From: (buffyfic-digest) To: Subject: buffyfic-digest V2 #216 Reply-To: $SENDER Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk buffyfic-digest Tuesday, June 2 1998 Volume 02 : Number 216 In this issue: BUFFYFIC: ADMIN: List rules BUFFYFIC: Repercussions, part 8 by Andrea BUFFYFIC: How to Reforge A Broken Blade (part 7/?) See the end of the digest for information on (un)subscribing to the buffyfic or buffyfic-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 02 Jun 1998 22:54:41 -0400 From: sah (by way of sah ) Subject: BUFFYFIC: ADMIN: List rules Welcome! This list is for fiction related to "Buffy The Vampire Slayer," both the TV series and the movie. To ensure that we all get to enjoy as much fiction as possible, please adhere to the following guidelines, and please save them for future reference. 1. Fiction should have Buffy characters in it and clearly be related to Buffy. Crossovers are great, and expected, but general vampire/monster stories that aren't in the Buffy universe and don't use Buffy characters belong somewhere else. 2. Discussion of posted fiction is permitted onlist. Please put "DISCUSS" in your s*bject line. Requests for missing story parts should go directly to the author, and not be posted to the list. Discussion that is not related directly to the fiction should go over to the general Buffy list. Discussion of fiction is expected to follow common netiquette guidelines and use PG-13 language. 3. No advertising of items or services, Buffy related or not, and no posting of non-story items such as .gifs, sound files, etc.. No attached files of kind-- if your mailer makes your fiction into attached files, you need to find another way to get it to the list. 4. If you're writing a story and including advance information on a new episode, and you're posting your story earlier than the national viewing time, please: **Mark the post as a "spoiler" in the s*bject header. **Leave about twelve lines (blank or with non-spoiler info) at the top of the post. This ensures that anyone who doesn't like knowing about an episode ahead of time is "protected." :) The blank space is for people whose mailers automatically open up the next piece of mail, without giving them a chance to see "spoiler" in the header. Spoiler warnings are not necessary after the start of the episode's national viewing time, which is currently set at 9 p.m. Mondays, Eastern Standard Time. Spoiler warnings are not necessary for reruns. 5. This list is absolutely NOT for erotic fiction. stronger than sexually PG-13 material is to be posted to the list under any circumstances. A story may be R rated for violence or language, however. If you have a question about something's suitability for posting, feel free to ask one of the listowners. Sending sexually explicit material will get you immediately and permanently uns*bscribed. No exceptions. 6. By s*bscribing and/or posting to this list, you acknowledge that Buffy the Vampire slayer and all characters associated with either the televised series or the motion picture were created by Josh Whedon and are owned by Mutant Enemy productions, Kuzui Productions, Sandollar Productions, and 20th Century Fox. All stories posted to this list are for entertainment purposes only, are not sold for profit of any kind, and are not intended to infringe on any copyrights. 7. When posting stories to the list, please follow the following formatting guidelines - --No story parts longer than 250 lines - --No lines longer than 75 characters - --Turn off your "smart quotes"-- many readers receive these as garbage or weird symbols - --Put the title of the story in the s*bject header, indicate if it's a multipart story, and if so what part this is. Example: Buffy Meets Godzilla (2/65) indicates that this post is part two of a 65 part story. 8. If a story is rated "R" for language/violence, indicate this in an introduction. For example, "There's a really bloody fight scene at the end of this part" or "if you don't like dismemberment, stop reading now!" If there's chance that someone might be disturbed by something in your story (even if it's not rated R) please include some kind of warning up front. 9. And last, but not least, the listowners reserve the right to deny s*bscription (new, renewed, or continued) to the list for any individual(s). PLEASE NOTE: not following any or all of these rules will get you the following: **First offense: offender is uns*bscribed for one week. **Second offense: offender is uns*bscribed to the Buffyfic list for a minimum of three months. **If the offender returns and does it again, they're offlist permanently. As noted above, posting sexually explicit material is the exception -- you go straight to permanent uns*bbing. Again, welcome! If you have any questions about these rules, please contact either one of us offlist. If you have s*bscription problems or questions, the fastest way to get help is to e-mail one of us at the addresses below, at the addy which is the "official" e-mail owner of the list. Jill Kirby ( & sah ( Listowners, Buffy the Vampire Slayer Fiction List - - ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 02 Jun 1998 20:18:35 PDT From: "Andrea Newbery" Subject: BUFFYFIC: Repercussions, part 8 by Andrea Title: Repercussions part 8 (this was only supposed to be ten chapters, but sadly, it has gotten much longer. Sorry.) Author: Andrea e-mail: Summary: Um...well it's after B2, so it's basically my attempt to make everything all better. Well, after I make them suffer a bit more. :) Disclaimers: The characters in this story are not mine. They are the property of Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, WB, etc. I am not making any money from this. Feedback: Please. Good and bad. Again, a huge thank you to Rachel for her help with this. :) Chapter eight Sunnydale High School Library August 21, 1998 "So, you've got it all. Everything? Cause if we miss anything." Xander spoke in a voice that was one step away from going over the edge. "Well, we can't miss anything." Moving erratically around the library, he was stuffing books haphazardly into his bag. Not checking to see if they were books they needed, just tossing them in. Obviously subscribing to the notion that more is always better. "Xander." Cordelia stopped packing her bag and stared at him, understanding his behavior was due to the night ahead. She really couldn't fault him for being nervous, but unable to stop herself from speaking, "Relax, I've got everything." She supposed you couldn't relax too much when you knew you were going to hell later that day. To save someone you considered a killer. When she looked at things in that light, she was amazed he was keeping it that together. He had even managed to wear clothes that almost matched, studying him she realized that was probably another sign of his anxiety. "Relax?" His voice swung high, then cracked. He stared at her like she had suddenly grown another head. "I'm going to hell in less than three hours!" Throwing the book he was holding on the table and falling into one of the chairs. "Re_lax_!?" Cordelia watched him, relieved he had finally said the words. He had been so busy last night talking about anything but the day ahead. She had tried a few times to discuss it but he had always changed the subject. Looking at him sitting there, so nervous she thought he would explode, she carefully began speaking the thought that kept running through her mind. "Don't go. " Swallowing down her nervousness she continued, "Giles said Buffy would be okay. Whistler even said he thought it would be Buffy who went. Why not wait?" She watched him digest her words, knowing from the look of disgust that was appearing on his face that he wasn't going to go for it. She could see him thinking about her words, discounting them. Because she was Cordelia, they were probably wrong. She didn't know what else she could do to prove to him that she wasn't the same person she had been. She barely remembered who that person was. He was such a big part of the reason she had changed so much, and she had finally thought he was noticing. Swallowing the sudden rush of bitterness in her throat, she spoke again. "Don't look at me like I'm being selfish. It's not selfish to not want your boyfriend to go to hell. It's just sane. You are not Buffy, you don't do things like this." She watched him, her eyes pleading with him to understand. To stop this here, but knowing he wouldn't. She watched him drum his fingers on the table, his body unable to be still. She forced her shoulders to relax, her lips to smile at him. She had known this wouldn't work, but she had to try it. If he felt he had to do this, she would support him. She would walk with him to the edge of hell. If he had to do this. Her voice trembling slightly she finished, "But if you have to, I won't try to stop you again." He was silent for a moment, his eyes suddenly fascinated by the far wall. She watched the pulse in his neck throbbing and held herself back from begging him not to do it. He looked at her finally, trademark Xander grin in place, standing up he reached for her, "Think of it less like sending your boyfriend to hell and more like helping your boyfriend free yet another demon loose to roam on this planet." Shaking her head at him, knowing he wanted her to go along with him. Pretend that this was no big deal. Summoning her courage, needing to help him through this, she answered, "Do you plan on being this witty with the devil?" He looked at her, his face shocked, "The devil?" Dropping her hands he began pacing around the room, stopping only to look at her with disbelief, "The devil?" Breaking eye contact, he continued his almost spastic movements around the library. Pausing he stared at her again, his face questioning. "Do you think there really is a devil? The big badness. Head of all that is undead and generally nasty things?" His voice getting louder with every word. Looking around the room wildly he started pacing again. She watched him, trying desperately to think of something to say. Unable to she just stood there, waiting. Finally he came to a halt beside a chair, grimacing then smiled weakly at her. "I was thinking more along the lines of...well, some fires... a few tortured souls. But that's as far as I got. The devil?" Throwing himself into a chair he put his hands to his head, "What am I doing? I'm a coward, I have to remember that." Slumping back in the chair he looked at her, a mixture of bravado and fear on his face. Her heart aching for him she walked over and slipped into his lap. He wrapped his arms around her and held on tightly. She leaned into him, enjoying the feel of his body against hers. Trying not to think of the possibility she might not feel it again. She felt his muscles relaxing as he held her. She smiled, grateful she could be of some help to him. Wondering how she had gotten to this point, were he meant so much to her. When the thought of a future without him had become so abhorrent to her. She leaned against him, enjoying the feel of the afternoon sun streaming in through the window. He began kissing her neck and she moved her head, allowing him better access. Putting his hands on her shoulders he pulled her around until her upper body was facing his. The look on his face was intense, a young man headed off to war, not knowing if he would return. He cupped his hands softly on her face, and pulling her in began to kiss her, softly at first then harder. He kissed her with an intensity that took her breath away, her thoughts away. She kissed him back with the same fevour. A kiss between two people scared they may never kiss again. Finally breaking the kiss she ran her hand over his face, memorizing the feel of his skin under her hand. "Xander?" "Um." She spoke softly, not wanting to upset the fragile calm that had settled over them. "If you can't do it? If it's too hard or too scary...come back. Don't try to be a hero? Please? Promise me that?" Her voice broke on the last word but she held back her tears. Her eyes pleading with him. He smiled softly at her, leaned forward and kissed her nose. Brushing her hair away from her face he spoke, "Promise. Cordie, I'm coming back." He paused for a moment, taking a deep breath. "And I'll have Angel with me." His eyes were less afraid now, more determined, the soldier from his halloween memories coming to the front. Running her fingers through his hair she smiled bravely at him. Refusing to let him see the worry she was feeling. She could feel his body tightening under her as the reality of what he was doing settled in on him once more. Leaning her head against his shoulder she closed her eyes, taking a moment to memorize this feeling. Her head on his shoulder she looked up at the ceiling, trying to stop the next words out of her mouth. She knew they were selfish, unimportant, but she needed to know. Needed to prepare for every possibility. Speaking to the ceiling she started, "Why?" Feeling him stiffen at her words she refused to look at him. She stared at the ceiling as if it held the answers she was looking for. She could feel his hesitation, knew exactly the expression on his face without looking. The patented Xander mixture of guilt and fear. She felt him take a deep breath finally and speak, "Why what?" Smiling at his attempt to stall she spoke the words quickly before her courage ran out at what his answer may be. " Why risk it? Why not wait for Buffy? Why would you go to hell for her, to save her boyfriend? Is it because you are still in love with her?" She marvelled at how casual her voice sounded, how calm. As if his answer couldn't destroy her. Counting the holes in the ceiling tiles to pass the time she waited. "No. I love her, I'm not in love with her." Xander's voice was clear. Letting out the breath she hadn't realized she was holding, she turned to face him waiting for him to continue. His eyes held hers, begging her to believe his words. She touched his face, wrinkling her nose at him. Rewarded with his smile, he began to explain. " I owe this to her. She is the slayer. She has saved us, saved the world. Now she needs something that I can give her." He paused, taking a deep breath his eyes filled with regret, "Maybe something I took from her. " Her eyes misted at the pain and guilt in his words. Wanting to help him she slid off his lap and turning, knelt in front of him. Her hands holding his she spoke, "You did what you thought was right. You didn't do it to hurt her." Her voice was strong, the tone almost angry. She didn't wanting him running into hell on some suicide mission because he felt he had failed Buffy. "Does that matter though?" His voice sounded so young, so broken. Looking at him, at the lines on his face, the dark circles under his eyes she realized how important this was to him. He looked at her, shoulders slumped, his face wreathed in misery, "Willow risked her life to do the curse. I decided that didn't count. Willow is my best friend and I let her risk her life for nothing." His voice faded as he spoke. His fingers were digging into her palm. She didn't move, didn't speak, just waited for him to continue. "I did it because I lost faith in her. That's what I tell myself." He spoke in a voice laced with disgust. She tensed, knowing it was directed at himself. "But did I really lose faith? I'm not sure anymore. It doesn't matter though. The result is what matters." Squeezing her hands he let them go, his eyes determined again. "I have to do this." She let him go, realizing, maybe even more than he did, how important this was to him. Understanding that for him the pain of losing both Willow and Buffy was too much for him. She stood offered her hand to pull him to his feet. Standing he put his arms around her and rested his head against her neck. She buried her face on his shoulder, vowing to herself that she would make Willow and Buffy understand. If he failed she would do whatever it took for them to forgive him. Feeling a surge of protectiveness run through her she held on tighter, not wanting to ever let him go. Sighing, she pulled back looking into his face. Leaning into him she began to kiss his face slowly. His forehead, eyebrows, eyelids. Each kiss a promise that things would be okay. That she would make sure of it. He stood quietly, letting her kiss him without responding. She kissed his nose, cheeks, chin. Then she brushed lightly over his lips, a tiny whisper. He came alive then, his mouth searching hers, almost violently. She returned the kiss in the same fashion, understanding his need for the intimacy. They remained wrapped in each other, neither hearing the door open or the sound of Giles feet as he walked into the library. "Ah-hem." They jumped apart guiltily, letting go of each other and turning to him. Standing closely together arms at their sides. Giles glanced at them, then down at the table and all the books they had covering it. He looked to them, gestured at the table, waiting for an explanation. She felt Xander tensing beside her, so she spoke first, thinking he would want to know, but would be afraid to ask. "How's Buffy?" Praying that it was good news, she was afraid of Xander's reaction if they hadn't been able to help her. Giles looked at the table for a second longer, then letting it go for the moment, "Good. She's fragile, but I think in time...she will learn to deal with this." He hesitated then continued, his demeanor conveying his discomfort with his words. "X-Xander, m...maybe you should stay away from her for a while." Xander nodded at him, grabbing Cordelia's hand. She squeezed it, trying to support him through her fingers. Feeling helpless to make this any easier for him. She waited for Xander to begin to speak, to tell Giles of their plans. When he didn't seem to do anything she opened her mouth, beginning to tell Giles, Xander's body swung around and he glared at her, his eyes telling her to keep quiet. Grabbing their bags he took her by the arm, speaking to Giles for the first time, "Right. Of course. We'll go now. Bye." He dragged her from the library leaving Giles watching them. Once they got outside Cordelia pulled her arm free, glaring at him. "Why didn't you tell him. That was our deal. He can help us." Glancing back towards the library he spoke angrily, " Really? Help me? Help me go to hell to save Angel. assisted, might I add, by another demon that we know nothing about. He'd never go for it." She looked at him, seeing the new hurt on his face from Giles words. She pleaded with him, "But..." "It's done." His voice was remote, she could feel him pulling away from her again. She shuddered, feeling suddenly chilled in spite of the afternoon sun. He continued speaking, his voice dead, "We do it tonight. If I can't get Angel, well nobody even has to know I tried. I'll tell Giles then, only then." She stood there for a moment, trying to decide what to do. Should she go back inside and tell Giles herself, or should she honor Xander's wish. Not knowing what to do she just stood there, looking at him. He didn't move, didn't change his facial expression, nothing that would help her decide. She pictured Giles, the library, how they had always depended on him to come up with the right answers. Her mind caught, rewound, realizing that there should be enough information on the table for Giles to figure out what they were doing. She relaxed, putting her faith in Giles that he would figure it out in time and make sure everything turned out okay. Trying to hide her thoughts from Xander she looked at the ground, answering him, "Okay." They walked slowly down the road, away from the library. Wandering towards the park, they found a bench and sat down. Arms wrapped around each other, unable to speak anymore. They waited as the afternoon faded away. ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 03 Jun 1998 01:04:24 -0400 From: "R. Smith" Subject: BUFFYFIC: How to Reforge A Broken Blade (part 7/?) SPOILER ALERT SPOILER ALERT SPOILER ALERT SPOILER ALERT=20 This story contains extensive references to any and all episodes up to and including Becoming II. BE WARNED: if you haven=92t seen those episodes, READ NO FURTHER!=20 (actually this part is almost spoiler free, but better safe than sorry) THIS=20 SPACE=20 IS=20 FOR=20 YOUR PROTECTION See part one for disclaimers and notes. Comments or requests for previous parts to PLEASE DO NOT=20 DISTRIBUTE WITHOUT TALKING TO ME FIRST! Rick was surrounded by about twelve men. Two of the=20 demons were still standing, and Rick was engaged in a=20 furious exchange of blows with one of them. The cultists=20 were trying to get in grappling range, but whenever one of=20 them did, either Rick or the demon killed them. They were=20 beginning to hang back, but Buffy could see that given an=20 opening, they=92d grab Rick, and the fight would be all over. =93Hey boys,=94 Buffy called, =93I just let all your sacrifices=20 go.=94 Most of the cultists eagerly moved away from the=20 fight, and attacked Buffy. She opened up on them with a devastating barrage=20 of punches and kicks that left four of them bleeding at her=20 feet. She whirled through the group of them, never=20 stopping for longer than it took to throw a punch or a kick.=20 She knew that to stop was to die. Except for the attack in=20 Dayton itself, Buffy had never really cut loose on mortals=20 before, and in that fight she could hardly say she was in=20 top form. Now, after weeks of heavy training with Rick, she=20 was cutting through this group of goons like a hot knife=20 through butter. Every punch or kick broke a bone, or worse. Rick was holding his own against the Reaver and=20 the few cultists that had stayed near him. He realized that=20 direct blocks were out of the question, since the Reaver=92s=20 axe weighed almost as much as Rick. He was doing a lot of=20 ducking and dodging, using the relative slowness of the axe=20 against its wielder. The beast was extremely adept at=20 keeping out of sword=92s reach, however, and although Rick=20 was keeping the demon at bay, he couldn=92t score a telling=20 blow of his own. Suddenly, the Vortex shivered, the air in the=20 clearing screamed, and with a heavy thud like an=20 elephant=92s tread, Golab stepped through the Vortex and=20 into our world. He was huge, approaching twelve feet tall, and=20 covered with layers and layers of muscle. He was truly=20 hideous, covered with a mottled grey-green hide and=20 sporting six inch fangs and glowing yellow eyes. In one=20 ham-sized hand he bore a seven foot long, serrated-edge=20 sword. With the other, he grabbed the nearest screaming=20 cultist and casually bit off his head. His entrance distracted everyone, but Rick recovered=20 before anyone else and, with a quick scissoring motion,=20 beheaded the Reaver he was facing. He leapt over the fallen=20 monster and threw himself bodily at Golab. He held small=20 hope that he could beat Golab in a fight, and hoped that he=20 might get lucky in the first moments of Golab=92s invasion. Golab backhanded him out of the air, knocking him=20 a dozen feet through the air, where he landed with a thud.=20 Golab growled something to the remaining Reaver who=20 promptly lumbered toward Buffy. It began to fade from=20 view as it moved, and soon it was nearly transparent. Buffy was down to her last few cultists, and was=20 finding that the fewer they were, the harder they were to=20 kill. They didn=92t foul each other up as much, and were=20 better able to work together against her. She was sure that=20 given time, she=92d have no trouble taking them out, but she=20 was worried about Rick. She had her back to that fight, and=20 her opponents were keeping her that way. They=92d moved=20 into a semi-circle, and were trying to use wolf-pack tactics=20 on her. consequently, she had no idea that the last Reaver=20 was moving slowly, and nearly invisibly, toward her. Rick got shakily to his feet and charged Golab.=20 Using the same duck and sting tactics he=92d used on the=20 Reaver, he pushed Golab back a few feet, and slowly began=20 to get the upper hand in the battle. His two swords whirled=20 in a constant circle of death, actually connecting with the=20 demon=92s thick hide on several occasions.=20 Golab was slower than Rick, but faster than the=20 Reavers and as the fight wore on, Rick knew that Golab=20 would just wear him down. The Reaver rose up behind Buffy, losing its cloaking=20 field as it raised its axe for a killing blow. Buffy sensed it at the last minute, and even as she=20 tensed to throw herself to the side, she knew she was going=20 to be too slow. Rick had not been paying much attention to the rest=20 of the clearing, and so he almost missed the Reaver as it=20 crept up on the distracted Slayer. *Dammit!* he thought to himself, *What is she=20 _doing_ here?* *Doing her best to back your stupid ass up,* he=20 replied, *and getting ready to die in the attempt.* *Damn.* he thought, and did the only thing he=20 could. Buffy tensed to receive the blow when she heard=20 Rick yell from across the clearing,=93Godguidemyhandagainstthedarkness.=94 There was a crunch of metal cutting bone, and the=20 Reaver fell to the ground beside her, Rick=92s sword piercing=20 its breastbone. Buffy finished the last of her dumbfounded=20 opponents and turned to see what was happening in the=20 other fight. With only one sword, Rick was hard-pressed to keep=20 Golab off of him. He was fighting a purely defensive battle,=20 and still losing ground. Buffy pulled the sword from the dead Reaver and=20 ran toward the fight. She hadn=92t taken more than four or five steps when=20 Golab feinted with his sword and then grabbed Rick with=20 his free hand. Buffy could hear bones crunch from where=20 she was, and knew that if she didn=92t do something, this=20 fight was over. Rick tried to scream in agony as his ribs shattered=20 from the crushing grip. The pain was so bad that he nearly=20 fainted, staying conscious by force of will alone. Golab was grinning as he brought Rick closer to his fanged maw. The monster was sure he had won,=20 and was already looking forward to turning the Earth=20 into a killing field. As he came within sword-reach of Golab=92s face,=20 Rick muttered, =93Here=92s a little something to remember me=20 by, you ugly fuck.=94 and used all of his remaining strength to=20 drive his sword into Golab=92s left eye. Golab howled as the blessed steel drove straight to=20 the back of his head. He threw Rick away from him, tearing=20 the sword from Rick=92s feeble grasp, and sending Rick=20 soaring high into the air to arc across the clearing and=20 crash into a tree with the sickening sound of still more=20 bones breaking. Golab staggered around the clearing a bit, finally=20 plucking the sword from the gore-filled hole that used to be=20 its eye. Its remaining eye focused on Rick=92s prone body, and=20 the beast moved toward him purposefully. Buffy took all this in in shocked silence. It had all=20 happened so quickly, she=92d had no time to react. Finally,=20 she shook herself, and charged forward, already sure she=92d=20 be too late to stop Golab from finishing Rick off. She=20 glanced at the sword in her hand, hoping that she=92d have=20 the strength to finish what Rick had started. The=20 inscription on the blade glowed eerily in the light of the=20 Vortex, and Buffy realized that if she wanted to save Rick,=20 she=92d have to try. =93God guide my hand against the Darkness,=94 she=20 whispered, and with a surge of power and a twist of her=20 shoulders, she let the sword fly toward Golab=92s back. It sailed across the intervening space like a missile,=20 and for a moment, everything in the clearing went quiet. Golab sensed the blade coming, and began to turn.=20 His sword started to come up in defense as Buffy=92s sword=20 took him under the left armpit. Golab screamed as the blade pierced his black heart,=20 and dropped to his knees, dropping his sword. He plucked=20 weakly at the hilt sticking out of his side for a few seconds,=20 and then he toppled to the ground. The Vortex went out like a blown-out candle,=20 plunging the clearing into darkness. Buffy ran over to the crumpled form on the ground,=20 kneeling next to him. Rick was still breathing, if poorly, but it was obvious=20 even to Buffy=92s untrained eye that his back was broken. She=20 wanted to do something, but had no idea what would help=20 and what would do more damage. As she sat there, trying to decide what to do, Rick=20 opened his eyes. =93Golab....?=94 he whispered, stopping to cough thickly. =93Dead,=94 Buffy said, =93You got him.=94 Rick nodded, coughed up more blood, and said, =93Not=20 much... time left. Need a favor.....=94 He looked at her hopefully, then lapsed into more=20 coughing. When Buffy nodded, he continued, =93My desk... letter=20 for you......instructions......=94 Buffy felt tears begin to burn their way to her eyes,=20 but held them in check enough to reply, =93Whatever it says.=20 I=92ll do it. You just rest till we get you out of here.=94 Rick tried to chuckle, lapsed into more coughing and=20 said,=94 No...... Broken inside, back, lungs... already dead.=94 His eyes closed, and Buffy thought he was gone, but=20 they snapped open again. =93No guilt, miss,=94 he said, =93We won....... I knew...this=20 was only way..... No way to change my fate. Rhi is ok?=94 Buffy nodded, and said, =93They=92re all to the car by=20 now and on their way home.=94 =93You go now....=94 Rick muttered, =93Don=92t grieve.=20 There=92s....=94 He fell into a fit of coughing so bad, Buffy could hear=20 his shattered ribs grinding together. As it finished, he=20 grabbed her hand firmly and gazed deeply into her eyes. =93Proud of you,=94 he coughed, With a shudder, he died. Buffy sat there until dawn, holding his hand as it=20 cooled and crying softly. When the sun rose, she stood,=20 brushed the tears from her eyes, and started the long walk=20 back to his house. She had a promise to keep. ********** In Rick=92s desk were two letters, one with her name=20 printed on it, the other unmarked. She opened the one addressed to her. Dear Buffy, If you=92re reading this, then I=92m dead but the world=20 goes on. I=92m sorry to not be there with you. My time with=20 you has been the best in a long time. Please, take one of my swords and the letter that=20 you found with this one, and give them to my son. Try to=20 explain to him what happened and let him know that he=92s=20 up, but that he doesn=92t have to do this if he doesn=92t want to.=20 The letter spells it out for him as well as giving him details=20 about how to take over for me if he chooses this life. I just=20 think it=92ll be easier for him to hear coming from you. Take the other sword for yourself as a remembrance of=20 an old man whom you made very happy by sharing his life. Also go to the self storage on Shoup Mill Road and open storage=20 garage #126. (the key is enclosed). Everything in it is for=20 you, to help you on your way. With me gone it won=92t be safe for you in Dayton anymore. Go away. My advice is go home. In the past weeks, I=92ve learned=20 that friendship is not so over-rated after all. You have people that care about you very much, and you need them. Don=92t end up=20 like me -- so alone and lonely that you don=92t even remember what happiness is like. Go home -- even if you never slay another=20 monster in your entire life. I hear you stirring in the next room, so I have to=20 finish this damned letter. I hate good-byes, but this pretty=20 much has to be one so good-bye. Love, Rick Buffy stared at the page, trying to sort through her=20 feelings. She was so close to breaking down again that she=20 didn=92t know how she was going to make it. She wanted to=20 scream and cry and throw things, but she knew that Rick=20 would not be impressed. Unable to figure out exactly how=20 she felt, she went inside and began to pack. She=92d deliver=20 her packages to Rick=92s son, go see what he=92d left her, and=20 then decide what to do. more to come.... ------------------------------ End of buffyfic-digest V2 #216 ****************************** To subscribe to buffyfic or buffyfic-digest, send the command subscribe buffyfic-digest or subscribe buffy to You will need to go through a confirmation process, and the listowners have to manually approve your subscription request, so it may take some time. To unsubscribe, send email to with unsubscribe buffyfic-digest or unsubscribe buffyfic in the body. Back issues of this digest can be found at: Dalton Spence has also provided an index of the buffyfic archive at: For help, contact Jill Kirby ( or sah (