From: (buffyfic-digest) To: Subject: buffyfic-digest V2 #258 Reply-To: $SENDER Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk buffyfic-digest Tuesday, July 7 1998 Volume 02 : Number 258 In this issue: BUFFYFIC: WHere was I? and Now, Foever, and Always BUFFYFIC: Libidinous 1/? BUFFYFIC: Charlotte Sometimes (part 43) BUFFYFIC: Libidinous 2/? BUFFYFIC: Unusual Ways (1/1) BUFFYFIC: DISCUSS: Help BUFFYFIC: Libidinous 3/? See the end of the digest for information on (un)subscribing to the buffyfic or buffyfic-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sun, 5 Jul 1998 23:21:00 EDT From: Subject: BUFFYFIC: WHere was I? and Now, Foever, and Always Title~‘Where Was I?’ Author~Shani Summary~ This is just a poem based on some of Willow’s thoughts after Becoming II Disclaimer~ The characters of Buffy the Vampire Slayer belong to Joss Whendon, Mutant Enemy Productions, Kuzui Enterprises, Sandollar Productions, and 20th Century Fox. No infringement intended. Story for entertainment purposes only. Feedback~ YES, YES, YES, YES!! Please send all comments to ‘Where Was I?’ Where was I when you needed a friend? Hearts to heal, wounds to mend. Where are you now that your love is gone? Will you come back soon, will you stay long? The world needs you, as do I. A warrior, a friend, a shoulder on which to cry. The blame which you hold is in the wrong place, In the wrong soul, in the wrong face. For you did not send Angel to his prison cell, I am to blame for sending Angel to Hell. Where was I when you needed a friend? Hearts to heal, wounds to mend. Where are you now that your love is gone? Come back soon, please stay long. Title~Now, Forever, and Always Author~Shani Summary~ This is just a poem based on some of Buffy’s thoughts after Becoming II Disclaimer~ The characters of Buffy the Vampire Slayer belong to Joss Whendon, Mutant Enemy Productions, Kuzui Enterprises, Sandollar Productions, and 20th Century Fox. No infringement intended. Story for entertainment purposes only. Feedback~ YES, YES, YES, YES!! Please send all comments to Now, Forever, and Always The water will be warm, a comfort, a friend. This is where the pain will finally end. I left my home , I left my pain, And now I shall leave all over again. The water will take me, and at last I shall be, With the one I love, for all eternity. Alas, I can not take that way out, Though I shall scream and cry, throw things and shout. In my heart I know my lover stays, He is with me now, forever, and always ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 5 Jul 1998 23:19:24 EDT From: Subject: BUFFYFIC: Libidinous 1/? Title~ Libidinous 1/? Author~ Shani Notes~ in psychoanalytlic theories, the libido is the driving force behind all human actions Summary~ A Buffy/Angel story with a few twists. Involves characters from General Hospital, but yoiu don’t have to watch GH to understand this fic. I did change a thing or two aroung for you GH fans Disclaimer~ All characters of Buffy the Vampire Slayer belong to Joss Whendon, Mutant Enemy Productions, Kuzui Enterprises, Sandollar Productions, and 20th Century Fox. “Power To Believe” belongs to Wally Kurth and can be found on the General Hospital CD. All characters of General hospital belong to ABC. Chapter 1, The Power To Believe The cool water calmed Buffy. Wiping her face with a towel, she left the hotel bathroom. What to do today? What was there *to* do? She had left home almost a month ago. After traveling across the county on various leads, she was pretty sure that she had discovered what she was looking for--the book that would bring Angel back from Hell. * * * Normally, she worked at a cute little grill called Kelly’s that seemed to be the main teen hangout. But, today was Sunday, the one day that she took off. ‘Ah ha!’ She thought as she approached the Port Charles Public Library. Once inside, Buffy made her way to the very back of the library, doubting that demonology books would be in the front. Looking through a small window in a storage room door, she was several shelves full of old, dusty books. This was obviously the place. “May I help you?” A male voice called from behind her. She turned to see a hansome, dark haired man about her age. “Hi,” she began brightly. “My name’s Buffy Summers. I was wondering how to get into that room.” She added a flirty smile, she hoped this works. “Nikolas. My name is Nikolas Cassadine. That is my uncle’s private collection. Actually, it’s a bunch of old books filled with nonsense about demonology and rituals.” “Really...” Buffy said, her voice trailing off. “Could I meet your uncle?” For some strange reason, Nikolas trusted this girl. Buffy Summers...where had he heard that name before? “I--I suppose.” He found himself saying. She followed himout. * * * < Do you believe that love Can heal a broken dream And faith can move a mountain ‘Til it melts into the sea> Buffy was impressed, to say the least. They had arrived at Nikolas Cassadine’s home, a large cassle that he calls Wyndemere on it’s own island, referred to as Spoon Island. Nikolas had told her a bit about himself. He lives with his uncle, Stefan Cassadine. He is a prince and heir to the Cassadine fortune, etc...she had stopped paying much attention about there. A man with dark hair, similar to Nikolas’ was reading on the couch. “Uncle, this is Buffy Summers. She...” Nikolas was cut off. “Buffy Summers, the one and *only*.” Stefan said, as if they had known eachother for years. His emphasis on only made Buffy wonder if he some how knew...’No’, she decided. ‘That’s impossible.’ “Nikolas, do you recall the book you read about Vampire Slayer?” Stefan asked. Nikolas nodded. Buffy was stunned. “Please sit down. So tell me, Miss Summers, what are you doing so far from the Hellmouth?” “Ex-excuse me, sir?” Suffy studdered. “Uncle?” “I’m looking for a book...a book on how to return a person from Hell.” Buffy said. It was obvious that this man knew what he was talkign about. Why pretend to be clueless? This may even make things easier. “Angel, my boyfriend, recently reverted to his former self, Angelus...” This would be a long story. * * * Nikolas’ head was spinning after the tale that Buffy had just told, but he knew it was true. Apparently, his uncle knew a man named Rupert Giles, whom was referred to as a Watcher. *This* could turn out to be very interesting. * * * Buffy awoke suddenly. Something was coming. After checking out of her hotel room and moving into one of the many spare rooms at Wyndemere she had gone on patrol. To her great suprise, she had run into three vampires. All of which were now dust. Buffy could feel the evil in the air. Maybe she was here for reasons other than Angel. ‘I sound like Giles,’ she thought with a smirk. Giles. Was he worried? Stefan had said to make herself at home. Did that include using the phone? She dialed her number. <...and where you can be reached. beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep> “Hi. It’s Buffy. I just wanted you to know that I’m ok. As soon as I’m done here, I’ll come home. Please get this message to Giles, Willow, Xander, Cory, and Oz as soon as possible. Goodbye, mom. And...try not to worry.” Whew. She hung up the phone. * * *