From: (buffyfic-digest) To: Subject: buffyfic-digest V2 #193 Reply-To: $SENDER Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk buffyfic-digest Monday, May 18 1998 Volume 02 : Number 193 In this issue: BUFFYFIC: "Reunion" (18/?) by Ingrid BUFFYFIC: DISCUSS: "Every New Beginning" Re: BUFFYFIC: DISCUSS: "Every New Beginning" BUFFYFIC: "Reunion" (19/?) BUFFYFIC: otherverse 2: When Angel Fell BUFFYFIC: Charlotte Sometimes (part 21) BUFFYFIC: Love's Revival (8/?) See the end of the digest for information on (un)subscribing to the buffyfic or buffyfic-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sun, 17 May 1998 10:34:18 -0400 From: (Ingrid E Stanton) Subject: BUFFYFIC: "Reunion" (18/?) by Ingrid DISCLAIMER: The characters of Angel, Buffy, Cordelia, Willow, Xander, Jenny, Giles & company are the property of Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, Sandollar Productions, and The Warner Brothers Network, and are used without permission. The author claims no rights to these characters. SUMMARY: Continued dream sequence, Cordelia’s, then some real life- Buffy and Giles. WELCOME to my story. It takes place ten years into the future, but I’m not telling you what’s happened in advance. That’s happening through interludes. FEEDBACK: I love to get feedback, except when my mailbox explodes, which is often, but send it anyway! My address is REQUESTS FOR PARTS: If you don’t get this, that’s because you haven’t read the other parts. If you want to get this, ask me for them! ********* "Reunion," by Ingrid Part Eighteen: "It Continues" ********* Maybe it *was* something about that night, or maybe it was the large icy house, where dreams could float under high ceilings. There was even the potential for a nightmare or two. Maybe it was the house. ~~~~ It was vague, and it’s vagueness was precisely what made it terrifying. Spike. Buffy. Angel. Willow. Xander. Corin. Death. Dead. Blood. Those pretty stars like a wreath in her hair, dancing above her tired eyes. Solid black window. Blood smeared across. Violence. Death. Suddenly, something shook the center of her being. It was wrong. There was something terribly wrong, and she looked up at Willow’s face, malicious and innocent all at once, her eyes sparkling blue, pretty and dead. Betraying, betrayed- what did it matter? Someone was going to die, and she saw it. Someone was going to die violently. Suddenly, but aware. She let out a muffled cry and her eyes snapped open. Xander was awake too. ~~~~ Buffy toweled her wet hair absently. She had a vague sense of doom; of something rising that she couldn’t stop. But she couldn’t think. She just had to be prepared to meet whatever it was an destroy it. For good. The sunlight was flitting through the blinds, doing nothing to subdue the overall coldness of the room. It could only play on the corners of the bed making one wish for summer. She pulled on her shirt and opened the door. Immaculate. The room was immaculate and vacant with one stain in the center of the room. Giles was sitting at the glass table, reading some book or another and he looked up instantaneously. Both froze. Suddenly, they both stood up and crossed the room. They fumbled for a minute before Giles let her have a gentle one-armed hug. He was about to release her, but Buffy held on, years of memories and flashes of light running together before her eyes. She took a deep breath and let him go. It didn’t take much to set her off, and she found herself sniffling and wiping at her brimming eyes. "Hello, Buffy." "Hi, Giles." ***** END, part 18 _____________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 17 May 1998 10:49:07 -0400 From: (Ingrid E Stanton) Subject: BUFFYFIC: DISCUSS: "Every New Beginning" Kylen- Fantastic. The world needs more Cordelia / Xander 'shippers. - -Ingrid _____________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 17 May 1998 11:38:08 EDT From: KylenRevik Subject: Re: BUFFYFIC: DISCUSS: "Every New Beginning" In a message dated 98-05-17 10:51:30 EDT, writes: >Fantastic. ::claps happily and does the happy dance:: Yea! :) >The world needs more Cordelia / Xander 'shippers. Yeah, completely agreed. Anybody got a site? ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 17 May 1998 12:02:42 -0400 From: (Ingrid E Stanton) Subject: BUFFYFIC: "Reunion" (19/?) DISCLAIMER: The characters of Angel, Buffy, Cordelia, Willow, Xander, Jenny, Giles & company are the property of Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, Sandollar Productions, and The Warner Brothers Network, and are used without permission. The author claims no rights to these characters. SUMMARY: Continued dream sequence, Cordelia’s, then Willow’s. WELCOME to my story. It takes place ten years into the future, but I’m not telling you what’s happened in advance. That’s happening through interludes. FEEDBACK: I love to get feedback, except when my mailbox explodes, which is often, but send it anyway! My address is REQUESTS FOR PARTS: If you don’t get this, that’s because you haven’t read the other parts. If you want to get this, ask me for them! ********* "Reunion," by Ingrid Part Nineteen: "Hurt" ********* He looked older than he should have, and tired. "I missed you." "I- I missed you too, Buffy." "So much has happened." "I know." "How have you been?" "I’ve been busy. With my work at the museum. They kept all my things. Imagine- all those years." "That’s incredible. You like it there?" "It’s home. It’s where I grew up." "I know I already said this, but I miss you. I know you don’t wanna dig up the past, but can’t you forgive him finally? Can’t you stop running away from us? I miss you, Giles!" Her voice steadily rose to a wavering shout. "Buffy- I can’t ‘just forgive him.’ He killed her!" "It wasn’t him." "Maybe it wasn’t, but every time I look at him, it’s all I can think about." "Get over it Giles. Her life is over. Are you trying to repay Angel by hurting me?" She was shaking. "I’m not trying to hurt you, Buffy. I would never-" "Yes you would. You’re mad because I forgave him, and you couldn’t. But you’re not mad at him. You’re mad at yourself. You hate yourself for letting it happen. For not being there when she needed you. When she died." "Buffy!" "It wasn’t your fault, Giles. How could you have known?" He stumbled backwards. "I just should have, that’s all. I was angry with her, and she died trying to get back *my* trust. She died and I didn’t trust her. She didn’t die peacefully. She was scared. She was running away from him, and I couldn’t stop it." "You couldn’t protect her. But it wasn’t your fault." "It hurts." He took in a choked breath. "I know." "I can’t-" "Giles, you have to get past this. I miss you, damnit!" Then quieter. "I miss you. You know she wouldn’t want you to do this. She’d want you to go on." "It hurts." "I know." She wrapped her arms around him and wiped at her own tears. *** END, 19. _____________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 17 May 1998 13:20:58 -0400 From: Rick Smith Subject: BUFFYFIC: otherverse 2: When Angel Fell AUTHOR=92S NOTE: This is not the Buffyverse you=92re used to, the names = are the same, but some of the characters have very different backgrounds and personalities. See =93A Sword Against the Darkness=94 for Xander=92s intro. Title: When Angel Fell Author: R. Smith ( Summary: It=92s about Angelus. Comments: Bring =91em on. Disclaimer: The Buffy the Vampire Slayer universe, characters and concepts are property of Josh Whedon, Mutant Enemy, etc, etc... =20 The Past Angelus crashed through the woods, a force just beginning to crush his heart. He moved fluidly, quickly, but he could feel his steps beginning to falter, just a little. He stepped up the pace. If he didn=92t get ther= e soon enough, he=92d be done for. He felt Fear like a palpable beast at hi= s back, nipping at his heels, and whispering, =93You=92re doomed,=94 over a= nd over again. =20 Damned gypsies. If he=92d known it was going to be this much trouble, he=92d have let the girl live. Well, the joke was going to be on them in a second, because thanks to poor, lost Drusilla, he knew what they were up to, and that gave him time to do something about it. Another twinge in his unbeating heart. They=92d started the next phase of the spell. Damn Dru! Why did it always take so long to get anything useful out of her disjointed ramblings. All that =93A shadow is coming and it makes my head hurt=94 gibberish. If he ended up too far away to stop this, he=92d stake her himself. Finally, he could see the lights of their camp, and hear the old woman chanting somewhere besides in his own head. He let the change take him, and with a roar, burst into the clearing. The gypsies had prepared for the possibility that he=92d come, but they weren=92t ready for the sheer ferocity of his attack. He wasn=92t here f= or food, so he could let the demon have free reign. He broke necks and ripped out throats and left shattered bodies in his wake as he made a bee-line for the old woman=92s tent. He leaped over the cold body of the girl he=92d killed, and there was nothing between the witch and himself but 20 feet of open ground. She was still chanting, her eyes wide with terror, rushing a little as she tried to finish the spell before it was too late. =20 Angelus could feel something twist in his guts, and knew that he was out of time. If he didn=92t kill her now, it would be all over for him.=20 He cleared the distance between them in two bounds, and grabbed the woman by the throat, lifting her clear of the ground by a good three feet. Her lips still moved in a silent chant, and Angelus glanced around and saw the sphere on the ground, glowing with a swirling energy. He could _almost_ see himself inside it. With a cry, he kicked it, sending it sailing far into the woods, where it bounced, still glowing, into a rabbits hole. He gave the woman a shake, hard enough to rattle her teeth, and broke her chanting. As relief washed over him, he snarled, =93Sorry, witch, but I don=92t _want_ my soul back. I=92m very happy just the way I am. You should have left me alone.=94 He could hear more gypsies coming, and knew he had to finish this now, before he was overwhelmed. Her shook her again, this time like a dog with a rabbit, and smiled as he heard her spine snap. He dropped her, and turned to go, but as he did, he heard her whispering. He leaned down to hear what she had to say. spell, no candle. You will meet your love, and she will despise you. You will know no peace or joy until you find her. You will _suffer_ without her until she joins you with your lost soul. This is my dying curse, may the Gods of my people make it so.=94=20 As she pronounced the last word, Angelus felt as if a fist had landed directly on his heart. He felt an ache that he could not begin to understand -- a longing so profound that he almost didn=92t dodge when the first gypsy tried to stake him. The attack did, however, pull him back to the here and now. He roved through the forest that night, killing every man, woman and child of the tribe that he could find. Then he went back and took all the arcane texts that the woman had hidden in her tent. No gypsy would try that on him again. The years passed slowly for Angelus. He became quiet and withdrawn, no longer taking any pleasure from tormenting the living. He fed and he slept, and periodically he went into bestial killing rages which left dozens dead in his wake. After the curse, Drusilla got constant visions of his =93love=94, and we= nt on and on about her until in a rage, Angelus put a stake in her heart.=20 From then on, he had no-one. He wandered the world like a ghost. taking what he needed to live, killing whenever the mood took him, and moving on -- constantly searching for a woman who would despise him. He went to America in 1951. There were less of his kind there, so the skills and knowledge of hunting them were less prevalent. He slowly moved west, drawn by some force, and ended up in Sunnydale, a small community built, ironically, right on top of one of the largest concentrations of evil ever discovered. He came into conflict with the local vampire power clique there, a group run by an elder known as =93The Master=94 who had the =93my way or the highway=94 attitude toward all vam= pires who lived in Sunnydale. The old bastard was a joke, and Angelus told him so. So, in a community filled with vampires, Angelus was still alone. Then _she_ came to Sunnydale, and his long-unbeating heart broke at the sight of her. She was fair, and bright, and beautiful. And she was the Slayer. =93What an amazing cosmic joke,=94 he thought, laughing despite himself, =93A vampire in love with the Slayer. This is just too much.=94 He thought about staking himself, then. He had dispaired of ever finding her, but he=92d been sure that when he did, he could use his Hell-given abilities to turn her to his will. But the Slayer was well-known for her resistance to such tricks. His doom settled on him like a cloak. He=92d have to win her the old-fashioned way, and he was _very_ out of practice at the ways of men and women. He did what he could. He helped her against the Master; and slowly, she began to care for him. =20 She came upon him feeding one night, however, and as he looked up from the woman=92s throat, he saw the hatred build in her eyes. She tried to kill him, right then and there, but he escaped, howling in agony at his failure. He tried to explain to her, hating himself for his weakness, but every time he got near her, she attacked. One dark night, he decided that if he could never know peace because of her, then she=92d never it because of him. When she beat the Master, Angelus was there to take over for him. =20 A new leader ruled the underworld with a dark, malicious will, a leader who didn=92t want power. No..., Angelus, the Dark Angel, had come to an accord with himself. No peace for him meant no peace for the world. If he couldn=92t be happy, he=92d be covered in blood. A new age was dawnin= g, a dark age where the sun never rises. And Angelus would make sure that the Slayer was there to see it. ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 17 May 1998 14:27:31 -0700 From: LadySun Subject: BUFFYFIC: Charlotte Sometimes (part 21) Charlotte Sometimes (part 21) And I hated the whole funeral. The whole thing. I sat there, so silent, listening to the sweet, sweet sermon. But the whole time there I felt as though I were being forced. Forced to behave myself when I wanted to scream. Forced to sit still when all I really wanted was to kick and yell with all my might. And the only people that were aloud to cry and scream at this injustice where the people who didn't care. Grandmother and Mamma. I couldn't look at the his body, I couldn't see papa's face one last time. The vile killer had seen to that. This hurt. Unable to say goodbye the proper way. Unable to see him one last time for I'd been out with a man... Then, nearly an hour into the sermon, I begin to feel as though I was not aloud to mourn, and I felt all the glares as the family watching us. Lydia, Mother and me. They shook their heads and bowed their necks, making sure I stay the prim and proper lady I had become. Allowing the tears to well up around my eyes, the black veil letting me silently mourn. But I wanted to scream. Needed to cry with real energy. Such unfair thoughts.... My heart actually felt heavy. Just like how they say in the books 'with heavy hearts' I feel as though it may drag down my entire being with its incredible weight. As the sermon finally came to an end, I couldn't lift my body out of the pews. The ache of my heart and body and soul are to much. Then I realize all it takes is Lydia's sad face to lift me up. She's to young to understand. To young to be in a place of such grief. And though it goes against all Catholic values I have I want her out of here. I don't... I can't let her understand this awful thing. I shudder to think she will someday understand what has happened. ~ He waited outside. How could he go inside? Not that god could keep him out or anything, but to see his Drusilla so sad? Angelus Chuckled. They were coming out and that's all that mattered. She didn't see him. Too busy hiding behind her mother, obvious to Angelus she was avoiding the family. Curious to think she avoided what was all around her... The site could make him cry. Where it not so amusing, he lingered around the patrons coming out of the church, watching his love with hooded eyes. He wanted to see her face, her tears falling around reddened eyes, but that damn veil hid her. She wouldn't come to him. she'd be in morning for a long while. His thoughts told him now was a perfect time to strike, while she was so vulnerable. But his mind told him no. There was too much fun ahead, to be ruined with rash impatience. It was the very instant that she willed her red tear'd eyes to glance up that she recognized him, he looked so distraught, saddened for her. Through all the crowed she ever so slowly made her way to him. He took her hand, ever so gently, once again kissing the palm side laid heartfelt eyes on her. "I'm so sorry Drusilla... I heard of the..." he looked at her face, hand trembling under his own as she tried to still her emotions ".. Accident" False pity, but it seemed so real as his voice cracked near the end of his thoughtless sentence. She took in a large breath as though to speak, but no words came through. Ohh, the desire to lift that veil. But how could her do that to her? She bowed her head, unable to discuss anything, and it took 50 years of control to keep the smile from his face, to stay still and say nothing. For Drusilla. - -- ~ ` ~ LadySun ~ ` ~ ~ ` ~ Spikette ` Mercenary ~ ` ~ SD - FK - We look before and After, and pine for what is not; our sincerest laughter with some pain is fraught; Our sweetest songs are those that tell the saddest thought...' The Cure Wish) ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 18 May 1998 10:50:01 EDT From: Aglx Subject: BUFFYFIC: Love's Revival (8/?) Title: Love's Revival (8/?) Author: Michelle Email Addy: Rating: PG Spoiler: All episodes up to Killed By Death Feedback: PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE!!! Disclaimer: Savarah is mine! Buffy and the gang belong to Joss Whedon, the WB, etc. The Story and the characters not part of the regular cast are mine! Sumary: Buffy and Angel cope with the thought of love between eachother while Angel is still evil. Buffy must face some old horrors as well as some new ones. IMPORTANT: Sequal to The Dark One Series. This story is explained as best as I could to fill in the blanks but you have to read "The Dark One" to understand it. You can check it out as well as all my other stories at: < --- Changed Address I know you're out there, send some feedback, Please?? *************** Love's Revival Part 8 "What do you think?" Savarah inquired, waving her hand to show off the enormous building. Angel and Buffy followed behind her side by side, not taking their eyes off each other. They moved warily into the center of the building. The room was empty except for a few boxes staked up in a corner, and the ceiling went up nearly 25 feet. "This is it?" Buffy questioned trying to sound unimpressed. "I'm sorry it doesn't suit you Buffy, but it's all I could whip up. This is Sunnydale, after all not much to work with." "Well, what are we waiting for?" Angel asked. "Absolutely nothing!" Buffy snapped, her voice deep with anger. "I'll leave you two alone. You remember the rules?" Angel nodded his head as he and Buffy circled, cautiously staring each other down. "Buffy?" "Yeah, whatever." "Okay. I'll be waiting for the winner outside." Savarah turned and walked away, slamming the only two doors to the building as she left. "This is going to be fun," Angel said smiling. "Damn right." Buffy kept one eye on Angel and another on therest of the room. She knew that even though Savarah was alive because Buffy needed her to bring her soul back, she could still have a few unexpected surprises. "You know Angel, it's a shame that after all we've been through, it has to end like this." "I'm not complaining," Angel said, jumping out and kicking at Buffy's head but she side-stepped him. He quickly turned around and tried again, this time hitting her in the head with a roundhouse kick. Buffy shook it off and returned the favor with three strong kicks to his stomach. Angel took in an unnecessary breath and went at her again. This time, he swung at her with his left hand and she grabbed it before it could make contact. "Oh, too bad. That was a good one." Buffy turned around, keeping a tight hold on Angel's arm and flipped him over her shoulder. He hit the ground with a painful moan but was quickly up and facing her again. "This is probably going to be the last time we're ever gonna see each other. Aren't you gonna miss me?" Buffy tried to sound amusing to cover her serious meaning. "Of course I'm going to miss you," Angel said, his voice unusually sincere. "Angel, was that kindness I sensed in your voice?" "No, that was sarcasm. Your slayer senses are fading." Angel hit her across the face with a backhand that knocked her to the floor. Buffy remained there and used her foot to knock Angel to the ground as well. "Oh, did Angel go boom?" Buffy smiled cockily. He growled as his face altered to its vampire visage. "Ooh scary!" Buffy leaned to her side, sending her left heel to connect solidly with Angel's chin as he tried to get up. "Alright, enough!" Angel got to his feet and in a matter of seconds had Buffy hanging in mid air from her hair. She squirmed in his grasp, pain flowing through her entire body. End Part 8 - Feedback??? ------------------------------ End of buffyfic-digest V2 #193 ****************************** To subscribe to buffyfic or buffyfic-digest, send the command subscribe buffyfic-digest or subscribe buffy to You will need to go through a confirmation process, and the listowners have to manually approve your subscription request, so it may take some time. To unsubscribe, send email to with unsubscribe buffyfic-digest or unsubscribe buffyfic in the body. Back issues of this digest can be found at: Dalton Spence has also provided an index of the buffyfic archive at: For help, contact Jill Kirby ( or sah (