?", but he couldn't, wouldn't push her any more that day. He just looked at her expectantly for a response. She nodded her head weakly. "Yes," she whispered. Giles closed his eyes, then slumped up against the wall. That was good enough for him. Thrust. Parry. Counter. Strike. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ the end feedback *please*: ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 10 May 1998 20:13:27 EDT From: G90210 Subject: BUFFYFIC: Life's A Bitch(4b/?) AUTHOR'S NOTE: This was just a thought I had one day. Because Buffy has to deal with stuff, most people don't think exist(right they don't, come on now for my own mentalness, they don't!) What about when she has to face real stuff.. I don't know why I thought of this, but oh well I did. TITLE: Life's A Bitch AUTHOR: mInDy ( or SUMMARY: I don't know how to write one to this, so's about Buffy and Angel for those of you who it matters too. SPOILERS: None at the moment. TIME LINE: After S/I IMPORTANT: Angel IS good in my story, he does has soul, and the curse can't be broken this time. DISCLAIMER: I own nothing!! WARNING: Look at the title and the language will be explained. THANK YOUS: To EVERYBODY who helped me get ideas for where to go next, I know it's been a while, but I have a thought, which means I had a happy! Life's A Bitch by: mInDy *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* On the way back from the doctor's, Buffy and Willow sat in silence. The doctor had told Buffy news that she did not want to hear. The doctor had said that the chance of catching this guy wasn't that great. And that had really upset Buffy, she wanted this guy to pay, and Willow figured so did Angel. Willow tried all she could, but she really didn't know how to help Buffy. "Buffy?" "Yeah Will." "You know if you need anything, just talk to me, I'll listen, I'm really good at listening, you can ask Xander, when we were little kids, I use to listen to him all the time, but then he talks all the time, well anyways, look at this I keep rambling on, I think I'll shut-up now." "Thanks Will, that may not seem like a lot, but that really means something to me." "Well, Buffy, you're my best friend, I am always gonna be here for you." "Thanks, I needed to hear that." The rest of the way home, was in more silence, but comfortable silence. Untill Willow turned on the radio, and Mariah Carey's song "Anytime You Need A Friend" came on, and the two of them just looked at each other, thinking the exact same thing. That Buffy would get through this, with the help of her friends. Buffy started singing the song, and then Willow joined in. Willow may not have known how to help her friend, but this was a start. < If you're lonely And need a friend And troubles seem like They never end Just remember to keep the faith And love will be there to light the way Anytime you need a friend I will be here You'll never be alone again So don't you fear Even if you're miles away I'm by your side So don't you ever be lonely Love will make it alright When the shadows are closing in And your spirit diminishing Just remember you're not alone And love will be there To guide you home Anytime you need a friend I will be here You'll never be alone again So don't you fear Even if you're miles away I'm by your side So don't you ever be lonely Love will make it alright If you just believe in me I will love you endlessly Take my hand Take me into your heart I'll be there forever baby I won't let go I'll never let go Anytime you need a friend I will be here You'll never be alone again So don't you fear Even if you're miles away I'm by your side So don't you ever be lonely It's alright It's alright> *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* END PART 4 TBC in Part 5........(which will hopefully be up tomorrow night, if I write it in homeroom, which means I gotta get off here and get my homework done!!!!) FEEDBACK IS SOOOOOOOO WELCOMED!!!!!!!!! ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 10 May 1998 20:55:20 EDT From: KylenRevik Subject: BUFFYFIC: "Future Imperfect" -- Chapter Two -- (1/1) See part one for all disclaimers and notes. If you missed a part, e-mail me at and I'll mail it to you. All comments to, please! ~ "Part Two: Past Tense" Place: Sunnydale University, School Dean's Office. Time: November 25th, 2002. Xander glanced at Willow, then two seats down to Cordelia. All three were waiting for whatever news it was they were going to receive. All three had all received identical phone calls, telling them simply that they had to report to the dean's office for some news. Xander had been pulled out of an English Lit class, and he knew Willow had been in one of her computer science courses. Cordelia had been waiting for Xander's class to end so he could take her out for coffee during the forty-five minute break between his class and hers. He checked his watch. If this wasn't over, and soon, he was going to have to make it up to Cordie somehow. Dinner out, maybe. Or he could grab a bottle of wine on the way back to the apartment and treat her to a romantic evening at home. He looked up as the door opened. Giles, who had left his position at Sunnydale High to keep books at the University, walked out of the Dean's office. Xander hadn't realized he was there, and he felt a pit of confusion roll in his stomach as he became aware of some real concern, past all the strange possibilities that had already presented themselves. "You'd better-- better go in and see him," Giles said quietly, removing his glasses to use his handkerchief to wipe away tears. Xander's eyes widened. "Wonder what that's about," he said, standing and letting Willow lead the way into the Dean's office. He put an arm around Cordelia, and escorted her in. The school dean-- Mr. Stockard-- was fifty three years old. Today, he looked twice that. "Have a seat," he said to the three of them. There were only two chairs, so Xander let Willow and Cordelia have them. He stood behind his fianc‚, rubbing Cordelia's shoulders a little to try and communicate-- maybe to both of them-- that there was nothing to worry about and everything would be fine, just as soon as the dean broke the silence and let them all stop thinking up imaginary disasters. "Kids," the dean said, "I understand you were all close to Buffy Summers." "Yeah," Xander said, before the tense the dean used sank in. Then, abruptly, he and Willow turned toward each other. She realized it at the same time, Xander knew. Cordelia was frozen under his hands. "What do you mean, _were_?" Willow asked. "Miss Summers was found this morning, in--" and here the dean faltered slightly, "Sunnydale Cemetery." He shook his head. "The police have mounted an investigation, but at this point it looks like a murder. Her mother asked that I inform her friends." Xander felt his mouth go dry when the words hit his ears, and the connection between Giles' state when leaving the office and what he was being told made itself evident. "She's...?" The dean gave only a slight nod. "I can only offer you three my sympathies for your loss--" "No," Xander broke in. "No, you can't. We can do without." He gave Cordelia's arm a light pull, then tapped Willow's shoulder. "Come on, guys," he said, taking a step toward the door. The two girls exchanged glances, then Willow rose. "I need a minute," Cordelia whispered. Xander nodded, and he and Willow left. It wasn't until they parted ways and he found himself back at the apartment he and Cordelia shared that the full strength of what the dean had said hit him. She was gone. She was...gone. Buffy. His friend. The girl he'd had a crush on since high school. The dean wasn't lying. The-- His thoughts broke off abruptly as a sob welled up inside him, and he crumpled down against the wall. He hadn't moved or stopped crying three hours later, when Cordelia arrived home. She was calm and composed. Quiet, but composed. "Xander," she finally said, some time around midnight, "I'm going to bed." Shaking, curled up against the wall, he nodded. "Are you coming?" He shook his head. "No." "Oh," Cordelia said softly, then she fell silent and left the room. *Jesus God,* Xander thought. *Buffy...* It was a call of mental anguish. He swallowed, trying to quell the emptiness in his chest, and wondering what he was supposed to do now. *Buffy...what _happened_, which of those bastards did it to you...* For he had no doubt that it _had_ been a murder, and he was reasonably sure of the kind of monster that had killed her. And he knew the police would never find it. He remembered when he had finally told Buffy how he felt about her, straight out and without trying to beat around the bush. Just "Buffy, I'm in love with you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you." That even though he understood she was in love with and waiting for Angel, he wanted her to give serious thought to the possibility that things might not work out for them-- Angel might stay Angelus for the rest of her life. And for her, he wouldn't mind not being her prince so long as he was _hers_. She had told him no. That she wasn't going to live forever-- probably much shorter. That she didn't want to get close to someone just to lose them, or for them to lose her. That losing Angel had been enough to teach her she couldn't expect a lifetime commitment out of someone when she might not have a lifetime to live. That had been almost three years ago. At their graduation from Sunnydale High. He shivered. He had wound up with Cordelia that night, and every night since then he'd moved closer and closer to her-- at times almost forgetting that just the same way he wouldn't have been Buffy's first choice, Cordelia wasn't his. He swallowed. Thinking about Cordelia as a substitute for Buffy wasn't something he wanted to do. It wasn't fair. To either of them. But somehow, Xander realized, the fact that it had occurred to him now meant it would always be there. He would always be looking at Cordelia, not because he loved her, but because she was there and handy and available and not particularly uninterested in him. And if he felt that way about her, then who was to say how she must feel about him? So late that night, when the dawn was breaking, he wrote a letter to her, and left it on the kitchen table. Saying he was sorry, and he wished her nothing but the best-- but he wouldn't be around to share it with her, and to please tell Willow the same. He loved them both, he wrote, but if Buffy was dead he wasn't going to be able to be near them anymore. Too many painful memories, he had written, and as he walked out of the apartment he realized just how true that was. He would call Sunnydale U in the morning, and talk to someone there about transferring the credits he had already earned to another state university. For now, though, practical matters could wait. He just had to get out of the city. He had a cousin in Los Angeles who had given him a standing invitation to visit-- he was going to have to impose. By the time he drove out of Sunnydale, dawn was breaking. ~ All Comments to, please! ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 10 May 1998 20:27:11 -0700 From: LadySun Subject: BUFFYFIC: Charlotte Sometimes (Part 13) Charlotte Sometimes (part 13) They had sat, and talked, and laughed, together all night, just sitting, together. Angelus sighed remembering everything, happily. As of now Drusilla lay sleeping, so peacefully in Angelus' bed... He lay next to her, caressing her hair, and stroking her face, his feather light touches, never waking her, or stirring her from her peaceful slumber, that was the last thing on his mind. She had opened up to him. Shared her life, her family, her dreams, ambitions, everything with him. An absolute stranger of only 2 nights, yet she already trusted him... Angelus had thought it would take longer, he'd been prepared to wait months for her to love him. He realized now where he had calculated wrong. He had thought her a woman looking for money, and a good name, not love. This was all she wanted, and, as he had only recently found out, she was willing to find love in anything, anyone. He had thought her a woman looking to please her parents and the town, to be a perfect christen wife, when what she really wanted was someone to care for her, even when things were bad. Angelus could do this. He already loved her. He was going to give her one week. One week of absolute happiness, with out worries, with out fears. But idea's were popping in his head, and such fun thoughts were these that he couldn't possibly wait a whole week, one week until he went after her. Her father. Her mother, Sister, Aunt, even her stupid dolls. Though, Church would be such a fun place to start. Church which would be in one week... He looked at her sleeping eyes as they fluttered softly. All thoughts were turned to mere soap bubble, and he placed a chaste kiss on her forehead. - -- ~ ` ~ LadySun ~ ` ~ ~ ` ~ Spikette ` Mercenary ~ ` ~ SD - FK - We look before and After, and pine for what is not; our sincerest laughter with some pain is fraught; Our sweetest songs are those that tell the saddest thought...' The Cure Wish) ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 10 May 1998 23:49:15 EDT From: Aglx Subject: BUFFYFIC: Love's Revival (7/?) Title: Love's Revival (7/?) Author: Michelle Email Addy: Rating: PG Spoiler: All episodes up to Killed By Death Feedback: PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE!!! Disclaimer: Savarah is mine! Buffy and the gang belong to Joss Whedon, the WB, etc. The Story and the characters not part of the regular cast are mine! Sumary: Buffy and Angel cope with the thought of love between eachother while Angel is still evil. Buffy must face some old horrors as well as some new ones. IMPORTANT: Sequal to The Dark One Series. This story is explained as best as I could to fill in the blanks but you have to read "The Dark One" to understand it. You can check it out as well as all my other stories at: < --- Changed Address Doesn't anyone know what feedback is? Come on, I'm dying here! *************** "Good thing you're catching up on that beauty rest, cause you could sure use it." Savarah awoke from a quiet sleep to the voice of a familiar enemy. "Buffy! So good to see you again." Savarah slowly sat up, flashing Buffy an evil smile. The room was quiet and dark; deep crimson drapes covered a large window off to one side. A large bed sat in the middle of the otherwise bare room. "I've had enough of our little chats. I think you know why I'm here," Buffy said, annoyed with this creature that just wouldn't die. "Yeah, I do," Savarah said with a laugh. "Good. Are you ready, or would you like to finish your nap first?" "Oh dearie, I'm ready. Unfortunately, I'm not the one your going to fight." "What?" She couldn't believe her ears. She was supposed to fight Savarah again; that was the deal. "You have no idea how much joy it would bring me to fight you for your soul, but I'm afraid even demons have rules. You see, to win your soul back, you must defeat your greatest challenge." Savarah sighed and her evil grin faded away, almost to reveal sadness. "And though it pains me to say it, I'm not your greatest challenge." "Well, if you aren't, then what is?" "Angel." Her plain expression was replaced by a hysterical laugh. Savarah controlled her excitement in order to continue her lecture. "Your love for Angel will always exist, no matter what he does to you. He will always love you too, with or without a soul. Your challenge is to make him admit that love." "I should have known you would have another trick up your sleeve. I can't make Angelus love me. He has no soul; no feelings, he's a demon." Buffy paced back and forth in a small area of the room, her anger showing through her frustration. "Oh, but you are wrong, very wrong. Vampires may not have souls, but they are capable of feelings, and human qualities. Their souls are taken so that there is nothing to stop them from killing, and feeding. They are capable of love, their soulless natures simply prevent them from realizing it." Buffy stopped dead in her tracks, spinning around to look Savarah in the eye. "He didn't even admit that he loved me when he had his soul until..." She stopped remembering him, their love and the horrible mistake she had made. "Painful isn't it?" Savarah saw her grief clearly, despite the shield of anger she had erected. "When do we fight?" Buffy regained her composure and stopped herself from reminiscing on the past. "Tonight. But one little thing first: if either of you kill the other, you both loose. Angel will forever remain Angelus, and you will die." Savarah slid off the bed and grabbed a long coat. "And if I win?" "Both of your souls will be returned. You will forever be rid of me." "What a deal." "Angel will not know why you are fighting him, and you cannot tell him. Your only weapon is the soul that now inhabits your body." She led the way out of the building and the two of the walked in silence to the warehouse. The large steel doors opened at Savarah's command and they entered. Vampires backed away from their path. Buffy walked directly behind Savarah, carefully examining the room and the vampires in it. "Spike, Dru," Savarah said as she walked in on the two kissing in the main room. "Savarah, how nice of you to just barge in," Spike said as he broke reluctantly away from Dru's lips. Buffy made herself visible from behind Savarah. "Buffy, so good to see you again." She was too busy examining the room to acknowledge his presence or to think up a good comeback. Buffy was sure that with Savarah by her side, and Angel in her heart, she wouldn't have any problems. "Oh, don't mind us. We're here to see Angel. Continue on." "Okay, we will." Spike grabbed Dru by the waist and pulled her closer to him. Savarah and Buffy walked to one of the bedrooms in the back. Angel still remained in his spot by the window. "Angel, darling. I brought a friend over to play." Angel snapped out of his daydream to see two beautiful women, his worst enemies standing in front of him. He acknowledged their presence with a snarl. "Oh, don't be like that. Buffy just wants to play with you." "I have more fun when I play like this." Angel grinned as he saw the look of fear in Buffy's eyes. "Have it your way." Savarah tugged at Buffy's shirt and pulled her over by Angel. They stood face to face, looking deep enough into each other's eyes to burn holes. "Now, it is time you two settled your differences. An all out battle to the death should do nicely." Buffy turned her head sharply towards Savarah, acting stunned. "Don't worry Buffy. I'll make it quick." Buffy smirked at him. "Don't plan on this being a quick fight Angel." He smiled at her attempts to hurt him with words. He liked to see her mad. "Okay." Savarah looked back and forth between them. The tension in the room was brutally strong. "Let's go then." End Part 7 - Send FEEDBACK! ------------------------------ End of buffyfic-digest V2 #175 ****************************** To subscribe to buffyfic or buffyfic-digest, send the command subscribe buffyfic-digest or subscribe buffy to You will need to go through a confirmation process, and the listowners have to manually approve your subscription request, so it may take some time. To unsubscribe, send email to with unsubscribe buffyfic-digest or unsubscribe buffyfic in the body. 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