From: (buffyfic-digest) To: Subject: buffyfic-digest V2 #231 Reply-To: $SENDER Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk buffyfic-digest Sunday, June 14 1998 Volume 02 : Number 231 In this issue: BUFFYFIC: School Spirits. Part 2 BUFFYFIC: School Spirits. Part 3 See the end of the digest for information on (un)subscribing to the buffyfic or buffyfic-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sun, 14 Jun 1998 14:09:45 -0700 From: Jeff Weitkamp Subject: BUFFYFIC: School Spirits. Part 2 Name: School Spirits Author: Jeff W E-Mail: Feedback: Yes please. Tell me anything. Was is good, bad, or what. Distribution: Please ask and I'll say yes. Summary: This story dosn't involve Buffy and Co. directly although they do make apperances. The main character is Amy Madison from 'The Witch' and 'Bewitched, Bothered, and Bewildered' which are both being aired this week on WB. But don't worry my next story will have the regular crew. Spoilers: The Witch. Rating: PG Time line: After Whe Witch. Sometime before Prophecy Girl. Disclaimer: Most of the characters in this story belong to Joss Wheadon ect. The only characters I can claim are Toni, Kyle and Marlene. ********************************* School Spirits Part 2 After school Marlene's mom picked her up to go shopping. Of course. Toni was staying late to take a test that she missed that morning because of a doctors appointment. So Amy was walking home alone. Her father would not be home for a couple more hours, so Amy decided she felt like a walk to the park. Maybe with a change of scenery she could sort out what was bothering her. Amy had just turned onto Oak street when she spotted a boy of about 13 walking on the other side of the street in the opposite direction. The boy saw her at the same time and waved. "Hi Amy." Amy smiled and answered. "Hello Billy." Amy knew Billy Sims because she used to baby-sit for him and his younger sister Cindy. Billy crossed the street to Amy and said. "What are you doing over here Amy?. "Oh. Just out for a walk." She replied. "What about you Billy? Don't you still live over on Third Street. Billy held up a dog leash in his hand and said. "I'm looking for Sparkey. He got out again last night." Then Billy got a sheepish look on his face and looked at the ground and said. "Aaa, Amy. Don't call me Billy. That's a little kids name. Call me Bill." "Oh. I'm sorry Billy. I mean Bill." Billy turned a little red and smiled bashfully. "That's okay Amy. You didn't know." "Bill. Yeah. I like Bill. it fits you." "So old Sparkey is still getting out is he?" Asked Amy. "You know it." The two walked down the street and talked. Just as they turned a corner Amy suddenly stopped short letting out a gasp of surprise. "What's the matter Amy?" Asked Bill. "Amy?" All she could do was point. Sitting in the middle of the sidewalk five feet in front of them was a cat. No she was sure of it. It was 'The' cat. The same one that had been watching her during lunch. And here it was again sitting there and watching her. No not it. Him. Somehow Amy knew it was a him. The feline was almost entirely jet black. Except for the left ear and part of his right rear foot which were white. Bill looked to where Amy pointed and said. "Ahh. It's just some old cat. Your not superstitious are you? You know what they say about black cats crossing your path?" "No. This cat has been following me." Said Amy. Her eyes not leaving the cat who continued to stare at her. Bill stood there with a look on his face that said he wasn't sure if she was kidding or not. Then slowly the cat stood up and walked towards them. Amy's reaction must be starting to spook Bill because when he saw the cat walking in their direction he backed up a step. But the cat continued to walk towards Amy. It walked up to her feet and stood there looking up at her. Looking like he was trying to make up his mind. Then almost without warning the cat jumped up to where Amy caught instinctively caught him in her arms. She just stood there with the cat in her arms staring down at him while he stared up at her. Amy looked into the cat's eyes. They were like beautiful yellow orbs that seemed to draw her in deeper. It almost seemed to wrap her up in a warm embrace. Amy wasn't sure how long she stood there staring at the cat. But suddenly the cat looked away and started to purr. And even though she couldn't explain why Amy was happy. Happier than she had been all day. Maybe happier that she had felt in quite a while. Amy pulled the cat to her cheek. Now not only did she hear the purring she could feel it through her cheek. Amy blinked as she felt a tear in her eye. She smiled as she realized that she had just found something she didn't even know she was looking for. "So." Asked Bill. "Do you know who that cat belongs to?" Amy turned to Bill and without even thinking said. "He's mine, sort of." "I didn't know you had a cat. When did you get it" "I not sure if I can explain this." Said Amy. "I'm not even sure if I understand it myself." I didn't pick him. He picked me. And don't ask me how I know that. I just do." The two started walking down the street again. Amy still cradling her purring feline companion. They walked for a while in silence. After a few minutes Bill asked. "So what's his name?" "I don't know. I guess I should give him one." Bill looked at the cat and said. "Well he is almost all black. You could call him Blackie. Or he has those patches of white. How about Patches, or maybe even Spot. Yeah Spot." Amy felt the cat stop purring in her arms. When she stopped walking and looked down at the cat he was staring back at her. Somehow she felt that none of those suggestions would do. She stared at him for a moment and said. "Jericho. His name is Jericho."=20 "Jericho. What kind of a name is that for a cat?" Asked Bill. Where did you come up with that name?" Amy caught herself before she spoke. She almost said. "He told me." =20 But that didn't make any sense at all. So she said. "I don't know. I just did." Amy looked at her watch and said. "It's time I started for home. What about you?" "I can walk with you for a while." They were walking along talking when suddenly Jericho jumped from Amy's arms and ran ahead.=20 "What's the matter with you?" ask Amy. The cat turned his head back towards Amy and meowed. Then he turned away again and went behind a hedge. "Where are you going?" asked Amy. "Maybe this is where he lives." Offered Bill. Before she could respond the cat reappeared from behind the hedge and meowed again. Amy couldn't explain it but somehow she just knew that the cat wanted her to follow him. Amy got a cold knot in the pit of her stomach. All the feelings she had been trying to fight off all day returned. But now they felt like they were Super Sized. "Billy. Stay here." Amy said putting a hand on his shoulder. Bill must have felt something also because he didn't complain that she called him Billy again. "Why?"=20 "Just wait here. Please" Amy turned back towards the cat and slowly walked towards him. As she neared the cat he disappeared behind the hedge again. Slowly Amy reached the hedge and walked around the corner. Not knowing what she would find, but she was sure it wouldn't be pleasant. She was not disappointed. What she saw was what remained of some kind of small animal. But she wasn't sure what. The mass of fur, blood, and bone seemed to have been torn apart. It could have been almost anything. It was too large to be a squirrel. Maybe a fox, or maybe=85 Amy couldn't even finish the thought. The knot in her stomach tightened again.=20 Slowly she walked towards the mass and knelt by it. Seeing something she thought she recognized she overrode her first instinct and reached out to pick it up. As she feared it appeared to be a dog's collar. There was a metal name tag tacked to the collar but it was obscured by blood, and fur. Already knowing what she would find Amy wiped the collar on the grass. Amy felt tears in her eyes, but she forced them back as she read the name tag. Engraved in large block letters it said "SPARKEY". Chapter 3 =20 Wednesday 8:30 p.m. It was after dark by the time Amy made it to the front door of her house. Her feet felt like they were dragging as she stepped through the door and dropped her book bag on a near by chair. "Amy, is that you?" Amy heard her father's voice from the next room. "Oh no." thought Amy. "He's got that worried tone in his voice." Amy watched her father walk into the room holding the cordless phone. "Where have you been? Why didn't you call?" Then he put the phone back to his mouth and said. "Connie? Yeah it's her." "Connie." Thought Amy. "That would be Marlene's Mother."=20 "I don't know yet." "Yes I'll let you know. Bye." "Now young lady." Said Kevin Madison. "Just where have you been? Why didn't you at least?=85" "Honey. What's the matter?" Said Amy's father seeing that something was really bothering her. "Is that blood? Are you hurt? What happened?!" Amy looked down at her jeans and seeing the blood that she must have wiped there after she had handled the dog collar. "Yes. No." Amy said. Then the events of the day finally got to Amy. =20 Her voice breaking up she dropped her head, covered her eyes, and said. "I don't know." Her father walked up to her and put an arm around her. Guiding her to the sofa he said. "Sit down and tell me what happened." "I don't know where to start." "The beginning's always a good place. Just start there and tell me everything." Amy left out a few details. Just the really weird stuff about the strange feelings. And being watched by a cat that adopted her. Some things were best kept to herself till she figured them out. By the time Amy finished the edited story of the days events, she was starting to clear away the dishes from the dinner that they had fixed while talking. "I know I should have called but, first I got Billy home, then one thing lead to another." Explained Amy. "Usually you do call. That's why when I didn't hear from you I started to get worried." Her father said. "If you had called I could have driven over and picked you up. That would have saved you a long walk home in the dark." Turning towards the back door Amy said. "Do you hear something?" "No. I don't hear anything." "I wasn't sure if he would show up, so I didn't say anything before." Said Amy as she walked to the back door. "Show up. Who's showing up?" Her dad asked. Amy opened the back door stepped outside and said. "There you are. I knew you would come." When she returned she was holding Jericho. "Daddy. This is my cat." "Cat. What do you mean your cat. We never discussed getting a cat." =20 Her father said as she walked up to him holding the cat. But even as he spoke her father reached out and scratched Jericho under the chin. The cat responded by purring loudly. "See. He likes you." Smiled Amy. "Please Daddy. Can he stay?" Her father paused then said. "Well I suppose we can give it a try. But just a trial run. We'll try it for a few days." "Oh thank you Daddy. You won't regret it." "Well, just remember he's your responsibility." "I will. Thanks again." Her father stood and kissed her on the forehead. "I'm just glad you're all right. But next time call. Okay?" Then he turned to leave the room and said. "I'm going to see what's on the TV. Care to join me?" "No thanks. I'm got some homework to do." After he had left the room Amy sat the cat down. "Let's see if we can find for you to eat." She opened the refrigerator and pulled out a bottle of milk." She was just starting to open the cabinet to get a saucer when she said. "Yes he did give in pretty quick." Amy had just set the saucer on the counter when she stopped and looked around. "Who?" She wondered. "Was I talking to?" Looking down near her feet she saw Jericho sitting there, just staring back at her. "I could have sworn I was answering somebody's question." Amy said turning to the cat. "Was it you?" The cat just stared at her After she filled the saucer with milk she knelt down and placed the saucer on the floor for the cat. As Jericho began to drink Amy gently stroked his back and said quietly . "Just what are you anyway." The only response was "Meooow." Chapter 4 Thursday 7:50 a.m. "Well, I just could not believe that skirt she was wearing yesterday. And those shoes. Don't these people know that open toes are totally last year?" "I just can't believe it." Amy answered Marlene with a slight smile. It was good to know that no matter how weird things got, there were some things you could count on. And Marlene's oblivious state of mind about many things was one of them.=20 If there was one thing Amy had plenty of in her life it was weirdness. But these last few days were the weirdest in a while. On the weird scale of one to ten, they would rate as bizarre. With a capital "B". This morning she had awakened feeling much like yesterday. That feeling that she still couldn't describe was still there. Just slightly less intense. Amy and Marlene turned at the sound of a car horn. Amy recognized the car that belonged to Toni's older brother Kyle pulling up to the curb. The door opened and Toni stepped out. "Hi guys." Said Toni. "Hi." Echoed Amy and Marlene. "We stopped by your house this morning. Where were you?" Marlene asked. "I had to drop my mom's car at the shop. Kyle picked me up. "Hello Marlene. Amy." Kyle said from the car. He was a freshman at North Central State College located just south of town. He was tall, and wiry with wavy short brown hair. "Can I give you girls a lift to school?" "Sure." Said Amy after looking at her two friends. Toni got back into the front seat while Amy and Marlene climbed into the back. After a quick round of hellos and how are you's Toni asked. "So do you guys think that there really is a pack of wild dogs wondering about town?" "What do you mean?" Asked Amy. "Haven't you heard? Where have you been lately?" Asked Toni. "For the last week there have been all kinds of stories about people finding small animals around town torn to bits." "No I haven't. I guess I haven't been paying much attention lately." "I'll say." Marlene chimed in. "She has been Miss Space Cadet these last few days." "Whatever." Toni said. "The most popular theory is that a pack of wild dogs prowling around." "I think it's some kind of devil worshipping cult." Said Kyle. "What ever is causing it," Said Marlene. "It sure has a lot of people wigged out. "I saw one of the victims yesterday. That must have been what it was." Said Amy. "You couldn't even tell it was a dog." "You saw one?" Said Marlene. "Uhhh. That would give me the wiggins for sure. How could you sleep?" As the conversation continued on the subject of the animal attacks Amy's depression / apprehension began to deepen. By the time they got to school she'd grown totally quite. What is going on? She thought. I'm not sure what it is, but I have this feeling that these animal attacks are=20 somehow connected to these feelings I've been getting. I just don't know what's going on, but I will find out. And I've got a good idea where to start. **** End of Part 2 ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 14 Jun 1998 14:14:43 -0700 From: Jeff Weitkamp Subject: BUFFYFIC: School Spirits. Part 3 Name: School Spirits Author: Jeff W E-Mail: Feedback: Yes please. Tell me anything. Was is good, bad, or what. Distribution: Please ask and I'll say yes. Summary: This story dosn't involve Buffy and Co. directly although they do make apperances. The main character is Amy Madison from 'The Witch' and 'Bewitched, Bothered, and Bewildered' which are both being aired this week on WB. But don't worry my next story will have the regular crew. Spoilers: The Witch. Rating: PG Time line: After Whe Witch. Sometime before Prophecy Girl. Disclaimer: Most of the characters in this story belong to Joss Wheadon ect. The only characters I can claim are Toni, Kyle and Marlene. ***************************************** School Spirits Part 3 It wasn't till third period that Amy got a chance to go to the school library. As she neared the library she noticed an older lady dressed as a member of the custodial staff standing near the door. She was a little taller than Amy with an average build. She had a dark complexion and jet black hair that showed a few streaks of gray. For a moment it seemed that she may have been listening at the door, but Amy wasn't sure because at the same moment that she noticed her the lady began to move up the hall towards Amy. Had she seen Amy watching her? As during the previous day the strange feelings would come and go. But she could determine no pattern. Now Amy felt the hairs on the back of her neck begin to stand like it had so many times during the previous two days. Was this related or just a coincidence? The lady stopped at a water fountain and began to clean it. She seemed to be ignoring Amy. But as they passed each other their eyes met for an instant. Was it her imagination or did Amy feel something from this woman? Some kind of energy? Amy couldn't tell if it was coming from this woman or not. But she did feel something. While Amy was walking by the woman she glanced at the woman's name tag. It said Susan Li-something. They passed each other to quickly to make the whole name out. This one will require watching thought Amy to herself. When Amy entered the library Cordelia was just saying "It's major sick-o if you ask me. Those poor little things." Cordelia was sitting at the table next to Xander Harris. "Funny." Amy thought. I would never have pictured them together."=20 Also in the room was Mr. Giles standing near his office door. Willow Rosenberg at the table with her computer open. And Buffy Summers sitting on the counter. As one the group stopped talking and looked up at Amy as she walked in. "Let me guess." Said Amy. "Your talking about what has been attacking small animals around town lately? Right?" " It's not just small animals." Said Willow. "Willow!" Said Buffy. "Oh. I didn't mean=85 I mean that it is just small animals=85 I mean, wha= t animals?" "Nice cover Will." Said Xander. "I know I'm convinced." "But it's just Amy. She.." Said Willow in her defense. "Oh." Willow said turning to Amy." I didn't mean that you=85" Then turning back to Xander continued "She already knows about=85" She paused. "Never mind. I'= m shutting up now. This is me shutting up." "That's all right Willow." Said Buffy jumping down off the counter and Walking towards her. "Why do you ask Amy?" "A friends dog was one of the victims."=20 "Uch. Not good." "It gets worse. I was with him when he found his dog. He was just thirteen." "How did he take it?" "He put on a good show. Wanted to show everyone he was all grown up. But you could see he was covering up." "Have there been many other victims?" Asked Amy. "On the farm's around town there have been two sheep and a cow killed." Said Willow. "Did you see anything unusual when you found the dog Amy?" Asked Giles. "You mean besides the puddle-o-puppy?" Replied Amy. "No, should I have?" "No, no. Not necessarily."=20 "You know something don't you?" Amy asked. "You know what's going on? Don't you? I knew if there was something weird going on you guys would have some answers." "Well." Said Giles as he nervously took off his glasses and cleaned them. "We know what it isn't. It's not vampires. They never do more than drink the blood. It could be a demon, but I haven't found anything in my books that match this pattern. One problem is that it's happening on a small scale. Then again the explanation may not be paranormal at all. The whole thing may be of a normal origin."=20 "You mean it could be just some weird guys who get their chuckles from this kind of sick stuff?" Asked Buffy. "Yes I suppose so. But considering that we are sitting on top of the Hell Month=85" "So, what your saying is," Said Amy. "That you don't have a clue." "No. There are lots of clues." Said Willow. " We just haven't figured out what they mean yet." "There is one thing that I do feel sure of." Said Buffy. "Since we are sitting on top of the Hell Mouth, it's just a matter of time before something really bad happens." Giles walked up to Amy and said. "In any case. Thanks for your information Amy." As he took her by the elbow and gently guided her towards the door. "We will be sure to inform you if we find out anything." "Su.. Sure." Stuttered Amy. After she had gotten into the hallway and the door closed behind her Amy thought with a touch of anger. "Well. I guess I've been dismissed." The rest of the day pasted slowly. Amy found it hard to concentrate on school. She spent a lot of time monitoring her feelings trying to determine their source. And watching for Susan L- something, but she never saw her. Just before the last class came to the end Amy heard a commotion outside. Looking out the window she saw the source of the disturbance. Outside were a group of about twenty people walking in a circle carrying signs, and chanting slogans like "Give us back our Land." "They're back again." Said a boy a couple of seats behind Amy. "You'd think they would give up by now." Somebody else replied. For about the last month or so, once a week a group of Native Americans have been staging a protest in front of the school. Something about the school, or more precisely the football field, being built on ancient tribal burial grounds. They would walk around carrying their signs and chanting slogans till the police showed up and broke then up, or arrested a few. The first time it happened all kinds of TV and radio stations had crews filming and talking to people. But the last time only one TV crew showed up. I guess even in Sunnydale news gets old fast thought Amy. "All right class." Said Miss Phelps. "It's nothing you haven't seen before. Sit back down. There is still ten minutes left in class." Fifteen minutes later Amy was walking out the front entrance to the school. The protesters were still there. As were two police cars and four policemen. Amy could see one of the policemen and one of the protesters off to one side talking tougher. Then over to her left Amy saw Susan L- whatever leaning against a tree, and watching what was happening with interest. Amy saw a perfect opportunity to verify whether this lady had anything to do with the weird feelings she had been experiencing lately. Amy began to walk in her direction while trying not to look like she was walking in that direction. She angled to pass just behind the tree that Susan stood next to. As she neared the woman and casually walked behind the tree Amy could feel the impression grow. Then after she passed the and began to walk away she could feel the oppressive sensation decrease like a weight being lifted from her spirit. Amy walked a short distance away and sat on a bench to contemplate what it all meant. And what, if anything she should do next. "Hey girl. Where did you go after class? What are you doing hanging around here? Hoping to see something happen over there."=20 Amy looked up to see Toni standing there looking down at her. "I was just thinking." "About what? And why here?" "No real reason." Said Amy as she stood up. "Come on. Let's go home." "No argument from me." Toni said as they began to walk. At first Amy didn't realize that the direction the had started to walk would bring them very close to the tree that Suzie Quzie had been standing next to. But just before they got there she did. Probably because of the hair beginning to stand up on her neck. Just before they reached the tree Amy and Toni were startled when Susan Li- whatever stepped from behind the tree blocking their way. "Don't think that I haven't noticed you sneaking around child." Said the older woman with a harsh emphasis on child. "Do not interfere in things you do not understand." Being confronted by the woman face to face was almost more than Amy could handle. The sheer presence of the woman was almost overpowering. It was all she could do not to panic. Amy hadn't felt anything like that since=85 Since she last saw her mother. The thought of her mother on top of everything else made Amy weak in the knees. All she could do was think "Oh God!" "Creepy much?" Said Toni. A look of rage started to spread across the older woman's face as she looked between the two girls. Her mouth started to move in some kind of silent mantra. And she reached under the gray smock for something. And for just a moment Amy thought that the woman's face seemed to be superimposed with the face of some kind of hideous looking dog. Just as Amy was about to turn and run the three of them were distracted by a loud commotion near the street. As the woman turned towards the clamor her face returned to normal. When Amy looked to see what was happening she saw that brawl had broken out between the police, and the protesters. Somehow Amy regained enough composure to grab Toni by the arm and shout. "Run!" Toni didn't have to be told twice. The two girls ran away from the woman or whatever had just been standing in front of them. Amy didn't turn back when she heard the woman yell. "Remember what I said child. Do not interfere in matters that do not concern you. If you do you will suffer!" The girls continued to run as they heard police sirens approaching the school. "Would you mind telling me what that was all about?" Toni asked a few minutes later when they stopped running. "What did ol Miss Littledeerie mean about not interfering?" "Who?" Asked Amy. That creepy old lady back at school. "Oh, her. I didn't know her last name." "It said Littledeer on her name tag. Well are you going to tell me what is happening?" Amy sat down under a tree and said. "I afraid you might think I'm crazy." Toni just stood there looking down at Amy with her hands on her hips. Amy gave a deep sigh and said. "Okay sit down and I'll tell you. But first you have to promise not to tell anyone else." "I promise." "All right. But when you think this sounds crazy, don't say I didn't warn you." "I promise again." Toni said as she sat under another tree a few feet away so she could look at Amy as she talked. "Well, I told you that my mom was some kind of witch. Well I think it's a kind of mother daughter thing. So what ever made mom a witch somehow gets passed on to me. But I don't have any idea how to use it. Or if I even won't to." Amy glanced at Toni to reassure herself that she was taking her seriously. Over the next half hour Amy told Toni all about the eerie feelings over the past few days, and how she suspected that Susan Littledeer somehow involved. All about finding the cat, and what she suspected about him. She also told Toni about how she thought the animal attacks were somehow connected with everything else. Amy left out any mention of the Hell Mouth, or Buffy and Co. She was afraid that would be too much. Besides since that involved others she didn't feel she should reveal their secrets. During the time that Amy told Toni everything, they had gotten up and started walking home. They were nearing Amy's house when she finished her story. Amy paused while she glanced at Toni, then said. "That's pretty much everything. This would be the point where you laugh and tell me to go lie down and take a strong dose of Prozac." Toni walked beside Amy for a few minutes in silence while she digested the story. Finally she said. "That is a pretty weird story. But I think I believe you. After seeing little miss dog face back there. And I know that you didn't makeup the story about all the animals being killed. Besides the whole story is just to strange to makeup." Amy was unlocking the door to her house as she said. "I guess I'm glad to hear you say that." Toni smiled and said. "So. What's our next move?" "What do you mean our? Are you sure you want to get involved?" "Sure. Might be fun." Amy looked at Toni and said. "Maybe we're both crazy." "Hey your not going to give up are you?" "No. Of course not." "Well you're going to need some help."=20 The girls put their book bags on the kitchen table. Toni sat down while Amy got them some drinks. "Well, what's our next move." Toni asked again. Amy sat the drinks on the table and said. "Okay. Do you think your brother is home?" "Probably." "Do you think he would give us a ride?" "I'm sure he would if you asked." Toni said with a sly look. "What do you mean?" "Don't tell me you haven't noticed. Ah, Come on. He got it for you." "Me? We are talking about Kyle aren't we?" "He's the only brother I have." "You're kidding right?" "No. He wouldn't admit it to me, but I can tell. So call him and ask." "I couldn't. Not after hearing that. You do it." "How are you going to stand up to Miss Doggie Breath if you're such a big chicken." Toni asked while she picked up the phone and dialed. After a moment she said. "Hi Kyle. It's Toni. I've got someone here who wants to talk to you." Toni displayed a devilish smile and handed the phone to Amy. "No." Amy mouthed wordlessly starring at the phone like it was some kind of snake. Toni just sat there grinning and holding out the phone to Amy. After a moment Amy silently said "You'll pay for this." Then Amy took the phone and said. "Hi Kyle. It's Amy." "Oh I'm fine. How about you?" "That's great. Listen Kyle, I need to ask you a favor." Twenty minutes later Kyle pulled into the Madison's driveway. Immediately the front door open and Amy, and Toni stepped out. Amy was holding Jericho in her arms. "What are you doing with that cat in my car?" Kyle asked when Amy had sat down in the front seat. "It's kinda hard to explain." Said Amy. "Don't worry. He won't hurt anything." Kyle reached out and scratched the cat under the chin. The cat sniffed at his hand then began to lick it. "See." Amy said. "He likes you." "So where are we going." Asked Kyle. "I'd guessed that you wanted to go to the Mall. But since you have the cat maybe you want to go to the Vet." "No. Nothing like that." Said Amy. "I need you to take us to Oak St." "And why do you need to go there?" Asked Kyle as he backed out of the driveway." "I was over there yesterday and I think I lost something." Ten minutes later they reach Oak St. "Go right." Amy instructed. "Good now just keep going this way. But go slow so I can tell you where to stop." During the ride Jericho had sat quietly in Amy's lap. But as they drove down the street he stood up on his back feet and placing his front paws on the dash stared intently out the window. "Stop here." Amy said as they neared the spot she remembered finding Sparkey. When Kyle stopped the car Amy opened the door to get out. As soon as the door opened Jericho jumped down and out the door. "Stop him!" Said Kyle. "It's okay." Said Amy. "He won't run away." Jericho trotted ahead towards the same break in the hedge that they had passed through yesterday. As he neared the hedge he stopped, turned his head to Amy and meowed. "Yes I'm coming." Said Amy. The whole scene was so much like the previous day that Amy had a feeling of deja-vu. So much so that she was slightly surprised when she turned the corner and didn't see the bloody mess that had once been Sparkey. She did however see Jericho standing there. He meowed and pawed at something underneath the hedge. Amy knelt near the cat to see what he was pawing at. In the shadows all she could make out was a shape that may or may not of been a stick. She reached out and picked it up. When she pulled the object into the light she recognized it for what it was and with a gasp dropped it. It was the dried remains of the foot of some kind of small animal. Amy wasn't sure what kind though. She didn't even want to think about that. After a moment she steeled herself enough to pick up the foot. It was about four inches long and hard to the touch. It was covered in some kind of brownish-gray fur. On one end was what very obviously were toe nails. Wrapped around the foot were thick green, and red threads. The thread was wrapped around the foot to form a diagonal crossing pattern. And on top side of the foot there were four beads, three red and one green that were held on by the thread. As she held the foot in her hand Amy could sense that at one time this object had possessed dome kind of power. It was now used up but it had been there. "What have you got there?" Toni asked when Amy emerged from behind the hedge. "I think it's what I was looking for." "You think." Said Kyle. "Didn't you know what you were looking for when we came out here?" Amy smiled weakly and said. "No. Not exactly." As Amy began to walk towards the car Kyle pointed at the hedge and asked. "Aren't we going to get your cat." "No need." Asked Amy. "He's already waiting for us." Kyle looked at the car where Amy pointed. His mouth stood open as he saw Jericho inside the car with his head and front paws sticking out the passenger side window watching them. After a moment Kyle was able to speak. "Where to now?" Amy looked at her watch and said. "Let's go home now. But later can you take us somewhere else?" "Sure. Where to.? The Bronze?" "No. Not tonight." Amy said. "I think I need to go back to school." ********* End of Part 3 ------------------------------ End of buffyfic-digest V2 #231 ****************************** To subscribe to buffyfic or buffyfic-digest, send the command subscribe buffyfic-digest or subscribe buffy to You will need to go through a confirmation process, and the listowners have to manually approve your subscription request, so it may take some time. To unsubscribe, send email to with unsubscribe buffyfic-digest or unsubscribe buffyfic in the body. 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