From: (buffyfic-digest) To: Subject: buffyfic-digest V2 #213 Reply-To: $SENDER Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk buffyfic-digest Monday, June 1 1998 Volume 02 : Number 213 In this issue: BUFFYFIC: Cloaked in Darkness: Chapter 6/? BUFFYFIC: Best Intentions 6/12 BUFFYFIC: DISCUSS: My horrible little problems again... BUFFYFIC: "Truthfully" (1/1) BUFFYFIC: Undertow (1/1) by Blu See the end of the digest for information on (un)subscribing to the buffyfic or buffyfic-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 01 Jun 1998 08:22:24 PDT From: "Aurelia Destiny" Subject: BUFFYFIC: Cloaked in Darkness: Chapter 6/? TITLE: Cloaked In Darkness AUTHOR: Princess Destiny ( SUMMARY: Things are not exactly what they seem when Giles finds an ancient diary, with news of the death of the Slayer. A new girl comes to Sunnydale and things start to go crazy, Angel is jealous because Buffy has a boyfriend and the Anointed one gets a nasty surprise... It is naturally a Buffy/Angel Romance story, cause I'm a hopeless romantic! RATING: PG. TIME PERIOD: Hmm, well since we have only seen up till Prophesy Girl here in AustraliaBut I HAVE read the scripts for the rest of them...Okay, just after Prophesy Girl and we'll leave it at that! THANK-YOUS: FEEDBACK: PLEASE! I love to hear from people! DISTRIBUTION: Ask me first, I'll say yes anyway, but I want to know where it is going. DISCLAIMER: Buffy, Angel and the others are the property of Joss Whedon. Gabriella and any others I add later on are Mine, Mine, Mine! This is my first try at a Buffy fic so don't be too harsh, comments and suggestions or even praise for my lovely story are very welcome! ************************ CLOAKED IN DARKNESS ************************ Chapter 6: A Surprising Death Buffy and the other’s raced towards "The Bronze’ as fast as they could and though Angel ran right next to Buffy, neither of them said a word nor even looked the other’s way. Willow and Xander had noticed and exchanged looks constantly on the way, Xander again juggling his bottle of holy water. They had almost reached the nightclub’s car park when Buffy skidded on something and almost fell, she grabbed out and latched onto Angel’s arm automatically and then flushed and pulled away. "Buff, what’s wrong...what the...hell" Xander stumbled to a halt as the street light’s and those from ‘The Bronze’ lit up the car park and they could see what Buffy had slid on. The whole area was cover in dust about half-an-inch thick and Buffy and the other’s gaped in shock, no doubt in their minds that this had been all the vampires that they had run there to fight. "Think they’re all here?" Willow asked professionally and Buffy brushed the hair back from her face in confusion and also fear. "What could have killed them all in less than 20 minutes, there were 30 of them!" she yelled and Angel put a calming hand on her shoulder, she was so in shock that she didn’t shrug it off and instead leaned slightly into the warmth. Angel scanned the area and spotted footprints almost immediately, they were in the center of the dust and he walked over curiously. They were quite clear, the prints, boots by the look of it too, but that could be anyone at all in Sunnydale. Boots were ‘in’ as he had heard Buffy say, she had several pairs herself. The strange thing was, the prints were just there, there were no tracks leading to or from that spot in the center of the car park. "Weird" Buffy murmured and he realized she had come up behind him, he had been so distracted that he had not even heard her, vampire hearing and all. Angel suddenly felt an overwhelming urge to take her into his arms but he fought it, she had told him to stay away from her and he would, worse still, she had a boyfriend. "You should go back and tell Giles, it looks as if you won’t be slaying tonight" Angel told her quietly and walked away without another word, practically feeling her shock as she stared at his retreating back. He melted into the shadows and watched as they left, going back the way they had come. There was no sense in worrying her, but the only creature who could leave no tracks to or from somewhere had to be a vampire. He could have leapt down from the roof to kill them and then leapt back the same way, but why would a vampire kill his own kind? And there were some of them that could fly, very rare but Angel had seen some. Was there another vampire around with a soul, a rogue like Angel bent on stamping out the evil one’s. But it still didn’t explain how ONE vampire could kill 30 of them in only 20 minutes... ****************************************** A cloaked figure watched Angel as he examined the dust from the shadows and cursed itself for a fool for leaving tracks. A wind suddenly sprang up and swept over the car park, erasing the foot prints and the dust that had been the vampires swirled away in a whirl wind, scattering it. The figure saw Angel curse and then the vampire went into the club and the figure sighed. It had not been easy to kill them all, it had been totally against the figure’s nature to do it...but all those human’s would have suffered and that was something the figure was not willing to risk. *************************************** "Hello Angel" a soft voice whispered into his ear and Angel started, turning swiftly to meet deep green eyes. Gabriella. She was wearing a long black dress and practically melted into the shadows with him and Angel was surprised, not many could have seen him so hidden under the stairs in ‘The Bronze’ as he had been. "Gabriella, you startled me. I didn’t hear you" he said with a smile that was a slightly strained, he had been so intent on Buffy and Dwayne dancing that she had managed to come upon him quite easily. A smile crossed her beautiful face and then Gabriella leaned past him to see what he had been so intent on. "Do you love her?" she asked gently and Angel turned to her completely shocked that she had seen what was buried deep in his heart. He was about to lie when he saw that there was a terrible sadness in her eyes, something she turned away quickly to hide, but he had seen it. "I...I guess I do" Angel said slowly, wondering what could have caused such a sadness in one so young as she was. "That is beautiful Angel, you should fight for her" Gabriella murmured, turning back to watch Buffy and Dwayne end the dance and turn towards the stairs. They didn’t see Gabriella or Angel in the shadows beneath and continued up to the second floor where their table was. Angel sighed and turned to ask Gabriella if she wanted to take a walk, but she was already gone. He scanned the room swiftly, but there was no sign of her and he felt something nagging at his mind. "How did she leave so quickly?" he wondered out loud as he walked out from under the stairs and headed for the exit, hoping to see her outside. There was no sign of her in the car park and he found himself wandering along the same road they had walked a 2 nights ago, when he had first met her. *************************************** Gabriella walked along the sidewalk slowly, staring again at the moon, contemplating. Her mind was on Angel and Buffy, wondering how she could help them both. She had seen how jealous Angel was when he saw Buffy with Dwayne and she was sure that Buffy felt the same way. The blonde couldn’t hide the way she sometimes looked around as if seeking someone and a disappointment would enter her clear gaze as she saw that was she wanted never came. Gabriella knew what it was like to long for what you could not have, but those two could have it if they just got past this fight of theirs. She walked to the park that she had discovered when walking with Angel the night she met him and she sat on a bench to stare at the sky. A slight noise alerted her and she spun around to see a guy standing not far away, smoking. He eyed her thoughtfully for a moment and a smile crossed his face, a sly smile that made her skin crawl. "Don’t be alarmed my dear, I assure you I don’t bite" the guy practically purred and Gabriella watched him a moment longer before nodding and sitting down again with her back to him. "I am curious however to see that you are all alone, don’t you have a boyfriend?" he asked curiously as he came to sit beside her, she studied him as he too looked up at the moon and saw that he appeared to be in his early 20’s. His hair was down to his shoulders and it was a red-brown colour, his eyes a deep brown. He was also very handsome and from the tilt of his head when he caught her staring at him, he was very aware of his looks. "No. No boyfriend currently" she told him quietly, her chin lifted slightly, challenging him to ask any more about her single status and he closed his mouth with a twinkling in his eyes. "The moon is beautiful tonight, isn’t it?" he said after a moment’s paused and Gabriella sighed, her eyes on the moon as she nodded her head in agreement. "Yes, she is" Gabriella murmured and the guy clapped his hands once in delight. "Ah! You belive in the goddess Seline then?" he inquired and was rewarded with a gentle smile, but something in her eyes disturbed him greatly. "Yes, I leant about her sister. She loved the moon also" Gabriella said almost under her breath, but the guy caught it and he was again curious. "You have a sister? And is she as lovely as you in the moonlight?" he teased her and Gabriella gave him a wry smile, telling him that she was flattered but that it really meant nothing to her that he was trying to get under her skin. "What brings you out tonight?" she asked and he drew in a breath, turning to face her and in his eyes she saw a look of playfulness...and a deep hunger. "Food. I was hungry" he said flatly, his eyes went deadly intent and she stared at him with confusion in her face. "Oh, did I deter you from your dinner, I am sorry" she apologized and an evil smile spread over his face, but no fear entered her eyes as he moved closer to her. "On the contrary, I was just looking when I stumbled upon you. I have not yet eaten" he said silkily, his eyes flashed yellow and then his face changed hideously. He expected her to run but she smiled sadly, her hand coming up to touch one of the ridges on his face almost like a child. "I...I thought you were one of them" she admitted hesitantly and the vampire was confused, his hunger was great but something held him back , almost like an invisible force in his mind. "Then why didn’t you run?" he demanded, grabbing her arms roughly and she winced. "I wanted to see..." she began when she saw a blonde blur and realized it was Buffy, sneaking up upon them from the side. ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 01 Jun 1998 10:13:10 PDT From: "Jennifer M." Subject: BUFFYFIC: Best Intentions 6/12 TITLE: Best Intentions AUTHOR: Jennifer M. ( SUMMARY: What would happen if Buffy's mom found her diary? RATING: PG. TIME PERIOD: Maybe past Becoming 1? THANKYOUS: Thanks Leslie S.! FEEDBACK: Please! Any constructive criticism would be greatly appreciated. DISTRIBUTION: Please ask. DISCLAIMER: All characters are the property of Joss Whedon, et al. The idea is mine, though! COMMENTS: Sorry for the delay... I've been extremely busy. If you would like anything posted up until now, just let me know, and I will E-mail it to you. Thanks for reading! Best Intentions Part 6 "Mrs. Summers?" Willow broke the silence. "I know you're thinking we're trying to cover for Buffy. And-- we *have* covered for her in the past. And, I guess we are now, in a way. Except we're doing it by telling you the exact truth about her. It is hard to handle what she has to deal with. To face… She hasn't been able to share that with you and it has torn her apart inside. Believe me." Willow stopped and looked down at her hands again. She still did not know what had happened to her friend. But, what ever it was, it had to be bad. Even if that was obvious! "Willow, Xander, I appreciate that you are trying to help Buffy. But-- Mr. Giles, you're her teacher. How can you say these things?" Giles stood up and began to pace in the small office. "Mrs. Summers, I am Buffy's Watcher. I was sent here to help guide her, train her, help her. I do what I can to prevent the girl from getting herself killed. It is not an easy task. Your daughter is quite, uh, headstrong." "Yes, that is true," Joyce said and frowned. "Mrs. Summers, if only you knew how strong your daughter is--," Xander explained. "--If you could see her in action… I know the first time I saw her fight a vamp, I was amazed. I thought people could only fight like that on TV! But there was little 'ol Buffy, kicking this dead guy's butt! It was incredible!" Joyce noticed the admiration written all over his face. "I'd never seen anything like it. And, time and time again, she has proven that she is the strongest person that I know. Not only because of her physical strength, which is awesome, don't get me wrong. But, because of her emotional strength. She has to live with her life-style. She had no choice, Mrs. Summers. And-- really she's not supposed to tell anyone." "She's needed desperately here, in Sunnydale. Not in some institution where she can't even protect herself!" Willow and Xander's eyes opened in shock and they looked at each other. Institution? For crazy people? Giles had a sudden look of panic cross his face. "Oh dear God. If Angel finds out where she is…" "She's as good as dead. We need to get her out of there. Now!" Xander jumped off of the desk. "Wait. What do you mean if Angel finds out where she is? He can't get into the hospital. It's past visitors hours," Joyce said. "Mrs. Summers, Angel is a vampire. He can do what ever he wants to. And, he wants Buffy dead," Willow told her. "He wants her dead!" Willow jumped off of the desk, and joined Xander and Giles at the door. "Angel's a Vampire!?" More confused than ever, Joyce stood up, not yet willing to admit she was wrong. ~~~ ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 01 Jun 1998 13:27:28 EDT From: (Ingrid E Stanton) Subject: BUFFYFIC: DISCUSS: My horrible little problems again... Hello all. I wish I could address you with much happier news, but alas, the worst has happened. My evil, evil brother crashed my computer, and all my files are gone, including "Reunion" in its entirety. Needless to say, I'm distraught (and homicidal, but that's another story). Anyway, to get to the point, here are my requests: 1. If anyone has any spare parts of reunion floating around in his/her mailbox, I'd be eternally greatful to have them forwarded to me. I need the interludes especially to write the ending. 2. There was someone who requested to post parts of "Reunion" on his (or her) web page, and, having lost all my mails, I don't have the URL. If I could get it, whoever you are, that would be wonderful! 3. If anybody knows a good assasin who works cheap... - -Ingrid _____________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 1 Jun 1998 14:40:29 EDT From: Subject: BUFFYFIC: "Truthfully" (1/1) Notes: From Cordelia's diary, short vignette piece, before the valentine's day ep at least, possibly earlier. Just musings. ::sigh:: I was trying to wait until I had something more finished before I posted this one, 'cause I like to have at least one piece in storage in case I hit a dry spell, but most of the stories I'm working on these days are longer ones so they aren't finishing as easily as the short ones. So I should finish another one soon, I hope. Hope. Distribution: Not without my permission, please. Disclaimers: Standard ones apply. Feedback: Yea! To, please. ~ "Truthfully" Dear Diary, This isn't happening, can't be happening. And yet somehow, it is, because... I... Oh god. Xander. I, Cordelia Chase, am falling in-- falling...falling for? Yeah, that sounds right. I think. I hope not. Ohgod. Xander Harris, the geek. The nerd. The dork. The guy I have made a point out of avoiding since I was in what, third grade? And now I'm in love with him? Hello, earth to Cordie, get a grip and get off the train, the tracks are screwed up ahead and you're gonna spin out of control. But it's true, is the thing, and I can't deny that, can I? Being around him makes me feel better, makes me feel like I'm not watching as much as I'm participating. But oh my god, it's Xander Harris. And that should make me absolutely sick, shouldn't it? Shouldn't it? I'm not, is the thing. I'm not sick at all, except sick with worry about what the guys are going to do if they find out, when they find out, what will they think, I mean, he's so completely uncool and yet... And yet he makes me feel like I'm worth something. Yeah, he gives me a hard time and he makes fun, but when he tells me to wear something "trashier," I don't feel like I already look like a slut and he's serious. When he says it, it sounds like he's teasing, or like he cares about me anyway, despite myself. Maybe because of myself. I don't know. Do I even have a "self" for him to like? Or am I that much of a sheep, that all I am is a carbon copy of whatever's hot at the moment? This is never something I think about, and this is seriously not something I'm sure that I'm comfortable thinking about as it is. I feel like I should, well, I don't know, but not be this cool with things the way they're going. I feel like I should be putting up a fight, but I don't want to fight him. Even if I could get past the hard stuff, like whether or not I actually feel like this, what would happen then? How would I ever go from being Cordelia Chase, She Who Doesn't Care, to Cordelia Chase in a loving and committed relationship? Can I do that? Or would I screw up and find out that it's not that he cares about me, it's that he cares about what he _thinks_ of me, and what other people think of me, and it all turned out that I was a status symbol all over again? That's the worst kind of relationship, too, when the guy thinks he's using you and takes advantage of it, but somehow I can't see Xander being like that in a lot of ways, even if he was utterly uncool about things like how he dresses and how he looks and the impressions he makes on people. I feel like this should be bothering me more than it is, which bugs me because at the same time I don't like the idea that I've always given in to other people's opinions of me and what I should be and how I should look and how I should act, and why is it that when I try to be something I'm not I can pull it off and yet if I turn around and try to find out who I really am, everything about me turns into a complete blank slate? What am I supposed to do about it, either way, anyway? I'm sure he doesn't care about me at all. In fact, this probably is going to turn out to be some sort of super-short phase we're both passing through, where we feel like we need somebody and we're the only ones there for each other. I mean, look at him and Willow. They would be perfect. Or him and Buffy, he likes her way more than he likes me and he's even said it on occasion. God, Cordelia, you're being such a blowhole, get a grip. Nerdify a little less and be the person you know you are, and you know, if you're not too stupid about things then maybe you'll wind up having half a chance with a sweet guy like Xan-- No, no way in hell am I gonna write that 'cause it's all pathetic and needy and well, just plain pathetic. So it's not getting written. See me not writing? I'm going to go get a drink of water. Maybe I'll write more later, but it won't be about _him_ 'cause that's not something I feel like writing about anymore. Ta for now, Cordie. THE END Copyright 1998 Rachel Brody ~ Comments to, please. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 1 Jun 1998 15:04:02 EDT From: Subject: BUFFYFIC: Undertow (1/1) by Blu Title: Undertow (1/1) Author: Blu Email: Note: ok, I got inspired for this while listening to "Full Of Grace" over and over and over... so you might put it on to get the mood... Spoiler warning: Becoming (both) Rating: PG Content warning: Kissing, mostly. Buffy/Angel Summary: ::makes zipping motion over her mouth:: can't really say... Feedback: Very welcomed. Critiques HIGHLY wished for, to the author (not the list, please). Disclaimer: All rights reserved for Joss Whedon, the WB, Mutant Enemy, etc. I used the characters for my own personal enjoyment and that of others, not for profit. None of these characters belong to me. I have nothing, so don't expect much if you decide to sue. This story is my own creation, so rights to it belong to me. No copyright infringement intended. 'Nother note: I have changed my mind, and I'm not changing my Spike story, Must Be the Weather, or adding a second part... sorry to disappoint all you guys... but it's up at my site at I found the Slayer huddled on a beach about forty miles from Sunnydale. A beach the locals call "Loco". The reason being: rocks ranging from the size of baseballs to the size of boulders litter it's expanse of sand, leaving little room for anything else. The Slayer was sitting only steps from the waves, staring vacantly out to the horizon. We shared the beach with one other family. The parents tossed a football around with tier two sons. A picnic was spread on a blanket nearby. The setting sun was casting a nice pink glow on everything. It gave the Slayer's pallid face some color. When she finally looked up and acknowledged me, her blue eyes were dull and pained. Her hair hung limply around her shoulders. "What do you want now?" she asked in a monotone, averting her eyes. I cautiously lowered myself onto the sand next to her. When I rested beside her, she cast me a disparaging look with her tired eyes. "You know why I'm here," I told her, not quite meeting her gaze. She hugged her knees to her torso, and didn't reply. "You have to go back," I went on. "I don't HAVE to-" "They need you." "Yeah, well, so did Angel-" "But you still did it. Sent him to hell. Fulfilled your duty. Because you're strong." I paused. "You CAN go on with your life." "Maybe I don't want to!" The Slayer's voice cracked. She stood up swiftly and walked away, down to he water's edge. Buffy bent down and unlaced her boots, then kicked them off. Her socks followed them a few paces from the lapping waves. Buffy waded in up to her ankles. I rose and brushed at the moist sand that clung to my clothes. Buffy turned and glanced at me. I could clearly see the tears tracing paths down her cheeks. She stood between me and the sun and it cast a gold glow around her silhouette. My eyes strayed from the Slayer to and object bobbing hysterically up and down in the water about two hundred yards from shore. I gulped. It was one of the children. His mom shrieked and lunged forward into the oncoming surf. I knew she would never reach him in time to save him. Meanwhile, Buffy had whirled around and caught sight of the boy. Without pausing, she leapt into action. She ran as far out as her legs would take her, then dove under a wave and began her version of the 'lifeguard swimstroke'. I watched in awe as Buffy drew closer and closer to the flailing boy. She reached him and he threw his arms around her neck, putting her in a chokehold. She said something to him and he shifted until she was giving him a piggyback ride. I could tell when she hit the strong part of the undertow; she sank a little bit and changed her course. In minutes, the Slayer had reached dry ground. She carried the small boy to his parents, who thanked her profusely. Buffy trudged back over toward me. She was dripping wet. Buffy allowed me to drape a towel over her shoulders. She shivered in the twilight air. "I see you still have the rescue gene," I commented softly, not expecting the Slayer's smile when it appeared. I set about building a fire from driftwood. The family that we had previously shared the beach with had piled into a green minivan and left. Driftwood wasn't hard to come by, an amazing amount of it was caught between the rocks on the beach. I used a Bic lighter to set my pile of wood on fire. Buffy seemed drawn to the flames like a moth to a bright window. She sat close to it, Indian-style. I promptly sat down across from her. The flames licked up the salty wood, reflecting off of the Slayer's face, making it glow. I simply watched her, willing her to make the right decision. She looked up into my eyes. "I do miss them," she said. I tried my best not to see the pain in her eyes. And I knew she wasn't only talking about her friends. I sighed heavily. I closed my world-weary eyes and concentrated on focusing all of my mental powers on the one thing that would comfort the Slayer: Angel. I momentarily lost my sense of time. I felt like I was falling. Drifting on a pitch black sea of nothingness. Intense heat waves battered my body. I came into contact with a presence I would know anywhere. "What in-" the Demon with the face of an Angel began to berate me. "Buffy." The moment I said her name, he stopped speaking. "She needs to see you. Trust me, one last time." He did, I could sense it, and I stepped back from my body and watched from a distance of a few feet. The Slayer was staring at my body, now on her knees next to me. She shook my shoulder, but my eyes remained closed. They slowly opened. She sat back on her heels, then fell over backwards when my face changed into that of the one person who could heal all of her troubles with a smile. And he did smile, a little. "Angel? What-" Buffy broke off without finishing her thought. Angel's form glimmered a little as he reached out and touched her face. Buffy tried again to speak. "How?" she whispered. A wind kicked up and began playing with her hair, tossing it about. "Whistler," Angel said with a half-smile. He brushed at Buffy's hair. He couldn't seem to resist. He tugged her into his arms. Buffy turned her face into his shoulder. Her tears began to flow. "Angel, I'm sor-" He cut her off with a kiss. She broke away from the kiss trying to speak: "I had no choice-" but again he interrupted her with a kiss. "I didn't mean it-" "Buffy!" Angel's hands at her shoulders cut off her monologue, midsentence. "I KNOW." She looked up into his face and saw only love and sadness. She choked on a sob. "I wish-" "I KNOW." His soft words started healing the hole in her heart. It would never mend completely, she knew, but this would help immensely. Buffy leaned into Angel's chest and let all the tears and frustrations and pain flow out of her system. "You DO have to go back," Angel said into the top of her head. He placed a tiny kiss on her scalp, then rested his chin on the same spot. "I know," Buffy mumbled. "And so do I." Buffy nodded, her tears drying up. "When?" she asked, not wanting to know the answer. "Soon." "I love you." Buffy looked up and found Angel's gaze resting soberly on her. "I love you." Angel began to shimmer, and Buffy knew their time was short. She pulled Angel's head down to hers for one last kiss. When they broke apart, he smiled until his body faded away, leaving only me slumped on the sand. Buffy wiped away all traces of her tears. I opened my eyes, blinking at the pain. "How was it?" I asked, with a teasing smile. Buffy grinned at me, helped me sit up. "I'm ready," she told me with a proud smile. I nodded and looked past her to the ocean, where I caught one last glimpse of a shimmering figure. "We'll miss you," I whispered into the night. The End. Remember, FB! *** Blu ( "When ideas fail, words come in very handy." - Goethe (1749-1832) ------------------------------ End of buffyfic-digest V2 #213 ****************************** To subscribe to buffyfic or buffyfic-digest, send the command subscribe buffyfic-digest or subscribe buffy to You will need to go through a confirmation process, and the listowners have to manually approve your subscription request, so it may take some time. To unsubscribe, send email to with unsubscribe buffyfic-digest or unsubscribe buffyfic in the body. Back issues of this digest can be found at: Dalton Spence has also provided an index of the buffyfic archive at: For help, contact Jill Kirby ( or sah (