From: (buffyfic-digest) To: Subject: buffyfic-digest V2 #251 Reply-To: $SENDER Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk buffyfic-digest Monday, June 29 1998 Volume 02 : Number 251 In this issue: BUFFYFIC: DISCUSS: "Reunion" incongruities BUFFYFIC: "Reunion," by Ingrid (28/?) BUFFYFIC: "Fallen From Grace" (7/11) BUFFYFIC: Kendra (0/?) revamped version See the end of the digest for information on (un)subscribing to the buffyfic or buffyfic-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sun, 28 Jun 1998 21:01:47 EDT From: Subject: BUFFYFIC: DISCUSS: "Reunion" incongruities "Reunion" readers- You'll have to pardon the incongruity between parts 25 and 26. I didn't have a copy of the former when I wrote the latter, and things got a bit screwed up there. The hill should be white in part 25 as well. That's about it. - -Ingrid _____________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 28 Jun 1998 21:01:47 EDT From: Subject: BUFFYFIC: "Reunion," by Ingrid (28/?) DISCLAIMER: The characters aren’t mine. SUMMARY: Thank you for watching the show- Now this is what *really* happened . IF YOU would like previous parts, just e-mail me, and I’ll be happy to send them to you (That is if I can still start my computer up)! *** "Reunion" by Ingrid Part 28: "What Happened" *** Consciousness returned slowly. The first thing she felt was the frozen ground beneath her. She sat up and noticed the woods was back again. The second thing she noticed was Angel on the ground a few feet away. She crept over to him slowly, trying to look around at the same time. He was slowly coming to. "Buffy, what happened? I was following you, but my ankle-" He cringed as his hand met the sore spot. "You remember. You’re here. We’ve got to find everybody else. We’ve got to find Willow." "What do you mean find her? We left her with the-" "Angel, we’ve got to find her." Buffy’s voice was intense. She couldn’t trust it, despite seeing him here; talking. She just wanted her daughter back. She wanted her life. "Come on." She reached out for his hands and pulled him up towards her. He winced again, but didn’t complain. He was worried. She’d seen something, he knew. *** Cordelia and Xander woke up nearly simultaneously, while Corin remained unconscious for some time. "Oh my God, what happened?" Cordelia held her pounding head and turned to Xander. There were buildings; I got lost. I couldn’t find her. We’ve got to find her!" Corin rose just then. "Mrs. Harris?" "Are you okay, Corin?" "My head hurts a little, but I think I’m okay." "Aright. Let’s get out of here." *** Giles awoke as snow was just beginning to form in the sky. He hadn’t found anything. He hadn’t been able to do anything. Once again, he’d had to put all his faith in her. Most probably the last time. He’d missed her. Rubbing at the bridge of his nose, he got up, and began to walk slowly back to the house, again confident that all was well. He just knew it was. Buffy’d never let him down. *** Angel was barely able to keep up with her pace. The pain in his angle was becoming increasingly difficult to stand. Buffy flew out of the woods more than ran, never tripping on the large roots that stuck out of the ground like spiders’ legs. The sight of the big house on the white hill sent the blood flowing through her veins again. She looked back at Angel in dismay. He’d just gotten done tripping over a little rock in the middle of the leaf covered forest. It was beginning to snow again; little flurries twisting their way to the earth. He looked up at her and bit his lip. And continued at a faster rate than before. They got up to the porch only to find Cordelia Xander and Corin close behind them. "I have to get in there," Buffy called urgently. Cordelia didn’t ask. She simply whipped out the keys and jammed them into the door. Buffy scrambled through the doorframe, nearly slamming into the walls on the way in. In the guestroom, the young teenager stood up and nearly screamed at Buffy. She’d forgotten about all the blood. She must have looked frightening. But that was the last thing on her mind. She heard a little giggle from the crib and collapsed against the railings. Safe and sound, and completely oblivious to the past 10 hours Willow’d been tucked in bed watching the mobile dance. *** END, 28. Regarding the fourth of July: "To be truly traditional, the grill should be constructed of the following materials: * 4 percent "rust-resistant" steel; * 58 percent rust; * 23 percent hardened black grill scunge from food cooked as far back as 1987 (The scunge should never be scraped off, because it is what is actually holding the grill together); * 15 percent spiders" - --Dave Barry _____________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 29 Jun 1998 08:43:25 EDT From: Subject: BUFFYFIC: "Fallen From Grace" (7/11) Notes: Takes place the January or so of Angel's change. E-mail me for missing pieces. :) Disclaimers: Blake and the Coordinator, etc, are mine. The rest would appear to belong to High God Joss. Distribution: Not without my permission, please. Feedback: YES! To, please, whether it be good or bad or something in-between. And now, on to the show! ~ Seven Fuckin' weird nightmare, that had been. Staring up into the mask of Hell-- --and having it stare back. Which, Pike realized slowly, it was still doing. He swallowed hard, trying to back up for an instant before he realized he was still lying flat on his back. He was barely breathing, of course, because he was so terrified he could barely move. "Who the hell--" The monster-- and now, Pike realized, it had to be a vampire, because what else had those kinds of teeth and that kind of look even though this guy really didn't look like Benny anymore, which was okay 'cause Benny had tried to eat him and jesusfuckingchrist this was too freaky for him to be processing so soon after waking up-- reached down and grabbed him by the collar, hauling him up against a wall and shaking his head. "Pikey," he said, a touched tone of hurt showing through in his voice, "I'm getting the feeling that suddenly you're not so glad to see me." "Wonder why," Pike managed to murmur, struggling in vain against the vampire's grip. Who the hell _was_ this freak? And how could he, Pike, have been so damn _stupid_? Going home with some nutcase on the Hellmouth, of all places, and thinking he was getting a free night's stay? He felt woozy, had this guy already fed on him, maybe? Was it possible that he hadn't been able to figure out what was going on because he was suffering from extreme blood loss? And if so, then how the hell was he supposed to get out of here? And why couldn't he make his mind slow down enough so that he could think straight? Or even just mildly zig-zagged thinking would be acceptable in this situation, because it wasn't that he was picky so much as he couldn't think of anything he could think right now. "Well," the vampire-- _Angel_?! This was Angel? The thought hit him like a mack truck, and Pike couldn't believe it when he thought it, because Angel had been, well, a nice guy and all and he certainly hadn't seemed like he was going to go all vampoid on him, and man oh man did Pike ever need to cut back on the wackiness in his life. "Probably be best if I let you go now, you know." Angel shook his head. "Buffy gets upset when I get too involved with her friends. Although, you know, you guys are pretty damn entertaining sometimes." Pike watched in shock as the vampire stood, backing off a few paces and nodding toward the entrance. "Well?" Angel asked as his features melted back into those of the guy Pike had walked here with, "Are you going to go, or do I get to eat you after all?" No, Pike wanted to say, that wouldn't be necessary, because he was going _now_. As he stumbled to his feet, the monster watched him. Hungrily staring, almost leering. Making Pike feel like the entree to some expensive four-course meal. Pike found that he was almost incapable of remaining on his feet to get himself out of the room. By the time he got to the street, however, the problems seemed to have left and he took off, running as fast as he could run. That vampire had mentioned Buffy, and no way in hell was Pike about to let that little bitch screw him over. She was, he had learned after they had killed Lothos, way too susceptible to a grin and an innocent look-- how many times had he managed to weasel himself out of trouble by flashing her the hurt-puppy-look?-- and it was altogether possible that she had no idea what was going on with this Angel guy. The darker possibility, he realized, was that she was working with him. In which case, he should have kept the vial that Blake guy had given him, because from everything he'd read Pike knew that a vampire who fought with or for a Slayer wasn't something that was supposed to happen. Screwed up the universal balance between good and evil, or something like that. And, Pike told himself, she'd been awfully pissed when he'd spoken to her earlier. Finally, when he reached his van and then drove it a few miles from where he'd had it parked, Pike found himself feeling slightly safer. But by now, it was three in the morning. And no way was he gonna go hash this out with her when she was possibly in league with a crazy vampire who had just threatened to eat him and it was dark out. No, he'd wait until the next morning. And go back to the high school. And talk to her Watcher, tell him what his charge was up to. And they'd just see if that didn't make some sort of difference in the way things were going. Or would he? Pike sighed. *Get over it, man,* he wanted to shout at himself as he slid into his sleeping bag and wondered how long it would be before the sun came up. How much sleep he'd get. Because he really did need sleep. * Trig. Yuck. Buffy wrinkled her nose as she shoved her failed test into her backpack, making for the library before the bell rang and somebody caught her. She rolled her eyes. Like she needed that kind of hassle, with everything else. As the thoughts of what Giles had told her about the Network and its intentions began to seep back into her brain, Buffy sighed and shook her head, hating herself for letting herself think about it. Wasn't what she wanted to be doing. She pushed through the doors to the library, wondering what more there was for her to do than sit and let Giles lie to her, tell her everything would be alright when they both knew perfectly well it wouldn't. Well, she thought, as she heard an angry and somewhat familiar voice, eavesdropping could always be a fun way to pass the time. "She sent some friggin' vampire after me!" "I assure you, she would do no such--" "Aw, come _on_, cut the whole innocent routine! The Network is after her and she thought she could even the score by sending somebody after _me_?" Buffy's eyes narrowed as she realized, Giles' ideas about Pike had been right. They must have been, if he was now talking about her sending someone after him because of it. "She did no such thing, and the fact that you would consider it a possibility shows that you yourself _do_ have something to do with--" "No, I _didn't_! I told you already, some guy came to me the other night, but it wasn't until after I'd been in this freakin' town and right after that this vamp--" "Vampire?" Buffy raised an eyebrow, wondering what the hell was going on. "Excuse me," she said, taking a breath and walking past the shelves to where the other two were standing, "but were you guys talking about me?" Giles glanced toward her, and he looked the same as normal, if a bit flustered. Pike, on the other hand...Buffy's eyes widened when she saw the red mark on his throat. "Hey," he snapped at her, his eyes narrowing in anger. "Nice of you to drop by. Surprised to see me?" He shrugged. "Next time, get a better vamp to do the job, 'cause that fucker you were dealing with screwed you over." He gave her that half-grin, full of sarcasm and his trademark screw-the-world attitude, shaking his head. "Nice touch, by the way, fake name of Angel, yeah, like that wasn't a thousand fucking percent see-through--" "Angel?" The words she had been prepared to yell at him for accusing her of working with a vampire died on her lips at the name of her former lover, current nemesis. "Yeah," Pike glared. "So, you want to explain some, huh?" He glanced from Buffy to her Watcher, getting the sudden feeling that maybe he'd misinterpreted things. Slightly. Especially because of the horrified look on Buffy's face, the one that was echoed in the Watcher's face. It was several seconds before Buffy spoke, and when she did her voice was a bit quieter. "I think," she said, "we need to talk." "No _shit_." "No," she said. "You don't understand. Angel--" She broke off, glancing at her Watcher with something that looked like a desperate plead for an explanation. The Watcher, to his credit, kept his cool, though Pike could tell he was somewhat flustered. Probably more than somewhat, but the way these Brits constantly refused to acknowledge they had anything akin to emotion, Pike wasn't surprised that barely anything showed. "Angel," the Watcher began, "is, well, if you've read the books left in Watcher Merrick's apartment--" "Which I have," Pike interrupted. The Watcher gave him an annoyed look, but continued as though the interruption hadn't occurred. "Then you no doubt read references to the demon, Angelus, from Galway, Ireland." Pike's eyes narrowed to slits as the name clicked immediately, and he mentally cursed himself for not seeing the connection earlier. "Shit, yeah." He glanced toward Buffy. "You're in _league_ with that asshole? Do you know what he's done?" His gaze jerked back to the Watcher. "Does she know what he's like?" "I assure you," the Watcher said, his voice thin, "she is perfectly aware of Angelus' capabilities." He shook his head, then sighed, and Pike looked back to Buffy. "Buff?" She swallowed, then looked at him. Straight at him. None of the dodging, half-looks she'd been giving him since he'd arrived. Pike could kill himself, just the mere fact that she was looking _at_ him was enough to pick up his mood. What kind of idiot was he? Then he sighed inwardly, resigning himself to the fact that as much as she might piss him off, Buffy Summers was definitely a force he was gonna wind up having the reckon with for the rest of his natural life. Possibly longer. "Where is he?" she asked. "Angel." Pike's brow furrowed. "Huh?" She glanced to her Watcher, and the two of them seemed to share some sort of silent communication. "He's got to learn, he can't just go around screwing with the people I care about and think he's gonna get off without having some serious issues with _me_," she snapped. "Where is he." "I..." Pike swallowed, still not quite believing that he was hearing, well, what he was hearing. She was gonna kick ass for him? He quickly put away the stupid grin he could feel forming on his face, putting a businesslike manner on instead. "He's got an apartment across town--" he began, but got no further before Buffy interrupted. "I know where it is, then." She looked at her Watcher. "Giles," she said, "Keep an eye on Pike here, would you?" "Of-- of course," the Watcher-- Giles, Pike told himself-- replied. "But Buffy, do you really think--" "Not now," she said. "Whoa, hold up," Pike said, stepping between Buffy and the door as she moved to go. "You saying you're gonna just, off and after him?" "Yeah," she replied, turning back to face him. Pike shivered. Okay. This was the same look he'd seen in her eyes that night at Hemery, just before she'd flung a molotov cocktail through the window and the gym had exploded in a mass of flames. He was most definitely not gonna mess with Buffy in this mood. "Good luck, then," he finally said. She smiled, but her eyes were hard and her tone was harder. "Thanks," she said. "I mean it," he said, taking a step forward, meaning to give her a kiss. One for luck, he insisted to himself, though he knew it was a lie. She pulled away from him, turning and walking out of the library without another word. Pike's eyes followed her slowly, and he found himself alone with the Watcher, and feeling rather useless. Again. ~ Comments to, please! ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 29 Jun 1998 09:38:55 -0700 (PDT) From: Jeanie the Tortoise-Fly Subject: BUFFYFIC: Kendra (0/?) revamped version TITLE: "Kendra"(0/?) revamped version of part 1--now prologue AUTHOR: Jeanie the Tortoise-Fly EMAIL: DISTRIBUTION: Anya, Windrider TLM, and Joel TPW yes, anyone else "ask and ye shall receive." SPOILER WARNING: "Prophecy Girl", "What's My Line part I and II" SUMMARY: Kendra has spent her whole life training to be a slayer. How did she know she was to be a chosen one? What happened before she met Buffy and co.? DISCLAIMER: Kendra and all other Buffy related characters do not belong to me. I'm just borrowing them for a while. They belong to Joss Whedon, Mutant enemy, WB etc. "Grr Argg." The name Sam Zabuto is taken from the dialogue of 'What's My Line Part II.' Kendra's family members [Carrah, Annalise, Shali, Nuru and Kaleb] and the details of her past are creations of mine. If you'd like to play with them, I'd be happy to lend them to you with my blessings, just ask first and remember to ignore anything Robyn says about where Kendra is from, unless she says "A quaint little Scottish cottage in Jamaica". AUTHOR'S NOTES: Well, this is a rehashed version of my first fanfic. I plan to writ the next few parts as soon as I have the time. This is what happens when I give in to that little voice in my head which tells stories. Unfortunately the voice in my head started arguing with it's former self and told me that the story had to be redone completely differently. It's still far from perfect but it's better than it was. Keep in mind that Kendra and Zabuto have thick accents, though I have left most of the spelling normal in order to understand what they are saying. [that sounds like dat etc.] Feedback and constructive criticism would be greatly appreciated. ***** Kendra the vampire slayer, was sitting in the cargo hold of an airplane, thinking about what lay ahead, and about the events which led to this journey. Kendra had been training her whole life for one thing, to slay the vampires. She was the chosen one...the one girl in all the world with the strength and skill to fight the vampires... She had finally got her calling last spring... She automatically knew when the last slayer had died...she had felt it...and dreamed about it. That was when the dreams began. Kendra's first dream was of the last slayer's death. In the dream Kendra found herself in the role of the previous slayer. She relived the slayer's last moments. The last slayer had been drained my a Master Vampire, and had fallen unconscious, face first into a few inches of water. She had drowned. One day Kendra's watcher told her that a great evil was about to arise in Sunnydale California. He told her that she was to go to Sunnydale to try to control the dark forces there. That was the reason for this impromptu trip. In order to keep her identity a secret, she had concealed herself in the cargo hold of a plane destined for California. This was where she was now sitting, pondering her destiny. ***** Coming from a small, superstitious village in Jamaica, Kendra had known her entire life that she was to be a chosen one. Her watcher, Sam Zabuto, had been training her in martial arts, mythical studies, and slaying tactics since she was a small child. Kendra's parents had sent her to Sam Zabuto's village to train when she was very young. She could remember clearly the day she asked Zabuto about her parents. "I know 'tis me destiny to be a slayer, and that is why I am with thee, but do I not have parents somewhere?" His answer, as always, was cryptic. "In the past, family has only distracted the chosen one from her calling. Thee, and *thee alone,* must fight the creatures of darkness..." "...I know...I just wonder who they were, that is all." Sam Zabuto walked slowly over to the old cupboard which Kendra had never seen unlocked. She had always wondered what was in there, but every time as a child in her inquisitive voice she had asked, Zabuto had made it clear that the contents of the cupboard were to be left untouched. Zabuto extracted an old box from the cupboard, then locked the door again. He proceeded to carry the box over to the anxious girl. "I knew the time would come for thee to know thy past, I suppose now is the correct time." Zabuto carefully handed the box to Kendra, with only the faintest hint of hesitation. "Thee will find what thee is looking for within this box...but remember, thee cannot allow the past such importance that it will detract thee from thy calling. It is important that thy destiny be fulfilled...Do not dwell on the past..." With that he exited the room, leaving the child to ponder the meaning of his words. Eventually curiosity got the better of her, so she carefully opened the box, not knowing what to expect. As the lid was lifted, the contents of the box were revealed. Inside were many papers, a weathered envelope, and two old leather-bound books. 'Journals', Kendra thought to herself. First she took the envelope out and examined it's contents. It was filled with pictures. Kendra looked at the first, labeled simply 'the babies.' It was a photograph of two young children, a boy and a girl, both approximately two years of age. The little girl looked disturbingly familiar, and after careful examination, Kendra realized the baby was in fact, herself. "But if that is me, who is the boy?" Kendra looked at the next picture, this one of what appeared to be a family. 'My family.' Two young women were seated, one holding an infant, the other holding the hand of a five year old boy. Behind them stood two young men, brothers, identical to one another. One held an infant, the other had one hand on the shoulder of a girl of about eight, the other hand on that of the little boy. Kendra knew that she was not the girl, for she had been sent to train with her watcher when she was four, yet there was a striking family resemblance. It took several minutes of shuffling through pictures before Kendra found one that particularly caught her eye: it was of a boy and a girl both approximately four years old. The back of the photo said: 'The twins fourth birthday." Now Kendra was even more confused. 'Twins? Who are they? Relatives? Or could it be that...' Kendra didn't let herself continue the thought. Instead she lifted the first book. As she opened it to an arbitrary page, she knew her first assumption had been correct, it was a journal...or a diary. 'On May 21st, 1981 Shali and Nuru both had their wishes granted. Shali wanted the baby to be a she'd have someone to mother. Nuru wanted a boy so he'd have someone to play with. Well Shali got her wish, a little baby girl for a cousin...and Nuru got his wished-for cousin too. Twins! I could hardy believe it myself...And here I thought the two children Annalise had were hard enough to handle. How are we ever going to deal with twins? Zabuto was right, Kendra...that's what we've named her...has the birthmark of the chosen one. The same one that I have. She will one day become the new slayer. We'll have to begin her training as soon as she is old enough. Kaleb is also a doll. They are both so alike! Not only in looks, but in temperament. I love being a mother! And Zabuto said I'd probably never reach twenty! I turned twenty last week...the oldest slayer on record. I just hope I live long enough to see my children grow. Carrah, May 24th, 1981.' Kendra read the page over and over, not believing her eyes. Her mind was filled with questions. 'I have a twin brother? ... My mother was a slayer?...' She opened the other book, also a journal, but in a different hand....A chillingly familiar hand...she recognized it as Zabuto's writing. 'This was one of the watcher journals! Zabuto must have been Carrah's watcher!' Kendra skimmed through the pages until she reached the last two entries. 'June, 2nd, 1985, My worst fear has been realized. Carrah is dead. She, like too many of her kind, met her fate at the hand of Lothos. He had her hypnotized, and she couldn't break free. It pained me so, to see her perish. Lothos was also the one who claimed my grandmother's life. I suppose now another slayer will be called. It will not be Kendra for she is far too young, but her training must begin soon. I mustn't let the child down as I did her mother. I simply cannot. I have spoken to the child's father, he agrees that I must take her away, keep her from harm until she is ready...until she is called. She *WILL* be prepared when her turn comes. I will see to it. I only wish I could have better prepared her mother. Carrah...she insisted upon pursuing a family. Well I will not allow Kendra to make the same mistake. A family only weakens a slayer. It distracts her from carrying out her destiny. It pains me to think of separating Kendra from Kaleb and the others but it must be done. It is for their own good. The twins should not have to be separated but there is no other way. This is a truly sad time for me. I shall never forgive myself for not better preparing Carrah. I will not make the same mistake twice. Carrah, I hope that thee shall have peace now. Sam Zabuto.' Kendra was twelve then, in the eight years she had lived with Zabuto, she had learned every available fact about vampires, demons and the other creatures of night. She was in excellent physical condition. Kendra had learned to distance herself from everyone except her watcher. She had no contact with her family, though sometimes she was aware of thoughts invading her own. She never told Zabuto about them, but secretly Kendra believed that the voice in her head was that of her twin brother, Kaleb. ***** ...TO BE CONTINUED SOON... [Yes Windrider I'm right on it. Have a little patience will you? It's not like I can work non-stop with a little LGM and LGW vying for my attention. Every time I start typing instead of paying attention to them, they steal my Arrowroots and Sabina uses her powers to make me start floating in the middle of the room, and then I can't reach the keyboard until Gollum talks her into letting me down. Even then, if I don't play with them right away he'll let her make me float again.] ~ Jeanie :-) _________________________________________________________ DO YOU YAHOO!? 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