From: (buffyfic-digest) To: Subject: buffyfic-digest V2 #233 Reply-To: $SENDER Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk buffyfic-digest Monday, June 15 1998 Volume 02 : Number 233 In this issue: BUFFYFIC: School Spirits. Part 5 BUFFYFIC: Chronicles (17/?) BUFFYFIC: Broken Bonds (Part 9) See the end of the digest for information on (un)subscribing to the buffyfic or buffyfic-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sun, 14 Jun 1998 16:00:43 -0700 From: Jeff Weitkamp Subject: BUFFYFIC: School Spirits. Part 5 Name: School Spirits Author: Jeff W E-Mail: Feedback: Yes please. Tell me anything. Was is good, bad, or what. Distribution: Please ask and I'll say yes. Summary: This story dosn't involve Buffy and Co. directly although they do make apperances. The main character is Amy Madison from 'The Witch' and 'Bewitched, Bothered, and Bewildered' which are both being aired this week on WB. But don't worry my next story will have the regular crew. Spoilers: The Witch. Rating: PG Time line: After Whe Witch. Sometime before Prophecy Girl. Disclaimer: Most of the characters in this story belong to Joss Wheadon ect. The only characters I can claim are Toni, Kyle and Marlene. ********************* School Spirits. Part 5 Chapter 6: Friday 7:05 a.m. "Amy time to get up sweetheart or you'll be late for school." Amy opened her eyes enough to see her dad standing in the door drinking a cup of coffee. All she could manage was to mumble something. "Come on now. Get up." After their conversation with Carl, Kyle and Toni had dropped her off. But it had still been very late by the time she got to bed. She would pay for it today. Amy managed to throw back the covers and sit up in bed. As she reached for her robe Jericho ran into the room and jumped onto the bed. The presence of the cat gave Amy enough of a boost in energy to manage to standup and put on her robe. Just then the phone rang. Her father walked up the hall to his room to pick it up. "Hello." She heard him say. "Hi Connie." What could Marlene's mom want now thought Amy. As she walked to the door of her room Amy listened but could not make out anything that was being said. Stepping into the hall she heard him say "I will. As soon as I can." Then he hung up the phone. As soon as she saw his face Amy knew something was wrong. "What's the matter Daddy?" She asked. He looked at her for a second then said. "It's Marlene. She's in the Hospital." When Amy and her father arrived at the hospital twenty minutes later they found Connie Schultz standing outside Marlene's room. "How is she." Kevin Madison asked. "She just woke up. The doctor's with her now." "That's good news." "What happened?" Ask Amy. "Nobody's sure." Said Mrs. Schultz. "Everything was completely normal last night. Then this morning when we got up Marlene's not in her bed. We looked all over the house, no sign. Then somebody looked outback and there she was. Bleeding and unconscious. We called an ambulance and the police. We've been here since before seven." "Until ten minutes ago she was still unconscious, so no one has had a chance to talk to her." "What do the police say?" Asked Amy. "They haven't talked to her yet but, they seem to think this is related to the animal attacks over the last few weeks. Maybe some pack of wild dogs." Amy went cold. She suspected that somehow Susan Littledeer had to be involved. But why Marlene. Was it just coincidence or was this some kind of message to Amy. She would have to ask Carl. He'll know what to do. Amy thought to herself. But even though she refused to accept it, deep in her heart she knows what needs to be done. By 10:00 a.m. Amy's dad had dropped her off at school. When she finally gotten to talk to her, Marlene had confirmed her fears. Something during the night had woken her up, but she wasn't sure of the time. She couldn't explain why but for some reason she had to go outside. Once outside she remembered some huge dog like creature attacked her. At some point she must have hit her head and been knocked out. Other than the mild concussion, she had a few cuts, scratches and bites. Nothing major but since there was an unknown dog involved she would need rabies shots. "Poor girl." Toni said as she and Amy sat outside trying to eat lunch. "I here that those shots can be very painful." Amy could only nod. "Do you think that you know who is behind this?" Amy just looked up from her food and gave Toni a piercing stare. "Yeah." Toni said. "Who else could it be. What are we going to do?" Amy didn't reply at first. Then when she did Toni could barely here when she said, "What we have to. What I have to." The rest of the day was nearly torture for Amy. She could feel the same sense of foreboding that she had experienced over the last few days returning to a place deep inside. It started out small at first. But as the afternoon wore on it continued to build. Having learned all she had over the last days Amy could still not exactly describe her feelings any better than she could before. That wasn't totally true. She knew that it felt wrong. Amy was sitting in her last class of the day unable to concentrate at all. When suddenly she let out a slight gasp as she felt something tear through her soul. For a moment all she could do was hold on to the desk because the room was spinning. Once the room settled down she realized that she felt chilled to her core, and she had broken out in a cold sweat. Amy looked to Toni sitting next to her staring back. She could see her lips move but couldn't make out any words. All she could hear was the sound of blood rushing in her ears. Miss Phelps must have noticed something was wrong because she was now standing next to her speaking. But Amy couldn't make out her words either. Miss Phelps said something to Toni who a moment later appeared next to her and trying to help her stand. Amy stood on shaky legs, and with Toni's help made it into the hallway. Amy knew her hearing was finally beginning to return when she heard Toni say. "Are you alright?" Amy managed to weakly say, "I'll be alright in a minute." Soon Amy felt her strength beginning to return. "Where are we going?" She asked. "I'm taking you to the nurse." Toni replied. "That's okay just let me sit for a moment and I think I'll be okay." Toni led Amy to some chairs and they sat down. "What happened back there?" She asked. "It's hard to describe. Almost like a cold knife stabbed through me." Amy was quite for another moment then she said, "Oh God. I bet Susan did something. From what I've read sometimes people like me can feel it when ever somebody nearby uses powerful magic. That's what it must have been. And by the feel of it I bet it was something very evil." Suddenly the doors near by burst open and a crush of people came rushing through. There were policemen and paramedics with a gurney. They rushed down the hallway and to the door leading downstairs that the Amy and her friends had used the previous night. Amy and Toni looked at each other. The same thought on both of their minds. Amy was the first to speak. "Carl." Amy stood up. Toni was up beside her and asked, "Are you ok to stand now?" "I can manage. I need to know what happened down there." But when they reached the door there was a policeman standing there who would not let them pass. After twenty minutes the door opened. The two paramedics were caring the gurney. When they reached the top of the stairs the gurney sprung legs and wheels. Then they continued towards the exit. As the paramedics pass them Amy had her worst fears confirmed. The bloody person on the gurney with the oxygen mask strapped on his face was Carl. Amy felt her spirit sink. Things couldn't possibly get any worse she thought. Then she looked up and realized that things were worse. On the other side of the hallway was Susan Littledeer standing there looking directly at Amy with a triumphant smile on her face. Now Amy realized that not only had things gotten worse. They were going to get a lot worse unless she could do something about it. But before she could confront Littledeer, she had to confront her worst fears. That meant confronting the ghost of her mother. And she knew where to find this ghost. Locked in an old chest in the basement. Chapter 7 Friday 3:45 p.m. Despite the voice in her head screaming to get away from here, Amy finally stepped into the room and up to the chest. She reached into the pocket of her jeans and pulled out a key. The key that she had kept with her these last months. Amy had to step to one side to allow enough light onto the lock so she could use the key to unlock the case. It turned easily. And with a click that sounded deafening she knew that the lock was open. Removing the key from the lock Amy replaced it in her pocket and slowly opened the chest. When nothing jumped out of the at her, Amy felt the tension drain from her body and said. "See. That wasn't so tough was it? "Why didn't I bring a flashlight?" Said Amy as she knelt in front of the chest. When suddenly from her right she saw something leap at her. As she fell backwards all she could do, was scream. The scream was a short one. And as her butt hit the floor Amy started to scoot away. When after a moment nothing else happened she stopped. Then she heard it. "Meeeoooow" Amy began to laugh then said, "Jericho! Don't jump at me like that. >From the cat she got the feeling that he hadn't intended to scare her but thought her reaction was mildly amusing. Amy stood up and dusted herself off. Then she walked over to the chest and pulled it more into the light. The inside was much like she remembered it from packing it all up. There were several old leather bound books. And a couple of items that looked like old scrolls. The tools of a trade that apparently she was predestined to fulfil. And if Carl was correct the only thing standing between the town of Sunnydale and destruction, she would have to learn quickly. Amy grabbed the scrolls and four of the books and went upstairs to her bedroom. Once in her bedroom Amy put the book on her desk. Then she picked up the phone and called the hospital to talk to Marlene. Marlene said that she was feeling better but still a bit sore. The doctor thought she could go home tomorrow. Amy talked to her for a while trying to cheer her up by filling her in on the details of the day. It felt good to act like a normal teenager again. Even if it was only for a while. Then just as before she was ready to hang up Marlene said. "Guess who visited me today?" "I don't know. Who?" "That weird Librarian Mr. Giles and that Buffy girl." "What did they want?" "They just wanted to know how I was feeling. They were real nice. Especially Buffy. It's too bad she is so unpopular." "Is that all they wanted?" "They did ask a lot of questions about what happened last night." "And what did you tell them?" "Same thing I told you. That I didn't remember much." Then Marlene said, "Oh, the nurse is here. Probably wants to take my temperature or give me a shot. I got to go now. Bu-Bye." "Bye Marlene." After hanging up with Marlene Amy thought about what to do next. She would need to study the books and practice what she learned. Given his experience with her mother she doubted that her father would be very pleased if he discovered what she was doing. She hated keeping secrets from him but at the current point in time she could see no other way. So she needed someplace to go. Then she remembered that Toni had said that her parents were going to be out of town for the weekend. Perfect Amy thought. Amy called Toni who was almost too eager for Amy to come over to practice. Amy then called her father at work. He wasn't in his office to answer so she left a message on his voice mail explaining that she was going to Toni's to spend the night. Amy had just finished packing what she needed when she heard a car drive up and honk it's horn. She took a quick look outside and saw it was Toni in her mothers car. Quickly she gathered up her things. Jericho was waiting by the door for her. She put the backpack filled with cloths and books over one shoulder. Then she picked up the cat, and headed out the door. The next 48 hours passed very quickly. Amy was amazed as to how quickly she absorbed the books. She couldn't explain it but on some level of her psyche it all made a certain sense. The more she worked with the magic the more aware she became of the astral dimension. Although the entire experience wasn't with out it bumps. When Toni first saw the books she looked through them. "What's the deal here." Toni said. "There's nothing in these books." "Of course there is." Amy replied. They're full of writing's an drawings." Amy took one of the books and opened it to a description of a plant growth spell and said. "See?" "See what?" "The writing and diagram." Amy said. "I don't see anything. Maybe I need a pair of X-ray glasses." "That must be it." Amy said. "These books are magical. And they must be written in a way that only allows a person with strong astral connections to read them. Cool." Then there was the incident that happened on Saturday afternoon. Amy was trying to practice a create fire spell. Toni was holding an old towel that Amy was trying to catch on fire. Something went wrong because Toni's pants started to burn. Fortunately the garden hose was already near by in case of just such an emergency. As soon as she realized what was happening Amy grabbed the hose and began to spray down Toni's pants, and the fire was quickly put out before any damage could be done. After the emergency was over Amy began to laugh at the image of first Toni dancing around with her pants on fire. And now standing there with one of her legs dripping wet. "What's so funny?" Toni said. "You are. If you could have seen you're self jumping around. It was like something from the Three Stooges." "Oh yeah." Said Toni. "Well let's see if you think this is so funny." Then Toni grabbed the hose and turned it on Amy. Amy shrieked as the cold water hit her. But the screams were at first interrupted then totally replaced by laughter. Soon they were both just sitting on the patio laughing uncontrollably. The laughter lasted for several minutes. ******************* End of Part 5 ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 15 Jun 1998 01:35:36 -0700 From: (Charity C. T.) Subject: BUFFYFIC: Chronicles (17/?) Name: The Chronicles of the White Knight #17 Telling Tales Author: Taygeta Address: Feedback: Please! Uses in anything: Sure, but tell me first. Spoiler: Not really, might have mentioned a past episode. Disclaimer: The Buffy characters portrayed in this story and any other references to Buffy the Vampire Slayer are the property of its creater Joss Whedon, and its owners Mutant Enemy productions, Kuzui Productions, Sandollar Productions, and 20th Century Fox. Rating: PG *************************** Chronicles of the White Knight #17 Telling Tales By: Taygeta "…And that…is the end of 'The Turtles vs. the World,'" Xander announced in such a mockery of a serious voice that everyone had to laugh as the bell rang in the background. "That was…interesting," Mrs. Roslyn critiqued hesitantly as she scribbled on her notebook and the class began to leave, "Xander, please stay after…I'd like to talk to you, about your…um…" "Literary masterpiece?" he finished for her as the students exiting laughed all over again. "I wouldn't exactly use the word…masterpiece to describe your work, Xander," Mrs. Roslyn said with a smile as the good-looking dark-haired student stood in front of her desk. "You have great potential, dear, I know. I've seen many of your half-thought essays from Ms. Simpkins, and despite their lack of content and effort, I saw that you had latent talent. Which is why I let you join my creative writing class…to turn the latent into the obvious, but at the moment things are coming to Ds and Cs. That might be good enough for you, but I won't let you settle for that." "Mrs. Roslyn, that's very kind of you to say that, but I don't think I can cut it as a writer…you must have realized that I only came to the class to get out of Simpkins," he replied with a half-grin. The woman with her spectacles and her peppered hair, smiled slightly before retorting, "I got the feeling that that's what you were saying to everyone, but I think it's more than that. It's a simple idea, and you must embrace that idea, before you can voice it to the world, I know. I'll give you a second chance on this assignment, Xander, it'll be due next week on my desk." He sighed in thought as he wondered what he was going to write about, "Mrs. Roslyn, what do I -" "Anything you want, dear, as long as it's in good taste," she said knowing exactly what he was going to say, "Here's a suggestion if you should come upon writer's block. Use what you know, let your feelings flow from your fingertips. Do you understand?" Xander shifted his backpack in thought and replied, "I - I think so, but I don't know if it's going to help me." "Try," she said with a sigh as he neared the door, "I know it's a cliché, but you won't know until you try." As he exited her classroom, not too far away, Buffy and Willow were looking on with worried expressions. Finally the redhead looked at her friend with a sigh and said in a firm tone, "You have to tell him, Buffy, there's no way I'm going to help you if you don't tell him." "Yeah…I know Will," she said as she saw her boyfriend's figure faded out of sight, "I just hope that he can understand." *~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Buffy approached Xander from behind as he walked across the quad, tapped his shoulder lightly with a soft, "Hey," and the kissed him on the cheek. He turned to her with a smile, "Hey, yourself, where were you in history? Will and I saved you a spot." "I…uh…I was talking to Giles," she said, as she remembered the frozen expression of her Watcher's face when she told him about her wants to initiate the curse. She just hoped that this next attempt to explain contained far less wide-eyed staring. " 'Bout what?" he asked glancing at her and then gave her a look and a sigh, "Do we have to deal with more vampires…again?" She hesitated before responding slowly, "Sort of…um…Xander, there's something I have to tell you…" _____________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 15 Jun 1998 17:52:30 -0400 From: Subject: BUFFYFIC: Broken Bonds (Part 9) Title: Broken Bonds (Part 9) Author: Northlight email: Thanks: Leslie Summary: Giles disapears and bad things start to happen. Previous Parts: "" Disclaimer: They aren't mine. Angel had to consciously restrain himself from heading back into the library and ripping Tyler's throat out as he took in Buffy's trembling form. He hadn't seen Buffy so angry in all the time that he had known her, and it worried him to see her so very upset. He pulled her into his arms in front of the school and drew her towards him. Angel waited patiently as Buffy angrily mumbled on about Tyler against his chest. When she finally fell silent, Angel gave into his curiosity to know what exactly had happened since he had last seen her. Buffy pulled herself out of his arms at his question and began to pace. "That's Nathaniel Tyler, he claims that he's my temporary Watcher." Angel's eyebrows raised at her comment, but he remained silent, letting her finish. "There's not much else to tell really -- he creeps me out, Willow told me that he's lied about Giles heading back to England, he tried to get rid of Willow, and he attacked you." Buffy glanced towards Angel. "Actually, I was hoping that you'd have some information about what's going on around here." Angel frowned slightly. "I was hoping that Giles would be able to answer that same question. Things have been remarkably quiet around here... as if everything is frightened..." Angel trailed off, trying to find the words to express his sense of uneasiness. Finally, he gave up on that and settled for a warning. "Something big is happening." Buffy nodded, her eyes shadowed. "I know." She moved back into Angel's arms and they stood together, taking what strength they could from the other. *** Giles was pacing, his hands absently riffling through the sheets which Simon had provided him with. 'Nathaniel Tyler -- of everyone that they could have sent, why him?!' A grimace of distaste twisted Giles' mouth at the thought of the other man. In all the years that he had known Tyler, Giles had always detested the man. Not that he had ever shown that, of course. Giles hadn't ever been able to determine with any certainty what it was about Tyler that made him so repulsive -- there was just something about the man that annoyed him to no end. And now, he was Buffy's Watcher. And worse yet, Giles didn't know what side of the split that Tyler had landed on. Having Tyler anywhere near Buffy in normal circumstances would have worried Giles, but in his current situation, the unease was nearly unbearable. Giles cast a quick glance around the dingy motel room which Simon had found for him, and felt the sudden need to get out. "I've wasted enough time, already!" Giles muttered, his mind racing ahead to explore his possible actions. "It's time to start acting!" *** Tyler stood at the library windows, glaring down at the embracing couple. The Slayer and a vampire, of all things! The girl was nothing like he had expected a Slayer to be. Most of them were cut off from family and friends, allowing them to concentrate on their duty -- while at the same time leaving them dependant on their Watchers. That was something Tyler had been more than ready to use to his advantage. Buffy wasn't about to comply to his view of Slayers. She was independent, and she had friends to help her while Rupert was gone. 'Friends!' Tyler thought in mild disgust. 'What was Rupert thinking, allowing the girl to have friends involved in Slayer business -- and that damned *vampire*!' Tyler's teeth gnashed at the thought of what he would have to put up with during his stint as Buffy's Watcher. 'Not for long, though.' The thought sent a brief smile to his face. Things were about to change around Sunnydale. End Part 9 ------------------------------ End of buffyfic-digest V2 #233 ****************************** To subscribe to buffyfic or buffyfic-digest, send the command subscribe buffyfic-digest or subscribe buffy to You will need to go through a confirmation process, and the listowners have to manually approve your subscription request, so it may take some time. To unsubscribe, send email to with unsubscribe buffyfic-digest or unsubscribe buffyfic in the body. Back issues of this digest can be found at: Dalton Spence has also provided an index of the buffyfic archive at: For help, contact Jill Kirby ( or sah (