From: (buffyfic-digest) To: Subject: buffyfic-digest V2 #202 Reply-To: $SENDER Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk buffyfic-digest Monday, May 25 1998 Volume 02 : Number 202 In this issue: BUFFYFIC: The Librarian's Discovery (1/1) Re: BUFFYFIC: The Librarian's Discovery (1/1) BUFFYFIC: "No Need To Argue" (1/4) BUFFYFIC: "No Need To Argue" (3/4) BUFFYFIC: "No Need To Argue" (4/4) See the end of the digest for information on (un)subscribing to the buffyfic or buffyfic-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 25 May 1998 02:20:59 EDT From: LnCAGCRulz Subject: BUFFYFIC: The Librarian's Discovery (1/1) Title: The Librarian’s Discovery Author: Emily J. Jerome ( Rating: G… G-, even :) Summary: Giles makes a discovery (betcha’ didn’t figure that one out) and a few corrections along the way. Placement: wherever you want to put it, I guess :) Distribution: Take it, place it, let people see it! (The code I live by. ;) The one thing I ask: let me know beforehand. Feedback: Congratulate me or flame me – I expect both so feel free. Either here or privately is fine, although I ask that, at the expense of others, you only send opinions that everyone would be concerned about to the list. If you can’t decide which, if you’re expecting a response from ME back, send it straight to me. Any questions. :) Note: I know that it probably isn’t my place to say, but I’ve noticed that many fanfic writers don’t put as much care into their work as they could. Thereby I’ve taken it upon myself to point out a view common problems. The point should be made that there are many writers out there who do a fabulous job with their fics. Likewise, there are many who have too many distracting problems left in. This is, if nothing else, a way for me to put a quickie English lesson into a fun fanfic. Or semi-fun, at least. I have missed mistakes, I know. It’s 1 o’something in the morning… I’m burnt… I’m tired… the typical whine of a high schooler. ;) I don’t expect everyone to agree with me, and whether you do or you don’t, I’d like you to let your thoughts be known. Also, while I’m at it, I don’t really want everyone to think that I’m a English professor at some prodigious school. I’m simply me – a high school freshman (cut the freshman cracks… I’m only in this place for 12 and a half more days ) who actually likes writing and the English language as a whole. I make mistakes. I was educated through eighth grade in the California public school system. I DO MAKE MISTAKES! I’ve gone through spell check on this thing, just like everyone else does. Basically, don’t think I’m taking down to ya’, because that really isn’t my intent. Now, without further ado… The Liberian’s Discovery by Emily J. Jerome ( Giles walked up to the laptop sitting in the corner of the library. After taking a look at the flying colored lines on the screen, the man sighed. "I swear. Willow must leave this... thing here - on, nonetheless -, just to try to get me to do... whatever it is you do with it," he said under his breath. After a few more minutes of non-coherently staring at the screen, Giles decided that he may as well go for it. Resting his elbows on the edge of the counter, he put his finger softly on the small red mouse positioned between the keys. Not until he tried everything else did the librarian run is index finger over the button, an action which finally interrupted the indefinitely repeating colors. "Finally," he murmured as his finger kept hitting the ball, making the cursor fly across the screen. Only after chasing the thing with his eyes for a few minutes did he realize that it was, in fact, is actions that were causing the rapid movement. Only when the white arrow had finally ceased movement Giles was able to focus on the true content of the screen. "Buffy The Vampire Slayer Fanfic," he read out loud. "They KNOW? Who are these people?!? And what is fanfic?" Repositioning his glasses on his nose and navigating the cursor to the correct link, he clicked. As he rested his head on his right hand, he began to read. a pom four angle oh angle i love yo i wish you wer myne forevr and ever and you are so sexi and i luv you and you ned to dump tht bufie girl He read the words on his screen once, then twice, and a third time aloud before truly understanding what it said. "Poem!" the reserved man exclaimed, perhaps a little too loud for is solitary state. "They think they wrote a POEM! Not a pom!" Then, after future consideration he added, "Except that's technically prose... and lacking complete sentences... and correctly spelled words... and grammar of any kind... and any sense whatsoever." He punctuated his thoughts with a sigh, completely having forgotten the similarity to his own life what he was reading held. It took awhile, but eventually Giles found the 'Back' button on the browser and returned to the story listing. He followed another link and took the time to read, hoping that this writer was a little more caring of their work. Happily Ever After So far, the title looked good. This persuaded the man to read further. Writers Note: I wrote this by myself. I do not own these people, some guy with a lot of money does. I don't have any money. I'm just a poor 13-year-old who doesn’t know how to write. This is just fun for me. Send your comments to me at Oh, and I don't make any money off of this. None. Not at all. And I own everything you don't know. Ha, ha, ha. Mine, mine, mine. I was smart enough to make them, not you, so they're mine. "And I'm not sharing!" he added in a faux high-pitched voice. "Well then... cocky are we?" With that he moved on to another story. Without Fear Authors Note: You know the typical... I don't own 'em, I don't make any money off 'em, no copyright infringement intended. Please send all comments to me at Xander walked into the library. He looked at Giles standing by a table. Giles was reading another book. He was always reading a book. "What are you reading?" the boy asked. "A book," said the librarian. "What's it about?" Xander asked. "Vampires and demons," the librarian said. "Oh. That's what you always read about," the boy said. Then he said some sarcastic comment, because he always does. Willow came into the library. She hit Xander because he said something stupid. "Xander," she said. "What?" he said. She sighed at him. Then all three of them turned to the door to see Buffy walk in. "Potential, at least..." Giles murmured. "Full sentences... even if they are predictable and repetitive in format. Quotes... with unnecessary tags. Quotes, still. It may have had a good story, even." Deciding the story was too constant in phrasing, Giles once again moved on. My Life as a Slayer Author's Note: I can't spell, so get ovr it. I hat slaing vampires. Their stupid. I dont lik them. it wood be nice if they'd all die ded. But thats my job thou. I gues I can do it. I dont wat too tough. Not even taking the time to read after the first few lines, he carried on. These machines did have spell checks, right? A Good Fanfic "Woah, catchy title…" As Buffy walked into the library, she looked around. She notices it was empty, and decided to find out why. Walking quickly out the door, she will run down the street, only to find it empty just like the library is. "Tense agreement… I would have thought everyone would have learned that young…" Knowing that the inconsistency of tense would make him nervous, Giles went on to one last story before finally leaving school for the day, just past 11 o’clock at night. The Librarian’s Discovery Authors Note: I know that it probably isn't my place to say, but I've noticed that many fanfic writers don't put enough care into their work as they could. Thereby I've taken it upon myself to point out a few common problems. "Where does she think she gets all that power from? My god..." He skipped that one as well, closing the computer down to the best of his ability. "And what is fanfic, anyway?" ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 25 May 1998 07:55:11 EDT From: KylenRevik Subject: Re: BUFFYFIC: The Librarian's Discovery (1/1) ::laughing so hard she's nearly falling out of her chair:: Brava! ::claps:: ::takes a breath:: Honestly, nice points made. Though I *did* notice a few typos-- "is" instead of "his", etc. Which is why, in addition to spellchecking, you've got to also read it the other day I turned "Future Imperfect" in for an english assignment, and as I was reading thru it I realized I'd used "yes" instead of "eyes"-- typoed and left off the first "e". Luckily, had time to reprint. :) But that kind of thing *is* important. Rachel ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 25 May 1998 11:55:56 EDT From: KylenRevik Subject: BUFFYFIC: "No Need To Argue" (1/4) Notes: This takes place after "The Becoming II", over summer vacation...I'm thinking mid-July. Disclaimers: I don't own any of this except for Scott and Tyler, and even then I only own the names and the idea of the characters 'cause Joss has dibs on the Dingoes themselves. Story is mine. Yadda yadda yadda. Distribution: Not without my permission, please. Feedback: Positive & negative both welcome, private or public, but if public be sure the rest of the list would wanna know. :) Private to ~ "No Need To Argue" "Yo, Ozzie! You kiss her any longer, and you're gonna be fuckin' _fucking_ her!" Scott turned around and smacked Devon on the head, and the lead singer flinched away before turning a defensive look on the drummer. "What the hell was that for?" he yelled. "You're being freaking obnoxious, man!" Scott hissed. "Yeah, well, look at him kissing her!" Devon turned his attention back to the window, looking out at where Oz was saying a seriously fond good-bye to his girlfriend, that mousy techhead high-schooler, and shook his head. "S'not like we're gonna be gone for-fuckin'-ever, you know." Scott glanced out the window and shrugged, though inwardly he had to admit that this kiss was lasting, well, longer than most good-bye kisses lasted. "He's not gonna see her for two months," he said weakly. "I mean," Devon continued, taking no notice of Scott's point, "it's not like he won't have the chance to kiss anybody till we get back, you know, groupies and stuff." He shook his head, obviously disapprobing. "He's a college man now! He shouldn't be hanging around with losers like that--" He broke off at the look Scott gave him, and shook his head. "Man, I dunno whatcher beef is." "He's a friend. She's his girlfriend." He shook his head. "That means you show _respect_, man. I mean, what's _your_ problem with her? S'not my type, but you know, that doesn't mean I have to put her down every chance I get." "You know," Devon said, looking at him sideways, "just don't, okay? Don't." "Don't what, tell you to get a grip on the 'tude before you--" "Before I what?!" "Before you make some kinda ass outta yourself!" Scott sighed, shaking his head. "Man," he continued, "this is just not a good way to start this trip, so let's drop it now." Devon looked at him for a moment, then nodded. "Yeah, fine," he acceded. Scott sat in silence for a moment before leaning on the horn a little. He didn't think Devon had any kind of point, but well, there _was_ a limit to how much of this lovey-dovey-P-D-A crap a guy could be expected to just sit by and watch. * "Whoa," Oz said, pulling away from Willow as the van's horn blasted behind them. He grinned a little, brushing her face with his fingers. "Time for me to book would be now, it appears." Willow smiled slightly, and for a moment Oz could almost ignore the pained light that had been in her eyes since before the end of the school year, after Buffy had left. And hadn't come back. Then her smile faded and she gave him another quick kiss. "I'll miss you," she offered. He smiled. "Miss you too," he replied. Then he glanced back toward her house. "But, well, don't let that mean you don't go out, hang with the gang, okay? Have party-time." "Cordelia's at some fancy summer camp," Willow reminded him, "and Xander's got the internship at Channel Four." And Giles hadn't been around much since the end of the year, Oz knew, but Willow didn't say that. She didn't say much of anything these days. She shrugged. "No party-time to be had." He sighed, then shrugged. "Well, I'll be back, before you know it even." "I know." The tone in which she said the words was so quiet, so softspoken, that Oz felt something inside him wanting to stay here with her-- or even take her on the trip, though he had a pretty good idea of how that kind of news would have gone over with the rest of the guys. Neither option being plausible, he moved to give her another kiss. Their lips had barely touched when he heard Devon's voice ring out. Again. "Oz, would you fucking get a _move_ on?! We wanna be in LA before _tomorrow_, you know!" He sighed, resting his forehead against Willow's for a moment, then pulling away. "I gotta go," he told her, and when she nodded he gave her hand a quick squeeze. Then he walked over to the van, waving as he climbed into the driver's seat. "Nice show," Devon grinned from the back seat. Oz half-turned and shot him a look. "What about the tone you said that in leads me to doubt your sincerity?" Rolling his eyes, Devon shook his head. "F'get it, man," he said, "just forget it." Exchanging a quick look with Scott, Oz just shrugged, then slid a tape into the stereo and turned up the volume. *What a way to start the vacation,* he thought with an inward sigh as he started the engine and the van pulled out of the driveway, then drove away and left Willow standing on his front lawn, alone. ~ Comments to, please. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 25 May 1998 11:56:08 EDT From: KylenRevik Subject: BUFFYFIC: "No Need To Argue" (3/4) Comments and requests for missing pieces to, please. See part 1 for notes and disclaimers. ~ Losing himself in the music had been the one good thing that had happened to Oz since the band had left Sunnydale that morning. After a long ride, he and Scott had picked up Chinese and ridden the rest of the way home in silence. The night had begun on an odd note, and as it had worn on Oz was fast becoming more and more aware of by how little Scott had been exaggerating earlier, about Devon and his general level of pissy-ness. He had hoped that once the music started flowing, the members of the band would loosen up some, trust each other a little more, stop acting like such idiots. It wasn't happening. Devon's voice was off by a few notes every little while, and though most of the audience wouldn't see it, Oz knew. Scott's drumming was a little hard on the downbeat, he was putting his trap set through a little more abuse than it was used to. Tyler, he'd been playing the plastic keys of his keyboard like there was no tomorrow, but at least he hadn't been screwing up chords like usual. That was a relief, if nothing else was. And for himself, Oz knew he had missed a few chords thinking about things outside the music when the notes should have been the only things possessing his soul. The first set came to a close, and they got applause, but not the kind he had expected. It was an applause that said they'd done okay, given an okay first try, but the crowd wasn't impressed. And that, Oz knew, was not a good thing. So as the band filed off stage after assuring the people who'd come that they'd be back in an hour, Oz wasn't sure what to expect from the others. He half wondered if Devon would go mingle, pick up a girl or three, just to avoid him. Because he wasn't going to let this one rest. Not when they were on their first real tour, and not when they seemed to be setting themselves up to fail so badly. "Dev," he called as soon as they were out of earshot of the stage. Devon stopped, then glanced at Scott and Tyler, then to Oz. "Yeah?" he asked. "Chill, would you? Out there?" "You nuts?" Devon shook his head, a slightly arrogant smile passing over his lips. "Man, I'm hot out there tonight. Chillin' is _not_ what I plan on--" "Devon," Oz interrupted, his voice somehow remaining even, "look. You don't like Willow, fine, but don't like her on your own time 'cause I love her and she's not _going_ anywhere." Devon stared at him for a moment, apparently unsure of how to react to the statement, now that it had been made, and made so plainly. Finally, he spoke. "Yeah, well." He shrugged, and there was no animosity in his voice when he spoke again. "Suit your fucking self, man. I need a glass of water." He turned and walked toward the bar, presumably to fulfill his need for a drink. Oz turned to Scott, the look on his face asking what Scott thought of how he'd handled things. Scott just shrugged. "Luck, man," he said, then he too walked off in the direction Devon had gone in. * Third set, almost over, end of the night and mostly nobody was sticking around anymore. They hadn't run out of songs, but the Dingoes were obviously getting tired, and the crowd had picked up on it. The night hadn't gone so well. Oz supposed there was at least the fact that he and Devon were now speaking to each other again, without the hidden desire to rip each other in half, and he should be happy with that, and he was, sort of. Now, what was distracting him was that Willow wasn't here. She was alone, back in Sunnydale. He sighed. Willow hadn't been in a good way since Buffy had left, and it sucked, and there wasn't a hell of a lot he could do about it. Whatever had happened, he hadn't been in on it. He shook his head slightly, concentrating harder on the music. One of his songs, he knew it by heart and it was just a matter of concentrating on putting the same feelings Willow had shown when he'd talked to her, the night he'd gotten the idea on how to write it. That had hurt, big time. Seeing the woman he loved so upset. Not that it wasn't completely justified upset-ness, because he knew if one of his best friends suddenly vanished he'd be pretty damn upset, too, but it always tore him apart to see Willow in this much pain. And then he'd gone off and left her back in Sunnydale without him. He tossed a glance over to Devon, who was just moving into the second repetition of the refrain. //Can you catch a falling star without burning your hand? Even footsteps have to fade when they're made upon the sand And nobody's invincible, everyone makes mistakes You never meant to hurt them and you can't be she who breaks.// He winced inwardly, the intensity flowing through his body to his fingers, letting them play that much harder as he remembered the look on Willow's face. *"She probably thinks we're all-- that we'll hate her,"* Willow had said, explaining why it was she thought Buffy hadn't come home yet. *"She's so _hard_ on herself, and I mean, you know, if she would just, just look at everything she's done, then she'd see that even, you know, if any of this was her fault, it wouldn't _matter_, because she's still one of my and Xander's best friends, and..."* As Willow had continued, talking for hours on end about Buffy and how much she missed her, the ideas for the song had begun to form in Oz's mind, and he'd written it in the space of half an hour as soon as he'd dropped her off at home. He'd never shown it to Willow, mostly because he was half-afraid he was invading somewhere she might want to keep private. But it was a good song, and it needed to be played, so he'd suggested it as one of the songs they could play near the end of the last set. That way, if it turned out to be a flop, it wouldn't be as though that many people were around to hear it. And if it wasn't, then they would be able to end off with something halfway decent. The song moved into the musical bridge, and Oz found himself playing so hard that he could feel the skin on his fingers getting sore, stinging even through the callouses he'd had for years. Happened every so often. Tyler's keyboarding was strong, Scott had finally stopped trying to beat his drums into pieces, and Devon's voice was back on target for nearly every note. Oz allowed himself a slight smile, pulling himself up from the guilt at how he was having a decently good time while Willow was most likely home alone and miserable. He shook his head, his eyes closed, as the song moved into the final verse and then slowed and ended. The applause from the remaining members of the audience wasn't what it had been earlier in the evening, but in comparison to the proportion of people who had stayed, it was strong. Oz smiled slightly. So he had at least captured something true there, then. Hadn't been a complete poser, and his attempt to hold onto the look in Willow's eyes and the tone in her voice when she'd spoken about Buffy hadn't been completely in vain. "Hey," Devon whispered across the stage, covering the mike to keep from broadcasting to the audience, "I say we cut it there. Good ending." The other members of Dingoes Ate My Baby nodded, and all took their final bows as Devon announced that he hoped everybody had a nice night, etcetera, and so on. Then the band left the stage, and Oz found that he was decently happy about how the night had wound up going. ~ Comments to, please. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 25 May 1998 11:56:12 EDT From: KylenRevik Subject: BUFFYFIC: "No Need To Argue" (4/4) See part 1 for notes and disclaimers. Comments to, please, along with requests for missing pieces. ~ "Hey, he's got a girlfriend." "Well where is he?" "What, you can't hear me? He's not gonna be _interested_, hot stuff." "Well," the female voice snapped, and Oz again shook the feeling that it was somewhat familiar, "I don't care if he's interested or not, 'cause I'm only interested in talking to him. So where is he?" There was a moment of silence, and then Oz heard Devon mumble something grudgingly, and the woman's voice say an impatient, "Now see, that wasn't so hard." Then he heard footsteps coming toward the back of the club, where he and Scott were loading up the van with equipment. "Hey," came the woman's voice from behind him. "Oz?" He started to turn, prepared to give whoever this girl was a quick brush-off and good-bye. Devon, though he'd been slightly over-obnoxious about it, was completely correct in the point that Oz wasn't interested in hooking up with any groupies. But when he saw her, his eyes widened and he did a double- take. He considered a triple, then decided that would be counterproductive, and stared instead. "Buffy?" Knowing Willow would want a full report, Oz took in the girl's appearance. She had lost weight. Her hair wasn't perfectly done, and her clothing seemed slightly less up-to-speed than usual, but she was still _Buffy_. "Where've you been?" he asked. "Around," she shrugged. "You free to talk? Just for a few?" Oz glanced at Scott, who was giving him a strange look, then back to Buffy and nodded. "Yeah," he said. "Scott, take care of things, I owe you one." When Buffy nodded for him to follow her, he did so, not sure of where would be the best place to start firing off questions. Or even, he realized, if firing questions was something he should be thinking about doing. Instead, he stayed quiet as Buffy led him to a coffee bar around the corner, then moved to a booth, indicating for him to join her. "So," he said with a swallow. "How've you been?" "Okay," she shrugged. She dug into her jacket pocket, withdrawing an 8x10 sheet of wrinkled paper-- a modest-sized publicity poster, the kind that got hung in windows and coffee shops-- and smoothing it onto the tabletop. "Saw that you guys were going to play," she said by way of explanation. Oz nodded, unsure of what he was supposed to say. "And you know, I thought maybe I'd just come in a little..." She looked up at him, and Oz sighed, not knowing what to say or how to say it, finally deciding that honesty was the best policy here. As usual. "Willow misses you," he said, his voice neither accusatory nor judgmental. He had the feeling Buffy wasn't needing that kind of pressure at this point. "But she'll be glad when I tell her you're okay, so well, that's a good thing..." He trailed off when Buffy shook her head. "Not a good thing?" "Not a telling-Willow thing." His brow furrowed. "Buffy," he began, but she spoke before he could finish. "Oz, don't tell them I'm around here, okay? I don't want them coming looking for me." "But Willow--" "Is going to have to stay worried," Buffy said in a firm but worried tone. "Because I don't want her to come looking for me." Oz swallowed. "Lying's just...not," he told her. "She asks, I'll tell her." He hated saying it, but in the end his loyalty was to Willow-- not the friend who had run away from her. Buffy looked at him for a long moment, then nodded. "Yeah...okay." She swallowed. "But you won't bring it up unless she asks first. Oz nodded. "Deal." "Is she okay? All of them?" "Everybody's around," he shrugged. "Existing. Living." Buffy nodded, and for a moment Oz saw a haunted, frightened look in her eyes. It was gone as soon as it had come, and he found himself unsure of whether it had ever really been there at all, or not. "Why'd you go?" he asked. She shrugged. "They don't need me around, screwing up their lives. They don't need me to hurt them." "But--" "Oz," she broke in, and he became aware of the fact that she wasn't listening to him at all, "don't fight me on this, and don't tell me about them. Please." He nodded, though the gesture was somewhat reluctant. "Okay, so." "So." They watched each other for a few seconds, then she managed a slight smile. "I just, you know, wanted to check up on things. You know." "Yeah," he replied, "yeah, checking is cool, I guess. You should come back." "I can't. Ever." Why not, he wanted to ask. He still didn't know the whole story, everything that had happened and why she had gone, but if what Willow said was true, he knew she could come home. But how to tell her that? Slowly, she stood, backing away a little. "I'm..." She offered a slight smile. "I have to go," she said. "Slaying stuff." He nodded. "Okay," he replied. "And Buffy?" "Yeah?" "Thanks. For saving her." The blonde's expression fell, and she shook her head. "I didn't save anybody," she replied softly, before she turned and walked away. Oz stared after her, unsure of what had just happened. It had seemed like Buffy, it had acted like Buffy-- at least, it had acted like what he sort of kinda remembered Buffy acting like, or something. But she'd just...and then...and he shook his head as Scott walked up behind him. "So like, I was looking for you, what're you doing out here?" "Hm?" "Earth to Ozzie-boy," Scott said, snapping his fingers in front of Oz's face, "but we _do_ want to get, y'know, back to Devon's uncle's place before there's no more time to sleep, so you wanna forget mystery girl and get a move on?" Oz swallowed, his eyes still glued to where Buffy had vanished to, and it was a long few moments before he finally nodded. "Yeah," he said, "okay." "C'mon, then," Scott told him, ushering him back toward the club. As they walked, Oz found himself wondering what it was that had just taken place, how it had happened, how it could have happened, and what he would tell Willow when he got home. He was tempted to break away from Scott, go after Buffy, and then...what? He couldn't force her to come back to Sunnydale, couldn't do anything like that. He sighed, resigning himself to the knowledge that at the very least, despite his promise, he could tell Willow her friend had seemed alright. He hoped. As Scott slid into the driver's seat, letting Oz take the passenger one and stay immersed in his thoughts, Oz was slowly considering what had happened and what would happen now. He'd just seen Buffy, that much was sure. And he wasn't going to be talking to Willow for at least another few days. Whatever the Slayer had meant by not being able to come home, Oz knew Willow would disagree with it. What's more, he could see in Buffy's eyes that living on the streets, or wherever it was she'd been living, was not a good thing for her. He sighed and shook his head, knowing he couldn't have followed her if she hadn't wanted to be trailed, but wishing he'd have been able to do more. "Hey man," Scott said from the driver's seat. "You okay?" His eyes moving skyward, where he could barely make out the form of a half-moon through the Los Angeles smog, Oz shrugged. "Yeah," he said. "So who was the chick?" "A friend," Oz replied. "Somebody I used to kinda know." There was no answer from the teen driving the car, and they drove the rest of the way to Devon's uncle's house in silence. THE END Copyright 1998 Rachel Brody Comments to ------------------------------ End of buffyfic-digest V2 #202 ****************************** To subscribe to buffyfic or buffyfic-digest, send the command subscribe buffyfic-digest or subscribe buffy to You will need to go through a confirmation process, and the listowners have to manually approve your subscription request, so it may take some time. To unsubscribe, send email to with unsubscribe buffyfic-digest or unsubscribe buffyfic in the body. Back issues of this digest can be found at: Dalton Spence has also provided an index of the buffyfic archive at: For help, contact Jill Kirby ( or sah (