From: (buffyfic-digest) To: Subject: buffyfic-digest V2 #187 Reply-To: $SENDER Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk buffyfic-digest Thursday, May 14 1998 Volume 02 : Number 187 In this issue: BUFFYFIC: Best Intentions BUFFYFIC: "Future Imperfect" -- Chapter 13 -- (1/1) BUFFYFIC: Looking Back Intro See the end of the digest for information on (un)subscribing to the buffyfic or buffyfic-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 14 May 1998 14:35:56 PDT From: "Jennifer oooooo" Subject: BUFFYFIC: Best Intentions TITLE: Best Intentions AUTHOR: Jennifer M. ( SUMMARY: What would happen if Buffy's mom found her diary? RATING: PG. TIME PERIOD: Maybe past Becoming 1? THANKYOUS: Thanks Leslie S.! FEEDBACK: Please! Any constructive criticism would be greatly appreciated. DISTRIBUTION: Please ask. DISCLAIMER: All characters are the property of Joss Whedon, et al. The idea is mine, though! Best Intentions Part 1 Well past midnight, on a school night no less, Buffy was in the cemetery fighting. The fight was intense and the face of the man she was fighting was hidden. The confrontation lasted for several moments before she threw him against a headstone, where he collapsed to the ground. "OK, had enough, yet?" Buffy asked still in her fighting stance. As she caught her breath, she waited for his next move, reaching for a stake hidden in her belt. "Nope. I'm just getting warmed up myself," Angelus replied, breathing hard as he lifted himself off of the ground "Come on Lov-er. You know you want to," he drawled. "Only in your dreams," she answered, and the fighting resumed. 'Why can't I just end this?' she questioned herself. She got in one good kick to his groin and that dropped him to the ground; his extreme pain was evident. She smiled and shook her head. "Oh Angelus, will you never learn to wear a cup?" She turned and walked away. Walking home, she pondered why she was unable to kill her number one enemy. Well, number one since his change, anyway. She knew that she loved the man (man?) he used to be, but was unable to convince herself that the Angel she knew was no longer within Angelus' body. 'Why can't I kill him?' She asked herself. 'Cause I still love him!' Buffy sighed, 'like a fool.' Buffy continued walking home, and decided it was time to get the man out of her thoughts. 'He's not here anymore. He's not here anymore. The man I love is gone. His replacement needs to be killed.' Buffy repeated this mantra to herself for the rest of the walk home. 'Aw, Hell.' She sighed, afraid the repetitiveness did not do any good. When she reached her house, she climbed up the side of her house and then into her bedroom window. She was making every effort to keep quiet, but, inadvertently knocked a book onto the floor, where it made a loud thump. "Oh shoot," she said as she swiped at a stray strand of blond hair that had fallen into her eyes. The light snapped on. Buffy's mom was sitting in her room, swaying in a rocking chair. "Mom! Oof…" Buffy fell through the window, clearly surprised her mother was there. "Hi! What are you doing up?" She tried for an 'all eyes' innocent look and knew she was not succeeding. "I was just wondering what time you'd come home. Let's see," her tired eyes looked pointedly at the clock on Buffy's nightstand. "Hmmmm…. It's nearly 2 am on a Wednesday night, and you're just coming home? Gee. I didn't even realize you had gone out." Sarcasm dripped from every word. "Well, Willow called, and…" "And nothing, young lady! There is absolutely no excuse for you to be sneaking out in the middle of the night! I don't understand what is going on with you. Would you care to explain before I am forced to do something drastic? And, no dancing around this, Buffy. I want the truth, and I want it now." Buffy looked at her mother and sat down on the bed. She was thinking of the best way to explain to her mom why she was forced out of her bedroom at night. 'How would she take, staking vampires? Uh, not well.' She nervously began smoothing her hair, tucking it behind her ears. "Well, uh, mom, it's kind of a long story, and I don't think you're going to believe me, so, um, why don't we go to bed, think about this calmly, and then talk first thing in the morning?" Buffy asked her hopefully. Her head was pounding and her right eye was beginning to throb where Angelus got that last punch in. "Nice try, young lady. But, I don't think so. I've had enough of your evasiveness. I'm tired of the lies and the late nights. I don't know what you think you're doing, but, it's going to stop. Right now." Joyce pulled out Buffy's diary from underneath the blanket covering her lap. Buffy's eyes widened in shock. "Uh, mom, please tell me you didn't just invade my privacy by searching my room and looking for my diary. My personal property. My personal thoughts and feelings, and PRIVATE PROPERTY?!?" Buffy's voice was rising with every word. "Buffy, lower your voice. You will not speak to me in that tone. I am still your mother, young lady. I wouldn't have had to look for it, if I thought you'd actually tell me the truth. But, you don't know what the truth is, do you?" Joyce's voice lost any trace of anger-and dropped to almost a whisper. "Honey, tell me, what are you going through that you have to make up such wild stories?" Buffy made a grab for her diary, but Joyce pulled back, just in time. "Mom, give that back!" "I realize you're angry. I think you might even be hurt. But - trust me - Buffy, I am only trying to help you." "Mom, you don't - can't possibly understand what I'm going through. If you broke the trust that you and I have by reading my personal and innermost thoughts, then, I'm way beyond hurt." Buffy's eyes welled up, one tear falling down her cheek. She swiped at it angrily. "I can't believe you would do that!" "Buffy, you never tell me what is going on, honey. I'm worried about you, and I thought I could help by…" "By what!?! Going through my things? Reading my diary?" "Buffy calm down." Fear crossed Joyce's eyes. Buffy took a deep breath and turned away from her mother. She crossed her arms over her chest and walked over to and looked out the window, thinking of any way to keep control of her rising temper. Silently, she began counting to ten. "1,2,3,4,…" "Buffy look at me." Buffy turned towards her mother. "I want you to try to explain what it is that you think you are and why you have these." Joyce pulled open the box of Buffy's weapons, which included a variety of small containers, stakes, other odds and ends and the new crossbow Giles had given her to take home. "What kind of trouble are you in, exactly?" She looked at the box, at the diary still in her mother's hand, fury flashing across her eyes. "Mom, you have really crossed the line. I told you you wouldn't understand, and here you are, accusing me of…" "Buffy, I'm not accusing you of anything. Honey, I just want to know what is going on with you? What have you gotten yourself into? It can't be the kids you hang out with. I mean Xander and Willow are probably the most wholesome I have ever met. So, what is going on with you? Why do you have all of this here? Let me help you work through this." "You think this is that easy? You think you can make it all go away by forcing me to tell you what is going on with me? My life is not that simple. You'd never understand!" "I understand better than you think what it is like to be a 17 year old girl. Honey, please let me help you." Buffy took a deep breath. She resigned herself to spilling her secret. But not tonight. Not without Giles to help explain all of this and keep her mother from going ballistic. With a calm that Buffy was surprised she possessed, she answered her mother. "OK, mom. You want to help me. That is great. I appreciate it, really. But, seeing as how you've gone through all of my things and you've read my diary, you now know everything. I realize you don't believe me. I understand that this is a *really* hard concept to grasp. But, you're not going to understand anything until tomorrow. So, we might as well go to bed and get some rest. You're gonna have a lot to take in tomorrow, and you're gonna need some sleep." "No Buffy, I want you to tell me now." "No. Mom, you're gonna wait until tomorrow. Then, we'll go to the school and I will tell you everything. With the help of Mr. Giles." "That's what I thought you'd say. OK, Buffy. We'll do it your way." Joyce got up and left the room, taking the diary with her. "Terrific." Buffy lay down on the bed and felt frustration course through her veins at her situation. Her hands balled into fists of rage. ~~ End part 1 ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 14 May 1998 17:45:22 EDT From: KylenRevik Subject: BUFFYFIC: "Future Imperfect" -- Chapter 13 -- (1/1) Well, here it is, the final part. I hope everyone has enjoyed reading as much as I've enjoyed writing it, and I'm dying to hear everyone's opinion-- be it good or bad-- of the complete story. All standard disclaimers apply, and they can be found in the prologue section of this story. This is the final chapter of the story. All comments, questions, or requests for missing pieces to me, here at, please. ~ "Part Thirteen: Never No More" Place: Rosenberg Residence. Time: May 23rd, 2012, Morning. "Xander, Cordelia's on the phone." Xander awoke with a jerk, looking around the room. Remembering the last night. "What?" Willow was standing in the doorway, looking at him, shaking her head. "She sounds like she's sorry," she offered pathetically, "and she says she wants to talk to you." Confused, wanting to know what had happened between when he had blacked out in the cemetery and when he had awoken here, Xander stood and moved toward the door. "Will," he asked, "how'd I get here last night?" Already on her way to the kitchen, Willow turned and gave him an odd look, then sighed. "Xander, you and Cordelia had a fight last night, remember? So you came to spend the night." Xander's confusion grew even more acute as he let Willow place the phone receiver in his hand and watched her move out toward the living room. He heard two voices, but he couldn't distinguish one from the other, nor could he tell what was being said. "Xander," Cordelia's voice said, over the line. He was immediately drawn back to paying attention to the phone call. "I'm sorry," Cordelia continued, "but last night it slightly out of control." "Out of control...?" Xander echoed. Yeah, things had gotten out of control, way out of control, he had either seen Buffy die multiple times or else he was losing his mind or maybe he'd just had a horrible nightmare, and none of this was going to go over well when he had to convince Anna-Marie that he wasn't a raving psychopath. "Yes," Cordelia answered. "I'm sorry about the stain in the rug, and you know I didn't mean it when I said you were sleeping with Willow." "When what?" Xander asked, his tone turning slightly incredulous. "Cordie, what the heck're you talking about?" There was momentary silence. "You know," Cordelia finally said, her voice sounding suddenly strained, "I call and try to apologize and all you do is act like a jerk." "Cor--" "Xander, do you know how hard it was for me to call up and-- I mean, look where you are, who you're staying with! For all I know, you two _are_ screwing--" "_Cordelia_!" Xander interrupted. Then he sighed. "Please, Cordie...I know this is probably way too much to ask...but could you possibly take a shot at _making sense_?" For a moment, the other end of the line was silent. Then Xander heard a click as Cordelia hung up on him. He sighed. Wonderful. So now he had a bunch of missing hours and Cordelia had just hung up on him, and nothing in the world was making sense. Willow reappeared in the doorway, and sighed slightly. "She hang up on you again?" *Again?* "Yeah," he replied. "Don't worry about it," came a voice from behind Willow. "You know how she is, she'll be over it in a day and you two'll be all over each other again." It took all of half a second for Xander to place the voice. After all, he had only heard it a few hours ago. "Buffy?!" he exclaimed, as the Slayer stepped into view behind Willow. "Yeah," she said, raising an eyebrow. "You okay, or did Cordie finally push you over the edge?" Xander shook his head. "No..." he said softly. "No...I'm fine...what..." He glanced to Willow. "What's she..._doing_ here...?" he asked, his voice barely breaking a whisper. Buffy shot an odd look at Willow. "Will, he okay?" Willow nodded slightly. "Yeah, I think he is," she said. "Xander?" "I'm...I'm fine..." he managed to get out, somehow. "Buffy...what...?" "I'm having coffee," Buffy said, indicating a coffee mug and walking past Willow and into the kitchen to the sink. Xander couldn't believe it. He couldn't peel his eyes off her. Yes, she was ten years older than the woman he had saved only hours before, and the age showed, but only barely. She was still in prime shape, her muscles toned, and she was obviously taking care of herself, had this _happened_? The whole time he'd been in the cemetery, all the while he had been working to save her...he'd never considered what might have happened if it all actually worked. Nor, he realized, had he stopped to think about what would happen if it didn't. He had locked himself into a sort of limbo, without considering any kind of future at all. Buffy glanced back over her shoulder, exchanging looks with Willow before turning back to Xander. "You know," she said, "if that's how you look at every woman you walk by, I can see where Cordie might get a little upset." Xander's eyes widened slightly, and he shut his mouth, then forced his eyes up to meet Buffy's. "You're alive," he said, not realizing till the words were out of his mouth just how completely idiotic they sounded. "Yes, I am," Buffy said. Then she smiled slightly. "And you'd better not let Angel catch you looking at me like that." She shook her head. "Remember the tenth high school reunion?" No, he didn't, but how was he supposed to say that? He turned a blank look on Willow, who glanced back to Buffy. "Maybe he needs more sleep," she offered. "Maybe he needs a good whack on the head," Buffy offered. "Either way, I have to get going." She took a quick sip of her coffee, finishing it off and leaving the cup itself in the sink, then moved toward the doorway. "Angel and I are going out tonight. Anniversary and all." Willow grinned, and Xander stared. Buffy left. The door closed, and somewhere distant, Xander heard a car engine starting and pulling out of the driveway. Then he looked at Willow, who offered him his own cup of coffee, which he accepted. "What's up with you?" she asked. "Even for a morning-after-a- big-fight, you're acting out of it." He took a sip of his coffee. "A night after...this is something that happens often?" Willow nodded, smiling slightly as though she found his befuddlement amusing. "All the time." She sighed. "So," she said, "what do you want to do today?" Xander shrugged and shook his head. So many things. Talk to Buffy. Talk to Cordelia. Call Anna-Marie... Anna-Marie. He paled slightly as the full weight of what must have happened slammed into him like a mack truck doing eighty miles an hour. Nina. Elliot. The kids. *Oh my God...what have I done.* If he wasn't married to Anna-Marie, if he'd stayed in Sunnydale the way it seemed he had, then where were his _kids_? He swallowed, suddenly flooded by waves of memories of the two of them. Their bright smiles, the way they laughed, how he had grounded Elliot from the television just last week, because he'd heard him swearing...they had to be there. He had Buffy back, but that shouldn't mean he had to give up his kids. He moved to the phone, picking it up and dialing quickly. "Long distance, I'll pay you back," he said when Willow opened her mouth to ask what he was doing. She simply nodded. Xander waited. Finally, after the third ring, a woman's voice picked up. "Hello?" "Hey," he said, his voice catching slightly. "Excuse me," the woman said after a moment, "do I know you?" Xander's eyes widened. "I-- it's Xander, I mean, Alex-- is this Anna-Marie?" There was a seemingly endless period of silence, and finally the woman said, "I think you have the wrong number. I don't know anyone named Alex. Or Xander." Then she hung up. Xander turned to Willow, who was watching him carefully. "Who's Anna-Marie?" she asked. "My..." But what to call her? His wife before he made it so Buffy didn't die and everything went strange? The mother of his now non-existant children? "Nobody," he finally said, his voice shaking again. As glad as he was to realize he wasn't going to have to worry about a divorce with Anna-Marie, the despair washing over him as he realized what he'd done, to what extent he'd been blinded to the possibilities, outdid the joy by far. Willow watched him, her concern growing more and more pronounced by the minute. "Xander," she said, "are you okay?" "I...think so..." he said, the memories of his family, of the years he and Anna-Marie had spent together, even through the fights, a deluge in his consciousness. He glanced up at Willow, realizing that to her, he must appear to have lost his mind entirely. He shook his head, stuffing the emotions down and letting a single thought rule his actions, for now. *You did this. Now live with it.* He couldn't let go of Buffy. He had already lived ten years without her, and even if she was with Angel at this point, he still had her in his life, it appeared. He had Cordelia, though the way she had left things on the phone wasn't condusive to the conclusion that she enjoyed his company any more than Anna-Marie had, toward the end. He still had Willow-- ever-constant Willow, who had been there for him since elementary school. Thank God he hadn't lost her, he thought to himself, because he never would have been able to face himself if he had screwed things up that badly. As he finished his drink, talking to Willow and slowly trying to feel his way through whatever had happened, Xander began to slowly realize what it was Cordelia had meant in that lifetime that had now never existed, but the memories of which were still strong in his mind. When she had asked what he had wanted and what he planned to do it he got it, if he did find Buffy in the cemetery and if he really did save her. He still didn't have any answers to the question, but now he at least knew-- he might have a chance in hell of finding out. Nina and Elliot. He would miss them. But maybe it was better this way. They wouldn't grow up with their parents constantly arguing, and they wouldn't go through whatever messy divorce procedures would have eventually come. He could deal with the pain. He could deal with the loss. And for the first time in a decade, Xander knew he was going to be able to deal with whatever life threw his way. Because this time, he hadn't been an idle pawn in fate's game. This time, he had made a difference. THE END Copyright 1998 Rachel Brody ~ Comments to, please. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 14 May 1998 23:33:43 -0700 From: Angel's Lover Subject: BUFFYFIC: Looking Back Intro Title: Looking Back Rating: PG.. violence, murder. Story: A new slayer is born.. someone you'd never expect... visit with her through her life while she learns, fights, loves and lives as well as she can. Posting: Heaven's Gates: The Watcher's Diaries: Comments: Please.. to Lea at either or Disclaimers: The characters aren't mine.. they are Joss's, MEP, and WB's.. I make no money from this and copywright infringement was not intended. ******************* Looking Back ~ By Lea In every generation, there is a chosen one. She alone, will stand against the vampires, the demons, and the forces of darkness. She is the slayer. My name is Willow Rosenberg, and I am the slayer. My story is a long one, the tale of a journey across the ages beginning with the death of my best friend: she who loved me, she who trained me, and she who preceeded me in this destiny. In this life I have lost many friends, however she is the one person whom I will miss the most, forever. Though I will tell you the story of my birth as the slayer, my conclusion will not be the end of my tale. My story will continue until the day I am slain, which I fear will not be long into the future. Perhaps when that day comes, the next slayer will finish my tale, just as I finish my predecessor's and begin my own. I will never be the slayer she was, I only hope that I can give the trust she always gave me the justice it deserves as I move on to my own destiny. To begin at the beginning of my story would be far too confusing for those of you who know not of the slayer, or of her death. Instead I will begin with her.. my friend... my sister.. my.... ******************* "BUFFY!!!!!" The tiny blonde slayer of whom I've grown so fond over the years turned abruptly at my call, spinning on her heel, flawlessly driving the wooden stake deep into the vampire's heart. A pang of jealousy ran through me as I watched her move effortlessly through the vampirical masses, slaying creature upon creature with a grace born of experience far beyond her years. I could never move like that.. I could never be like her, for she was Buffy, and I was just plain old Willow. "Thanks, Will!" she called before returning to the battle. I smiled, all negative emotions fading into the background. When you're merely the computer wise side kick to an unsung hero there isn't much you can do to help in a fight; any little bit counts. I caught sight of Xander and Angel running towards us from the other side of the graveyard. They had earlier returned to the library with Giles for supplies; the vampires were coming in droves, and they were all gunning for Buffy. Xander came to my side, dropping the bag of stakes and sanctified weapons to the damp ground. Angel did not hesitate in returning to Buffy's side in the midst of the battle. "What took you so long?" I teased tensely as Xander smiled grimly in greeting. "We met some resistance along the way. Our fanged friends are coming at us from all directions. They've already taken over the school; we were lucky to get what we did." He peered around him nervously. "I wonder who called the convention of the undead, and why." A cold fear suddenly ran through me. "Giles?" Xander shook his head. "He's fine. He stayed behind with Ms. Calendar and Cordelia... they're gonna try to hold the library until we can get back." The sounds of vampires screaming came at us from all directions. We had been lucky so far; the demons had all been concentrating on taking Buffy, they hadn't noticed us off to the side. Our luck wouldn't hold for long. Xander and I looked at each other tersely. We were only sixteen, just regular kids at a regular highschool (well... Xander wasn't so regular.. he was.. well.. Xander...), and neither of us wanted to die, but we couldn't leave Buffy and Angel to fight alone. I wanted to reach out and touch Xander, kiss him just once in case.. well, just in case, but the same old fears overwhelmed me. I couldn't go against the rules of best friends, and one of them were you don't kiss your best friend no matter how in love with him you may be. I settled for reaching out and taking a hold of his arm. "Come on," I called, grabbing the bag and pulling Xander towards the battle. "Do you want to live forever?" Xander looked at the masses of vampires filling the graveyard and nodded vigorously. "Yes! As a matter of fact I do!" Three of the demons closed in on us, my knees shook in fear as I held tightly onto the stake that had suddenly found the palm of my hand. One of the vampires smiled at Xander's last statement. "We can help you with that..." it growled and fury overwhelmed me. "You leave him alone you over grown halloween costume!" Of course had I stopped to think about what we had been doing the halloween of that year, perhaps I could have thought of a less threatening retort. I've since come to realize halloween costumes are highly overrated. With a strength I didn't know I posessed I leaped forward and with one quick thrust pierced the vampire's heart with my stake. I stumbled backwards and turned to see Xander staring at me in shock as the vampire exploded. I shrugged it off, pushing it aside as merely adrenaline, and together Xander and I turned on our remaining assailants. The vampires frowned; their easy targets had surprised them. I grinned visciously; I had them off balance. As Xander raised the crossbow and shakily aimed it towards one vampire, I stepped forward, stake ready, to do away with the other. As I look back now I see that I was unusally calm, moving forward slowly, almost sneering as the vampire smiled. I had wanted it dead, and suddenly I had the strength and will to do it. Just as Xander let the bolt fly free from his bow (missing the first time, but I must give him credit, the second arrow hit dead on), I threw myself upon the remaining creature, brutally driving my fist into its face and my stake into his heart. I rolled backwards from the explosion of dust, my hand reaching out for another stake as I moved closer to where Buffy and Angel were fighting vainly. Swiftly I slayed two... three... four vampires from behind. As we fought, we neglected to notice the number of vampires dwindling; it was Xander who pointed it out. "Don't go!" he called, glibly. "Awww, come on! I was just getting warmed up!" He brandished his crossbow over his head as the demons passed him by, rushing out the gates of the cemetary. It was as if something had summoned them away from the battle. "Come on! I can take ya! Chickens!!!" One of the remaining vampires brushed by Xander as he was showing off. With a shove the creature sent Xander sailing to the ground. I had to giggle. "Way to go, Xan. You really showed him." I giggled again, I could never resist baiting him. "Laugh it up, Will. One day you'll see I can be every bit as good as that vampire!" Angel; he always had a thing about Angel. Little did he know I have always thought he was the best.. I never wanted him to change... but I couldn't tell him that, so I merely rolled my eyes. "Sure you will, Xander." Buffy grinned as she came up behind us, "Yep, the very same day Madonna starts giving Willow wardrobe tips." I clapped my hand over my mouth but I couldn't smother the laugh threatening to emerge. He scowled, "You two are such a total laugh riot." He turned to Buffy, "Need I remind you it was me who found the closet full o'wives, missy? Without me you'd probably have landed in jail!" Buffy grimaced, she hated thinking about Ted. "I could have handled Ted just fine." she muttered. "Beg to differ, little lady." She scowled. "Fine, have it your way, need I remind you that while I was suspicious of Ted from the start you were too busy swooning over his mini pizza's and cookies to listen?" Xander blushed; I almost sighed as I looked at him, then yet another stab of jealously shot through me as I realized he only had eyes for Buffy. Listen, I'm ashamed of how jealous I could be at times, even of my own best friend. By the end I understood everything, but at this point she still had the heart of the boy I loved, and I saw green. That sexy dance hadn't helped any.. I did not need to see Buffy gyrating against Xander, even if it was only to make Angel jealous. Xander climbed to his feet. "So, where'd the tall, dark and scaries rush off to?" Angel glanecd at the lightening sky. "It's almost dawn. They went for cover." Buffy looked up at him with a soft expression on her face; this time I did sigh. What I wouldn't give to be loved like that. "You should go home," she said quietly, slowly walking Angel away from Xander and myself. As Buffy said her goodbyes, I turned to watch Xander. He was watching Buffy; no surprise. I heard Angel mutter my name and I turned back to see both of them watching me as they spoke. I frowned, confused. What did they have to talk about that included me? It was later that day that my question was answered, and that is where my real story begins. End Introduction. - -- Angel's Lover (fondly known as Lea) "Love makes you do the wacky!" "I'm SO the net girl!" Come visit Heaven's Gates: Defender of David Boreanaz... you know, the man with the fangs! ~VV~ ------------------------------ End of buffyfic-digest V2 #187 ****************************** To subscribe to buffyfic or buffyfic-digest, send the command subscribe buffyfic-digest or subscribe buffy to You will need to go through a confirmation process, and the listowners have to manually approve your subscription request, so it may take some time. To unsubscribe, send email to with unsubscribe buffyfic-digest or unsubscribe buffyfic in the body. Back issues of this digest can be found at: Dalton Spence has also provided an index of the buffyfic archive at: For help, contact Jill Kirby ( or sah (